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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18405158 No.18405158 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here:


>> No.18405183

Sumatra or gtfo

>> No.18405377

more like poomatra

>> No.18405383
File: 130 KB, 3589x486, yoinkv6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with K4 support since Amazon has them on sale at the aliexpress price. K6 is also ~$120 on ali.

>> No.18405407

Where does this rank?

>> No.18405415
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No, that would be kopi luwak

>> No.18405416
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I like this coffee

>> No.18405421

Below the porlex.

>> No.18405438

Too low to be on the chart. You can do a few mods to slightly improve it, like using tape to tighten everything up so it's more consistent, but it's always gonna be crap. Shame because I actually quite like the design, the wide top is great for loading and the way the bottom chamber screws on feels nicer and more secure to me than most metal threads. I wish hario made basically the same thing but with nicer burrs and tighter construction, it can even still be all plastic, just use higher quality plastic.

>> No.18405478

Yeah I looked deeper in the reviews, despite having like 5 stars (what on Amazon doesn't?) there were tons of complaints of it breaking and stripping and otherwise wearing out. I just want something better than my shitty mr coffee blade grinder. Maybe I just just use a mortar and pestle.

>> No.18405495

prove it

>> No.18405496

I'd say the hario slim is better than a blade grinder, at least it gives you some kind of control. There's also that other popular hario grinder, the big fucker. No clue how it performs but it's also pretty cheap.

>> No.18405502

Everyone knows that blade grinders are terrible, that's why these garbage ceramic burr grinders exist in the first place, to bilk residents of Mt. Stupid.

>> No.18405505
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I specifically put that chart together to keep people from buying shit like the hario and porlex. The worst grinder in poortier will blow any blade grinder out of the water. Kingrinder k5 is on sale for $109 on amazon right now. Same burrs as the $240 K-max, finer stepped adjustment, but you have to pull the grinds cup off

>> No.18405506

How does the Timemore C3 compare to the C2?

>> No.18405513

Maybe add an extra tier at the left for the ceramic hario grinders just in case any anons ever get tempted by them.

>> No.18405522

No. Each one must be made fun of individually.

>> No.18405524
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>> No.18405542

Do you think my local roaster would be willing to sell me two .5 lb bags instead of 1 since 1 lb bag? I want to try more beans and I can't go through 2 lbs before they stale

>> No.18405545
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Timemore c3, slim3, and g3 all use smaller versions of the "spike to cut" burrs found on the Chestnut X. C2 uses a very similar pentagonal("5 core") burr as the Kin k1 and heihox and similarly priced shit. You can buy "upgrade burrs"(clones of other shit) to put in the c2 for like $20 on aliexpress but you're better off just buying a better grinder in the first place.
Yeah thats kind of why the porlex is priced higher than the c2 but leftmost on the chart. I'd just add a list of shit not to buy but that would trigger someone.

>> No.18405558

Probably not but you can always freeze beans in mason jars with saran wrap over the lid so they don't go stale

>> No.18405719

I go through at least 30g of coffee a day so I've never had this problem, but the places I buy coffee from tend to only have 12oz bags or sell in bulk.

>> No.18405753

That would be a cup of filter and a shot of espresso for me

>> No.18405764

If only I could justify spending that much. Does it really make a huge difference in coffee quality?
Also how different is the k6 from the k5? Is it just the external adjustment?

>> No.18405768

Also I need this for pour over and french press, I don't have an espresso maker or anything.

>> No.18405780

coffee fucking SUCKS >:(

>> No.18405785

Youre so fucking dumb. There is even a chart showing the differences ITT

>> No.18405794

undeniably based fpbp

>> No.18405800

I wish my favorite coffee didn’t sound so homoerotic.

>> No.18405806

I'm just not autistic.

>> No.18405810

what's so gay about coconut milk lattes, anon?

>> No.18405815

Chock full o’ nuts

>> No.18405818

Shouldn't the kinu grinders get cheaper due to the euro bombing?

>> No.18405847
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>> No.18405851


>> No.18405869
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Yes. External adjustment and slightly smaller steps. Its literally just a 1zpresso K pro to the point where you can swap parts between them. Cheaper option will use the internal adjustment from the JX, the more expensive option will use the K (pro/plus/max) external ring.
Then q2 is about as far as you need, but the k5 being on sale for $10 more is a much better deal. Going from the $110 k5 to the $325 comandante isn't going to make your coffee 3x better. Here's a pic of the original 38mm q2 burrs, the new 2022 40mm q2/xpro burrs, and the 48mm k5/k6/Kproplusmax burrs. They're all just knockoffs of the comandante.

>> No.18405922
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>Wife turns up to my workplace last week jokingly mad
>Tells co-workers that were there (including my boss and HR) that she's mad because it's our anniversary and I didn't wake her up for our "tradition" (she likes to make me a coffee and give me a kiss)
>Everyone thinks it's cute and funny.
>I'm just chuckling to myself and making dumb jokes under my breathe as wife is talking to them.
>Said how I didn't want to wake her because she kept me up til 5:30 in the morn (it was true lol) and that she better have been well rested after was done with her
>Said that not everyone like her gets to WFH all the time and actually have a place to be.
>Promised her I didn't even have my first coffee yet and boss verified it that I was complaining about being tired but didn't want to have a coffee
>Wife has her coffee ready for me and gives me a kiss on the cheek in front of everyone.
>Sip it saying she makes the best "love potions" and that it keeps me sedated for another year which makes everyone laugh
>Add a dumb joke how she uses her panties as the filter
>Everyone is laughing harder

Anyways I know it was super cringe but how fucked am I in terms of HR lol? The HR girl was there and was laughing. It's been a week and no one has said anything and I was making all those dumb jokes more towards my wife, not to any of them. Is this something that can be used to fucked me over when required?

Also ever since the girls at work have been extra nice and somewhat flirty with me for some reason. What's the deal or am I just imagining things. Even the boss and HR girl have been more jokey with me even though I'm paranoid the dumb stuff I was saying could be used against me

>> No.18405947
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Found the knockoff k6 again.

>> No.18405951
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Fuck off with this copy pasta trash.

>> No.18405954

is it the same burrs?

>> No.18405972

NTA but then dont read it you faggot

>> No.18405975
File: 349 KB, 539x588, realsimilar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a k6 body with 40mm q2/xpro burrs to me.

>> No.18405998

No, fuck you for posting that shit here again.
Go back faggot.

>> No.18406002

posting what

>> No.18406003

Interesting picture, and I'd definitely spend the extra $10 for better quality. Maybe I can convince myself to spend the money after all, I mean, this thing should last basically forever right? And in the future I'd love to get an espresso setup as well so if it can handle that I suppose that's a nice bonus.
And I'm really sick of the blade grinder that just makes a mess of coarse to super fine grounds all at once.

>> No.18406007

This gay ass made up copy paste job of reddit cringe, what else? ---> >>18405922

>> No.18406009


>> No.18406015


>> No.18406022

only if you know nothing about economics.
the euro falling should make it more expensive actually.

>> No.18406045


>> No.18406048

Clearly you don't own a Hario Switch

>> No.18406050

Do the loveramics cones fit in the hario switch?

>> No.18406061

Just made some coffee with my Switch, what do I think of it?

>> No.18406081
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Unless you're like washing it out in the sink and get your burrs or bearings to rust, its probably going to last you years. No motor to wear out. Its all just a balancing act of what features you want to focus. If you're planning on espresso later, finer grained adjustment is only going to help, and larger burrs will cut quicker making hand grinding at espresso sized a little less annoying. K3/4/5/6 will all do espresso just fine, but the k3/4 will have a bit more focus on texture while the k5/6 are copies of a filter oriented burr so you'll get a bit more focused flavor. Pic of the real comandante burrs on the right. This guy has a pretty good general explanation on how the various burr designs translate into the cup. Give it a watch before you spend any money.

>> No.18406088

No clue. Also talescoffee is full of shit and the origamis don't fit lol. The small plastic one MIGHT but I doubt it. You need the lipped glass to grab onto the base.

>> No.18406109
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but i think exports get more expensive as local currency drops.

>> No.18406182

>sick of the blade grinder that just makes a mess of coarse to super fine grounds all at once.
If you're willing to go full retard every morning, here's what I do sometimes (i'm not always willing to go full retard)
>Grind a short burst
>sieve out big chunks with a sieve or collander that lets through a preferred grind size
>return chunks to blade
>continue until they basically won't grind anymore (usually maybe 1-2g
>rub grounds on a paper towel flat on the counter to pick up the fines

Works surprisingly well. Learned from James Hoffman on YT.

>> No.18406192

also worth noting that while this does get a pretty consistent grind size, your choice of max size is limited to the sieve/colander holes, and your min size is limited to whatever the paper towel picks up.

>> No.18406198
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tfw there are more siphons than aeropresses at wbrc

>> No.18406227
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>boiling the coffee in the water

>> No.18406241


>> No.18406410

Friendly local Mormon here, telling you to stop sinning and join the church.

>> No.18406456

What kind of coffee to Mormons drink?

>> No.18406459
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Is a Zassenhaus Santiago considered good? I like mine but it's the first manual grinder I've tried.

>> No.18406467


>> No.18406469

None. It defies The Word of Wisdom.

>> No.18406472
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Ausfags, I've been using this preground coffee for the past year.

Should I be trying something else? I use an aeropress

>> No.18406477

>Should I be trying something else?
i dont use aeropress but yes, even a cheap hand grinder( refer to the pastebin) and some beans that have been roasted recently(within past month at best).
pretty much anything will improve your coffee.

>> No.18406500

They were good back in the 1860s. Not so much now.

>> No.18406511

Yeah seems overwhelming with the options. Whats the best bang for buck grinder?

>> No.18406519

Depends on the coffee you're attempting to make.

>> No.18406549

get a timemore c3 and watch them melt

>> No.18406559

Those are like $30 more than a q2 in australia. Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18406563



>> No.18406571
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Keep on keeping on sunkcostanon.

>> No.18406774

Siphon brewing, clearly the superior method.


>> No.18406843

why is this shit so expensive anyway?
You can buy a nice french-made Peugeot pepper mill that will last you a lifetime for 30 euros, but a Comandante manual coffee grinder costs 10 times as much. A chinese-made knockoff still costs around 100 euros.
Are they just making mad bucks on coffee autists?

>> No.18406850

A pepper mill can't grind coffee and grinding pepper is WAY simpler than grinding coffee. Coffee beans can be very hard at light roasts so you need good burrs to do it and very good burrs to it with any kind of ease. That's not even getting into grind consistency and how differently ground coffee extracts. With pepper if your flakes are not uniform it doesn't matter so long as there's no huge chunks, with coffee it absolutely does matter.

>> No.18406865

>Are they just making mad bucks on coffee autists?
Yes and no.

The size and shape and uniformity of grinds and the retention of the grinder mean fuck all with salt and pepper, all those mills have to do is not break.

>> No.18406877

I fail to conceive a 10x price difference, but it makes sense

>> No.18406886

It's like comparing the price difference between a bicycle and a car. They're both intended for getting around, but they're not really comparable machines.

>> No.18406897

Some of the price difference comes from better materials, tighter tolerances, and so on.
Some of the price difference is in the small production runs so there's no savings on scale. Part of it is the fact they're made in professional machine shops and not meibanfa'd by kids in China and that costs extra.

But the rest of the price difference is simply skinning coffee autists.

>> No.18406903

Coffee grinders require more precision (which leads to higher R&D and material costs) and they have a niche market (which leads to higher manufacturing costs due to smaller batches and higher profit margins on each unit so they can break even with fewer sales).

>> No.18406913
File: 70 KB, 735x490, bottomless-portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /ctg/, I'm looking for an espresso machine.
I've mastered the moka pot (actually I use a Bialetti Brikka, old model with metal cap) stepping up my game with better beans, grinding them by myself and testing all the tricks finding the perfect result.
Now, I'm torn between 4 choices (or more, if you have suggestions):
>Gaggia classic: I can buy an used one and go for the Gaggiuino mod, but it would cost me time and extra money
>Lelit Anna: dunno, looks mid-good but nothing special; PID model doesn't cost a lot more
>Sage Bambino Plus: looks like everything is just good out of the box for the price, it's fast to heat up and keeps the right temp, but maybe there's less to experiment and can result "boring"
>Rancilio Silvia: I like this one a lot, looks solid, well made and probably is just a step further towards the pro category
What would you suggest guys? They are all priced around 400-500€, foaming milk is an interesting feature but not a dealbreaker for me. 58mm portafilter is a plus. Temp surfing is the major deal here: never tried to do that, maybe you have more experience than me, is it that hard? I like to test and experiment, maybe PID isn't mandatory.

>> No.18406919

If your budget accommodates the silvia then get that. What kind of grinder do you have?

>> No.18406924

>I've mastered the moka pot
sure you have bud.
>I use a Bialetti Brikka
this is a great bait post anon, well done.

>> No.18406942

eureka mignon manuale
>and timemore c3 :^)
my grandma teached me how to use it more than 20 years ago, i always tried to make better and better coffee with moka for her and when i started i was so young that i didn't even liked the flavor. then i started testing by myself because it reminded me when i was young. I tested various pots and in the last 3 years I always used the brikka because i like the texture it produces
something tells me you have no idea how to use a moka and now you are just ragebaiting

>> No.18406943
File: 4 KB, 366x300, E401F8B2-DEE1-4B38-B3F5-994C77379A5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe it's $30 for a ceramic pour over. Do you think thrift shops might have one?

>> No.18406949

Don't ceramic ones go for $20? And you could get a plastic one for 10, doesn't feel as nice but on the flip side you don't have to pre-heat it.

>> No.18406951

Just don't like the idea of boiling water and plastic together, which is why I stopped using coffee makers a long time ago

>> No.18406959

It uses food grade plastic, but I understand why it'd make people squeamish. But anyway on burger amazon ceramic ones seem to go for 23 bucks and if you're in europe the italians have it for 23 euros and the germans for just 17, although shipping costs vary depending on where you are. Or you could try looking into more local shops specializing in coffee stuff, you might get one for less in one of those if you're lucky.

>> No.18407046

I bought a Bodum for the express reason that a single 18g cup of filter wasn't enough for me and I couldn't figure out how to get a 30g pourover to not taste like shit, but it's not like your beans are going to stale as quickly as you think. See if your roaster doesn't actually have the 12oz bags, and maybe grind coarser as time goes on.

>> No.18407050

They're microplastics, not nanoplastics. They're not going to get through a coffee filter.

>> No.18407055

The plastic is underneath the filter

>> No.18407064

That's not how osmosis works. In the clear plastic cone you can physically see where the water flows, but you wouldn't know because you're a pussy bitch.

>> No.18407067

But the water goes through the filter and touches the cone directly

>> No.18407078

I'm not a spam commenter but this post really deserves that spam comment.

>> No.18407096

>try making french press coffee using various techniques
>try preheating the french press
>try stirring the granules at the start of the brew
>try breaking the crust after the brew
>try skimming the foam off before plunging
>try increasing the brew time
>try doing the hoffmeme method where you don't plunge and let it sit for another 5 minutes
>all of them lead to sour coffee
>try doing the simplest method of just pouring all the water in without preheating and plunging as soon as you reach 4 minutes without doing anything to the crust
>results in decent tasting coffee
This doesn't make sense. I thought increasing things like temperature, brew time and agitation would increase extraction and therefore result in less sour coffee.

>> No.18407129

How do you clean a hand grinder? I heard you're not supposed to use water.

>> No.18407175

your grandma was a stupid cunt and didnt know how to use a moka just like 99% of people who use a moka.
even the people who built and designed it dont know how to use it.
surprise surprise italians are dogshit at making coffee and literally dont know shit about it.

>> No.18407178


>> No.18407179

why would you?

>> No.18407186
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Get a glass one and then later on when you upgrade to a Hario Switch, you can just use the same cones (so if you use a 02 v60, get a 03 switch) and then you have something bigger to make pourover for guests.

>> No.18407190

Also it's made with Japanese borosilicate so you know it makes your coffee taste better

>> No.18407201

You take it apart and brush it down once a week or two. Why would you use water on any sort of grinder?

>> No.18407205

I have this exact set up. It looks beautiful, until you notice the wood is bent in a 10 degree angle on one side because steam from the drip condenses in the tiny inlet without you noticing and starts to rot the wood.

>> No.18407210

>He doesn't dry the wood after using it around steaming hot water and lets it rot without him noticing

>> No.18407215

You falsely assume I didn't let it rot on purpose, as the pungent post-monsoon aroma of the rotten wood accents my coffee as it drips

>> No.18407219

It's rare to meet a fellow puerh connoisseur in the wild, salutations.

>> No.18407226
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>eternally mad for no apparent reason
>just talks shit about something he probably doesn't know
>yet contribute nothing to thread
like pottery, you should reduce caffeine doses my dude. also, what's your problem? I just asked for an espresso machine after having fun for years with a moka, and i use that because i like the brewing procedure and i have good memories of it

>> No.18407277

But generally a lower currency is considered a good thing for exports since they become more affordable to areas importing them. That's why China has always pegged their currency to the dollar artificially low, to make their exports more cost effective. And also why the fed tries to keep the dollar from being too strong and dampening our own exports.
That's literally the basis of the ongoing trade war China has been waging on the US for the past decades.

>> No.18407278

I haven't consumed caffeine for over 4 months. Does that mean I'm a mormon now? When do I get my magic powers?

>> No.18407281

You think that's bad, realize some people literally distill alcohol in plastic buckets with electric heating elements lmao.

>> No.18407306
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Please buy one of these for coffee. It will please me.
I see you've met one of our general's autists. Best to just ignore him.

>> No.18407311
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Pretty sure coffee beans wouldn't even fit through this hole

>> No.18407316

Man I fucking love black pepper. I go through like a pound of peppercorns a month lol.

>> No.18407321

You have to buy a timemore c2 for a prebreaker.

>> No.18407353


Ok, I'm a lazy autist. How do I get the least acidic coffee when I:

>Won't do cold brew
>Won't do temperature control (who the fuck has time for that shit?)
>Won't spend more than $30

>> No.18407375


stop drinking coffee you lazy austist

>> No.18407383

just pay someone else to make coffee for you.

>> No.18407409

Pretty sure acidity is a characteristic of the coffee itself rather than something that changes depending on brew method.

>> No.18407428

Grind finer.

>> No.18407430

cold brew

>> No.18407548

Why not do cold brew? It's best for what you want and also one of the laziest, idiot proof methods.

>> No.18408009

I need to comfortably commute to work but I refuse to
>ride the bus
>invest in my own transportation
Any thoughts?

>> No.18408015

cold brew

>> No.18408023


>> No.18408083

I refuse to walk more than 30 steps.

>> No.18408086

Then run

>> No.18408125

My rhr spikes to 130 if I attempt moving. Stop gatekeeping.

>> No.18408237

ask your mum to drive you

>> No.18408273

>Dark roast
>French Press with long steep time
>Tiny pinch of table salt
Navy style coffee, basically cowboy coffee from a flameless context. Or actual cowboy coffee but it's a bit more of a skilled method.

>> No.18408314


>> No.18408317

He doesn't want to invest in his own transportation though. That includes bikes.

>> No.18408333

I won't go a cent over $30. There's no good reason a manual transpo method should cost more than that anyways.

>> No.18408338

>k5 sale
Nice. Getting it delivered sunday. Now I can replace my shitty peppercorn grinder with my k1 too

>> No.18408350
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Got you covered

>> No.18408352

Just steal someone else's bike. Bike locks are notoriously easy to break into.

>> No.18408370

Mama ain't raise me to ride no pwig.
Good shit. Report back. Seems like 1zpresso is really trying to offload their shit lol.

>> No.18408494

Have you chauffeur take you, obviously.

>> No.18408500

Any sites that compile lists of specialty coffee roasters by region? I'm trying to make a definitive list of the ones in my country, for my use if nothing else. Every time I think I've got them all I find some more.

>> No.18408667

sadly the best place I found was a subreddit for my city that had all the local roasters listed and even more helpfully told me which were minority or woman owned so I could avoid them lol.

>> No.18409031


>> No.18409096
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>> No.18409213
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>> No.18409259
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Today I had my coffee black with a squirt of the instant nestea liquid mixed in

>> No.18409363
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Wait what the fuck why are half of the finalists using top shower screens?

>> No.18409684
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I'm depressed so I'm gonna buy gear for making espresso. Need recommendations for a beginner semi-automatic espresso machine. I'm good on budget, can be $500+ comfrotably. I want a steaming wand, and something with simple maintenance.
If relevant I worked at starbucks through winter season so I have "experience" making drinks rapidly, but the espresso process is automated and it wasn't real ~experience~
and I've spent many hours watching hoffmeme
suggestions for cool tools and accessories also helps too. reliability is all I require in the end. thank you

>> No.18409691

Does that $500 include a grinder?

>> No.18409703

Yes, it could. But preferably I want a separate hand grinder because I don't have the counter space for a machine, and I'd use it for other kinds of brews.

>> No.18409729

Go nuts. I'll be up for a bit so I can try to answer any questions. Grinder off the list+gaggia(or equivalent)+ a wdt tool and leveling tamper and you're set.

>> No.18409753
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And Sherry takes home the gold with a plastic flat bottom dripper. She used an origami+lilydrip back in 2019 when she took 5th.

>> No.18409854

-For the grinders. what's the benefit of stepless adjustment? I'm looking at the Kinu m47 Pheonix. Otherwise I might get the Kingrinder K6.
-why would I ever get an expensive wdt tool?
-There are more expensive machines compared to the gaggia that feature monitoring gauges and whatnot but I have no idea if it's worth it. I also came across an interesting brand called SMEG but there's not that much attention on it.

>> No.18409995

silvia is a good choice. it's a great machine, maybe a bit expensive considering it's quite featureless.
lelit has a good catalog of machines too, you can still find a glenda with temperature controls at low price (used)
also check this >>18409691

>> No.18410012
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Having the ability to move in between "steps" gives you that much control when you're dialing in a shot. Kinu has tickmarks on the adjustment that are 10um apart, but you're not locked into those "ticks" so you can make more minute adjustments to suit your taste while keeping all your other variables fixed. I used a phoenix for a few years. Its great. Kin k6 is targeting a little different style of coffee. Little clearer, little less texture/body, but you'll be happy with either of them.You'd get an expensive wdt tool because you want one. Otherwise buy a 3d printed one off etsy for a couple bucks.
>monitoring gauges and whatnot but I have no idea if it's worth it
You need to do your homework. That entry level machine guide is a good starting point.

>> No.18410035

so what makes this different from french press?

>> No.18410043

the lack of fines in your cup

>> No.18410044

You see that paper filter? They use it as a filter.

>> No.18410048

cant you just put a paper filter on the press?

>> No.18410057

Sure, its still going to be way less flexible than a steep and release though. Brew with the valve open you have a v60, brew it closed you have a paper filtered french press. Espro sells french presses you can easily slide a paper into.

>> No.18410067

>glass press

ive broken every glass press ive owned. desu ive tried pour over and i simply dont have the patience for finding the perfect ratios, i end up burning through a third of a bag just to get it right and its only marginally better than using a press. i also like a massive cup of coffee in the morning.

>> No.18410068

Using different grind size and water ppm are not relatable for home brewer like me anon, Jhon Christoper from Indo much better I think.

>> No.18410073

>eat spoonful of instant coffee
>take sip of water, swish to dissolve
>down the hatch
Done, theres my morning caffeine
Have fun wasting 20 minutes per day percolating burnt lumps of shit coffee from fucking peru or whatever that you ground with your $250 grinder
Fucking faggots. I hate everyone in this thread

>> No.18410082


>> No.18410091

So get a metal espro? Also you shouldn't need to be making wild swings to find some magic pourover formula. Figure out what strength you like your coffee at and live there. Tweak grind, not ratio.
>my brewing water is 100ppm mixed with magnesium, calcium, and bicarbonate
Get your money up.

>> No.18410105

Those cups didn't deserve that.

>> No.18410162

>$250 grinder
all you need is a $60 timemore c3

>> No.18410205

I need a plant based alternative to dairy and cow milk that will not rape the environment to death like almond milk

I tried soy and oat milk already in coffee and it doesn't taste good

What are my best choices from here? Hazelnut milk?

>> No.18410244

Coconut milk tastes fucking great in coffee. There's no wacky anti environmental problems with the production, people just grow assloads of coconut palms in humid tropical countries with cheap labor. I'd probably use coconut milk more often if it was less expensive than cow milk.

>> No.18410255

Check out Above Time Coffee. It's a new company and it's supposed to be really good. They do the roasting of the coffee right before they ship it to you.


>> No.18410280

>supposed to be
Why are you shilling coffee you've never even tasted? At least lie next time lol

>> No.18410295

I don't drink coffee due to a health condition.

>> No.18410469

just bought a kinu m47 phoenix. Will this take my dark roasts to a level never tasted before

>> No.18410473
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I like my coffee italian

>> No.18410535

What did you have before?

>> No.18410594

>20 minutes per day percolating burnt lumps of shit coffee from fucking peru
for me it's 3 minutes of immersion with lightly roasted beans from colombia

>> No.18410600

>They do the roasting of the coffee right before they ship it to you.
hi i understand you guys are new but this is bog standard for online specialty coffee roasters

try to find a different angle

>> No.18410601

italian coffee is genuinely horrible

normies cannot comprehend this fact

>> No.18410613

Homemade cannoli?

>> No.18410622

Yeah espresso sucks

>> No.18410628

>t. normie
yes, traditional italian espresso is legitimately bad

>> No.18410635

noooo you cant say burnt robusta commodity garbage with no puck prep sucks you're heckin italophobic

>> No.18410636

specialty robusta on the other hand...

>> No.18410647
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>t. picrel

>> No.18410654

oh you actually are a normie lol all commodity is trash.

start with the james bro

>> No.18410699
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I love October, everything goes on sale for international coffee day.
Got me 1.5kg of my morning brazilian, city roast, 500g of medium roast yirgachefe and 1kg of another autumn blend full city that I really love for my espressos

What are you going to get on sale lads?

>> No.18410797
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this lad

>> No.18410806

Which letter do you select if you're grinding for aeropresso?

>> No.18410830

I don't aeropress but I think there's a line above the dot that marks the setting

>> No.18410836

Ok do you aeropresso?

>> No.18410840

why dont you aeropresso my aeroprostate

>> No.18410842

Post aerobussy

>> No.18410888

a manual pepper grinder, a Peugeot for example, can cost just as much as a good manual coffee grinder. there are very cheap coffee grinders as well, they are just no good is all

>> No.18410897

not even just espresso, all italian coffee is bad.

>> No.18410903
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>you're heckin italophobic

>> No.18410916

which is what I said but this redditor thinks modern espresso is italian

>> No.18410988

italy is the ideas guy of the world
crazy ideas that are made into actual real and good things by other people.

>> No.18411022

Looks like my brim grinder. Paid 30, lists from 70-100

>> No.18411144

If you were forced to buy only trustworthy organic coffee could you afford it?

>> No.18411187

Unless you grew it yourself it's not trustworthy

>> No.18411296

Bio/fair trade coffee costs exactly the same as filthy coffee here, so it's perfectly affordable. Bio/fair trade companies make less profit/unit but they've kept slowly gaining customers for the past 2 decades.

Western consumers don't have to break bank if they want to treat their peers in the 3rd world correctly. Vote with your money, don't get treated like a fool.

>> No.18411668

You're asking if I could afford $8.60 an lb?

>> No.18411711

You need robusta for the ~~~CREMA~~~~ bro.
Look at all the hoops you have to jump through to get ~~~DAT CREMA~~~ from arabica. And even then it's thin and weak.

>> No.18411724

I fucking hate that I need to drink coffee with my crema. I wish there was a way to efficiently and quickly filter out that shitty waste product

>> No.18411743

13 second turbo light roasts with bottom papers.

>> No.18412349

i only drink coffee if i know a child died so i could drink it.
i want to taste the exploitation

>> No.18412424
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I like my planes like my coffee; made by europeans using resources from africa

>> No.18412453


>> No.18412496

When using an aeropress, what's the retarded shit you do where you add a bit of water, wiat 30 sec, add more water, wait a min then top it up again and wait another minute?

I've just been adding coffee, filling up the chamber, stir, tip into normal position onto cup (I do invert method when loading it) then wait 2 mins.

>> No.18412549

Damn coffee sissies btfo

>> No.18412578

>having sex with your wife
yuck bro grow up

>> No.18412593

Worst fucking coffee I've ever had in my entire life, my stomach was grumbling in protest over this shitty low body sludge
Then again I'm mexican so maybe the shit they sell here is discount crap not even no taste american niggers want.

>> No.18412684

No, instant coffee really is that shitty.

>> No.18412686

Actually I take that back, it's not shitty low body sludge, it's absolutely no body perfumed shit that doesn't retain flavor in the fucking mouth for even a full second before dissipating into ultra bitter dreck that you are supposed to take it like a man and not complain because le bitter and darker than a moonless night xdd
Talking about nestle, I just had some brazilian coffee from downtown, tastes like nescafe if it had body 6/10 it's ok, definitelly overpaid for the bean(dry, no oil, french roast) finished on that batch, looking foward something more exotic like ethiopian or turkish

>> No.18412765

Might as well just smoke crack, loser.

>> No.18412849

For me its the friday night espresso martini.

>> No.18412896

>dry, no oil
so.... properly roasted

>> No.18412923
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Alright, I think I've(>>18409684) got my choices.
- Rancilio Silvia
- Kinu m47 Pheonix
- a $10 wdt tool off etsy
are there any things I should consider moving forward or before I purchase? confidence isn't 100% because this is new territory.
for example the gaggia is still appealing and I found an identical grinder price for the eureka mignon crono.

>> No.18412931

Mignon + Silvia is a solid combination; the GCP tray distance is super annoying

>> No.18412935

Convince me to not get Tanzanian coffee beans

>> No.18412943

Just do it so you can repeat it over and over again for attention in every thread

>> No.18412947

Kek I won't let anything South American touch my $400 grinder and my time from bag to belly is 3 minutes per shot including clean up so you can eat my ass.

>> No.18412959

I generally like Central/South American most.

>> No.18412986

Make sure to buy a funnel/dosing collar to go with that wdt tool. Keeps grounds in the basket while you move them around. Then +$20 for the hario v60+server set (or any other dripper) and thats a solid coffee bar. The next things to snag after that would be a new tamper and better baskets like the pullman/ims/vst/decent. Run that setup for a year and then buy a pid kit.
Normcore has cheap shit you can look at or find something else you like.

>> No.18412996

Why are you so proud of being a tastelet

>> No.18412997

I actually don't mind several of them but I mostly drink Ethiopian or Rwandan so I'm mostly just shitting on the fuckwit

>> No.18413033

egg in coffee
like swede.
>mix coffee grounds and egg with shell
>boiling water
Egg shell defeats acid
Egg whites and yolk solidify on coated grounds and allow you to easily filter out.
don't knock it until you try it.

>> No.18413227

What's the best instant coffee?

>> No.18413233

The friends you met along the way

>> No.18413236

coffeegay to the rescue