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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 593x676, main-qimg-9b07d5df00f49ddc18dd7cd7912e3536-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18618709 No.18618709 [Reply] [Original]

I can't use chop sticks. Can you?

>> No.18618714

Yes. Because I learnt how to use pencils when I was 5 with those gay ass squishy things

>> No.18618746

Yeah, I'm actually really deft with them too

>> No.18618749

>those gay ass squishy things

>> No.18618758
File: 235 KB, 1010x924, SmartSelect_20221124-083615_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things

>> No.18618778
File: 90 KB, 522x720, 3VB3YcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in 1964.
I have never seen, nor heard of these.
But you're right, they look gayer than John Wayne and Clint Eastwood making out.

>> No.18619234


>> No.18619283

I can. I mean i'm not very good but i've managed to pick shit up with them now. I remember i used to be complete dogshit with them but now i can at least manage.

>> No.18619309

Yes. I use them for noodles and rice. I tried using a fork for noodles recently after a few months of chopsticks. Forks really are awful for noodles.

>> No.18619328

>Forks really are awful for noodles.
...said some nigger that never heard of a spoon.
Get your shit together.

>> No.18619342

Yeah it's easy. I kind of prefer them to forks and knives nowadays

>> No.18619370

no because a fork is superior

>> No.18619374
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Of course, I even cook with them

>> No.18619387

No and I can’t hold a pencil well either. I was left handed in kindergarten but my black teacher ms binberry didn’t like that so she’s hit my hand with a ruler until I switched to the write. Now both hands are just shitty :(

>> No.18619536

The trick is you need to move only one of the sticks, not both like a thong.

>> No.18619547

Forks are great for noodles if you're not a clumsy bitch.

>> No.18619748

>not both like a thong.
REALLY curious as to what this is supposed to mean.
Thong like flip-flops?
Thong like underwear?
Neither has sticks.
What planet are you from?

>> No.18619757

based esl retard

>> No.18619760

use a bowl of popcorn to learn. They are easy enough to grab and help you get the motion down

>> No.18619763

Probably preference, but eating a bowl of soupy noodles with chopsticks is just so comfy. Good bite size control, easier to dunk your bite, and you can kinda lift the noods as you eat them.

Have you tried eating chips with a spoon also? I hear fellow POCs reccomend it highly.

>> No.18619772
File: 77 KB, 960x960, Two Cows China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but apparently I hold them wrong.

>> No.18620005
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic can't use them either

you gweilo all have problems because you're trying to do with 2 fingers what you should be doing with 3, in a pencil grip

<- this is the proper hold

practice makes perfect

>> No.18620021

I'm a huge weeb and I can't use them fast enough
even went on a date with an asioid. it was so embarassing. actually makes me buthurt.
I would probably give up and bring fork with me everywhere.
they are also stupid and retarded and yes I learned how to use them. it is dumb to eat with sticks

>> No.18620053
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use 3 fingers gweilo
>image shows all 5 fingers in use
Idk my man

>> No.18620167

>use 3 fingers gweilo
ah right
I meant on the upper stick
that's the difference between OP and my pic
no "h"

>> No.18620188

I have nerve damage in my hand from playing sports and/or jerking off way too much, my ring finger don't work like that no more.

>> No.18620307

>no "h"
I prefer them with a h to be honest

>> No.18620459

This is how I always used chopsticks and always had the suspicion I was doing it wrong lol

>> No.18620467

You have two hands

>> No.18620500
File: 220 KB, 1280x960, the-princess-bride-sword-fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't fuckin' Inigo Montoya.

>> No.18620508

I can use them to a certain degree, but I fumble and drop them a lot.

>> No.18620702

Learned from the many trips during childhood to Dad's favourite cheap Chinese restaurant.
Moved bacl down to the city, temporarily lived in a room with large Chinese family, communal meals every day. All of them were about middle age or elderly.
For a month they laid out a fork for me, I asked for the sticks.
All through dinner asking me questions, how I learned. I asked what the surprise was about, they said they hadn't seen a white guy use chopsticks better than their children.

>> No.18620939

I get really triggered when I go to an asian restaurant and there's all these ypeepo eating with chopsticks like it's nothing. it's like they all must be pretending. asians practice them when they're little and at school etc.

>> No.18621453

Incorrectly, yes.
I can eat with them just fine, no difficulty. But I look at guides on how to hold them and it's obvious I'm holding them wrong.

>> No.18621459

Same here but my teacher was white.

>> No.18621464
File: 44 KB, 400x301, 793148855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking southern pig. only jungle trash use chop sticks that way.

>> No.18621491

Technically no, and I'm Asian. Apparently the "proper" way to use them is to use the middle finger as the pivot point like in OP's pic, but I use my index finger instead.

>> No.18621510

You'll know when you're out of middle school

>> No.18621589
File: 145 KB, 1600x1155, how-to-eat-pasta-cutlery-hands-put-spaghetti-spoon-fork-round-plate-decorated-green-leaves-close-up-156921404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you tried eating chips with a spoon also?

>> No.18621637

If it works, you're not doing it wrong.

>> No.18621724

Thanks, anon. I actually needed to hear that.

>> No.18621838

im chinese and I cant do it "right" either, my sticks don't have the separation. Wasn't taught by properly when young and it stuck. but yeah who cares, it works and i use them daily

>> No.18622005
File: 1.47 MB, 2048x1572, 1669306842626801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason there’s another chopsticks thread and there are a lot of different ways to hold them, although some look like jokes to me.

>> No.18622033

I'm probably closest to Idle Thumb
>dating a Taiwanese girl as a gweilo
>Father says he's going to grade my chopstick skills based on how I pick up a fish ball
>he's serious
>Grab a fish ball and eat it
>"...C minus"

>> No.18622040

yes but I also don't see the point
knowing how to use chopsticks is like knowing how to ride a unicycle

>> No.18622064

I can't eat a steak with chopsticks or a brisket or fried chicken
why the fuck would I want these useless tools?

>> No.18622072
File: 71 KB, 800x450, stuffed pork chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat this with chopsticks

>> No.18622087
File: 57 KB, 620x372, 3-2-1-baby-back-ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you eat these with chopsticks?

>> No.18622101

>and you can kinda lift the noods as you eat them.
yeah thats generally how you eat stuff

>> No.18622104

That isn't a pencil grip. If you hold a pencil with the base of your middle finger and not the side then you're actually retarded.

>> No.18622117

>poke meat with chopstick
>cut off a piece

>> No.18622150

they're for kids with motor issues or poor muscle tone who can't grip like normies (basically drooling retards, like >>18618714)

>> No.18622157

did you ram the chopsticks through his little slit eyes?

>> No.18622163

Nah, I said xie xie like a good boy

>> No.18622164

>billions of years of evolution to develop hands
>use your incredibly complex hand and fingers to grab 2 sticks to hold your food
for what? just grab the food directly

>> No.18622188

Yes. By serving it cut up to bite size pieces. Or because you are not supposed to eat alone with 4 chopsticks or more you can eat it like that by helping each other to hold and tear pieces off.

>> No.18622231
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>> No.18622242
File: 127 KB, 1800x1476, 1590101310368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I can actually. Apparently I do it wrong though, since I don't do it the way that is shown in your picture. I put the tip of my middle finger directly on the upper stick rather than putting the stick on the side of my finger like your pic shows. That's so awkward and barbaric if you ask me, but apparently that's how asians do it. I taught myself as a very young child and I can use chopsticks with comparable precision to any asian I've ever met, but I guess my way is a little different.

>> No.18622243
File: 68 KB, 640x427, 71b78b523931ae622ddcf2452959a2f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18622244

You can eat steak with chopsticks, I assure you.

>> No.18622261

Come on man they are inferior and you know it even if you can do it or not , you know eating a steak or pork chop is alot easier with fork and knife
chopsticks are good for noodles

>> No.18622275

Righthand rule is how I hold them. No one ever really taught me the 'proper' way or whatever

>> No.18622279

Ah, very cool the "Vulcan" is what I was referring to in this post. >>18622242

>> No.18622287
File: 192 KB, 650x433, she no use chopsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18622290
File: 162 KB, 962x699, you need chopsticks with this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18622313

True. I just look at the ability to use chopsticks as a useful little skill to have. Believe it or not, I sometimes even use chopsticks as a tool for various tasks outside of eating. Sometimes you need to manipulate something, but don't want to use your fingers, don't want to damage it with a fork, and needle nose pliers aren't delicate enough, chopsticks are what you need.

>> No.18622331

Don't forget, you were being judged not only on performance, but also conformity.

>> No.18622352

>that jacket
English cuisine is disgusting.
>just eat this monkey mate
>put a dab of Colman's and some pey wet on it mate
>monkeylicious innit

>> No.18622353
File: 1.71 MB, 1800x3309, 20221120_093601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't say fork and spoon.

Nono. I mean when half of them are in your mouth already you can nicely lift the rest and help them up to your mouth.

>> No.18622356

You can do that with a fork. There are multiple tines. Strands of food naturally weave between them.

>> No.18622383

Sure. Took about 15 mins to learn to use the standard grip here in >>18622005.

>> No.18622390

Or just spin the noodles on a fork and you don't look like a slobbering pig

>> No.18622396

Damn nigga you old as fuck

>> No.18622591

>He didn't say fork and spoon.
He seemed confused/uninformed about the use of a spoon with a fork to twirl noodles.
I'm really not sure _what_ he meant by "Have you tried eating chips with a spoon also?".
Just seems incoherent.

>> No.18622595

>you old as fuck

>> No.18622628

Yeah I can. Although I'm not great at eating rice with them.

>> No.18622644

Oh shit, I remember these things. I think my memories of them are exclusively from middle school.
They also helped with preventing pain when you're writing constantly for hours. Or maybe those were something very similar.

>> No.18622732

Were lefties the original trannies?

>> No.18622844

Righthand rule is me.

>> No.18622852

Why is this a reply to me getting beaten as a child for being left-handed?

>> No.18622854

Yes and I'm actually very good with them. My wife and I have eaten sushi at the same place once a week for like 6 years now

>> No.18622859


Eating long ass noodles with just a spoon is as retarded as eating big ass chips with a spoon. It is not thst difficult. My fellow POC.

>> No.18622884

how do asians eat a steak in restaurant? anyone have video footage?

>> No.18622902
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>> No.18622913

it seems like for steak they slice them into thin strips or chop up the meat before serving like for a little baby
but then a lot of the juice leaks out of the meat and it cools faster

>> No.18623047

>long ass noodles with just a spoon is as retarded as
Wow, you REALLY are confused.
Jesus, just look at the pic:
It's really a shame you don't fucking know how to eat god-damned noodles, for fuck's sake.
Get your shit together.

>> No.18623056

>how do asians eat a steak in restaurant?
They've got these places now, called "Japanese Steak Houses".
You should check one out, really good stuff.

>> No.18623063

Chef pre-cuts the steak for them.

>> No.18623077

>not knowing what the word "just" means, or having any ability to contextualize anything.


>> No.18623098
File: 111 KB, 1043x1283, aUk9aja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know what "just" means.
It means you somehow thought:
>Eating long ass noodles with just a spoon
...that I was recommending eating noodles with JUST a spoon, despite posting a pic with both knife and spoon involved.
Not sure what your damage is, but I'd suggest you either put the crack pipe down, or "just" stop posting.

>> No.18623104

Oops: "both FORK and spoon".
Maybe I need to stop drinking whiskey so early in the day.

>> No.18623106

Yes. I challenged myself to eat with chopsticks for every meal for a few years. I can use chopsticks to transfer a glass full of marbles to another glass without making a clink.

>> No.18623111

Yes, I'm asian

>> No.18623119

Classic freudian slip. You chop your noodles into bits small enough to only need a spoon, you filthy animal.

>> No.18623132

Yeah, they're pretty useful for getting pickles out of jars without poking them

>> No.18623137

>You chop your noodles into bits small enough to only need a spoon
WOW, you just refuse to understand this, don't you?
Starting to suspect you're just a troll.
On the long shot you genuinely don't understand how to eat noodles with a fork and spoon, here's something WAY to clear for you to pretend you still don't get it:
...ok, so Eye-Ties (allegedly) don't like this method, but what the fuck do they know?
When's the last time they won a war?
Have they been to the moon?

>> No.18623149
File: 890 KB, 1224x1845, Screenshot_20221125_091919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I know how to do the twisty twirly with a fork and spoon. It's stupid, annoying, and inefficient especially when compared with just using chopsticks on noods.

Also who in their right mind would do the twisty twirly with ramen noodles? Are you a troll?

>> No.18623156
File: 177 KB, 720x563, sea-lion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously I know how to do the twisty twirly with a fork and spoon.
Not so obvious since you keep pretending I'm advocating for spoon-only eating.
Last response you'll get from me, Mr. Sea-Lion.

>> No.18623166

>Thinking sea lions could write English or type on a computer.


>> No.18624774

>3-2-1 baby back ribs.jpg
Absolutely. They are so overcooked at that point you could pick the meat right off no problem.

>> No.18625091

no, you're cool
just practice

>^ literal mongoloid

dynamic tripod grip, bitch

>> No.18625153

I bet you love moving in thongs, Pablo

>> No.18625163

You didn't kill my father. Prepare to live a long and fruitful life.

>> No.18626059

I'm going to a sushi place with some friends tomorrow, wish me luck

>> No.18626285

Use your hands to be king larper.

>> No.18626303

>asians are banned from using fork and knife
a steak is obviously meant to use that, thats why its in such a big slab

dishonest question, i might as well ask you how how would you drink soup with your fork