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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 855 KB, 2732x2147, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18393027 No.18393027 [Reply] [Original]

Your ideal brown bag for construction/roofing/landscaping/general labour/etc.

>> No.18393048

>turkey sandwich with cheese, baby spinach, and mayo
>an orange
>zebra cakes
>canteen of water
>coffee or a coffee based energy drink
>Copenhagen for dessert
t. former lumber mill worker

>> No.18393062

I usually did a ham and cheddar sandwich with a little bit of mustard, small sandwich bag of chips or nuts or pretzels or something crunchy like, a stone fruit, maybe like 4 clementines, maybe a couple cookies if I had them in the house at the time
Landscaped for 7 years, built homes for another 2

>> No.18393064

>bottle of coke zero
>fill half with wild turkey
>drunk hating my job and my life

I hope I'm dead soon

>> No.18393078

Gimme a thermos of hot soup, an unsweetened lemon iced tea to perk me up, a turkey and swiss on rye, and a little baggy of veggies so I dont gets scurvy.

t. former night shift chicken catcher.

>> No.18393190

mac and cheese deli loaf sandwich with a pack of dunkaroos

>> No.18393374

pickled eggs and warm gatorade

>> No.18393406

2 kg of cooked white rice with half an egg for the side dish.

>> No.18393408

>half an egg

>> No.18393432

Did they really just sit on construction beams like that in the '30s?

>> No.18393437

Yupp, this is obviously a photo op but it was common for them to sit on the beams and ride them up as an elevator
More often then not the beams where the only structure actually standing, so that is all you hade to stand and work on

>> No.18393440

Yeah I guess half is too bourgeoisie. Small piece of the yolk would do

>> No.18393445

Just what u need when your on a steel beam 60 stories up, an empty handle of whiskey

>> No.18393455

this makes me feel a bit of shame of the current times. safer is better, but we'll never get our balls back

I usually eat yesterday's dinner at 9:00 and two slices of homemade bread at 13:00. I usually have access to microwave or can plan ahead with something fine to be eaten cold. Five years of sheet metal work

>> No.18393465

If you keep doing the same things over and over again and you're miserable, consider doing different things. At worst you'll still be miserable.

>> No.18393468

Thats a Mickey not a handle. A handle has a fucking handle on it and is usually refered to as such when the size above 1.14 litres

>> No.18393535

A handle is colloquially used to mean an entire bottle

>> No.18393562

Couple of hard boiled eggs, string cheese lots of water in the summer, winter time a nice ham and cheese sandwich some chips and a coffee.

>> No.18393567

How about I handle your balls faggot?

>> No.18393571

Ever make the mistake of eating to much at lunch then put your toolbelt on and feeling sick when you bend over (roofers) It has happened to me

>> No.18393576

*unzips pants*

>> No.18393583
File: 32 KB, 541x541, >tfw on no sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately i've been packing
>camel smokes
>tortilla wrap with mayo, tabasco, romaine lettuce, swiss cheese, turkey, bacon, romaine lettuce
In that order. But ham sandwiches are pretty much never off the menu. Got to finish laying a floor today, it's easy but man I am fucking tired.

>> No.18393586

Spam musubi, a bag of chips, some fruit , and a bottle of water or tea for me.

>> No.18393591

I've only ever seen it used in reference to a specific size of bottle

>> No.18393599

Bitch please you couldn't handle my balls even if you tried

>> No.18394229

This photo was actually staged. They wouldn't normally crowd an I-beam suspended in the air like that. Also, it's not even over the edge of the building. If anyone fell off they might drop about 8 ft onto the finished floor below them. It looks cool but it's forced perspective and an unnatural gathering.

>> No.18394235

Fruit and vegetable protein shake
Sliced Asian pear

>> No.18394238

Everyone knows this. Most people wouldn't be caught dead doing that unless they were suicidal

>> No.18394258

There is more than enough support and width. I've mtb'd over areas with not much more width and a long way down on both sides.

Plenty of support there.

>> No.18394269

>we'll never
if labor laws are dissolved those with money will have those without it risking their necks for 5 cents an hour in a week

>> No.18394281

Closest I've done to that is warehouse work, here's what I would bring for 10-11 hours at Amazon
>2 sugar free Rockstars
>tortilla wrap, usually either ham, turkey, or roast chicken, with either romaine, mayo and hot sauce or spicy cucumber salad with tahini
>fruit (typically either one apple or two clementines)
>Doritos or Lays from the shitty Avenue C thing as a snack
>water (1 liter bottle refilled regularly)
>Siberia snus

>> No.18394293

Preposterous. Real Irishmen always eat like that. Dublin is literally covered in i-beam lunch restaurants. Even MacDonalds and Hooters had to adjust.

Lots of carbs and fatty meats/cheeses especially in winter. Pressed pig head with mustard, Camembert with cornichons or pickled onions, that sort of stuff.

>> No.18394904

I work in construction and here you usually go to a restaurant. This friday i had beef cheeks

>> No.18394915

y-you ate the whole city of copenhagen??

>> No.18394927

2 cans of tuna with a packet of mayo and a apple

>> No.18394967

Egg salad sandwhichs

>> No.18394973


>> No.18394979
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>whole package of bologna sandwich with cheese and more axle whip
>2 boxes of Little Debbies (any kind)
>small container of margarine to dip them in
>2 bottles of Diet Coke

>> No.18394989

that's not true. the bigger the company the stricter the rules are. you lose time and money if your workers get injured. replacing competent and reliable worker isn't always easy, much less so than enforcing safe work environments

>> No.18395040

The best thing you can pack is a frozen water bottle on top of your sandwich and side, and have it stay ice cold. Flatout wraps, spinach tortillas, and Joseph flatbread makes easy wrapping in the morning. Schmear the wrap with flavored creamcheese, park a couple slices of smoked turkey deli meat on top, and hit it with some bagged veggies like arugula, bell pepper strips, cucumber, tomatoes, carrot shreds, or bagged cole slaw mix. Drizzle with some makoto dressing for the veggies.
Alternately, I'd pack a marinated salad each and every day, fruit salad like mostly watermelon.or veggies like mostly cucumber/tomatoes, or a nice pasta salad, premade store hummus and taboulleh salad with pita chips. Good potato salad can be a meal if you make it chock ful of bacon and hard boiled eggs. A tupperware container of salad you eat with a fork means you don't need to use your fingers on a sandwich, nor need to wash your hands well in some guy''s yard .This is the most refreshing thing you can do, and adds hydration too. I love a cold and soggy italian sub, think Publix not that spongey horrible bread of Subway. A simple apple on the side, or chips like Sun Chips.

>> No.18395042

if they fall off the tower they aren't competent and reliable, are they?

>> No.18395065

it's not always the injured person that is at fault.

>> No.18395106

yeah I'm sure you got pushed by the new guy

>> No.18395110

Any chink food

>> No.18395123
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jamaican beef patty

>> No.18395132
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fucking ideal

>> No.18395384
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If I’m working out regularly I usually cook extra of what I’m making for dinner the night before and take that for lunch. I sit in a crane all day so I try not to eat unless I’m really hungry, being fat terrifies me

>> No.18395599

>Your ideal brown bag for construction/roofing/landscaping/general labour/etc.
Depends on what I'm doing, during hot days mostly P&B sandwich when I'm operating machinery if not operating machinery and we have a break to eat I bring some white rice and chicken/meat/fish and some fruit, during cold days whatever soup I can make being tortilla soup my favorite.

>> No.18395740

Imagine being up there when you have a heart attack

>> No.18395744

For roofing, when i was shit poor, It'd be black coffee, a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and 3 cans of tuna. I'd scarf down a pbnj for breakfast, usually my boss would get the boys some doughnuts, redbull, gatorade. I'd damn near finish that loaf of bread by 6pm. I didn't even have a canopener for my tuna, i was a real caveman son of a bitch scraping on curbs. Cigarettes helped stay focused and curb hunger before lunch too. For demolition, I ate just about anything I could. I thought torch-on roofing was hot, but when you get a breezyshirt, a good sunhat, water to splash yourself, its fine. But demo'ing skyscrapers with the a/c off, dust everywhere, hauling bins of tin, shit was nasty. Especially carving out marble n cement, getting dust in the gums. By then I had some walking around money and could afford fast food without it denting my finances. Mornings were now two sausage n egg mcmuffins, a large coffee, couple hashbrowns, lunch was a bigmac with large fries, 2 m chickens on the side, and dinner was a hearty helping of homemade Peruvian food made by my ex at the time. Times were tough, times still are, but I'll never forget how strong i felt, i could jump out of bed at 4am no problem, crash hard buy 9pm, sleep like a rock. Now i get a stiff back sleeping in a queen bed, compared to years spent on the ground. Take care of your bodies boys.
tl;dr anything i could get my damn hands on. Learned fast that i wasn't a picky eater, just not hungry enough.

>> No.18396132

Want to know how I know you came from re**idt?

>> No.18396140

Just a credit card to purchase lunch at a nearby restaurant.

>> No.18396141

No just the airport and one of the suburbs, as a treat.

>> No.18397355

Enjoy gout nigga

>> No.18397366
File: 233 KB, 1500x844, grinder-sandwich-5271038-hero-04-3e9616d36781417eb429235769997f19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian grindah of course

Ate that shit every night when I was on night crew and nothing ever felt as right.

>> No.18397368

if you don't change something nothing will improve. how do you fags not learn this?

>> No.18397391

I wish he did.

>> No.18397396

does diet coke give one gout?

>> No.18397510

These guys are absolute retards.

>> No.18399120

>t. Jap or Polynesian

>> No.18399144
File: 397 KB, 2048x2048, DnZWaWeVsAAu8rH.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only correct answer

>> No.18399161

They most likely aren't "vaccinated", anon. Their hearts were fine.

>> No.18399190

>brown bag

No. Instead, one should learn which nearby restaurants have decent lunch specials and develop a M-F rotation so every Monday you go here, then Tuesday it's, then Wednesday etc. Do this until it's time to quit without putting in a 2 weeks notice.

>> No.18399337

Vegetable beef stew, because it is infinitely modifiable. You can add green beans/mushrooms/potato or not. You can have it over rice, egg noodles, or Mashed potatoes. You can give it a tomato base or a french onion one. It freezes and reheats like a dream and is nutritionally well rounded with both protein and vitamins. Can be made in a giant crock pot with just prep time and makes enough for the whole week. Literal God tier work lunch.

>> No.18399355

>spinach in a sandwich
damn i never thought of using greens in a sanguich but that sounds delicious. do you just out the spinach in raw?

>> No.18399356
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x2000, IMG_01921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoagie roll with salami cheese mustard and fuckin mayonnaise, fritos, granola bar and a some chocolate if I'm into that sort of thing that day
t. forester

>> No.18399380

imagine being this wrong, and stupid, and wrong

>> No.18399393
File: 18 KB, 800x450, nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your parents keep you locked in a basement or something?

>> No.18399403

what why do you ask? i'm not white that sounds like something white parents would do to their children. why are you bullying me?

>> No.18399411

why are you non-human?

>> No.18399412

what why do you ask? i'm not white being non-human sounds like whiteoid thing to be. why are you bullying me?

>> No.18399435

Lately, about 3 apples
>geo-engineering field tech

>> No.18399438

My dad fell three stories from one of these bad boys and shattered his pelvis.

He always took a ham and cheddar, thermos of coffee, Banana, orange, apple and 2 hostess honeybuns. He was built like a bulldozer. Went back after a year when his pelvis was put back together and worked until retirement.

He'd tell me stories of how the Mexicans would share their lunch with him. Empanadas, pie, burritos. They were close and sometimes he'd bring me back something if he could.

Love my dad.

>> No.18399439

putting greens on a sandwich is incredibly normal, to the point where literally any sandwich shop in the united states (where i live) does it at least sometimes. i'm not bullying you, i just genuinely don't get how this is a novel concept for you.

>i'm not white that sounds like something white parents would do to their children
i am again baffled by your lack of awareness, this is not endemic to wypipo, who are probably more likely to only put lettuce on a sandwich

>> No.18399613

God damn I wish I could eat huge amounts of food like that.

>> No.18399675
File: 469 KB, 1125x2000, C8B11AA3-DCE4-43DC-90CE-9E4DF3D550C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I just cooked. I also added a dash or two of full cream milk to the taters, as well as fresh garlic, then fried it all together.

>> No.18399705
File: 128 KB, 970x546, mcdo-group-order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>construction/roofing/landscaping/general labour/etc

>> No.18399712


>> No.18399900

Yeah my wife would just pick off the stems and put the baby spinach leaves on it as if it were lettuce. The texture is a little different of course but the flavor is superior in my opinion. It hadn’t really occurred to me either to do that but I very rarely ate any deli meat sandwiches before that job. Or since that job, come to think of it.

>> No.18399951

tuna salad and crackers
Granola bar
baby carrots
bag of chips
Water/la croix/Gatorade

t. union electrician

>> No.18400001

I never eat on the job,
>get up
>go to work
>come home
>eat dinner
>chill a bit

>> No.18400031

Why do you have to catch chickens at night?

>> No.18400431

I did this when I was seventeen. I ate huge bologna sandwiches (got it from boy meets world reruns) and a box of oatmeal creme pies. substitute diet coke w/ Sobe oolong tea or mr green and a ton of lost energy drink and you have me circa 2002

>> No.18400444

that's a hell of a view anon

anyway i work evening shift driving a forklift, most days i'm like >>18395384 so i bring leftovers. sometimes i'll meal prep for the week, but it varies. i'm sitting down all day so i don't need to eat a whole lot, and i don't have caffeine after noon. i see people at work having a coffee or a monster at 7pm, how tf do they go to sleep? you're clocking off in 3 hours, c'mon

>> No.18400479
File: 636 KB, 800x600, 4896D8D7-0082-4949-AC08-9B17DFD4CB9F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thermos of soup
>aggressively Italian sandwich of mozzarella, arugula, tomato and deli meats
>salad of seasonal vegetables
>seasonal fruit
>can of tuna or DEENZ
>iced tea or iced coffee

Also some booze and/or a joint, if it’s the sort of job where getting buzzed isn’t too dangerous

>> No.18400488

Forgot to mention a couple of boiled eggs too, maybe chopped up and put on the sandwich or in the salad

>> No.18400505

post hand with timestamp

>> No.18400577

> chicken fried rice with a sunny side up egg
> cubano sandwich
> Some fruits, usually berries and 2 mandarins
> 2 redbulls for a morning shift, 4 for a nightshift

Process man here, some of you guys are lucky as fuck and dumb as hell. We can't even smoke on site anymore, nevermind get high.

>> No.18400612
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what happens if they fall?

>> No.18400645
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they hit the ground

>> No.18400908

I've been told if you fall off the roof you get the rest of the day off. Don't know if it's true, but one shouldn't have to risk falling a second time on the same day

>> No.18401598

i had to walk to my computer just tell you how gross that is. the rc is a 10, but a CHOCOLATE MOON PIE!? is a -15

>> No.18401602

>not eating entire landscapes for lunch

>> No.18401656

they hit the floor of whatever level underneath actually had one.

>> No.18401687

>never thought of using greens in a sandwich

>> No.18401757
File: 1.20 MB, 3072x2048, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's a hell of a view anon
thanks anon I have plenty more where that came from. also checked

>> No.18401774

>Publix sub: multigrain bread (full length), turkey, swiss, mayo, spinach, cucumber, green peppers, pepper
>tap water from my sink

>> No.18401923

>Want to know how I know you came from re**idt?
I'd bet it's because you remember him from /r/cumslurpers.

>> No.18401950
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>imagining anyone would ever read these essays

>> No.18402300

Baby spinach with tomato and tuna is an excellent combo.

>> No.18402347

it has been covered here already for the most part.
I'm really poor so cant afford turkey and stuff like that.
I'll usually just make a batch egg salad (hard boiled eggs, mayo, salt, pepper) then put the sandwich together the night before.
Then switch it up with Tuna instead of eggs.
A banana.
Sometimes ill put a bunch of cheap bag cereal in a ziplock bag to munch on after my meal.
water from the jug I use at work all day.

>> No.18402753
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>... *splat*

>> No.18403346

Im a railroad engineer, my lunch is usually
>2 ham sandwiches with provolone cheese
>a small amount of pringles (like 10 chips)

>> No.18403359

Given the reddit way you phrase things I'll trust you are an expert on the matter.

>> No.18403362

nobody is reading all that shit. Why did you even bother making two posts?

>> No.18403625

Hammie sandwich: good toasted bread with ranch instead of mayo, mustard, ham, bacon and lettuce+tomato
Apple or banana, veggie/applesauce pouches if out of season/lazy
Kettle chips/crackers or a PBJ
Roasted peanuts/beef jerky/protein bar depending on mood
Thermos of yerba mate or pitch black coffee with hot cocoa mix added
Many bottles of water

>> No.18403680

tradie here i dont eat lunch

>> No.18403682

it's four paragraphs you illiterate monkeys, i read through all of it in about thirty seconds. phoneposters deserve the rope.

>> No.18403830

>I'm illiterate because you wrote a bunch of garbage that's not worth reading
Very cool. Am I racist for not liking Obama too (even if he is "one of the good ones")?

>> No.18405227

I'm so sorry that you're boring. But you are. Cope, dilate etc etc

>> No.18405241
File: 113 KB, 700x639, 16oz_tropical_punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tuna salad
>bag o chips
>greek yogurt cup
>some hydration drink, preferably pic related
worked in landscaping for 2 years, sandwich is a meme

>> No.18405263

most stores have fifths, liters, and handles
handles are 1.75 L

>> No.18405290
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Peppered Turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayo on good bread. Add in a few hard boiled eggs and hot sauce to help with the morning hangover.

>> No.18405336

Lumber yard dog here. I usually bring a couple of bananas and a can of deenz. Sometimes beef jerky.

>> No.18405344
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One of pic related with water. I'll eat when I get home
>production worker

>> No.18405358

how do you open a can of deenz as a dog

>> No.18405368
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Back over it with the forklift and eat it off the ground.

>> No.18405414

this is it
pretty much exactly what i was going to say
usually i will go a double espresso, maybe over ice if it's really fucking hot

>> No.18405887

is that a fun job? do the hours go by fast? do the ground crew think you're a pansie like an air cadet?

>> No.18405930

When I was working twelve hour night shifts at the post office I would always get a breakfast burrito and a whole carton of raspberries from the Whole Foods next door.

A boxed lunch is alright, but if you have the money, hot food is always a lot better if you're doing manual labor. Especially if it's cold

>> No.18405940

rn for my furniture assembling gig i get a six inch italian hoagie with just meat and roasted veggies and two soft pretzels from wawa

>> No.18406936

Fuck these fags tuna from the can is based

>> No.18406944

what if the guy at the end really needed to take a shit?

what if any of them had to take a shit?

did they have to hold it in?

>> No.18407602

Have you ever tried to catch a chicken during daylight hours?

>> No.18407892

post gut

>> No.18407901
File: 11 KB, 211x238, moments-before-she-made-that-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im beginning to think anytime i hear 'x is white people' theres a 50% chance white people are the least likely to do said thing, especially if its said randomly
why do you relate so many things to being white without any actual correlation or evidence?

>> No.18408115

Won't that shit be cold by the time you eat it?

>> No.18408719

that's because larger companies are more careful with their money ya dingus. it's the threat of being held accountable that makes them like this.

>> No.18409163

>eggsandwitch with various meat/cheese/bread/sauce/toppings depending (2 for breaky 2 for lunch for easy prep)

yeah, i think were comfy

>> No.18409181

If I recall, this was a staged photo

>> No.18409276

You eat after work, not during work.

>> No.18409310

>workers fight for decades to have safe(r) workplaces
>some incel who has never been on a construction site: nooo we lost our balls vghhh if only could i fall to my death like in the good old times...

>> No.18409327

Hard to beat the ploughman's. I'd add some cured meat though.

>> No.18409495

nigger the only people who use weird greens like spinach or micro green sprouts on shit is wypipo. you go into a mexican or italian restaurant and literally the only thing they use is romaine. you go into a negroid food hut and they don't even know what a vegetable is, unless you're in the south in which case they'll have the parts of plants you're not supposed to eat boiled in stock until you can choke them down.

>> No.18409762

a large burrito, tortilla chips, and two street tacos.

>> No.18410518

I work at a chemical plant so we usually have acces to a microwave + grill plate for the cubano. It's a sweet gig if you don't mind the health risks, if you're down on your luck I recommend it.