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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18373127 No.18373127 [Reply] [Original]

Super foods body and brain thread, what are the best super foods were not told about or recommended?

>> No.18373143
File: 424 KB, 640x480, Silica_gel_sachet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silica gel, t's basically the best super food but the government wants to keep it a secret, this is the thing they feed super soldiers with.

>> No.18373144

Lion's mane, cordyceps, reishi, chaga. Black cumin seed oil.

>> No.18373151

Why don't you tell us instead of being a survey bitch? These questions are so retarded that it makes no sense.

>> No.18373177

>Super food
That doesn't exist, it's a marketing term to sell you activated almonds

>> No.18373200

Maybe add donkey dick and dolphin fins to the list, anything to make those chinks think they have bigger dicks.

>> No.18373215

I don't know thats why I asked /CK you fucking moron stop talking shit you couldn't flip and pan cake

>> No.18373230

I don't like "super food" (meme term) but the best answer I have for you is liver and onions. That's the single healthiest dish I know of.

Some of those fancy mushrooms have interesting medicinal effects, but they are bioactive drugs. It's not really fair to consider it a "food" any more than you'd call cubensis a food

>> No.18373232

Pasta and ground beef fried with a lot of garlic. Super food

>> No.18373236

Ask your mom, I flipped her last Sunday night.

>> No.18373246

Of course you did you big boy, keep your fucken fantasizing to your lolis you pop

>> No.18373249

I have a Russian friend that wants to send me magic mushrooms, I'm like don't send that to me because it would be caught at the border then its a whole hassle. That kind of stuff shoudln't be illegal in the first place but it is.

>> No.18373250

>Super foods
no such thing.

>> No.18373259

Yeah but it's not like they'd bring up chat logs just try and if they send you a letter denie

>> No.18373264

They're probably growing somewhere close enough for you to drive to and harvest. Just do some research and make sure you don't pick the wrong ones

>> No.18373267

That's all legal and stuff, that don't mean jack when some feds are stomping at your door without a warrent. Sending magic mushrooms from Russia to the USA might be considered probable cause.

>> No.18373271

I know that, that's why I don't want them sent from Russia.

>> No.18373276

Turmeric+ black pepper
moringa powder (fresh is bitter AF)

>> No.18373280

just 12 bitter almonds is enough to kill you

>> No.18373283

If you blow that in someone's face then they'll sneeze.

>> No.18373285

>liver and onions
to much vit A is bad

>> No.18373292
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Yeah then you go red and steal Buggs' carrots.

>> No.18373293

Kefir is a genuine superfood

>> No.18373298

That always remindes me of keffir, niggers in SA terms. I miss them folk.

>> No.18373307


>> No.18373312

Woolworths just started selling it so I'll give it a go

>> No.18373324

Most of these, at least when sold as supplements, have high levels of lead, mercury, and or arsenic.

>> No.18373353
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You need to understand the term 'adaptogen' to better understand how these complex, complex 'foods' work with your being.
Then knowing of and having a fair respect for their use, seeking their adaptability for your own well being and healing can be extremely therapeutic to the point of panacean if you use them well.

Other very balancing substances include gut flora homeostasis by ingesting kombucha, or just a daily dose of apple cider works wonders for others. For starters it's overall how you're tuned and how you use broader spectrum nutrients and - bam - from here you can step it up with adaptogens like reishi or lions mane if you're feeling serious about maintaining your health or just wish for a stronger, healthier life.

I would not reccomend ashwaghanda, even as it can be useful as it is addictive, and I'm not too fond of daily use of maca either, but I know people who are well off using maca root, and others who had their lessons lesrned with the psychoqctive ashwaghanda, where both have varying degrees of (depending on who'd you ask) adaptogenic resolve.
My daily choice for a tonic/adaptogen (and very mild one, at that) would be fruit body reishi, which isn't psychoactive on top of that, either. I only drink tea now, and I was hyper addicted to a lot of substances.

Need to get my hand on some fruit body lions mane some day. I bet it's potent. Probably could help me restore my focus. Alcohol really makes your mind dull.

>> No.18373354

Storebought kefir, i wouldnt recommend. Cheap to make your own with proper milk. Storebought is just taste. Try to make sourdough starter with homemade and factory kefir to really understand the difference.

>> No.18373356

Just buy the spores online and grow it yourself. It's legal to buy spores in USA and very easy and cheap to grow them. My friend has done it

>> No.18373365

Is your friend a dea clown

>> No.18373476

No, check google it's very common

>> No.18373478

Nta but you can purchase the spores legally, it doesn't become illegal until you start growing them.
Fat autists really don't know anything about the world it seems like.

>> No.18374084


>> No.18374134
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>buying activated almonds
>not activating them yourself

>> No.18374147

>This flower...it was made for me!!!!

>> No.18374172
File: 50 KB, 678x569, brontopepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's a scoop of spirulina in my daily protein shake

>> No.18374263

That shit has more lead in it than a Chinese baby food factory bro

>> No.18374326

Coconut oil/MCT oil

>> No.18374350

Indian gooseberries are the king of berries in terms of measurable benefits. But they taste awful and are hard to find.

>> No.18374803

Im taking centrum mens multi vitamin, lions mane, reishi, goto kola, cordyceps, ginko biloba, caffine pills, bacopa, iron, and melatonin

>> No.18374820

"Ginko biloba* are you picking me wtf is that google

>> No.18374833


>> No.18375163
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daily kombucha use will help expedite the process of reverse ausmosis

>> No.18375267

I don't know, I suspect not but then without person to person meetings that's a difficult question to answer.

>> No.18375269

hahaha SCOOP, like from Andromeda Strain

>> No.18375285
File: 95 KB, 640x395, mongo-pawn_in_game_of_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongo just pawn in game of life,
Mongo like meat, Mongo eat meat...

>> No.18375350

No thanks, but appreciate the effort
Yeah, then when the clowns knock on the door and you aint a mycologist with a collection of sporprints you in trouble.
People advocating to order these kind of things are always assumed to be leo clowns trying to entrap people. Especially when you can just go look and take as many as you want from nature. Might suck if you live in a dystopian megacity sprawl, but then just take a vacation one weekend.

>> No.18375423

In plain English pointdexter?

>> No.18375778

Natural medicine assist your healing process. Medication in western sense usually consist of making a big drama out of either your symptoms of healing or downright poisoning you because of muh white coat, "poison good" and how profit is made of the dying and sick.

Good food really is the best medicine, as it keeps you healthy and builds up your reserves and even though adaptogens are ingested and assist by speeding up or starting the healing process, they're not supplements and they're not food either. Go on. Research adaptogens.

>> No.18376104
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Matcha (tea in general really) and yerba mate are phenomenally healthy. Most of the studied "superfoods" are pretty well known- liver, blueberries, garlic and onions, etc. with a few slightly more obscure ones like quinoa, natto, and maybe wheatgrass. If an item is marketed to you as a superfood you probably shouldn't buy it.
The best health tip I can give it to learn to enjoy bitter drinks, you'll avoid mountains of sugar and enjoy food much more, and stuff like 'plain' tea and black coffee are full of good stuff.

These too, I put pepper and loads of turmeric in my apple cider vinegar drinks and kefir. Moringa is cheap as hell and sustainable, I'm surprised it doesn't get more attention. Makes a reasonably tasty herbal tea, though it's not for everyone.

based (but you gotta make it yourself or it doesn't count)

Supplements are 90% shite, yes. Eat deenz instead of taking fish oil. Drink the damn tea instead of taking "green tea extract" that's so low quality they can't even sell it in teabags. Some are worth it (NAC anyone?) but it's usually paying a premium for convenience at the expense of everything else.

>as it is addictive
Curious, I know lots of people who've found it to help with addictive behavior, especially with alcohol. In the scheme of things it seems like hypochondria to worry about that desu, at least if you've been through more serious addiction. Ashwa is wildly hit or miss depending on your body and the extract variant, can be excellent or just make you tired and weak.

you can get it grown in places like Hawaii pretty easily, surely it at least beats India or whatever in terms of heavy metals. Allegedly it can chelate and remove them from the body anyway, if it's decently sourced I wouldn't worry.

Are you a woman?

make it yourself, it's better and you'll save a ton of money

>> No.18376123

ive already seen the bugs being marketed as an superfood

>> No.18376138

Yeah there is no real reason to worry about that, I believe. What most people feel when 'addicted' or, rather, 'pulled' into intake in reality is the phase in which you're entering homeostasis again, all you need to know is thst you're feeling the extern energy of it is being seperated from your self. Your soul is stronger, and unless your system has been hijacked, is easily cleansed to a functional, or noticeably non-afflicted, stable state again. Ashwaghanda, at least to me, has not that much dark a shadow side to it, but I could be wrong. I just knew I'd be better without it and with my usual practice. I once was too weak to notice this when smoking pot, and it completly blindsided me, piling up the work I needed to do to cleanse my system. Some things are extremely heavy and tough to get rid off.
Real alcoholics who want to be free need a touch of God to escape the mill, but most don't dare or want to acknowledge they need to die in the process, because they're corrupted. Funny enugh, alcohol has a Ego quenching side to it, which explains why people see it as a tool to escape their misery. The juice certainly isn't worth the squeeze, however.
Opiates, deeply rooted, are the same. Prayer is always the direct route to salvation. Addiction is all a Ego ruse.

>> No.18376207

Buying spores is 100% legal, GITD can't knock on your door just because you've bought them since legal behavior can't be probable cause for illegal behavior. They need a warrant to enter your property, to get that they need to justify an investigation to a judge. Saying "he bought spores" isn't good enough for that.
Also, they don't give a shit. There's been like 10 arrests for growing shrooms ever. As long as your friends don't rat you out, nobody will know or investigate you

>> No.18376482

You're definitely going to want to get your daily deez

>> No.18377061

nigga i just drink shmoothies

>> No.18377085


the one I'm using is grown in Taiwan but it says "organic" which means no pesticides or fertilizers. I only really need to worry about the water it's grown in. this is one of the top 3 recommended brands, along with the Hawaii brand. idk, I could still be slowly dying from heavy metal poisoning who knows.

>> No.18377109

that's some heavily Fortified™ urine you're producing

>> No.18378093

Bunp for interest

>> No.18378185
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>> No.18378186

Human breast milk.

>> No.18379164


>> No.18379184

1) who cares
2) you are not responsible for ANYTHING that gets sent to you in the mail. If it gets seized by customs, it is literally not your problem

>> No.18379300

>They need a warrant to enter your property, to get that they need to justify an investigation to a judge.
How naive

>> No.18379304


>> No.18380342

>eating bugfood

>> No.18380717
File: 165 KB, 715x940, enhanced-buzz-orig-17178-1365864431-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might have heard of "meat"