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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19014478 No.19014478 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is so easy to make and so fucking delicious

One whole package of this shit makes me like 5 meals
I prepare with 600g of chicken, one carrot, two potatoes, and two onions.

Let me know your secret recipes for this delicious easy cook meal.

>> No.19014505

I have never made Japanese curry but I want to try it. Can I make it at home from scratch?

>> No.19014555
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If you mean can you create the rue completely from scratch? yes... but it's a pain in the ass. u kinda need the little curry cubes to make it easily

All u need is a protein source, some veggies, and this golden cubes and ur meal is ready in 40 minutes

>> No.19014572

Took some beef short ribs, cubed them, and braised them in the curry after I broke it down into a liquid

Tasted amazing

>> No.19014575

I usually saute my onions, ginger, and garlic, in some s o y sauce, mirin, cane vinegar, sesame oil, with a bit of brown sugar, before adding the chicken to brown for bit. It's pretty tasty, especially if you're making a big batch with like 2lb of chicken and 3-4lb of potatoes

>> No.19014579

I'll have to see if I can find some because the pics of it always look delicious

>> No.19014593

This might depend on the brand but if you add a bit of MSG it really rounds it out.

>> No.19014595 [DELETED] 

fuck off tourist

>> No.19014598
File: 289 KB, 1117x1500, Indonesian-Rendang-Curry_Packet-Bamboe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That jap shit is horrible, look into pic related for some of the best stuff.

>> No.19014602 [DELETED] 

kill yourself niggerfaggot

>> No.19014603
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>> No.19014608

I recommend sauteeing the veggies in butter+garlic+onions, then add the meat, toss around for a minute before putting in the water and the roux.

>> No.19014630

a recent innovation I've had in my sloppa manufacture has been for spaghetti night (this also works for lasagna or anything else you might want a ragu for)

take take some ground beef, cook it down, use whatever quantity and fat ratio you want
dump in a can of hunts spag sauce (I like the garlic ones but use whatever you want)
at this point add whatever extra herbs n spices you like (I throw in a ton of oregano and a lil cayenne)
cook it down for a minute or two to reduce slightly, then dump in one of them bitty cans of tomato paste and stir that in well

This produces a tasty, pleasantly tomato-y and thick consistency sauce in <10 minutes

>> No.19014635

dont forget some salt and pepper

>> No.19014640

I gave your mom some thick consistancy last night if you know what I mean

>> No.19014672

for me its

quatered brown mushrooms + onions garlic and ginger in a bit of butter
Chicken meat
half an apple + a bit of honey
water and the curry cubes
maybe chilli flakes if i want it spicy

loving it, lasts for 4 days

>> No.19015351

Bros how do you fix it when you make a big batch and it gets cold. It gets quite thick so I'm not sure if heating or microwaving is a good idea

>> No.19015372
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>> No.19015590

it reheats in microwave fine

>> No.19015687

is delicious, but one little box like that is like 5 euroshekels at my asian store, i can get a whole cup of thai curry mixture that lasts several times as long for less.

>> No.19015773

Japanese Curry is fantastic.

English food is rubbbish.

My Grandmother made curry like this and guess who brought this curry to Japan . . .British Sailors.

t. Englishman.

>> No.19015802

its literally 10x better if you can make your own curry stock and freeze it
you sound just like my dumbass cousin whenever we go to the asian food market he always acts like a soyboy talking about asian foods like its some sort of miracle food

>> No.19015813
File: 2.89 MB, 4624x3468, Curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making this from time to time for a while using curry powder and garam masala, idk if it tastes as curry should because i have never really had curry before I made it, but I like it a lot.

>> No.19015865

Those cubes are just dark roux, sugar, salt, MSG, and added coloring.

Not that it's a bad thing, but making a roux from scratch is not a pain in the ass. It's just flour in oil or oil, and you stir it around until it turns dark which takes like five minutes.

>> No.19016362

>spices and flour in butter
>christ what a pain in the ass

Better yet half these guys turn around and complain that it's not spicy enough. It's your food, you made it, that's your fault.

>> No.19016382

British curry used to be a lot more common, it's gone out of favour when Anglicised Indian curries took over. Chip Shop curry sauce is probably the closest most kids now have had to a classic British curry.

>> No.19016391


Add large cubes of apple to it. The juice seeps out into the sauce and adds a bunch of depth to the flavour. You want to stew it long enough for the apple to be soft but not so long it disintegrates (so use a more crunchy type of apple like a Granny Smith).

>> No.19016401

it's not a pain in the ass really, but it's still a bunch of unnecessary work for a product that will only turn out marginally better than the store-bought cubes.

>> No.19016477

Freaked me out when I noticed the sodium content. Eating it gives me a pounding headache. I need to figure out how to make my own version with less salt.

>> No.19016554


>> No.19016572

See >>19015773

British curry always had apple chunks.

>> No.19016597

My momma made it all the time for me. I still go over occasionally and have some of her curry. This shit is so amazing and if you put it over chicken+rice, it's the perfect /fit/-approved meal too

>> No.19016606

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.19016741

fiiinaaaaaallyyyyyyyy suppagettiiii
I'd legit try this if I knew where to buy jap curry base

>> No.19016753

What country do you live in that doesn't have a grocery store?

>> No.19016759

I've been making panang curry, so good

>> No.19016764

Whenever I make these I get so pissed off. How can something with so much sodium taste like nothing?

>> No.19016769

Did you lose your sense of smell and tastebuds in a freak gasoline fight accident?

>> No.19016793

I'm not really sure what you mean. If I'm bEing lazy and buy cubes it wnds up just tasting like nothing. I kick myself and wish I'd just make it with 1/3 the salt and more spices.

>> No.19016800

Sounds like long covid. I just made a batch of curry with the store bought blocks and it tastes plenty good to me lots of flavor.

>> No.19016827

The covid meme is over friend, you can stop pretending now

>> No.19016994

It just doesn't, definitely not in the grocery stores. There aren't many Asians living here. There's specialty import stores I got to a lot, but I haven't noticed any jap curry yet.

>> No.19017014
File: 766 KB, 4032x3024, 26DE9E63-AA67-4E9F-A8D3-43FD93A38DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one reply in this whole thread has a finished curry. Here’s mine from a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.19017033

Meat looks kind of sickly, next time you should brown it before adding it to the pot.

>> No.19017038
File: 1.15 MB, 3024x4032, 901D946A-27CC-4D3F-B157-714ADA75F72C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the leftovers a day later, because Japanese curry makes the best leftovers.

>> No.19017042

Yeah, I probably could. Went with chicken thighs, since that’s what I had, so it could’ve probably used a bit more browning.

>> No.19017047

Still looks tasty would munch.

>> No.19017171

use bigger plates holy shit

>> No.19017383

Same, I like to braise short ribs in beer before adding carrots and the curry roux. I also cook my rice with little chunks of sweet potato.

>> No.19017472

Wut? 600g of chicken is one meal for me. That's not even 800 calories. Are you a woman or like 5'4 or some shit?

>> No.19017527
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its not just chicken, its rice, potatoes and carrots in there too. fills you up
def not the highest protein meal but it adds up to like 900 calories 53g of protein

>> No.19017995

The store also sells pre-made roux and gelled starch that isn't curry. That's what those instant gravy packages are. and pre-gelled flour like Wondra in the USA.

>> No.19018714

How do I up my curry game bros, I've tried using a bit of parika and garlic infused olive oil when I am stirfrying the meat and vegetables. But I feel like I could be doing more, only restriction is onions for dietary reasons.

>> No.19018724

You can easily make a batch with 2-3lb of meat instead of the poverty style

>> No.19019517
File: 25 KB, 540x540, e435266b-bdfc-481a-9dc6-2a93d94c2950_72604105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you got word filtered, pic related is a viable alternative. Works with most things where you want a 'savoury' umami taste.

>> No.19019544

Your sister was getting my savoury umami taste last night

>> No.19019550

He means you're fucking broken retard

>> No.19019556

That comes across as soccer mom shit, begone to boot hill.

>> No.19019561

Glad to know she's finally getting action now she's finished transitioning.

>> No.19019578

Post kinky pics

>> No.19019603

>palm oil
No thanks.

>> No.19019908

I bought the 1kg pack.
It's literally just one fucking slab of the stuff.

How much am I supposed to use in a portion for 1 person? The premarked squares are like 160g each

>> No.19020371

Chop up 3 onions very fine and caramelize them. That burns off the soy so you don't grow bitch tits but you keep the flavor.

>> No.19020429

>grow up in ruralville
>only ever hear of curry after college
>many years later finally learn what it actually is
>it's just fucking stew poured next to rice
What a disappointing discovery.

>> No.19020505

yes and making the spice blend yourself is way tastier and more fulfilling. make your own. here is a good start:

>> No.19021568
File: 609 KB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a full tab of curry and 1 full tab of picrel and your curry will taste better

>> No.19021694

instant espresso powder is a better ingredient than chocolate powder in every non-dessert recipe

>> No.19022198

Anyone have a good homemade curry recipe, without using the cubes?

>> No.19023023


>> No.19023028

Only one carrot?

>> No.19023038

thanks, bud

>> No.19023052
File: 192 KB, 754x396, Bugs_Bunny-Carrot_Eatin_Fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs the bunny needs lots of carrots

>> No.19024356

When is the right time to add apple? I think I'm adding it too late, when I bite the apple bits the taste contrasts too strongly with the curry flavor and tastes awkward.

>> No.19024474

I love this stuff. I think the medium spicy is maybe the best, the flavors seem a little different to me outside of just the spice level.
I'm curious about apples. I will try the recipe above from >>19020505 sometime, but I usually keep a box of this on hand for a ready-to-go dinner where I just need to buy ingredients and chop without doing much thinking or effort later.
Other things I've put in there: sweet potatoes, cauliflower, pork instead of chicken, cabbage, and I think I did winter squash once in place of the meat.

>> No.19024484

>I prepare with 600g of chicken, one carrot, two potatoes, and two onions.
That is 1.5 meals what are you 100 lbs

>> No.19024491
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Vermont Curry bros rise up

>> No.19024515
File: 123 KB, 736x736, a94177b8918c4dcf5c81a8d1cce9ce57--curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but nobody follows the instructions on the box right
they want you to boil everything in plain water and put the blocks in last

>> No.19024774

That is how I do it. In theory the flavors would penetrate the ingredients better if the curry was added earlier (and I find these curries to generally taste better after a day of sitting). However, I imagine there's a reason they don't tell you to add it at the start, though I've never given it any heavy consideration.

>> No.19024828

The apple needs to stew, it should be as soft was possible whilst still holding its shape. If you're getting a burst of juice biting into them, they haven't been in long enough.

>> No.19024933

Dang you Euros are getting hosed, the Asian store near me had them buy one get one free for the same price.

>> No.19024953

That's the idea. You cook the veg and then add the roux last and leave it to simmer.

>> No.19025427


>> No.19025431

i never thought of that, does it help with the flavor?

>> No.19025461

yeah it essentially provides the same sort of floral pleasant bitterness that cocoa powder provides and it's less offputting than cocoa powder in my opinion. instant coffee just tastes better in savory non-dessert dishes and sauces than cocoa powder.

>> No.19025492
File: 1.88 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20230308-192604_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried my hand at this for the first time. Golden Mild chicken katsu curry n rice thing. Not bad. Pretty delicious.

This is a plate for my Grandmother. She surpsingly scarfed it all.

Id like to get my veg n tato cut in a cuter Japanese fashion, but w.e. goooood sloppa.

How'd i do?

>> No.19025614

Looks good. but why does the filename say screenshot if this is supposedly a picture you took with a camera.

>> No.19025648

something something file too big because he doesn't know how to save pictures as smaller size

>> No.19025665

I've made my own before and frozen it into ice cube trays
It tastes exactly like it but it's not worth the hassle to save 2 bucks
Jap curry is good but I got pretty tired of them after about a year

>> No.19025671

Drink some water dude
Your body needs salt

>> No.19025673

stew > curry anyways.

furthermore curry is just stew/gravy with curry powder added, and curry powder is just a mix of spices anyone can get at the store. >>19025427

>> No.19025674

People usually say just make a roux, add curry powder, some turmeric powder, salt, pepper. Never tried because I don't believe it would taste as goods

>> No.19025697

Yeah, exactly. Enlighten me. I was busy doing dishes and lazy and I don't ever post. Been lurking for a decade and a half. Just thought I'd toss a pic and wme happens happens. Makes me happy when others post their creations.

>> No.19025705

the curry cubes also have sugar and MSG. But yeah that is pretty much it.

>> No.19025840
File: 2.29 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20230308-210656_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more of these two ding dongs, if it legitifies my curry attempt.

>> No.19026224

Looks tasty, nice sloppa. Must have been good if grams got it down so fast. That katsu looks particularly well done, honestly.

>> No.19026303

Oh man. Thanks. I rushed it and was worried. Super, juicy, and tender. 165 internal meat thermometer'd. First shallow fry in a cast iron and I was all over the fucking place trying to regulate the heat.. stupidly. Used to shit pans. Was cooking on a shit electric glass top range.

What's is with chicken tits these days? Got an almost 2 lb boob at the butcher for $1.79. Was enough to whack n salt 1/2 thick filled things and end up with 4.

>> No.19026317

Fillet* what is it**

>> No.19026367

I was just sitting here wondering if I should try making some katsu soon since that looked so good. You've convinced me.
Impressive prices, and impressive cooking skills to have it come out so good on equipment you weren't comfortable with.
With no sarcasm, your grandma is lucky to have you around.

>> No.19026419

You warm my heart. It's bananas simple if a cooklet like me can manage it. Just.. slice, spice, chill, egg, flour, egg, panko/crumb, slap it into a minimal amount of neutral sneed oil, flip, flop, toss on a rack or towels, done. If a tard like me can manage it, you can, boss man.

Wishing you all thr best and show us them pics!! For better or worse.

>> No.19026464

good lazy poorfag food
the sauce freezes well, you can bulk it out with plenty of rice, and it works with whatever cheap meat you want to use as protein. I use BBQ sausages made from cow anus and plastic and they taste great in this.

>5 minutes chopping and dicing
>barely have to pay attention while cooking
>gets protein and veg into you
>tastes good
>$1 per meal

>> No.19026470

also: if you like any heat in your curry, go for 'extra hot' only. if you like it mild, go for 'hot'. below that I cant distinguish any warmth at all.

>> No.19026502 [DELETED] 

Thanks my guy for making me make this.:D


>> No.19026504

It's just bouillon

>> No.19026508 [DELETED] 

Your mother is bullion.