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File: 274 KB, 1280x960, 415AF819-E017-41F0-BD63-0A534EC51DD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18576616 No.18576616 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last pizza you made.

>> No.18576633
File: 1.19 MB, 4032x3024, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while, I don't have anyone to cook for anymore and it doesn't reheat well. Pic related is from a few years ago

>> No.18576653

Not bad, anon. Love me some cast iron pizza.

>> No.18576673
File: 3.50 MB, 1324x993, pidsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last pizza you made.
does frozen count if i add toppings?

>> No.18576686

I've never seen a pizza with that much pepperoni look that dry. What brand is that?

>> No.18576694

>What brand is that?
I do not recall. It could be Freschetta thin crust or some generic Kroger flat pidsa

>> No.18576698

Probably the latter. I know my boys at Freschetta don't be doing us that dirty.

>> No.18576709
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was very tasty

>> No.18577932
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Cooked the bottom in a cast iron and then browned the top in an oven. Greasy as hell, still good though.

>> No.18578052
File: 2.23 MB, 1204x876, pizzaaura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18578103
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I have no shame in admitting I love the BJs brand premade pizza flatbread crusts

>> No.18578877

anon, that's some great pizza. apreciate the kalamata olives and the green paprika. you are a person of culture

>> No.18578893
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it burned,
sorry pic is now missing

>> No.18578910
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no problem i have one

>> No.18578924
File: 3.68 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210523_191158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use to make pizza dough with a biga. Need to do it again soon.

>> No.18578954

my za'

>> No.18579113

Does not one on this board have an actual pizza oven?

>> No.18579128

Is that mozzarella?

>> No.18579213

Yes it is. I used too high moisture mozzarella and it changed color with the sauce. Still tasted fine though.

>> No.18579588

your mum's got a biga dick than ya

>> No.18579774

/thread and checked

>> No.18579781

I've tried biga and poolish and didn't really notice much difference. Maybe I fucked something up.
t. OP

>> No.18579785

Mitä makkaraa käytit?

>> No.18579792
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I do but my propane tank ran out and I haven't been assed to go refill it. Here's the last one I made with it. Honestly the flavor isn't much better than the home oven. But it sure does get those pretty leopard spots on the crust.
t. OP

>> No.18579821

That's because they are a meme, either do a sd starter for the best dough or for large amounts just do a 24h idy dough.
There is a reason that most all pizza places, even in Naples do one of those two and not biga or poolish.

>> No.18579845

>24h idy dough
What's that? I normally just do a 24-72hr straight dough in the fridge, with ~8hr bulk ferment at room temp.

>> No.18579854

24h instant dry yeast, all at room temp, if you want less time then increase yeast amount.
Sd makes the best skins imo though.

>> No.18579862

no way faggot

>> No.18579869
File: 3.48 MB, 3024x3380, B3837122-A641-4330-9876-FC80545A9408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I MADE a Pizza Hut order

>> No.18579891

Ah I see. Instant is what I use. I have still yet to dip my feet into sourdough though. Maybe I'll have to try that next time.

>> No.18579954


>> No.18580050
File: 154 KB, 703x703, img-products-multi-serve-cheese_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a frozen cheese pizza from Tony's today. Was the cheapest they had at Piggily Wiggly for $3. Ain't no way I'm spending more than $5 dollars on a shitty frozen pizza.
I also love BJ's and the pizza.
Was that pic made by an AI? I hope so, they do faces very creepy.
Haven't ordered from there in a long time. Usually get my two meat two veggies combo.
>I have still yet to dip my feet into sourdough though.
That's for making grapes Anon.

>> No.18580280

Do we have beef, bro?

>> No.18580291
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>> No.18580338

lads im gonna be honest these look really shit. ive only made pizza a few times but they were 1000X better than these uggos. maybe it helps i was cooking with a real italian. who knows.

>> No.18580339

>I haven't been assed to go refill it.
go fill up the tank negro
get some toppings while your out

>> No.18580346

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.18580551

Real easy to talk shit when your pizza isn't up for judgment.

>> No.18580561
File: 2.52 MB, 3024x4032, AF862F8C-B4F9-4137-BB42-58111E1145E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local pizzer joint

>> No.18580583

Post pizza or your mom dies in her sleep tonight.

>> No.18581082

best so far itt, gratz

>> No.18581149
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Been a month or so, and I was craving French fries as well--My eyes were WAY bigger than my stomach.

>> No.18581206
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1471, Marrrrgaritahrawdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just slipped tbis bad boy into the oven, ill post results soon

>> No.18581223
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Looking good Anon.

>> No.18581236
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>> No.18581242
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Thnx fren, here is results

>> No.18581249

That's gonna be fucking RIGHTEOUS, anon.
Feels great to not have paid $25 for substandard pizza in years, innit?
I'll often make a double batch of dough and let rise for a full day--nice to have the option of breadsticks, calzones or another pizza later.
The last time I ate take out pizza,(about 6 years ago,) I felt like shit for hours afterwards. very often, I'd make a 4X batch of dough and make calzones for my lunches for the week. about $26 worth of ingredients and I have 8 calzones that make a $11 fast food run look like what it is...GOYSLOP full of Sneedoils and that rundown, heavy feeling.
Don't get me wrong--The take out shit usually TASTES good... but it's truly not worth the damage you do to yourself.
Do you have a Goto flour? Mine is King Art's Bread flour.

>> No.18581279
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>Do you have a Goto flour?
Pic related is my choice, makes great pizza.

>> No.18581323
File: 16 KB, 450x225, Bio-Engineered-OBAMA-HOPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% Italian
That means it's guaranteed to NOT be soaked in Glyphosate. Is it hard to find? I'd definitely use it.
More people would be able to enjoy good wheat products if they'd just buy it from countries that banned roundup and the like. The Keto-Tards (God bless 'em,)have it wrong, It's NOT the grain that's the problem--It's all the fucking chemicals we use, combined with our depleted soil.

>> No.18581343

You can order it online easily, i find it locally at a store, but sadly its a local chain. I would recommend you go to high end grocery stores to find it.

>> No.18581369
File: 418 KB, 1357x625, Anna Napoletana Tipo 00 Extra Fine Flour 11 Pound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~$27 for an 11lb bag is almost twice the cost of King Arthur bread flour, but I'd still give it a try for pizza.
Thanks for the tip.

>> No.18581411

Looks good, what's the sauce?

>> No.18581416

It is a bit pricey, but the pizza will be top tier

>> No.18581444

Damn, looking tidy home boy

>> No.18581457

Don't bother unless your oven gets super hot, flours like that are meant to brown at 800f and up.

>> No.18581560

why the fuck is there sauce? the pizza itself is drowning in cheese and toppings and then you have TWO sauces to make it taste even less like pizza?
no wonder most americans are obese when you're that mentally ill lol

>> No.18581570

Learn 2 kooc

>> No.18581597

the most important part is the protein. it makes a bigger difference than tipo 00. 12g/100g is ok. 13g would be better.

if you want to save money get the cheapest regular flour with the highest % of protein but it won't be more than 11g

>> No.18581606


That better not be ranch. Disgusting flyover.

>> No.18581641

>I don't have anyone to cook for anymore
You have yourself, anon. :)

>> No.18581659

Sry all pizza here is horrible
A real pizza we put after oven fresh ingredients vegetables or other
On your a just seeing BAD CHEESE