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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18877639 No.18877639 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's rotini.

>> No.18877644

depends on what dish I'm making, faggot cuck

>> No.18877646


>> No.18877651

Which is your favorite, dumbass?

>> No.18877658

My favorite for what?

>> No.18877662

Your favorite overall, retard.

>> No.18877667

I don't have a favorite 'overall'. I have a favorite for each dish I make. Seethe and cope more, disgusting little speck of shit.
Do you have a favorite color too, you fucking woman? Little fucking bitch, I'd snap you in two pieces given half a chance

>> No.18877679

A little thought experiment for your freezing temperature IQ:
Picture your favorite pasta dish.
Close your eyes and think about it. Conjure the image in your mind. This is called imagination. It's like dreaming when you're awake.
Now look at the dish closely. In your mind. It's not really there, it's in the imagination thing I just spoke about.
Now, what type of pasta is in it?

>> No.18877681

Then just give us one of your favorites lol, you really shouldn't be getting this angry over a pasta hypothetical man maybe go outside and get some fresh air or something.

>> No.18877687
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It is casarecce.
But I recently learned that Strozzapretti is literally the same shape and method of creation, just a little longer.
Now I don't know.

>> No.18877691

My favorite pasta dish for what? To serve to guests? To eat after a workout? To eat for comfort? To lose weight?

>> No.18877707

If I could pick only one shape and have to use it forever, cavatappi. I can't think of a role where it outright fails and it is the absolute king of thick sauces.

>> No.18877719
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>> No.18877744

Were you dropped on your head as an infant?

>> No.18877747
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>I don't have a favorite

>> No.18877770

Damn, you're fuckin retarded

>> No.18877778
File: 88 KB, 1200x927, fusili-vs-rotini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fusilli chad, but stand in solidarity with my spiral shaped pasta brothers.

>> No.18877783

holy shit im dying, it's just fucking food haha

>> No.18877798

Was the amount of food wasted worth this fucking "comedy" sketch?

>> No.18877864

Yes. It wasn't wasted, even ignoring the fact that it would have contributed to various lifecycles in our ecosystem subsequent to disposal. It was used for the sketch. Flour is a highly renewable resource, not a rarity.

>> No.18877895

That might have been the most entertained I've ever been by a webm posted on /ck

Good job OP.

>> No.18877910

If you could have a pasta dish right now, what would it be? All of the ingredients necessary for the dish are available.

>> No.18877962

obviously if your favorite pasta depended on what pasta dish you made you would consider what is your favorite pasta dish to answer the question, unless you realize that your favorite pasta dish does not include your favorite pasta and then you know the answer also

>> No.18877986

This is some kind of weird fetish pornography isn't it

>> No.18878013

I love bucatini for a lot of what I make, but they stopped selling it around here. Same with strozzapretti.

>> No.18878021

who says whiteoids dont have culture

>> No.18878024

We could waste all day on just the shapes of one kind of pasta. Don't even get us started on bread.

>> No.18878036

They are both the same

>> No.18878093

Then why do you care so much?
Keep me posted
>I NEED to have a favorite of EVERYTHING so I can tell people!
Get a life
>Then just give us one of your favorites
Why? I don't have a *le favorite* pasta because that would imply I would use it over others as a general rule, which is ridiculous considering different pastas excel as part of different dishes. It's impossible to pick one and claim that to be your favorite. Learn to think like a man, not a reddit manchild.
>Picture your favorite pasta dish.
I. Don't. Have. One.
Do you get it? How many times can a man explain a simple thing to you simpleton buffoons without an iota of understanding of what it takes to be a man? You are utterly helpless, and hopeless.

>> No.18878101

>Doesn’t let anybody fuck his sister except him.
Jesus is there a more brainlet take? At no point does he want to fuck his sister. He's protective of her and wants her to have a normal, non-drug life and get married to a decent man. But she's a fucking retard and just she's all the flashy pizazz and believes all the players who want to pump and dump her. What's Tony supposed to do? Let every single scumbag dude use and abuse her in the toilet then leave her a broken single mom? And Manny did the same shit to tons of women, so how is Tony supposed to believe he has changed his ways? And they both went behind his back to get together, leaving no one in charge or watching operations at a time when Tony needed them most.

But sure, just endlessly repeat that he wants to bang his sister all because she's an incredible moron and can't understand why Tony would want her to stay away from drugs and sleazebag men with bad intentions

>> No.18878119

oh fuck disregard this wrong thread

>> No.18878127

>favorite pasta thread again
at some point somebody always says farfalle, the worst pasta, and it triggers the fuck out of me

>> No.18878136

This is required to earn a 9-dan in noodlekawndo.

>> No.18878159

Everybody wants to bang their sister, most people do at least once, and it's not uncommon to want to keep her for yourself after.

>> No.18878173

Based, these manchildren just don't understand.

>> No.18878180

did you just read the new cormac mccarthy

>> No.18878233

I wouldn't call it my favorite but it's what I eat most often because it takes well to butter & capers.

>> No.18880152

broken lasagna

>> No.18880280

Conchiglie, farfalle, rigatoni, and fettucine

>> No.18881121


>> No.18881234

gnocchi supremacy

>> No.18881241

hes obviously trolling

>> No.18881255

Buccatinni and raddiatorri master race reporting in. Kneel before me niggers.

>> No.18881290

rotini is optimal for both sauce quantity and tongue feels

>> No.18882120
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i like little shells....
When he face plants into the pile of spaghetti, i winced... Unlikely, but if he hit the noodle at the right angle it could def. fuck his eye up, even with the eye lid closed.

>> No.18882351
File: 8 KB, 300x226, denzel_intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally me. Bucatini for any long noodle needs, and radiatori for short noodles dishes. Never thought I'd encounter another soul on this website that had as good of taste in pasta shapes than me.

>> No.18882370

you're killing me, Smalls.

>> No.18882435

Fucking love gnocci. Gnocci, lasagna, and orecchiette pesto

>> No.18882488

I hope he actually ate that pasta

>> No.18882515

>declaring war on italy

>> No.18883697

i'll straight eat the back half a goat while the front half still breathin motherfucker you skinny faggots wanna talk food lets fuckin talk food you pussy bitches. got my teeth cut the fuck out and replaced with teflon coated titanium bitch i got a thirteen million dollar artificial intelligence bionic swallow muscle designed by nasa that can straight push an unplucked turkey down my fuckin throat fuckin feet and all you fuckin busters. sometimes i order like three four double quarter pounders and walk out into the parking lot and just start cold whippin em at passing police cars i don't give a shit nigga the cops know i eat taser electricity like a german nigger eat mustard that shits like fuckin parsley to me. the sun don't set bitch i just get hungry at dusk

>> No.18883711

Bucatini, with matriciana are perfect but even with carbonara or pesto are good

>> No.18883719

>Buccatinni and raddiatorri
>Bucatini and radiatori
Also master race taste

>> No.18883727

Bucatini are the worst pasta unless they are in a baked dish, you cannot eat them like spaghetti cause they are too thick and if you slurp them you can't cause the hole in the middle

>> No.18883808

Why are you gae?