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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18776947 No.18776947 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we know keto causes hairloss and kidney failure, what are some good carb foods to stay out of ketosis?

>> No.18776960

pizza with dipping sauce and cookies for dessert

>> No.18776997
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How fucking hard is it to just have a healthy diet. Eat whole grain. Sugar or processed carbs sporadically. sweet fruits just in the summer when the sun shines and vegetables often.

Also follow the fucking sun. If it goes down YOU go to fucking sleep. In the winter we hibernate. Don't like it? Then we all develop mental illnesses and our future generations will suffer even more.

>> No.18777117

get some meat, since veganism causes hairloss, loose teeth, and diabetes

>> No.18777127

i think you should kill yourself for posting this thread with this topic. seriously.
as soon as possible so i dont ever have to read your garbage again

>> No.18777143

>carb foods
there are none

>> No.18777170

You should enjoy some whole grain bread and some oats anon. I used to get moody too when I was a ketosister.

>> No.18777173
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Nobody said anything about vegans anon. Do they live in your head rent free?

>> No.18777183

im not a ketard im just tired of this retarded bullshit on a cooking board. this belongs on /fit/ not here. this is not a cooking or food thread. its a bait. and you take it like a retard. fittards on /ck/ should be humiliated without exception

>> No.18777438

It's a food and cooking board, jannywannabe.

>> No.18777463

All carbs are sugary trash.

There is no such thing as indigestible fiber.

Type 3 and now even type 4 diabetes epidemics are coming and type 2 is steadily rising, not falling.

>> No.18777470

Also, you don't need carbs to kick yourself out of ketosis, a strong protein bolus once per day is enough.

Eat all or most of your daily protein in one Sitting and you don't have to worry about being in perpetual ketosis.

>> No.18777558
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>No 4 and a diet coke pls

>> No.18777972

Keto brainfog causes about 30 points of IQ loss and it shows

>> No.18778585

Keto brainfog happens only once and never happens again. Carb brainfog happens after every single meal.

>> No.18779653

Shalome fellow redditor

>> No.18779664

>le :| girl
Why do certain types of posters think this gives weight to their gay arguments and beliefs?

>> No.18779675

Keto is so retarded. Either they think carbs are bad because they stopped eating a bag of table sugar a day and their health started to improve, or they would have to sincerely be arguing that carrots and sweet potatoes are bad for you. So dumb. Retard shit.

>> No.18779684


>> No.18779691

Eat whatever you fucking want on a daily basis cus nobody is getting out of here alive no matter what you do

>> No.18779938

Carrots and any kind of potatoes are literal empty sugar calories. You must be one of those people who think carrots have vitamin A lol

>> No.18779949
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>> No.18779964

Yeah you should eat bacon instead lol
Dumb ketofag

>> No.18779984
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>> No.18780093

Hair loss is coused by high levals of suger in the blood before processed food hairloss was very uncommon if you eat food your not going to have a ketosis problem onless you eat zero suger foods fore days or starve yourself half to death.

>> No.18780110

Carrots have less than 150 calories a pound I eat a pound a day and still loos weigh and thair full of fiber . Trust me you can pig out nothing to fear.

>> No.18780168
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>assert something retarded to scare people
>count on people being afraid of the unknown
>actually there are 2 groups that do this, have been doing it for hundreds/probably thousands of years (massai nigs + eskimos)
>both groups are orders of magnitude healthier than 99% of 1st world inhabitants
>no cancer, no hearth disease, perfect dental
>eat the carbs goy
no thanks you fag

>> No.18780448

>Yeah you should eat bacon instead lol
Of course. Every day in fact. Along with eggs and beef. Just make sure your bacon does not contain sugar.

>if you eat food your not going to have a ketosis problem onless you eat zero suger foods fore days
If you do that, your body will just produce all the glucose it needs itself. There is no need to consume sugar in order to satisfy your bodily glucose needs, unless you're an elite athlete chasing peak athletic results (which is not healthy).

Carrots are just sugar and fiber. The indication for sugar and fiber in the human diet is precisely zero. Fiber is sandpaper for your gut and feeds the gut bacteria that humans are not supposed to have. There is a reason people go full-blown carnivore to heal their guts and even reverse SIBO.

>> No.18780449

>Fiber is sandpaper for your gut

>> No.18780466 [DELETED] 

you stupid nigger I live in bongland, at this time of year i'd be awake 8 hours a day

>> No.18780471

>Eat whole grain
This is probably the biggest NPC indicator when it comes to nutrition. Impressive.

>> No.18780481

Isn't Type 3 just Alzheimiers?

>> No.18780502
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>> No.18780733

one time like 5 years ago this big fat guy I work with who thinks he’s the smartest person in the world had a heart attack doing the keto diet because the dumb fuck ate bacon for every meal. he lost zero weight and is probably even bigger now. now he eats mcdonalds every day for breakfast and lunch

>> No.18780769

This. Also, whole grain.

>> No.18780976

You look at things all wrong. Take a break from the internet. Never return. kys under a beautiful sunset. You'll feel better.

>> No.18780997

Type 3 is neurodegenerative diseases caused by sugar including Alzheimers.

Type 4 is a special case of underdiagnosed metabolic disorders in older non-obese people.

Sugar absolutely destroys your body shit-eating sugar addicts like this >>18780733 subhuman will go to any lengths and cook up any lies to justify their carb addiction.

>> No.18781449

>Humans are supposed to eat only meat
If this was true, why are humans so good at eating tubers? We have enzymes to break down starch at all stages of our early digestive tract.

>> No.18781856

>If this was true, why are humans so good at eating tubers?
We can eat all kinds of nasty shit as a survival mechanism for enduring periods of time where real animal food was not available. Doesn't mean we should.

Exogenous carbs have only one purpose in the human diet: to make you grow rapidly as a babby and make you fat rapidly as an adult so that you could live off your fat stores until a time period comes when real animal-based food becomes available again. Or any food.

The problem with the modern man is that this survival food has become so easily available and so palatable that we've forgotten what we're actually supposed to be eating for proper nutrition instead of just survival at the cost of our health.

>> No.18781941

it's an online form of patronization.
you're being called stupid without being called stupid.