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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18366635 No.18366635 [Reply] [Original]

Cafelat Robot edition

If you're new or confused, start here:

>> No.18366644 [DELETED] 

omg we had the same idea i'm sorry.

only together can we defeat retardfaggot-sama

>> No.18366670
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coldbrew, timemore, aeropress gang!

>> No.18366674

for me, it's one of these things

>> No.18366687 [DELETED] 

e61 > cloth and bucket > meme press

>> No.18366701 [DELETED] 
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don't mind me. just posting a work of art

>> No.18366762
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>> No.18366769

Based if it's not cold brew

>> No.18366778
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Of course not, silly

>> No.18366807
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Now with X-Pro support.

>> No.18366865

Fuckin a !!!

>> No.18366948

>no rok
does that not count as a hand grinder, like its a manual grinder but i guess you dont actually hold it in your hands.

>> No.18367014

Don't store your aeropress with the seal in the chamber. Push it all the way through.

>> No.18367016
File: 70 KB, 600x800, 15933_img_20151219_134007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit tier burr that noone sane would rec in 2022. Similar geometry to the $50 timemore/heihox/remi conventional but 48mm. Back in 2015 people were ripping it out and sanding down the baratza virtuoso burrs. Baratza will be selling the those burrs for $199 in the encore ESP soon, so its in a weird spot with the market being fucking saturated by scaled chinese clones of great burrs. If you're physically disabled to the point of not being able to use a normal hand grinder and can't make noise while grinding coffee maybe its an option?

>> No.18367027

So what's the best value grinder here? J-max?

>> No.18367052

Why? It gets used multiple times a day........not like the silicone is gonna harden up

>> No.18367076

Absolute value probably kingrinder k3 at $119. Clone of a clone of a Kinu. Great allrounder burr set thatll do traditional/modern espresso and filter just fine. Spending more money is going to get you better build quality, finer adjustment, or different burrs. Kin was started by 1z employees and they buy parts from them so its probably all taiwanese/chinese money laundering in a rapidly expanding market. It all depends on your taste and the coffee you're trying to make though. If you trust a soytuber here's some tasting notes.

>> No.18367091
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New to pour over, how's my drawdown?

>> No.18367096

It will compress and you won't get a good seal and it will start blasting hot coffee around the seal as you press.

>> No.18367119

Looks good. Hows it taste?

>> No.18367141

Very good. Took a bit to find a good grind size, and my grinder sucks, but I think I found a good spot.

>> No.18367185

So I started my espresso journey with a flair 58. I did some research what was the best I could get under 500 euro's and didn't use too much counter space. I don't mind to use some elbow grease, so the flair 58 sounded to me like a good option. I already had a df64, so reasonable grinder.

After trying and trying. Most of my espresso shot were pretty horrible. Dialing in was not straight forward, and same of everything mostly didn't end up the same results. I guess because I will still influence the pressure too much. I use the stock filter and I wdt before tamping.

Now I on the fence if I should sell the thing, and buy a small fully electric espresso machine (bambino or alike). Or just put it aside, buy a small espresso machine to get up to speed and than switch over to the flair. (And maybe sell the other machine)

Please help me decide

>> No.18367223

What coffee are you using and what kind of profile are you going for? I'm pulling great shots on a f58 right now.

>> No.18367313

Hmmmmm.... I've been storing it like this for two years or more. Are you speaking from experience?

>> No.18367320

I do appreciate you telling me, I never thought of it

>> No.18367365

I'm just saying for french press you really don't need anything better than a K1 or a timemore. Should be rated by use case imo

>> No.18367379


>> No.18367385
File: 23 KB, 750x235, covfefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy local pre-ground coffee and I make it in a french press. Six tablespoons of grounds to two cups of coffee. Then I mix it with heavy cream and a teaspoon of sugar. And finally I load it up into an enema and shove it in my asshole.

>> No.18367392
File: 141 KB, 942x1379, 1637501295872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for?

also, coffee bros costa rican beans were delicious. blk and bold's limu was good but a bit too fruity. all cold brewed :D

>> No.18367399

I don't buy coffee with more than three tasting notes. hth

>> No.18367403

Do you see anywhere on that chart am I recommending specific grinders for specific brewing methods? Its just a broad compilation of specs so you can see were different price points land you and where that money is going. If you want to make an addendum where you pair specific grinders for various budget setups, go for it.

>> No.18367411

I am* FUCK. I hate when I mentally edit a sentence while I'm typing the next one and fuck up the syntax. But yeah. You drink that frech press every day. If you were going to cheap out, why not just boil cafe du monde on the stove for a few minutes and save the $20?

>> No.18367420

Don't need to throw a hissy fit about it lmfao. Just doesn't seem very useful to the intended audience besides pushing most into getting $200+ grinders that might not match their use case.

>> No.18367424

You really are retarded lol

>> No.18367445

You're looking at a spec sheet and you're upset that its not a subjective list, and also if it was a subjective list you want your timemore ranked highly.
>might not match their use case
I deliberately avoided assuming anyone's use case. You're assuming everyone who reads it only has $50 to their name and wants to french press for some reason.

>> No.18367507


>> No.18367521
File: 8 KB, 1134x127, putitinthepastebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're grinding coarse for an extended immersion brew like your standard french press, its important to choose a burrset that will produce the most fines and make through the metal mesh and into your cup.

>> No.18367543

Do you guys know anyone who drinks coffee before bed? Why, and how do they do that?

>> No.18367578

make sure they're clean

>> No.18367606

I used to when my depression overpowered the caffeine. The anxiety maybe amplified the desire to shut down and drew me in to oblivion.

>> No.18367609

medium to medium fine is what you want to grind for with french press btw ;) but feel free to double (2x) reply to my single (1x) post again lol

>> No.18367619

~800 to 1400 micron. You'll want the majority of those particles on the 1400 side.

>> No.18367632

My uncle gets up at 3 am for the gym, works until 5 pm, doesn't get back till 6, drinks a few cups of coffee and a bunch of beers, and then collapses in his bed for 6 hours. It's the weirdest thing

>> No.18367846

Help. I think the aeropress gang memes have finally taken hold of me after keeping mine in a drawer for months in favor of my chemex and V60. I've been using it pretty much every day now. Inverted method for life.

>> No.18367859

One of us! One of us!
Inverted, every fucking day!

>> No.18367897

I want the q2 heptagonal

>> No.18367912

Is a keurig worth the hassle?

>> No.18367944


>> No.18367956

well you can't. it's trash.

>> No.18367969
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Well bros? Which one do you visit to buy your Aldis breakfast blend (the one with the rooster on it)? Aldis or Aldin?

>> No.18367981


>> No.18367985

It didn't even make the Official /CTG/ Tier list for French Press Capable Grinders.

>> No.18368010

have you not seen the tier list? its trash, and you should definitely not do your own research as it could contradict the sacred list

>> No.18368011

Please add all Lido products to trash tier

>> No.18368017

Didn't realize there was a new thread up:

Clever Dripper or Hairo Switch - which is better/more worth it?

Similarly, is it worth having a Kalita Wave if I use a V60 fairly regularly? How much does a flat bottom vs the cone-shape have?

>> No.18368018

If you can easily swing it, yeah pick up a used single boiler and compare and contrast. Sell the one you like less.

>> No.18368021

The Hario Switch is made of high-quality Japanese borosilicate glass and silicone and you can easily swap other glass cones/even other drippers (like an oragami) into it. The Clever is made of plastic and will give you bitch tits.

The choice is yours.

>> No.18368043

I separated out the tiers by color so triggered bozos wouldn't get confused. Its clearly in poor tier where it belongs. Its the cheapest grinder 1zpresso sells for a reason. The only reason to buy one would be if you absolutely need to travel with it in an aeropress.

>> No.18368127

aldi for life.
i would never buy coffee from there but i shop there every day and refuse to shop anywhere else
im actually about to head off to aldi for my daily shop.

>> No.18368131
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What tier is this one

>> No.18368154


>> No.18368164

Comes with the flat. Its pretty good tho, for wrapping thin pans

>> No.18368266
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>> No.18368323

It gets compressed. IIRC it even says not to do it on the packaging somewhere.

>> No.18368330
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For me its the xbloom with its 48mm TiN coated burrs and 18.75μm steps.

>> No.18368570

Should have stopped at 16 seconds

>> No.18368588
File: 295 KB, 1707x1853, 4323-f7c86b73f1ffe009075362f9d4aed79e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your setting on Kinu m47 for v60?

>> No.18368696

what's a good poorfag scale?

>> No.18368742

Read the pastebin

>> No.18369151

using this one for coffee and cooking

>> No.18369387

Well thanks man! Have a good day

>> No.18369454
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Ur welcum

>> No.18369522

Im going to try the coldbrew

>> No.18369527

Cold brew tea >>>>>>>>>>>>>> obese black woman anus juice >>>>>> POWER GAP >>>>>> coldbrew coffee

>> No.18369570


i left my latest batch sit on the counter for ~12 hours then moved it to the fridge for another ~10. i think this is now my preferred method. bolder goffee

>> No.18369638

4.2-3.8 is where I was at on a 2019 phoenix.

>> No.18370134

Coffee drank today:
2 shots of espresso @10
1 glass cold brew decaf @12
1 glass cold brew decaf + chocolate milk @ 2
I really wish places would sell beans in 0.5 lb bags, I have to drink a lot to use all these beans before they go stale.

>> No.18370163

I accidentally drank caffine yesterday and was filled with an overwhelming urge to shit post to the extremes. what the fuck?

>> No.18370254

sounds like your brewing method is too based

>> No.18370269

>I really wish places would sell beans in 0.5 lb bags
225g? Plenty of places do around that or 250g

>> No.18370274
File: 32 KB, 500x500, avatars-1izkebM3cqeF0hcO-uo8bjQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's FRENCH roast

>> No.18370332

None of the local places around me in ‘murica do that, especially not in commie units

>> No.18370566

it was actually froma free energy drink. i thought it was one of those nu-energy drinks with strange teas but this one had actual caffeine in it.

>> No.18370568

I'm just saying for french roast you really don't need anything better than a K1 or a timemore. Should be rated by use case imo

>> No.18370600

Maybe not local roasters but I know Sey does 250g and Onyx has a 4oz and 10oz option so it can't be that hard to find

>> No.18370614

Freeze your grounds.

>> No.18370851

>still mad about getting btfo lmao

>> No.18371060

You're french pressing sumatran with a timemore c2. Don't get uppity.

>> No.18371438
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What hand grinder is good enough to do espresso?

>> No.18371553


>> No.18371562

Just got the Hario Switch in the mail, what do I think of it?

>> No.18371610

You're wondering where the HDMI and power connections are, and how the fuck you download Mario

>> No.18371661
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>> No.18371706

I play around 3.2-3.6 on my Simplicity.

>> No.18371737

I'm actually thinking that it's another useless piece of shit meme brewer based on how these first two cups went

>> No.18371782

The only constant is you.

>> No.18371805

Oh look, he's melting again because someone made fun of his favorite toy

>> No.18371818

Never owned or used a switch bozo. Why do you have such trouble making coffee?

>> No.18371820

>I don't even own this device but I will still fight to the death to defend it on an online anime imageboard

>> No.18371828

I'm not defending the switch, I'm questioning your ability to pour water into a cone. Have you tried reading the pastebin? Might show you a thing or two.

>> No.18371834

All I said was that a V60 made with skill and proper technique is better than any swill produced from one of this bozo's meme devices that he shills here and he goes on a fucking M E L T yet again

>> No.18371844

Well there's every other mention of v60 in this thread. I don't think you've ever been able to prepare one with skill, nor have you posted about it other than this time. What else have you had issues making decent coffee with? Millys and lillies?

>> No.18371847

>melting so hard he's replying to the wrong posts

>> No.18371853

>Intentionally throwing you a bone while you drown in pisstakes
Better luck tomorrow. Maybe try posting a pic of that switch and we can get a timemore rep to diagnose your issues.

>> No.18371856


>> No.18371869
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>> No.18371874

This might be melopisser's most pathetic meltdown yet. And it's all over a toy that he DOESN'T EVEN OWN kek

>> No.18371882
File: 130 KB, 1440x1799, 81047368_222311755466406_6488217889166892227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only constant is you.
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :'(

>> No.18371883

Go ahead and post timestamped webm of your Meloswitch routine we're all waiting

>> No.18371893
File: 144 KB, 650x642, cantstopdrippin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's going to be many milydrip webms when the 3 new ones get here pal. Save those tears.

>> No.18371898

Can you fit all of those in your ass at once?

>> No.18371902

Where do you think I keep the extras? Sitting in the fucking worthless hario switch that I totally own and don't just larp about making shitty coffee with?

>> No.18371907

Why would I go onto an anime imageboard and intentionally lie about a coffee gadget just to piss off some bozo gearqueer and make him melt again? What would I gain from that?

>> No.18371915

Social interaction. Its the only way you're filling your sperglike mood meters these days. You show up longing for attention and leave feeling (ful)filled.

>> No.18371926


>> No.18371928

Toasting in an epic meltdown bread.

>> No.18371929

It's spelled "percolation" you fucking idiot.

>> No.18371932

But sprometheus told me that immersion is better?

>> No.18371938
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You're almost topped off for the night. Keep going. Maybe take a shower in the morning to keep off the negative debuffs.

>> No.18371947

Meds. Now.

>> No.18371955

I'm not the one larping about owning hario products.

>> No.18371958

>you don't even own a melodrip because..... because you just don't okay???

>> No.18371968
File: 50 KB, 689x472, 1644345524289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make shit coffee with products I don't understand how to use and its all because of youtubers

>> No.18371977

>uh no I don't actually own it but I trust the experts (coffeetubers)
>oh you had a bad experience with the meme gadget that I don't even own but I shill (for free) here constantly anyways? well you just uhhhhhhhhh let's see um you um you listened to the youtubers yeah you aren't supposed to do that
Anything else?

>> No.18371984

>it's another useless piece of shit meme brewer based on how these first two cups went
>had a bad experience
>I don't understand how to use these things and I'm going to continually cry instead of trying to figure them out
>first two cups
>two cups
What else do you fuck up? Are you able to cook for yourself or do you have assistance?

>> No.18372000

Yes I'm able to cook normally using normal tools and skill without relying on myriad kitchen gadgets to overcomplicate and fuck up simple tasks that I can just do better manually. I need to see your boomer white woman kitchen which must be full of all sorts of plastic crap unitaskers that you insist are necessary to make basic shit

>> No.18372029
File: 1.36 MB, 1248x702, IASICTG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aogami super gyuto and a vg10 paring knife + some stainless steel pans pretty much take care of it all. Couple shaptons to maintain the knives. You know the first time I tried sharpening a knife it came out duller than before? Turns out straight razor maintenance doesn't translate well to freehand sharpening. I could have blamed the stone or that cultist youtuber Burrfection for selling me on jap memes. Instead I took a little time out and learned use the shit I bought. But there wasn't a knife general for me to menstruate in at the time so our situations are a bit different. I'm just not believing someone who can't pour water good can fry a egg
> with skill and proper technique

>> No.18372047

>no, the meme device cannot possibly be shit, you just uh.......... can't "pour water good"
>well, no, I don't actually own one and I know nothing about it but I just know that you are using it incorrectly because the coffeetubers I worship told me that it's good so you aren't allowed to say anything bad about it

>> No.18372054

Post a picture of your switch smashed to bits on the ground. You've used twice, determined its worthless, and you're not going to use it anymore right?

>> No.18372067

I need to try it with the lilydrip first before I can write it off completely

>> No.18372092
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>> No.18372406 [DELETED] 

Oh great a schitzo thread I wonder which autist is going to win this round of which chink garbage is better than the other chink garbage

>> No.18372516

I don't feel like making coffee

>> No.18372547
File: 161 KB, 478x528, peru-5030953_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered some Peruvian coffee. What am I in for?

>> No.18372765

do you buy your coffee online or from a local roaster?

>> No.18372824

Local roaster is top tier, has been for over a century. The ladies behind the counter are walking coffee encyclopedia and you learn something new every time you go there.

>> No.18372832
File: 16 KB, 333x500, espresso_con_panna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't taken the con panna pill

>> No.18372846
File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, Ethnat2_02fd7023-a452-48ec-a9d6-dbda619b0e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple good specialty roasters in my city, so I pass by them to avoid shipping fees. Passed by an Amsterdam cafe while visiting this weekend and bought this coffee.

Extended natural Ethiopian guji, local landraces. Was pretty good as espresso, hopefully good in filter too.

>> No.18372910
File: 410 KB, 3648x2056, ke8jjz3cu6x61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you taken the /ethiopiapill/

>> No.18372961

>imagine thinking Kinu M47 is just decent and 1Zpresso JX is poor

>> No.18373037

the schizo is still going? what on earth...

>> No.18373072

online from a local roaster since everyone is using coupon codes and free shipping (if you get enough coffee)

>> No.18373085

What's recipe are you using?

>> No.18373133
File: 115 KB, 800x800, YRP-YuroPress-Portable-Coffee-Maker-Espresso-French-Press-barista-tools-Coffee-Pot-Air-Press-Drip-Coffee.png_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking told you I'm ONLY capable of making NORMAL coffee stop trying to shill YOUTUBER MEMES FUCK

>> No.18373289 [DELETED] 

Just used my first issue Blue Bottle dripper for the first time in a couple years. Always a fun tool, the newer one has less pronounced ridges so I wouldn't recommend it tbdesu. The ol' 30/350 so many of us start with isn't bad.
You now remember when the blend was called "Three Africans" instead of "Three Africas"

>> No.18373296


>> No.18373406

The one that my favorite eceleb told me to use

>> No.18373423

Is there a decaf coffee that tastes good? I need to cut back on caffeine.

>> No.18373435

online but it arrives 3 days after i buy it and is roasted, packed and shipped on the same day.
there is a local roaster but they suck.

>> No.18373437
File: 117 KB, 900x599, coffee-beans-roasting-balanced-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melbourne, coffee capital of the world. We started mccafe you know.

>> No.18373448

and you should be nuked for it.
also if you make coffee from beans that dark you should be publicly executed.

>> No.18373461
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Am I a cultureless retard if I use this brand? It's the easiest to get off amazon.

>> No.18373479

Industry standard shit, you're fine.

>> No.18373499
File: 1.12 MB, 3992x1800, 20220919_215704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first moka pot a few days ago and another larger one today. I wasn't expecting too much but I think I'll enjoy them quite a bit. it opens up a lot more potential and diversity in your coffee game compared to the pour overs I enjoy daily.
anyway, how much can you fill up a moka? this is 150ml as per instruction, but they also say to stay below valve. is this acceptable?
thanks for reading my blog post, fellow r/beanjuicedrinkers

>> No.18373526

Straight up to the top. You want it full.

>> No.18373528

Moka pot is probably the worst method of brewing coffee imaginable. You have no control over brewing temperature, because the water has to be boiling for it to work.

>> No.18373557

too high, at most it should be just touching the bottom of the valve.
watch these and you should be fine


>> No.18373565

just say you dont know what you are talking about and fuck off.

>> No.18373590

I've been doing the hoffman thing and it's been working well although I'm still a bit inconsistent. I thought it was a bit too much water. I don't get why Bialetti would sat 150ml is the right amount if that's not safe, but then again they lied about the amount you can brew too

you can control other things, and it's very far from the worst possible way

>> No.18373591

Just about any other analog method of brewing coffee will come out better if you actually know what you're doing since you can control both temperature, and time much more easily. With a moka pot, no such controls. You just get boiling hot water directly onto your grounds for however long it takes to boil all the water.

>> No.18373597

All I said was that a mokapot made with skill and proper technique is better than any swill produced from one of this bozo's meme drippers that he shills here and he goes on a fucking M E L T yet again

>> No.18373600

Always drink a cappuccino in the morning and at 7pm, sometimes two, never really hinders me from sleeping.
Might be a tolerance, might be an existence as eternal snoozer, no clue why it works.

>> No.18373617

>lied about the amount you can brew too
what does that mean?

>> No.18373638

again. just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on.
just because it doesnt give exact readouts of pressure and time and heat it doesnt mean you cant control it.
you have to just know what to do. you will fail for a long time and then it will click and it will be great.
you have to feel it
you have to connected with the moka
similar to turkish coffee. you just have to feel it.

>> No.18373647

Which is?

>> No.18373648

it says you can brew 60ml of coffee with a 1cup moka. it turns out you're supposed to fill it with 63ml. in other words less than 3ml can be soaked by the coffee, evaporated or left in the bottom. absolute bs

>> No.18373673

How good did it taste? Was it worth selling your soul?

Make my own but feels like I'm currently plateauing in skill.
They taste nice, quite spicy and aromatic, but I fear that's more the beans and less my roasting.

>> No.18373689

i have never had a bialetti so i didnt even know what was a thing.
only thing i knew when starting was to fill below the valve and to stop it before it starts spurting.
also i have no idea why they say shit like "6 cup" when it will never fill 6 cups, like not even 6 shot glasses. so strange.

>> No.18373898

Why isn't there an electric mokapot with variable temp control???

>> No.18373953
File: 181 KB, 1500x1500, 81AWUiH8P0L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drinking one cup of this bad boi.

how do you rate this coffee, /ctg/?

>> No.18373981

not enough demand.
can't imagine it would be that hard to make yourself.
i'd buy one if it was available but thats because i love moka pots not because i would actually use it.

i mean i dont really think temp control is that big an issue.
like boiling water in the base, then put on high gas(make sure the burner matches the size of the base and the size of the max flame ring does not go past the edge of the base), wait for coffee to flow, turn to low 5 seconds after coffee appears, turn heat off when coffee reaches halfway to the bottom of the spout, when coffee reaches the bottom of the spout run the base under cold water(or submerge the base in a vessel of cold water) for 10-15 seconds, pour coffee.

of course these instructions can differ for different beans and whatever but this is as universal as it gets for moka pot use. well good moka pot use. i can't really imagine how having exact temp data would help with this process.

oh and i used a 6 cup moka with a competition filter for these instructions. your results may be different if you use different equipment.

if you could demonstrate how having exact temp data and temp control would make using a moka better i would really love to see it.

>> No.18373993

I use a french press, preground coffee, tap water boiled on the stove in a pot, brewed for 5 minutes

No, it doesn't taste very good, but it's easy and good enough

>> No.18374011
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 72BE0443-3E5C-44FA-9146-C51D5247F12D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty good

>> No.18374018

0/10, just like all coffee

>> No.18374039

Why on earth is the pastebin recommending a 9 minute french press brew? That's way too long. 4-5 minutes is ideal

>> No.18374078

I just tried that method today. Makes a very strong brew, too strong for my tastes, and going in with a spoon and stirring/removing the top layer is a bit too autistic for me to do when I first wake up

>> No.18374159

What time do you guys normally consider too late for coffee? There’s a lot of different answers on the internet/literature so I’m not sure what’s right. I try not to drink after 3 pm

>> No.18374200

Imagine missing out on after dinner cuppas.

>> No.18374293

What’s a good way to make homemade pumpkin spice lattes? Do I add the pumpkin/spices to the milk or do I mix it with the espresso?

>> No.18374349

im retired so i never need to be awake for something.
drink coffee whenever.

>> No.18374377

6pm it's my limit time, 3 cups max per day. But it's my personal preference, drink whenever you want if it doesn't affect your sleep.

>> No.18374404

Nice! It was good to hear him say noone actually knows shit about blending. Growing, roasting, and blending is all a fucking black box when it comes to what you'll get in the cup. When you get a good bag, cherish it.

>> No.18374416

>What time do you guys normally consider too late for coffee?
Noon, caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours

>> No.18374523

But even then, there’s still HALF the caffeine floating around in your bloodstream. How many half lives should you wait before the caffeine is at a low enough level that it doesn’t affect your sleep quality. 2? 3?

>> No.18374538

2-3 depending on how much you drank

>> No.18374539

half lives 3 confirmed

>> No.18374671

Neat- what's it taste like?

>> No.18374706

Have you guys tried this new air fryer coffee trend?

>> No.18374747

It's simple. Buy some caffeine pills and experiment. Measure out 50g of caffeine powder and take it before bed, see if you can sleep well. Figure out the dose that doesn't affect you. Then, work backwards with the half life to determine how late you can drink a cup.

>> No.18374774

That looks like a Keurig but expensive

>> No.18374777

With some fresh whipped creme- oh baby

>> No.18374846

Depends on your specific sleep schedule and tolerance for stimulants. I drink coffee whenever the fuck I feel like it.

>> No.18374865

Pumpkin spice has no pumpkin in it, it's the spices you would use for a pumpkin pie. Starbucks changed their recipe to include pumpkin because people are retarded and it was easier than trying to explain why their pumpkin spice mix only had pumpkin spices and not pumpkin to a bunch of braindead Twitter outage junkies.

And the answer is you make a syrup with the spices and pull your shot over it before adding your milk.

>> No.18375399

Air fryer can’t get hot enough to roast beans, believe me I’ve tried kek

>> No.18375409

I mean using an air fryer to brew not to roast

>> No.18375414

Just answer the goddamn question

>> No.18375466

i cant answer a question that doesnt make sense.
but if i lived in a world where that question does make sense i would say that if keurig is a hassle for you then yes you should get it.

>> No.18375618

There's an electric moka pot, just not one with temp control because I don't think there's really any point in that.

>> No.18375679

Jesus how

>> No.18375998

I like that fresh roast goffee doesn't actually go bad after a month like they say. Still very tasty and substantial today :)

>> No.18376072

Is it sensible to use a coffee grinder to grind various other things such as spices? Are they easy enough to clean or will it irreversibly fuck up the flavour? I find it difficult to justify spending so much money on something that only does one very specific job.

>> No.18376077

You can, but I personally wouldn't use my main one. As far as I know it doesn't do anything irreversible, it would just be a pain to do a thorough cleaning every time you swap between spices and coffee. If you have a spare grinder, maybe an old one you upgraded from, you can use that. Even a basic one like a hario slim will blow something like a pepper grinder out of the water.

>> No.18376430

Who is "they," anon? Is this "they" in the thread with us right now?

>> No.18376496

can frozen coffee go straight into a grinder or do you have to thaw it first

>> No.18376520

You need to let it sit in warm piss for at least 15 minutes beforehand

>> No.18376531

I don't think it's necessary. I've had no problems but I've only used frozen beans a couple times. aside from being colder there's pretty much no difference as far as I could tell

>> No.18376544

Why would you freeze them in the first place? Just let them perfectly rest on the counter for 6 months

>> No.18376554
File: 156 KB, 768x1020, IMG_20220919_165757_copy_768x1020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My setup (1970s La Pavoni Europiccola I restored myself)

>> No.18376570

Is there some sort of order of priority when it comes to coffee gear/ingredients/technique? e.g. At what point do you give up on trying to get a more consistent grind size or trying to find the ideal brew time and focus on water quality? At what point do you start looking at other beans that might have a more appealing taste to you?

>> No.18376586

So long as you don't have a ceramic burr grinder I think you're fine.

>> No.18376589

The grinder looks like shit but the la pavoni is nice.

>> No.18376641
File: 161 KB, 1200x1200, Niche_Zero_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly a niche zero would fit the aesthetic better.
i reckon you could mod the shell and make it the same red as the Europiccola

>> No.18376662

Nice zero is like the only nice looking grinder anyway.

>> No.18376691

Within reason, I would say good beans is first, then water, then technique, then gear but it's kinda useless breaking it down like this because good coffee requires all four. Up to about $1000 for grinders I'd say you get pretty good value and beyond that you kind of hit a cliff of diminishing returns around $2k. Once you have a good grinder though dialing in technique becomes much easier because you know it's not your grinder's fault and can look elsewhere.

>> No.18376695
File: 476 KB, 832x1095, 1645263524350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs your niche*

>> No.18376720

Do you have one? Theres like an 18+ month waiting list to get one on prima.

>> No.18376738
File: 115 KB, 297x307, 2cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your 4,000 dollar space dildo outperforms a 700 dollar mid-tier grinder

>> No.18376749

No I don't, I was on the waiting list for 7 months and by the time I could buy it I was off caffeine completely.
Didn't say anything about performance, just responding to the idea that a Niche is the only nice looking grinder when it probably isn't even top 5.

>> No.18376777

If microscopes make your dick hard then yeah I guess I can see it. But personally I think it looks like ass. Not as bad as anon's grinder though.

>> No.18376787
File: 2.86 MB, 4000x6000, 1648974651386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best looking grinder to you?

>> No.18376797

I'm wondering if I shouldn't make a flow chart/"build path" to go along with the hand grinder table. Like spending ~$130+ on a hand grinder gets you access to reasonably tasty turkish-coldbrew, its all about what you want to do and how you want to optimize. Once you've got that you spend $20 and get a v60+carafe+100 filters and you've got access to world class filter. Matt Winton won the world brewers cup last year with a fucking metal v60 and a kinu. Tack on $20 from there and get the hario cold brew bottle or whatever other bullshit is on sale at the time and thats another method. $30 aeropress if you want to waste money or shitpost. $200 all in? Then you either dump your sheks into good coffee or the espresso money pit. Upgrade grinder from there as necessary and you've got a travel setup with the spare grinder with no motor to burn out.

>> No.18376799

I grind my coffee with a mortar and pestle and it turns out fine. Why are you guys spending hundreds on grinding devices?

>> No.18376800
File: 70 KB, 800x565, 1641437320920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs thread*
nothing personnel, kid

>> No.18376804

This one >>18376800

>> No.18376810

If the c3 is better than that encore I'll add it to the table.

>> No.18376830

>mortar and pestle
>not two rocks in a potato sack

>> No.18376842

But the Niche has a weak motor so you need to buy a Wug instead

>> No.18376857

That'd be cool actually, I imagine it'd be really helpful for a lot of newfags. The only thing is you might end up down a rabbithole trying to find a good cheap gooseneck kettle to recommend.

Of course this is all pointless if the guy who always makes the thread doesn't link the pastebin though.

>> No.18376871
File: 1.13 MB, 2577x2377, sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad.

>> No.18376875
File: 859 KB, 1024x1469, 3958_DE352F45-C5EF-E3CE-D90F-1CC57FD39EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18376884

So why can't you afford a Switch? You said yourself that it's the logical conclusion of V60 brewing and you shill it here constantly. Can you not afford a $30 gadget?

>> No.18376919
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, motorcycleMasthead-1280x_1500x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by weber or craig lyn

>> No.18376937

>exposing beans to sunlight

>> No.18376944
File: 789 KB, 1713x777, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versalabs look sick I just wish that belt drive was covered.
>logical conclusion of V60 brewing and you shill it here constantly
When the fuck did I say that? Kurasu didn't have anything else I wanted so I was waiting on importing one. They run about $50. Looks like roguewave got a small batch in. Guess I'll jam an origami into it so I can milyswigami and trigger you. Wish they had some fucking sibarist filters in stock.

>> No.18376958

The absolute state of melotards

>> No.18376961

>Versalabs look sick I just wish that belt drive was covered.

I'm okay with it being open. It reminds me of the over-engineered autism that it already is. It's barely not a prototype, and it looks like it's overbuilt to the point that it'll last literally forever.

>> No.18376999
File: 58 KB, 1531x965, schizo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are a moron huh?
>barely not a prototype, and it looks like it's overbuilt to the point that it'll last literally forever
Thats why I bought the wug. Just an absolute tank of function over form. Third iteration of their original Weber-Lyn HG1 motorizer design so by now they know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.18377026

i think those dosing tubes are fucking retarded too but this was the best picture i could find for the grinder.
all of their accessories and shit are just for the giga rich to buy because they want a full set or whatever. its mostly trash that cots $5 to make and sold for $500.

>> No.18377128

The best part is people put their good beans in the plastic ones they sell to deep freeze and noone actually gives a fuck about the overpriced showpiece.

>> No.18377160
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18377166

My oat milk always overpowers anything else in my coffee, the coffee AND the syrup.

Any advices?

>> No.18377172

How are you brewing your coffee?
Is there a chance that you're making it super weak.

>> No.18377181

use less oat milk

>> No.18377194

I'm using an espresso maker and making two shots but to be honest they are probably pretty week. I usually make a double but I'm pretty new to it so I'm just using the double shot cup.

I might be fucking the ratio up all my stuff seems less coffee-y and less flavored, it's mostly milk flavors

>> No.18377252

>oat milk
kill yourself

>> No.18377342

Oat milk yourself

>> No.18377468


>> No.18377668

That would be useful for noobs. Or a table that shows what sort of gear you'd buy at each price-point, like Logical Increments but for coffee instead of PC building.

>> No.18377941

The second I make that some idiot will start screeching about how he tried a v60 twice and made shitty coffee so it shouldn't be on the chart.

>> No.18378148

I just bought a 9barista
On a scale of 1/2, rate how much I will enjoy my perfect no hassle espresso after I have waited the six weeks it takes to ship

>> No.18378174

look at him melt.

>> No.18378178

isn't it those schizos that make this general fun?

>> No.18378182

post pics when you get it.

>> No.18378194

just bought the hario drip scale and 2 vacuum jars, what will i think of them?

>> No.18378320

It'll almost certainly grind with no issue but there is some suggestion that the temperature of beans as they go through a grinder does have an impact on how they extract, so if for example you buy some beans, use half of them fresh and freeze the rest, then take some from the freezer to use later, your grind setting might be some way off. Worth you trying it out.

>> No.18378664

>Sharpen knife with whetstone for years
>Works perfectly well as long as you know what you're doing
>Retarded faggot comes along and demands you try out this amazing life changing new knife sharpening gadget
>Try it
>It sucks
>Go back to sharpening with a whetstone

>> No.18378735

Sorry ignore me my whole thing is I crave attention.

>> No.18378740

kek you're so mad you posted on the wrong board let alone thread and yet you still can't post an edge or BES test.

>> No.18378750

Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.18378755

All I said was that a knife sharpened with skill and proper technique is better than any edge produced from one of this bozo's meme devices that he shills here and he goes on a fucking M E L T yet again

>> No.18378759
File: 101 KB, 500x500, artworks-000785592025-1fg460-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you basically have to spend 400$ to get a good cuppa at home

>> No.18378761

Poorfag tier setup

>> No.18378768

I'd tell you not to cut yourself on all that edge but it's blunt anyway, lel

>> No.18378776

Do you have any $30 plastic crap that I can use to improve my edge? I hear that a pull through sharpener is the logical conclusion to stropping

>> No.18378777

I need to see your boomer white woman kitchen which must be full of all sorts of plastic crap unitaskers that you insist are necessary to create basic edge geometry

>> No.18378867

im a moka fag and even i spent more than that.
if you make espresso and your setup is less than $1k usd you should actually kill yourself.
like with gaming pc's if you spend less than $1k you are a loser who isn't actually trying.
just go to starbucks(console) and be blissfully ignorant.

>> No.18378875

There is no reason for a computer to cost more than $100

>> No.18378880

I bought a $35 raspberry pi and fucked up flashing two sd cards. I'm actually thinking that it's another useless piece of shit meme computer based on how these first two cards went.

>> No.18378882

dog water bait. not even going to give it to (You)

>> No.18378885

>raspberry pi
actually the best scam of the century.

>> No.18378908

Why would I learn linux when I've been getting by on windows for years. Works perfectly well as long as you know what you're doing.

>> No.18378942

who are you talking to?

>> No.18379034

Thx m8, honestly I bought the grinder since it's also a La Pavoni and I thought they'd look good together and I figured it would be a good one because their espresso machines are also good. It's a bit underwhelming (retains a lot of coffee which goes stale inside the machine) so I do want to upgrade it at some point.

The Europiccola also needs a remake since the lacquer on the base chips easily so I think I'll have it powdercoated and if I'm taking it apart anyways I'll get the head rechromed. I didn't go all in on the restoration as I didn't yet know if it'd be a success but honestly it turned out better than I thought. The manometer is also a diy addition since this is the base model. They tried really hard to have the threading be as obscure as possible so I cut the thread of the adapter myself. The proprietary manometer is like 50 bucks

Thx I'll look into it

>> No.18379094
File: 333 KB, 2043x2560, 81V1MAScaoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's (You) is it anyway?

>> No.18379146

damn bro thats legit.
i respect the commitment.

>> No.18379240

Indeed, coffee for dummies.

>> No.18379281

>spending ~$130+ on a hand grinder gets you access to reasonably tasty turkish
Turkish coffee uses extra fine grounds and is literally boiled, it's overextracted as fuck and that's the point. There is absolutely zero need for a $130+ grinder to make Turkish coffee.

>> No.18379287

I think of buying the Peugeot Kronos for my birthday. It would be my first step into burr grinders.
Is it considered good ?
Any advice or counter advice welcome, please.

>> No.18379289


>> No.18379371

I don't think cheaper grinders can go fine enough for turkish. Hell I'm not sure a $130 grinder could go fine enough for turkish. Turkish is the one brewing method where it's probably best to just buy pre-ground.

>> No.18379641

Cheaper hand grinders can go that fine, their problem is consistency, and letting a few larger chunks through is not as much of a problem. Having too many fines in coarser grinds is a bigger problem.

>> No.18379662

I stopped drinking caffeine a few weeks ago because I am not sure it's good for you to consume. But I do really miss coffee bros.

"An increase of psychoactive compounds may also multiply the impacts in brains, as ex vivo evidence indicates that elevating caffeine concentrations can lead to an increase in the brain-to-plasma ratio of caffeine (16). Previously, we observed a decreased gray matter (GM) in the medial temporal lobe and reduced cerebral blood flow (CBF) during daily caffeine intake, in which the larger reductions of both properties were associated with a higher accumulation of caffeine + paraxanthine. We postulated that these cerebral responses may be due to an incomplete elimination and an accumulation of the psychoactive compounds. It is still unclear, however, how fast these brain responses can be restored during abstinence when caffeine and paraxanthine can be completely eliminated."

>> No.18379670

Anon turkish is finer than espresso, it's a powder basically. A cheap grinder cannot go that fine, even disregarding consistency.

>> No.18379793

Do you smoke weed/tobacco or drink alcohol? If you do you're just a retard hypocrite doing things worse for you.
That study has one citation and the test group was taking 450mg of caffeine a day. That's 5 to 6 cups of coffee.
Cut out goyslop fast food, soft drinks, smoking, and alcohol and enjoy your morning cup of coffee like a normal person

>> No.18379813

Why would you ever want to make cockroach coffee in the first place

>> No.18379825
File: 187 KB, 286x600, espresso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is just the right amount of cream. I thought they were bullshitting.

>> No.18379837


>> No.18379860


>> No.18380024

make that 800 for espresso
but for something like pourover or french press you can get by with like a 100 dollar setup, 90% of the taste comes from using good beans

>> No.18380070

how are these cans made? surely they don't use anything resembling actual espresso

>> No.18380071


>> No.18380096

Local roaster

>> No.18380189

i need coffee its been two days

>> No.18380207


>> No.18380475


>> No.18380562

There's a reason that zassenhaus grinders cost $100-$200.
Have you ever made turkish coffee or are you just wanting to chime in?
I can't even get started on the flowchart before some bozo starts screeching about how he's wrong. Keep fighting the good fight pal.

>> No.18380606

>Once you've got that you spend $20 and get a v60+carafe+100 filters and you've got access to world class filter
Wouldn't you need a nice kettle as well?

>> No.18380649

It would certainly help. ~1200ml. $22. About what the plastic hario air will run you. Pay more for the convenience of an electric or even more for precise temp control.

>> No.18380677

what do I do to make it so coffee doesn't make me shit like crazy and get jittery and anxious throughout the day? love the taste, hate how it makes me feel

>> No.18380699

Get decaf I guess

>> No.18380956
File: 94 KB, 736x874, 16fee3ed21ee5b11d0dbc81d182437d1--iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee black with some brown sugar and craisins mixed in

>> No.18380985
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, oo1ct803jyq81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown sugar

>> No.18381046
File: 81 KB, 1428x1072, bemece-coffee-scales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a set of digital kitchen scales that measure to 1g accuracy. Is it worth buying another scale that measures to 0.1g just for coffee?

And what exactly is the difference between a cheap £15 scale from Amazon like pic related and something like a Timemore Black Mirror which is 3-4 times the price?

>> No.18381100

keep drinking it until you dont get jittery

>> No.18381439

Response time. If your bakers scale reads quick enough to set you accurately stop your pours, no need to change it. If you're overshooting your target weights because your scale display lags there are $15 chinese weightman scales that work just fine.

>> No.18381808
File: 40 KB, 641x527, coffee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumatra or gtfo

>> No.18381826

for me its kona

>> No.18381836
File: 252 KB, 1307x677, coffee9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually my next bag to open, I do take breaks from Sumatra so I can enjoy it again as much as it deserves. So chocolatey and smooth.
And cold stone sweet cream creamer. Liquid crack.

>> No.18381837

For me its The One With The Rooster On It.

>> No.18381841
File: 3.52 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20220921_193140064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons had dis

>> No.18381847
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, E342692D-E6AB-4F53-9984-4EF98CA8C5CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s great. I grew up on Cuban style coffee so it’s similar to those. It achieves why it set out to be, that old style espresso. I have a Gaggia Classic with some mods so it’s more forgiving than light roasted specialty espresso

>> No.18381991

ah a fellow dog water enjoyer.

>> No.18381992

Currently sipping on the last of some j u i c y costa rican and guatamalan home roast brewed with one of the new lilys. Floral strawberry and citrus acidity backed up by dark cherry and plum sweetness. Lingering lavender finish almost like hui gan.

>> No.18382208
File: 298 KB, 2500x2500, 1636575202266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for?

>> No.18382267

Once you find the right grind and water ratio, it cuts through cream and tastes as good as it smells. Almost chocolatey. Try with cold stone sweet cream

>> No.18382268

tiger piss.

>> No.18382281

Always been my favorite of their roasts. Genuinely very good if you can get it made with the clover

>> No.18382283

The epitome of coffee perfection in terms of taste and smell meeting in a blissful perfection and mutual equality.

>> No.18382312

has anyone tried mushroom coffee blends? does it give you super powers?

>> No.18382326
File: 394 KB, 704x512, platonic ideal cup of coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fire up stable diffusion
>platonic ideal cup of coffee
>Steps: 32, Sampler: k_dpm_2_a, CFG scale: 4.5
>makes a cappuccino

>> No.18382408

Over complicating and soy lingo.

>> No.18382420

Dark roast coffee belongs in the bin

>> No.18382446
File: 52 KB, 750x593, bd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me a shrimp fried that rice?

>> No.18382516

Why wouldn't it make a melolilyswitch, the logical conclusion to coffee brewing as a whole?

>> No.18382534
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3023, 65C22F60-577F-46C5-A195-01367D6B7BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea why it’s muddy on the right side, not in the middle, and why’s there an empty area on the left?

>> No.18382542

Overswirled. Just look at those longitudinal striations. Suboptimal.

>> No.18382551

Look at him swirl. Bet he posts all night about it.

>> No.18382557

Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.18382562

Buy an Aeropress

>> No.18382586

under swirled.

>> No.18382596

Cheaper hand grinders can go that fine, their problem is consistency, and letting a few larger chunks through is not as much of a problem. Having too many fines in coarser grinds is a bigger problem.

>> No.18382732

I got a weightman scale recently and while it's reasonably responsive during pours, it's not that responsive to small changes. Like if I toss a bean in it usually won't display a change, I have to put multiple in. Is that normal or is mine just a bit fucked?

>> No.18382743
File: 74 KB, 1160x773, JJF_9837-s-1160x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a $12 scale to me. Now you see why $200 highly calibrated load cells exist. Acaia developed their firmware out so they could sell stupidly accurate $1000 auto dosers to cafes. The world's least competent wagie can sit there and fill dixie cups within ~3 bean accuracy to prep for a busy shift.

>> No.18382919

There's a simple solution to that actually. The accuracy of the scale isn't the problem, the sensitivity is. So what you do is just apply a bit of pressure onto the scale that it can't ignore, and it's going to refresh and give you an accurate reading.

>> No.18383121

your grinder is shit

>> No.18383302
File: 123 KB, 600x400, coffeePep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffeebros.. I've been using a $30 Mr. Coffee for a while now and need something a little better

1) will grind my beans
2) will make coffee at a preset time
3) will keep my coffee warm but not burn it
4) will not cost me a paycheck

any thoughts?

>> No.18383343


>> No.18383918

quarter life of caffeine is around 8 hours, so 3pm as a hard limit for me. Even after over a decade in the industry, I don't have much for tolerance, and late caffeine will fuck my sleep up (yours too, even if you don't think so)