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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18781573 No.18781573 [Reply] [Original]

how long until i no longer have to oil it up after i'm done with it

>> No.18781579

You will always and forever have to baby cast iron. That's why true chads use stainless.

>> No.18781586

Until you throw it in the trash and get Teflon

Captcha AY0XD

>> No.18781589

Two weeks

>> No.18781593

you get to keep oiling it until you die and your children inherit it
but lol this is 4chan, some faggot at a yard sale will profit from your labour

>> No.18781734
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Just use it its fine

>> No.18781761

people with stainless steel or nonstick pans just buy them and use them and then wash them while your lives revolve about that fucking meme pan, you have to pamper that shit more than a pet

>> No.18781790

>pamper more than a pet
You just wipe it, dry it, and oil it. Same thing you do with your bootycheeks homeboy.

>> No.18781799

that's why people make threads all the time being confused about what to actually do with their meme pan?

>> No.18781806

No, it's because people keep using the wrong oil.

>> No.18782103

It's a wonder those people manage to breath

>> No.18782117

>oil it up after i'm done with it
You don't need to do this, and if you don't cook it it soon enough after oiling it, the oil will go rancid and your cast iron will be sticky.

What will we call you? The dude who burns his eggs in a cast iron saucepan and then shares photos constantly? Your eggs look literally disgusting.

>> No.18782118

ugh. i can't imagine having to wash my pan every time i use it.

>> No.18782122

eh, could be worse. there for awhile he was constantly showing pictures of his pan that he had stripped the seasoning out when he chiseled off his burned bacon.

>> No.18782127

This is a meme. I don’t do shit to my cast iron and it’s literally perfectly fine. Do you think peasants worried about all this shit? No.

>> No.18782131

Post ur teflon eggs

>> No.18782134

Pretty sure Saucepanbro has never stripped the seasoning out of his pan. Have you taken your meds today?

>> No.18782158
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oh, it's the autistic retard again

>> No.18782188

That's not Saucepanbro. Are you stupid?

>> No.18782225
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>> No.18782245

Every single thread, regardless of relevance.


>> No.18782275

>Doesn't stick if I add oil (or fat as it were)
>Bit on the side sticks
Oh no pansissies.

>> No.18782280

I barely wash my cast iron though
It just sits on the stove and gets a paper towel wipe once in a while unless something really gnarly happens to it
Litetally the lowest maintenence kitchenware i own

>> No.18782283

already fucked it up

>> No.18782285

depends on how often you use it, but I can confirm that you eventually don't have to oil it. I don't even dry mine after washing and it doesn't rust.

>> No.18782518

wait why? i use a paper towel. what do you use instead? a cloth dedicated to drying the pan? also what's wrong with a paper towel

>> No.18782600

All I see is that you can't cook an omelette to save your life.

>> No.18782633

we used one for 20 plus years and never did anything special to them. just never put them in a dishwasher

>> No.18782636

He's messing with you about paper towels, but if you don't have a stack of small, cheap towels for your kitchen, then you are doinitrong

>> No.18782645

>That's why true chads use stainless.
I always cringe when I see clips of people cook a ribeye (or any steak) on stainless steel.

>> No.18782655

It'll be long as you dry it on the stove after each wash.

My pan has gotten truly non-stick after 2-3 years of monthly steaks with butter. I don't really cook anything else on it. But I can even wash it with dish soap now.

>> No.18782659

n oo

>> No.18782682

Butter wasn't giving me a very durable seasoning coat. I had to build up a good layer of seasoning with oil before I could fry burgers and steaks with butter.

>> No.18782684

>immediately detect american kitchen
>minimize webm

>> No.18782699

I thought seasoning is mandatory. That what I do with all my new/very old cast iron.

>> No.18782722

Not every oil is equal in how well it polymerizes.

>> No.18782725

nobody born and raised before teflon pans EVER worried or put all this effort in to "seasoning" their pans, or cleanings them.

and the whole don't use soap to clean them is because 100 years ago the only soap available was lye soap which would strip the seasoning.

modern soap will not do that.

we used SOS pads and plastic scrub pads to clean them back in the 70's.

>> No.18782731
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>He fell for the "polymerization" scam

>> No.18782739

Not true. Your grandparents' generation *did* know about seasoning. It's just the boomers who were raised wrong and never learned how to use anything.

Try removing the penis from your mouth and try that again, you retard.

>> No.18782746

wrong my family used cast iron pans up until some time in the 80's.

not once did my mother or grand mother ever tell me
>on no be careful with that pan don't use soap
no I was told just scrub the shit out of it. I still have one of those pans.

I made the mistake of re-seasoning it, and it will never be like it was, it had 40 years of seasoning on it.

>> No.18782753

Meds. Now.

>> No.18782763

>not once did my mother or grand mother ever tell me
>>on no be careful with that pan don't use soap
>no I was told just scrub the shit out of it. I still have one of those pans.
This doesn't address the fact that the pans were shipped from the foundry unseasoned and someone seasoned them before using. You're just telling me that your family understood that modern soap doesn't contain lye, which is good, but not a statement that they never put effort into seasoning." They probably didn't "just cook in it" to start with, since you need to season the outside and the handle or those will get brown patina instead of black seasoning. Of course, by the time you were born, they didn't have to worry about the seasoning *any more,* but that doesn't mean nobody ever did.

>I made the mistake of re-seasoning it, and it will never be like it was, it had 40 years of seasoning on it.
I mean, it's not magic. There's no reason it can't be non-stick again. You just need to put more time and effort into it.

Tranny retard.

>> No.18782767

Meds. Now.

>> No.18782883

personally i gave up after i followed every instruction, built a nice coat of seasonning, and first time i cooked something on medium heat it just disintegrated instantly and gave me a side of black flakes with my meat
no thanks, i'll stick to stainless steel that shit takes everything and i can scratch it with the sponge if need be and give zero fuck

>> No.18782887

Why is the "butter" white, is it margarine?

>> No.18783051

i’ve never oiled up my cast iron after using it, i also wash them with soap.
never had any problems with them.

>> No.18783269

Jannies? She is clearly underage.

>> No.18783336

now if only you took that approach to this site and fucked off forever
the less obsessed nonamericans here the better

>> No.18783777

you're hallucinating again

>> No.18783833

My cast iron keeps getting this weird grey/silver/black discoloration every time I'm done cooking with it and scrubbing it with a sponge, am I doing something wrong?

>> No.18783835

Bro that shit is overcooked to hell

>> No.18783880

that's the mold growing on your "seasoning"

>> No.18784233

I'm going to call you Rerun. You keep posting these fucking webm's in every one of these threads as if anyone on the website hadn't seen them already or cared anymore.

I will call you Cleetus. Now you're posting the potato-cam photos of your fried eggs in your chicken fryer. They appear to actually be new photos every time, and you're always ready to post them, so one can only conclude that you regularly document your egg cooking for some reason. You seem like the type of person who posts photos of the bunions on your feet to facebook.

I'm going to call you Sheila. You seem to be attracted to cast iron threads for some reason, even though you appear to hate the subject with a passion. Sometimes you try to dredge up drama from a past thread. Here, you tried to deny that seasoning even exists and got triggered when people told you to fuck off. Repeating the same bizarre insult "meds now" is something very low IQ people do, like black people, although the logical conclusion is you're projecting. The very poor taste anime shit that no one ever asked you to post is further proof that you have some sort of disorder.

>> No.18784265

>unmedicated fingers typed this post

>> No.18784276

you can season stainless too anon.
not all stainless suck at retaining heat also.

>> No.18784278

you can get a great steak from steel if you know what you're doing. the problem is most people who haven't cooked in a restaurant don't really know their way around steel.

>> No.18784280

everybody knows to use mineral oil, because iron is a mineral

>> No.18784285

Use a saturated oil, and it won't go rancid because science.

>> No.18784307

A saturated oil is solid at room temperature. Most of the ones in your pantry are going to go bad if left out, though.

>> No.18784312

this is exactly how i like my eggs. little crunch around the edges but not black.

>> No.18784324

Same here. Works fine. People really oil their fucking pans lmao wtf

>> No.18784341

it takes 10 seconds why are you bitching
>finish cooking
>add water to deglaze a lil
>wipe it out
>add some fat
>wipe it in
>let it cool down on the burner


>> No.18784346

I use avocado oil, I've never had this problem

>> No.18784418

This is all you need to know.

>> No.18784818

>He failed high school chemistry

>> No.18785341
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reminder that the whole "muh polymerized oil" lie was created by a woman who had done it exactly once, and had failed at it. reminder that everybody who tries the whole "muh polymerized oil" bullshit winds up with flaking pseudo-seasoning and has to deep fry their food to keep it from sticking. reminder that the only way to create a proper nonstick seasoning is to cook with the pan many times.

if you believe "polymerized oil" is the best seasoning then you're the sort of mindless drone who also believes that the best steel is made from pure iron without all those icky impurities like carbon or manganese or vanadium in it.

>> No.18785400

OK, Sheila.

>> No.18785416

I used to cringe when I saw people acting like cast iron was a good way to cook anything, but I stopped caring like 10 years ago. Some day you might learn, but most likely not

>> No.18785468

Gaslet detected

>reminder that the whole "muh polymerized oil" lie was created by a woman who had done it exactly once, and had failed at it.
Reminder that you haven't even tried it and you're a complete fucking retard.

>> No.18785476

reminder that everybody that has tried it has failed and come onto /k/ whining about their flaking "seasoning" and sticking bacon and eggs and why can't they cook fish on it.

>> No.18785480
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>someone made a blog post that upset me
>therefore seasoning doesn't exist!

>> No.18785495

>I'm gonna pretend I can't read just so i can post my baby picture

>> No.18785519

Mine has worked just fine. Stop LARPing.

>> No.18785520

OK, Sheila. You were upset because the author of a random blog post that nobody cares about but you wasn't scientifically rigorous before publishing to her blog. That means that the oil molecules aren't polymerizing when they form seasoning, which literally anyone who has seasoned cast iron or carbon steel can see, the effect of which is predictable and independently observable. Sure, Sheila. You are really proving your "point."

>> No.18785528

People being too stupid to do it properly doesnt mean its not real

>> No.18785536

Fire is for men who own property

Childproof electric stoves (aka open face microwaves) are for little girls who rent like cucks

>> No.18785650

>i...i...it'll work someday!
lol. lmao, even.

>> No.18785735

My dad never did any of this stupid shit to his cast iron

>> No.18785744

leave it alone for a few days

>> No.18785765

I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

>> No.18785859
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Can someone explain heat management to me, everyone users terms like medium and medium high to discuss stove output but after 5 minutes on the second lowest setting ghee smokes, I'm pretty sure my stove runs hotter. I bought an IR thermometer and everything what temps should my skillet be for certain foods?

>> No.18785870

Works on my machine
Sorry youre stupid

>> No.18785882

What kind of stove? Coil electric?

>> No.18785890

I dunno, maybe keep it below the smoke point of your oil? Just a guess.

>> No.18785950

Glass electric
I'll out myself here, I'm new to the world of cooking, I don't know if something like "below the smoke point of your oil" is what I should even be going for or if smoking ghee is a good temperature for say, chicken breast

>> No.18786091

may we see a timestamped video as proof?

>> No.18786215

>Scrape off the seasoning and do another one on video just to prove to an illiterate retard on 4chinz that chemistry works.

>> No.18786363

still pretending to be retarded, i see. it's not the winning look you think it is.

>> No.18786951

I've literally never had to "season" my carbon steel pan and never had any sticking issue.
Is it just a cast iron thing?

>> No.18786970
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> take my CS pan with a beautiful blue-bronze gradient seasoning
> heat it up to leidenfrost point
> add ghee
> put a nice cut of meat into the pan
> the meat sticks
> manage to cook it perfectly medium anyway
> some stuff left stuck
> add water while the pan is still hot
> the pan is now clean, even the seasoning is stripped
Fucking piece of shit meme. Enamel just works, and thanks to copper mesh sponge it's easy to clean no matter how much crap stuck to it.

>> No.18787328

To get a good sear you want your pan 350 F or hotter. Pat the chicken dry first, salt and pepper it, then into the pan. That's the smoke point of butter, so using clarified butter is best. Then cook it until it naturally releases itself, flip and do the other side.

>> No.18787500

LoL idiot

>> No.18787588
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>>18787500 (Checked)
Explain me what happened to the seasoning and I'll agree with your assertion.

>> No.18787638

leave the grease from your last meal in there, pansy. you are thinking too hard. you aren't going to get mice or cockroaches (that's a function of your general cleanliness). it's not going to go rancid. it's going to get beyond hot enough to incinerate any bacteria the next time it's cooked. quit "cleaning" it every time you use it.