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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18583637 No.18583637 [Reply] [Original]

Just curious

>> No.18583640

Kyle Cruz

>> No.18583643

Not really an alcoholic, more of a registered sex offender type of guy.

>> No.18583652

Liam robe...... wait im not telling you my name!

>> No.18583655
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Hell yeah dude

>> No.18583656

I'm a pothead

>> No.18583657

I miss him so fucking much.

>> No.18583680
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well... at least your internal organs aren't rotting

>> No.18583691

only my brain but it's worth it
who needs memory anyway

>> No.18583735

I've only drunk alcohol once and it was an accident

>> No.18583739

what happened?

>> No.18583742

I don't have enough money to spend on alcohol

>> No.18583986

I switched to weed as well and that's my PoV on it.
God forbid I get the silent judgement of being considered a pothead over feeling like I'm going to keel over every weekend.

>> No.18583988

edibles in particular

>> No.18584050

alcoholics go to meetings
drunks go to parties
i'm a drunk

>> No.18584064

I drink once or twice a year and never go more than two glasses. I just dont like alcohol, neither weed or cigarretes. I dont like sugary food either. My vice is cheese. And no I'm not obese.

>> No.18584147
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>Is there anyone on /ck/ thats not an alcoholic?
i can quit anytime i want
i drink the wine because it goes bad if I don't drink the entire bottle in one day

>> No.18584274
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eh... a cozy wine buzz at the end of the day aint the worst thing in the world. I'm talkin more like crushing a case of bud light 5 nights out of the week

>> No.18584308
File: 2.73 MB, 1318x984, its just one of those nights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crushing a case of bud light 5 nights out of the week

>> No.18584361

sister in law sent some rompompe home with us, my wife said it was like eggnog, I tried a swaller, it was an alcoholic one (just like many people drink eggnog with alcohol.) Wasn't bad or anything, but I have no idea what she (sister in law) was thinking in retrospect, knowing that neither of us drink. I'm gonna talk to her about it, now that I think about it.

>> No.18584434

I used to be one.

>> No.18584475

I'm a dissociative addict. I try not to drink much because it's bad for muscle recovery/growth and I don't want my effort in the gym to be wasted.

>> No.18584487

I dislike drinking booze, and actually detest alcoholic drinks as a "Drink", only using them for cooking purposes.

>> No.18584495

I quit drinking in 1981.

>> No.18584496

i don't drink.

>> No.18584501

what a waste of alcohol.

>> No.18584513

You don't use top shelf stuff for cooking anon.

>> No.18584519

I was an alcohol from 21 to 33. The embarrassing part is I never had sex all those years when I should've been able to go home with at least some ugly skank from a bar. I'm a god damn failure. One year sober and definitely gonna be even harder now. Thanks for reading.

>> No.18584541

Yes, but id rather use cooking wine. Anything from the liquor store should be drunk, cooking is such a waste.

>> No.18584562

Not i, I drink like once a month at most, usually just a little sake

>> No.18584564

Cooking wine is loaded with a shiton of salt anon. You're basically dumping a salt shaker in when you use that stuff.

>Anything from the liquor store should be drunk
Hobo bourbon is not something I'd wish on most people as a drink. It does have its place in cooking though.

>> No.18584574

Yes I stopped buying alcohol 3 years ago but I was never alcoholic
I lost 10 kilograms
I still love the flavour of red wine and spirits

>> No.18584598

I drink cheap bouron with nice, and instant coffee too. But if i had a bottle of alcohol, i wouldnt pour it into my food, not even cheap wine.

>> No.18584653

i can't tolerate the taste, it aactually tastes like poison and makes my body sound the alarm after just one sip, never understood how people do it for fun

>> No.18584671

I strongly dislike being drunk or even buzzed

>> No.18584725

I maybe go through 2 bottles of alcoholic beverages in a year

>> No.18585148

keep going anon

>> No.18585201

what kinda cheese you like? I'm a blue man, love that stilton.

>> No.18585222

If there's no alcohol it's not eggnog. The stuff in the supermarket is like margarita mix. It's made to have alcohol put in.

>> No.18585236

6 years until you can start making 40 Year Old Virgin references in earnest.

>> No.18585237

Sorry, alcohol is not really my vice. I'll have a drink every now and then, but I don't really enjoy the feeling of being drunk so having more than a few drinks is something I tend to avoid.

>> No.18585252
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I have 10+ drinks and too many cigarettes with my boys most days of the week and I fear I’m headed to an early grave but it’s too fun to stop and I feel I kind of deserve it.

>> No.18585259

Imagine needing to enjoy things

>> No.18585263

Why would I spend money on something if I neither need nor enjoy it?

>> No.18585264

I like to get fucked up a few times a month with friends or when going out. Don't really do much drinking outside of that.

>> No.18585265

>Goalposts: moved

>> No.18585272

I don't even understand what you're trying to argue. That I should get shitfaced every night because reasons?

>> No.18585274

It's fun to be drunk in social settings. Makes you (or at least most people) feel joyful and lowers your inhibitions.

>> No.18585277


>> No.18585279

His question doesn't even challenge the position of your goal, he's asking you a question about your own goalpost.
Or if you need it rephrased: why is needing to enjoy something an unreasonable standard for partaking in it?

>> No.18585286

Did you try? I feel like hooking up is so easy nowadays. I don't have to put in any effort when I go out. Random girls will just stare at me or start talking to me. Even my ugly friend has hooked up with a few 5+/10 girls while drunk. He's a 1/10 in terms of looks but (some) girls seem to like him because he's lighthearted and fun to be around.

>> No.18585287

I'm not the one who got shitfaced after independence day party and spend the rest of night getting railed in the ass, gaylord.

>> No.18585296

Not what he said. You're illiterate.

>> No.18585312

Not him, but I never took my ASD diagnosis seriously until I tried hooking up for the first time in my late 20s.
Even in a bar, shits fucking hard when you struggle to read facial expressions and you normally never emote, and I never really got into TV shows or movies as mediums so that tends to limit the topics for small talk beyond personal lives or autistically niche stuff. Probably spent two-three years as a regular in a bar before I went home with someone, and we actually did just end up watching netflix and chilling because they apparently wanted to screw me but found it a royal turnoff to actually say such.

>> No.18585317

That is a valid rephrasing of
>That I should get shitfaced every night because reasons?
And regardless, you are still free to give a response to that question that isn't just poking holes into the words of others.

>> No.18585361

I will not drink anymore since after many months I'm finally getting an assessment from the third party private agency the government has outsourced dealing with alcoholics and druggies to.

>> No.18585405

bully in your youth?

>> No.18585441

If you're like 20 enjoy it while you can before everyone gets families and starts being miserable, I spent a few years doing that and even though it wasn't a good move career wise and my family pretty much disowned me I don't regret it, since once you get older it's much, much harder to have friends to do that with that are worth being around. Working 70 hours a week and getting bitched at from all directions is always available regardless of your age