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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18837436 No.18837436 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Finest thread on the board edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything juicy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18821020

>> No.18837446
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Is the Vietnamese coffee dripper legit or a meme worthy of their robusta only?

>> No.18837465


>> No.18837534

I feel attacked

>> No.18837584

Where can one find this volcanic ash to brew with?

>> No.18837589

I'm sry. My folder runneth dry. It was a cointoss between yours and the other kek.

>> No.18837639

By setting your grinder to way too fucking fine

>> No.18837641

Just bought some mugs. What do I think of them?

>> No.18837643

Pretty cool mate

>> No.18837646

You think they feel nice in the hand but the drinking experience is a little lacking

>> No.18837649

I like the one with the cat.

>> No.18837654
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Depends. What a coffee about the level of the french press but easier to clean? Yes.
It's no espresso tho.

>> No.18837669

I roasted up a nice Kenya to a city+ as tribute to that poor guy who had an awful light roast Kenya. It's my last batch of this one. God, it's good. Very sweet, bodied, spiced, and citrusy throughout. I was afraid I had held onto it for too long and it'd taste shitty. It doesn't. Hooray!

>> No.18837672

Joke's on all of you retards. I just BOUGHT them. I don't actually have them in hand yet hahahahahaha they're still in the mail hahahahaha you fucking FOOLS!

>> No.18837683

What's the joke here exactly? We just said we're happy for you

>> No.18837687

laugh all you want. in the meantime, I'm sitting here with a mug in my hand, touching it, kissing it and drinking it's milk

>> No.18837688

>he thinks that I don't already have a collection of mugs that I can touch and feel any time that I want
These new specimens will merely augment what is already the greatest mug collection in /ctg/ history.

>> No.18837694

I only use coffee mugs I make myself. I spent 25 years learning how to do this so that they have perfect personal ergonomics. You might think that this is a joke post, but it isn't.

>> No.18837696

Post kiln.

>> No.18837698

you will go to hell for your harem, sir. I'm a strict muggonamous believer

>> No.18837714
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Here's one of them. This was a sculptural project in which I was playing with the thermoplastic deformation of porcelain. I opened it up to see it at cone 9. It was fairly warm.

>> No.18837716

You can't see shit, but I could with my glasses. I thought it would be a fun photo.

>> No.18837722

Why not just take a photo through the glasses

>> No.18837729

Because I needed to wear them to protect my retinas. You go blind looking at that kind of heat. And you only get about 5, maybe 10 seconds before you get burnt from the radiant heat, even with gear, so no do-overs.

>> No.18837733

Plus, it's not good for the kiln. Kilns are expensive.

>> No.18837738

Why does cofi make me anxious

>> No.18837765

>tfw i spent 16 bucks on a bag of sour coffee

What notes should I avoid? Is it acidity?

>> No.18837773

Are you the light roast Kenya guy? Kenyan coffee is The Most acidic coffee on earth. This is cannon. I said in the last thread it really shouldn't be roasted light. It needs a medium roast to mellow it out. The tasting notes on the bag are probably there, but you don't notice them as much as the acidity. If you do not like acidic/sour coffee, that's the only lesson.

>> No.18837777

Probably, but you should try to temper down that acidity with a higher alkalinity water first.

>> No.18837779

Nope just started posting since I'm getting back into whole bean/coffee in general.

I did however ask about peoples preferred notes in the last thread.

>> No.18837782

So is Kenyan Coffee worth avoiding? The last time I made a solid cup, I believe I used Ethiopian which IIRC has the fruitiest notes.


>> No.18837785

Oh. Then, yeah in general you should go for medium roasts if you're not into acidity. Avoid descriptors like "bright." Not all light roasted coffees make you pucker though.

>> No.18837799

No, I think Kenyan coffee is categorically excellent. Their grading system is super-autistic. So like the dominant flavors are intensely bodied, citrus fruits, baking spices, chocolate, and sometimes rando fruits like grape. They're expensive as shit currently.

>> No.18837849

What is the best way to produce about 2 cups of coffee? Chemex? French Press? Moka? I usually drink about 2 cups but would rather just make them both at once instead of 2 aeropress batches

>> No.18837905


>> No.18837914

What the fuck is 2 cups? Cups are all different sizes retard. Your cups are different from my cups.

>> No.18837921

Are you fucking dumb? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cup_(unit)

>> No.18837940


I like it for making iced coffee because I like a little bit of grittiness in my cold drinks, and i absolutely loath cold brew.

For hot drinks though, i prefer a smooth drink so imo aeropress is superior.

Best thing about it though is that it's cheap, easy to clean, and requires no filter. Buy one and try it out, it's hard to go wrong with these.

>> No.18837962

I think i'll go with this dripper. Can I make 2 cups with the size 02 or should I go for size 03?

>> No.18838049

02 is for two cups.

>> No.18838084


>> No.18838127
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Where do my UK bros by their beans from?

>> No.18838141


>> No.18838179
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Cups can mean different things when referring to coffee because big coffee producers and researchers use a different definition

>> No.18838220

What is the best method for using the least amount of beans by weight to get the most amount of coffee to drink?

>> No.18838222


>> No.18838230

Thank you
Does a moka pot work too, because I don't have a espresso machine?

>> No.18838276

watering it down afterwards

>> No.18838367

Is it more consistent to grind really fast or really slow?

>> No.18838379

Slow, but only if you can maintain a steady RPM. If you stutter and stop all the time go faster until you can do smooth rotations.

>> No.18838578

Yeah but you want to grind the beans a bit coarser than you would Espresso or else your coffee will be bitter as shit

>> No.18838593

Thank you

>> No.18838607
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What baratza encore setting do you use for a pour over on average

>> No.18838787

Go to a nearby coffee place and ask them to make you a pour over with a similar roast to see if it's just supposed to taste like that

>> No.18838794

I like Chemex. If done right it leaves a very faint sweetness in your mouth.

>> No.18838808

Opinions on making coffee with a briki?

>> No.18838855

I've had mine inthe 11-14 range with the M2 burrs

>> No.18838869

Look into l-theanine, take it with coffee. Normal dose of l-theanine to go w coffee/caffeine is 200mg. Helps to mellow out the negative effects of caffeine and helps generally calm you also. L-theanine is naturally found in most types of tea

>> No.18838880


objective best is a siphon brew but they are a pain in the ass

>> No.18838881

If they're a pain in the ass then they're not the best

>> No.18838903
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When I set mine in that range it looks like this

>> No.18838950

That's about the result I get. I usually have gone coarser.

What's your total brew time? I usually get 2:30-3:00.

>> No.18839178
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I got myself this Hario Mizudashi cold brew pot, and it works, but honestly, it seems like it comes out less strong than when I just used to do it in a french press and stir from time to time. I've been thinking that maybe I should just get a jar of the right amount and just strain it.

Unless I'm grinding too finely, but I don't think I am. I'm doing it as I did before with my french press.

>> No.18839244

How long do you leave it for?

>> No.18839254

Usually between 14 and 20 hours, probably 16 on average. Rarely longer. The 24 hour brew usually isn't more flavorful tho, just more bitter. Which just masks the other flavors.

>> No.18839342
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Just ordered this, what am I in for bros?

>> No.18839354

Anyone know of a good decaf I can get shipped for at most $16/bag? I really like Sweet Bloom's Colombian decaf but it's $21/bag

>> No.18839409

How to drink coffee with milk without getting fat? I only drink black pour over but whenever I visit my brother he makes me a latte which I enjoy very much but it ruins my fast and makes me feel fat so I don't eat anything that day.

>> No.18839426

Just stay active you'll be fine

>> No.18839471

a good grinder
had mine for over a year and I would buy it again

>> No.18839481

This guy just "dropped" his prices by switching to 300g bags instead of 1lb. Something to do with usps fucking up shipping rates. Everyone I've rec'd him to has liked it.

>> No.18839491

aren't you overreacting over a simple single latte?

>> No.18839524

no. i will not become fat.

>> No.18839833

You're not going to get fat over an occasional ingestion of less 100 calories of milk
You have far greater problems with your mentality/diet if 100 calories somehow pushes you over the edge into full blown eat disorder mode

>> No.18839840

You do realise that fat doesn't make you fat? The calories do.

>> No.18839956
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Today I had my coffee mixed with a piece of baklava

>> No.18839990

100 calories here and there adds up quickly. Some extra butter on toast or in the eggs. A little extra jam. Some extra cream in the coffee. Oh just a little extra cheese. Can't forget a little extra mayonnaise. Is it wrong to put cream in peppermint tea? I don't care. An extra handful of these nuts aren't so bad. Or a handful of some dark chocolate. You're talking about 500-600 calories. Remember honey: nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

>> No.18840002

I don't like baklava

>> No.18840005

Anon, you're talking about a single latte occasionally. If you're ingesting all that other "just another 100 calories", that's on you for not forgoing that extra bit of cheese on those days you visit your brother.
For your sake, I hope you're calorie counting if you're fretting over a little milk every once in a while

>> No.18840031

I posted about the coffee with milk but I didn't post about all that extra shit I'm not a disgusting fat always snacking and adding fat to my food.

>> No.18840032


>> No.18840274
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Wtf. You can easily make 2 cups at once with the aeropress
Paper filter is still a filter

>> No.18840398
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>> No.18840538

I'm looking for grinder upgrade, currently using Timemore C2 for aeropress. What would be the cheapest option?

>> No.18840544
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingrinder k6 for $99.

>> No.18840577

Thanks sir

>> No.18840578

Trying some of this thanks

>> No.18840662
File: 675 KB, 1809x1768, 3CFC57A7-05A9-4120-8592-C1B975C304AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this little guy

>> No.18840666

based alzheimer enthusiast

>> No.18840860

Anyone else spacejazz while they coof on a snowy saturday night?

>> No.18840879

im coof'n right now

>> No.18840973

Spacejazzing sounds nice. I've been billevanzzing all day with my coof.


>> No.18840995

need someone to tell me im doing coffee correctly

>> No.18841021

Do you like it?

You're doing it right.

Could it be better? You can do it right-er.

>> No.18841046
File: 324 KB, 960x536, evanzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was alfamistin again last night while shopping for interconnects on aliexpress. I could evanzz for a bit.

>> No.18841063

My first grinder is the K6. Didn't want to think about buying something cheaper and upgrading later.

>> No.18841064

dark roasted coffees can be really good

>> No.18841071

it seems substantially less acidic and harsh than the instant i bought for comparison.

>> No.18841083

My french press coffee was too bitter and sour so I increased the grind size and now it is just too bitter. What's the next step?

>> No.18841096

depending on the beans/prep you could change any one variable and see how that changes the coffee

>> No.18841099

coarser or lower water temp

>> No.18841103

I've been feeling shit and this is nice. Cheers.

>> No.18841115


>> No.18841182


Your not suppose to use any filter with Vietnamese drip. Grind as coarse as possible, tamp it hard into the bottom plate, then add a tiny bit of water to let the grounds increase in volume and fill most of the voids. After a minute, add 100c water, place lid so there's a slight vacuum effect, and wait until gravity peculation is finished before adding cream/condensed milk.

>> No.18841286

By the way that you structured your reply, it seemed like you meant no filter on the aeropress. We're clear now

>> No.18841516
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>at grocery store
>see whole bean decaf on sale
>haven't ever really tried "good" decaf, so why not
>it's actually pretty good

I think I'm going to work decaf into my evening routine to replace tea. Anybody have some recommendations for decaf?

Also found one of those ridiculously overpriced Kinto mugs in the thrift store with louis vuitton stickers on it for three canadabux. A bath with billy mays in oxiclean later and I have my new coffee mug that i'll use when I want to look like a pretentious asshole with my handmade nippon ceramic.

>> No.18841555
File: 29 KB, 800x800, Oxogooseneckkettlewithtemperaturecontrol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got me an eloctric gooseneck. Was working with a 600ml stovetop one before

>> No.18841558

Should get here Thursday, excited to try a new method.

>> No.18841565

>Wtf. You can easily make 2 cups at once with the aeropress
What's your method? I have the aeropress go only

>> No.18841571

>Anybody have some recommendations for decaf?
I've asked almost every thread and there is never response. There might be some good decaf out there or maybe those beans haven't been grown yet.

>> No.18841675

nice. how does the knob and clicking feel?

>> No.18841787

i was just told my moka brew was less bitter than my espresso brew.

>> No.18841812

How can an incel use coffee to get some pussy?

>> No.18841822


Apparently, there are these things called coffee shops where humans socialize with the intent of finding a mate. Perhaps try your luck studying human mating rituals there.

Make sure you abide by the prime directive however.

>> No.18841827

learn to make that pumpkin spice shit, makes all the chicks wet.

>> No.18841830


>> No.18841833

I don't like going outside and I am scared of talking to people
Pumpkin is yucky

>> No.18841842

>Pumpkin is yucky
its a spice mix that goes into a pie, it itself doesnt contain pumpkin

>> No.18841949

Stop gangstalking me you fucking freak

>> No.18842030


>> No.18842031
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It's very nice. my only complaint would be that the clicks aren't marked. I recommend writing down the position for the knob for different clicks. it's very easy to forget how many clicks you've changed, especially when using different brewers and trying to fine tune them. I used go write down how many clicks it was but then had to go all the way to zero to count up again

>> No.18842034

aluminium causes alzheimer's

>> No.18842047

1zpresso just does it better

>> No.18842054

drink a six shooter moka pot right now, very excellent. am convinced the stuff cannot be had with more potency or convenience, all other coffee is either a waste of material or effort

>> No.18842180

keyboards cause arthritis

>> No.18842187

Everyone is waiting for Hoffo's big decaf project. In the meantime you just have to see what's available and try it.

>> No.18842223

Where do you usually get your coffee seeds from?

>> No.18842233
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>> No.18842390

anon stop looking at notes.
totally worthless.

>> No.18842409

in a coffee thread a cup can refer to a bunch of things.
honestly i have never seen metric cups be used in anything coffee.
the most common moka pot size is 6 cup, i bet you think that means metric? nope! see the moka is made by retarded italians so to them a cup is like the size of an espresso shot and a 6 cup moka is supposed to make roughly 6 "shots" of coffee.
see how easy you can go from cups being a universal measurement to absolute absurdity.
also newfags can say "hey guys i drink 2 cups of coffee from star bucks every day, how would i most easily go about making this at home" in this case they are talking about an espresso shot and mostly milk and sugar that is also not a metric cup.
so honestly in this place you should just forget metric cups even exist.

tldr: fuck off new fag, dont forget to kill yourself on your way out.

>> No.18842416

bog standard hand ground coffee.
you are now part of a club of people that contain absolutely no personality at all.

>> No.18842420

im allergic to half the ingredients and despise the other half.

>> No.18842427

no it doesnt.
the guy that made that study is a fraud and faked any "evidence" that linked aluminum to alzheimer's

>> No.18842464

listening to this
while drinking
India Riverdale Estate
natural process
1450 masl in South India’s Shevaroy region.
$100 per kilo.
honestly much lighter roast than i was expecting, looks like a light roast, i was expecting a medium.
>The fruit is fermented with Italian champagne yeast and then sun dried for up to 30 days
i didnt like my lasted fermented beans i had but this isn't bad.
not sure if i have the dose right.
but its fun anyway.
thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18842606

Grind enough beans for 2 cups. Brew. Press into a cup. Pour half of that concentrate into another cup. Add desired hot water to each cup. Americano!

>> No.18843134

>what am I in for bros?
An additional 50€ purchase to make it work for Espresso.

>> No.18843211
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>> No.18843212

I got a steel burr grinder but my coffee grinds are sticking to the bottom of the steel burrs really bad. How do I stop this?

>> No.18843225

a spritz of water or use a wet spoon then stir the beans before grinding

>> No.18843258

You could always just get a blowy ball or brush and just get rid of that stuff. Is it just me, or it just appear to be super fines or chaff that gets stuck there due to static. Why would I even want that in my brew.

>> No.18843284

Add a bit of water (emphasis on "a bit") into your coffee before you grind it. Dampness prevents static electricity.

>> No.18843363

yeah, it's more like a feature to me. usually I just blow or shake it off at the sink. sometimes I use a spray can of air, computer duster or whatever, to blow it clean thoroughly. works great

>> No.18843478

It's okay. The click on the button is nice, but the wheel clicks are kind of soft. The turning is solid enough. Not premium, but definitely not bad, either.

>> No.18843479


>> No.18843497

I bet you drink a lot of plastic too.

>> No.18843534

why does coffee give me the runs

>> No.18843568
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Also the acid in the coffee probably contributes

>> No.18843606

> paying extra money to support their patent troll business model
o no sorry i forgot they literally _invented_ a hand grinder lmfao ok

>> No.18843697

i drink coke most of the time otherwise and get no runs so idk

>> No.18843735

Lets be real here. You couldn't afford a comandante and have been waiting years to be able to make jokes.

>> No.18843850

Fuck your mother

>> No.18844482

>that concentrate
lol at aeropiss users

>> No.18844538

How long should I let coffee rest after roasting date?

>> No.18844593

Fuck off sister fucker

>> No.18844672

Channeling = grind coarser?

>> No.18844712

gonna pick up some single origin ethopian coffee-

brew it cowboy style with pour filtration, then froth up some goat milk with some wildflower honey and pour it in in a cortado type ratio

absolutely bomb, the fruity chocolate and tobacco undertones just completely jive with the floral honey and the musty goat milk

>> No.18844714

Could be. Could also just be poor puck prep, inadequate perfusion, or all 3.

>> No.18844727

Depends on roast and density of the bean. The idea is to wait long enough that it'll brew consistently throughout the whole bag. You don't want an external variable(offgasing) throwing a wrench in the mix.
>Light roasts: 14+ days
>Medium-light to medium roasts: 10-14 days
>Medium-dark to dark roasts: 7-10 days

>> No.18844757

I forgot to ask how dark they roasted these beans... I'll just wait 10 days to be safe

>> No.18844774

nvm I looked them up and just emailed the roaster. hopefully they get back to me?

>> No.18844881

sample it every day until its at a point that you really like it.

>> No.18844906

They're patent trolling with the handle of all things. An off-set handle with a wooden knob. It's the most ridiculous thing possible. Imagine if a spatula company sued another spatula company for using an off-set handle, or a knife company sued another knife company for making wooden handles. I almost bought a c40 before they pulled that shit, and I'm glad I didn't. Fuck that.

>> No.18844952

Do some of you ever think that maybe I am some prissy fgt cunt

>> No.18844965

>grounds go stale after 15 minutes
i had some leftover from a grind sitting in an open jar overnight. i threw it in with some remaining beans and did a pourover.
maybe cos its the first one of the day, but it was tasty.

>> No.18844966

>An off-set handle with a wooden knob
With the attached lid. Its like apple getting pissed because some chinese oem knocked off magsafe. Makes sense legally, shitty from the consumer view.

>> No.18844967

you're /our/ prissy fgt cunt

>> No.18845029
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Uhh can I get uhh....

>> No.18845039

Bambino Plus so I'm timing an 8s preinfusion each time. I WDT doing small counter-clockwise motions while moving clockwise, and have a self-leveling tamper. Nothing looks off from eyesight. It actually used to be fine, but these beans are starting to age a little more. I was under the impression you need to grind finer as they age though.

>> No.18845092

Honestly, use the beans faster or buy in smaller amounts, or if you need to, ziploc and freeze smaller portions and use them incrementally. If they're going off to the point that they're channelling, you're better off drinking fresher than that. It's also possible to be grinding too fine and letting too much pressure build which then results in water finding a way to force a channel- do you have a pressure gauge to monitor while it brews?

>> No.18845104

Yeah this was my first bag so I went with a 2 lb bag instead of 10oz because I figured I'd be wasting more shots while dialing in. No pressure gauge.

>> No.18845107

people really should keep coffee flavor notes to like two things, max.

>> No.18845136

>natural process
why they gotta lie like that.

>> No.18845140

>Yeah this was my first bag
Ah cool - that makes sense, dialling in and punching out consistent espresso is a journey, not an end state, haha - but you've chosen a good place to start.
>No pressure gauge
So first thing's first, watch your shot time before you start making big moves on grind to chase channelling. The 25-30 second window isn't a hard and fast rule, but it does get you in the right place to make decisions on what to change later; if you're pulling a shot in that range and it tastes good and it's in the ratio you wanted and it's channelling towards the end that's both expected and perfectly acceptable. If it's channelling the whole time and you're pissing out a shot in 15 seconds then yeah it's better to try and chase down the channelling first.

How old is the coffee? Is it fairly freshly roasted or supermarket variety?

>> No.18845197

Yeah, shitty enough that I'll never buy anything from them. I rec 1zpresso and kingrinders to my family and friends.

Wow, that Kenya I roasted the other day is really nice. Sad that this batch is the end of this one. Kenya green prices really shot up this past season so I dunno if I want to keep buying them anymore.


>> No.18845221

I drank an Ethiopian natural yesterday that tastes like strawberry jam and molasses. You'd be surprised how fruited the super special lots can be. You won't know until you try it.


>> No.18845242

I'd get the Finca San Joaquin

>> No.18845243

They're not exactly a new company. If you were going to shell out the money, it would have happened long before this matter. We call this virtue signalling.

>> No.18845683

I ended up getting the pink bourbon, and I don't regret it.

>> No.18845755

You're wetting the paper filter to get rid of the paper taste before you do your pour overs, right anon?

>> No.18845780

Yes but I'm mostly doing that to heat up the brewer

>> No.18845792

Just got a new mug. What do I think of it?

>> No.18845825

why no tasting notes on their blend. is it just a 'shut up and give me a fucking coffee' drink?

>> No.18845836

does the bourbon in this instance mean its grown in madagascar, like how this term works for vanilla?

>> No.18845848

No. It's the name of a caffea arabica cultivar.

>> No.18845851

I asked about that, turns out it changes based on seasonal availability.

It's a varietal of the coffee plant.

>> No.18845852

I hear people talking about one of the four flavor types of coffee is a fermented type, and I don't believe I've ever tasted anything like that.

>> No.18845861

Rub some beans on your taint and brew them for the experience

>> No.18845868

sully some other thread you despicable coward

>> No.18845901

it can either be great
so bad you feel like someone just shat in your mouth.
no in between.

>> No.18845927
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>> No.18845963


>> No.18846403

My switch got delivered a lot earlier made some steep and release folgers

>> No.18846408
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>My switch got delivered

>> No.18846488

>make coffee at home
>tastes great
>make coffee at work
>tastes shit
>only difference is unfiltered water
Should I buy a 2nd water filter for work lads?

>> No.18846490


>> No.18846493

Is the third wave water meme actually legit or is my bottled spring water fine for pour over

>> No.18846499

it only matters if you have perfected everything else.

>> No.18846512

Bingo. Water can be a bit more of a thing for espresso if you want to be easy mode with scale but in terms of its benefits to flavour spring water is getting you most of the way before diminishing returns.

>> No.18846515

This plays in my head every morning

>> No.18846519

You fucked that up super hard man

>> No.18846556
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>> No.18846626
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Game changer

>> No.18846628

Usually get mine from RAVE. Recommend Mocha Java blend and Papua New Guinea for single origin

>> No.18846667
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>Been hearing how you're supposed to stop your moka pot from brewing once the water coming out of the spout becomes foamier and lighter in color
>Actually let it finish its brewing process for once
>Get a more balanced, less intense cup of coffee this way

Go figure.

>> No.18846812

Let's say I am using grinder X with 20 microns per click and I want to switch to grinder Y with 10 microns per click, can I assume to use double amount of clicks on grinder Y? Is it that simple?

>> No.18846838
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Bros I’m sorry but I need to gift some K-Cups
Are there any nice ones I can get?

>> No.18846841

I’d imagine so if zero is the same or similar (burrs touching), otherwise likely no

>> No.18847118

Just buy the ones with the nicest packaging.

>> No.18847120

Yes but there's sometimes details that throw it off. It should get you close enough though, and they you can finely dial in to taste.

>> No.18847161
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>guzzle tea, coffee, and yerba mate all day long
>eat healthy
>still only shit every few days
I've been gypped!

>> No.18847168

Is there any good reason to course grind coffee for french press? my filters seem good enough to use fine and it makes the coffee stronger.

>> No.18847382

Fresh Roasted Coffee does some single origins.

>> No.18847409

Why not drink tea instead it tastes better and easier

>> No.18847519

What is everyone's thoughts on stainless steel coffee filters for pour overs?
Are they hard to clean? Do they impart any weird tastes to the coffee?

>> No.18847533


>> No.18847570

stainless steel is used in beverage prep because it does not impart any additional flavor

>> No.18847582

House of Coffee
Get their dulce scuro

>> No.18847594

I drink both

>> No.18847694

Just won some sey off brian. Today was a good day.

>> No.18847840

Are coffee fags addicts with a problem?

>> No.18847851

I am - I get a headache if I don't have enough coffee

>> No.18848177

define "problem." i'm on about 300mg of caffeine/day (not much compared to a lot of people) and if i go cold turkey i'll be drowsy and have a headache for a couple days but will be fine after that. ymmv.

>> No.18848486
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Got my scale. Bitch

>> No.18848574

Have you tried tea?

>> No.18848585

Just like a dope addict congratulations

>> No.18848598

I had a nicer one when I was a coke addict. Lol

>> No.18848640

Drinking some 2021 W2T Lesser Evils right now. Its no coffee.

>> No.18848673

Arabica or robusta, anything works.
But do not listen to online tips, most Vietnamese do not actually know how to use this masterpiece.

1st of all, the grindsize, Fine grind size (not too espresso-like fine though)
2ndly, remember to press as hard as you can after the blooming is done.
You will end up with a super strong and thick coffee.

>> No.18849052

most reviews i checked out last month said they prefer paper and just use the steel ones when camping.

>> No.18849081

i do this because i have fun tinkering and seeing what flavours i get. treating it like a skill, where i make the most out of the equipment ive got, because im stingy, and potentially making someone the best cup theyve had since they went to a good cafe.
caffiene doesnt boost my mood enough that i depend on it, im fine drinking water all day instead.

>> No.18849194
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Am I doing this right?

>> No.18849196

Why did you edit the photo like that

>> No.18849200
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came out a little sour, but it smelled fruity like raspberries

>> No.18849207

Identifying tattoos

>> No.18849213
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>> No.18849221

Looks like a designated shitting street

>> No.18849228

Bro.... please say sike....

>> No.18849246

Some local roasters sell k-cups of their house blends and most popular roasts. Those would probably make a better gift than some of the 'nicer' k-cup brands you can find in stores.

>> No.18849252
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Does anyone else beside my mother (and teaniggers) drink weak coffee? It's the ultimate teacuck's social drink, looks like shit and tastes like dog water.

>> No.18849266

Kek. I'm going to make a shitty superfine switch cup now too.

>> No.18849275

Yes. Had the same problem. Even the "filtered" water at work still had this shitty chlorinated bathroom water taste to it. Putting it through a filter pitcher fixed the taste.

>> No.18849315

I'm using spring water and brown paper filters, how much am I missing out? I think my technique and grind size is consistent, all things considered.

>> No.18849318

depends, do you like the taste of the coffee you're brewing?

>> No.18849325

Yeah, I'd say my cups taste good. Just wondering if optimizing it more is worth the effort.

>> No.18849343
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It's worth it. Get some cafecs at the very least.

>> No.18849351

it'll make a difference but at that point it's nerd shit and you're probably enjoying the pursuit of making the perfect cup more than the coffee itself, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. my guests are perplexed when they see me take out a special jug of water when i brew for them when i have a separate water dispenser already. telling them you have a water recipe makes you look insane.

>> No.18849356

I might have the last untabbed white v60 filter, keeping it for good luck. What cafecs do you use? I hear its abaca or the light roast filter.

>> No.18849375

my bitch was sprawled out nude on the bench trying to get my attention away from coffee.

>> No.18849390
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I don't have a grinder so they grinded it for me. I said for a pour over and it looks like what the Hoff has said in his pourover vids

>> No.18849392

Is Nespresso any good if you don't want to fork for a proper espresso machine?

>> No.18849411
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I've got them all. You can't go wrong with origamis, mediums, or abacas. Haven't tried abaca+ yet. Lights and darks both stall differently. Used abaca for that gesha switch. Its so fucking good. I don't usually do long steeps like this. 320ml/20g in about 4:15. Let 200ml of it steep for the first 3 minutes and trickled in the rest while it was draining out. Fruity, floral, big velvety body.
>last untabbed white v60 filter
Sanyo Sangyo was the original manufacturer for those. They still sell them under the "white" label.

>> No.18849435

>Sanyo Sangyo was the original manufacturer for those. They still sell them under the "white" label.
holy fucking based, thanks anon.

>> No.18849478

Why would you dog do that?

>> No.18849807

mm, liqueur-y.
i love it when iced coffee has that hit to it.

>> No.18849910

It genuinely makes a massive difference. Better option is to get (1) a cheap milligram scale, (2) epsom salt, and (3) either baking soda or potassium bicarbonate to formulate your own water for way cheaper than the third wave water packets.

>> No.18850270

I have a medium roast I'm trying for pourover that tastes a bit... muted? Is this an underextraction problem?

>> No.18850532
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Is anyone else doing this little swirl once all the water is in the cone from Hoff's technique? It's increasing my brew time in Chemex for single cup by almost 1 minute but it does taste slightly fuller without increasing the bitterness.

>> No.18850542

"Muted" seems watery. Are you using any scales?

>> No.18850864
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This was only ok, not great

>> No.18851205

is third wave water legit or a meme
worried about going too far down the rabbithole

>> No.18851229

>Pour 163ml of 93.5c water for 36 seconds and then stir counter clockwise with 2 bamboo (this is important) chopsticks

Man, I just can't take you coffee nerds seriously

>> No.18851447

legit but filtered water also does the job

>> No.18851450
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>the most common moka pot size is 6 cup, i bet you think that means metric? nope! see the moka is made by retarded italians so to them a cup is like the size of an espresso shot and a 6 cup moka is supposed to make roughly 6 "shots" of coffee.
What is the true size of a moka cup anyhow? If you look it up you see claims everywhere that a cup is 2 ounces, but if you look at what moka pots are actually sized at it's closer to 1.5 ounces.

>> No.18851455

My 3 cup moka makes around 120ml of coffee

>> No.18851463

why don't you post a study satan?

>> No.18851468

my 2 cup moka pot makes about 250 ml. you're doing something wrong.

>> No.18851470

Anon, that's a 6 cup moka pot.

>> No.18851472

Your 2 cup moka doesn't make that much coffee. You're either bad at unit conversion or you don't know what size your pot is.

>> No.18851479
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, 2 cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna bet?

ok i just measured and it makes about 200 ml of the best coffee on the planet.

>> No.18851497

Yeah that's about 4 standard shots at a bar, not 6 cups.
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on etc etc.

>> No.18851499

i can see your penis

>> No.18851769

Yeah standard 15/250 ratio

>> No.18851824

they don't impart any flavor but they do let through some oils from the coffee which paper picks up. Some like it, some don't. I usually use mine in the morning for a small cup. fairly easy to just tap most of the grounds and rinse it. throw it in the dishwasher every now and then or the water flow will decrease

>> No.18851838

Is this a meme, so I shell out for an Acaia scale?

>> No.18851839

that must be very inconvenient since a two cup moka doesn't fit 250ml

>> No.18852186

Leave then

>> No.18852596
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I knew shilling Quan and Sey would get me somewhere. $85/125g

>> No.18852944

its good if you don't know what you're missing. nothing wrong with that. my main issue with nespesso is the capsule holds too little coffee, so the brew is both weak in strength and has a thin body (watery). its so convenient though

>> No.18853140
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whats the most efficient way to make large batches of cold brew? and when i say large batches i mean like 5 gallons

>> No.18853409

magnet spin bar and plate

>> No.18853547

hmm i went back and did some digging. c40 clicks definitely cannot translate at all to 1zpresso k-max even though adjustments are not too far off in microns and k-max is "c style burr". filter settings straight translated will become almost espresso on k-series. basically the adjustment refers to vertical distance moved of the central burr, not actual gap size. distance adjustments in microns of the gap between outer ring and burr is not linear, and burr might be different size or geometry. too bad but it doesn't work

>> No.18853788

Weak. Too little coffee. Timing doesn't account for roast level–will not work the same for different coffees. Bloom was too short–weak again, possible over-under. Three minutes is too short. Weak again. Brown water. Increase coffee amount. Shoot for about 5 minutes. Shoot for at least a minute of bloom. Grind as fine as possible for your grinder until it takes bitter and you have obvious fine sediment, then back off. People are trying way too hard to account for unaccountable minutiae, while missing the big things.

>> No.18853818
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newbie here, whats the difference between putting ground coffee on paper and pouring hot water on it and all those fancy smancy presses you all use?

>> No.18853955

Paper filters out all but the really fine fines and some of the coffee oils. Cleaner cup. For better or worse. Personal preferences.

>> No.18854020

french presses are literally just putting hot water on it with a bit of a filter to stop the sludge ending up in your cup

>> No.18854021

its called a recipe, and this is a cooking sub. make up your own,and get a consistent tasting cup every time.

>> No.18854035

supposedly you can better control the flavours with the pourover.
coffee press youre submitting all the grounds to water simultaneously.

>> No.18854063

What's the difference between washed and wet?

>> No.18854085

In washed, they depulp the cherry flesh, clean with water and maybe leave it there for a bit, then later take out and dry. Wet hull is like a partial depulp or maybe they leave the hull like the name suggest, then they bring it out to dry multiple times in different times or some shit (not really sure) because they cannot straight out leave it to dry due to high humidity in the climate. Wet hull is sort of unique to Indonesia. Maybe Sumatra taste funky because the progress is just cope for high humidity

>> No.18854122

Is it true that some roasters cool down coffee after roasting with water?

>> No.18854196

today I got pic of atomic bomb cloud in my coffee
several times but usually I got woman butt

>> No.18854200

>not clang

>> No.18854204

Percolation brews (where water flows through coffee) are easier to fuck up than immersion brews (where the water and coffee are mixed together and left for a bit).
The presses are just different ways of filtering the brewed coffee afterwards, a french press has a plunger that (in theory) stops coffee grounds from going past it (in reality it's not that great so you need to wait a bit for the grounds to settle), and an aeropress uses a plunger to force the coffee through a paper filter quickly, instead of waiting for it to slowly drain out.

>> No.18854454
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Thanks guy I really frickin appreciate that

>> No.18854458

You sassin' me?

>> No.18854461

He's clanging onto a very soft bed, it'll still pomf you retard

>> No.18854470

It's the sound of his own metal parts colliding with each other you philistine

>> No.18854501

Which war?

>> No.18854550
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I just want to share this lovely cup of coffee I had at an old café in Nagasaki few years ago.
Is there anything comfier than a quiet café early in the morning?

>> No.18854558

Yes there is. Starting with, coffee at home.
Coffee around a campfire in the morning. Coffee and a cigarette with dad on his porch. Fuck cafes

>> No.18854591

I accidentally bought some rather expensive filter coffee beans thinking they were espresso.
I have an espresso machine, a briki, and a phin filter at home. I'm guessing I could just use the phin filter, but is there a way to finagle the filter coffee into an acceptable brew with my espresso machine? Maybe with a long pre-infusion or something?

>> No.18854620

Not typically. You're talking about quenching. You'll see it in brewing competitions where they want to use a coffee that won't be ready in time, so they'll roast a batch and quench it to make it offgas immediately.

>> No.18854623

also grinding and brewing it yourself, comfy af

>> No.18854817
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Bought a dark roast from my roaster, 'notes of smoke'
Yeah it just tastes burnt. Looks like a played myself

>> No.18854847

ive read that you can bloom regular coffee then pour off and that will decaffeinate it, is this true?

>> No.18854857
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coffee pleb here, my black and decker dripper died so i bought this beast

>> No.18854878

Looks like a french press. They're a good choice. If you want a good recipe for them watch

>> No.18855165

thanks boss

>> No.18855200

Grind them espresso-fine, put them in the espresso machine, and see what happens?

>> No.18855273

That was my first thought, too. I tried it this morning and got a very sour result, even though the timing seemed right (1:2 ratio in about 30s). Probably due to under-extraction. I guess I could grind much coarser and try them out in the phin, but I love wasting time and money on hacking things together that shouldn't work, so I'm going to try to pre-infuse them longer tomorrow.

>> No.18855314

Tried doing a pourover with a light roast yesterday and the procedure+drawdown took like 5m. Did I grind too fine?

>> No.18855396


>> No.18855595

Considering upgrading my grinder (currently a Bodum Bistro) to get a more consistent grind. I'm thinking of getting a Kinu M47. My current brewing methods are Aeropress and Hario Switch (with the Switch way more often), and I prefer light roasts. Any reason I shouldn't go with the Kinu?

>> No.18855670

I've been fighting this for the last week while also trying new methods and it turns out it was the beans. Went from over 5 minutes to 3:30. Seems light roast Ethiopians are the worst for fines.

>> No.18855782
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What do honey/natural process beans taste like?

>> No.18855859

I finally finished dialing in my new espresso machine. How do I stop myself from making several a day?

>> No.18855989

No, kinus are great.

New thread