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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 550x412, 20180813-200623-largejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18766560 No.18766560 [Reply] [Original]

what's up with Ohio pippo food? Why does everything need a mountain of yellow cheese on it?

>> No.18766568

Ohio is easily the worst state in the country outside of the south, but these threads are pretty fucking stale at this point.

>> No.18766573

that cheese is orange not yellow ding dong

>> No.18766577

That's just skyline. It's weird it's considered 'the ohio dish'. It really is a stain on our cuisine and many people here hate it

>> No.18766822

ohio gozaimas :D

>> No.18766843


Do people there really hate it? I always thought skyline was one of the more kino American cuisine memes, surprised it’s getting hate

>> No.18766849

It's disgusting and has no redeeming qualities. The cinnamon is there to kill any beef flavor because it's dry as hell anyway. The only thing worse in Ohio is Ohio Valley Pizza, which is more of a West Virginia thing.

t. Central Ohioian

>> No.18766852

ive been in ohio few a couple years and I keep telling my ohio friends I want to try skyline at some point because we drive by them all the time
nobody will go with me

>> No.18767363

That's because it's ass and there's no reason to subject yourself to it

>> No.18767380

its been a meme for the past two decades to shit on flyover cuisine and you're surprised people have grown insecure about it?

>> No.18767895

>Ohio Valley Pizza
Please elaborate.

>> No.18767915

I'm a Greater Cincinnati tri-stater born and bred, and I've never met anyone who didn't like the stuff. Sounds like you keep some odd company.

>> No.18767939

It's literally just pizza where they cook the dough and then put the sauce, cheese, and any other toppings on cold.

>> No.18767945

Those of us at a higher level of existence call this lunchable style

>> No.18768500

And then they put it back in the oven, right?


>> No.18769508
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I'm sure it's not disgusting lol just a different pizza experience. In my shithole ohio city we have our own pizza style which is thin crust tavern style.

>> No.18769512
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They also do a ham and saurkraut pizza that's preddy gud.

>> No.18769521
File: 31 KB, 704x396, gliers-goetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Ohio food has to be Goetta. It's a poverty food that became a delicacy.

>> No.18769525

It's not bad. It's common to meme on it but it's just a Greek chili sauce on some noodles or a hotdog with cheese.

>> No.18770195
File: 23 KB, 503x335, ohio-valley-style-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. No they don't. You know how the heat of the rice cooks the egg? The heat of the crust cooks the rest. It's garbage.

>> No.18770217
File: 105 KB, 1400x1050, 4327B55A-561C-4AA6-B89E-787A2D4FD9CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two favorite mustards are made in Ohio

>> No.18770223

never trust anyone who claims to be from Ohio and doesn't enjoy Cincinnati chili

>> No.18770237

>never trust anyone who claims to be from Ohio
you could've just stopped right there

>> No.18770632

Do you think everyone is the same and likes the same things? You have a mental illness. Everyone is different and there’s 340 million people in america. You’re going to meet someone who hates stuff.
Also this is /ck/ there’s elitists fucks who wouldn’t eat Michelin starred food because it has 4 extra salt grains on it

>> No.18770641

that’s not “your” pizza style, tavern style was invented in illinois and its served everywhere now

>> No.18770992

The pic is a bit much, but a healthy heling of shredded cheese can really make a chilli dog.

>> No.18771025
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Hi. I just moved to Cincinnati for a job. What am I in for?

>> No.18771120
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1666915663870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohio Valley Pizza is traditional roman style tray pizza where provolone cheese instead of mozzarella is used.

Incorrect. Everything is cooked at once. Sometimes more cheese is put on top and then thrown back in the oven at a place like Di Carlo's if requested.

picrel is probably from a shitty joint like zontini's.

>> No.18771291
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Marion's Piazza
gonna have pic related for dinner tonight
thanks for the thread and the idea

>> No.18771452
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>> No.18771584

what i dont get is why they let the food go cold and then put unmelted cheese on top

>> No.18771595
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, romanburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm from Cleveland and your sloppa can go fuck itself. The Romanburger is the best Ohio food.

>> No.18771598

honestly, if they finished those dishes in an oven to brown the cheese on top, it wouldn't look so bad

>> No.18771882

those things rule, putting italian deli meats on a burger is genius

>> No.18773615

Kill yourself self hating wannabe coastie

>> No.18773628

Cincinnati chili is just a meat sauce Greek immigrants made. Like every American fusion food immigrants worked with what was available and ended up creating something new. People are too retarded to actually look into it and realize that it's a pasta sauce, not a "chili. Next think you're gonna tell me is that coney dogs are disgusting. It's pretty much the same sauce, also created by Greek immigrants.

>> No.18773629


>> No.18773630

those were just served. If you look at half eaten skyline pictures the cheese has significantly melted. it's hot

>> No.18773704

Do amerifats really?

>> No.18773741

why are (you) a fucking retard

>> No.18773861

Cincinnati is actually part of Kentucky.

>> No.18773898

Then why do you have to cross the OHIO River to get there? Checkmate, bitch.

>> No.18773949
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Imagine being Ohio

>> No.18773967
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average ohio resident

>> No.18774662

>unmelted cheese
>trust me bro it's melted!!!
have you tried not smoking meth?

>> No.18775645

Right so I guess being able to understand writing is a symptom of meth smoking because you can't do it

>> No.18775918
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I'm here to inform the thread that it does get worse. They dye the noodles green on St. Pats.

>> No.18776041

Found the butthurt anon from Ohio

>> No.18776047

Why does Ohio live rent free in everyone's head?

>> No.18777445

Because it makes things taste better.

>> No.18777575
File: 29 KB, 650x652, ohio_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7th highest population out of the states
>21st largest global economy behind Saudi Arabia and ahead of Argentina
>Most astronauts from any state at 25 total with three going on moon missions
>Second most presidents at 7 total behind DC/Virginia's 8
>Essentially responsible for modern cartooning/comics with the likes of Siegel/Scuster, Bill Waterson, Harvey Pekar, etc.
>Mark Goodson from Ohio invented gameshows in the 40s, a good chunk of which still air, hosted by other Ohioans like Drew Carey and Steve Harvey
I could keep going, but the point is this flyover state has had a massive impact on this country through pop culture, scientific, and political achievements. Try as you might, you can't escape Ohio, no matter which coast you're coping in.

>> No.18777624

It's a hotdog sauce, not a chili or pasta sauce.

>> No.18777810

Cinci isn't bad. It's definitely it's own place. It's really spread out and not a place with a lot of walkable neighborhoods.

>> No.18777812

BASED. Mr Hero has it's own flavor of grease that you can only get there.

>> No.18777843

The south at least has good food (try to keep up rest of the country). The Midwest in general is just a culinary tragedy.

>> No.18777925

unusually high shitposting per capita, contains the worst traits of both the midwest and the south. it's the florida of the rust belt

>> No.18777990

go the fuck back where you came from, you are not welcome

>> No.18777994
File: 102 KB, 969x645, cc06-Brunos-Pizza-Calcutta-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey FUCKING NIGGER I (29 y.o white male) have lurked on 4chan since i was 15 and never felt the need to post but your fucking bull shit post has forced me to.

I grew up in East Liverpool Ohio which is right on the Ohio River on the border of WV. Pic related is BRUNO'S Pizza i.e. the greatest fucking pizza in America

My grandparents, Mom and Dad (divorced), all treasure this pizza and we still get it during holiday get togethers (nobody lives there anymore, economy too shit, google streetview East Liverpool OH to see what I mean) because it was one of the simple pleasures that we could enjoy growing up poor like we did

it is god tier because as you said, the heat of the crust melts the cheese. cheese ends up being more creamy and gooey than the burnt cheese w/ brown spots that you see on most pizzas

We would get a tray with like 30 slices and that shit would be gone in a day. it is so good. FUCK you for being the first person I've ever seen reference it outside of my hometown, and giving these non-American, non-Ohioans the impression that it sucks. it fucking RULES. EVERYONE here loves it, respects it, unlike fucking BRIER HILL disgusting nigger pizza (also from Ohio, Youngstown, where I went to college)


>> No.18778020
File: 179 KB, 960x960, 39327707_10156235106250399_5897393296052846592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic rel is Brier Hill pizza from Youngstown OH. It fucking sucks. If you're ever in Northeast OH dont get this fucking hipster dog shit pizza.

Get Brunos "ohio valley pizza" (first time I ever heard it called that)

>> No.18778031

That looks like absolute shit

>> No.18778049

This is a pile of dogshit, grade school cafeteria pizza that comes off an assembly line has more browning. It doesn't even look cooked and I'm gagging at the thought of that barely melted cheese getting caught in my throat. The crust looks like it was rolled out of a pillsbury tin.

Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.18778056

Ohio valley style pizza is actually good

>> No.18778216


Came back from lunch expecting to see some apologies and some deserved hate for Brier Hill sloppy shit pizza but found you two cock suckers instead. You've obviously never tried it - anyone who has will tell you that it's delicious and actually the best pizza around.

food network did a pizza cookoff to see which state was the best in like early 2000's and the states in the contest were NY, CA, IL, and you guessed it, mother fucking OH because apparently we had the most pizza joints per capita over any US state at that time

They didnt make ohio valley pizza but still. and they lost. but still

>> No.18778582

kek based, tell em how it is bro. cheers from wheeling

>> No.18778631
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Gotta live in here to get good Pizza
Anywhere else your just coping with what is available

>> No.18778681

Yankees sure do like to congratulate themselves on mediocrity...

>> No.18778739

What the fuck is "pippo food?"

>> No.18778756

you are supposed to cut down with the fork and scoop so you get some of everything in your bit. freakin amateurs.

>> No.18778850
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i had to go to a wedding in kentucky once and flew into the Cincinnati airport. i was super excited to see a skyline chili in the airport because i've always been morbidly curious and love trying weird food, and on the flight out was about to get the giant fucking mound of spaghetti covered in the diarrhea slop chili and *cold unmelted cheddar cheese* (maybe the weirdest part about the whole thing, why wouldn't you melt the fucking cheese) but my girlfriend grabbed me and said "you are not eating that before you get on a plane"

>mfw my girlfriend probably saved the plane from making an emergency landing after i blew out the toilet midflight