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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18810561 No.18810561 [Reply] [Original]

>a dash
>a pinch
>a sprinkle
>a handful
>a splash
>a glug
>a dab
>a hint
>a drizzle
>a cup
>a glass
>a drop
>a bit

>> No.18810565
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>to taste

>> No.18810566

Add 3 dribbles, 2 smidgeons, and 8 tidbits.

You have been defeated.

>> No.18810568

>a cup

>> No.18810586

Yeh no. Keep it professional at least.

>> No.18810593

>an onion

>> No.18810610
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>a bell pepper

>> No.18810621

>x inches of water

>> No.18810629

what size cup we talkin here

>> No.18810634
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>> No.18810652
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>> No.18810676

just make it however you would like it.
you are, after all, the government of your own measurements

>> No.18810691
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>Following accurate measurements and not just going by feel

You lack-a de passion

>> No.18810725

A recipe is a set of instructions.

What's the point of a set of instructions if they're unclear?

>> No.18810731

what's unclear about "use as much as you want"?

>> No.18810737

If you treat a recipe as instruction manual, you are doing it very bad. Its a guideline at best.

>> No.18810744

the person writing the recipe isn't going to eat the shit that you cooked.

YOU are going to be eating it.
So cook it how YOU want it.

What kind of a retard makes a dish that he knows he wouldn't like, and goes "well the book told me to cook it that way"

>> No.18810770

they are clear, you're just retarded.

>> No.18810833

this board is a disaster

>> No.18810958
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i never taste my food as I'm making it before I'm done and it almost always ends up being great. I have a sixth sense that allows me to sense the proper amount of ingredients to add and time to cook without needing to taste it to see if I did it right. I am an auteur

>> No.18810997
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>being such a massive autist that you can't handle life if every single thing isn't meticulously laid out and categorized down to the gram
>not instead using a recipe as a basic guide and learning to tweak and customize the dishes that you make to your own tastes
It makes me sad to see so many people who act like this, cooking is supposed to be a work of passion. Even if you're just making something as simple as eggs and toast, why not put a little personal touch into it? Others may not like it but who gives a shit, unless you're a chef or are cooking for others might as well just go wild and see what you like

>> No.18811002

wrong. cooking is just a means to an end. we need food to live. ideally humans could just go to a gas station and pump fuel into their bodies once a week to have all of their bodies energy and nutrition needs met. imagine how much more free time you would have if food was reduced to the most utilitarian process like that

>> No.18811006

>3 carrots
>10 potatoes
>1 bunch of scallions

>> No.18811007
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these guys don't know how to cook.

>> No.18811013

Free time for what?
You're rationalizing away the very joyful things you'd spend your free time on.

>> No.18811019

>Free time for what?
That's for me to decide, not you.

>> No.18811030

Typically it's a US sized cup. So it's just a little over 235 milliliters.

>> No.18811038

lmaoing at your sad excuse for a response
anon if you want to be a pathetic NEET who eats nothing but gas station hotdogs and jacks off all day just say it outright, at least that way we'll know to ignore your bullshit

>> No.18811043

>Follows every instruction to the letter with no deviation nor understanding.

>> No.18811045


Cooking is a means to an end, but eating is not. Eating, aside from providing our daily nutrients and energy, is an act of self pleasure. We should not reduce it to something as simple as a gas station fillup.

>> No.18811047

8 fluid ounces, you dumbfuck.

>> No.18811050

Eating is part of the means to an end that cooking starts. You sound like a fat hedonist. I reject self pleasure.

>> No.18811059


>> No.18811281

>a glass
Yeah. I found out Italians have a vaguely specific measurement for this when I was looking up recipes for spaghetti alle vongole.

>> No.18811285

its as much as you can pick up with 2 fingers and a thumb
whats hard to understand about ?

>> No.18811292

Whose fingers and thumbs are we talking? A 5 year old childs or a 400 pound sumo wrestler's?

>> No.18811300
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thats a good point
i guess thats what they mean when say "to taste" then

>> No.18811364

Thought this was a Chef John quip

>> No.18811382


>> No.18811387
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only in true english fashion its natty

>> No.18811395

You forgot a skosh

>> No.18811444

>a cup
Cry harder, how much does a gallon of water weight?

>> No.18811446

the ton of bricks because bricks are heavier

>> No.18811477

I know how to cook, but if I'm making something I'm not familiar with - like, I look up the national dish of some bumfuck country nobody has ever heard of and try to make it just to broaden my horizons - I don't know what the fuck it is supposed to be like and therefore need specific instructions. Further, what is the problem with making recipes that are usable by people who don't already know how to cook? Everybody starts somewhere.

>> No.18811486

I'll pump fuel into your body once a week, faggot

>> No.18811491

when you see "a dash", "a pinch" etc it really doesn't matter that much because no one measures it and it's to taste (meaning as you would like it) really simple. too simple for you.

most of the things I cook have no written down instructions.
beef stroganoff.

I make all these things without measuring any of it, and no one has ever complained.

>> No.18811503

473 grams x 8

>> No.18811515

Yes dude. If it's something I've made a bunch of times before, am familiar with, and uses ingredients I have a lot of experience with, it's no problem. But what if you want to cook something that is not the same 4 things you've made 1000 times before?

>> No.18811658

whats bigger a glass or a cup

>> No.18811662

Is it a measuring glass or a coffee glass?

>> No.18811675
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>> No.18812688

So freaking epic to be both an alcoholic and a "don't talk to me until i've had my coffee" wagie

>> No.18812694

A standard drinking glass, even a fairly small one, will be larger than a 1 cup measure.

>> No.18812705

>Culinary arts
>do it the same way every time

FAIL. A recipe is merely a guide line, it's up to the cook to bend the recipe to their preference, and reach a slightly different conclusion.
imagine if painters kept drawing the same thing over and over.

>> No.18812718

Boy you must be real fun at parties.

>> No.18812726

>a dash
1/8th of a teaspoon
>a pinch
1/16th of a teaspoon
>a sprinkle
1/32 of a teaspoon
>a handful
1/2 a cup by volume
>a splash
1/2 a teaspoon
>a glug
1 to 2 tablespoons
>a dab
Best form of weed
>a hint
A gaseous volume equal to one adult squirrel fart on average
>a drizzle
My nizzle
>a cup
8 ounces
>a glass
Used to smoke your dab
>a drop
.05 mL
>a bit
Half a quarter.
Get your inbred looking Mormon ass out of here

>> No.18812743

dont reduce the definition of alcoholic by applying it to a bitch with a wine glass

>> No.18812756
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>"and lets just put a a handful of salt into the water"
>camera closeups on her gigantic hambeast shrek foam finger hands

>> No.18812800

If you can't figure it out, you have no business in the kitchen.

>> No.18814020
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>watch cooking video
>"yeah i'll put the meassurements in the description"
>description is empty

>> No.18814030

>Taste is subjective and different people like different amounts of seasoning
>Vague terms that still give a good idea of what rough amount is intended signal to the reader that this is an area that is supposed to be adjusted to personal preference
>OP has a meltdown over it
Either get good or buy microwave food, in there the amounts are consistent you autist.

>> No.18814033

>He thinks the autist who can't handle amounts that are not 100% consistent will be happy with volumetric measurements

>> No.18814059
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>> No.18814090

for this pizza dough add 0.000219365402 Ford F150s of flour. Whatever gluten content doesn't matter. If it's too sticky add more

>> No.18814102

a hint is definitely smaller than a bit

>> No.18814128

I did the math and that's accurate lol

>> No.18814157

no way in heck is a dash bigger than a pinch

>> No.18814161
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>a tad

>> No.18814169

a D cup of milk

>> No.18814181 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18814263


>> No.18814272

a dash is def bigger than a pinch. a dash has to be several pinches, at least.

>> No.18814601

i'd argue a blob is bigger than a glug too

>> No.18814610

no way you're getting several proper three-finger pinches into a single dash, you're mad.

>> No.18814619

when you're in the habit of pinching your mom's butt you need a big pinch anon

>> No.18815474

have sex

>> No.18815478

oop pooped mah pants again

>> No.18815479

This is the worst one.

>> No.18815501

I honest to god think anyone who can naturally understand this is not even human, but just completely lacks sentience like an animal.

>> No.18815546

>YOU are going to be eating it.
>So cook it how YOU want it.

If you knew how to make good tasting food without instruction, why would you refer to a recipe in the first place? A recipe is there so that you can cook something that tastes good without knowing those fundamentals.

>> No.18816444
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>a dab

>> No.18816538

>three-finger pinches
What the fuck, are you really supposed to use three fingers for a pinch? To me a pinch is thumb and forefinger only.

>> No.18816559

>recipe says "salt to taste"
>you don't know how the salt interacts with the flavors of the rest of the dish because you've never had this dish before
>add too much salt
>it tastes bad at the end
>recipe would have tasted good if you added the right amount of salt
>you didn't know the right amount of salt because the recipe didn't actually tell you how much to use
>you now believe you dislike this dish because you don't realize that you made it wrong because you followed the directions as best you could

>> No.18816574

"yikes i really added too much salt this time. next time i will use less salt"

always iterate. always improve.

>> No.18816587

Maybe they should improve their recipes :)

>> No.18816590

maybe you should follow the recipe next time, clearly it wasn't to your taste :)

>> No.18816599

First of all, there's no guarantee that the person would recognize there was too much salt, sometimes the flavor can be affected beyond just tasting too salty, and this person was inexperienced with the dish enough to need a recipe in the first place.
Secondly, I would much rather have an ideal starting template that's well-defined so I KNOW for a fact I made the dish correctly. Modifications can still be made after that if I come to recognize I want more or less of one ingredient or another, the only thing that making the recipe vague does is make everything harder for inexperienced people for no reason. If you're writing a recipe you should measure out the ideal amounts of every ingredient and make it all as clear as possible.

>> No.18816612

>First of all, there's no guarantee that the person would recognize there was too much salt
it's the first thing anyone with a sense of taste will notice and comment on.

>> No.18816660

>Whose fingers and thumbs are we talking?
yours idiot

>> No.18816662

I follow the instructions and use my knowledge of ingredients and how they work together and make an educated guess.

hasn't been a problem.

>> No.18816667

well in bizarro earth maybe. but here it's common and everyone with a brain and self awareness either knows how it works or figures it out.

>> No.18816674

>taste food
needs salt
>add salt
>taste food
needs salt
>add salt
>taste food

>> No.18816677

a hate retard customary units so much
wish everything was metric
also weighing things is way easier than measuring volume
>cups of leaves

>> No.18816685

>that the person would recognize there was too much salt,
how can you not taste too much salt?

Lets look at chili I add 1/2 to 3 teaspoons of salt tasting as I go.

depends on how much I make.

I have never added too much salt. not even sure how much that would be,

>> No.18816710

heres a recipe I made for a friend for my lasagna.

I never used a written recipe and learned from watching someone else make it. They never used a written recipe either.

all amounts were pulled out of my ass based on a best guess for the recipe. because the amounts of many of the seasonings don't matter that much. The person I gave it to said it was the best lasagna they had ever had. they had no trouble making it and never questioned me on exact measurements.

2 lbs. sweet and/or hot Italian sausage
1 package Lasagna Noodles
1 Table spoon olive oil
2 16oz. cans diced or crushed stewed tomatoes
2 or 3 lbs. Mozzarella cheese
Italian seasoning
dried chopped parsley
2 or 3 pints ricotta cheese
2 or 3 eggs
1 white onion medium to large
6 to 8 medium size mushrooms
2 or 3 cloves fresh garlic

Mix the 2 or 3 eggs, 2 or 3 tablespoons parsley, and Ricotta cheese together.

Chop the Mushrooms.

Boil the noodles in a large saucepan with the oil, and 1 tsp. salt in the water,
cook until still tough. drain and refill pan with cold water to keep noodles from
sticking together.

Coarse chop the onion, smash and finely dice 1 or 2 cloves of garlic.
Remove the sausage casing, and break up the sausage in a frying pan.
Brown the sausage with 2/3 the onion and all the garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Drain off the grease.

In a 2 quart sauce pan combine the Stewed tomatoes, 1 tsp. Italian seasoning, the rest of the onion, 1 crushed and finely chopped clove of garlic, the mushrooms, and the Sausage.
bring to boil and then simmer about 15 minutes.

Arrange in layers in a ungreased 9x13" pan: sauce, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, and pasta.
Top the last layer with a generous amount of mozzarella.
Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes or until sauce bubbles and the cheese is slightly brown.

>> No.18816944

Ranges of amounts are not the same as "put in an appropriate amount based on intuitions you haven't developed which is why you're using a recipe"

>> No.18816947

>I know how to do it, so why doesn't everyone?
>It's obvious to me, so it must be obvious to everyone.

>> No.18816953

But what if the food is all gone before I get the right amount?

>> No.18817306
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>a dallop

>> No.18817331

That's the way they taught me in home economics class
Tbf, I had to regenerate the response several times until the AI gave me a list that was decent

>> No.18817710

cooklets detected.

>> No.18817731

Pepper really just is to taste.

For salt:
1.5tsp /quart liquid
1tsp/lb of anything chopped/ground/diced
1/2tsp/lb of anything left whole

>> No.18817765

salt always multiplies the flavors while added a little bit of a salty taste.
if you added too much salt to any dish you would understand "oh crap that's wayyyy too much salt".
and if you add too much salt, just add more of all the other ingredients to balance it out.

>> No.18817782

Milena Velba

>> No.18818144

you're the one person on earth who can't figure out how to season something to taste and WE'RE the fucked up ones

>> No.18819090

>1 part this
>3 part that

>> No.18819099

What if I want to make a perfect copy?! I can't because these retards make their recipes too vague! I might as well just experiment on my own! Hmph!

>> No.18819265

Do you not understand ratios and fractions? The whole point is so you can scale the recipe to any quantity based on ratios.

>> No.18819279

>not using measurements of time for food
>a couple of seconds of cream

>> No.18819304

I'd argue they're the same amount

>> No.18819492


cookcels are the worst people on earth

>> No.18819547

I am not using a recipe, the recipe was made up for a friend. I just eyeball it every time.

and it is the same.

oh the poor kid is retarded. he can't season food without detailed exact instructions.
you couldn't empty sand from a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

>> No.18819581

>I just eyeball it every time.
I understand that. I'm saying your written recipe doesn't fall into OP's complaint because you actually provided ranges of measurements for everything to help give a concept of proper ratios to the person following the recipe. You never say, "Put in the appropriate amount of cheese," for instance, and instead give an approximate amount of cheese which would be appropriate within a range, and you did the same thing for every seasoning as well. Your recipe is better written than one which just says things like "to taste."

>he can't season food without detailed exact instructions.
It's helpful for a recipe to impart baseline ratios and amounts to work with so you understand the intended outcome and aren't just winging it completely your first time through. The latter has a greater potential for user error and recipe failure or waste.

>> No.18819590

I often wonder this myself. One time a recipe called for a cup of heavy cream, so I used a mug. Another time my mug was dirty, so I used my water glass. It came out totally different, really soupy. Idk why. I followed the instructions and used a cup both times.

>> No.18819623

Art has no rules but cooking absolutely has rules.

>> No.18819728

Right but say you are making curry. To taste is too vague because how the fuck would I know if its the ginger or the cummin thats affecting the taste a certain way.

>> No.18819769

why do you hate wage employees?

>> No.18819790

>a cup
>a glass
both equal 8oz.

>> No.18819793

this is what you get on a website with tech-oriented denizens
I'm surprised they don't bitch about significant figures

>> No.18820538

this fucking got me, good job anon lmao

>> No.18820549

i was never taught to cook, and being extremely mathematically minded, cooking was always so stressful for me. It's only recently that i've started to realize what you're saying, and actually started to play around with recipes

>> No.18820554

how the fuck am i supposed to know if the salt tasted the food??

>> No.18820627
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>a hit

>> No.18820640


Where did this fad of claiming anyone who irregularly drinks the slightest amount of alcohol is a raging wino come from?

>> No.18820649

>the zest of 1 lemon

>> No.18820782

Alcohol is poison, any amount of consumption is radical over-consumption.

>> No.18820805
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I understand why you have to salt to taste, but man it does still get me. At least give a rough idea then say "to taste" rather than just expecting me not to gradually turn my shit into the black sea because salt tastes good when tasting but not when eating a whole thing and suddenly realizing your throat is burning.

>> No.18820815

My recipes are just ingredient lists. For some reason my cooking is really inconsistent.

>> No.18820926
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I don't use measurements and I don't taste my food before it's done. Still comes out good.

>> No.18820946

the cumin will give it more of a cumin flavor and the ginger will give it more of a ginger flavor. If you're not sure what an ingredient tastes like, you could just go to eat a fast food instead, stupid

>> No.18820951

this needs to be higher up

>> No.18821123

>say you are making curry
Just add curry powder. Easy.

>> No.18821615

Epic bait

>> No.18821622

How the hell am I supposed to remember anything I did in the kitchen longer than a week ago?

>> No.18821636

>add too much salt
>it tastes bad at the end
That's why you do the "salt to taste" part at the end of cooking.

>> No.18821668

maybe a chalk board or some marker board and making notes of what you feel like could've improved

>> No.18821937


>> No.18822051

>That's why you do the "salt to taste" part at the end of cooking.
>at the end of cooking
No, many times the recipe will have you salt to taste in the middle of cooking, before adding other ingredients or going through other steps. How will you know if too much salt at step 3/7 fucked up step 5/7?

>> No.18822074

>recipe says to broil the meat/whatever
>doesn't specify the temperature
are american broilers made for brainlets? every oven with a broiler function I ever encountered wants a specific temperature

>> No.18822161

If you engage the broiler you get maximum heat from a heating element located in the top of the oven, usually around 500 F. When you select a temperature for the oven that's just called baking.

>> No.18822268
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>a knob of butter

>> No.18822838

a hint effects flavor. a bit could just create a chemical reaction like with yeast

>> No.18822851

>sweet and/or hot Italian sausage to taste
>Lasagna Noodles to taste
>olive oil to taste
>diced or crushed stewed tomatoes to taste
>Mozzarella cheese to taste
>Italian seasoning to taste
>dried chopped parsley to taste
>ricotta cheese to taste
>eggs to taste
>white onion to taste
>mushrooms to taste
>fresh garlic cloves to taste
to taste

>> No.18822871

Okay, go back to the 20s then, faggot. Fucking people who think I give a shit about what they think about my life choices. Always reeks of insecurity and bitterness.

>> No.18822883

Sounds like you care quite a bit. Why should it bother you if I consider you an alcoholic?

>> No.18822891

>200kg fat fuck's hands wrote this post

>> No.18822903

So, what, if the recipe calls for 100g of potato, and you have an extra quarter, do you throw it out? Recipe calls for 500g of ground beef and you have 550g? You gonna throw that last 50g morsel back in the freezer? And if you don't, then what, are you gonna use the exact amount of salt even though the proportions are off by that relatively small margin?
Unless you cut all of your vegetables and portion your meat to the exact weights listed, cooking will always require a leeway depending on your taste and circumstances. Just stick to baking, you're not a food manufacturer, you unimaginative faggot.

>> No.18822914

You only add half of the total amount of salt you want in the dish midway, because salt helps to cook the ingredients by drawing out moisture etc. When the dish is almost done and everything is pretty much cooked through, you do the add salt>taste>adjust salt routine.
Schools really need to bring back basic homescience holy shit, you can't trust recipes all the time, especially now that any cunt can just post copywritten bullshit articles to shill their stuff on trash blogs these days.

>> No.18822915


See jazz music.

>> No.18822938


Then you don't know how to fucking cook.

>Add ingredient

why the fuck is tasting your shit such a foreign concept? Yall motherfuckers spending 20 hours compiling the OSHA violations of far cry 1 but the concept of bringing a spoon with some food in it to your mouth is just beyond comprehension

Get it the fuck together

>> No.18822952

>You only add half of the total amount of salt you want in the dish midway
Okay, so why can't they just tell me the total amount of salt desired and when to add half of it and when to add the other half? You know, like some sort of set of directions.

>> No.18823005

Because often you can already do the routine halfway through once all the ingredients are cooked to the point its safe to taste, and the remaining cooktime is to just let the tastes muddle further, especially if you're making a chilli or a stew. The problem arise when you're cooking something like eggs or a stir fry that's too hot

>> No.18823015

>a niggen
Americans have the stupidest measurements

>> No.18823038

If you are making a regional dish from somewhere you aren't from, autistic measurements down to the microgram aren't going to give you the authentic taste of the dish. Most national dishes have several different varieties and are cooked using various measurements from generations of people honing the dish to their taste. Its foolish to think you can follow a set of precise instructions that completely replicate some Hungarian grandmother's goulash.

>> No.18823060

>volumetric measurements


>> No.18823063

this thread is a bot trying to understand humans lmao

>> No.18823161

Volume is better than weight for everything except candy and drugs.

>> No.18823166

No it's not. Especially not for solid stuff.

>> No.18823277

Your entire perception of the world is based on volume. You eyeball grams by imagining the volume of a pile of X grams of a given substance. Volume is the most intuitive and natural method for measuring ingredients and never will you need single-gram precision in measuring any ingredient in anything, except candy and drugs.

>> No.18823282

what if i want something that tastes good the first time?

>> No.18823362

Practice, practice, practice.

>> No.18823470
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ginger in curry? haiyaaaa

>> No.18824264

NPC mentality

>> No.18824297

>he doesn't leave portions of his previously cooked meals on the rotting counter

>> No.18824309

I like old recipes that don't give any amounts. They actually expected the people cooking to know what they were doing and to have some general idea of how to take a list of ingredients and figure out the correct amounts. Almost like recipes were not meant to be followed as law, something which people who always do as they're told have difficulty understanding. Are you a man, or a machine?

>> No.18824322

What if I wanted to paint a masterpiece the first time? I should just give up when I don't succeed on the first try I guess

>> No.18824524

Does anyone on this board actually cook?
Even if you completely fuck up a recipe and make it too salty or if the recipe is not to your taste, you chalk that up and adjust it next time you make it.
Recipes are not a foolproof way to make good food, they're basic guidelines about what the person who made the recipe thinks tastes good. That's why every chef and grandmom has their own special way to make pasta sauce.
Bunch of NPC monkeys, the lot of you.

>> No.18824621

>they're basic guidelines about what the person who made the recipe thinks tastes good
Except for all the times where they refuse to tell you the amount they think tastes good and say "lol figure it out."

>> No.18824649

Because most recipes suck ass especially from YouTube or internet cooks. If you buy a proper cooking book that's different. Also, its just to have a guide line for beginners. Once you know your shit, you just KNOW how much to use and change it up according to your taste

>> No.18825995

>go back to the 20s
anon, I...

>> No.18826259
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>> No.18826335

>2 cups of wheat flour
meaning between 230 and 270g depending on how finely the flour's been ground

>> No.18826543
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We've had this exact same thread several times
With the same responses even

>> No.18826737

Because they don't know either and the amount changes everytime they make the dish. They season TO TASTE.

>> No.18828267

You should see a professional chemist doing cooking. Everything measured to the milligram.

>> No.18828323
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>> No.18828367

All I wanted was to salt my food the right amount, but I guess I'm just not allowed.

>> No.18828435

Mein Gott the OCD and Autism are stronk in this thread

>> No.18828454

Like a fucking dog? you malthusian wef twat

>> No.18828466
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>> No.18828627
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>one medium onion
1. what kind
2. what the fuck quantifies a "medium" onion

>> No.18828640

1. If the type of onion is unspecified then assume it means white onion.
2. It's bigger than a small onion but smaller than a big onion, go look at 3 onions and pick the medium one.

>> No.18828641

typically if the onion type is unspecified it's your basic yellow onion. medium is the size, just an average onion, not too large or too small. get yourself around some vegetables more often and you will be able to estimate the average size of one.

>> No.18828736

It can communicate with the spirits of the dead

>> No.18828823
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>medium onion channels spirits
>chop into medium onion
>spiritual energy is released
>moved to tears from the overwhelming emotions of those who passed on flowing out of the onion

>> No.18829278

You're at the grocery store. You pick up a small onion, you pick up a large onion, YOU FIND THE FUCKING ONE INBETWEEN THEM


>> No.18829823

holy fuck this one obliterated me

>> No.18829904
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>"Add 1 gram of salt"
>Not sure if recipe accounts for transfer losses

>> No.18830423


>> No.18830943

>one stick of butter

>> No.18831088
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That's literally how butter is packaged and sold. What's the issue here, other than the fact that you're underage and have never stepped foot in a kitchen or grocery store?

>> No.18831115

Some people buy butter in that big block but even then you cut it into fourths

>> No.18831117

that's 250 grams of salted butter. fuck salted butter.

>> No.18831121

More flavor for free why not buy it? You'll undoubtedly add salt to your recipe anyways

>> No.18831128

1 stick is 113 grams and you can just buy unsalted if you want.

>> No.18831176
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>an afternoon of cumin

>> No.18831386
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>> No.18831989
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>a glop

>> No.18832132
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>oil in pan
>bacon in pan
>cold start
>pepper the fuck out of it
>a DASH of cinnamon on each slice

mm damn

>> No.18832376

>oil in pan
How much oil?
What type and size of pan?
>bacon in pan
How much bacon?
>cold start
Refrigerated or frozen and for how long?
What temperature and how long?
>pepper the fuck out of it
Exactly how much is a fuck of pepper?
>a DASH of cinnamon on each slice
But how many GRAMS of cinnamon?
What length and thickness of slice?

>> No.18832452

I don't measure a fucking thing unless I'm making dessert

>> No.18833356

Trying to convince autists that not everything has a singular correct way to be done is a fool's errand

>> No.18833357

Add a cockslength of butter.

>> No.18833368

Cup and drop are both standardized based on volume. In fact, that's always what a "drop" is, it's just a description of a quite specific volume of liquid - except when it's from a very high place, or in an EDM song.

>> No.18833386

I've thought about it. Cup is obvious, but drop less so. A drop is the minimum amount of liquid required for that liquid to escape an area of low water potential using nothing but gravity. Pretty sure that covers all bases.

>> No.18833392

Oh no, except then it becomes standardised by mass!

>> No.18834304

Mass measurements do not belong in cooking.

>> No.18834646

>please give me exact quantities
do whites really?

>> No.18834765


>> No.18834805


>> No.18834823

>add salt
>taste food
>the bit you taste is right where you added salt so you think you added enough
>take a bite from an unsalted area and it tastes like shit

>> No.18834845

What if it's a solid dish that you can't stir salt into at the end, like a lasagna? What then? Just cut a slice out and pile salt on top of it if it wasn't salted enough?

>> No.18834850

Why candy?

>> No.18834866

I just drove to the store to check, they're all the same size
The other guy said it was a white onion, not yellow. Which is it?

>> No.18834868
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>recipe doesn't account for gravity being stronger at the equator

>> No.18834943

Candy is often very fussy and particular, especially when you're dealing with melting or boiling sugar. Exact amounts are necessary to keep everything in balance, prevent burning or seizing, etc.

>> No.18836752

you could add salt to taste, or do what you said like a retard

>> No.18836822

t. cooklet

>> No.18836952

I was fucked recently by the ubiquitous "dash" of bitters. It seemed at first synonymous with a drop, considering the spout of the bitters bottle only lets a drop out at a time, but of course that's not the case. I saw proper technique videos and such online, and the bartender's estimate (1/8 tsp) but then I'm fucked again when I discover that the dasher top for Peychaud's bitters is different than for Angostura, lets a different amount through at different rates, and also Angostura seems to be more bitter per volume in general, so since most cocktail recipes assume it if unspecified, then a little extra Peychaud's is appropriate to compensate. This is stuff that is never explained in any starter guides (and you'd think they'd link a starter guide to anyone looking up recipes for the most basic cocktails)

All of which should be measured by weight instead for dry ingredients, like in the UK.

>> No.18836957

>like in the UK.
And everywhere else in the world except the US

>> No.18837873

236.588 mL :)

>> No.18838158

A dribble

>> No.18838241

it's 250 actually

>> No.18839090

That's significantly rounded up from the US cup (closer to 240), or rounded down from the Imperial cup (closer to 280), to make it easier for cooking. Also, confusingly, for food and nutritional labeling the USDA defines a different fluid ounce (and thus US cup) size than the US customary fluid ounce (which is of course significantly different from the Imperial fl oz). Combine this with the tendency for food companies to undershoot their weight and volume labeling (to never "underfill" a customer -- so if your factory fills a 12-oz bag with a 4-sigma margin of error of about 2oz, you'll label the weight on your bag 10oz, and the USDA is fine with that (maybe it would be nicer to label net weights as approximate, or include a margin of error (though I question the utility of margin of errors given out too liberally to the uneducated), but whatever). The result is that food weights that you'll receive in commercial products will almost never be accurate, regardless of whether you think you're using the correct definition of fluid ounces or pints or quarts (interestingly, "cups" are deliberately not defined in the national and international standards and so are not used in labeling). Also, because Canada uses Imperial volumes buts exports and imports so heavily with the US, its labeling system is often completely different.

One interesting thing about the UK fluid ounce is that it actually converts "literally" as intended: 1 Imperial/US mass-ounce of water at 4 C has a volume of 1 fl oz UK. This puts it in line with how metric volumes were defined, and of course the original intent behind fluid ounces.

The moral of the story? Weigh dry ingredients, use metric when making recipes, and when reading precise recipes with Imperial/US/customary volume measures look at where and when and by whom the recipe was published.

>> No.18839114

I'll take a side of mayonnaise

>> No.18839145

Further reading:

Also Australians have a few curveballs too. 1 Aus tablespoon = 20 mL = 4 Aus/UK (~US) tsp

>> No.18839353
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>Weigh dry ingredients, use metric when making recipes

>> No.18840159

The MOE of all other environmental factors that readers of a recipe will have makes regional differences in customary units negligible (just as for "handful of chives", "medium onion", etc.). In such instances it's probably more useful to the reader of the recipe to use less precision, within reason, than more, to speed up the reader's prep and lower their tendency to be anal.

However, with most baking, many sauces, and some cocktails you would want a much higher level of precision, especially for those readers who want their results to look exactly like the photographs in the recipe and will post angry comments if they don't (or I suppose in the old days, write hate mail). See any recipe for cooking online with a writer who still cares about responding to comments, and see how much troubleshooting they have to do over readers complaining about shit being undercooked, not rising, being misshapen, etc.

>> No.18840236

just pull the amounts out of your ass and see what works