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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 693x442, images - 2021-06-10T192637.964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18589516 No.18589516 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a banging garlic bread recipe?
Thought I'd take some for the office potluck this Friday.

>> No.18589536

Look up the cowboy butter recipe on yt or wherever, haven't tried but couldn't possibly be bad with the ingredients it has

>> No.18589544



>> No.18589548

I'm based and even I know it not that's simple

>> No.18589556

Your office has an oven?

>> No.18589568
File: 84 KB, 200x200, 1659805844255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peel garlic cloves
>put butter on bread
>put bread in oven
>while it gets warm you press garlic
>let the garlic sit out in the air for ~10 minutes until the bread is hot
>spread the pressed garlic over the bread
This is the only proper way to do it.

>> No.18589606
File: 15 KB, 261x193, King_Oscar-Deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about making garlic bread myself there's a pizza joint a few minutes from me and they can do that, that said these King Oscar sardines sure go great on nice crusty garlic bread.

>> No.18589620

you bake bread with minced garlic in it. then toast in oil salt and herbs

>> No.18589624

I guess my point with >>18589606 is that garlic bread it great but dont bring it by itself. Bring something with it like deenz or something. Bread by itself, wtf? Bring napkins too. Think as others will.

>> No.18589627

I usually go for a more tuscan recipe - simple and quick.
Melt butter in a saucepan and add some fresh crushed garlic (use a garlic press if you have one). Cook the garlic until aromatic and not burnt. Use a brush to spread it on some Italian style bread. I prefer mine to be cut thin so you get a nice crunch in the end. After it's spread, pop it in the broiler until golden brown, probably about 2-3 minutes.
You can gussy it up with other herbs like parsley or rosemary but I go for something simpler.

>> No.18589634

You seem like you know the biz.

>> No.18589640

I agree. I wouldn't bring a can of sardines but maybe make some sort of bruschetta so you're not just bringing bread.

>> No.18589644

Yeah but as OP stated its just an office potluck, who the heck has a garlic brush and other things just sitting around?

>> No.18589650

Use an unused paint brush. You can go to any dollar store, hardware store and most grocery stores and find one.

>> No.18589653

Oh that'll work out and not make you come across as a weirdo.

>> No.18589661

Take some garlic, split in half
Roast some garlic, tops cut off but with skin on
Mince the unroasted garlic
Get some salted butter, softened at room temp
Press out the roasted garlic into the butter, and add in the minced garlic.
Mix well, use as spread. Either have it straight on the bread, or spread some on the bread and broil for a few minutes. Garnish with herb of choice

>> No.18589663
File: 9 KB, 300x146, crazy_nasa_chick-Lisa_Nowak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Lisa Nowak level

>> No.18589666

You do understand that a pastry brush and a paint brush have very little differences right?

>> No.18589672

Yes satan trip anon, but we're talking office potluck here not some fancy diggy thing.

>> No.18589681

He's not making it at the office, retard. He said he's TAKING it there.

>> No.18589684

>fry the garlic in butter
>then broil it in the oven
Anon that'll literally ruin everything. This is why >>18589568 is the correct way to do it. You want the garlic to be raw while the bread and butter is cooked.

>> No.18589689

That was my point in the first place numbnuts. Most offices don't have an oven sitting around so yeah one would have to bring it in.

>> No.18589700

>Oh that'll work out and not make you come across as a weirdo.
Come across as a weirdo to whom? He won't be making it in the office, so nobody will know what kind of brush he has.

>> No.18589702

Sorry I should have clarified that you're brushing the butter on, not the garlic itself. You're making basic garlic butter.

>> No.18589706

Dude anon, I think that youre too caught up in your brush, maybe its been too caught up in your ass.

>> No.18589712

Clarified butter?
Kek that's hot Mupen64.exe

>> No.18589715
File: 173 KB, 1656x868, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong guy, retard

>> No.18589730

No. A clarified statement regarding butter

>> No.18589748

Bottom line is that the secretaries will grab everything as soon as they can, us poor office folk will barely see jack, thats ok.

>> No.18589751

But the butter infused with the pressed garlic will lose most of the garlic taste if you put it in the oven.

>> No.18589754


>> No.18589756

>all these """AI""" bots getting caught up on keywords without understanding the full meanings of sentences
Fuck off GPT-4chan cancer.

>> No.18589761

Try guiformat.exe.
Easiest way to format any large external HDD to FAT32

>> No.18589765

lol, we're to the point where autists can't differentiate between GPT and people engaging in whimsical free association fun-posting

>> No.18589769

Kind of like a feedback loop, I've suspected this for a long time. A lot of posts bunch up and make no sense like they're being picked from a computer program to drum up whatever's being drummed up and selling.

>> No.18589772

kek, I'm definitely exploiting this specific brand of autistic paranoia in the future. yes I am a chatbot.

>> No.18589778

Maybe I'm an autist but I leave the one off GPT shit to you people, software pays a lot better and I don't have to work with a bunch of degenerates from who knows where.

>> No.18589783

that's not real bread

>> No.18589785

what is "real bread"

>> No.18589786

It has been a thing on boards like /ck/, /v/, and /pol/ for quite some time now but it has really ramped up this year.

>> No.18589788

There is no automated posting on 4chan.

>> No.18589790

Maybe it coincided with elections?

>> No.18589791

add garlic, parsley, parmesan, bit of olive oil to softened butter, spread on bread, throw it in the oven. make roasted garlic, mush that up and add that to butter if you want to be fancy.

>> No.18589792

All I know is that I've been arguing with real life glownigger shills on /k/ since March

>> No.18589798

Condolences anon

>> No.18589802

how did I accidentally click on /x/ again? It's all the way across the screen! fucking hiromoot

>> No.18589803

You're saying there's no automated posting on 4chan?

>> No.18589804

What the fuck are you talking about yes?

>> No.18589806

It started before that on /tv/ and /v/ but it has grown a lot more advanced since 2016. Try making a thread on /pol/ with only the keywords "trump covid russia bitcoin" and see as the thread just keeps on going on it's own with bots arguing with bots.

>> No.18589819
File: 2.25 MB, 2448x3264, 2021-10-08 23.00.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was left in my door last october lol

>> No.18589823
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20211012_08_30_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a readable version
unredacted because fuck glowies

>> No.18589829

Seems like his name should be Harvey.

>> No.18589834

Harvey Glowstien, that's the FBI under Biden.

>> No.18589835

Fuck off, libcuck communist scum
Just smear some goylick spread for your goylic bread, retard

>> No.18589837

the deep state is the deep state. doesn't matter who's president anymore.

>> No.18589915

garlic bread

>> No.18589920

>I'm simple

>> No.18589928

my orifice is an oven if you catch my drift

>> No.18589929

>making up lies on the internet to satisfy your persecution complex

>> No.18590046

I throw a shit ton of butter in a pan with like a whole head of garlic, cook at a low temp and gently fry the garlic in the butter for maximum flavor infusion. Add some fresh or dry herbs, whatever ya got.
One the garlic is nice and sexy, lather the butter onto bread, or just dip the fucking bread in the pan who cares?
Toss that bitch in an oven and bake for a bit, then sprinkle some freshly grated parm/romano/whatever kind of good ass cheese you got towards the end so it doesn't burn.
All in all a fat order of Garlic Bread for a few bucks and in like an hour tops.

>> No.18590056

call the number written on the card if you think I'm lying lol

>> No.18590171

You really think the FBI is going to just leave you a note asking you to call them if they wanted you? lmao they would have you in cuffs if they cared.

>> No.18590181

Wow! With all that and you forgot the black sexy lingerie

>> No.18590183

No thanks, that's creepy

>> No.18590194

It turned out they wanted to talk to my girlfriend about me, and then they ended up going to my mom's house and asking her about my online posting activities. She literally told them I was a good boy and that I dindu nuffin and that seemed to work lol. I'm sure it helped that she lives in a nice house in a quiet neighborhood and she's very kind and unassuming.

>> No.18590205
File: 1.55 MB, 500x281, 8jIs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bread in your heart broski

>> No.18590220

Sounds like someone doesn't have the balls to call even though it's totes not real lmao. Get fucked, pussy.

>> No.18590225


>> No.18590233
File: 46 KB, 1742x272, fbi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong anon, retard. this was my reply:

>> No.18590385
File: 15 KB, 414x319, schizo thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threads are really easy to derail on this board, aren't they

>> No.18590390

what is schizo about this thread? the people thinking that there are GPT chatbots here?

>> No.18590407

>roast garlic
>roast marrow bone
>remove marrow from bone
>remove garlic from bulb
>mash together with parsley
>smear on a roasted baguette slice that was drizzled with olive oil

>> No.18591379

Whats scizco is people like you thinking that everyone knows what GPT is. Get over yourself. Not only is what the fuck is GPT but your arrogance in thinking that others know what it is and I wont look it up, I just dont care. Deal.

>> No.18591380

based illiterate retard

>> No.18591387

Scrawny bitch, I bet you fly right over in some wind.

>> No.18591394

So what's this gpt shit? Explain yourself nigga, you use the term but cant explain it? What the fuck are u?

>> No.18591396
File: 43 KB, 612x463, gettyimages-85769970-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scrawny bitch, I bet you fly right over in some wind.

>> No.18591398

That faggot's nose preceeds it

>> No.18591400

GPT-3 chat bots

>> No.18591445

That's great kind of like dehygrageinediaated water

>> No.18591447

Does that include flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18591489

easiest way to make some decent garlic bread is melt some butter in the microwave put a bunch of garlic and fresh parsley in it, brush it on some bread and toast it in the oven. you can add some parmesan cheese if you want.

>> No.18591530
File: 46 KB, 468x895, the fucketh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scroll the thread, read a bit
>oh wow this shit looks easy enough, maybe i'll go to the store later
>scroll down further
i legit thought i was in a different board

>> No.18591536


>> No.18591596

Fuck that, I got bullied hard for bringing this to school once so I don't even want to look at this shit ever again.

>> No.18592116

A Canadian friend got bullied for bringing pics of his hot model mom to school, he was a big dude and nearly took my head off once for being stupid. We both got nailed for throwing water balloons off of a twenty story building. He met an untimely death before his time.

>> No.18592128

this sounds fucking amazing, i need to try this