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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18810983 No.18810983 [Reply] [Original]

do people actually like drinking this stuff? it tastes like toothpaste or mouthwash. also, why do they color it red? it makes a lot more sense to make it be green

>> No.18811306

>also, why do they color it red
I don't know what you drank but that sure wasn't Jager.

>> No.18811319

Alcohol is haram.

>> No.18811320

you drink a small shot after a heavy meal, not the amounts that would get you drunk, only underage retards do that

>> No.18811327

Jager sucks and is for children. Fernet, chartreuse, and underberg are for winners. They are absolutely delicious.

>> No.18811329

its nice in small doses
if you want to be disgusted try UNICUM
are you sure you didnt drink sambucca ?

>> No.18811343

I can't tell the difference between Jager, ouzo, or absinthe. I suspect that like celebrity branded whiskey, the only difference is the label and bottle shape.

>> No.18811347

I hope this is bait

>> No.18811349

you have a really bad problem or whatever your drinking isnt what youre drinking
absinthe tastes like pain
ouzo is really sweet but tongue numbing
jeager is just herby

>> No.18811360

Jager tastes like gasoline and bitter medicine.

>> No.18811370

if you say so
tastes like spicy herbal tea to me

>> No.18811401

It has no bitter notes at all. It does have a medicinal taste, but only because is in fact a traditional medicine/tincture/herbal remedy.

>> No.18811432
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Nice board to browse for your pedo rape religion,cunt.

>> No.18812046
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fuck your stupid nigger thread i love jaeger mesiter

anyway how do you anons mix it with. im getting tired of jager bombs

>> No.18812081

Or men who drink what they want when they want

>> No.18812083
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In b4 some Fernet asshole

>> No.18812100
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>men who drink what they want when they want
>binging on jager
Pick one

>> No.18812118

Too late, nards. Fernet is the adult version of jager.

>> No.18812120

This stuff just tastes like crème de menthe and jager had a baby. I used to joke a guy that would always drink this stuff and buy everyone shots of it every time we went to a bar. He was a cool but strange man

>> No.18812126

This. It’s really big in South America hard to find here. It’s usually served in coke a cola

>> No.18812150

read the back of the bottle, it says they put caramel coloring into it

>> No.18812169

Absinthe tastes similar to Sambuca or black licorice. Jager tastes like some strong, herbal cough remedy.

>> No.18812187

am i the only one that thinks jager tastes like mouthwash? it doesnt exactly have the candy taste that medicine has

>> No.18812207

Do a shot of jaeger with tequila and hot sauce

>> No.18812335
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I haven't touched it and probably won't ever again since mid-2010s when my buddies and I once a year for three years played a drinking game I made up, "Samurai", in which you gather around and watch The Last Samurai and take a shot every time the word "samurai" is spoken. It truly is the path to oblivion.

>> No.18812372
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Next time pick a beverage with a little more honor

>> No.18812435

Damn I miss drinking like that

>> No.18812564

Duly noted, Anon-Senpai; arigato

I really don't even remember why we chose Jäger, it just became tradition

>> No.18812659

Mix it with red bull.

>> No.18812814

Yes I love Jager

>> No.18812846

pour it over ice cream

>> No.18812853

I think the three worst liquors are Jager, Gin, and Tequila. I don't really understand how anyone could drink any of that shit. Literally makes me sick.

>> No.18812858

this mixes very well with monster energy drink
trust me ,try it ,if youre into that kind of thing

>> No.18812878

this but whiskey, vodka, and brandy

>> No.18812883

Die a little bit

>> No.18812910

I drink jager because Its the only hard liquor I can down really fast. I could drink it like its beer its the best way to get wasted quickly. I also love having all the alcohol like a truck and going from sober to black out drunk in 20 mins tops.

>> No.18812926

>hard liquor
come on now

>> No.18812943

Whiskey I agree, but vodka and brandy are good.

>> No.18812953

semantics anything anything over 20% may as well be considered hard liquor.

>> No.18812961

liquor is any distilled alcohol, and wine can reach close to 20% on its own. i think it needs to be at least 50% to be considered hard liquor

>> No.18812962

Jägermeister tastes like liquid gold to the palette of a white man. Icy cold Jägermeister is simply kino.

>> No.18813034

If gold tastes like vomit mixed with diarrhea you'd be correct

>> No.18813041

It's a genetic thing. Like how cilantro tastes like toothpaste/soap to some people, if you're not super germanic/scandinavian... it won't taste good to you.
Simple as that.

>> No.18813047

Rotting fish sympathizer

>> No.18813051

Sorry that you're not european enough to enjoy european things...?

>> No.18813055

>the german sounding alcohol only tastes good to germans
thats kind of based

>> No.18813171

the biggest flavors are blueberry, sage, and the oak from the aging process. I think most people who are not german don't taste berries and things like this so well, and they mainly just get oak + sweet from the various berry syrups they add. (I think they also add elderberry syrup which tastes bad to non-euros)

>> No.18813202

I can understand having trouble between absinthe and ouzo since they're both based on anise, but jager is completely different
Threads like these make me wonder how some people's taste buds are so fucked up

>> No.18813430

Tastes like topsoil mixed with toothpaste

>> No.18813436
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For you Anon. 80% rum.
Would you?

>> No.18813556

what does it taste like? the only alcohol ive liked is dairy based ones

>> No.18813559
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>> No.18813635

No idea.
There's even description at the back "Use, as addition to ta or drinks. Do not drink this directly"

>> No.18813638

to tea or drinks*

>> No.18813650

80 Stroh is only used for cooking/baking for the aroma. They also make a 60 and 40 AFAIK.

>> No.18813651

>80 Stroh is only used for
my grandma put it in her coffee

>> No.18813839
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You mix it with redbull.

>> No.18813855
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Is that Blade? Is that motherfucker still alive?

>> No.18813862
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He's very resilient.

>> No.18813947

Never heard of this practice before. Is this a historical tradition or something?

>> No.18813961

Herbal liquors are used as aperitifs and/or digestifs.
Based queen.

Getting drunk off jager is shit because of the extreme sugar content, making for a huge insulin spike contributing to the hangover.

>> No.18813999

I thought I liked it but last time I had it I sort of hated it. It was cloying and disgusting and I just wanted some refreshing beer but I had none. The only reason I had no clue I no longer liked it is because I can never motivate myself to buy it, it's too expensive.

>> No.18814022

Kek he passes out in 2 hours after drinking nowadays. It's over for him.

>> No.18814138

There is red jaeger. I only had it once. But if I rember correctly. It taste likes mouthwash

>> No.18814224

>mix it
Sipping ice cold jäger neat is delicious. It’s sweet and tasty and doesnt need anything else added to it

>> No.18814868

They all taste like licorice to me.
Jesus. I want to know more, but I also don't want to know.

>> No.18814927

Compared to other hard liquors, I find Jager to be very tasty. Pair it with a diet soda and you can drink it without making a face.

>> No.18814996

t. 12 year old.

>> No.18815025

>this liqueur is for children
Do you read your posts before you send em?

>> No.18815030
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Here's a (You), but please, put more effort in next time.

>> No.18815040

Because you're a big baby allergic to herbal and vegetal flavors. This is because your mom didn't feed you enough vegetables as a kid.

>> No.18815044

>tastes bad to non-Euros
You best be joking nigger, elderberries grow wild in North Africa.

>> No.18815063

In Estonia its used in "sparta shots". Mix it tequila and absinthe

>> No.18815083

God, that's vile.

>> No.18815095

No shit I read my posts. Would it have been more clear if I said it was for babies instead?

>> No.18815116
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pro party trick
buy sugar cones
marinate them with the rum by ladling it over the sugar cone. Keep doing it until the sugar cone is well impregnated with the rum.
You can now light the cone on fire and it will burn up dripping caramel. You can use suger cubes but those tend to disintegrate before the ones at the center get soaked trough.
The final part of brewing a good pot of Krambambuli.

keep the rest of it in your medicine cupboard for a sore thought, disinfection or a bit of Dutch courage.

>> No.18815120

chill it in the freezer
serve over some ice

or you could be like a german backpacker and mix it 50/50 with fuckin Fanta

>> No.18815122
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>he drinks Fernet, literally coke syrup +40%abv
>wow, it's such a mature drink for mature grown-ups like me

>> No.18815140

You are just too silly. Fernet would win any and all blind tastings against jager. Don't be so silly you deceive yourself to death.

>> No.18815145

it's really not that bad.
I'd say give it a try but do so before a weekend because it gives you one hell of a hangover

>> No.18815157

>it would win a blind tasting (no stated goal criteria) against a totally different herbal liqueur intended to have a different flavor
Nah sorry big guy I'm pretty sure Jager would win the silly taste test you made up in your head because now I'm the one making it up in my head, fag

>> No.18815181

This man lacks the capacity to determine quality levels between two disparate liqueurs.

LMFAO. And you think you got one over on me pretending to be all intellectual n shiet. You have outed yourself as a foolish neophyte.

>> No.18815189
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>quality levels
>Brandy is better than Scotch whisky.
>Why? Because it's higher quality, of course.
>Yes of course they are directly comparable.
>What do you mean they're intended to taste different, one is obviously better than the other, no it's totally reasonable to force incompatibles into heirarchies of goodness and badness
>no I don't have autism

>> No.18815207
File: 832 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20230115_115838_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really wrote all that absolute non sense?

We are comparing 2 BRANDS. Here let me pose this properly for your weak and insignificant mind.

Try this taka vodka I got for 7 dollars a fifth.


Now try this macallan 25 year scotch.

Which one is better?


Here is something interesting as well. Find me how many awards your boyfriend jagermeister has won in spirits competitions. I can't find any. Fernet on the other hand... easy.

>> No.18815213


>> No.18815223

>see, see, the official website of the stuff I like says the stuff I like is good and wins contests
Very cool, little buddy! You really did your research! Proud of you.

>> No.18815228


>> No.18815231

I also looked at the jager website and all they do is host stupid competitions for advertising purposes. Lmao.

>> No.18815240

You are watching let's plays of baby games on your phone while having this conversation, my little pal. I'm glad you like Fernet, but liking Fernet more than Jagermeister doesn't make you a man.

>> No.18815253

Nono. Even if that was true it doesn't change the fact that Fernet is objectively a better liqueur.

>> No.18815259

What are the objectives it achieves that make it objectively better, big guy?
And 'tasting good to me, the good flavors decider man' isn't an objective.

>> No.18815283

It's more complex, it has a more refined taste to it, smoother, etc. It excells in most qualities that a great spirit has.

This goes back to not understanding that you can judge things based on their quality, and not just how much you like it. It is possible, bungler.

>> No.18815318

And again, my guy. Explain to me why jager doesn't enter any spirits competitions while fernet does and won 12th in the top 100 spirits competition in 2015. So you think if jagermeister was in that tasting it would have won 10th place or maybe 1st?

>> No.18815329

>more complex
Coincidentally, these are the same meaningless qualities Pajeet at the liquor store tends to use to describe the most expensive spirit on his shelf in an attempt to sell it to me

>> No.18815352

>tell me objective ways to describe how one spirit is better than another
>I do exactly that

You have lost. Care to try again?

>> No.18815391
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>my thing is better than your thing in the following objective ways
>proceeds to list 3 intentionally vague marketing terms
If you want to walk away feeling like you "won" for posting something as dumb as that, you're allowed to. I'm not going to stop you.

>> No.18815405

Tell me what would have been the correct answer then, bucko? How do you describe the objective qualities of a spirit?

Where's your response to my awards question btw?

>> No.18815417

Yes anon, if doing what you want when you want entails doing something that's only for "underage retards" that is still doing what you want when you want.

>> No.18815436

They're two different herbal liqueurs. It's much harder to judge liqueurs objectively than it would be to judge, say, brandies or Tequilas, which have pretty tightly defined standards and can be said to outdo each other by how close they are to those standards. Herbal liqueurs are almost universally either old-timey folk medicines that people liked the taste of, or passion projects by people who wanted a liqueur that tasted like the one they made.

To answer your question, Jagermeister has developed and courted a reputation as a party spirit in the United States, so it markets itself on that, whereas Fernet Branca is marketed to Americans as an exotic and cultured drink and therefore pursues nouveau-riche prestige whenever possible.

>> No.18815504

Objective qualities of a spirit, please. They exist, bud.

So in a panel of highly knowledgeable and experienced judges jagermeister would rank higher than fernet? I don't give a SHIT about your excuses.

>> No.18815525

All supposed competitions that incorporate multiple varieties of spirit are expressly just 'what spirit do the judges themselves like the most,' and implicitly just 'which spirit offered the largest bribe this year' or 'which spirit company aligns with the judges' political beliefs the most.'
The same cannot be said for narrower-scope competitions like wine or whiskey tastings.

Which game were you watching a let's-play of, by the way? Looks pretty aesthic.

>> No.18815573

It's hard for me to imagine someone thinking that jagermeister is an objectively better spirit, and that's the question I'm trying to get at.

If a panel of 10 unbiased world class judges did a completely blind tasting and rating you are saying jagermeister would win? 10 out of 10 judges say jager is better or 8/10?

Playtonic's lil gator game.

>> No.18815607

I don't think it's objectively better- I just think that Jagermeister, Fernet Branca, Chartreuse, and most aperitivos and digestifs (including, God forgive me for mentioning such a cursed name, Unicum) are intentionally very different from one another and, as a result of each catering to radically different personal preferences, don't really stack up in a qualitative 'this one is better than that one' kind of way.
This argument is specifically about liqueurs. Other spirits can absolutely be better than one another. I'm not insane enough to say I prefer $10/bottle Casa de Jose's armpit sweat over Fortaleza or Espolon, for example.

>> No.18815674

Fair enough, but I still think that the much maligned jager is not as good as fernet.

Since herbal liqueur all use base spirits, what if one used an inferior base spirit to the other? Jager uses grain spirit, while fernet uses grape spirits. One of those is an objectively higher quality ingredient.

Sometimes more complex, interesting, or more flavorful spirits are "harder" to drink a lot of, or in our case slam back ice cold shots to get fucked up asap.

If the conventional and widely accepted way to drink a spirit is slamming back shots chilled to make it have as little flavor as possible does that not say something about the quality of it?

Ice cold shots to get wasted vs. Sipping on a room temp glass before drinking, or after a big meal.

>> No.18815696

Though I see your point, young Italians drink Fernet the same way Americans drink Jagermeister, and I personally would say the recipe incorporating berry syrups and extracts goes a long way to restore the flavor undercurrent lost by switching from a brandy or eau-de-vie base to a grain spirit base.
Old German men still drink Jagermeister for a reason.
Do we agree on the superiority of Chartreuse to both?

>> No.18815730
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Yes. I ran out of my VEP Green and can't get anymore because it sells out too quickly. D:

>> No.18815753

Christ alive, that's some strong stuff. No wonder the bottlers recommend having just a teaspoon of it in water.
Frankly, to get rare stuff, your best bet is to find the largest non-syndicated liquor store in your area and get on a first-name basis with the owner or manager who does the ordering.

>> No.18815952

I would buy a full 750ml bottle of it if they sold it. I really love the vegetal. Thankfully my store has cases of the stuff. Makes a really really nice old fashioned.

>> No.18816103

Göring-Schnaps best Schnaps

>> No.18816232
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is it really red? I just use it as a prop on /ck/. Never actually opened it.

>> No.18816246

>absolutely delicious
Pick one.

>> No.18816254

its a dark redish brown

>> No.18816294

I've only ever had ouzo
I've drunk about 6 bottles and I love it but unfortunately I can't really afford to buy spirits or at least it's too expensive for me
Is jagermeister similar tasting?

>> No.18816333

I haven't normal chartreuse in a very long time, but the VEP green and yellow are heavenly.

>> No.18816336

Jager is menthol, ouzo is licorice.

>> No.18817459

I just tried ice cold jager for the first time. It was a little smoother to drink, but the alcohol went into my nose more. I was expecting it to taste better or something.

>> No.18817737

is this half in the bag?

>> No.18817841

>drink/eat/do/slop/consume what you want, when you want
This is manchild behavior, literally elementary school "well if I was a grown-up you couldn't tell me what to do!!!" logic
Adults have responsibilities and understand that fulfilling them is both the best and most rewarding way to live life

>> No.18818101

The childish dickwaving over who drinks the manliest alcohol is the funniest shit ever.

>> No.18818195

Yellow is worse than ordinary green and quite gay desu. They should discontinue it.

>> No.18818196
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Slovakian bros what is generic name of this drink?

>> No.18818223

Especially considering this time it's sugar-laden herbal liqueurs

>> No.18818660

It makes my roommate puke from the smell

>> No.18819419
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This BTFOs Jaggerbullshit

>> No.18819713

Originally was used as medicinal.

Jager-bombs are legitimate the best marketing campaign you've ever seen. Ever.

Before they become popular only +60 year old women drank Jager.

>> No.18819724

Am I the only one who is reminded of gingerbread?

>> No.18819774

man 15 years ago i couldn't go 72 hours without someone mentioning that the original formula contained absinthe.

>> No.18819802


>> No.18819914
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>you have responsibilities and need to fulfill them!!!
>this means drinking as much jager as you please makes you a manchild!!!
The temptation to depict you as a soyjak is overwhelming.

>> No.18819924

It's pretty good with Coca Cola

>> No.18820151

you're so fucking gay please stop posting. you suck so fucking bad.

>> No.18820251

>t. Lord of the ding-dongs
