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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 216 KB, 1200x1796, butter-chicken-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19145422 No.19145422 [Reply] [Original]

i'll be honest i've talked shit about indians in my day but butter chicken is incredibly good

>> No.19145432

The ones that make it here wash their hands

>> No.19145469

i'll be honest i've talked shit about chinese in my day but orange chicken is incredibly good

>> No.19145570

indian food is good but only when its made by white people

>> No.19145617


>> No.19145619

Also indian women can grow uncanny bushes

>> No.19145624

Food might be ok but goddamn those indians are ugly as fuck and smell even worse.

>> No.19145634

I think its literally just the mustaches and fat, if they werent all chubby and shaved their upper lip they would look normal

>> No.19145641

Brown, stinky and ugly isn't normal, well maybe for you it is.

>> No.19145652

Indian food is amazing. They are the only culture on planet earth that understands spices. But they shit in the streets. Pajeets are so smart they can learn SAP and so poor they have to learn SAP.

>> No.19145680

They dont even eat butter chicken in India, it was invented by white people. Like mexican and chinese, their actual food is shit. White people took some of their ideas and made it better.

>> No.19145911

yes, however the .9% of indian girls that turn out hot can grow out an afro of hair around their asshole quite the spectical

>> No.19145944

That .9% of hot Indian girls hit the wall at 16 anyway

>> No.19146092

Too old.

>> No.19146239

I'm indian and I've never tried butter chicken. Always looked disgusting and I never got the appeal of why white people like it

>> No.19146895

>we wuz makers of indian food!
Holy fuck,the cope you subhuman mayoids come up with is insane. Butter chicken was invented by a Hindu Punjabi indian chef named kundan Lal Gujral.
You filthy jizzskinned negroids are no different from the we wuz Egyptian kangz niggers kek. Even UK's chicken Tikka masala was invented by some pajeet in Scotland, he only toned down the spice and flavors because angloids are incapable of ingesting even onw drop of ketchup.the thought of a subhuman group of "people"(who can't even handle garam Masala and basic spices, and have the shittiest food) making glorious Indian food is kekworthy
>inb4 coomskins spam this thread with vidrels of some dalits 10 years ago making indian Street food in an unhygienic manner,because all they can do is cope

>> No.19146908

>always looked disgusting and I never got the appeal of why white people like it
>I'm indian
Kek sure you are, Nigel. Butter chicken looks like just any generic food which indians eat on a daily basis. (Examples :Dum Aloo,kofta,etc)

>> No.19146913

>white people don't season they hands

>> No.19146916

>ind*ans couldn't figure out how to mix butter and chicken until the british were running their entire country
does it feel weird knowing the only reason your race continues to exist is because people feel guilty genociding you if they still eat "your" food? you're basically the chili peppers of people, you developed disgusting food as a defense mechanism and ironically the only reason you're still around is because people like it

>> No.19146929

Cream and tomato taste good simply put

>> No.19146931

We don't like it either, it's just dumb white women and their beta orbiters who think they look sophisticated and cosmopolitan when they eat "ethnic" food

>> No.19146946

>discussion on food
>immediately jumping to the thought of genocide
Ah,classic jizzskinned behavior
There ,you showed it,coomskins are the most subhuman barbaric race to ever exist. Its a good thing that arapes ,pakis and niggers are doing the needful in jewrope
>it was the British who taught indians how to make food yadayadayada!
Kek the same sub species that don't know how to wash their ass? The same vile sub species that almost wiped out a fucking continent because of the germs they carried with themselves because they didn't know the concept of bathing? The same sub species that have no clue how to use spices and flavour? Sure kek,even the most "repulsive" indian dish would look more appetizing than a haggis,or whatever britbongs call "food"
>you make disgusting food
>people like it
Kek, do you hear yourself Nigel? I'm sure you don't, because the streets are filled with screams of your whore animal-like "women" being raped and cucked by pookis. You all need to fuck off and jump back to the swamps where you belong,just like your subhuman nendearthal-like ancestors

>> No.19146958

Too spicy for you otherwise ytboi

>> No.19146960

based pajeet

>> No.19146967

Butter chicken is a such a basic dish, that's why. There are much better dishes in Indian cuisine. My mother makes sophisticated dishes on a daily basis that are unknown outside my family/community. Indian cuisine is not monolithic.

>> No.19146972

Goddamn you're pathetic

>> No.19146974


>> No.19147063
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Why do you guys hate Indians? In my experience they have all been really kind and I love their food.
The only thing I don’t like is their pastries.
But yeah I never understood the Indian hate. Seems unwarranted.

>> No.19147139

Wow, how you not all know that curry was invented in england

>> No.19147143

it's more the people, rather than the food

>> No.19147169

I like butter chicken but it's the most basic Indian 'masala' dish there is in terms of flavour. The current incarnation was made to serve to bongs on the piss and it definitely shows.

>> No.19147642

who tf do you think invented it there? some pasty guy named nigel?

>> No.19148482
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You realize not all indians eat the same thing? It's not popular in my family. Plus butter chicken is not a generic meal you can eat everyday. That seems like a heavy meal more reserved for special occasions imo
There's better indian food than butter chicken. Try chicken karahi instead. It's made with similar ingredients but far easier to make. It's underrated (at least to westerners) and more healthier
>Indian cuisine is not monolithic.
I learned how to cook from my mom. She had a catering business where people would request certain dishes to be made for big events. Originally she served food for people in our small community but it got bigger and we'd get really surprised with some of the meals people wanted because we never ate those in our life. There's so much diversity in indian food

>> No.19148497

>You realize not all indians eat the same thing? It's not popular in my family. Plus butter chicken is not a generic meal you can eat everyday. That seems like a heavy meal more reserved for special occasions imo
This is a good point. Butter chicken is famous and loved because its some of the most decadent indian food possible. People shouldnt be eating that much butter and cream regularly, they should appreciate more wholesome curries, dals, etc.

>> No.19148937
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Popular dishes like butter chicken is also why people wrongly think all indian food is unhealthy. There's so many healthy and simple dishes that don't use so much cream, oil, or spices but they are completely unheard of

>> No.19148955
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Worked at an Indian buffet in high school, and aside from seeing Nikocado's coinslot, it was the most traumatic experience of my life.
>rats, mice, roaches they'd fall into the curry pots and our manager would tell us to just keep cooking
>buffet trays weren't cleaned often, maybe once a month
>moldy naan
>one of the senior cooks was a developmentally disabled Punjabi; cool dude but prone to violent outbursts, anti-British epithets, self-harm, threats, with a grade school education
>no idea who took care of him or how he even got to work, he was just there when I'd arrive and he always stayed late
>he'd also ask the female employees to show him "bobs and vageen"
>was also at the outskirts of town and there was a cleaner, better buffet near the city center
>but we had regulars and I just kept my head down, tried to keep things clean, avoided the Punjabi cook as much as I could, and never ate there
>go to work one day after school
>lights are on, can see the curry stoves were on, but the doors are locked and nobody is answering my knocks or the phone inside
>manager's has a regular window, decide to see if I can open it
>the stoves were going, place could burn down
>get to the window, see my manager and the Punjabi thirstily searching Facebook for Desi Aunties
>get spooked, but in my hurry I kicked up some gravel and shit

Decided to go back an hour later. It's really tense. Get through my shift and I'm helping the Punjabi close. He's turning off the grills, I walk by him to start counting off the register and he just thrusts his head right into some five-alarm Lamb Vindaloo. His skin slid right off his face and neck and the worst part is he doesn't even scream, he just making this awful gargling sound like he's swallowed two lungs of mango lassi. Called 911. I never went back. Never asked for my last paycheck. Took me a year to even tell somebody else what happened and I still smell and hear the moment.

>> No.19149104
File: 231 KB, 1000x664, varutharacha-sambar-recipe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cooked some sambar bros. Delicious vegetable stew with tangy tamarind and thickened with hearty lentils.
We dont have drumsticks (the vegetable) in the US though, does anyone know what they taste like?

>> No.19150395

Butter chicken is the only good indian dish Iv ever had, their curries are so fucking over rated

>> No.19150401

Fecal matter is not a spice Rakesh

>> No.19150407

sanest buffet worker

>> No.19150412

>the same sub species that don't know how to wash their ass
Lmao a literal street shitter who washes his ass with his bare hands before making food is commenting on other people's toiletry habits lmao

>> No.19150419
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but is it as good as this?

>> No.19151038

I bet the spices in that muddy grey slop are hecking yummy wummy

>> No.19152253

Not "better" but made for the American pallet. Nothing wrong with it. It's only that different cultures value different things in their food.

>> No.19152262

I mean... Portuguese chicken and taters is the bomb, but maybe 1% of the Portuguese I know act like people. Just because a group tends or tries to live up to its negative stereotypes, doesn't mean they can't cook.

>> No.19152269

Maybe if your diet wasn't based on egg yolks and neutral seed oils, your fecus - and your life - would have some zest to it.

>> No.19152275

I'm white and I knew it was invented in India
It's basically leftovers mixed together, though
It's about as inspired as chilimac
Not knocking either dish I will eat the ass out of a bowl of chilimac or butter chicken

>> No.19152281

good one

>> No.19152299

Palate. A pallet is a skid.
I know more than a handful of first and second gen Jeets. A good chunk of them would take butter chicken over murgh tikka.
I was eating hot wings with a coworker named Lakshmi ("Lucky/Larry") on my breaks at the pub for about a year before she convinced her dad to let me try his restaurant's phaal. Dude was relieved enough to find out that we were just platonic, but the pleasant surprise on his face when I told him how much I enjoyed his curry through my sweat and tears was genuine... He was going to take it off the menu.
Which I guess is to say that you're not wrong.

>> No.19152772

all this cope because Brits raped and enslaved your great grandmothers with their big white cocks. Cry more poo

>> No.19152981

You often taste test your zesty shit Rakesh?

>> No.19152988

It's a stupid board culture meme to be racist against Indians.

>> No.19152991

I've been fapping to Indian auntys quite often

>> No.19153021

I'm gonna be candidly racist here for a minute
What gets me about the Indians is that they have Jewish levels of nepotism. Like they will go out of their way to help each other out at the expense of everything else
We hired an Indian dude as a traffic engineer at my firm a few years back (Indians love being traffic engineers for some reason, I suspect because it involves a lot of model coding and not a lot of creative or outside-the-box thinking)
He more or less ran off all the white traffic engineers in the group and every time we put out an ad he would hire another Indian. Like he's turning down quality dudes with years of experience for his bros fresh out of college who can't even get licensed because the universities in India aren't accredited
Then he starts handing out resumes to the rest of us unsolicited of all these "really good" job candidates he supposedly knows well, but it's obvious they are just random Indian dudes with questionable experience and credentials that he may or may not have met once
This is why the West is dying, you'll never see white people do this. We were dumb and naive enough to think that we were hiring the best and brightest and they were going to want to work with the best and brightest. Instead they either want to kill off the business with self-serving DEI bullshit or they just bring in more of their own countrymen at the expense of professionalism and efficiency
And all we got to show for it is a bunch of shitty food served out of places with questionable health records (just wait until the day some city hires an Indian restaurant inspector for the first time)

>> No.19153030

No we genuinely hate Indians because they are subhuman retards

>> No.19153037

>seething poo

>> No.19153067

Can confirm, pajeets are some of the most retarded morons you'll ever come across and none of their qualifications are worth the paper they are written on. Once they get a foothold in a workplace every time a new position opens they'll advocate for their cousin or friend to get the job and cause they work for peanuts bosses always end up hiring them despite the fact they never know what the fuck they are doing and their fuck ups constantly cause production delays, I swear some of these fuckers it's a miracle they can breath unassisted their brain activity is so low

>> No.19153154

t. mouthbreathing retard who spends the majority of his time online and jerking off.

Let he without sin cast the first stone anon

>> No.19153213

Why are you admitting that about yourself?

>> No.19153272

The good Indian food was invented in the uk.

>> No.19153575

God damn I fucking hate working with Indians, such fucking retards, and they have zero concept of personal space

>> No.19153592

Nice try, napu.

>> No.19153889

I can feel the spice leave my body, Imperial. Can you say the same?
But no, I tend to wipe with paper, and wash my hands thoroughly like everyone else on this side of the planet.

>> No.19153913

That's the other thing too, they hit on white women constantly but are too lame and awkward to even have a whisper of a chance. It's sad honestly and makes you embarrassed on their behalf

>> No.19153938

>he wipes
you're literally a sub-human.
FUCKING BUY A BIDET FUCKING SAVAGE SUB HUMAN hoooly fuck I'm tired to smell my collegues shitty pants as soon as they start sweating, it's a fucking nightmare.

>> No.19153941

>you'll never see white people do this
except the people in charge

>> No.19153961

>I can feel the spice leave my body
You got diarrhoea again Rakesh? Shitting the sheets instead of shitting the streets?

>> No.19153976
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>> No.19153978

>I tend to wipe with paper
If a bird shat on your hand would you wipe it off with toilet paper/ a napkin or would you use water and soap?

>> No.19154007

Underrated post

>> No.19154182

(((the people in charge)))

>> No.19154202


>> No.19154554

Maybe try reading a thread before you make a fool out of yourself.

>> No.19154615

So angry at the British even though 100% certain to have some bong in his family tree (albeit illegitimate) lol. So sorry we raped your great granny but she was begging for it.

>> No.19154634

>stale pasta Indian style

>> No.19154655

Indian food is unhealthy. They mostly eat bread and rice. My wife is a family doctor in the US. All of her Indian patients are fat and diabetic.

>> No.19154659

I've never seen an obese / very overweight indian but i see massive landwhale whites, blacks, and mexicans all the time. they eat much healthier food than the average american for sure. not as healthy as east asians, but far healthier. you will not see many of them be nearly as overweight as other races because they just eat less calories overall, despite being too carb-heavy

>> No.19154661

The Indians in India are skinny and malnourished. The ones who live here are fat diabetics.

>> No.19154676

Indians in the USA are unathletic but not fat, not nearly as fat as Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. You will never ever see an Indian who is so big they can't even fit inside a car or an airplane seat. On the other hand, you regularly see those in other American ethnicities. It is because there is a ceiling to how many calories indians can have each day as they incorporate a lot of vegetables into their meals, whereas most American diets are cheesy and creamy, and thus the calories can add up really quickly.

The reason why Indians / Asians never get obese is because they're not nearly as averse to vegetables as Americans are. I grew up in one of the most Asian-American areas in the USA so my sample size is huge (went to middle schools and high schools that were 90% Indian + Asian).

>> No.19154758

True to some extent. Depends on the region honestly. The more south you go the more unhealthy the food is and the people get chubbier too. Most indian diaspora are south indians and it's common in their culture to not care about exercising

>> No.19154813

>I've never seen an obese / very overweight indian
go bk to reddit.

>> No.19154858

To be fair, they love their cricket. They occupy all the local school baseball fields with their cricket antics. There’s so many Indians packed into the apartments here they actually opened a store nearby that only sells cricket gear. In Michigan.

>> No.19155307

>82 posts
>Nobody mentioning Shaq's love of butter chicken

>> No.19155882

Fucking no. I rent. I'd rather ruin the pipes with Charmin extra strong - soft on my corn chute, hard on the plumbing! (TM)

I shit wherever I go, Kyle. You cross my path, and I'll shit on you! But... you do have to be behind me. You know what, just hang there, let me just sit like... this... and... yeah, let me work this out.

>> No.19155890

Do you shower immediately after shitting, or are you giving yourself bidet-enemas? Please tell me, I need to know.

>> No.19155958 [DELETED] 

>i'll be honest i've talked shit about indians in my day but butter chicken is incredibly good
Indian food is amazing. They reverse-colonized Britain with chicken tikka alone, and they can make a vegetarian dish not merely tolerable but mouth-watering. Their use of spices is masterful, garlic naan is probably the world's best flatbread, basmati is objectively BEST RICE, sticky Japan BTFO. It's probably better for all of us that they Indians eat beef/pork because then they would become too powerful, nobody else could even compete. Give the rest of the world a chance you elephant-riding chads. Whatever food India touches, they dominate. Like, have you ever had Goan fish curry? (DAMN SON you need some Goan fish curry. That's why Aquaman is named Fish Curry.)

People say that Chinese food acted as a semi-conscious cultural ambassador for Asians in America, but Indian food has twice that potential. If they conquered the tastebuds of Nigel Norf in Angloland, then they can probably conquer all of American from Karen to D'quan. Scotch-gard your streets, because Desi Chads are coming for YOU.

>> No.19155968
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what a great comment, I can really feel your strong emotions regarding indian food

I think I'll go make some curry tomorrow

>> No.19156000

Sorry deleted because retard. but it really is something else. I do accept that Indian food in Europe/America is different, more rich ingredients, obviously much more meat, we're not eating with our hands off a leaf on the floor, but it's an incredible cultural force to be reckoned with. I know people who get weird about trying any "ethnic" food but EVERYBODY loves the Indian takeaway, and frankly it's also healthier than the typical American Chinese takeaway sloppa which tends to be heavily fried & sweetened.

>> No.19156043

There's a lot of fat and sugar going into the takeout curries here. If you're making something that seems a bit bland despite the masala being spot on, and onion/garlic/tomato/msg isn't doing the trick. Chances are a fistful of sugar and butter/ghee is what it's missing.

>> No.19156061

Less than you think, look up glebe kitchen, he's giving away the Punjabi's secrets

>> No.19156064

Fair enough, I might just be intoxicated with hunger for VINDALOO and samosa with those dipping sauces, shit we used to live near an Indian grocery with hot samosas cooked daily by desi aunties, it was all I could do to not bust into a bollywood dance number.

>> No.19156082

My eyes might be blue, but I ain't never seen a loo. It's not so much a matter of how much ghee and brown/white/invert sugar is going into the cauldrons BOH, it's how much I've put in there. In the restaurant owner's own words (roughly translated) "Our korma's straight poison, but that's why we're the best in town."

>> No.19156084

Let's try this again.
It's not so much a matter of how much butter and sugar I THINK is going into the cauldrons etc. etc.

>> No.19156091

You should bust out in a grand finale song and dance whenever possible.
There's a decent amount going into the red sauce, but it's basically ketchup. Tomato paste, vinegar/lime, coriander, green cardamon, maybe a little fenugreek, usually a pinch of cumin or garam masala, some ginger, onion and garlic, and sometimes some chilies... oh, and a metric fuckton of sugar or corn syrup.
If you got the green raita, the musts are yogurt and mint or cilantro. Everything else is kind of a "House secret", usually a whack of garlic, a cilantro/coriander heavy spice mix. Sometimes a little jaggery.

>> No.19156099

Food from indian restaurants are typically very unhealthy because it's more of a treat to eat from there. Indians don't go there to eat the same simple foods they eat at home. Usually it's more complicated dishes that we'd cook for special occasions like parties or big events

>> No.19156107

If you can get your hands on hing/asafoetida, it smells terrible until it's in the food, but it really adds depth. Amchar/mango powder can help add a sweet and sour note that works well with spice. Both are in chaat masala (with black salt for funk and tamarind for more tang), which is a good addition to raita, especially with cucumber.

>> No.19156112

Trust me, I know. Then again, I make a lot of Italian, French and Korean for my parents when they come over... and bread. They love my bread.

>> No.19158026

>ghost indian recruiters
>would kill for good chai

>> No.19159182

Grab some tea leaves and some spices man. Toast it in a pan, give er a blitz or a crush, add hot water.

>> No.19159187

that's the opposite of how i've been taught to do homemade chai. i take the tea and spices and boil the shit out of them into a tea reduction, then add hot milk.

i think the restaurants add a shitload of sugar

>> No.19159189
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>> No.19159317

You have to make it into tea... or you can scald the shit out of your sugar-milk trying to extract flavour into it.

If it doesn't get tannic on you, then keep doing your thing. Ma fires everything into small cast iron pan, mortars it in place, tosses that into the teapot, and adds hot water. Milk and sugar are dosed per cup, but that's because she likes it to be more shit than tea, and everyone else likes to at least be able to taste the cinnamon.

>> No.19160037
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i just hate when they are uppity, wearing tailored clothes, and glasses, and have that soy boy globalist bootlicker look to them, the down to earth ones with mustaches, and bald heads are always more friendly and personable

>> No.19160763

They probably can't help the glasses, but I know what you mean. In this, as in all things, I blame the English. They may have turned us into pinky lifting poofs for a hundred years, but god damn it, we refuse to queue!

>> No.19161189

I'm going to an Indian-themed potluck this weekend. What dish should I bring?

>> No.19161594
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>i've talked shit about indians
i see what you did there

>> No.19161624

Bring a lunchbox. Don’t touch any of the food except what you brought.

>> No.19162211
File: 65 KB, 767x639, aloo-gobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karahi or biryani are always popular and a safe choice but it's so common that you may not be the only one bringing it. You could make aloo gobi. Not as popular and it's extremely easy to make

>> No.19162223

How white are you, and can you do "Haadan spi-ceee?" It makes me happier than it should to see white people make or scarf down phaal and vindaloo... if only because I know they won't make it to the loo.

>> No.19162327
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>> No.19162375

bruv...this isn't about ruining pipes you fucking unhygienic fuck, it's about not having shit smeared on your ass all day and making me suffer.

>> No.19162631

Indians don't even eat butter chicken. They have no idea what it is.

>> No.19162642


>> No.19162660

Wrong. In what way is butter chicken just throwing together leftovers? What a ridiculously stupid take.

>> No.19162673

It was literally mixed together leftovers the restaurant had on hand

>> No.19162721
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What's to talk shit about Indians? Their women make excellent lovers.

>> No.19162746

I'm positive you aren't wiping well enough.

>> No.19162753

But they fall apart like Italians once they're married.

>> No.19162779

I didn't know that.

>> No.19162802

I had a mutual breakup with one of my friends when we were in highschool. The North Indian mess that calls herself my mother is basically just her mom with a tan - so we decided we should not risk bringing children into the world with a genetic expiration date of 35.

>> No.19162872

I've never gone the distance with one but there's this one Telugu girl I've been seeing who is a slave for big anglo cock, and she has a big ol' donky booty like the one pictured. I texted her again just now.

>> No.19162995


>> No.19163081
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i wipe with 91% rubbing alcohol
burns like hell and thats how i know its working

>> No.19163570

I had a hyderabaddie show me his butter chicken recipe once, we cooked it together. It was the best I've had even though the recipe was almost identical to every other recipe I've found online.
The secret ingredient was CARDAMOm

You can figure out the quantity yourself, just trust me it'll elevate your butter chick to the heavens

>> No.19163579

No, it's fenugreek. Cardamom is a common ingredient. Fenugreek is what's hard to find.

Although whole, husked cardamom does make it a much better dish. But it's not what people leave out when they try to make it at home.

>> No.19163601

Interesting, I'll try it with fenugreek next time.
I'm not lying to you though, I've never seen a recipe online that included cardamom, and I've seen at least...6 or 7 recipes.

>> No.19163621

They call it kasuri methi or something like it
Fenugreek leaf
But seed or powder works good, it tastes the same
Which is awful on its own, it tastes like diesel exhaust, but damn, in BT it's tits

>> No.19164305

This might or might not blow your mind.
If you're out of maple/table syrup, but you have brown sugar, coffee and fenugreek/methi seed (and maybe a little cornstarch), you can make a pretty good substitute in about the same amount of time it would take to buy some more sweet nectar from Aunt Jemima's floppy pancake teat. The leaf's a little too abrasive for this, but seed works great.

>> No.19166162

Tell her that your home boys on /ck/ want you to nail that ass.

>> No.19166240
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x900, chudjeet indian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian women love getting with non Indian guys, never knew why but lucky for me