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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 750x750, A2B28EB3-FABC-48A3-A654-1047927C367C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18628285 No.18628285 [Reply] [Original]

We’ve been post scarcity the whole time.

>> No.18628290

sometimes it is free

>> No.18628295

Free = someone else should pay for it. Kys beggar or get a job.

>> No.18628309 [DELETED] 
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I’m not serving Israel. Ever.
All food can, should, and will be free.

I choose Utopia, true society, progress, genetic modification, innovation, goodness.

>> No.18628313

great, more ai art bullshit

>> No.18628328

What if I want caviar, hand-dived scallops, langoustines, fillet steak and black truffle every night? The high price reflects their difficulty in production/sourcing. If it’s free how do we decide who gets it?

>> No.18628335
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>> No.18628338

Being a commie is based? Go back faggot.

>> No.18628341

Thomas Paine wasn't a communist. Go back to England, traitor.

>> No.18628360

Socialist, communist, same thing. He wanted to take away people's freedoms by increasing taxation so he can fuck off and so should you. I am in England.

>> No.18628373


The example I always liked to use was Tamoxifen, back when it could only be made from the Pacific yew tree, which was already an endangered species. When the last tree gets cut down, who gets the last dose, Fauci's wife or a promising young scientist?

>> No.18628378

> He wanted to take away people's freedoms by increasing taxation
source: your ass

>> No.18628379

I grow and hunt lots of free food all the time.

>> No.18628387

The problem is that "free" also means "valueless." If something is free, people are going to waste it.

>> No.18628389
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Scarcity is a lie.

Do not oppose goodness/progress.

>> No.18628397
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Baseline things like rice, bread, and cultured-meat should be free

Genetic modification solves all

China already has salt water rice.
And they’re evolving it to grow faster and faster and faster and faster.

>> No.18628401
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Also fruits and vegetables can be made crazy fast

>> No.18628403

If I give my child a potato I dug out of the ground, will he waste it?

>> No.18628408

Seeds should be free. If you wanna cut to the chase and buy food that someone else grew then you have to pay

>> No.18628409
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Value is relative.

>> No.18628415

food IS free just go outside and kill the four legged thing
my god you people

>> No.18628419
File: 11 KB, 250x250, CE821A67-FD2A-47CC-B942-9F3C521D2C05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of true society, progress, and goodness?

>> No.18628422

Sweet OP, are you going to do all that backbreaking labor for 0 (ZERO) compensation?

Didn't think so.

Or did you want to be subsidized by the state?

>> No.18628427
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Is it a run on joke where y’all act like genetic modification isn’t a thing?

>> No.18628428

You're a retarded faggot, and you don't even know that people are fucking you up the ass.

>> No.18628434

It's not really a secret knowledge, from Wikipedia:
> In his Rights of Man, Part Second, Paine advocated a comprehensive program of state support for the population to ensure the welfare of society, including state subsidy for poor people, state-financed universal public education, and state-sponsored prenatal care and postnatal care, including state subsidies to families at childbirth. Recognizing that a person's "labor ought to be over" before old age, Paine also called for a state pension to all workers starting at age 50, which would be doubled at age 60.

Theft is morally wrong. Involuntary resource redistribution is a theft. If you want to be charitable feel free to be but don't force others to do the same.

It's the other way around, I'm fucking retards like you in the ass.

>> No.18628440

We’re not slaves for Israel.

Giving billions of tax dollars to Israel yearly for their free healthcare is WRONG.
Allowing monopolies is WRONG.

What will it take for y’all to submit to goodness?

>> No.18628444
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post webms

>> No.18628449

Couldn't answer my question.

Socialism is brain rot, clearly.

>> No.18628450

Allowing others to starve for your own profit is murder, which is morally worse than theft.

>> No.18628457

Waste is not.

>> No.18628469

Literally no

>> No.18628479

>Allowing others to starve for your own profit is murder, which is morally worse than theft.

How much of your salary (or NEET bucks) do you donate to starved children........?

That's what I thought.

>> No.18628480

No, it's not. Only murder is murder. Stop redefining words to push your retarded agenda.

>> No.18628482

>quoting someone else's interpretation of the text rather without quoting the text itself
maximum brainlet move

>> No.18628486
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Were post-scarcity.
Wealth cannot be distributed in a post scarcity society without populist socialism.

Lets be honest, you just want a hug, you waste of thought.

Is there something you want? Tell us what the true reason is that you’re standing against goodness.

>> No.18628489

On top of that, it doesn't even support your point. None of that says he wanted to raise people's taxes. There are other ways to fund a government besides an income tax.

>> No.18628493
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Wealth should never be "distributed".
It needs to be earned. But you wouldn't know the first thing about that.

>> No.18628496

that's not how business works. like what the actual fuck. you are a rat who wants prices to go even crazier than they are now.

>> No.18628498
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So is it ok if we starve you?

>> No.18628501

Well, as of right now, it's distributed to the people at the top rather than going to the people who create wealth through their labor.

>> No.18628506
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Tell that to Palestine.
We’re not Israels slaves. Never shall be.

>> No.18628508

Do you think the quoted interpretation changes the message of the original text that much in this case? It's not bible.

What ways are those, war or full blown communism? Either way it's theft.

>> No.18628510


>> No.18628511

Goodness ≠ free

>> No.18628512

Instead of posting bullshit like a nigger, what's your solution?

>> No.18628516

Many complain that a lot of cities lack of trees. I always wondered why more cities don't have fruit trees so people can pick them and provide shade.
I've only heard they could be messy or degenerates would chop them down.

>> No.18628517
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>> No.18628518

Wealth is earned by the people who own companies...
No one is forcing the employees to continue to work there. Both parties enter into a mutually beneficial contract.

But again, you wouldn't know any of this.

>> No.18628522

Yes, it's okay if I'll be able to acquire wealth through free market but will chose not to and will starve as the result.

>> No.18628526

You are preaching to the choir bro.
The socialist joos can fuck right off.

>> No.18628527
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If you’re speaking in terms of mere “might makes right” forever, then you aren’t standing for progress at all.

There’s immortality and divinity to via progress and innovation. You waste of thought.

Go have your galactic orgy in your own separate universe. Keep mortality to yourself if you want it, and leave the governance of my people to my people.

>> No.18628528

Wealth should go to the people whose labor produces the goods or services that are then sold to a customer for a profit. Investors should get a modest return, not the biggest slice of the pie.

>> No.18628529

I'd accept this argument if bad CEOs were guillotined or otherwise exiled. Instead they get a severance package and a cozy new job at the next corporation over after the govt bailout. It's a ponzi scheme for elite, and you're their personal simp.

>> No.18628531

The United States has houses and food enough for every soul within its borders, yet still has citizens who are homeless and hungry.

The root cause of this is the prosperity gospel, a perverse heresy which asserts that God rewards the faithful and good with material wealth on Earth. The unspoken but keenly felt corollary is that the poor are at best morally deficient and at worst evil. Thus it is morally acceptable to allow them to suffer a lack of basic human needs.

The above of course "only" applies to Americans who are also (according to themselves) Christans. Unfortunately, they remain the majority.

>> No.18628530

So made up stuff from a comic book that doesn't work in real life. That's no solution. How about people stop pumping out kids? Ohh that's the one nobody wants to talk about.

>> No.18628533

Just apply for EBT.

>> No.18628537

(((Capitalists))) control the media. (((Capitalists))) control the banks. (((Capitalists))) control the economy. (((Capitalists))) control the government. (((Capitalists))) control the world.

>> No.18628539

Owners have much more responsibility than the employees.

>> No.18628541

And you are to say who the good CEOs and the bad CEOs are? You might as well be catler, that didn't work out too well for Germany now did it?

>> No.18628544

>Wealth is earned by the people who own companies...
Yaaaaaaas, king! Chug that Flavor Aid!

>> No.18628545
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>Dune is a comic book

>> No.18628549

Gonna have to ask for a source on this claim, bub.

>> No.18628550

The people who control most of the economy don't have all of their eggs in one basket EVER. Their risk is covered by a diversified portfolio. Meanwhile, the average worker loses their job if the business fails.

>> No.18628552

The saddest part is that you've realized we're all oppressed by one group, but you picked the wrong group.

>> No.18628555

You are aware that CEOs of publicly traded companies are DECIDED upon by the company's board of directors. Which is usually made up of the largest share holders.
CEOs are sneaking thier way to all the money. The are decided upon and can lose their job at the drop of a hat (or bad stock day).

>> No.18628557

A capitalist is someone who controls capital, retard. Are you saying that wealthy capitalists don't control all the capital? Are you fucking baiting?

>> No.18628559


>> No.18628561
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, Sears_Store_Closing_Sale_Westland_Mall_Hialeah_(49525992311)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bb-b-but it's LE SUBJECTIVE

*casually collapses a hundred year firm letting everyone go without pension while I ride off into the sunset with my millions harvested from the company's stock

>if you think this is bad you're literally Hitler

>> No.18628568

>The people who control most of the economy

You hace no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.18628569

>allegedly doesn't know what the triple parentheses means
Are you baiting, retarded, or just extremely fucking new?

>> No.18628571

A capitalist is someone who believes in laissez-faire economics you herb. It doesn't involve control at all, in fact it's more about the lack of control and having the market sort everything out itself through competition.

>> No.18628572

There's a lot of overlap between corporate boards with people sitting on the boards of multiple organizations, and these guys all went to the same schools as the dudes running the funds that own the companies. They get massive severance packages if they run the company into the ground, the regular worker gets fucked over, and the investors / executives move onto something else. It's a big club, and we ain't in it.

>> No.18628576
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Ok will make there be only one job available.

You have to get the free cosmetic surgery to become identical to belle delphine with me and work at the femboy hooters that serves only female customers. The store also is apart of a monopoly that makes all food free via their lobbying. You have to accept that as well as that a percent of the money you make the company goes to real progress in every way due to that being the monopolies desire too. You have no choice. It is the only job. All aspects of society are owned by this benevolent monopoly and thus also have the power to decide the limits to what you can get as a job and working conditions and… everything really.

Do you accept to prove your point?

>> No.18628577

No shit sherlock

>> No.18628578
File: 29 KB, 929x252, capitalist8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't, lmao. see pic related
It means jews. About half of the ruling class is jewish, and about half are WASPs.
Yes I do.

>> No.18628580

God the Libs really beat you down didn't they?

You can do anything you want, dont believe their lies. You can succeed, you just have to work hard. (I know scary concept for a leftist.)

>> No.18628582

Wrong. Stupid. Dumb. Retarded.

You're using the term capitalist in a highly specific (also autistic) manner. Generally speaking I'm right and you're wrong.

>> No.18628583

It's not, dummy. It's a novel.
https://whorulesamerica.ucsc.edu/power/class_domination.html educate yourself

>> No.18628586

No, you're very stupid. If you're not a wealthy controller of capital, then you're not a capitalist.

>> No.18628592

Such black pilled attitude. That'd what being a leftists gets you.

The joos are winning.

>> No.18628594

Then why go all-in on the ((())) when you know it's not about Jews vs. gentiles but about hyper-ultra-rich vs. everyone else?

Eat the rich, be they Jewish or not. Support your fellow not-rich, be they Jewish or not.

>> No.18628593

>triple parentheses means
I'm just a simple man,
please explain this "triple parentheses" that you seemed to learn in grade school. Put that in English and math if you're capable.

>> No.18628595

>can lose their job at the drop of a hat
With a cozy severance package before they go off into another high ranking position at another firm. Risk-adverse board members care far more about experience than they do about success rate, whatever that means in the world of business. Firms collapse all the time. Nobody blames the head unless they did something seriously fucked like felony embezzlement (in which case, they get to have a cozy stay at Camp Fed playing golf and getting leagues better treatment than street thugs despite committing objectively more economically harmful crimes).

No matter what they're never starving, never suffering if they break a leg or develop a chronic illness. You basically tacitly admit they're a higher class of being, and you accept that, because you're a fucking simp.

>> No.18628599
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I'm not blackpilled at all. I'm very optimistic about the future.

>> No.18628600
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Do you want us to set the price of one good thing happening to you at infinite dollars?

Don’t toy with peoples lives.
Life is all.

>> No.18628604


>> No.18628607

Why are jews half the ruling class despite being 2% of the population?

>> No.18628608

So you're a troll. Admit it.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and your goal is socialism.

>> No.18628613

The CEOs dont starve because they have skills that people pay money for. Same as anyone who has any kind of marketable skills. Simple as that.
Keep simping for the joos though.

>> No.18628615

Idk but I hope you all fucking die of cancer because you all suck

>> No.18628617
File: 115 KB, 716x779, farmerofthoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a troll at all. I believe everything I have posted. I believe in democracy. I believe in truth. I believe in liberty. I believe in America. I am a patriot.

>> No.18628619

Stop pumping out kids, that's a solution.

>> No.18628627

>because they have skills that people pay money for
Because they're a higher class of being in your eyes.
Madoff is in Camp Fed too, you know. You love the Jews, just as long as they're not the university Marxist. You disgusting simp.

>> No.18628630

It's nice that you "beleive" in things and might help you, but is that real?
There are folk out there on the front, I beleive in them, fuck yeah!

>> No.18628631

Cope artnigger
You're being replaced

>> No.18628632

That's a very theoretical scenario and you surely are a faggot to even come up with it. In reality long term monopolies are not stable if the market is truely free. Inb4 Amazon, well, before Amazon there was eBay which was also a monopoly in its space, after Amazon there will be a next company. In the internet world you had Google which is on a downward trend due to bad management decisions (since the Indian take over), same with IBM, Yahoo, Facebook, etc, which also felt like monopolies.

>> No.18628636
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America is real, as are the ideals it was founded on.

>> No.18628639

Do you also beleive in flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18628643

Why do you equate democracy and liberty with flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18628647

>higher class of being
> in my eyes

Kek, TOP kek as a matter of fact.
If anyone is putting CEOs on a pedestal its clearly you. So much projection, it's sad really.

Youll Keep sucking Shylock's Marxist cock, as long as he says its 'for the people' hun?

>> No.18628649

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

>> No.18628656

Fear and that's what a desperate government wants from its populace these days.

>> No.18628658

The "Liberty" he was referring to was the Liberty to continue taxing the wealthiest family in Pennsylvania, the Penn family. The "Security" he was referring to was literal cannons and guns which the family had agreed to donate as a one-time fee if it meant the state signed away its right to tax the family forever.

>> No.18628660

>goes on a nonsensical schizo rant
You love the Jews, just as long as they're in the CEO role and not the one shouting at you to stop being racist. It's easy to see. Your ragie confirms it.

>> No.18628665

Brother we are on the precipice of something grand. Do not back down.

>> No.18628670
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Commies tongue my anus

>> No.18628674

These days its lack from fear, but that's what it comes down to, or direct fear.

>> No.18628675

Put the joo cock down while you type.
I can understand your deranged ramblings.

>> No.18628680
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jack is the living embodiment of everything rotten about the american system, and the ways in which we have failed to live up to what this nation was meant to be.

>> No.18628684
File: 1.05 MB, 1125x634, 1D1593D1-E7F5-4A91-9E91-F99112CF8D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you admit monopolies are bad?
Because I can dictate any aspect of your life via monopoly.

You have no right to govern my people in any way. My people only belong to love and goodness and each other.

Are you cruel enough to even have your true people not have free food in their country and be taken over by foreign monopolies?
That would result in nothing good happening wouldn’t it?

Do your people mean nothing to you?

>> No.18628690

You can dictacte any aspect of my life?
Go for it bitch, let us all see you try.
Fucking lettuse head cunt.

>> No.18628695

lol you're drunk

>> No.18628699

That's not the point

>> No.18628706

Donnie, you're out of your element.

>> No.18628708

The cunt made an assertion that it cant back up... it likely never held a job in it's life and it posting from some school shit.

>> No.18628709
File: 338 KB, 1124x1265, C38BBFE7-A1F2-4863-8345-7D8908260679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is god.
It’s more than belief.
And the only god is love.

I love the timeline where hitler becomes peaceful and creates true utopia and becomes an almighty immortal futa irl-anime-girl tier god and opens the multiverses to the anime dimensions by harnessing the power of the abstract realm. Then spreading true love and heaven for all to all the multiverses. Making anime real for all who desire that.

>> No.18628717

What element is that? Please explain.
I worked for a company and cancelled my contract when the faggots started talking about "elements" and stupid shit like that.

>> No.18628719

I like to say that most of the problems on Earth come from people either forgetting that they're God or acting like everyone else isn't God.

>> No.18628722

Yes, most people mean nothing to me. It is again my moral values to harm them, including by theft like taxation. It is up to them to make their lives, including to earn for their food. I could see a world where if not being taxed 30% I could contribute to some efficient private charities which would help out these truly in need. I can't see a world where I'd accept involuntary resource distribution.

>> No.18628725

Do you go for lizard people and flying saucers?

>> No.18628726

I didn't watch my buddies die face down in the muck in Nam just to come back and hear you complain about your god damn job!

>> No.18628732


>> No.18628737

Religious countries like Afghanistan where everyone obeys and lives by God's rules are true paradise.

>> No.18628739

>most people mean nothing to me
you are in the extreme minority of humanity

>> No.18628741

nope, billions must die and likely they will

>> No.18628742

Dude, we all need a Rambo knife.

>> No.18628745

Who said anything about organized religion?

>> No.18628752
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like this? I already do.

>> No.18628753

Great religion they have there, take money from other nations yet hate them and desire the destruction of them. That's why they wear rags on their heads, they're too embarresed to be in sunlight.

>> No.18628768
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>> No.18628799

Religions and religious books are the only reason people believe in god. Most of the evil comes directly from religious books like Qaran or Bible, not from Pope or any other pedophile structures. If you're one of them spiritual but not religious fags, well that's some progress I guess, probably not very harmful indeed, just mostly stupid.

>> No.18628805

>Religions and religious books are the only reason people believe in god
Other way around. Religions exist because of our innate spirituality.

>> No.18628810

>people should grow food and work without pay

>> No.18628818
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Gods rules are relative. My true people are different from them and desire a different utopia. There’s a reason we have regions.

However, I live in Canada, and it’s a wrongness if anyone has power over us to have what we love not happen.

For Canadians, all should be free.
For Canadians, the only god, way, motive, moral, force, drive, love, power, goodness, is love.

Each of us is god of our own unique infinite multiverses of love. Dogmatism isn’t for us as our true desires are always mutual.

>> No.18628821

Let's see how many people have been killed or disappeared by islamics / muslims recently
Just remember its the religion of peace

>> No.18628826

A truly progressive populist country is almighty.

>> No.18628835

Dude you sound even more faggy than your Great Leader Trudeau. You deserve each other.

>> No.18628837
File: 618 KB, 1125x650, 2010A63D-682E-4F0D-8DAB-592C064F13B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want all to be free thx

That also includes white peoples freedom of empowerment to control their own media and their own people.

The rate of pure white children being born increases exponentially with the slightest social encouragement. All matters. The true white soul matters always and forever.

>> No.18628840

List of Killings in the Name of Islam:
Last 30 Days

>> No.18628847

You come across as a bitch that has never held a real job or gotten out of school. Get married or something sunshine.

>> No.18628851
File: 1.17 MB, 1509x1514, C7892570-822A-4B72-B2CF-0150C2874858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is faggy your word for having a soul?

I’m a white straight male futa that does LSD and breeds good and carelessly.
Whatever it is that is my collective Canarsie soul, I wish for it to always prosper in every way. So much that I don’t have to give a thought to anything I don’t love.

>> No.18628855

We’re not Israels slaves nor your slave ever in any way. Never shall be.

No one with a soul serves evil.

>> No.18628858

Didn't take long for that legal Canadian weed to turn your brain into useless mush. Time for you to take advantage of medically assisted suicide for the betterment of your country.

>> No.18628861

>you don't want people to suffer? sounds like you haven't suffered enough
Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.18628863

Faggy is an adjective of the word faggot.

>> No.18628867
File: 911 KB, 696x942, 65970F21-9E3A-4D90-B384-0F66C944A651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* my collective *Canadian* soul

But nonetheless all is my soul, including every country and people. And I don’t ever want people to truly suffer nor starve.

>> No.18628880

If that was the case and you wouldn't want another Great Chinese Famine, Holodomor etc you would be pro free market and against socialism. You might want to spend more time studying economics and history than gender studies and spirituality.

>> No.18628882
File: 41 KB, 225x350, 7F44BC99-4BA2-414C-ABD6-39D2D724A88B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so butthurt?

Actually who is good is MY people.

Open up to us. Lets hear the truth. Is it really that hard being a Jew nowadays?
We share the same world. Love goodness and get goodness.

>> No.18628884

You don't know anything about economics.

>> No.18628891

I'm not a socialist so I must know something or at least have a good intuition desu

>> No.18628892
File: 130 KB, 730x1200, CE3FDBD8-8374-4F51-9FB7-B78A81E33AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Love goodness to get goodness.

I couldn’t be more bored of the dystopia plot line

>> No.18628897

You don't even understand the basics of how our economy works.

>> No.18628898

I see where this is going...
It needs the Magnificents

>> No.18628901
File: 140 KB, 707x900, 8860C5A5-BF55-4835-9586-AE0753EC0F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not a socialist to your people? Do you let your people suffer and starve.

All can and should be free. You know perfectly well that Americas wealth has been stolen.

>> No.18628918
File: 113 KB, 600x600, 1655313406027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideal situation? The state provides sufficient foodstuffs and/or a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) that sees everyone has enough nutritious food to be healthy. If you want luxury items like the ones you mention, you can either save up for them or get a job to earn supplemental income.

Job = luxuries, no job = no luxuries. But this way there's a safety net for people who can't work, people who can but get fired, and people who're just slow finding what they want to do with themselves. Wages would be based on the importance of the job to society, the job's difficulty, and the number of people applying for it.

If you want to be a NEET, be a NEET but accept that you won't have luxuries. If you want to live your dream of running a bakery that sells only pussy-flavored cupcakes, do it. You might get popular and rich or you might fail, but failure won't see you homeless or starving. If you want the big money, do the absolute shit jobs nobody wants but everybody needs done, like retail.

>> No.18628921

>we have plenty of food
>a shitload of people start eating and fucking
>population explosion
>we have a scarcity of food
The only real rights are negative rights. You're arguing for a positive right to food: an entitlement.

>> No.18628934

I would never let my family or close ones starve, I would consider helping strangers out, I would never force others to help anyone.

You faggot still don't understand that if you only help others because otherwise you'd be in jail that's not morality. It's no different from being good because otherwise you go to hell. It's selfishness.

>> No.18628946

>You faggot still don't understand that if you only refrain from raping and eating others because otherwise you'd be in jail that's not morality. It's no different from being good because otherwise you go to hell. It's selfishness.

>> No.18628957

>You faggot still don't understand that if you only help others because otherwise you'd be in jail that's not morality.
Speak for yourself, psycho.

>> No.18628961
File: 223 KB, 420x730, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a moral thing to do but it doesn't make you virtuous.

>> No.18629004
File: 21 KB, 180x136, 1650979659866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great thread about cooking

>> No.18629013

>/ck/ - ____ & Cooking
Can YOU fill in the blank, anon?

>> No.18629026

>nooooo the wagie has to work for a living for once
Never got why people got so butthurt about shopping carts. Littering in a national park or something similar is a better litmus test.

>> No.18629052

Until the wagie gets around to cleaning it up it can blocking other parking spaces, can even result in damaging other people's cars. Agree that littering is a good one too, although littering is illegal in most countries and while the risk of punishment is low it does exist.

>> No.18629374
File: 31 KB, 800x533, 1F6EF3E9-CDF0-4F8E-9639-9A48EE51DD10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about your true people?
What about your true society?
What about your true nation?
Do you not feel your soul is one with that?

You speak as if you want to come and kill me if I don’t stand up for myself.

A true euro or true American would never let this topic slide. All should be free. Every true populist stands unconditionally for true utopia, true progress, and all being free.

>> No.18629395
File: 32 KB, 960x540, AD37D798-EEDB-456E-A7B4-FA319206EB5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re not slaves for Israel. Will never work for you even if you put our life at threat to try to make us be slaves.

Cost is only a method of suppression.
There’s a such thing as real progress and true utopia and true goodness.

If you make the world suffer, Israel suffers. Do you truly care for your people? All is connected. All should be infinitely goodder in every way.

Do you need a gun pointed at your head to make the connection?

>> No.18629476

>What about your true people?
>What about your true society?
>What about your true nation?
>Do you not feel your soul is one with that?
What if there are more people like me who would answer no to these questions, why do you want to force your ideology onto them? Wouldn't it be better for more of your people if you implement your policies in a voluntary way, ie. through private charities?

>You speak as if you want to come and kill me if I don’t stand up for myself.
Also no.

>> No.18629496

Jack Scalfani's family managed to be so shit that they defeated Aldi's system of making you put a quarter in the cart to free it.

>> No.18629497
File: 1.67 MB, 748x1507, 1EE6D2B0-E409-49BA-94F0-54CC222F780E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My people are not like you. Thus you should have no governance over them. My people choose true utopia, divinity, immortality, goodness, heaven, true love.

What do you choose?

>> No.18629518

It's like taking to a two years old monkey.

>> No.18629520


>> No.18629625
File: 1.32 MB, 1125x1122, 4D689FE9-D390-4BB1-9283-089449294B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it’s “might makes right” and people who want a better world have to kill all of your ilk then?

Is there no path for you where you’re not a badness upon my people?

What choice do those who want real progress have?

>> No.18629639

I think you just don’t know how good that good gets. Sounds like you’re hell bent for dystopia and mortality. A failed fallen world and a failed fallen soul. Is that what you are?

>> No.18629640

Not forcing your retarded "progress" onto others is your only choice, otherwise we will attack you with the north.

>> No.18629650

lets switch things around and put you instead in the position of those you hurt. Call it a Christmas miracle. A little hard work and hell is good right? Isn’t that what you think? It’s good for the soul right?

Have fun!
Learn your lesson!

>> No.18629659

Morality doesn't exist.

>> No.18629662
File: 103 KB, 305x500, EB607718-B6B8-451D-850F-247E1DA5D519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the North you dipshit. You have no one. You have no people. After all, you only want to starve and enslave anyone you have power over. Ye who opposes goodness.

What a lowliest mistake. Feel it all the way.

>> No.18629675
File: 361 KB, 1381x1609, C441A41E-CA8D-4BFD-9D3F-58D0CCDF67A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you wish.

>> No.18629683

> After all, you only want to starve and enslave anyone you have power over.
I'm literally saying the opposite. I don't want to have a power over anyone and I don't want anyone to have power over me. I want freedom, opposite of the oppressive system of wealth redistribution that you're proposing.

>> No.18629688

what's with this itoddler spamming ai images

>> No.18629715
File: 179 KB, 736x742, 750D0CA9-AC84-4D45-8E1A-2D6C8FEA0F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does it matter if you have no notion of goodness, love, and morals!

What good is anything you stand for if you allow monopolies!

How about I become the only monopoly!

Freedom to do what? Exploit people?
Freedom to be evil?
You should have no power to do anything if you exist in MY COUNTRY AMONG MY PEOPLE AND ONLY WISH TO BE NON-MORAL AMONG THEM.

I think you’re merely an Israeli etc fearing losing your last string of power.

Well the string is cut.

It’s time for you to taste your own medicine.

All shall become free. And real true democracy and goodness shall win one way or the other.

>> No.18629722

I shouldn’t even call you an Israeli. Anyone with a soul will destroy you.

>> No.18629730

Ok chud

>> No.18629778
File: 133 KB, 750x893, AE4DE312-F677-4551-822E-C3C4E924CC38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t belong among anyone. You don’t belong among the people of this website either.

You going to hell is good for you.


All power forever and always to food being good, ever better in every way, truly perfect, and free forever.

>> No.18629782

Dumb /g/ neet coomer

>> No.18629808
File: 78 KB, 600x600, sylt-blabaer-blaubeerkonfituere-biologisch__0963237_pe808396_s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueberries should be free!

>> No.18629813

and the other guy is a retard

>> No.18629817

how is it that you put so much afford in that it contains 2 of my favorite fruits and that i still suspect it to be horrible in taste?

>> No.18629820

None. I don't care and it doesn't profit me in any way not to do so. Did you think that was some epic "gotcha"?

>> No.18629833

Because leftists legitimately believe that democracy = agreeing with democrats

>> No.18629846

>ferral, barely human cavemen tribes a million years ago that thought everything on earth was some supernatural force were just being manipulated by ebil white republicans
Seeing the glare off your brain from here

>> No.18629855

Do you think religion would develop now in the developed world if people didn't inherit it? The trend is opposite.

>> No.18629872
File: 80 KB, 570x712, adorno_360x450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the trend is opposite
All the decline of organized religion has done is lead to people creating their own mythologies to fill the void. God may be dead, but we refuse to bury him.

>> No.18629873

Who made this shitty render? I own that exact TV and it's way smaller than that, it's a 4-5 inch screen portable. Not bigger than a fucking VCR.
Learn how to scale things

>> No.18629876

Post scarcity doesn't mean it doesn't cost money to produce and distribute, you fucking retard.

>> No.18629951

What the fuck kind of weird esl schizo fetish larp is this? Fuck off, you already ruined one country Chang, leave ours the fuck alone.

>> No.18629960

It's also a retarded made up term that braindead burnouts who don't understand that Star Trek is fiction use.

There is no such thing as post scarcity without literal magic.

>> No.18629966

It's a drug-crazed loon who used to stalk 420chan with this shit before 420chan died and they went here instead. They post on other boards like /his/ too.

Their ramblings are too distinctive for me not to notice.

>> No.18629970

>I believe in democracy.
Then you're a fucking retard who doesn't understand that democracy is an inherently flawed system that has failed every time it's been tried.

Protip: America is not a democracy faggot

>> No.18629990


>There is no such thing as post scarcity without literal magic.

>> No.18630022

The only way for anything to ever be post-scarcity is for you to have an unlimited supply of it created in your house with no input of energy or other materials. Anything else is still technically scarce because it requires effort to extract, refine, and transport it.
We could launch a mining operation to an asteroid with enough gold to give everyone a Scrooge McDuck vault and it would *still* not be post-scarcity because it would cost time, money, and labor to extract and send home.

>> No.18630044

Is this a bot thread?

>> No.18630055

That isn't what post-scarcity actually means, dude.

>> No.18630118

>Baseline things like rice, bread, and cultured-meat should be free
Rice and bread are so cheap that they are functionally free, cultured meat doesn't exist.

Things being free is only possible through using public money (so not really free) and will end up creating more waste and supply issue as people will take more than they need as they don't need to pay for it.

>> No.18630218

We cut your neck here in france

>> No.18630408

America was supposed to be founded on democratic principles, but plutocrats hijacked it and turned it into a plutocracy. The constitution was a betrayal of the ideals of the revolution, and the aristocratic faggots who signed it were all traitors. Thomas Paine was the only founding father who wasn't a hypocrite.

>> No.18630410

Also, every single system fails eventually, so that's a total brainlet point to make.

>> No.18630572
File: 65 KB, 279x1467, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It technically is.

love, /co/

>> No.18630586

Yes, good goy. Keep working, you must generate more profits for your masters.

>> No.18630653

Yeah, and Lord of the Rings is a movie, but if somebody's talking about the book which existed long before the movie did, you wouldn't say they're talking about a movie, you fucking retard.

>> No.18630663

The novel didn't have pictures, hunchum.

>> No.18630671

So? The image I posted wasn't from the comic book adaptation. It's just an artist's interpretation of Paul next to a sandworm.

>> No.18630708


>> No.18630712

based retard

>> No.18630828

>laboring for something
What a dumb post.

>> No.18630836

It's free to the child.

>> No.18630868

It is if you grow it yourself.

>> No.18630886

You think that child is going to boil it and eat it? Or treat it like a pet rock?

>> No.18630888

Teach the child.

>> No.18630906

Teach the child, that with hard work, you will have everything to sustain one's life; that it won't just be handed to you?

>> No.18630910

We are a social species. We've only gotten to where we are through cooperation. You know what a chimp out on its own in the jungle is? A dead chimp.

>> No.18630915

My post should have been the end to all discussion on your moronic economic system. One has to work, to be alive. Nothing is free.

>> No.18630923

The division of labor is one of the basic building blocks of society itself. Not everyone needs to be directly involved in food production.

>> No.18630927

>food should be free
>Baseline things like rice, bread, and cultured-meat should be free

>> No.18630930

Why is it free to use a sidewalk someone else built?

>> No.18630946

>implying hard work receives fair compensation under capitalism

>> No.18630949

Your question is not formed like the questions I replied to. You are talking about how things are, not how they should be.
I am asking why things should be that way.

>> No.18630951

Because a populace that doesn't have to worry about basic survival is free to follow their passions and improve the overall quality of society through their innovations and experimentation.

>> No.18630953

That's because commiebros are bots.

>> No.18630962

>demands to know why ANYONE would think food should be available for free
for eating retard

>> No.18630963

I doubt there's anyone that has a passion for mining coal. How incentive/reward system are you going to implement to get people to do these types of hard things? Come on, give me some more bullshit.

>> No.18630967
File: 455 KB, 945x574, download (62).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was here when we took down on a plane on /tv/ through the power of memes alone. Somebody get this hothead out of here.

>> No.18630972

>Because a populace that doesn't have to worry about basic survival is free to follow their passions and improve the overall quality of society through their innovations and experimentation.
Like the African American communities in the USA?
Why should I care if others can eat for free?

>> No.18630973


>> No.18630976

You give them access to better luxuries than the rest of us as a reward for their hard work. If you want to live in the same house as everyone else and eat the same food as everyone else, then you don't have to work. If you want nice shit, you gotta work for it.

>> No.18630982

If you're a drain on a system, why should you be given free food to be kept alive. All communist manifestos treat humans as a number in a system, and will eliminate any inequality that is damaging. How retarded are you "people?"

>> No.18630985

Niggers have to worry every day about not getting shot by other niggers who were brainwashed by jew/glownigger controlled media into being violent thugs and pushed into an illegal drug trade that is only kept afloat through shipments protected by glowniggers that fund their black operations. The whole game is rigged.

>> No.18630993

>communist manifestos
There's only one communist manifesto, and it has literally nothing to do with what we're talking about lmao. you're a brainwashed servant of ZOG, irreparably mindkiked by a lifetime of propaganda

>> No.18630995

And you've been brainwashed by Chinese propaganda.

>> No.18630996

Ok then, how about the Appalachian poor whites. They have a relatively low crime rate and high rates of welfare.
What great innovations or works of art has emerged from there?

>> No.18631000

>If you're a drain on a system, why should you be given free food to be kept alive.
Because most people (claim to) consider human life sacred.

>> No.18631003

Thomas Paine is Chinese propaganda?
Bluegrass music.

>> No.18631004

>All communist manifestos treat humans as a number in a system
Did you hit your head? What is this trying to say lol? Communism manifestly treats workers as humanized beings who should be free to eat and dance and write and think once they are done contributing to society for the day; capitalism suggests that they should be exploited to the full extent that the market will support, which historically has left nearly no free time to do anything of personal gratification or cultural relevance.

>people should starve by default
hmm i think maybe your issue is that you are a psycho

>> No.18631019

>Bluegrass music.
That predated most forms of welfare in the US save social security (if you would like to argue that geriatrics developed bluegrass pleases make your case).
>hmm i think maybe your issue is that you are a psycho
Do you have a line of reasoning for me or do you wish to admit you cannot form a logical thought by resorting to ad hominem?

>> No.18631021

For communism to work, you need a strong centralized single party government maintaining order, and they view you as another expandable cog in the machine. Grow up faggots.

>> No.18631023

They're still making music down there, buddy. And they're very nice people. Good food, too. I'm glad they're not dead. : )

>> No.18631027

Our government is functionally single-party since they all serve the interests of a strong centralized ruling elite that maintains order just enough for their system to continue (while sowing chaos away from the heart of the empire in order to prevent any opposition from rising up in their colonial states).

>> No.18631029

So to be clear when challenged you could not provide an example of the cultural works that welfare enables.

>> No.18631041

Now lets talk about how Chinese imperialism is acceptable while America bad. You're a lonely lazy idiot that doesn't want to take responsibility for your own actions.

>> No.18631042

Again, bluegrass music is still being made by white trash hillbillies on welfare, and I kind of like some of those coontunes the niggers in the projects put out.

>> No.18631046

Imperialism is wrong, and if the Chinese people have a problem with their government, then I support them in their fight for self-determination and democracy. Same with the Russians. I want to see an end to all self-serving rulers.

>> No.18631057

Are you aware that repeating an already refuted point makes you appear to be a moron to everyone in this thread?

>> No.18631065

You're refuting that hillbillies make bluegrass music? You're wrong lmao

>> No.18631074

You mean, you support them by having an emoji next to your profile name. What makes you different than a fourth wave feminist? Stop being lazy and retarded.

>> No.18631081

What am I supposed to do? I don't live in China. Best of luck to them in their struggle, but I have my own here, against my own ruling class.

>> No.18631091

But you do nothing for your own fight. Cause you think it should be free. Right faggot?

>> No.18631102
File: 704 KB, 830x512, seethingglowies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't you like to know, ZOGbot?

>> No.18631107

What puzzles me about this anon is that I don’t think he is so stupid that he couldn’t understand my ask and my objective to bluegrass as answering that ask.
Yet he persists in acting like he has won the argument.
Does he expect any non-morons to be fooled by this? Or does he accept that he can only convince the stupid of his position and remain content with being surrounded by fools?

>> No.18631111

>my objective to bluegrass
Should be “objection”

>> No.18631124

>understand my ask and my objective to bluegrass as answering that ask.
Dude, you're not even a native English speaker.

>> No.18631140

Do a yearly census thing where you determine which industries are in need of workers. Then provide annual bonuses for people who switch to those government sponsored jobs until they're filled adequately.

>> No.18631161

FOOD for consumption. Not FOOD as a political weapon, you dipshit.
Relevance matters, otherwise all threads would be /ck/ relevant because they're posted by humans (or bots made by humans, more likely) and humans eat food.

>> No.18631169

>otherwise all threads would be /ck/ relevant because they're posted by humans (or bots made by humans, more likely) and humans eat food.
this is unironically true though

>> No.18631179

It isn't, and if you have a problem with that then take it up with moot. He's the one that said tertiary relevance (ie: humans eating food makes it relevant) is not enough.