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18938200 No.18938200 [Reply] [Original]

I have been learning to bake with yeast and my bread always bakes nicely, but tastes terrible. It's got a stale PVCish taste, like how water smells coming out of a hose that has been lying in the sun all day. Initially I thought maybe it was my flour, or the water I was using, but it just occurred to me that might be the yeast.

Can any bakers tell me what I'm fucking up? I've been using Red Star active dry yeast.

>> No.18938207

add more sugar

>> No.18938216

Your yeast is fine. If it's reacting then it's alive, and the brand is fine, it's not going to be anything weird.

Maybe check your oven that there isn't actual melted plastic or something in it.

>> No.18938223

post recipe

>> No.18938239

you're using way to much yeast
most basic recipes call for two and a half teaspoons for a standard 3 cup of flour recipe
That it WAY to much, knock it down to half teaspoon or even a quarter teaspoon (but expect you dough to take much longer to rise but that will also add good flavor)

>> No.18938245

Do you happen to live in Ohio?

>> No.18938276
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here were two i made recently that tasted like PVC. the yeast smells the same when it is proofing.

will that make the gas taste better? does the yeast need to calm down?

here's a challah i made but i can't find the recipe i used. it had enough eggs and other stuff in it it was edible and actually pretty good, but the musty stale taste was still detectable

there is no burning plastic in my oven

>> No.18938290

makes sense, i'll give that a try. do recipes do that just to cater to impatient home cooks? the challah i made had like a 24 hour cold proof and called for less yeast. the cinnamon rolls and the italian loaf were in the oven in 90 minutes.

>> No.18938340

pretty much, most of those recipes are built for a 1 hour rise time which is going to require lot of yeast and some sugar to get that quick rise

>> No.18938903

>If it's reacting then it's alive, and the brand is fine, it's not going to be anything weird.
also true for cheap dry yeast from china?

>> No.18939625

don't worry its kosher

>> No.18939805

Have you checked the oil you're using?
I made bread with what I found out later was rancid oil, and it tasted like shit.

>> No.18939813

Do you live in Ohio?

>> No.18940619

Sounds like you're letting it ferment too long for the temperature you're letting it sit. How do you typically do your fermenation and final proof?

>> No.18940730

i promise i'm not even that advanced yet, i've just been making recipes that take max 3 hours from start to finish, so i'm inclined to believe >>18938239
i'm testing his theory with a loaf i'm about to put in the oven, which called for 1/4 tsp yeast to three cups of flour, 1.5 cups water, and some salt. the suggested proof time was 12 to 24 hours and i'm at about 19 hours right now. it looks and smells good, like actually fermented and a little bit sour, not just YEASTY. i'm hoping it'll taste a lot better too considering fewer yeasts were left to feed on the actual carbohydrates in the flour rather than a quarter cup of fucking sugar
i'll have it ready for you guys in about an hour

>> No.18940734

This was my thought as well, both recipes have oil and heating them up will make the rancidity smell more obvious.

>> No.18940745

That's definitely too long unless it's sitting in the fridge. At room temperature yeast will eat most of what it can and then die around 12-14 hours later. Though too much yeast is also a potential problem, especially if it's the instant dry stuff.
Also, if you're doing a single long fermentation, you'll need to fold ("punch") the dough a few times through, which will redistribute the yeast and its food, release some of that gas which is actually toxic to the yeast, and relax your gluten.

>> No.18940783

i'll try again when i get home

>> No.18940791

Just stick it in the fridge next time if making a full day later and it'll be great. Aim to punch it down once or twice over that interval, ideally whenever it's swollen to about double its initial size.

>> No.18940901
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here is the condemned loaf

>> No.18940908

How did the taste change?

>> No.18940910
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it actually tastes alright, nowhere near as yeasty. i would try this recipe again with more salt and with some of the suggestions here to reduce the rise time and fold it at least once to keep the yeast fed and aerated

thanks /ck/

>> No.18941000

>expect your dough to take much longer to rise
I fight this by wrapping the dough bucket in an electric heating pad, seems to speed things up nicely.
Was gonna make some bread today, does anyone know if it's viable to make 6-7 cups of flour worth of dough all together and then separate it into two halves to bake two loaves of bread? Or would that be stupid? Should I dirty up two bowls for the two batches of dough?

>> No.18941016

Yes dividing one dough in half is fine.

>> No.18941021

>It's got a stale PVCish taste
>things tasting like polyvinyl chrloride
Do you live in Ohio?

>> No.18941038
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>> No.18941061

Considering that you can freeze bread well, I don’t know why you would consider ever making just a single loaf.

>> No.18941088

No, it makes sense in my case. Two at once is an evolution.
Also I would never put bread in my freezer, there's no room.

>> No.18941173

Throw out the useless non-bread, you won’t need it anymore when you reach the level known as ‘five loaves at a time’.

>> No.18941178

Meat is king, sorry. Bread is just for snacking.

>> No.18941183

curious about this too
my dad has been bitching about my baked goods having an aftertaste

>> No.18941524


>> No.18941533
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I accidentally too much yeast on my first attempt at bread making and accidentally made George Floyd bread

>> No.18941538

i've done 12 hour ferments at 70f, the dough was very sour and had nice open crumb
i use only a quarter teaspoon of active dry yeast in 3 cups of flour and 1.5 cups water

>> No.18941617

12 is fine, over 14 things get very dicey.

>> No.18941625

it might work for pizza dough but it'll be a lose and stick mess

>> No.18941630
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Not a bad question.
I personally prefer Fleischmanns to Red Star, but if I can find it, Insta-Saf is my absolute favorite yeast when not using either barm or a starter sponge.
Definitely check out your water, and your oven--Is it a gas oven? I've had some pretty rank baked goods from other peoples ovens that turned out to be that the Gas itself was the culprit.

>> No.18941711

That's pretty cool, to be so experienced baking that you are even able to tell the effective difference between different brands of yeast. I'm still solidly in the "yeast is yeast" mindset, and can't yet tell even the difference between brands of flours.
>gas stoves produce yucky bread
Well now I'm keyed into the possibility that there's something wrong with the flour. Lately most food products are taking a nosedive in quality, and ingredients are being swapped out for cheaper alternatives and additives.

>> No.18941720

Cordyceps in the flourrrrrrr

>> No.18941725

mmm, caterpillar fungus.

>> No.18941749
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I brew beer too, and there are lots of different yeasts with distinctive flavors.
You'll get the hang of it.
The gas stove I was referring to was a propane one out in the boonies--It made the little cakes the guy brought taste like farts--high sulfur content. I almost gagged.
if an older stove is running badly, the Mercaptan can adversely effect the food too.
As for flour, I try to stick with King Arthur non GMO(no guarantee that it isn't also soakied with Roundup,)--or better yet, Organic. There are better flours out there, but that one's a workhorse for me.

>> No.18941753
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making sammie bread now...

>> No.18941759
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A couple moar...

>> No.18941765
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last for now.

>> No.18941779

what is sammie bread?

>> No.18941784

Sandwich bread.

>> No.18941797

ok, just need to be sure you're not eating finns, carry on

>> No.18941812
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Well, TBF, there ARE a few I would "Eat"..
If you know what I mean.

>> No.18941847
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making burger buns

>> No.18941850
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this is now a bread bread

>> No.18941864

>why does my food taste like plastic when I have a plastic coated pan releasing fumes in my oven
stop cooking in fucking teflon you retard

>> No.18941905
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>> No.18941908
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>> No.18941959
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Out of the oven, temped at 199°-202°

>> No.18941962
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Now I will let them cool for an hour.

>> No.18941967
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>> No.18941977

looks good. the only bread i can make are bagguettes and very crusty. dunno how to make soft white bread loaf

>> No.18942011

I used 6 C flour (plus some depending on what the dough wants)
1-2 tsp. salt(fine)
made well after mixing dry with a fork then added:
1 ¾C water + ½C half and half heated to 115°
2 tsp. raw sugar
1 heaping tsp. yeast from the jar
and 6Tbsp melted butter (I used a whole stick, the remaining went into buttering the pans.
kneaded until smooth,
let rise until doubled,
Whacked the bubbles outta the dough and rolled it into the standard loaf shape for the pan
(Two folds, then fold in the ends with a pinch)
slit the tops 3x then brushed with last of the butter,
375°F oven, middle shelf for 26 mins.

I make the baugette style too and sometimes the freeform bowl dump kind.
ALL BREADS ARE GUD BREADS when you make them yourself.
I French bread Pidzers.
Do you spray a bit of water into your hot oven when doing the LONGLOAFS?

>> No.18942019

It is easy. Use milk instead of water and add a small amount of butter, or if you’re cheap add a couple tablespoons of oil per loaf. The more fat you add the softer the bread.

>> No.18942029

whoa shes a puffy one

>> No.18942042

Yeah, Big ears.
Somebody, knowing FULL FUCKING WELL that I was making bread, decided to make soup stock while I was in there trying to work.
Fucking shit puts me on tilt every time
>Work surface now dirty and covered with their shit
>big pot now boiling on stovetop (fucks up my rise)
>constantly on my fucking way and puts shit IN THE SINK and leaves it.
I grin and bear it,(cursing under my breath,) knowing full well I won't be here next year.
I usually work really well with people in a kitchen, but there's always a few who just...
Ah well. still tastes good.

>> No.18942073

>Two folds, then fold in the ends with a pinch)
Cool. but at this step, im gonna skip and just gonna pour and fill up the loaf pan, slit and bake. No i dont spray a bit of water, but ive thought of adding a dipping sauce size bowl of water into the oven, would that be the same? Anyways, il be giving this a try with 3 cups flour first, seeing that you made 3 loaves with this.

>> No.18942080

anyways, thx il be giving this a try.
Yeah il use butter then thx

>> No.18942108

>but ive thought of adding a dipping sauce size bowl of water into the oven, would that be the same?
Essentially. That's just what I've always done for a really crusty crust.
>Anyways, il be giving this a try with 3 cups flour first, seeing that you made 3 loaves with this.
My basic pidser dough that makes 2 large pidzers is just 4 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1½ Cup water, teaspoon yeast, and 3 Tblsp. Olive oil.
Play around with it, dough is usually really forgiving.(first recent batch of loafpan bread I made was just a substitution of whole milk for the last ½C of warm water. It turned out just fine.)

>> No.18942113

>That's just what I've always done for a really crusty crust.
*I meant spraying the hot oven, not the smol waterbath

>> No.18942170

Ferment your dough 3 or 4 days in the fridge. I had this same problem and some bread anon said to do that. It works and the bread tastes great.

>> No.18942192

i highly doubt that anon can tell the difference between different brands of instant dry yeast. maybe if one bottle's a lot older than the other but the instant dry stuff also keeps very well

>> No.18942197
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How about a nice quick bread?

>> No.18942204

i that that feel
>finish sharpening knives
>return to kitchen 3 of them are in the sink covered in glasses and dishes

>> No.18942244

is that not on the low side for salt?

>> No.18942959
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This is true...It's all the Same--Or at least similar enough(undivergent) to be indescriminable, But you can definitely tell when one has a more "Dry" or "Less Fruity" taste than the others.
Plackteeth, Plackteeth, Plackteeth.
Truly--I am NO super expert--but I do have senses.

>> No.18942966

HOLY FUCK MAN! Dirty knives left in the sink are fucking SACRILEGE to me...
I kinda abide by the Katamari Big Brother, Little Brother, Honorable knife thing.
Meh--sometimes you just gotta clean 'em yerself.
*(I do it while coming up with new and exciting pirate swears)

>> No.18942974
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>double checked
Could be...
I eat a LOT of salt anyway, and it's a matter of taste, dontchu think?
What would your baseline for salt be?
I'll try it next time.

>> No.18943030
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Damn that looks good, what is that?

>> No.18943034


>> No.18943054

bake these longer

>> No.18943058
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they turned out PERFECT.
In other words...NO.

>> No.18943069

i was more pissed that the edges were fucked up right after sharpening

>> No.18943074
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you really want a darker crust for maximum flavor

>> No.18943088


>> No.18943092

i use one and a half teaspoons in 3 cups of flour but i have fine canning salt, it looks like table salt but no iodine but it might not be as salty at table salt

i have heard table salt can vary +/- 50% in strength which is why most recipes call for kosher salt

>> No.18943099

I'm not obsessive about my knives, but I do use a steel every time.
That shit you poasted HURTS though.
My biggest heartbreak with knives ever was when a girlfriend took my Henkles to a Butcher shop to be sharpened, and the were just fucking hacked to shit--Took me an hour to get them back to proper lines, and there was a big fucking stripe down the middle of the blade from where the moron pressed 'em against the rest?
She was too timid to take them back and demand either FIXED or REPLACED.
Whatever--That was truly the second to last thing that killed the relationship.
Don't ask about the last.

>> No.18943101

you can do a egg wash, milk bread or just add some brown sugar to get a dark crust

>> No.18943112

That's a nice loaf, anon--but keep in mind I had different ingredients, and different intentions for the final result.
I often use kosher salt--this time I departed from usual and went with Iodized.
I've cooked for over 25 years, but I don't at all claim to be an expert at baking(though I've been paid for it before.)

>> No.18943122
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>Don't ask about the last.
i don't have to ask i know
she left the milk out on the counter one to many times

>> No.18943125
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The batch I did 5 times ago, I used an eggwash.
It gives a nice shine to it as well.
Sometimes I do just an egg with a little water--sometimes an egg and a Tblsp. of milk/cream.

>> No.18943131
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>checked and KEK'd
Nooo... but you got a hearty guffaw outta me.
It' had more to do with parenting.
>pic related
Is NOT for the weak of stomach.

>> No.18943134

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.18943144

That's a fucking grilled cheese with tomato, anon.
With the bread I baked.
>Obvious troll is OBVIOUS
Post you Fridge, Faggot.

>> No.18943150


>> No.18943154

You're the one with fat hands. Not me.

>> No.18943169
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Those are MAN'S hands.
Post your hands Faggot.
I've built 19 houses with those, moran.
Last (you) for you--TurboFAGGOT.

>> No.18943176

Whayever you say fat hands. You stay over there.

>> No.18943182
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Impotent midwit has NOTHING...
Such a sad, lonely life...
I hope they don't an hero.
Nah--I don't give a fuck.

>> No.18943184

Back when I was pretty deep in my addiction I woke up in a house more or less that bad. I was so cracked out that since I still had a bag of wine and the people there were chill enough I hung out for a few hours until I woke up thinking I was going through withdrawals feeling tactile hallucinations and I was covered in roaches.

>> No.18943186

You're the one with fat hands.

>> No.18943203

Damn, man.
Hope you cleaned up.
Crack, Meth and Opioids can steal you soul.
Closest I ever came was refurbing a house in a shitty neighborhood and 3 houses, Sec* rentals all, were purged due to bedbugs.
I was tense as fuck about getting them for 3 weeks.
Never again will I refurb ANYWHERE close to a city.
While I was there, however, I made a TON of pan pizza in a toaster oven.
I could smash a large carry out pidzer, no problem, after a hard days work, but when you make your own, it's not only better for you, but MUCH more satiating.

>> No.18943319

>egg with a little water
that seems to work the best for me also a dash of salt to help break down that slimy thing that eggs sometimes have

>> No.18943349
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Based albumin breaker.

>> No.18943596

why is the toaster in the living room

>> No.18943611

¯\_( ͜͡ʖ ͡)_/¯

>> No.18944106
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>> No.18944272

Spanish vanilla cake w/ chocolate and hazelnut bits, brandy simple syrup, apricot jam (between layers & on surface to help marzipan stick), marzipan sheet layer, then chocolate ganache outer layer.

>> No.18944276

When measuring by weight all salt is the same. When measuring by volume there are huge differences and kosher is probably your best bet when reading recipes that use teaspoons.

>> No.18944829
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OP back with another botched loaf. I used the same recipe as last time (3C flour, 2tsp salt, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/4 tsp yeast) and let it rise at room temp for about five hours, punched it down and kneaded it a bit, was gonna let it rise a second time and throw it in the oven but something came up and i wasn't gonna be home til the next morning. I put it in the fridge instead, let it come to room temp and baked it. It's not an ideal loaf of bread, but it tastes a lot better than the first one and makes great toast. It's kinda biscuity in a way i wouldn't expect of a crusty loaf.

>> No.18944834
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>> No.18944991

I just started baking a few days ago!

So far what I've learned is my dough is way too dry. Try a tackier, sticker dough? More water/milk/etc. I'll try the same soon and see if there really is a difference. Mine are coming out pretzel/bagel ish

>> No.18945246

>When measuring by weight all salt is the same
as a former druggy i can assure almost no kitchen scale is accurate when you get to the lighter stuff like salt and yeast
you'd need a coke 0.000 scale and a calibration weight

>> No.18945274

sounds like your flour has gone off.

>> No.18945378

Kind of delayed response, but that's why I wrote "the brand is fine" as he asked about Red Star specifically. I'm sure you could find some weird brand of yeast somewhere in the world though.

>> No.18945533

i actually had a bad bag of flour that smelled soapy/bleachy
so this does happen

>> No.18946172

This one works perfectly fine for me, I've checked it against calibration weights from 1g to 1kg (and it has a calibration feature), plenty of headroom at 1kg for plastic container plus ingredients.
And any ~1g accurate scale should be fine for salt even for small batches of bread. Yeast needs a very sensitive scale though.

>> No.18946180

the link

>> No.18947731

Me cowering behind the sofa.