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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 1032x1032, mcdonalds-mc1035-1032px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18773493 No.18773493 [Reply] [Original]

Why has McDonalds never once done a breakfast burger or an EggMcDouble Muffin? The Mc10:35 is dead because zoomers are too compliant and are afraid to get in trouble

>> No.18773671

Hey fuckhead wake up

>> No.18773709

>why doesn't General Mills just sett a box full of every sugary cereal all mixed together
You go to Dutch Bros don't you OP

>> No.18773738

I remember eating big tasty at six AM
I rememer a breakfast burger (something something with beef at least)
I remember these things ... in Europe

>> No.18773773

>DUDE I just love HACKING McDonald's by paying EXTRA to RECOMBINE their processed "food" product components into NEW combinations of processed food products!! Totally HACKED them bro!!!

>> No.18773775

>hackthemenu dot com

>> No.18773794

I'm glad I didn't post this because you did it better

>> No.18773885


Availability: All Locations

The Secret: An Egg McMuffin with extra McDouble Burger Patties

Popularity: High

Mc10:35 Price: $3.49

Mc10:35 - How to Order: Order an Egg McMuffin & a McDouble. Now put the Burger Patties into the McMuffin. Now you've got yourself the elusive Mc10:35.

>> No.18773894

Mcdolan seems opposed to modifying their breakfast menu all that much. They wanted to compete with starbucks on the drink end, but the food items haven't evolved very much.

>> No.18773921

>Why has McDonalds never once done a breakfast burger
We check temperatures and calibrate the grill for 10:1 patties during changeover. If you want that to happen at 5 in the morning you can do it yourself.

>> No.18773933

>Order an Egg McMuffin & a McDouble
oh now I get it, 10:35 AM is when both are still being made, right

>> No.18773937


>> No.18773940

we were having a perfectly good shitposting thread and then you ruined it with facts from someone who actually prepares food there

>> No.18774210

They did in New Zealand for a very long time, it was called the Kiwiburger. It had an egg and beet root in it. I think they got rid of it a couple years ago.

>> No.18774371

How is it dead? You can still order egg mcmuffins and double cheeseburgers you know.

>> No.18774384

I'd rather just make it myself. Honestly, fast food is pointless to me.

>> No.18774743

They refuse.

>> No.18774749

>go to drive thru at 10:29
>order a mcmuffin
>circle back around after getting your muffin and order a double cheeseburger
Damn that was hard.

>> No.18774764
File: 209 KB, 940x626, 073649_r0_940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't know what you're missing. I love mcd breakies

>> No.18774770

Why do europeans get all of the nice looking food?

>> No.18774784
File: 1.37 MB, 2400x1200, 332E5E35-79EF-4BB8-8CAE-CFCA0A9D5AC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Triple Stack was taken from us too soon. We had no idea how good we had it while we could enjoy it ;_;

>> No.18774814
File: 209 KB, 599x267, Wawa breakfast sammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays you do Wawa

>> No.18774916

They have laws and regulations that make it so that restaurants there have to serve actual food.

>> No.18774947
File: 3.24 MB, 3504x2336, Haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? They need to do a better job of it.

>> No.18774985
File: 1.78 MB, 450x252, anime-henkaishoujo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loving it!

>> No.18775178

>The all day breakfast was taken from us too soon. We had no idea how good we had it while we could enjoy it ;_;

>> No.18775232

You have no idea how hellish it is to run breakfast and lunch at the same time. All of the machinery is different and switching between the two is a major effort. It just isn't feasible for fast food.

>> No.18775237

>mccdonalds mushrooms
>mccdonalds nicer lettuce
Looks god awful. Guaranteed food poisoning.

>> No.18775318
File: 1014 KB, 498x498, 1668895373796980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else just go to mcdonalds to order cheap ice coffee

>> No.18775381

Imagine being a grown ass adult man and you can't even afford a McDonald's breakfast so you bitch about paying "extra"

>> No.18775411

no thanks

>> No.18775422
File: 2.58 MB, 4160x3120, 20230105_170350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate tonight's din din bois

>> No.18775431

How did you keep it from falling off your plate did you glue every single fry together?

>> No.18775432
File: 498 KB, 468x529, 1670801016809344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its raw

>> No.18775444

if they stick together it counts as 1 fry

>> No.18775493

this. who even buys fast food? sometimes i even see threads where people here compare tips on all the different fast food apps they literally install on their cell phone and make an account for and dont turn off the ads because they think they're getting a deal
a deal
fast food
i wouldnt even eat it if you paid me

>> No.18775502

KEK it's even trying to convince them not to even order the special food to save the .5 extra seconds it would take the wagie

>> No.18776493

They're either too busy to cook, too lazy to cook or just too stupid to cook. Oh well killing them with heart attacks and diabetes pays the bills.

>> No.18776506

That bun needs to be toasted but other than that it's looking mighty fine

>> No.18776526
File: 601 KB, 1534x1534, product-Big-Brekkie-Burger-mobile-20220309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Big Brekkie Burger is better than that.

>> No.18776555

imagine thinking that because you can spend money on something you should

>> No.18776574

Absolutely not true. The only specialized piece of equipment at mcdicks was the cooker for the fresh eggs. Sausage and bacon get cooked on the same grills as the beef. The muffins get toasted by the same machine that toasts the regular buns.

>> No.18776587

The temps are different dummkopf. Mcdicks doesn't use regular grills everything is computerized you can't just throw some bacon and eggs on the same grill you have setup for beef. Also all of the condiments and addons are different. I worked at multiple places that had a breakfast and lunch menu. Breakfast was always the most chaotic time and had the most difficult prep with change over being the peak trying to serve and setup for a completely different menu. Compared to that slinging burgers was easy as fuck. No one fucking liked working breakfast, 90% of our turnover was the morning shift every place I worked.
You get the worst customers and have the hardest labor. You have to clean up last nights left overs while also setting up for the rest of the day. If I ever have the unfortunate need to work in a kitchen again I sure as hell am making sure it's never one that serves breakfast.

>> No.18776621

I actually cannot afford to eat breakfast at McDonald's
That $6 can go into my investment accounts and work for me for years to come. I skip as many frivolous purchases that I can because $6 a day adds up to $2,100 a year. Now imagine people not only buying McBreakfast regularly, but also lunch, spending money on netflix, dumb shit like keurig pods, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Literally giving way $10-$15k a year for things they don't remember the next day.
I used to try educating people like that, but I gave up. They don't want to be helped. It's better that your money is used to prop up the consumer markets that feed into my returns. It's hard as fuck to make it from scratch nowadays and I suppose we'll need indebted losers in 2043 to keep the interest payments coming.

>> No.18776626

>you can't just throw some bacon and eggs on the same grill you have setup for beef

>> No.18776628

And I worked at Mcdicks as a teenager, retard. You just select a the sausage or bacon setting for one part of the grill and off you fucking go. Its set up as quickly as you can hit the button. And you're back to cooking beef just as fast. The "condiments and add ons" for breakfast consist of butter. Motherfucking butter. Anything else that could possibly come with McDonalds breakfast is going to be in those little plastic condiment containers.

>> No.18776633

Is that when you plan on starting to live your life?

>> No.18776639

Yes that's how it works, you would know if you ever worked there.
And I worked there for 10 years, it's not that fucking simple and you definitely don't have time to be switching the grills back and forth and carting up more meats and eggs and also finding more room for all of that breakfast stuff while also having everything going for lunch. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
Anyone that has actually spent more than a week in a kitchen knows how asinine an idea it is to serve breakfast and lunch at the same time.

>> No.18776647

I won't be rich by 2043, but I'll be one of the last remaining middle class people. If I did this in the 1990s I'd be rich today, but it's a different world now. Every day your dollar affords less, putting as many of them to work today secures any kind of life at all by the time you're middle aged.

>> No.18776706

> Never tried this before, have you fagboi?
You Americans are a bunch of soft-cock tastelets.