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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18710285 No.18710285 [Reply] [Original]

>become a regular at a place
>they become familiar with me enough to start making small talk
>now unsure of whether or not I have to engage in a conversation whenever I go there
>sometimes they don't make small talk and im left wondering if they want me to say something first
>every visit becomes an awkward anxiety fest
>have to find a new place

Why can't people just shut the fuck up and do the bare essentials of taking my order and giving me my food? I fucking hate normalfags so much its unreal

>> No.18710297

Austismo bitch. They don't care if you start convo. You can sit in dead silence the whole meal and they don't care.
If you respond positively to a prompt by them and it continues, they'll play into it. Otherwise, they don't care either way.

Sit in silence, fine, engage in convo, fine again. Servers aren't retarded automations and can see if you want to be left alone.

>> No.18710298

talk when spoken to
your facial expressions should be enough to convey emotion of what youre saying ie: "thank you" and "bye"
either than or have another test shot idk

>> No.18710299 [DELETED] 

Being an adult and still like drawn figures and cartoons isn't normal your limp dicked homo.

>> No.18710300

I just do the autist clam-up. People usually tiptoe around a sullen temperament. If somebody pulls any "cheer up, it might never happen" bullshit, that's when you never go there again.

>> No.18710302

Do us a favor and just stay inside.

>> No.18710391

Turn that frown upside down, bud, a smile never hurts. Come on, we won't bite.

>> No.18710397

Why are you pathetic that you want live out of some upper west side tv sitcom? Weinfeld or some stupid shit like that, nobody that grew up in Manhattan watches that shit, it's for weirdos and freaks.

>> No.18710404


>> No.18710410

Not just that, those shows are so lame they need laugh tracks.

>> No.18710522

I stopped going to the local Pizza place because the sandnigger there got too familiar.

>> No.18710527

erotic little girl drawing.....

>> No.18710543

i can't imagine wanting to go out to do something but being afraid of socializing. i just don't go out and do something

>> No.18710763
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If you unironically call them "normalfags" when they're just being friendly, you're the problem. They literally don't care about you or how you act, get over yourself, autismo, just make your order and go.

>> No.18710856

>be me
>hard working pizza farmer for 10 years
>farm and bake pizza everyday to support my ex wife's child support
>Nice young man comes in pretty often and orders a modest amount of food
>Try to be friendly
>He goes on the internet and shittalks me after not coming back
>my kids starve

>> No.18710866

>people interact with you on the slightest level
>sperg out and have to find new dining location
Truly the problem is them, not you.

>> No.18710873

I had the same problem OP. Now I just use giant headphones pretending I'm listening to something (I'm not), sometimes I fake taking a phonecall in order to dismiss the social interaction.

>> No.18710877

this is a symptom of a failing society: what would be a pleasant encounter and a means of building rapport with the community exhausts and frustrates the people with potential (whether that potential is fulfilled or sullied). It's sad.

>> No.18710879
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>just want to be left alone

>> No.18710885

I think you're assuming a lot to think OP has potential.

>> No.18710889

bullying the fuck out of weak aspies like OP irl is the only solution

>> No.18710893

If it was a cute white girl being friendly with me it would be one thing. But it's always ugly weird looking dudes that act like I'm their best friend and want to joke about my order if I show up more than once a month.

>> No.18710913

Oh no, a few seconds of responding, you're going to die. Could just.. not talk and be awkward by yourself then, you are literally just another face to them, no matter how much you go.

>> No.18710918

dumb esl

>> No.18710934

suck it up or learn to cook

>> No.18711060

I have the opposite "problem"
> Try new place and like it
> Go there everyday and have the same thing because I'm autistic, stare down, consume and go
> Waitress start to remember my order
> After some times she start talking to me and ask my name
> After some time -"hey do you have instagram?" -"No, sorry"
> Then she ask me out
> Proceeding to change place
Every fucking time, this year only, it happened to me like 6 times and I'm not even good looking. I don't mind just chatting about the weather but I just want to drink my coffee and go away

>> No.18711189

>she start talking to me and ask my name
Sounds like she could be a cereal killer

>> No.18711681

based OP, fuck normalfags

>> No.18711689

hehe they probably call you "that really quiet guy" in the kitchen

>> No.18711936

Know that feel OP. Getting familiar with a local shopkeeper or restaurant staff is nice at first but it can be awkward. Just try to think about how many other people they have a similar type of relationship with. They probably aren't thinking much about you personally, so don't worry.

>> No.18711963

>goes outside and puts oneself voluntarily into a social situation

Yeah you're a fucking retard with 0 self awareness

>> No.18712004

But they're so cute. What structural change happens in the brain for this not to be true anymore?

>> No.18712011

Stop being poor. Just get delivery

>> No.18712016

Stay indoors for the rest of your life, nigger
Don't participate in society if you can't even into basic socialising.

>> No.18712646

>frequent a place
>go eating out at all
You brought this upon yourself you normie REE

>> No.18712666

One time I went to a Chick-fil-A and while I was waiting at the window for my food the girl asked if I wanted to hear the fun fact of the day. I told her no and she looked really disappointed but then no one ever tried to make conversation with me there again.

tl;dr - You're too polite and kind. Be more stand-offish and people won't want to talk to you.

>> No.18712674

Why is this board jampacked with normalfags? You faggots won't be satisfied until you spoil every inch of the world, will you?

>> No.18712675

Cope, everybody before your autismal shutin generation lived like that.

>> No.18713217

if you can't learn to cook or even do the basic bitch alternative of ordering out and telling the delivery instructions to just ring the bell and leave, then I have no goddamn pity on you. Either that or do this >>18712666 because nothing is stopping you from non-interaction outside of your own autism.

>> No.18713576

Your frontal lobe is supposed to develop.

>> No.18713589


>> No.18714372
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every one I know that has this happen to them likes it, why are you such an ass?

>> No.18715658
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>all of the cashiers at the local market know you from checking your id

>> No.18715665

How fucking autistic can one retard be? Jeez Louise, waking life must be absolute hell for you

>> No.18715668

Peak cringe. I hope you know your servers are laughing at you behind your back

>> No.18715674

TIL not having crippling autism means you’re a “normalfag.” You know the only people who even fret about being a normie or not are the most basic of trend chasing tards

>> No.18715689

Add some mcchickens to that room and you have all a man needs in life

>> No.18715706

Even in the living room of a single middle aged women with her cats you are still the biggest pussy.

>> No.18715825

Damn that never happened. Guess I'll just have to keep posting anime on anime websites