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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 246 KB, 400x600, Escape_Goat_1200x1800_1cdaf6e2-5d0d-4f96-a94b-42f59064fbea_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18401984 No.18401984 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite coffee brands

>> No.18401991 [DELETED] 

you know they’re owned by jews right?

>> No.18401994
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Coffee for smoothbrain flyover types who think restaurant menus with snooty foreign words like "salsa" and "au jus" are literally white genocide

>> No.18402007

kek it's THAT easy boys

>> No.18402053

That's the coffee equivalent of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Only fags buy that kind of shit.

>> No.18402068
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Black Rifle threw Rittenhouse under the bus. Fuck em. I buy my coffee from Orthodox monks.

>> No.18402070

coffee sucks.

>> No.18402075
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Never actually bought from them tho, I'm mostly just fond of the skull mug

>> No.18402079

is laird brand creamer sweet?

>> No.18402083

fuck off heather

>> No.18402150

it used to be, but then the owners said they didn't trump and rightoids had a massive chimpout. see >>18402068

>> No.18402213
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For me, it's this shit right here

>> No.18402233

For me, it's Voet's

>> No.18402262
File: 511 KB, 452x787, DUNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your favorite coffee brands
how fragile does your masculinity need to be to drink "Black Rifle" coffee?
personally, i'm a DUNK man. i buy whole bean and grind it myself so it is fresh.

>> No.18402264

Had black rifle years ago,was solid coffee.
other than cheaper brands, also like espresso republic and local coffees.
Thanks for the rec

>> No.18402269

I buy direct from the farmer so no brand.

>> No.18402271

Brands? I thought there were only types like colombian, arabica, kona etc.

>> No.18402286
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>> No.18402296

Is chicory actually any good?

>> No.18402299

colombian and kona are arabica

>> No.18402314

Um... ok. I really don't know but I distinctly saw one can say arabica and one say Columbian. It's all govt. supply though.

>> No.18402337

>touched by subhumans not machines


>> No.18402353
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>> No.18402470
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I prefer French Market
I like it, it's what I grew up drinking. Regular coffee just tastes wrong to me

>> No.18402479

BRC betrayed. Never will buy, for me.

>> No.18402496

Chevron gas stations used to have Van Houtte Hawaiian Blend, I don't know if they still have it but it was some of the best coffee I've ever tried. Drank a fuckton of it on my shifts. It's hard to find anything but Van Houtte K-cups in grocery stores though.
What does the chicory taste like?

>> No.18402514

>folgers but with let's go brandon on the plastic package

>> No.18402565

If you see "LGB" on a BRCC product, you can be guaranteed that it's immediately followed by a "T" and where you can donate to the Democrat PACs they donate to. If you look hard enough on the bag you can find their endorsements of pedos, commies, and wife-beaters in favor of 17 year old vigilantes.

>> No.18402583

I drink Folgers.

>> No.18402584

What does it taste like?

>> No.18402601

>I drink Folgers.
i bet you fuck your sister during Christmas too

>> No.18402602

simple yet effective, i like it

>> No.18402604


they never did that, it's 100% false

>> No.18402609

For me it's the cheapest possible off-brand pre-ground I can buy, brewed in my twenty year old Mr Coffee using tap water and enjoyed black out of whatever hand-me-down mug I grab from the cabinet.

>> No.18402614

Why are coffee companies marketing themselves like hot sauce these days?

>> No.18402617

Nowadays most off-brands are better than the main brands, give me great value over folgers any day of the week, unironically

>> No.18402622
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For me, it's Chock Full o' Nuts.

>> No.18402627
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i use a moka pot

>> No.18402664

Note to self: coffee brand thread attracts bots like honey does ants

>> No.18402729
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I normally roast my own with one of those hot air popcorn poppers, but when I don't I just get Costco coffee lmao.

>> No.18402759

>What does the chicory taste like?
>What does it taste like?

it tastes like coffee? I'm not good at explaining all that shit, especially since it's the baseline for what I consider coffee. just try some, it's not like it's expensive

>> No.18402760
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>> No.18402765
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>Chock Full o' Nuts.
i've been thinking about bringing a coffee mug like this to work. Also, no, I'm not a black woman

>> No.18402817

Your mouth is about to be chock full o' deez nuts

>> No.18402827

I don't know how you could unironically have that mug and not feel incredibly self conscious about how narcissistic that is

Also what is it with nigger women and those two inch talons, they're disgustingly ugly and I can't imagine they improve dexterity

>> No.18402932

Except, they are Jewish. >>18402760

>> No.18402949

100% cringe, but kudos to the marketers successfully bilking money from the Punisher decal crowd.

>> No.18402964

they think it's peacocking/flexing on other women. White women do it too

>> No.18402983
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I've been using the Top Shelf Black Diamond

>> No.18402987

Is everybody on this board poor? I always see stuff like this here

>> No.18402989

>Never heard of inspect element
It's really easy to fool goyim huh

>> No.18403005

Either way, still rather give my money to men of God than thin blue line boomer LARPers.

>> No.18403017

no its countersignalling the people who care about fancy coffee
like how bill gates drives lexuses

>> No.18403019

Love drinking this when my wife's boyfriend is over. Real men are comfortable sharing their wives, only insecure betas have a problem.

>> No.18403041

I'm overdrawn in my checking account, four grand in credit card debt, and unemployed.

>> No.18403047

this coffee fucking sucks dude, you're paying for the military fetishist branding
it's absolute trash

>> No.18403072
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It's good Guatemalan coffee, and you can buy it with Monero.

>> No.18403169

I'm a cook, of course I'm poor.
I get Folgers when I want something a step up from store brand coffee.

>> No.18403436

Go away adam.

>> No.18403440

Nice hope you die

>> No.18403588
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someone in the corridor left a pack of this when they moved out so I've been drinking it for the last couple of months

>> No.18403663
File: 62 KB, 1024x1024, Coles-Urban-Coffee-Culture-Dark-Roasted-Beans-1kg-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True bro this won coffee of the year here, supermarket own brand

>> No.18404040

Thanks, me too.

>> No.18404057

These random coffee companies that just buy whatever garbage, stuff it in bags with "cool" designs and then have youtubers peddle it as a subscription deal are probably the best scam ever.

>> No.18404094

based latino of southern european origin

>> No.18404109

>/ck/eddit getting triggered by a jewish coffee brand meant to milk money from gullible boomers because guns scary
kek you know BRCC is owned by your side, right? They're a bunch of grifters scamming disposable income out of conservatives with yet another "lifestyle" brand.

>> No.18404114
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>Nowadays most off-brands are better than the main brands, give me great value over folgers any day of the week, unironically
>sweeping generalization based on a subjective experience after trying 1 type of folgers and 1 type of great value
very scientific analysis, retard.

>> No.18404924


>> No.18405063

>by your side
Which side is that, /pol/friend?
Also I thought the word "grifter" was le bad because libtards use it

>> No.18405137

Black Rifle disavowed Rittenhouse. They're a bunch of boomer coward zogbots with a taste for leather who are probaboy jewish as well

>> No.18405145

>Which side is that, /pol/friend?
The side that thought Rittenhouse was guilty, AKA the wrong side of history.

>> No.18405223

So you're mad that your coffee company wasn't racist enough? Lol

>> No.18405233

Hi Pop pop

>> No.18405235

Rittenhouse only defended himself from fellow whites though?

>> No.18405238

How? They are (almost 100% of the time)fake nails that cost a couple dollars. What irrational faggots.

>> No.18405242

I can't even admit to the thought I have about this.

>> No.18405257

He went out that day specifically hoping to shoot a black person

>> No.18405258

He is just mad a fellow pedo got killed.

>> No.18405315

Since you're a mindreader, can you explain to us why he didn't shoot any black people then? He's still not guilty, by the way.

>> No.18405328

Is this meant to be some kind of gotcha? Because by that logic people who run over other people after drinking heavily aren't guilty because their specific intention was something other than running over someone with a car

>> No.18405347

Lots of shit does that now, there's literally carbonated water called liquid death.
I hate this timeline.

>> No.18405359


>> No.18405464

Used to work with a guy that would shill this place nonstop.
Ordered a bag and it was gewd, not outstanding but better than the local roasters I've purchased from in the past

>> No.18405504
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>> No.18405519
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>Black flame to light my green smoke
>Korn (goth band)
>Dark roast (even more goth)

>> No.18405537

Hipster faggot

>> No.18405599

A bunch of troon loving faggots using masculinity as a guise to sell coffee, truly /ourguys/

>> No.18405601

Chicory blended coffee comes out bitter and I guess a little earthy? It comes out completely opaque black. Those might be at least partially due to the use of robusta coffee, but you can tell it's made with roots. I normally drink my coffee black but chicory blends are dramatically improved with milk.

>> No.18405613
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>> No.18405616
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>> No.18405649

>Those might be at least partially due to the use of robusta coffee
wut? not sure what brands use robusta, French Market certainly doesn't

>> No.18405738

Blacked Rifle Cuckold Company

>> No.18405771

Fick black rifle. Shit talking about their customers, telling them if they didnt serve they have no opinion to judge their coffee

>> No.18405777

They barely hire vets anyway, have you seen their chief diversity officer?

>> No.18405958

Cringiest shit I've ever seen

>> No.18406008

>they barely hire vets
Almost half their company are vets.
>you seen their CDO?
I know Sandy first hand, she's a cunt. My bro works for the company, I've sadly met a lot of the higher ups who are faggots. Props that they made a company that I could never make, but they're insufferable cunts

>> No.18406148

cuck rifle is a joke of a brand lmao

>> No.18406212


>> No.18406224

It's definitely different, very distinct. I'm a fan

>> No.18407014

oh yeah daddy~

>> No.18407049
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I buy freshly roasted specialty shit from a local place sometimes, but as far as supermarket coffee goes, lavazza is okay

>> No.18407104

Given the constructive conservative purge occurring in the military over the last several years, I suspect BRCC will hire a lot more veterans now since their views will align more with the CIA contractor at the helm and his board of glowies.

>> No.18407151

>comparing a clear case of self-defense to drunk driving
seethe, cope, dilate, and kys

>> No.18407152

Fuck this brand, they betrayed Kyle.

>> No.18407241
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If I had the money I would form a parent company of smaller companies that each marketed politicized products to dumbasses on both sides. I would serve fried chicken to cuckservatives, sell ice cream to groomer faggots, and market political apparel and accessories to both sides too.

>> No.18407263

The heb brand is actually not bad I drank it for years.

>> No.18407342

what would be a good coffee to buy in bulk beans, have been grabbing 5lb bags of deathwish once every few months

>> No.18407347
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>> No.18407399
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Has anyone ever had dodger's coffee?

>> No.18407546
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for me its the toucan.

>> No.18407574
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I need advice on how to buy good whole bean coffee without spending a fucking fortune. I was buying muh beans from BJ's but they now only carry one kind (Guatemalan) besides the shitty expensive Starbucks beans. They keep raising the price of the Guatemalan so I need an alternative. I grind my beans and drink coffee every morning.

>> No.18407604


>> No.18407629
File: 71 KB, 799x533, 49415583667_b7236ce535_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Acid Free. no gut rot after 2 cups. also it helps you take a massive shit in the morning. as coffee is known to do since it's also used in enemas but I prefer it to go down the other way.


0 or low acid coffees, fresh beans, Kueric, Tin Filter cups instead of pre-bought.

Alex acid-free or Lucy-Jo Low acid. French blend. Best coffee I ever had. Try it or STFU. Also Nice Product Endorsement, OP you stupid white corporate NIGGER

>> No.18407631 [DELETED] 

I should write ad endorsements for startups. "Don't be a stupid Reddit White Corporate Nigger-Faggot, Try our product"

>> No.18407635

picrel is cute. Im gonna print it and frame it in my studio office.

>> No.18407774
File: 45 KB, 736x736, 1661742388052899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick to buying good coffee at the supermarket is to be an ass and grab the bag from the back where it looks like they've just restocked the shelf

The coffee will taste better than the "good brand" simply because they're so fresh

>> No.18407787

Robusta and Arabica come from different plant varieties, and can be grown in any region or country. Perhaps the Arabica coffee you mentioned was just a blend from several areas of unknown origin?

>> No.18407826

Mat is a giant cock sucker, he acts and sounds like a dork when he doesn't have his shit planned like in his videos.

>> No.18407862
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>> No.18407872
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this one, any good espresso you guys can recommend that I can get easily in EU?

>> No.18407972

Eight O Clock beans work fine for me

>> No.18407985
File: 25 KB, 300x450, 5LB_BREAKFAST_BLEND_300x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy this, it's the only decent beans I can find under $10 a pound nowadays.

>> No.18408174

But they can't be. Jews don't advertise stuff with guns on it.

>> No.18408242


>> No.18408426

Coffee made by monks is the best. I get this kinda from a monastery in New Mexico and its the best coffee ive ever had.

>> No.18408547
File: 72 KB, 757x757, 3_Z4pSykK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to wake up and get to school as fast as possible so no time to brew. This is a highly concentrated coffee that is purchased frozen and thawed. Usually found in Asian stores but I used Weee to get them. I like it alot, here's my simple routine with it
>Get small cup with ice
>Fill quarter of the way with coffee
>Fill the rest with milk
>Stir and drink

>> No.18408640

the only coffee i get from the food library

>> No.18408665

4 spoons of nescafe and room temperature water

>> No.18408687

That is definitely the thumbnail of someone who would buy Korn coffee

>> No.18408725

This combo got me into coffee. Still hits after I became a third wave guy

>> No.18408777

Kek. Better this than being a turbo homo about coffee — as long as you clean your coffee maker once in a while.

The boomers who sip average black everyone morning are 100x wealthier than limp wristed faggots wasting 30 minutes every morning “preparing” their pour over

>> No.18408812
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happy mug is right at the dollar/oz mark after shipping but you get coffee that was normally roasted the day you ordered it and so far ive enjoyed every roast they make.

>> No.18408878
File: 75 KB, 612x612, a5be9586-b75d-4219-87d1-b29bf82884f9.5d9e86a8745c9187bb1285666576a6ac[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 pounds is $8.

>> No.18408960

This, but with a pour-over cone.

>> No.18408966

ok boomer

>> No.18408973

2.5 lbs of absolute shit.

>> No.18408991

is this the one with the incest christmas commercial?

>> No.18408992

Based to the last drop.

>> No.18409006

Mmmmm that's some badd ass coffee

>> No.18409024
File: 75 KB, 800x800, cafeQuindio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorites

>> No.18409194

They're selling your shitty "culture" back to you, like marvel with Thor, or the Northman, etc

>> No.18409294
File: 39 KB, 510x612, hafiz-mustafa-turkish-coffee-510x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this stuff for a classic Turkish style, but it's pretty pricy

>> No.18409322
File: 32 KB, 353x353, 14067430_828655357271740_1030561488108513258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prayers enhance the flavor. It's the Lord's coffee.

>> No.18409524

best brand of coffee is any brand that you can get freshly roasted, then given a few days to de-gas (forgot the term for it), and finally freshly ground right before brewing. store in a cool dark place like a panty.

>> No.18409541

this. i've received coffee they dated as roasted a few days before I received it. no way to tell if it was actually roasted on that day, but i've gotten nothing but compliments. nowadays, mother's friends will literally harass me until I brew them a cup.

>> No.18409718

>like a panty
Oh I see, then they double as filters.

>> No.18409734

has nobody noticed that this black rifle coffee thread appears again as soon as it dies? this shitty coffee company is actively marketing through 4chan and you tastlets just let them
>the coffee sucks
>the company sucks
>go ahead and pick coffee from a 4chan post you dumb sluts

>> No.18409962

I have, it wasn't too bad, nothing special. Don't think I'd buy it again. Do love Doogs though

>> No.18409987
File: 411 KB, 1500x2000, 270076045_5139266379425866_3221152478653693022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my go to. The same company also sells other single origin coffees but the Guatemala one is my favorite.

>> No.18410053
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>> No.18410942

How's she doing? I lost track after cooptional, heck I only keep up with Jesse because of chilluminati

>> No.18411455

I'd buy it just for that

>> No.18411478
File: 45 KB, 828x817, 39F5F603-50B4-4819-8A22-A061D7AFB495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are ab absolute moron for paying for that crap

>> No.18411526

they have an overstock warehouse sale every year, and I get the sumatra, jamaican and kona
raw coffee beans from the ethiopian grocery store you can roast at home

>> No.18411852
File: 40 KB, 827x674, frenspresso drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in order for me:
1st: black oak coffee roasters
tied 2nd: linea caffe
tied 2nd: andytown roasters
3rd: Ritual coffee roasters

black rifle coffee is for cucks, fags, and people without principles. to pay more for less than top-grade beans is the behavior of an npc.
the only time i checked, they had zero single origins lightly roasted. total fucking scam designed to prey on the coffee ignorant folgers drinker. surrogating quality beans with fancy art, they laugh all the way to the bank trading sour beans for sweet, sweet dollars.

i work in coffee, and i can safely say that theyre total, shit-eating grifters.
please heed my words and get some consciously sourced, "natural process single-origin, light roast" from somebody who knows what i just said.

>> No.18411863

anything with hand picked beans and light roast

>> No.18411958

rural white trash are overrepresented on online forums because they have nothing else to do

>> No.18411969
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I generally go for cheap shit. It's all trash in the end anyway, having to choose between using an old traditional drip coffee machine that's never clean even if you do vinegar rinses daily or spending lodsofemone on an epic meme machine for your morning coffer. Great value, Chase & Sanborn, Folgers and Maxwell house before they got stupid expensive, private label store brands, Chase & Sanborn-like brands that are cheap as dirt and come in those tin cans. Recently I've been using pic related.

>> No.18412032

Kek'd hard

>> No.18412206

>I buy expensive coffee to counter-signal against white supremacy
It never once occurred to you how much of a gigantic faggot you are when making that post?

>> No.18412223
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it was a black guy before

>> No.18412298

I roll up to my favorite Black Rifle Coffee location in San Antonio Texas off 281N and Bitters. Jump out of my Ram truck, smooth out the creases on my new Grunt Style T shirt, adjust my Oakleys, and proceed in to order my fucking manly ass coffee. Upon entering I greet the friendly cashier with a let's go Brandon, and the cashier hands me a large americano. I whip out my CAC card for my discount and everyone in the place thanks me for my service. It's a good day, I got my favorite coffee from a brand that respects my service to the greatest country on Earth.

>> No.18412303

Small farm grown patches of Kona Coffee.

>> No.18412304

Idiot they grow all sorts of different coffee tree in Kona Coffee it just has to be from trees literally in the kona Coffee band of Hawai'i

>> No.18412312

>orthodox monk
>100% colombian

>> No.18412345

They probably just roast it, not grow it.

>> No.18412480

The specialty coffee from Aldi with the red design

>> No.18413185

Love me my morning ninylevyn blend