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File: 402 KB, 625x627, cilantro-1487011025-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19152782 No.19152782 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19152786

literal subhuman, no matter the sincerity of the post, its either
>a subhuman who is genetically inferior
>a subhuman baiting

>> No.19152864

Y'know that soapy taste some people say coriander has?
I used to taste it as soapy as a kid but it tastes fine to me now. What DOES taste soapy to me, however, is rehydrated dehydrated carrots.
Also soap. Soap tastes soapy.

>> No.19152873

Cilantro is great, fuck off

>> No.19153415


>> No.19153427

because mexicans are so superior right

>> No.19153543

Anyone who hates coriander is an inferior sub-human. Notice how no one ever says ''I hate coriander!'' It's always cilantro which is what they call it in America. It means you have to be some kind of a nigger or a defective mutt for it to taste like soap.
For normal people coriander is just a very generic herb. You can replace coriander with any other herb and it really doesn't matter. Coriander doesn't make or break dishes, it's just some aroma and herb taste added.

>> No.19153561

You gotta poo in the LOO not in the STREET

>> No.19153564

Cilantro tasted odd to me when I first tried it on a taco truck taco, but now I love it. I'm white, and didn't grow up eating cilantro so it was a new flavor for me. Now I can't eat tacos without onions and cilantro, plus hot sauce. Your taste buds feel so happy after eating good, authentic Mexican food, there's nothing like it.

>> No.19153568

ironically aversion to bitter flavors correlates with an elevated number of taste buds. what nobody anticipate was that a trait we thought to be genetically superior would result in a childlike palate due to increased perception of negative tastes

>> No.19153580

People not liking coriander has nothing to do with how many taste buds you have. It's a specific genetic mutation that completely changes how some kind of chemical in coriander is perceived.
The common complaint is that ''cilantro'' tastes like soap. Soap doesn't taste bitter, soap tastes like soap.

>> No.19153591
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>t. soap enjoyer

>> No.19153839

>Cilantro Hate
improper syntax.

>> No.19153840

>which is what they call it in America
which denotes that it is the proper name for it.

>> No.19153894

soap tastes bitter anon.

>> No.19154765

>mfw he has a pic for eating soap

>> No.19154776

It's the Spanish word for it. Coriander is English.

>> No.19154802

This is reddit "science"
As an Icelandic immigrant to America, when I first tasted cilantro as a teen, it was gross and soapy. I tried it several times because my dad would keep putting it in things. Then I avoided it for years. A couple of years ago, I inadvertently ate it on a taco. When I realized, I tried it by itself and it didn't taste like soap but a sharper type of parsley.
This utterly BTFOs all reddit "muh cilantro gene" theories.

>> No.19154808

Oh shit, is this the widdle baby picky eater thread? I love finding a safe space online with other losers where we can mutually reinforce each other's mental illness instead of trying to work on it! This is just like Never Never Land and I never want to grow up!

>> No.19154816

Imagine not having cilantro on your tacos...

>> No.19154840

>this utterly BTFOs all reddit "muh cilantro gene" theories
No, it really doesn't. The vast majority of people who say they have some cilantro gene are just picky eaters who are using it to naturalize their mental illness and pretend like them being a big baby is no different from someone being left handed. It's the same shit that people do with celiac when in reality they're just embarrassed to be following a meme diet because they have no self control, and it's "unfair" how people get treated when they do nothing to gain respect.

>> No.19154850

Oh yeah, I forgot to add that your story is fake because nobody immigrates from Iceland to America.

>> No.19154854

Nobody can immigrate to a place. You can only emigrate there.

>> No.19154859

Sure but there are people with the gene and it's a real thing, just, not for all the people who claim it
I have a Puerto Rican friend, he has it, can't eat the food of his people
He doesn't miss it, though

>> No.19154881

I always thought the pickled ginger that comes with sushi tasted soapy.

>> No.19154886
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>shitskin mexican calling anyone a sub-human

>> No.19154893

In america corriander is the seed and cilantro is the plant. You dont know shit

>> No.19154897

>Leaf still has structure
That's flat leaf parsley. Probably bland and is like eating a leaf. Not flavorful after being in a dish.

>> No.19154898
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1651334212292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a tastelet that you don't enjoy the flavor of soap

>> No.19154911

You cannot taste the differences.
You said so yourself.

>> No.19154929

Not remotely.

My sister in law hates both coriander and culantro IE Puerto Rican coriander which really sucks for her since she's Puerto Rican. She doesn't even cook PR food, instead learning Swiss and Italian stuff from my mother and brother and cooking that.

I never got that, but my ex said the same thing. I still stand my dried out and rehydrated carrot thing. It's the reason i don't really much care for Cup Noodles and the like.

>> No.19154939

Schrödinger's cat.

>> No.19154947

>but there are people with the gene
That was my point. It can feel like it's something people are making it up because most people literally are making it up, just like celiac.

>> No.19154954

I used to love those, but never once thought they tasted like soap. I don't think I'd like violet flavored soap.

>> No.19154969

If done correctly, gari is supposed to taste mildly of soap rather than be harsh and bitter, which it is 9/10 times. I don't know what the secret is.

>> No.19154996

Dat the pink stuff?

>> No.19155013

>Puerto Rican
shit tier human lol.

>> No.19155016

protip: you're defective

Its genetic


>While the OR6A2 gene may cause some people to taste soap when they eat cilantro, there are at least three more genes that seem to be involved. One codes for smell receptors, and the other two affect the taste of bitterness — so even if you don't have the OR6A2 gene, other genetics could play a factor in your cilantro hatred.

Feels good not being a subhuman :)

>> No.19155033

>my brother's wife is a shit tier human because she's rican
Wait until you find out that mine is Black, lol.

>> No.19155034

How does that contradict what he said, retard?

>> No.19155072

fucking hate the stuff. I dont experience the soap taste people describe but I find it ruins everything its in. not only does it taste bad but it over powers the rest of the dish

>> No.19155089

>Notice how no one ever says ''I hate coriander!'' It's always cilantro which is what they call it in America
Did you ever notice how 95% of the time somebody uses the word "flavor" they spell it "flavor" and not "flavour"? It's almost as though Americans are the only ones who care about their food tasting good. (Or maybe, you know, there's just a lot more Americans here?)

>> No.19155095
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, 3B2C418A-CA27-42CA-85E8-29D467B606B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really get the soap taste but it is overpowering and if I get fresh cilantro and take a big whiff of it it makes me gag and makes my eyes water, it’s almost smoky to me rather than soapy, desu.

>> No.19155168

He said americans dont use the word corriander but we do. It is the seed of the cilantro plant. You can find those 2 seperate products in every grocery store.

>> No.19155183

>You can replace coriander with any other herb and it really doesn't matter.

Confirmed for fucking moron. Let me know how great your pico de gallo is turning out with mint and dill

>> No.19155185

> picky eater
Don't be retarded. I eat everything from any animal (organs, face and eyes) and I find cilantro revolting

>> No.19155189

I can't think of a faster way to add freshness to any taco, salsa, salad, or sandwich than with a handful of chopped cilantro. Above any taste, cilantro simply tastes 'fresh', it's like a brightness I can't really describe any other way. It wakes flavors up.

>> No.19155193

Lemon grass
Lemon zest
Star anise
Just on top of my head

>> No.19155198

I should really start learning Petrucci riffs/leads more often. Back when I used to skip high school just to play guitar all day I figured out most of The Dance of Eternity by ear

>> No.19155202

>i can't be a picky eater about one thing because i eat this other, completely unrelated thing

>> No.19155210

> You must be a picky eater because you don't like this particular food.
I eat with passion things that even the average eater would be picky about. That makes me not a picky eater while still not liking cilantro

>> No.19155219

If you entirely avoid eating a certain ingredient you are a picky eater. Normal people have preferences, and say, "I typically prefer this over that, but that can be okay sometimes when it's prepared this way." Picky eaters say, "yucky! that ingredient is revolting and everything on my plate is now ruined!"

>> No.19155221
File: 2.15 MB, 1600x1600, 14C73963-1890-4B3D-AAEA-1BAEDDB063FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s mike portnoy

>> No.19155223

don't force your cum eating fetish on others you cunt

>> No.19155225

Overpowering flavor, doesn't compliment a lot of savory applications
>Lemon grass
Is good, pairs well with other
>Lemon zest
again, pairs well with cilantro, not a replacement
>Star anise
licorice flavor sucks

>> No.19155228

>If you entirely avoid eating a certain ingredient you are a picky eater. Normal people have preferences, and say, "I typically prefer this over that, but that can be okay sometimes when it's prepared this way."
Why are you trying to argue while being wrong? Are you a woman?
Me eating a wides gamut of food makes me less of a picky eater than you by definition
Not liking a couple of ingredients is an actual preference. Being a picky eater means you have a lot of foods you avoid

> Picky eaters say, "yucky! that ingredient is revolting and everything on my plate is now ruined!"
That exactly what faggots says when I eat fish heads and eyes. So they must be all picky eaters

>> No.19155235

I don't think I've seen so many bad arguments, and just a complete lack of basic logic, in a single post before.

>> No.19155236

>licorice flavor sucks
You've never had licorice, though i also don't care much for star anise.

>> No.19155239

You don't have to reply and embarrass yourself, we don't know your stupid face. Just acknowledge you are a retard and move on

>> No.19155246

Hey, I said almost this exact same thing to another retard just yesterday. That was you, wasn't it? You got completely btfo and still had to get in the last word by calling me a tranny or a woman or something petty and meaningless. It's hilarious you got upset and are now copying the exact same thing I said to you.

>> No.19155247

>You've never had licorice,

what? I've had plenty of fennel and star anise in my time. I simply don't care for the flavor

>> No.19155248

Yes :~)

>> No.19155253

Take your meds, you are both retarded and a paranoid schizo.
If more than one persone called you retarded maybe it's time to rethink your position you mongoloid

>> No.19155269

>I've had plenty of fennel and star anise
Neither of which tastes remotely like licorice. In the US licorice is extremely rare, approaching nonexistence. Instead, anise/fennel sweets held together with gelatin, carnauba or other stabiliser are the norm. Even outside of the US pure, unadulterated licorice is quite uncommon. Try to tell a Scandy that his beloved licorice pipes are mostly starch with very little actual licorice and he'll merely plug his ears and go "lalallalalalalala."
Italy is one of the few countries where pure licorice is commonly enjoyed.

>> No.19155278

um ok

I don't really care

I just don't like anise flavor, which, at least in the US, is commonly referred to as 'licorice' flavor, as perhaps licorice candy here is flavored with these compounds. That was my point.

>> No.19155286

>take your meds
Yeah, maybe that's what you said to me after you ran out of arguments.

>> No.19155291
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you have actual brain problems if you don't even think it has a distinct taste

>> No.19155302

That's the advice I would give to any paranoid schizo. I'm didn't post on ck in months
> Another people called me retarded so it must be the same person
It doesn't work like that. Judging by your level of argument you better get used to people calling you mongoloid

>> No.19155306

You don't know what licorice is.

>> No.19155315

I love cilantro
I can digest milk
I’m not allergic to anything
Beans make me fart a lot

>> No.19155530

soak the beans longer.

>> No.19155692

mega cope
read less reddit and suck less dick

>> No.19155790

didn’t read dont care lol

>> No.19155796
File: 331 KB, 1242x1225, 1681244425167457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a literal mutt and I love cilantro.

>> No.19156139

It's called coriander and it's delicious. K.Y.S. tastelet.

>> No.19157009

why do I keep seeing blk whamen just eating every damned thing?

Is it craving minerals while only going to the fucking bodega???

>> No.19157037

Not even Lawry's has cilantro in it.
Cilantro is thirdy trash.

It's not a problem unless it's Taco Tuesday.
>tfw it's bean burrito wednesday

>> No.19157038

You're just not ready for pharaoh cuisine, yt

>> No.19157923

I'm 100% anglo and fresh coriander tastes like soap

>> No.19158041

Eww I bet your nose does have a stupid high nasal bridge. Y'all have some crazy looking honkers.

>> No.19158051

Same, but I have no problem with beans. I am 100% white and I love cilantro. Thai, Mexican, Indian, you name it. If it has cilantro I am game

>> No.19158284

heard it's genetic but i acquired the taste

>> No.19158507

You should have to pay a sin tax for making this post. Pedantic!

>> No.19159947

I wouldn't say soap but they are close. Weird perfumey. Delicious tho.