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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.51 MB, 3072x3072, haggeis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19124866 No.19124866 [Reply] [Original]

where can I find real haggeis in the states?

>> No.19124869

Whats wrong with that guys face?

>> No.19124882

too much haggis

>> No.19124890

Have you been to Scotland?

>> No.19124912

You can’t. It’s illegal. Something about food safety risk with consuming the stomach and I think the lungs as well.

>> No.19124920

No I dont leave my house if I can help it.

>> No.19124962

You can’t and you won’t.

>> No.19124966

You can get pretty much the same experience with a sausage

>> No.19124979

Oh it shows, anon. It shows

>> No.19125035

no, why?

>> No.19125106

He's pure Scottish.

>> No.19126291

You can't get the real deal, because the FDA banned sheep lungs for human consumption. You can buy canned haggis from Amazon and other online retailers that is specifically made for the US market without the banned ingredient. It's pretty good, but quite expensive. I would eat it quite often if I could find a good place to buy it at a bulk discount.

>> No.19126300

people have been eating offal since forever

>> No.19126329
File: 101 KB, 900x900, 1575772264859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British Face Syndrome

>> No.19126488


>> No.19126503

that guys face looks like I took LSD

>> No.19126542

>FDA banned sheep lungs
Fucking why

>> No.19126563

Don't bother trying to apply reason to American regulations, it's all Byzantine bullshit based on interest groups. For example, we ban stupid shit like Kinder Eggs and imported Brie but Yellow 5 is literally proven to have all kinds of shit health effects and the FDA just sends stern letters to companies that use it but can't actually force them to stop. Meme country.

>> No.19126569

From what I can gather, sheeps lungs are prone to absorb fluids from the stomach during the slaughtering process and harbor microbes. I believe there was also a concern over imported sheep lungs somehow carrying tuberculosis and mad cow disease. If you really want sheep lungs, butchers are still allowed to sell it as "dog food."

>> No.19126740

It's an AI image.

>> No.19126808

SARS, literally the same family of virus that puts us in a pandemic lockdown for like 3 years, that shit loves sheeps.

>> No.19126844

Sheep lungs, there was an issue with hoof and mouth disease and it was easier to ban lungs in food than force farmers to raise standards and cull sick animals

Like how black-currants were banned for decades because the ministry of agriculture were afraid of a fungus that shared the same common name as one that makes pine trees grow bad lumber.

>> No.19126903

Just shoot a sheep it's not that hard.