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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18888565 No.18888565 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Camping edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, why aren't you briping?

Previous Thread:>>18873322

>> No.18888679

this image is reversed.

>> No.18888687

he says it at a Laosian Anime Coffee Enjoyer site

>> No.18888693

I have never read a manga or watched an anime.

>> No.18888729

What are you doing here?

>> No.18888735
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fuck your mother

>> No.18888782

I talk about coffee and go on /vst/

>> No.18888789
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for me its The Press

>> No.18888795

French press sucks.

>> No.18888915

Gonna repost my question from the end of the last thread
Is it normal to get a lot more chaffe when grinding coarser or are the beans I bought recently just full of chaffe?

>> No.18888944

i bet that espresso was delicious

>> No.18888954

that's brewed coffee.

>> No.18888970

i know an espresso puck when i see it

>> No.18888983

i dont get it, why is he adding cold water first then heating the water and what is he adding in the last picture?

>> No.18888989

Mangoo goes right to left

>> No.18888994


>> No.18889026
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for me it's a pourover made by an underage girl playing café inside an igloo

>> No.18889055

Hey /ctg/, a coworker brewed me "real" coffee and I don't know what to make of it. It was brewed with the cone like in OP's pic, it was very aeromatic and the color was almost a reddish brown than the pitch black I'm used to from the Keurig. As for the taste, it was incredible but it's so far removed from what I thought I knew was coffee. Very vibrant, fruity yet flowery like a tea at the same time. I forgot to ask what coffee it was but I managed to take a glance at the bag and it was from Panama.

If this is what real coffee tastes like, I feel bad for calling this whole thing pretentious. Holy shit.

>> No.18889076

Welcome pal. Enjoy your stay. You're used to commercial dark roasts it seems. We can have you brewing better than that guy in about a week.

>> No.18889089

Many such cases. People only drink grocery store coffee so they assume all coffee tastes roughly the same and that we are chasing some slight subtle hints of different tastes, instead of things that can taste very different.
Trying to get someone into coffee is like an audiophile trying to convince someone to swap their $3 earbuds for some proper headphones, but also at the same time trying to convince them that music other than country exists and they don't believe them.

>> No.18889096

>I forgot to ask what coffee it was but I managed to take a glance at the bag and it was from Panama
No fucking way somebody decided to give a novice drinker a gesha lmfao

>> No.18889101

Thanks, I'll read the pastebin later after work
>novice drinker
lol. Snobbery aside, what's a gesha?

>> No.18889109

Not trying to be snobby, if the coffee you drank is what I think it is, it's basically the equivalent of serving A5 wagyu to somebody who never tasted beef before

>> No.18889115

If you're trying to impress someone into liking coffee why not go for that?
Gesha (also called geisha) is a species of coffee that's highly valued.

>> No.18889137

What's the correct amount (in days it should last you) of beans to order at a time? I've also seen people say they let beans rest after roasting is that a good idea? I picked up 2lbs last weekend and it was roasted on the 23rd should I not have used it right away? And is that too much at once if it lasts me a month?

>> No.18889145

That depends entirely on how much you drink and how much you use per cup

>> No.18889155

Do you think they only grow a single varietal in Panama?

>> No.18889177

Gotcha, so is this a one-off? Or are there other coffees that can taste this good? Looking it up online they indeed are pricey.
Yeah my coworker was surprised just now when I asked if it was a geisha, it was.
It was a geisha

>> No.18889188

zoomers just aren't going to make it bros. they're actually retarded lmfao

>> No.18889227

if you buy coffee from certified specialty coffee roaster it's almost always good coffee but there is of course a lot of variation since they often do small batches from different places. some roasters you can pretty much count on being able to pick up the notes almost like it's a flavored coffee, although it's not. that's probably my favorite thing about it

>> No.18889233

There's other stuff that's considered on par with it but it all costs roughly the same.
That said you can still get good coffee that's cheaper than geisha. It's just not gonna be quite as good, most coffeefags treat geisha as an occasional treat.

>> No.18889238

I said 2lbs lasts me a month, so that's 30g a day.

>> No.18889242
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You can buy good coffee and you can buy shitty coffee. This is phenomenal. It's on my short list to buy more because of the flavor, and my long list because of the price. The coffees I roast up at under $15/lb are also bretty gud.

>> No.18889247

I should go camping soon and try at portable espresso with my Flair.

>> No.18889251
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Mfw some newbie has had better coffee than you’ll ever have

>> No.18889254

>women can grind light roasts with a hand grinder
doubt ensues

>> No.18889255

Sorry I can't be a genius like you, I just had two simple questions, how long after roasting should I wait, and if a month's worth was too much to buy at a time?

>> No.18889275

Coffee peaks at 14 days, wait 3 days after roasting minimum, some people prefer a week. No need to go past that imo.

>> No.18889287

Depends on the roast. I'd give it at least two weeks. You're trying to avoid an extra variable(offgassing) that will affect your consistency. If a months worth is too much to buy for you, rest it all, freeze half. Rinse repeat until you have a frozen coffee stash ready to go with an overnight thaw.

>> No.18889295

>Coffee peaks at 14 days
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18889448

Bruh wdym

>> No.18889476

>The weight loss and degassing rate of the sample roasted at medium speed to a light roast degree was also measured over a longer period of 800 h; after 800 h, a total of 3.4 mg/g weight loss from degassing was measured. The degassing rate at this point was still 2 μg g–1 h–1. This shows that even when degassing is conducted at elevated temperatures (35 °C), light roasted whole coffee beans are still degassing 1 month after roasting. The impact of the roast speed on the amount of degassed CO2 is consistent with findings of Wang et al. and confirm that for medium to dark roast degrees, faster roasted beans degas faster compared to slower roasted beans. The degassing of light roasted coffee is, in contrast to dark and medium roasts, smaller in absolute terms and less impacted by the roasting speed; no increasing trend from a slow to a fast roast profile was observed (Figure 5a, light roast). The exact total degassed amount at infinite time remains unknown.
>This shows that even when degassing is conducted at elevated temperatures (35 °C), light roasted whole coffee beans are still degassing 1 month after roasting.
If your coffee is "peaking" at two weeks, it must be fucking charcoal pal.

>> No.18889492
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Degassing doesn't matter for immersion brewing `

>> No.18889514

if your drawdown is taking longer than usual with new beans, that means to grind coarser, right?

>> No.18889540

So long as they are still degassing they haven't peaked?

>> No.18889546

You understand a bubble of gas prevents water from reaching your grounds right? Water next to coffee doesn't work as a solvent. Needs to be touching, its not magic. Sure you can agitate the absolute piss out of it, but thats just another variable keeping you from consistency. Don't be a dipshit.

>> No.18889618

Darker roasts will offgas very quickly, but the exposed surface oils will oxidize and go rancid just as quickly. Thats the skunky stale smell you get from grocery store bags. Spoiled plant fat doesn't taste good, drink those within a month off roasting. Anything lighter than that will be fine a good while longer if you're not constantly getting in the bag exposing it to fresh oxygen. Thats where shit like airscape containers(anything sealed with a one way valve really) come in handy. You're not letting fresh oxygen react with the roasted plant fats inside your beans, while letting them vent carbon dioxide. co2 doesn't taste good. Thats why you stir crema on espresso into the shot. Its a sour bitter layer of trapped gasses preventing you from getting to the actual flavors you're trying to extract. Resting will depend on the roast and density of the bean. There's no harm in testing how they taste once a week, just avoid constant exposure to fresh oxygen. Also why people like the meme single dosing tubes.

>> No.18889624

Some beans are more chaffy than others. I find that larger beans and washed coffees have more chaff. Grind coarseness wouldn't have anything to do with how much chaff a coffee has. It may be slightly larger flakes with a coarser grind, but there won't be any less of it if you were to grind finer.

>> No.18889634

Yeah. Welcome to specialty coffee. It's actually good.

>> No.18889675

Buy what you can drink within 2-4 weeks. By the time roasted coffee gets to you it has rested enough. Coffee is rested for 1-3 days after roasting for the flavors to develop. Do not confuse this with the spergy weeks-long CO2 off-gassing espresso dorks do. They do this so that they can more precisely dial in their shots at the expense of losing flavor. I repeat: they are losing flavor as a trade off for replicability of espresso shot extraction. The volatile aromatic compounds that give good, fresh coffee its taste are lost over time. It is very noticeable after about 2-4 weeks.

>> No.18889717

4 weeks? That's good. Because buying 2lbs at once saves me $20 a month.

>> No.18889738

You understand when the grounds are saturated the co2 bubbles to the surface right? It doesn't form a shield around the grounds and prevent extraction.

>> No.18889741

>feel anxious, depressed, sense of impending doom, getting a headache
>drink cup of coffee
>feel good
what's it mean?

>> No.18889764

Why the fuck do you think hoffmeme tells you to swirl the bloom?
> I repeat: they are losing flavor as a trade off for replicability of espresso shot extraction.
That $85/125g Sey Sidra is just over a month off rest. Its phenomenal. I've only made it with an origami and switch. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.18889801

what's the difference between cold brew coffee and coffee that is brewed normally with hot water?

>> No.18889834

Did you taste it 3 days off? 1 week? 2 weeks?

>> No.18889835

>Why the fuck do you think hoffmeme tells you to swirl the bloom?
because dry grainy or powdery stuff tends to clump when it comes in contact with water, if you don't swirl they won't get saturated properly (aka clumps with dry spots)

>> No.18889843

to add to that what some others say is that a crust can form on the top which inhibits the release of gas in the bloom so they say to do a double phased bloom (pour two time basically)
personally I think that might only matter if you do large batches(30 grams or more) single cups there's no real reason

>> No.18889924


>> No.18889939
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I want to punch this guy

>> No.18889953

I also hate the English

>> No.18889959

30 grams is a large batch? You don't drink half a litre at a time?

>> No.18890006
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It's funny. Back in 2022 when I was using this general every day I was dead-set on upgrading to a $2000 setup
After not browsing for a few months, I've realized that is retarded and a massive waste of money for a very marginal improvement
Crazy how echo chambers warp your perception of what is normal/not normal

>> No.18890034

It's important to take a step back once in a while, unless you're very good at recognizing and repressing influences like that.

>> No.18890051

Mcdonalds has americanos and they're pretty good! I will ask their drive through barista if the beans are ethically sourced next time.

>> No.18890099

What do you own and what were you considering buying?

>> No.18890108
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You can just look on their website.

>> No.18890123

say sike or never drink hoffee

>> No.18890349

he is an adult.
meanwhile you are bumming around in a wife beater and tracksuit pants.

>> No.18890433
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Thinking about thos beans

>> No.18890456
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My nenka.

>> No.18890467

what the fuck $200 a kilo? you must like working.

>> No.18890487

The guy made simple aeropress recipe with only 1:18 ratio. I'd say he's based.

>> No.18890509

$85/125g roasted. Won it off a toober.

>> No.18890514

Too watery, real working men such as myself need a stronger cup

>> No.18890522

In 10 years you'll be paying this for regular shit.

>> No.18890528

Try 5. It's a miracle ethiopian coffees hasn't skyrocketed from the war.

>> No.18890574

what makes it worth it? im new to this chan... not new to online roasters. i buy from happymug.

>> No.18890639

Incredibly small lot of a rare varietal, with weird fermentation in the processing, grown by a very famous producer who does cool permaculture stuff. Basically one of the best coffees one of the best producers in the world could grow. The farm is self sustaining. Then its roasted up by one of the best roasters in the states, Sey. Tastes like pineapple wine. I've never had anything close to this.
>The coffee trees at LPyET are surrounded by a vast ecosystem of plant life growing in harmony. This concept was designed by LPyET founder, Felipe Sardi, after pursuing his Master's in Permaculture. He theorized that he could remove many of the coffee trees, rotate in other crops that would fix elements in the soil, and still have a comparable-sized harvest. He has been successful in his endeavor and has drastically changed the landscape within Cundinamarca, by sharing this program through the unbelievable Neighbours & Crops project.

>> No.18890647
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>Tfw been working at cafe for about two years now and I still can't do latte art
Not enough people order hot latte so I can git gud making it

>> No.18890694

russia would just shoot it down and blame ukraine.

>> No.18890752

Latte isn't coffee

>> No.18890805

Any tips for avoiding large batch pourover "coffee line" crust? I don't really get it on single cups but no matter how fast/slow I pour it seems to always go up the sides when I'm making a half liter or more

>> No.18890814

you can also freeze beans to keep them fresh for quite some time

>> No.18890853


nice coffees but buying coffee from Burundi & Rwanda seems fucked.

>> No.18890895

So when do they peak if it’s a medium to light roast

>> No.18890913

You want to suck cock

>> No.18890937

Freezing coffee is a terrible idea. The grind will be fucked

>> No.18890947

I start tasting my roasts after about 3 weeks, then decide how much of it is going in the freezer. Freezing essentially stops offgassing completely so you've got perfectly rested coffee to pull out as you need. Moodtrap(ULTRAlight roaster out of singapore) used to explicitly recommend 45-60 days on their coffees. Anyone telling you to drink coffee 3 days off roast is a degenerate addict. Degenerate addicts have to drink stale bags from the grocery store when they run out. Don't be like them. Be prepared.

>> No.18890956
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Are you retarded?

>> No.18890981

beans are a density like wood or dirt, a freezer would slow down its aging, but shouldnt actually freeze or affect anything inside the bean itself. i guess you could look at whether the temperature transfer from the bean to the steel burr would affect the grind, but i think the friction warms things up again anyway?

>> No.18890984

City roast is the lightest I like. Just how I'm built

>> No.18891006
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>> No.18891021

Is it any more difficult when using a hand grinder? Does it warm them up enough?

>> No.18891041

No clue. I just pull out a bag from the freezer when I get low and open it the next morning.

>> No.18891057

Do you vacuum seal them or just suck the air out of a bag the best you can?

>> No.18891069

I ordered a KINGrinder k6. Is this an upgrade over my gen 1 ROK grinder, or did I waste my money. At the vert least the K6 takes less counter space

>> No.18891072

Vac seal. Slightly inconvenient, but zero complaints on the results.

>> No.18891076

You made a good choice anon. Post your feedback here when you get it so we can keep anyone else from buying those piece of shit roks.

>> No.18891112

I haven't tried the ROK CG, but it's honestly a shame my gen1 Rok is so bad, because I really like the form factor with the vertical crank. I don't think I've seen another vertical crank hand grinder under like $200

>> No.18891171
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If Sheldon Wong can turn a niche into a versalab clone, you just may be able to make a bastard out of the two and end up with a vertical cranK6. Could be a fun project.
>honestly a shame my gen1 Rok is so bad
If you look at that video the gc is still using what look to be VERY similar burrs to the kingrinder k0 at $29. You're paying a ridiculous premium for that form factor.

>> No.18891258

Looks like Starbucks medium to me

>> No.18891285

How much do you defrost at a time? A week's worth?

>> No.18891347

I've got 2 of these so I freeze <200g and just pull another bag when I get to the bottom of a can. 1lb of greens ends up splitting perfectly that way after roasting, less a few grams from sampling it. I've got enough frozen to last me until it warms up a bit and I can get back to roasting.

>> No.18891447

i heard if its a brand new bag then its sealed in a way that it can go straight in.

>> No.18892085

I saw the video where he talks about hot beans and grinding, and he talks about how it effects the timing of the shot by a large margin

>> No.18892090

Hypocritical nigga

>> No.18892147


>> No.18892153

two espresso's daily, one for breakfast one for lunch. tea during the rest of the day when i crave a warm drink

>> No.18892166

Does anyone know how to make an americano, how much water do y’all use, 8oz seems like too much and the coffee is weak

>> No.18892167

I just do 1:3, usually enough for a normal sized mug

>> No.18892179

Thanks that’s like 4-6oz?

>> No.18892187

No idea, just keep it in ratios and it's way harder to fuck the drink up

>> No.18892198

I got to try a geisha a few weeks ago and I am somebody who brews coffee in the fridge in a jar. I was with somebody who knew their coffee so I guess they got special treatment.

It tasted like nothing I've ever had before but it was wasted on my tastebuds

also that roastery I tasted it at was the most coffee autism place I've seen in melbourne, the owner was talking about how he was programming the coffee machines to supply variable pressure in this pre-programmed shot type in a way that compensated for slightly uneven grinds and a lot of other shit like that. cool as fuck and they are making croissants in house as a bonus. Absolutely fucking wild what you people get up to.

>> No.18892226
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>> No.18892298

I got a geisha from the gas station. It was a delicate and refined flavor but I wasn't about to take out my dip. So what?

>> No.18892355

Based dipper

>> No.18892372

i think he's sexy

>> No.18892378

He's as based as it gets

>> No.18892423

Ok. So we have this espresso machine invention from the Italians who hate coffee. It works best with stale dark roasted coffee. But now we have people determined to use good not-dark roast coffee with it, but they can't get their shots right because the coffee isn't stale enough. So now they let the coffee get to optimal staleness, then freeze it at peak staleness. Now they're microwaving frozen stale coffee beans.

My God.

>> No.18892497
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Fuck we are based

>> No.18892504

Reminder that single shots are better than doubles and if you think otherwise you were brainwashed by jewtube and you only drink one or two coffees because you don’t wanna be over caffeinated.

>> No.18892511
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Should I get this espresso machine?

>> No.18892514

>me coffee

>> No.18892516

AEROPISSGANG in shambles.

>> No.18892519

Which espresso machine should I get under $200?

>> No.18892521

Breville infuser used

>> No.18892531

810 is cheaper

>> No.18892540

Flair or picopresso is the best you're going to get at that price.

>> No.18892551

A flair is like the only thing at that price range that isn't instant landfill-tier.

>> No.18892552

No one wants to use a flair dude

>> No.18892554


>> No.18892555

>buy shitty espresso machine
>buy black roasted beans
>shitty grinder
>beans are too course but who gives af
>brew espresso, under extracted, tastes terrible
>add a bunch of frothed milk
Tastes amazing

>> No.18892556

Then what's a good price range for an espresso machine? And what machine should I choose?

>> No.18892562


>> No.18892567

$500 or so you start getting into ones that are generally agreed to be good. And you'll need to spend at least another $100 on a grinder for it, $200 or more if you want an electric one. Espresso is expensive and fiddly, it's why a lot of people don't bother with it.

>> No.18892580

Midwit take.

>> No.18892594
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why do y'all not just get preground idgi. seems like so much extra work to make it a little stronger... fuckin weird hobby, man.

>> No.18892596

It's not to make it stronger, it's to make it not taste like sewage.

>> No.18892608

I call it the mating press, because you're definitely getting laid if you bring this out in front of the girl

>> No.18892618

Has anyone done the burr upgrade on an encore? Was it worth it?

>> No.18892634 [DELETED] 

Coffee Maker Vs Espresso Machine. Who wins?

>> No.18892635

I haven’t done it.

>> No.18892646


>> No.18892648

What's better? A coffee maker or espresso machine?

>> No.18892659

How many times are you going to post this?

>> No.18892667

That's like saying
>What's better? A toaster or a soft server ice cream machine?
They're aimed at different things

>> No.18892678
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it's the exact same thing you fuckin idiot.

>> No.18892684

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18892689
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I know what strong coffee tastes like I brew it daily lol... idk what you're on about but maybe just keep it to urself ok bud?

>> No.18892821
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>instant turkish
Has science gone too far?

>> No.18892851
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rate this recipe. date syrup mixed with a double. cinnamon, cardamom and cacao steamed into the milk. delicious rich spiced latte in a 150 ml cup.

>> No.18892998

Maybe I screwed something up but I'll say not unless you're ordering spare parts anyway and have an impact wrench. Mine's on cold brew duty after these threads memed me into getting a K6.

>> No.18893151

>impact wrench
What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18893163

I saw r*dditors claim it's much easier. I admit to being a bit hamfisted. Still, put the money into a better grinder.

>> No.18893178
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Is Pilot Coffee good? They're opening a store in my town.

>> No.18893193

I don't think you can be more hamfisted than that large woman in the video.

>> No.18893349

Idk I’ve never been

>> No.18893486

Which country started putting vanilla in coffee first and started calling it french vanilla?

>> No.18893550

It looks like you could buy a motor and burr set then 3d print the rest.

>> No.18893561

>sugar and vanilla hot soft drink the spits out of a rest stop vending machine
choose one

>> No.18893583

Gaggia Classic can be found on ebay <$400. It's decent ootb, and there's a big modding community

>> No.18894855


>> No.18894867

second hand electric grinders on ebay a good buy? reading forums they say you should look at it in person, like buying a car. im skeptical of this attitude.

>> No.18895285

Somebody pick my next goffee order. Upper limit is 50 a pound.

>> No.18895304

if you want instant turkish then just shove a spoonful of cheap instant coffee directly into your mouth

>> No.18895423
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>He cleans his moka pot

>> No.18895904
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The other anons had some good reccs but probably the best budget settup would be a Breville Bambino(along with an unpressurized portafilter and a decent tamper) and a Kingrinder K4.

Assuming you pay full price for all of it, and you already have a decent kitchen scale, you're looking at around 500 dollar investment for what people here would consider a extremely budget settup but non-autists would consider the best coffee they ever tasted. It'll get you at least 75% of the way to the perfect shot.

If you're in the US, bed bath and beyond tends to have discounts on the Bambino, in store only.

>> No.18896115

Based BoBBY holder

>> No.18896376

Can someone post the how to use a mokapot webm?

>> No.18896384
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Can someone recommend me a youtube channel that explain the basics of making espresso? I want to learn how to dose, the ratios and all the technical stuff, straight without bullshit.

I tried watching James Hoffman's videos but I can't stand that fucking anglo faggot, his inbred face and his extremely gay british accent, I either fall asleep while watching his shit or cringe to the point that I want to punch my monitor.


>> No.18896426
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This one?

>> No.18896432

Yup, thanks bud

>> No.18896457

small chunks of beans keep on getting stuck in my k6, I have to change the adjustment to either dislodge them or grind them but throw these grinds since they don't match the consistency of the prior grind, any tips on how to avoid this?

>> No.18896459

spritz your beans before grinding

>> No.18896466

I don't think he's talking about static electricity
I'm having a similar issue with the k6 yeah. After grinding bits will be left over and I need to grind through them. I shake and tap my grinder against a table after grinding to try to get them to dislodge earlier, but I can't and they just end up appearing later on. I don't change my adjustment to dislodge them.

>> No.18896505

yeah yeah this is what happens
what really grinds my gears is sometimes this happens but sometimes it doesn't which makes me more confused on how to find a proper solution

>> No.18896514

What's weird to me is that shaking and tapping the grinder doesn't dislodge them. It's like chinks put a mini portal into the grinder and drop bits of coffee beans in periodically to annoy westerners.

>> No.18896518

chink grind shills btfo!
'Dante gang wins again

>> No.18896522

Not really fair to compare something like the k6 to a comandante or kinu since they cost a third as much. Is there even a western competitor for the chink grinder price range?

>> No.18896581

>coffee but japan

>> No.18896604

it is fair. people here claim there is no reason to get one and that the chink grinders are just as good now. there was complaining in the last ctg about them trying to protect their own product through patents too

>> No.18896671
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>40 bucks
>Could make it myself for 3 dollars
>Barely shits out half a cup of coffee when overfilled
>Directions are just "water it down :)"
The love for this thing is a meme right? It's literally just a french press with a paper filter and 10% the capacity.

>> No.18896680

The paper filter is a big upgrade. Both for getting fewer grinds in your coffee but also just for being much faster to filter. It makes an acceptable amount of coffee to me, for one person anyway. The "water it down" thing refers more to people who use the default brewing method, which makes very small shots.

>> No.18896685


>> No.18896695

Glad I bought a k-plus.

>> No.18896706

If someone claims there's no reason to get a more expensive grinder then they're a retarded yes. But I think most people saying that you shouldn't bother with a comandante or kinu are talking more from a diminishing returns perspective. A comandante or kinu are going to be better than a k6, but is it a worthwhile upgrade for most people given the cost? I'd say no. Not saying you shouldn't get them, but you should know exactly why you're getting them instead of just jumping on the premium brand. Unless you've got a ton of money burning a hole in your pocket.

>> No.18896717

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18896728

where is pic related from? looks cool.

>> No.18897275

The way of the househusband. Based lil animu on Netflix.

>> No.18897380

oh shit. I actually read the entire manga (all the currently-translated stuff, at least) and didn't realize.

>> No.18897386

Microwaving frozen coffee? What?
Am I behind the times now? I only at the freezing stale beans part of the coffee autism scale

>> No.18897426

5 new eps dropped Jan 1st. I figured netflix had axed it already lel.

>> No.18898061
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Why do you hate single baskets?

>> No.18898288

>cold brew using milk instead of water
I'm a genius.

>> No.18898293

Looking for different aeropress recipe other than Hoffmeme's one, but that still uses same grind size as his.

>> No.18898334

i've got one for you right here *unzips*

>> No.18898662

I’m a big advocate of them
As well but I only have a pressurized one, should I buy a normal one?

>> No.18898751

Because they can be a cast iron bitch to dial in on some machines, because I prefer to drink a double, because using a single basket twice uses more coffee than using a double basket.

>> No.18898770

Is it worth a calibrated tamper over a standard one?

I found this for my Lelit grace: https://www.bluestarcoffee.eu/dynamo-metric-pressurised-tamper-4306-p.asp

>> No.18899210

Redpill me on these

>> No.18899258

Some say gay, some say bae.

>> No.18899322

best chocolate for mochas?

>> No.18899324

>>Could make it myself for 3 dollars
prove it

>> No.18899350


Haven't had this issue with the k4. My biggest "complaint" so far is the grounds I lose to static but I've just been too lazy to get a spritzer to spray my beans with.

>> No.18899392

just spit on it

>> No.18899628

I've been looking for a brand that's not that sweet and has simple ingredients. can't find anything decent on shelves. I'm considering sneaking into a local cafe's kitchen to steal their recipe because it's really good in house syrup

>> No.18899634

You can use a spoon or just your finger to mix some water into the beans.

>> No.18899641

Is this normal? I had been considering a k6. Is it just when grinding fine?

>> No.18899655

I've been grinding relatively coarse and still get it. It's not a lot to be clear, like half a bean, but it's still annoying.

>> No.18899658

Lance Hedrick's recent videos on dialing in espresso are helpful. You might cringe as much watching him as Hoffmeme though at least the information is good.

>> No.18899674

It's more of a problem for me in between 75-100 clicks.
>grounds get ground
>gap is too big for coarse grounds to get stuck
I'm gonna try various things throughout the week to see if I can solve this.

>> No.18899684

Because there is never a point in my life where I want a single espresso

>> No.18899981

East Anglia, UK Anon here - I'm looking to change my coffee subscription. I've done Old Spike, Curve and Dark Arts but I'm after something new. I do have Kofra and Strangers local to me and they're solid.

Any suggestions for anyone else to try? Is there anyone that's worth trying? I mostly do Chemex and occasional Aeropress.

>> No.18899983

It won't change the amount of chaff as in, the mass of chaff in the coffee, but grinding coarser definitely makes the chaff more noticeable.

>> No.18899990

>My biggest "complaint" so far is the grounds I lose to static
I give it a good wang on the counter, and that gets nearly all of the grounds off the bottom burr. I should start spritzing. Not because I'm worried about the grinder, but because I'm worried I'd lose my deposit if I damaged the counter.

>> No.18900146
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broke my ceramic kinto scs this morning. it was my favorite.
any recs for fast flow brewers? how's the origami?

>> No.18900177

Rec me some scales - usually I use aeropress or french press, no plans for espresso now or in the future. Ideally cheaper is better but will pay for something decent. UK based, preferably not from Amazon/AliExpress.

>> No.18900197


>> No.18900325

I rec Hasbean

>> No.18900355
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Are these things worth it?
Ratio appeals too me because I don't have time to stand over my chemex every day and I want a non-plastic brewer. But they're so dang expensive

>> No.18900410

I went from a $12 scale from Amazon to a Timemore Black Mirror and thoroughly enjoy it. Will probably be getting a nano for espresso as well.

>> No.18900615

Simple to use. Easy to clean. Great for traveling. Best bang for your buck even if you have thousands to spend.

>> No.18900624

Don't have time to brew coffee. But you're posting on a website? You fucking lie. What's the real excuse? You're lazy. You're fucking LAZY

>> No.18900774

This general feels like an infomercial these days. All you talk about is what's the better product I can buy.

>> No.18900795

We talk about technique too, but a large part of making coffee is just what you buy. Most brew methods don't really require skill, so all you can talk about with them is what kind of coffee (something you buy) and what kind of equipment (something you buy) you used.

>> No.18900796

I mean what the fuck else is there to talk about? The baseline of discussion for any fucking hobby ultimately reverts to gear. Do you want 70 anons posting "I made [x] method coffee with [y] beans, this morning, it was good." on a daily basis?

>> No.18900810

Try Torani & DaVinci. Haven't tried their mocha options but they make good syrups in general.

>> No.18900837

>All I can talk about is products what else is there to talk about
Sickening desu. Could talk about ways to identify notes, how to brew to certain tastes, what affects the taste of beans as far as altitude and nutrients in the environment, how to avoid crashes, how does temperature change things, unique homemade brewing technique, different additives besides sugar/dairy, experiments adding spices and herbs, recipes of other foods that use coffee as ingredients, all sorts of things to talk about besides "what thing should I buy".

Do not nitpick these ideas because that is just what popped in my head in the past 5 minutes. The combined brainpower of this general should be able to think of plenty of interesting coffee related topics.

>> No.18900854
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Fuck you! I grinded my beans coarser today because someone called me a retard for grinding finer the other day.

>> No.18900863

On first glance I always think these V60 pics are liquid shit in a toilet

>> No.18900908
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Thanks to the anon who suggested I prime black then drybrush some white before layering. It's hard to see in the pic but his coat actually has natural shadows without me ruining it with a wash. We're all gonna make it /wip/.

>> No.18900913

Goddammit I posted in the coffee thread.

>> No.18900959

>French patisserie down the road from me
>sweet middle-aged lady who owns it makes excellent pastry and good coffee
>go there this morning
>there's a youth behind the counter, owner must have finally hired staff
>pastry is still great
>macchiato has like 10oz of bitter burnt coffee and foam on top
Guess we know she's still in the back kek
That's two good places in my town that have recently hired new people who can't make good coffee. Feels bad.

>> No.18900988

Could be worse. The coffee places around here are nothing more than milkshake pushers.

>> No.18900989

He did not, in fact, make it.

>> No.18901021

It's not a v60, uncultured swine
Begone, scum

>> No.18901039


>> No.18901046

did you shove it up your bum after?

>> No.18901053

No I just haven't painted in the white or flesh tones

>> No.18901106

Too poor to buy an Origami or what?

>> No.18901121

>he doesn't alternate pour overs and esspressos depending on mood

>> No.18901167

Pour overs and Aeropressos, Thank you very much

>> No.18901185

Oh I didn't realize I was speaking with a member of THE GANG

>> No.18901213
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A member? I'm the fucking leader. Put some RESPEK on my name

>> No.18901265

poor man's espresso imitation.

>> No.18901271


>> No.18901276

will you shove it up your bum after?

>> No.18901283

I already have an espresso machine, is it worth getting an aeropress?

>> No.18901288

Yeah, we've got a few of those as well. Sad.
There's only one cafe in my town that I still trust to make good coffee.

>> No.18901301

Yeah, why not? If you're a lover of coffee, there's always new things to try. It's not like the Aeropress is cost prohibitive. I recommend getting the "Go"

>> No.18901325

But someone just said it was about the equipment not the technique.

>> No.18901341
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Does the way you prepare coffee or the type of bean you choose improve its effect?
I only drink coffee because it's a stimulant and not for its flavor.

>pic is me if tap water would get me high

>> No.18901352

That'll happen.
I like to think of technique as the floor and equipment as the ceiling.

>> No.18901513

Anon this is the gayest thing I've ever read. It sounds like you're poor and can't participate in the discussions here, so you want us to discuss milk alternatives and other things that aren't coffee.

>> No.18901637

Not if you expect to make espresso with it. Aeropress is good for "regular" coffee

>> No.18901641

Just take caffeine pills

>> No.18901649

Most people who don't like coffee just haven't had good (or even real) coffee yet

>> No.18901659

What do you do when there's no stall with pourover? Grinding finer hardly made a difference in brew time but gave me an overextracted cup. Hoffman is right out so I switched to 4:6.

>> No.18901738

Oh shit its 60f outside. Time to roast some fucking guji allona nat.

>> No.18901749

coffee faggots standing in line like starbucks cunts
> folk buying weed
How do you freaks sort this shit out?

>> No.18901832

Stay in school

>> No.18901864

Is it normal to put coffee in milk?
i really love coffee and i really love milk. I put both together i love it even more

>> No.18901911

>Is it normal to put coffee in milk?

>> No.18901979

I only shove the ones who fail in their mission up my ass.
What are you trying to say?

>> No.18901996

Anon, your not bringing a flair camping unless camping is 3ft from the parking lot or you have a pack lamma.

>> No.18902017

You can't budget 7lbs for comfy camping spro?

>> No.18902045

my french press is better, areopress fags cannot deal with it.

>> No.18902131

Extremely yummy coffee, had some last year on a trip to Florida with the homies.

>> No.18902248

My drink of choice every morning is an iced latte, fuck everyone else.

>> No.18902259

Why would you do that when you can just have comfy camping moka pot coffee?

>> No.18902352

Because mokapots suck dick and aren't espresso? I'd rather take a faggotpress. Or a bripe.

>> No.18902664

It sounds to me like you're just a product shill and are here only to profit. Either that or you're a vapid consumer with nothing interesting to offer.

>> No.18902695
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote the widely acclaimed /ctg/ "guide for poors/pours". You wouldn't believe how often I get thanked for helping around here. Just tell me what you want the theme of the next thread to be and I'll make it happen little guy.

>> No.18902702

The beans are going to be the major cost over time....

>> No.18902738

Not him, but what's with the beans clogging problem from K6?

>> No.18902784

Who knows, I've got a kinu. First I heard of it was in this thread. Could just be anons running oily dark roast through it. I'd take it apart and make sure everything is zeroed and fitting correctly.

>> No.18902856

Your guide sucks.

>> No.18902869

Sorry, I'll work on the sub $30 category next.

>> No.18902881

My k6 starts a few clicks less than zero. Is there a way to fix that?

>> No.18902911

Nope, just remember the offset. My kinu is the same way, 2 ticks under zero.

>> No.18903042

It's not that. You post the guide as though you've tried 24 different grinders and can speak for them.

>> No.18903093

Yeah, aren't you?

>> No.18903126

Ive used a mazzer robur(hg1/2), kinu m47p, comandante mk3, lido 2(italmill and etzinger burrs), kmax, porlex mini 1, and c2. Covers most of the burr designs on that chart. I'm guessing you have a c2 tier grinder and are upset that its in red?

>> No.18903152

Can someone rec me a cheap scale? I hate my Amazon one and it always turns off so fast.

>> No.18903178

can anyone recommend a french press that can make at least 40oz of coffee? Do those even exist that can make a good tasting cup at that size?

>> No.18903198

>at least 40oz of coffee?
My first thought was
>I bet someone like black and decker or stanley makes a dumb product like that.
Its going to have the same shitty mesh as everything else but the espros. I'd just get a 32oz espro p6 or p7 instead.

>> No.18903209

I'm gonna stop by here in the morning
I'll take votes on which coffee I should buy. Seems to be highly ratede by most folks and it's a 2 minute walk from my place.

>> No.18903236
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I'm either gonna start with the house blend or this one
I normally am a dark french roast type guy, but I'm trying to expand my mind and be less of a pleb
I need help from more knowledgable consoomers

>> No.18903244

I had a very good columbian pacamara in the fall. I'd snag some of the Pacamara La Gloria and the kenya kanda.

>> No.18903263

Fuck, they're both $26 for a half pound
Maybe I'd better learn to like folgers

>> No.18903269

Why are the K4 & K6 listed twice in the chart, with different colors?

>> No.18903289

not op but usa/nonusa price iirc
it's 99 bucks in the usa
k6 gang. got a nice ethiopian from tandem in portland maine that i'm gonna try tomorrow

>> No.18903300

K6 was listed at $159 for a long time, then the US amazon store cut it to $99. Its a much better $99 grinder than a $159 grinder. Eightouncecoffee sells it for $199CAD(~$150 USD). Looks like amazon got pissed at them for having the $99 sale for so long, so now its $129 with a $30 coupon. If you're forced to pay the full retail price, you should probably just spend a bit more and get the kmax.

>> No.18903314
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>> No.18903367

Arguably the best coffee making tool. The coffee gets filtered through multiple times which means more flavor

>> No.18903401

He samefags because noone took the bait.

>> No.18903463
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>> No.18903492

Is "cowboy coffee" just a regular immersion brew?

>> No.18903767
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There is a specific local roast that literally will not filter through my chemex no matter how I grind it, it extracts to a point then stalls out and I'll have water sitting on top of the ground for a solid minute before it even gets absorbed so it either ends up way overextracted or outright bypasses the beans and waters down the coffee that manages to filter through.
I have no fucking idea why this happens, it's a typical medium roast and it's the only coffee that does this, I don't even think a thinner filter with do anything seeing as literally every other coffee I put through them filters perfectly fine.

>> No.18904119

Kinda, except instead of steeping its at a rolling boil

>> No.18904192
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>buy espresso machine and grinder cuz you fags said ive never had real coffee
>pull shot, tastes like shit, super bitter
> keep dialng it in til i get all the hoffmeme requirements down, even adjust the temperature higher for the lighter roast
>pull the shot, drink it, tastes horrible, super bitter
>decide to make a regular cup of coffee
>pull a double over 6oz hot water,
>tastes like tea, delicious, slightly bitter, but kindve sweet and comfy

bros is this what coffee is supposed to taste like it was amazing.2gjy0

>> No.18904199

Is grinder seasoning (i.e. grinding rice or old beans to make the burrs slightly more dull and produce less fines) real?

>> No.18904207

If cacao is full of lead and cadmium does that mean goffee is full of gead and gadmium too?

>> No.18904246

>drink instant coffee
>need to shit afterwards
>drink brewed coffee
>can't shit
>even when feeling shitty prior

>> No.18904397
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Not specifically about burrs but its the same concept. Physical vapor deposition coating on tool steel wearing in as shit slides against it. Whether or not you're going to taste a difference is where the argument is, but there's absolutely a physical change.

>> No.18904399

Sad that as a leaf I had to get the K6 from 8oz before the price drop on Amazon.
Even with shipping and import duties, it's still cheaper from Amazon.

>> No.18904411

Should I squeeze the filter after making pour over?

>> No.18904496

After fighting buying an Aeropress for years I was gifted one at Christmas and was pleasantly surprised by their ease/efficiency.
I have a sage Barista touch but I find at times with certain beans (blue Mountain and Kenya peaberry notably) the aeropress produces a much nicer shot not to mention mess and maintenance is always a pain. But with aeropress you pluge then you push a coffee poop in the bin and rinse. Done.

Ps if I would have got one years ago it would have saved me buying a £1000 espresso machine they're nice but only worthwhile if you enjoy other means than just espresso.)

>> No.18904581


>> No.18904685

The premise is that the result will have less fines and more uniformity. Has anyone done sifter test to proof it?

>> No.18904707

yeah, into the sink

>> No.18905351

Absolutely based testimony, welcome to the gang!!! Thanks for sharing that

>> No.18906107

The last third of my drawdown seems to take way longer than usual, is that normal? I'm already grinding pretty coarse