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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1500x1125, ny slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18655967 No.18655967 [Reply] [Original]

>leave nyc to visit my backward ass family
>they have a new pizza parlor run by a nyc native
>try it out hoping to get a taste of the city
>it's shit
even if you've been making pizza in nyc your whole life, if you aren't using city water, it's gonna be shit

>> No.18655972

I wasn't trying nor was I worried about it.

>> No.18655980

>transplant has dumb opinions thread #32943845093
8 out of 10 pizza places here suck too, if you didn't notice you either don't bother trying the pizza places you don't frequent, or your mouth is broken and you got psyoped into thinking everything here is automagically good because DA BIG CITY

>> No.18655984

getting a dollar slice in nyc is the best pizza you're gonna get. i tried pizza in naples and honestly just wasn't as good as a new york slice

>> No.18655985

Agreed water everywhere else just doesn't have enough estrogen run off to get that faggot taste of a true nyc pizza.

>> No.18655989

i've lived here for 3 years and am still in awe of it. there is something new here every day. i will never get bored of it

>> No.18655994
File: 1.76 MB, 3456x2304, Tahquamenon_falls_upper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have better priorities than access to cheap pizza. Not being surrounded by diversity is one of them. I'm sure your $2000/month closet is very nice though.

>> No.18656011

Calentado (Columbian)
>drunk at midnight
A dollar slice

Seriously, if you hate diversity, enjoy your boring flyover bullshit with no taste.

>> No.18656013

imagine bragging about take-out pizza on a COOKING BOARD

>> No.18656025

You do understand that you can live in a city and still visit waterfalls?

>> No.18656027

>Unironically posting the hustle and bustle meme
Big oof.

>> No.18656030

the what?

>> No.18656032

>3 years
Yeah usually it's around the 5-7 year mark when you stop trying to rationalize the noise and the filth and the lack of a dishwasher and laundry in your home and you do a 180 from trying to defend every little nitpicking thing (mostly to convince yourself), to saying the city is going down the tubes and you're moving to florida/arizona/some other maga shit hole, muh nanny state groomers blarabbalahalhgg muh income tax i need a CARRRRRRR FREEEDOM SAVE ME FROM ERIC ADAMS SAINT MUSK

I mean you could get an apartment that's nice, quiet, where you have room to breathe, you can keep appliances in your home, your neighbors are friendly, people have a stake in their neighborhood, but then you'd have to move outside of the exact neighborhood you saw in Sex and the City, Friends, Girls, or whatever thing you were trying to recreate when you came here, and interact with people who might have a different color skin, or an accent, or a "weird" surname, and what's the point of living in NYC if your neighborhood isn't recognizable on instagram to your high school friends back home?

>> No.18656051


>> No.18656076

do you really think florida is a nanny state?

>> No.18656077

None of what you typed made any sense. back to /pol/ please. It seems like you're a few keystrokes away from saying the n-word.

>> No.18656080

Ah, game over boys, we have to call it sparkling pepperoni bread because it's not cooked with the magic tap water.
Maybe you could start a business selling your tap water on Ebay like gamer girl bath juice.

>you could get an apartment that's nice, quiet, where you have room to breathe
The difference between the shit apartment and the good apartment exists for the same reason as the difference between the good apartment and the suburban home. It's always commuting time. Can I ask if you also happen to shitpost here on weekdays?

>> No.18656087

Not him but ywnbaw

>> No.18656090

trouble typing with your fat fingers?

>> No.18656093

What's a recipe book faggot? I didn't believe the /ck/ meme that no one cooks here but this dumb ass take is changing my mind. Have fun in your pod.

>> No.18656095

Have you not heard of Edward Snowden? Every state is a nanny state.

>> No.18656096


>> No.18656100

i just wanted to talk about how nyc pizza isn't good unless you use the city water. you people are fucking vile.

>> No.18656102

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and 50 square feet! we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.18656104
File: 54 KB, 900x675, 1653182292478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying you aren't convincing and that he's already stated he has no interest in the lifestyle you prefer for various reasons multiple times. Most likely also implying that your continued attempts to change his mind are at this point some what pitiful and off-putting in general. From an emotional standpoint he is likely grateful this conversation is online and not face to face as your unwanted pestering would be far less tolerable that way. Over all you have, one way or another, reaffirmed his belief that city life is not something he cares for.

Something like that anyway.

>> No.18656106

>city water
tfw the filthy city tap water is part of the flavor...

>> No.18656149

yeah but nobody asked or cared

>> No.18656153

what if I told you that once you learn to cook, all that culinary exploration bs becomes irrelevant?

>> No.18656162

Yes the watta is a delicate balance of industrial waste that is just right for making pizza. Alkaline and etc. But we simply don't care.

OP is a fag.

>> No.18656173

that piece of shit doesnt qualify as pizza.

>> No.18656207

Why do you even come on a cooking board to brag about wasting money on take-out?
>I like this shitty food more in new york, take that chuds!
kill yourself, unironically

>> No.18656209

I’ve accepted the fact that most peetzer places suck, so i just get a slice from costco. It’s not terrible, it’s not great…but it’s cheap and is ok/10

>> No.18656215

Juggling a beer and my dumbphone, no bulli frfr.

>> No.18656218

God I hate nyc diaspora. Just stay in your rat infested sewer if you miss it so damn much.

>> No.18656220

Reminder that chicago style pub pizza (the square cut kind) is the best pizza on planet earth but its hidden by the deep dish shield so nobody steals it from us

>> No.18656230

They've actually done labratory analysis of NYC water. It's not different from any other water except the PH is higher. It's completely down to the ingredients (flour, high protien) and the techniques in working the dough to develop gluten.


>> No.18656234

Detroit style beats all

>> No.18656243
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't pay me to drink your shitty tap water

>> No.18656252

/ck/ cookin niggas tonight, we havin fried anon nigga we slicin off chunks of your crispy ass meat and eatin it after that anon charbroil roasted you

>> No.18656253

You do know that you can learn how to cook any of that, or train a white guy, without having to massive import shitskins right?

>> No.18656261 [DELETED] 

I don't like niggers

>> No.18656266
File: 884 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here.

>> No.18656271
File: 3.95 MB, 2132x10000, tap water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nyc tap water lole I hope you guys aren't actually poisoning yourselves with this shit and are filtering the chemicals out.

>> No.18656291

looks like fake schizo nonsense
tap water is fine and safe. they wouldn't let us drink it otherwise

>> No.18656406
File: 67 KB, 1080x608, 9112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18656412


>> No.18656417

>connect RO filter to sewage pipe
>looks like shit in 4 days
wild how that works, now try the actual water line

>> No.18656423

Are you really gonna trust the dude who made this photo when it's clear they haven't cleaned their own abode in at least a year at least, look at those absolutely horrifying cabinets
even the purifier is disgusting

>> No.18656437

It's connected to the faucet dumbass

>> No.18656441

I have yet to see a reasonable explanation for why conspiratards are convinced (((they))) would want to actively poison their worker bee populace that give them cheap labor
What is the end game?

>> No.18656444

>can you really trust a kitchen that clearly has been used to cook food

>> No.18656453
File: 1.02 MB, 812x1189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah it's just for cooking bro, it's not absolutely disgusting and unsanitary
You'd eat food coming out of this kitchen?

>> No.18656459

What does shitty food taste like? I’ve never had bad food at any restaurant ever and was wondering why you guys are always saying that everything sucks and tastes like shit or piss or cardboard

>> No.18656460

That's what they want you to think, you really believe your eyes? I've got many people here saying that's untrue. No I won't source it.

>> No.18656463

I wouldn't eat from your kitchen because you don't cook that's for sure

>> No.18656465

You're making the classic mistake of assuming "they" is a single collective. It's actually countless individuals cutting corners and ignoring regulations. Joe Biden isn't steepling his fingers thinking about how he's going to fuck you. It's more that Jamal got a job as a city code inspector and he takes $50 bills to look the other way.

>> No.18656478

If your kitchen looks like this you are a disgusting human, I cook plenty and I also know how to use cleaner and at least wipe up once in a while, it's really not hard. To not do so shows a dysfunctional household. Since they leave the easy to clean surfaces in such a disgusting state for at least 12 hours just from what we can see in the photo, they probably have disgusting unmaintained pipes and shit, who knows what the fuck could be the problem but if they can't maintain basic cleanliness there's no way you can use that disgusting place as a source for anything related to cleanliness, even of the water.

>> No.18656484

Now that's some hustle and bustle

>> No.18656491

Yeah, and who is jamal being paid by? Random domestic terrorists, I guess? Are the water quality testing labs also being paid? Are they being paid by the same person? What is this mysterious collective that is apparently paying people off to put shit in the water trying to accomplish? Just general chaos?
If I take a water sample from my own faucet and send it off for testing and it comes off clean, did (((they))) pay off the lab? The shipping company? Why do they care? Do they replace my personally installed water filters in the night while I'm sleeping?

>> No.18656494

Their isn’t one and they can’t explain it. They think 50 million people work for the federal government when it’s closer to 50k. This world would crumble and die if we killed our citizens for the lulz

>> No.18656497


>> No.18656499

I accept your concession and admission that you are a retard. Thanks for playing!

>> No.18656510

congratulations on winning your sunday afternoon internet argument

>> No.18656512

Thanks, it always feels good to expose conspiratards for the disingenuous retards they are :)

>> No.18656522

my tax dollars at work i guess

>> No.18656523

The vaccine wasn't to kill people. It's literally just about money. Hundreds of billions of tax dollars. 95% of Congress investing in the phama companies given grants days before those grants were publicly announced. Just because they're not trying to kill you doesn't mean it's not a conspiracy. Go on and claim that was all above board.

>> No.18656525

Yes, it's good that our hard earned tax dollars go to educating people so they can call out bullshit when they see it! I appreciate it!

>> No.18656529


>> No.18656535
File: 117 KB, 1200x770, 1669576280530924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but get the last word in even when you have nothing to say, huh? Yeah, I feel that. It's tough to deal with :\

>> No.18656537

nice hillary meme

>> No.18656541

It has less chlorine which means more live yeast and fewer dead yeast in dough which creates less chewy crust

>> No.18656542
File: 953 KB, 297x192, 1668624079561324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can save it if you want.

>> No.18656543

what kinda coffee you drinking today?

>> No.18656547

That's so full of shit that it's retarded. Nobody that grew up to live in NYC wants to be there unless they're seriously deluded. The real trick is to not be anywhere close to that shithole or any of their taxholes which everthing in nyc is.
Do something for yourself if capable.

>> No.18656551

Cute dog

>> No.18656556

None. I'm not a starbucks or any faggot.
Get over yourself.
Do you often see flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18656565

you take adderall then? i thought they only gave out amphetamine in the military

>> No.18656566

>more live yeast and fewer dead yeast in dough which creates less chewy crust
You are fucking dumb.

>> No.18656569

Yeah there sure was a lot of money invested, almost like they were rushing to develope a vaccine against a dangerous pandemic that was actively killing the populace and needed a lot of funding to do it. Pretty tough to wrap your head around the scale.
Congresspeople shouldn't be allowed to invest privately.

>> No.18656576

There's nothing to deal with about clintons, they're that pathetic. I'll never go for the socialism, thats that's the clinton way.
Easy cunts.

>> No.18656579

You must be under 25 at least to still be naive enough to think Congress works in the interest of their constituents. Most will gladly tell you directly that they don't.

>> No.18656584

It was both needed and a lot of people improperly profited from it. Is this really that hard to chew through for you? Both of these things can be true without it being a grand conspiracy.

>> No.18656591

Yes, chlorine kills yeast. Are you confused?

>> No.18656592

Follow the mask money, look into that.
Who makes these retarded maskes and who makes money from it and makes retarded laws...

>> No.18656595

I live in flyover, work from home, in my own house, thats paid off, with a huge yard and detatched 2 and 1/2 car garage. I roll out of bed and spend the day shit posting here while "working". Everything is cheaper, everything is cleaner, when i want to go some where i dont have to take public transportation with homeless criminals. My neighbors dont shit in the street and leave dirty needles everywhere. I shop at real supermarkets and not filthy rat and roach infested mini marts run by the cousins of isis suicide bombers. I mran i could go on and on, but you enjoy the "hustle and bustle" with your chopped cheese you turbo faggot

>> No.18656602

I don't need to, it's obvious there was a lot of grifting going around at every step of the pandemic. Every single public expenditure has people gaming the system, it's not unexpected or even surprising. It doesn't change the fact that the measures taken were needed. Not a difficult thing to comprehend. Is it bad? Yeah. Does it invalidate the entire pandemic response? Lol no.

>> No.18656613

>My entertainment consists entirely of going out to eat at chain restaurants and shopping at big box stores. Sometimes we'll see a movie at the movie theater. I am clinically obese as is 80% of my family

>> No.18656614

Again. they literally. sent it to a lab. and analyzed it. It has a higher acidity. *and thats it* That would be BAD for yeast. But they also analyzed doughs made from it, and it's EXACTLY THE SAME as any other fermented dough. Meaning that's the difference - technique. Fermenting your dough, kneading and stretching it properly to develop gluten. You COULD argue that the introduction of more acid later like when you boil bagels would improve maillard, but they're already putting fucking lye in the bagel water to jack that pH way way way over even NYC waters level

>> No.18656621

What makes that youtbe video anymore legitimate than the one that says there's more chlorine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtUhl7q82i4

>> No.18656634

>america's test kitchen
>some random big chinned literally who youtube jew 'theorist' performing uncontrolled unscientific 'experiments' to arrive at their pre-conceived outcome

>> No.18656638

The simple fact that Congress invested in the companies before the grants were made public actually does make it a conspiracy. They conspired. Objectively. Fortunately for them they made themselves immune to insider trading and IRS audits. Since their sole job is to serve the public and they instead conspired to profit from a tragedy makes it treasonous conspiracy. Since they were invested in the pharma companies success they were incentivized to ignore/downplay side effects and incentivized to overstate it's efficacy. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18656643

Nah you're my entertainmen, and as far as eating out, well there are three restaurants within 5 mins of me that have been on multiple foodnetwork and travel channel shows, with two more about 10 mins away from me. You enjoy that roach shit infested "ocky" chopped cheese and keep seething.

>> No.18656656

Sure man, and what about all the other countries that also worked on it? Were they in on it to when they came to the same conclusions? Are they in the room with you now? I'd need to literally perform a study of my own independently for you to accept it, so no I won't "prove you wrong." I'll trust literally anyone else before a 4chan poster, I'm just trying to get through to you that not everything is solely malicious and even with these things being objectively true it doesn't mean it's some crazy globalhomo conspiracy to kill your children because some assholes profited from it.

>> No.18656664

Nothing I said was false.
>Hurr durr, check out his tinfoil hat
Actual child. Interested in a conversation or not?

>> No.18656667

>there is no such thing as conspiracies, but trump conspired with the russians to steal the election.

>> No.18656672

I actually explicitly stated that what you said was probably true:
>with these things being objectively true
so it's not my problem you can't read. I guess you're projecting your own internalized thoughts that what you're saying is a tinfoil hat conspiracy. Weird.
Who mentioned trump and the russians? Certainly not me. More projection of your own fears, I suppose.

>> No.18656673

Lol there's no difference in the source. Both are entertainment companies. Food theory at least explain what's going on in the dough chemically to cause the difference.

>> No.18656675

One of the finest pastas. Well timed, well played. Rivals the quality of the Oregon wife-beater pasta.

>> No.18656685

Suspicious that you didn't deny being part of a family of lardasses.

>> No.18656691

Well why do you keep portraying my argument as if it's that vaccines were a conspiracy to kill people? I started the conversation by explicitly stating that wasn't the case. It's a conspiracy to funnel tax dollars into congressional and pharmaceutical pockets. Your repeated jumps to fatal vaccines comes off as disingenuous strawmanning. No point in the discussion at all if that's the case.

>> No.18656709
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 800px-Chicago_thin_crust_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thank God every day that I live in an area where I can get the pizza in the world any day of the week. NY Pizza? Nah, it's real Chicago style pizza.

>> No.18656713

That looks like real horrible shit, of course from useless "america's test kitchen."
Idiots that have done nothing in their lives except to be on some stupid tv show then gone on to go nothing except to make nothing except maybe to suck up cocks for free.
That's no way to go through life you fucking faggot cock sucklers...

>> No.18656718

It's just thin crust lol you can get it anywhere

>> No.18656720

Man, I was the guy arguing that there'd be no point in poisoning the water of your own people, I was just replying to you midstream due to you hopping in and talking about the vaccine being a conspiracy.
>some crazy globalhomo conspiracy to kill your children because some assholes profited from it.
This is called exaggeration, and was done to point out the absurdity of the idea of the entire world being in on the conspiracy and solely making the vaccine to make money when there was clearly a public health need for it as well, while assholes in government definitely profited from it at the same time.
The person that brought the vaccine into this argument in the first place was you, which always goes poorly anyways.

>> No.18656744

They got together and committed insider trading. That qualifies as conspiracy in my book. We'd be in prison if we did the same. Again, just because they're not trying to kill you doesn't mean it's not a conspiracy.

>> No.18656779

Right, and my point is that just because there was a monetary conspiracy does not invalidate the actual need for the vaccine.

>> No.18656787

It does mean that Congress had a direct incentive to be dishonest about them though, doesn't it? If your 10 million dollar investment relies on you having to maybe lie a bit, why wouldn't you? Was the vaccine needed and effective? MAYBE. Was Congress incentivized to get you to take it regardless? FACTUALLY.

>> No.18656798

Is chicago thin crust a thing? I thought chicago style was the dummy thicc sauce on top variety.
There is plenty of research at this point way outside any monetary benefit from the initial response that demonstrates it is effective, so the answer to
>Was the vaccine needed and effective?
is yes.
Really their main monetary incentive would be mandating it, which is a whole other can of worms that I really don't think is necessary to get into. At this point, if you wanted it you have it, if you didn't want it, you don't have it. Most mandates have been lifted. In the end, the vaccine was a tool used to help mitigate the pandemic with some bad actors using it to profit, many in government. Both are true and we're really arguing about nothing

>> No.18656801

>muh lead and shit water makah da za’ hava da zesta!

>> No.18656808

Like fucking children and you think that you'll be taken seriously?
GTFO you emarassmentes.
What's next with you morons, you need some faggots in focus groups? Those are the first ones to fuck off with.

>> No.18656810

You can only get the thin crackery crust and thicc cheese in Chicago, everywhere else is like NY Pizza or bizarre shit like St Louis pizza.

>> No.18656811

>It's needed and effective
>You didn't actually need it
There it is.

>> No.18656828

That kind of bullshit is going to come on real good in a company that's not some retard university level crap.
Try again.

>> No.18656829

>You didn't actually need it
Where did I say this big boy? Are you trying to extract that from
>At this point, if you wanted it you have it, if you didn't want it, you don't have it.
The people that don't have it at this point are dumb as fuck in my opinion, but they're free to do as they wish and at this point, it's just endemic and they're less protected if they get do end up getting the virus. Most of the people that truly needed it like immunocompromised, elderly have it, and we'll never convince the people that didn't get it to get it. It is what it is, but it doesn't in any way mean it wasn't needed. It's needed if you like protecting yourself against worse outcomes (death lol) and long covid, which I do, but maybe you want to roll the dice. More power to you, just don't come crying to me if you end up on a ventilator down the line kek

>> No.18656840

You come across as too defensive.

>> No.18656842

I accept your concession.

>> No.18656857
File: 43 KB, 800x800, 36020125-5800-4B7E-BC87-429691DBCE48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step out of my 200 sq ft apartment that I pay $3,800/month to rent. I’m in a rush to meet my friend at the local Ethiopian-Korean fusion micro pub to drink a couple of cactus infused mango milkshake IPAs
>as I step out and breathe in the fresh smog I’m pleased to find that the air is only 98% polluted today, I can get away wearing 2 masks instead of 3
>meet with my friend Maxine Elequantus, She’s in the middle of transitioning right now so I make a mental note to be careful with my pronouns
>on my way to the pub I slip in some homeless man’s shit and land on an AIDS needle
>get into the pub and see they’re having a half price special, 1 authentic Ethiopian Korean taco + a half pint of a local draft for only $39.99!
>Maxine comes in and looks so brave and stunning! She sneezes as she gets to the table. I made the mistake of telling her gazuntite (a nazi word co-opted by the radical right). Someone recorded it and sent it to my boss, got a text that I need to come and clean my things from the office tomorrow.
>have fun with Maxine but it’s time I get home. Take the local bus and sit next to a junkie nodding off on heroin who vomits all over me
>so exhausted at this point, I can’t wait to finally get home to be surrounded by all of the refreshing grey concrete
>as I step over the two homeless niggers fucking on my porch I get a phone call that my daughter has been raped by a pack of niggers again
I love the hustle and bustle of city it’s so vibrant and exciting!

>> No.18656865

This is just a question, but with all those big words and shit, have you actually worked for a big company or are you just selling books like a bitch claiming to having seen flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18656875

I'm really not sure what you're talking about my guy, I have never mentioned flying saucers and lizard, people, even one time in this thread. You should ask this to the conspiratards in the thread.

>> No.18656878

A vaccine that a significant portion of the population can ignore is, by definition, not needed. It saved lives, I'm sure. But it also cost them. Classic trolley problem. Saving 1000 old ladies isn't actually morally correct if it costs the life of a young athlete dying to myocarditis. This is completely ignoring how many lives could have been saved had those funds simply been directed to at risk individuals rather than government corruption. We'll never know though because Congress conspired.

>> No.18656880

You're a fucking faggot, I grew up in NYC Manhattan. The only people that are expected to pay that kind of shit are fucking faggots and those are the upper west side. Don't be fucking stupid.

>> No.18656894

That's not true, thin crust is everywhere

>> No.18656906

Vaccines are always preferentially directed to the populations most at risk for whatever particular ailment the vaccine is for. Your definition of "not needed" is pretty wild.

>> No.18656915

Fuck off, charlie don't surf with your government fear

>> No.18656922

..... yes and the thin crust is like new York Pizza and not Chicago pizza 999 times out of 1,000. Go to a random city or town and search their local pizzerias, none will have a Chicago style flat thin crust

>> No.18656925

Fucking dominos sells an identical pizza to the pic you posted bud

>> No.18656932

Do I need to post Pfizer admitting that they never even checked for transmission protection before release? Since we know they were funded coupled with insider trading I suppose we can rest assured that we have no need to investigate any conflict of interest with all the boosters. It's literally impossible that those further rounds of taxpayer funding had anything to do with Congress profiting from it. Certainly.

>> No.18656942

>Thread about pizza
>Devolves into unqualified retards arguing about vaccines

>> No.18656944

Well no, they don't call it Chicago style because people would mistake it for the Italian casserole that Chicago calls their pizza. It's called thin crust because nobody equates thin crispy crust with Chicago. It's just called thin crust.

>> No.18656947

>except the PH is higher
>It has a higher acidity. *and thats it*

So which one is it, tranny?
Is it more acidic, or more basic?

>> No.18656953

Post it then bitch nigga

>> No.18656955

I'm really not sure what your point is, the point was to reduce the severity and stop people from dying from it, so what exactly is the point of them checking for transmission protection? We've known it doesn't stop it from being spread since before the vaccine was even available. Your response has nothing to do with what you're replying to anyways.

>> No.18656963

>new york city water
these words literally make me feel sick

>> No.18656967

The anon you're responding to is a brainlet. Don't expect a worthwhile response.

>> No.18656970
File: 431 KB, 1200x1200, ESR4R5SXkAItt2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 3 second google search for dominos crunchy thin crust.

>> No.18656994
File: 215 KB, 1080x1080, covid-vaccines-work-against-delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a single example from Wisconsin institute of health. Thousands exist for every agency in every state.
>Prevents COVID-19
>Doesn't prevent anything
You don't get to rewrite history because it's not convenient.

>> No.18656997

Will you /pol/suckers please just go watch the news or whatever you fags do

>> No.18656998

Where does it say it stops transmission in that image? I'll wait. It says it prevents COVID-19. It takes the brain of maybe a 4th grader to comprehend that this means it helps prevent illness from covid, not stopping it from being transmitted entirely. Do you not understand how vaccines work in general?

>> No.18657005


I like to think of it as a bullet proof vest. Yeah you can get shot in the arms, legs or face but it's much harder and unlikely compared to your torso

>> No.18657007
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought only god could make water.

>> No.18657011

hello tourist
everybody can tell you're samefagging
kindly stop it or go back to wherever you came from

>> No.18657041

>You need to read between the lines of the government propaganda, you can't take it literally!
Libtards will literally convince themselves that their own mother is a demon if it pushes the narrative.

>> No.18657044

Dude what are you even talking about? You aren't very good at this. Perhaps stop posting stuff that proves your own points wrong, and you won't get blown the fuck out. Retard

>> No.18657052

>I replaced my nation and tie to my ancestors for a take out meal

>> No.18657053

>Prevents COVID-19
>Clearly that doesn't mean it prevents COVID-19

>> No.18657069

You are fundamentally misunderstanding what "prevents COVID-19" means, and it's very obvious it's on purpose. For someone who clearly loves to infer random shit from stuff that was never said (you've put words in my mouth multiple times), it's odd that you have a problem with it when it's in favor of someone else's argument. It doesn't take a smart person to know exactly what that image you posted means, and I really hope for your sake that you're just being disingenuous for your argument and that you know deep down what it really means, otherwise it's just sad.

>> No.18657074

Fuck you and fuck new york

Take your faggot pizza and shove it

>> No.18657088


>> No.18657099

The word "prevent" has a very simple definition. It isn't "makes harmless, or "stops severe side effects". Why don't you define "prevent" for the class so we can all admire these hoops as you jump through.

>> No.18657101

Having a bad day champ?

>> No.18657109

Did you miss the giant text right there that says it's not 100% effective? We all know what prevent means.

>> No.18657118

It means stop from ever occuring. Doesn't it?

>> No.18657123

keep (something) from happening or arising.

Yes, retard. We know what it means. Do you know what "not 100% effective" means?

>> No.18657128

Yes. Glad you now know what prevent means though. So: "prevents COVID-19". Can we now extrapolate?

>> No.18657136

Yes we can dumbass, since you're still ignoring a massive piece of the puzzle I'll spell it out for you:
The image means "vaccine works very well to prevent covid-19, but not 100% of the time" and not mentioned in this image is that if you do in fact still get it, it reduces the severity of it. What exactly are you trying to argue again? That if you ignore half the text on the image it seems false?

>> No.18657232

Based deranged lunatic

>> No.18657376

I've lived in NYC my whole life and still love it. I'm not awestruck and amazed by everything the way I was when I was a kid, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the crazy amount of variety I have in just a 5 minute walk in any given direction. To answer your random rants about the non-food topics, maybe try not being poor? The people who seem to bitch the most are just too poor to live here; sure I don't have a washer/dryer in my apartment that I own, but I simply have someone come pick my laundry up and deliver it washed, dried, and folded lol. People are nice and I have """room to breathe""" (lmao what the fuck) because I don't live in a shitty poor person neighborhood. You just sound like you're projecting on that anon all because you only make enough to afford eating the same shit all your suburban friends guarantee is REAL food because it's called "Big Chubby's Wungus Bungus Burgers" instead of McDonald's.

I wish you luck in someday making it.

>> No.18657399

dominos does the thin crackery crust. i cant imagine it getting any better than that.

>> No.18657403

If you're not funposting, do you realize you sound like the "you will own nothing" german meme guy from /pol/?

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a load of dishes to do

Ok I'm done, what were we talking about? Oh right, you live in malliotakis country and everyone in the neighborhood hates each other and would gladly form a mob and chase their neighbor onto the belt parkway and gleefully watch them get run over not once, not twice, but thrice, because that's the brooklyn way

>> No.18657409


>> No.18657430

That's tourist shit and you know it, in NYC the bitches get the tourist shit because they go to tourist places. I suspect that's the same for other places as well. You go to some tourist place even in a place you know for some sitdown type place. Those aren't really the places you get a slice or two on your way home, hey dont forget one for your girl or some for your kids.

>> No.18657441

Dollar pizza is garbage shut the fuck up you ohio transplant NYU faggot
All of the actually good pizza places are in brooklyn, staten island, and new jersey

>> No.18657444

I honestly thought SCHWABposting started on /biz/. But anyways, it's still true; NYC isn't for poor people, and I don't mean that in an elitist "I hope you never join me" kind of way, despite it sounding that way. I'm just saying it's understandable that you'd think this place is shit if you had to, for example, leave your home every time you wanted to wash your underwear, or if you couldn't leave your home at all for fear of getting jumped by blacks. On that end, I agree: NYC is shit if you're poor.

>> No.18657448

Marfan we want you back to fix the servers

>> No.18657460

>bay ridge guy is afraid of black people
Wow you're really breaking down the stereotypes

>> No.18657475

We've established what prevent means. Do we need to do it again?

>> No.18657482

Realize that the word is really "prevert" and we are here. "love's not enough, in itself"
~~ Depeche Mode

>> No.18657491

we have the recipes, we don't need the people.

>> No.18657494

Yes, I'd like what a bitch such like you is capable of. I suspect that it's nothing except shooting someone in the back in ambush.

>> No.18657502

*Such as yourself.
"Such like you" makes you look ESL. Many such cases.

>> No.18657505

love from confederacy
this thread goes hard
I hate nooyawkers so much it's unreal

>> No.18657514

I'm not and I don't live in bay ridge, I just know there's a strong stigma against blacks here on 4chodes, so it's the easy thing to make reference to. That said, I wouldn't want to live in harlem.

>> No.18657564

That makes no sense and you know it. If you have no people to pass any recipe on to then what's point?

>> No.18657582

Fuck harlem, fuck all it's for myself, I've lived there. The real thing is would you want your mom to come to there to visit your apt? That's a resounding no.
It's a shithole but then so is all of shithole Manhattan these days and there's no reason to live there. They're more into mask enforcement then to protecting ladies on the streets these days. Its just not a place for any human to want to live.

>> No.18657588

God you're pedantic which would be fine if you were correct, and yet you're not. I guess you're incapable of understanding that words can be accompanied by qualifiers, which can affect what they mean... which is incredible because I've simply never seen someone whose mind works that way. There is no conflict between the definition of prevention and the fact that it doesn't prevent it 100% of the time. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best, fucking retarded at worse. You know exactly why, I fucking hate this rightoid argument tactic lmao. Makes me wonder if I'm unironically arguing with ben shapiro's autistic ass, and that is not a compliment. Keep deflecting bud, it just makes you look more like you don't actually have a point besides trying to pretend that you can't comprehend a major part of how the english language works. Also, NTA >>18657494

>> No.18657596

>Fuck harlem, fuck all it's for myself, I've lived there
Actual nonsense. Did you know that for is of the same one I was looking to get in a little while ago.

>> No.18657616

>Pfizer ceo admits vaccine wasn't even tested for transmission prevention
>Official government fliers directly state that vaccine prevents COVID-19 (stating efficacy IS IRRELEVANT).
Both of these things are true. Had the flier stated that the vaccine could help an individual with potential symptoms then it would be fine. When the vaccine isn't even attempting to prevent transmission, but the government fliers state that it prevents transmission.... And you're arguing about it having a qualifier? That's not how it works. It's doesn't prevent transmission. The flier states it does. The flier is a lie.

>> No.18657636

Bullshit, you come across as not only a college pendant that's never worked an hour in a real job but that's never been there with an old mom. Basically a fucking cunt.

>> No.18657640

That's what you get for believing the truth from some government. It's free, vax up baby.

>> No.18657642

You're conflating illness from COVID-19 with transmission, still, so I guess it's never going to get through to you. It doesn't say "prevents transmission of COVID-19" so you're retarded, or is that not right? Because that's exactly what you're argument is. You're inferring it means "Prevents transmission of COVID-19" and I'm inferring it means "Prevents illness from COVID-19" (what it actually means btw lol). You CANNOT argue your point without admitting that my point is AT MINIMUM equally as true because at this point we're both inferring something, just differing things from it.

>> No.18657643

I think you mean pedant.

>> No.18657644

import the cookbook not the fucking shitskin cook

>> No.18657647


>> No.18657649

>you're argument
your* argument, my bad.

>> No.18657656

"Prevents COVID-19".

Go ask a professor what that statement means. You can twist it into meaning helps fight symptoms. That doesn't actually change what it means.


In no universe does that ever actually mean "it won't prevent it, you just won't die.". Do we need to define prevent again? We can. They could have EASILY worded it in an accurate way. They didn't. Prevent COVID-19 has precisely one (1) definition.

>> No.18657673

Nice meme, citizen

>> No.18657675
File: 55 KB, 620x496, Godzilla_Eats_Train_Car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware! That little one might grow up be a Godzilla that snacks on Japanese train cars.

>> No.18657684

Why do they look like such faggots wearing skullcaps? It looks like they need some cold water over the face to wake them up from their faggotry.

>> No.18657688

No. I drink a coke once in a while. What are you looking for in me to justify your lame ass coffee addiction?

>> No.18657702

>Not being surrounded by diversity is one of them.
You've moved to a black ghetto? Not exactly one of my life choices, but you do you.

>> No.18657732
File: 254 KB, 1079x1360, rural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18657744

>I'm agender
>Foliage and tranquility are the problems I'm focusing on at this moment

>> No.18657748

You're the kind of faggot that really thinks that it takes 2k/month to live in a decent place that's not a closet in Manhattan without roomates. What faggot magazine do you get this shit from? Dont be a useless bitch.
It's useless bitches such as you that keep certain rents soaring.

>> No.18657755

>sees a tree
>has a nervous breakdown
Zoomers are braindead.

>> No.18657757
File: 1.70 MB, 2500x1667, 170821-trump-eclipse-348p-rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really think it costs a lot to live in manhattan in a nice place? Faggot
>Also, please stop talking about rent :( it's making it soar :(
Can't make this stuff up

>> No.18657761

>It's not expensive!
>If you have roommates
>Rent is soaring
Kek. And who the fuck reads magazines in 2022? Do they even still make those?

>> No.18657762

Dude, you are not from here.

>> No.18657765

It's faggots like you that have an agenda that have never lived in Manhattan that come up with goofy numbers that make no sense that should be ignored. Are you still in school or something?

>> No.18657773

I won't ask a professor because you wouldn't believe one of (((them))) anyways. You're still just doubling down on the fact that you can't handle anything that isn't strictly spelled out for you, huh? Did you know most people would consider that a sign of low intelligence? I wanted to believe you could handle it but I guess you can't. It is pretty funny that you've latched on to the definition of the word "prevents" as the only thing you've got left, though. I accept your concession since you're just repeating yourself over and over, and you're still incorrect every single time.

>> No.18657778

No agenda at all. I very much hope that rent stays affordable for you and you stay precisely where you are.

>> No.18657787

They're still good in dentists offices when waiting for an appointment, if it's a cool DDS then he has Playboys you can pull out for fun.

>> No.18657796

>Literally prove that a conspiracy happened and that government agents lied
>Look at his tinfoil hat
Indeed. Prevent still has the same definition, by the way. I wish you good luck in your further attempts to defend Pfizer, despite no refunds.

>> No.18657798

Never said anything about a tinfoil hat, and the definition of prevent is still irrelevant since you're just blatantly ignoring context. Just yell as loud as you can until people get tired of it, I guess. Won't help you if you get covid, unlike the vaccine.

>> No.18657801

Fluoride is a waste product from various industrial materials. The conspiracy is someone just wants to dump it somewhere and mumble something about dental health to the nearest water processing plant.

>> No.18657806

I got out of NYC and the haze and the bullshit some years ago, so I don't really care about NYC rent control. That's the only real solution, just don't be there and support the shit democrat politicals by being there. They all need term limits.

>> No.18657808

Some of my friends were paying 2.1k a month for an apartment (Jr. 1 bedroom) on the island near Babylon station.
Imagine being in denial that hard.

>> No.18657814

"COVID-19 vaccines work very well at preventing COVID-19 but no vaccine is 100% effective".

That's it. That's ALL of the context, and it's literally a lie. It doesn't change the statement. In no way does that imply that the vaccine won't prevent the disease and instead merely helps an individual fight symptoms. In no way. I'm glad to keep repeating the obvious though.

>> No.18657817

DUDE! That's not a conspiracy.
It's just flying saucers and lizard people.

>> No.18657820

I figured at this point they'd moved beyond fluoride, even some people in this thread were trying to push a random picture from some nasty guy's house where the water turned his reverse osmosis filter black, as if that's all the water in NYC and it's just flat poisonous, rather than that guy's home being absolutely disgusting and his pipes fucked up. They seem to think someone is literally just dumping toxic sludge into the water and nobody but them know it.

>> No.18657822

Clearly they were suckers, don't put your so called friends on me or their shit prices they pay. Were they fags that also stood in line for starbucks?

>> No.18657826

I don't even know what you're saying in that first part, but my mother visits my apartment all the time, yeah. We live in the same building after all; I got my parents the apartment a few floors down in my building so that I'd be able to see them more and help out if needed. Again, I'd agree if I didn't have money. I do though, so all the shit aspects just don't apply.

Man, can you people learn how to write? What are you even saying?


>> No.18657825

Not a lie, though. "COVID-19 vaccines work very well at preventing COVID-19 but no vaccine is 100% effective" is a factual statement.

>> No.18657836

So where are you from you little angel?

>> No.18657837

When they don't prevent COVID-19, stating that they're very effective at preventing COVID-19 is a lie, yes. "Not 100% effective" is the only fact in that sentence. Part lies are lies.

>> No.18657839

oh boy, atrazine water pizzas lmao

>> No.18657840

There should be an elevator or something for a mom, she shouldn't have to deal with any bs just to get her kid's home.

>> No.18657842

oh you best believe i be lookin like this and sayin this, yessir yessir

>> No.18657845

No, they were sensible people who moved back with into their parents house for a year and a half to save up more money before buying a house out in Suffolk.
That's what you're looking at for apartment prices in a not-shit area. You're just full of shit and in denial.

>> No.18657859

Incorrect. If they prevented it in even one case, they are effective at preventing it, if only partially. Each case in itself is in a vacuum and is not affected by the others. >Person 1:
exposed to covid, had vaccine. No illness. Prevented.
>Person 2:
exposed to covid. had vaccine. No illness. Prevented.
>Person 3:
exposed to covid. had vaccine. contracts mild case of covid. Not prevented.
If what you were saying were true, person 1 and person 2's cases would be impossible. Clearly, they happened. Now multiply this by hundreds of thousands of people. If your logic tracked, it would be actually impossible for ANY cases of covid to have been prevented, and that's objectively untrue.
You can't grasp that because it's clear that you're an anti-vaxxer lunatic and facts simply don't matter over your fee-fees.

>> No.18657862

Most recently? Your mom's bedroom.

>> No.18657882

Person 1 and 2 are having assumptions made. I thought you like science? Someone being exposed to Covid while vaccinated can't be assumed to have been protected by the vaccine rather than natural immunities. I'm fully vaccinated by the way. Why are you hell bent on defending the undefendable?

>> No.18657904

keeping this one up my sleeve next time i'm feeling (you) deprived. well done.

>> No.18657979

>refutes a single point of that entire post
Hey at least your paying reasonable rates to live in a shithole, sure showed him.

>> No.18658014

Why would pizza from Florida be any good?

>> No.18658045

Greek pizza in MA/NH > NYC pizza
But the latter isn't bad for like $1 a slice