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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19154330 No.19154330 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19154338

Salt too spicy

>> No.19154353

genius bait thread ngl

>> No.19154357

could just as well ask why zoomers are so addicted to gender altering hormones and sugar

>> No.19154377
File: 31 KB, 466x522, 1656461423406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love salt and love blonde women

>> No.19154380

Thank the boomers for creating such a wonderful country to live in

>> No.19154388

I'm not sure why people think this is bait but I gotta ask this too
I have a bunch of older friends and they pour salt on fucking everything, meanwhile nobody my age or younger I know does it

>> No.19154391

Seems more like a regional thing, growing up I never saw anyone add salt to anything aside during the cooking process. I moved to the midwest and literally everyone just covers everything in salt while eating - even using it like a 'dipping sauce' practically.

>> No.19154396

Boomers are afraid of salt, they think it's deadly poison and try to avoid it to the point some of them get hospitalized for having like no electrolytes.
You're thinking Gen X, they love salt

>> No.19154440

shut the fuck up, asshole idiot retard

>> No.19154460
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why do trolls stupid?

>> No.19154479
File: 94 KB, 500x288, anon bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are zoomers addicted to being gay?
why are millennials alcoholics?

also you have to have salt to live.

>> No.19155702

Faggots, shut the fuck up.

>> No.19155996

Did you really just necrobump an 8 hour old thread?

>> No.19156055

That's what I use for my bug assault gun. It's the most accurate salt I've found.

>> No.19156098
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Most boomers are retired and living on a fixed income, and Walmart put half the grocery stores in America out of business over the past 20 or so years, so it's typically going to be both the closest and cheapest option.

Why does anyone else buy food at Walmart? No fucking clue.

>> No.19156111

You can't blame all boomers. The hippies grew up at a magical time when it seemed like everything was getting better and life was easy and freer than it had ever been. Blame the reactionaries who gave us Reagan, and Limbaugh, and Fox. Those are the ones who systematically destroyed the middle class and every day try to take away more and more of your rights instead of just fucking off and letting you live your life.

>> No.19156120

>8 hour old thread
>on /ck/
kill yourself

>> No.19156147

>take away more of your rights
>it’s a threat to democracy
>we must defend democracy in Ukraine
All synonymous, I bet you voted for Biden too. None of what you said is true, especially in regards to a bunch of drugged-up draft dodging faggots that sound around and complained

>> No.19156151

>Sat around

>> No.19156162

We have been lied to about everything. Eggs, butter, saturated fat, cholesterol and salt. Salt isn't bad for you. We need sodium.
The biggest problem started in 1913 when the boomers grand parents were children. The federal reserve. Don't understand? take a trip to pol and get educated. Further the boomers didn't get handed a life of sunshine and lollypops. The Vietnam war was going hot as the oldest of them turned 18. 50, 000 dead and hundreds of thousands more wounded. They got off their asses and stopped that war by getting in the streets. Silver was taken out of the coins in 1964 as the last of the boomers were being born. 1968 silver certificates were no longer honored. 1972 Nixon ended the silver/gold standard. 1970s saw gas embargo/ shortages. That means NO gas in gas stations. Massive off shoring started. Electronics and autos began being made elsewhere. Steel manufacturing went elsewhere. Massive unemployment and job losses followed. The debt for the Vietnam war came due at the end of the1970s and interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody could afford to get a loan. This shit got worse in the 1980s as the interest rates hit farmers across the country. Massive farm foreclosures happened. Big business bought up thousands and thousands of family farms.... all of this before the youngest of the boomers turned 18. Yeah, things are shit now, but you idiots pushing the boomer hate meme are fucking useful idiots for the scum who have done this to us. You have not seen shit, yet.

>> No.19156163

See, when you do actual work instead of fucking with your phones all day, your buddy makes this salty stuff called "sweat." It keeps your body cool during intense physical effort so you don't die. You may have seen it in a movie. You need to replace the salt you lose in the sweat.

>> No.19156185

Are you literally retarded? Nobody wanted to engage with you. You've learned how to internet. Congrats. If I were gonna do it I'd buy a cheap pistol and dome myself for the price of a beer.
Do it faggot.

>> No.19156195

>take a trip to pol and get educated
aaand you lost me


>> No.19156203
File: 57 KB, 660x743, 1680471430802514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "let's argue over imaginary age lines and blame each other instead of coming together to fight the real enemy" thread

>> No.19156208

>I bet you voted for Biden too
Lol, as opposed to what? A protest vote? Pretty ironic you'd suggest something so pointless when you're criticizing draft dodgers sitting in prison or getting out of duty with a sick note from daddy about bone spurs or a blind spot in one of their eyes. And what in the actual fuck does republicans taking away your rights have to do with the Biden administration giving support to Ukraine?

>> No.19156211

I was thinking the exact same thing. I stopped reading when he started talking about silver.

>> No.19156223

What rights have republicans taken away from you? I’m curious.

>> No.19156231

I mean in just the pass few months they've basically made it illegal to be Trans

>> No.19156233

shut the fuck up already

>> No.19156248

Why do /pol/fags always pretend like they don't pay any attention to politics? (That's a rhetorical question.) They literally just removed a constitutional right that had been in place for half a century less than a year ago. Even if you've been living under a rock you've probably heard about that one.

>> No.19156252


I guess this is regional. Because most actual boomers I know are scared of salt because they were told it caused high blood pressure in the 80s or 90s.

For others, it could be

1. They were smokers and smokers can't taste shit. They have to cover things n salt to taste anything
2. They drink a lot of caffeine and coffee and are depleted of salt.

>> No.19156269

Yeah, most idiots think it is a left/right thing. It isn't. Both "sides" are controlled opposition. Let's put this in /ck/ terminology. In 1913 before the start of fractional reserve banking a silver dollar would buy you 10-15 loaves of bread. Today a silver dollar (one ounce of silver) will buy you 10-15 loaves of bread. A $1 bill won't buy you a loaf of bread. What happened? A loaf of bread has the same inherent value. So does the silver. "They" have stolen the value out of the dollar through their thieving scheme. Ignore it all you want. It won't go away. Boomers didn't do it. When they finally die off it will only get worse.

>> No.19156270

/pol/ isn't any worse than some lefty places as far as hyperbole goes, however that isn't an apologist statement or an excuse for retardation. I do feel like there is more left-wing retard representation these days, though. The most important thing is understanding that staunch leftwing and rightwing partisanship is retarded.

>> No.19156275

>smokers can't taste shit
Not true. Smoking is heinous but nothing about smoking is killing your tastebuds.

>> No.19156304
File: 97 KB, 300x193, 2D598649-0998-4D65-99A9-548E40A38D18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left wing and right wing partisan politics
>controlled opposition

>> No.19156314

>they were told it caused high blood pressure in the 80s or 90s
People started becoming aware of that around that time, but doctors are still prescribing low salt diets to old people all the time, because if you've eaten like shit your entire life cutting down can make a difference of years in how long you have left.

>they were smokers and smokers can't taste shit
This is a really misunderstood thing. It's almost like when people claim that pot is as bad as heroin or crack and you know immediately that they've never even been in the same room as someone high - and if they did they couldn't tell. The truth is that smoking does reduce your ability to detect nuance in a dish to a degree, but it's not like you aren't able to tell that something is over salted. It actually has more to do with your sense of smell than your tastebuds, and if you stop smoking for a couple days it will come right back.

The bigger culprit is sugar. Drinking soda regularly will kill your sense of taste ten times worse than smoking. Smoking is like putting a thin veil over your eyes and being able to see every detail, but you can still function. Sugar is like putting your taste receptors through Google translate a dozen times; the information is still kind of there, but you're definitely missing something, and it seems all jumbled. Also, sugar takes a month or two to kick, as opposed to a couple days.

The reason old people add so much salt to their food is because their body is failing, and the connection between their taste receptors and their brain has short circuited.

>> No.19156500
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>the superior salt

>> No.19156502

Nigget, one, that was the supreme court, not Republicans. And two its the supreme courts ruling that it was even constitutional in the first place. They giveth and they taketh away.
Oh and dont get your panties in a bunch because the law still depends on your state

>> No.19156509

>Gen X
I like to call them the Dorito Generation. They experienced the brief golden age of snacks and convenience store food. Now it’s all poison and geared towards browns anyways. Millenials experienced the tail end of this but it was all over when everything switched to plastic packaging. Boomers had truck stop fare that was fantastic.

>> No.19156600
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>but it was all over when everything switched to plastic packaging
ahhh yes back in the glory days when food was packaged in stainless steel and wooden containers... Retard

>> No.19156616

>salt: japan

>> No.19156624


its not illegal to be trans, normal people are just disgusted by them

>> No.19156666

I strongly suspect their medication reduces the ability to taste salt.

>> No.19156669


>> No.19156715

I hate annoying retards like you, so fucking nostalgia brained you're yearning for what you've decided was healthier snackfood? It's like a boomer saying they miss when paint used to have lead in it. You're so easily swayed by retard /fit/tier broscience, absolute normie tier shit

>> No.19156722
File: 7 KB, 259x194, slimjim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gen x had good 3d doritos and surge

also slim jims used to be OK they are gross now I call them slime jims and they are not OK

>> No.19156865

MSG gives you brain damage

>> No.19156867

I bought a nice seasoned salt, some French brand. It has seaweed instead of just chemical msg. So good. It's basically a veggie stock powder.

>> No.19157328

what a stooge.

>> No.19158501

why lie

>> No.19158535

who is the real enemy?

>> No.19158784

America-centric schizo mindset

>> No.19158793

>fats and cholesterol
- USDA food pyramid

>> No.19158797

anon is coping for their sodium rich brain damage inducting goyslop.

>> No.19159015

i go out of my way to add salt to food because i have low blood pressure
the rest of you are just fat

>> No.19159042

Eating extra salt won't increase your blood pressure unless you have kidney disease.

>> No.19159061

it made me stop greying out all the time so you're wrong

>> No.19159067

Your kidneys know precisely how much of your salt needs to be in your blood stream and how much needs to be passed out through your urine. If you eat excess salt, your kidneys just filter more of it out. Your blood pressure will only be affected if your kidneys cannot do their job properly, or you were severely sodium deficient, which is very unlikely unless you're on some weird low sodium diet.

>> No.19160606
