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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19117564 No.19117564 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't baking bread a required life skill like tying your own shoes? It's so easy and so much cheaper than buying loafs from the super market.
And it's delicious
>pic related, my first ever loaf

>> No.19117570
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>i made something now i will be an insufferable faggot neophyte
ahh dunning kreuger

>> No.19117582
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Nice loaf tho---

>> No.19117587

Not bad for the first time. Try scoring to get less messy shape

>> No.19117588

Great job!

>> No.19117590

lol it took you this long to learn to bake bread?

>> No.19117593
File: 13 KB, 320x240, Retarded citizens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked--Poast bread or GET OUT.
**Dunning Kruger was itself an example of "Dunning Kruger"
It's the midwit's retort--Look it up--It was a retarded premise from the start--(you won't, faggot)<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117602

This was with whole wheat flour and I followed instructions for white flour no knead. Scored the top but I think probably needed to do more for whole wheat

>> No.19117620

What's your go to flour mix? I use 50% white bread flour, 25% whole wheat, 25% rye, plus some extra vital wheat gluten. Gives it a more robust flavour, keeps a little longer from the rye, and I like to think its slightly healthier.

>> No.19117625

>dunning kreuger
That's not what the Dunning-Kruger effect is retard. Looks like you just learned what it was and now try to bring it up every chance you can aka the recency effect

>> No.19117650

I used 75% whole wheat flour and 25% all purpose. Cooked it in a dutch oven. Came out dense but good. Could definitely taste the wheat. Really good with olive oi garlic and deenz

>> No.19117660
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Funny thing is--The Whole premise of Dunning-Kruger was WRONG.
It's truly the Redditor's midwit Retort at this point.
Easily verifyable--like most things. But people are just too stupid to look into things themselves, apparently.
Who cares what a mid-wit thinks anyway? Poast Breads--eveb if you are new at it, ylu are ahead of 90% of everyone else....

>> No.19117661

corporates want people to overspecialize and rely on their invested services by convincing and scaring the masses away from life fundamentals.
From this point on, noodles, pizza, and cookies are all possible within your little kitchen, as long as you work for it directly. Due to how price gauging they are, most of them now do make financial sense to DIY on top of intellectual, social, safety, and nutritional benefits.

>> No.19117669
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>> No.19117701
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I would make bread, but I’m a neat freak and getting flour everywhere sounds unpleasant<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117703

If I can't tie shoes, I can't walk properly. If I can't bake bread, I have to buy bread.

>> No.19117710


>> No.19117829

>bringing up recency effect
dunning Krueger and recency effect

>> No.19117863
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>Why isn't baking bread a required life skill like tying your own shoes?
Because I'm not poor, literally all people around me -me included- started baking after 2020, it is like some alt-trendy shit. I don't even eat the bread that I make. I just posted it on IG thinking I'm not like the other rich bitches around me.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117878
File: 48 KB, 850x600, products6719-2300x1360-116233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a required life skill like tying your own shoes?
FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117885

OP a baker is one of the oldest professions in history. As a society scales up it becomes more efficient to leave all the baking to a handful of people.

>> No.19117893

looks good, would eat, but next time consider scoring the top so you get more expansion instead of random blow outs, it'll come out looking slightly more pro and a little larger and less dense that way.

>> No.19117897

Dude, I eat maybe five loaves of bread per year. Why would I bother spending time and effort making it, when I can just grab one for like $2 whenever I happen to need one?

>> No.19117901

Tying your shoes isn't a required life skill. You can have velcro or wear boots or sandles.

>> No.19117921

I use magnets. No joke. I have Zubits on my work boots, and my gym shoes, and they work great.

>> No.19117924

Yet more people know how to tie shoelaces than bake bread. Curious?

>> No.19118082

you can say the same about anything, homemade pasta isn't hard if you have the right equipment either
but at the end of the day it's all cheap as shit at your nearest McSupermarket, so it's about preference

>> No.19118098

>why isn't milking a cow, milling wheat, and churning butter a required life skill
because it's 2023

>> No.19118141

I baked a loaf of bread once. It tasted like shit, so I didn't bother again.

>> No.19118160 [DELETED] 

how only 5 loaves of bread a year? are you a rice nigger?

>> No.19118176

what did you learn to do instead? jack off to children's cartoons? really useful skill

>> No.19118206

I was having a discussion with someone today about someone's fat kid. I said
>essentially, they're all victims, if you think about it
The other person got completely bent out of shape about this, and was mad at the parents, etc, etc, which I essentially agreed with, which confused them, and then they wanted to know my rationale.

I said essentially: where along the line were the parents taught nutrition? In school? "Health" class was basically a semester of "wrap your dick up in a plastic bag before you penetrate your fellow students" and "here's where babies come from". Where were they taught about carbs, protiens, fats, sugars, fiber, calories, etc? The answer is simply it was purposefully not taught to them. There was plenty of time to do so, it's just something undesirable to do to a future consoomer. Same with teaching about how not to get fucked by credit cards, how to bake basic bread, how to craft nutritionally complete cheap budget meals, use the banking system, yo like what's insurance, how do the stock and bond markets work, etc, etc, etc.

I agree with you. The general population are victims of this for breadmaking, but you and I fortunately are not.

>> No.19118227
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>messy shape
That crust is literally the best part

>> No.19118228

>Why isn't baking bread a required life skill like tying your own shoes?
hmm let's see, I could wait hours for my bread to go from stage 1 to being ready, which would save me like 50 cents compared to buying it directly from one of the many bakeries around me, OR I could spend that time cooking (saving up to 80% of what the same dish would cost in a restaurant) or making pastries (which are also overpriced af)

>> No.19118630
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>I could wait hours for my bread to go from stage 1 to being ready
you don't have to sit there and watch it, you can do other things during that time.

>> No.19118637

>It's so easy and so much cheaper than buying loafs from the super market.
It's not easier by any measure and the cost factor is extremely variable based on things like energy costs local subsidies and what price you pay retail for flour.

Which also clearly leaves out your own time having a cost.

>> No.19118803

You literally can't prove that.

>> No.19119226
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x1960, 20230330_173632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this rye loaf a few days ago. First rye loaf in many years. Been making all the bread I eat for the past 6+ months

>> No.19119233
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No seeds this time, but next batch will have seeds.

>> No.19119252

>eating bread
What the fuck is wrong with you? Eating carby goyslop? You're weak. Your genetics are weak. You will die weak.

>> No.19119323
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Who has a good white bread recipe or hawaiian recipe? I got the ones from allrecipe but just know there is better recipes out there.

>> No.19119394

post body

>> No.19119399


>> No.19119433

are you italian?

>> No.19119480

>which would save me like 50 cents compared to buying it
You don't save money by baking your own bread. It costs the same or more, especially when you factor in the energy cost for the baking itself.

>> No.19119503

>the very first sourdough i baked was absolutely brilliant
>all the other ones I did were mediocre at best
@me your sourdough secrets

>> No.19119522

I knead dough over a large bowl that I sit on my lap since I have a tiny kitchen and I also don't want to get flour everywhere. It works very well. I'll never knead bread dough on a counter again even when I do get a bigger kitchen with more space.

>> No.19119527

I’ll try this, thank you

>> No.19120001

>my first ever loaf
You're lying

>> No.19120294
File: 419 KB, 1000x563, IMG_20170612_081602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of baking bread in a long loaf on a sheet can I put the dough from a given recipe in a loaf pan to get sandwich style slices?
What should I take into consideration if I don't want a particularly thick or crunchy crust? Longer bake time due to the shape and maybe tent with foil after a while?

Pic is the only one I have of bread I've baked so it'll have to do.

Or just gimme this recipe.

>> No.19121090

>What should I take into consideration if I don't want a particularly thick or crunchy crust?
Brush it with melted butter all over the top, bottom, and sides as soon as the bread comes out of the oven then let it cool. That'll give you a soft crust.

>> No.19121120


>> No.19121202

You are correct.

>> No.19121374

A pain without specialized equipment.
>and cookies are all possible
Except then I eat them all. :(

>I baked a loaf of bread once. It tasted like shit
That's very impressive unless you forgot to add salt or badly undercooked it.

>Where were they taught about carbs, protiens, fats, sugars, fiber, calories, etc? The answer is simply it was purposefully not taught to them.
At best they got a dated food pyramid. Now that's been updated to no longer be free advertising for the grains industry, but the replacement imagines some world where everyone is as wealthy as the government types pushing this and can afford over half a plate's worth of a wide variety of fresh veggies and nuts and cheeses for every meal.

>> No.19121415

You can freeze cookie dough. That's what I do since I prefer freshly baked cookies. I make what I want then portion out the rest of the dough and freeze it. Just put it down in the refrigerator the night before you want to make them. It'll keep you from eating them all at once, too.

>> No.19121433

Every woman I have ever known has one of those bread baking machines sitting in a corner collecting dust, wasn't that a fad years ago?

>> No.19121442

ez noodles can be made by rolling into sheets with rolling pin, dust & fold, then cut, like those egg noodles. With dough sheet you can cut diamonds & square as well. You can also stretch ramen.

>> No.19121458

> bread is goyslop
signs you are an insufferable twat

>> No.19121942
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>> No.19122092

it's not worthwhile everywhere

in places people don't hate good bread, a baguette is less than a dollar

>> No.19122826
File: 14 KB, 400x362, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthiest bread? whole wheat?

>> No.19122862
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Strongly agreed. Easy af and taste amazing. It's kinda shocking that we're still allowed to just buy flour.

>> No.19122867

Why are you humbucking in the bread thread

>> No.19122991

Truth bombs do irritate the ignorant, yes.

>> No.19122999

No kneed bread blows ass

>> No.19123022

You guys steam your bread right? You don't ruin it by baking it, right?

>> No.19123111

Not related to bread but baking in general, can you use baking powder as a substitute for baking soda? I know you can't do it the other way around without adding anything acidic.

>> No.19123118

In an attempt to impress strangers I would guess.

>> No.19123545
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Congrats. I love to bake bread, but the thing is I don't always have the time. Grinding two fucking jobs just leaves me with zero energy, you want me to fucking knead this dough now and go through the preparations of timing the folding, shaping, proofing and baking? To bake dough from scratch is a multi-day process and it's just not that simple for modern people with sometimes shitty schedules to be able to make it happen.

I hear people like OP all the time saying shit like this "it's so cheap and healthy why doesn't everyone do this? I have discovered a secret best way to live and everyone else is a moron"
No. You have to take into account the time, prep work, and energy involved.

You might say "well people in third world countries bake fresh bread every day why don't we do that here in my developed country?" Well the answer is because in those other countries women are property and not allowed to have jobs or sometimes leave the home without their husbands, so literally all they are expected to do is cook, bake bread, raise the kids, etc. When that's someone in the house's full job (whether by choice or not) then sure that family is always gonna have fresh bread made from scratch.

TL;DR its because of capitalism

>> No.19123559
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>based post

>> No.19123560

I don't bother making fresh bread anymore because my girlfriend won't eat crusty bread, she will only eat the fucking processed white bread from the store. If I make a loaf it's just going to be me eating it and I can't usually eat it fast enough before it goes stale. So it's just a big waste.

>> No.19123566

Dump her.

>> No.19123586

ehh, while she is autistic about her food that's really the only negative thing about her. she plays vidya with me, plays dnd with me and my friends, watches star trek with me, got big tits and begs for my cum daily. she makes her living drawing lewd fan art lol. I can deal with her not liking all the same food as me since all the rest is so fun.

>> No.19123595

My local supermarket has $1 loaves. Kind of hard to beat that. Fresh made daily.

>> No.19123597

Fine, plan B. When ever you're having sex prepare some proper bread and when she's about to cum stuff it in her mouth so she associates the sensation of cumming with the taste of delicious bread.

>> No.19123612

lmao urban rentoid

>> No.19123624
File: 11 KB, 264x191, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao solid plan

>> No.19123662

>goes stale
There are a lot to do with """stale""" bread that just need heat to revitalize the water within.
First is reheat it so that it returns soft. If you've ever microwaved bread you know how soggy the dried bread will be.
Second by making French toasts by drench it in beaten egg.
Third is dunk it in hot soup.
Forth is making bread crumb by drying them further and/or breaking them to pieces, use in salad or breading.
Using full fat milk, butter, sugar, cooked potato and other pastry shit can make bread much softer like a toast.

>> No.19123720

Making your own bread is not THAT cheaper. Adding up the cost of all the ingredients it'll come out as more expensive than a standard supermarket brand loaf. Then you need to be making a consistently good product which means time and effort. Remember the purpose of this is to save money and all you're doing is not saving money, taking up time you could be doing something else, and all for your cheese and pickle sandwiches to take to work.

Of all the benefits and pleasures of making fresh bread, saving money isn't one of them unless you're the sort who pays £2.50 for a fresh loaf every 4 days.

>> No.19123768

Anyone have a good recipe for focaccia?

>> No.19123834

I freeze my bread once it has cooled so it never gets hard and stale and either heat it up in the oven for toasty bread or defrost in the microwave (wrapped in a paper towel) for soft, fresh out of the oven texture bread.

>> No.19123916

I am absurdly incompetent at cooking mainly because I do not seem to be able to develop a feeling for how long something needs to be cooked, what temperature to cook it at and when it is done. I've eaten raw dough before and not realized till later that I probably undercooked my bread.

>> No.19124069

Mine always turns out like that... can't get that sweet crust :(

>> No.19124081

My grandma had a proper bread making oven and would bake like a dozen or more big loafs at a time. I did presentations in kindergarten and elementary school about making bread because I helped her out a few times. I miss her. And her bread.

>> No.19124100

I get bread delivered home in a van every day except for sundays and certain holidays. When I was living elsewhere and I had to buy bread from the supermarket I was miserable.

>> No.19124194

It is cheaper, takes no time and one gets better in no time.

>> No.19124208

These both look disgusting. I'll simply go to the store and buy Kings Hawaiin and am set.

>> No.19124212

next time put the tl;dr first so I immediately get to know if I’m reading the opinion of a retarded commie, k?

>> No.19124280
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>my first ever loaf
unironically going to do the same thing tomorrow
pls share your recipe or i'll use this below

>> No.19125756

the point is the inflation, some places seen bread prices quadruple over the past few years

>> No.19125770

Baking is funny because people get so geeky about one of the most fundamentally simple things
>mix flour salt water and dry yeast in whatever order on a kitchen dcale so the proportions are right
>fuck around for 2 minutes with a spatula
>forget it for 2 hours
>shape into loaf (do not but it in one of those retarded dried grass bowls that make a huge mess)
>forget for 40 min
>score with kitchen knife (do not buy a fucking razor holder you sucker) >put on tray in oven (no cast iron or clay or ceramic bullshit its just on a tray)
>forget for 40 min
Comes out just like all those instagram sourdoughs, crackling and blistering crust, yooge crumb, swole af
But most importantly: sourdough is like a high maintenance gf that wont suck you off, a lot of bullshit for nothing. Just use the proverbial chubby gf that cums from anal: the dry yeast
>verification not required

>> No.19125785

People just eat rice here

>> No.19126053

The market has determined that waiting half a day ( even if its for 20 minutes of work ) has no value, cause it takes more planning than being a pidgeon. Batting insulation in a plastic bag (wonder bread) is good enough, cause we get what we deserve. You will continue to suffer for the group, forever.

>> No.19126196

Great. Five years later his girlfriend is as fat as an American.

>> No.19126199

>People just eat rice here
No they don't. They just argue about how to cook it.

>> No.19126211
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It's even more worth it as store bought quality drops even lower, and "artisan" asshole bakeries charge more than I pay for 5lb of flour for a single mid teir loaf. Doesn't even take a noticeable amount of time to do yourself

>> No.19126249

Seconding this for pizza too. Day old pizza is normally absolute trash, but if you toss a few slices into a pan and heat them on both sides it can be absolutely delicious still, sometimes I even prefer it to how it was when it was fresh.

>> No.19126251

>High maint
you can just leave your old dough in the cold fridge. The low temperature coming out isn't much of a problem for overnight ferment. They should last for at least a week in there.
They should also survive the freezer as well.

>> No.19126287

I dont know anon, sounds like a lot of work for no benefit

>> No.19126327

Baking is for women anon, are you a woman? Do you have a hot, tight bussy just waiting to be filled?

>> No.19126339

I bake chalah for shabbas every week. Its fucking delicous bros. I once put away 2 full loaves of chalah at a synagogue
If youve never had it, you arent living

>> No.19126343

too bad pesach is tomorrow night

>> No.19126408

made some absolutely dogshit looking bread the other day with a tiny bit of year old rye flour and low protein plain flour but it still tasted good out of the oven
how does bread do it

>> No.19126410

I i if you dont look you can pretend its a bussy anon, please post more 90s style chauvinism im almost there

>> No.19126411

It's wheat, basically sugar. Brain likes that.

>> No.19126529

That's not been true all throughout history.

>> No.19127242

how the fuck do i use rye flour, shit seems to stay a goopy mess until i add enough flour to make it have the texture of a brick until baked
just knead for like 30 minutes?

>> No.19127418
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Rye doesn't have gluten, you only bake semi bricks with it unless, as stated, you add 50+% of it. For specific rye recipes I boil seeds and rye kernels to a gruel and add maybe 10% wheat. Bake in a tin.

>> No.19127434
File: 661 KB, 1500x1143, 6EB95055-25B7-4236-BCCB-3F09CD4C0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t buy bread, either. I got lazy for a while and was buying Dave’s Killer bread but that costs like $7 now. It was always dry anyway.

>> No.19127502

>It's so easy and so much cheaper than buying loafs from the super market

No it is not. Walk to local bakery and buy ready made artisan bread vs gather ingredients, expend effort in making dough, and spend extra costs in electricity bill for oven - it is retarded to make that statement that it is cheaper and easier.

>> No.19127603

I want the recipe for THIS bread. I like the look of that dark crusty crust!

>> No.19127620
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I wish all my fellow baking chads a pleasant evening

>> No.19128329

because my country is known for it's bread (Germany).
even cheap supermarket bread is better than whatever slop a bakery sells abroad. Bread baking was perfected here and you can buy high quality bread for little money, so few people need to bake their own. Some do for fun.

I went to the US and if you sold that shit in Germany, people would think it would be insulation material for construction purposes or something.

>> No.19128344

>because my country is known for it's bread (Germany).
I've had bread from Aldi's and it wasn't even fully baked. It's hard to believe Germans don't know how to use an oven.

>> No.19128345

>not buying tied shoes

>> No.19128357


>> No.19128548

1. when i bake bread in the past i eat entire loaf in one day. is this normal? sliced bread lasts me longer than a day.
2.my mom says we dont have room for a dutchy

>> No.19128597

That was an 80% hydration whole wheat sourdough. I made 2 loaves with 600g hard red wheat, 400g bread flour, 450g starter, 750g water, 30g salt. Those ratios bulk ferment in like 6-8 hours at 72f room temp, and it bakes for 20 min at 500f with steam, and 450f for another 20 min uncovered. Have fun

>> No.19128907

>because my country is known for it's bread
No it ISN'T. It's known for eating cabbage, genocide, having no sense of humour and ruining Europe at every possible chance.

>> No.19129583
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I've never baked a loaf in the oven before (used bread machine few times) I roughly followed a recipie and it was so wet and made a huge mess. Wouldn't hold its shape as all. I think I sorta made ciabatta by accident?

>> No.19129632
File: 1.18 MB, 3251x2298, IMG_20230404_123957~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks bad, follow my recipe instead >>19125770
Itl make you a sexual tyrannosaur. Pic related with 2% salt and around 70% hydration

>> No.19129641

Because in modern day society, women are not taught to be housewives by the older female members of her family.

This basically means that women are missing out on learning family recipes and cooking skills, along with other abilities such as washing clothes by hand to remove difficult spots, ironing clothes, cleaning the house, knitting and sewing, amongst many other traditional female roles.

This means that the average modern family is left with no one who has inherited these skills, which lead them to be dependant on bakeries for bread.

>TL/DR it is women fault.

>> No.19129658

Jesus ate bread. Discussion over.
Men are more to blame as they are the authority, men were the ones that simped and let them enter the workforce.

>> No.19129672

>Men are more to blame as they are the authority, men were the ones that simped and let them enter the workforce.
Men were busy fighting a world war, businesses needed to hire females to keep the industry running.

The fact that they continued working afterwards is feminism fault.

The result? These stupid whores not knly stopped being feminine and performing women's role in society, but they also dilluted the workforce so much that it is now impossible for the average man to singlehandedly support his family, which forces women to continue working instead of being mothers and housewives.

>TL/DR it is still women fault, even if a cuck like you try to pass the blame to men.

>> No.19129888

Wet is normal, learn to stretch and fold the wet dough during bulk fermentation. Takes a couple minutes and builds a ton of strength into the dough

>> No.19130018

Used to make bread fairly often but making dough is a bit messy and waiting for it to rise and all that is annoying. Been considering getting a bread maker as those problems go away then

>> No.19130031

It takes time.

>> No.19130233

I think dedicated bakers made more sense when (and I guess in some places these might still be the case) not everyone had an oven or their oven was outdoors. Also refrigeration/freezers let you keep bread and unbaked dough longer.
I'd imagine that nowadays most efficiency gain from having a dedicated baker gets eaten up by their wage.

This I'm less sure about. Semolina flour is a little hard to find, at least where I live. And its also just as, if not more, expensive than dried pasta.

Energy lost just goes to heating your house. Which you are likely doing in a number of climates

>> No.19130783

The dough side of the business is easily mix, wait, shape and transfer in and out. The dedication was needed to start and keep wood fire by adjusting airflow and refuel in oven with huge thermal mass. Even now wood fire can be electronically or mechanically sensed, controlled and fed.

>> No.19132329
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Food desert anon here.
Is there a way to get a good crumb with all-purpose flour? Nowhere local sells bread flour.
Even yeast I need to buy online, but a 4oz jar lasts ages and I can't justify buying bags of flour online every week.

I can get decent bagels and pretzels and sandwich breads out of all-purpose no problem. But every time I try something even resembling "artisan", it comes out dense.

>> No.19132368

Increase ferment time, that includes the final proofing after the shaping to recover the bubble lost when dividing and shaping, then cover the thing for the first ~10 min of baking to slow down crust dehydrating and hardening.
Flour shouldn't matter in food desert since it lasts so long, you can get 25lb of it from stores far away and it should easily last you a season.
Get out of the hood.

>> No.19132372

More hydration and longer bulk ferment maybe

>> No.19132638

Not him but the kraut is right. Germany is probably the country with the best bread culture