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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 416 KB, 2048x1536, 1640060897887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18336404 No.18336404 [Reply] [Original]

>I suffer in the UK

>> No.18336411

>Is that beef stew with potatoes? Ahhhh I'm going insane, help me Colonel Sanders!

>> No.18336428

>tfw you have a supermarket down the street that sells a large quantity of produce and spices to cook whatever your heart desires but instead you eat the same old sloppa that you despise and complain about it on a mongolian throat-singing forum afterwards because you are immature and can’t make decisions for yourself so you eventually despise who you’ve become and wallow in regret and misery until you finally end your pathetic existence.
the OP experience~

>> No.18336435

Lovely jubbly, that'll fill a hole, cheers luv

>> No.18336449

Based. OP is a faggot and not the food sort.

>> No.18336467

I'm not going to pretend like I wouldn't eat this and it's entirely possible it's enjoyable, but it does look mighty grim

>> No.18336527

There is literally nothing wrong with this. It's a hearty, warm and filling meal that certainly will taste nice. Minced beef, carrots, onion, gravy. Potatoes as a carb (supposed to be mixed in with each bite).

Not different from a bunch of other European food that gets a free pass.

>> No.18336531

Looks like my childhood Sunday dinners.

>> No.18336556

Is this kareraisu?

T/N note: curry rice

>> No.18336648

It must be hell right now. I bet your media feed is 100% royal death coverage. You could probably massacre everybody on your street today and it wouldn't make the news.

>> No.18336669
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>he could have mashed the potatoes
>He could have buttered them
>He could have seasoned them
>He could have formed the minced beef into patties with the veggies inside
>He could have poured the gravy over the cooked patties
>he could have made a presentable meal
No he throws it all in a plate like pig slop because he's a british pig

>> No.18336680

Bong here, it is pretty nice. I used to have this with mashed potatoes instead and no bread.

>> No.18337054

Presentation isn't the best, but it still seems tasty to me.

>> No.18337060

your post is retarded and you have shit taste

>> No.18337076

Why do you have 2 kind of carbs

>> No.18337085
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Because Brits want to look like this.

>> No.18337143

>whiny ass little bitch who hasn’t even encountered a seagull yet
I suggest you stop crying, and start making stronger friends who can defend you and your food.

>> No.18337150
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Forgot pic

>> No.18337223


>> No.18337233

This. It looks fucking nauseating, especially the untoasted buttered bread. I bet some hot sauce would actually kick this up several levels. Do brits eat any hot sauce at all?

>> No.18337240


>> No.18337243

if you eat potatoes all the time why would you just boil potatoes? when potatoes so easily and readily accept so many styles of cooking and seasoning?

its just the most asnine seeming thing, there isn't even any fucking pepper on the potatoes

>> No.18337245

>t. eats big mac and large fries and sees nothing wrong with this

>> No.18337273
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Imagine not enjoying a big plate of mince n tatties...

>> No.18337281

Looks like dog's diarrhea.

>> No.18337320

eat your fucking dogfood you disgusting retarded brit. you get the recipe from kay's cooking channel. mongoloid

>> No.18337601

Could've oven roasted or made mashed potatoes and toasted the bread. Would've made for a much better meal. Sometimes the little touches go pretty far.

>> No.18337651 [DELETED] 
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No can do.

>> No.18337660
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Best food, simple as.

>> No.18337661
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Footie is cancelled. Sorry.

>> No.18337672 [DELETED] 
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ey now, easy on that gay pride shite

>> No.18338167
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>every meals has to be coated in flour, deep fried and covered in salt, dipped in high fructose corn syrup and served with fries, ranch salad dressing, melted cheese or the amerifat doesn't consider it a meal.

>> No.18338272

this is mince n tatties, it's scottish not british, it's comfort food born of the poverty participating in the british empire and it's tasty as fuck so away and take your face for a shite you fat diabetic cunt

>> No.18338282

Nice goyslop.

>> No.18338317
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Have some spotted dick

>> No.18338335
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This shit is good along with Prime rib

>> No.18338359

No, brits only eat what you see in meme pictures you lifted from twitter. Supermarkets just stock a wide range of world foods and ingredients for fun, nobody ever buys it.

>> No.18338376 [DELETED] 

>T/N note
Transsexual Nigger

>> No.18338387

>he plate
>he hate
>he potate

>> No.18338390

Fuck the bread off, swap them with some dumplings and put some salt and pepper on those spuds and it'll be a fine meal.

>> No.18338404
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Stereotypes don't exist in a vacuum, Nigel.

>> No.18338425

Nothing wrong with deconstructed cottage pie.

>> No.18338431
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>All these newfags that actually think OP posted his own meal

>> No.18338438
File: 741 KB, 2908x1835, 1648931902722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato do no care too hot. Potato do no care too cold. Potato no get much water? Please, it no need much water. Potato get too much water? Is time for BIG potato. Potato do no have need of anything no even gravity. In space, scientist of russia have grow potato. They eat the space potato, it taste like ground potato. Potato survive anywhere. Potato survive everywhere. Tomato is squishy, it get bruise from walk in crate to car of farm. Not potato. Potato no care if you deliver to supermarket with bat of the baseball. You hit onion? You now have squash onion. You hit potato? Now you have many piece of potato. Can eat raw. Can boil. Can fry. You can throw in fire and eat like bear, potato? Still good. Cut up and use as stamp. With knife, chop to correct size, can use to fill hole in boat. You can turn potato into vodka, for drink or maybe even use run car engine.

>> No.18338467

Bros i want to visit the UK soon, what foods do I have to try apart from everything listed in the thread?

>> No.18338471

cullen skink, if you like chowder

>> No.18338489
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Cornish pasties.

>> No.18338615

>Its Scottish not british

>> No.18338620

only the english use the term british, and it's normally at the behest of either being ashamed of being english, or trying to claim success from another nation in the union that isn't the english
i know you yanks struggle with nuance but you should be able to at least understand this

>> No.18338621

stew is the fucking best though you flid
i sit with a spoon at my slow cooker eating it all day

>> No.18338727

It's because they don't have the same seething inferiority complex.

>> No.18338827

spoken like a true nigger

>> No.18338880

>what is greentext

>> No.18338885

go on and feast King

>> No.18338913

Those carrots survived the digestive process in remarkable condition.

>> No.18338943
File: 144 KB, 976x549, Easy-Cottage-Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is effort. You can bake a wonderful Cottage/Shepherd's pie with basically the same ingredients.

>> No.18338971
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At least use stable diffusion

>> No.18338978
File: 38 KB, 512x512, 959B81FC-BB24-42D5-B161-382291B72BED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical English dinner
AI knows british food is absolutely vile

>> No.18338993
File: 91 KB, 1024x681, istockphoto-114397146-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of British people are eating this kind of thing, daily.

>> No.18339011

Try the potatoes with the skin on.

>> No.18339077

Europeans... Are poor

>> No.18339123

how the fuck did you degenerate bog people become a world empire?
is it your uncanny ability and expectation to eat nothing but bland shit?
the british fascinate and perplex me.

>> No.18339153

sounds like an STD

>> No.18339199

That's like saying 'have brown rice instead of white rice, it's healthier. Yeah it's healthier but it also has a flavour. And often you want a bland neutral carb.

>> No.18339242

looks good

>> No.18339252

dont much care for carrots in my pasties (american)

>> No.18339308

Try this next time.

>Finely dice all the vegetables
>Fry them
>When done, add the beef to the pan and fry that shit too
>When done, add gravy and stir

Boom, glorious sloppa. The ingredients aren't the problem, you're just a shit cook.

>> No.18340274


id eat that fish dicks n french fries

>> No.18340292

>oi m8! you got a loicense for that salt?

>> No.18341040


>> No.18341103
File: 404 KB, 342x342, ef7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no seethe more satisfying on this entire board than British people defending their "food" and then assuming the assailant is American.
bongs have the weirdest complexes

>> No.18341273

You are a vile subhuman, always cook the meat first.

>> No.18341487

do americans really

>> No.18341502

Does the UK have a shortage of pepper?

>> No.18341512

That's a good looking meal. The only tragic thing about it is that they're serving such a loose stew on a fucking plate. Do you not have bowls in Europe? Like what the fuck?

>> No.18341521

Every culture has sloppa. If this was napalm spicy and had some gibberish name like uptagupta gabaganeesh it'd get a free pass. Only british food gets singled out like this.

>> No.18341555

Just use chunks of beef instead of ground beef, so it isn't sloppa, and put it over biscuits.
At least that's what we do here in burgerland and it's great

>> No.18341568

Damn that looks delicious

>> No.18342449
File: 81 KB, 997x695, Germ Oppression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why it got the girl from the footie league where Italy nabbed some blacks and the blacks forgot what aiming was?

>> No.18342802

I have seen OP's picture on Twitter, but I have actually experienced this meal for real, as a poor child who grew up in the 1980s, and the new potatoes and minced stew both came from cans.

That meal is indeed fucking grim.

>> No.18342913

Hell yea, dip it in the au jus

>> No.18342951

You will never be American.

>> No.18342953

That's such shite advice. Browning the meat first makes the meat tastier and gets a bit of crust on the pan which, which absorbed into the gravy, makes it delicious and rich.

>> No.18342965

Whats problem with bread a butter?

>> No.18342988

>just use chunks of beef
Its a mince, you nonce

>> No.18343739


w8 this shit was real lmao. people actually eat like op???? i thought this was a troll thread all morning

>> No.18343798

>noooo bread and butter, one of the foundational combinations of Western cuisine, is bad
>dude add le epic hot sauce lmao
yanks are insufferable

>> No.18343804

>he could have formed that beef into patties with the vegetables inside
What? literally what the fuck lmao

>> No.18343813

there's literally no reason it should be grim beyond bad cooking

>beef mince
>2/3rds of a mirepoix
>maybe some win
>maybe peas or mushrooms
with a *TINY* amount of aptitude and some seasoning it's hard to make that taste bad

>> No.18343817

> complains about poverty
> had top tier meat and potatoes
Why are they like this?

>> No.18343848

Bong here, you're right, that looks fucking awful.
You must be very stupid to think that looks anything but grim. The dish itself isn't intrinsically bad but this is a very bad example of it.

>> No.18343858
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>> No.18343863
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>> No.18343881

Insted of
>high oleic content
You got
>high diarreic content

>> No.18343895
File: 98 KB, 1064x1600, mince and tatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the person who made it is a bad cook. It's not deep. That's not the traditional way of making the dish, and it's not hard to make the dish look decent. See pic related. The OP cook was just bad at cooking.
Imagine being Scottish and insulting anyone else by calling them fat.
I hope nobody thinks that.
I do feel sad for the original poster, though. Iirc they just wanted to hype up their partner's cooking and show how much they loved them. Ofc they got shat on online.
What part of the UK are you going to?
Go to a good chophouse if you can (roasts and steaks). Go to a good traditional pub if you can (traditional sandwiches, pies, that kind of thing, plus beer obviously). Go to a good curry house (this is not a meme; it's genuinely a big part of British cuisine). If you're in London or somewhere on the coast, find a good traditional seafood restaurant like J Sheekey. Try nose to tail cooking if you can.
It's honestly pretty identical to what Americans call "spaghetti", or what we call spaghetti bolognese. I can't really think of a meaningful difference other than using potatoes instead of, well, spaghetti.

>> No.18343900

Stew looks good.
Roast the potatoes.
Throw that shitty bread in the trash.

>> No.18343901
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>> No.18343910
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people like my food when I post it on here

>> No.18343912

I want to be proud of my country but mince and tatties makes it so fuckin hard

>> No.18343915

literally never ever asked

>> No.18343916

cullen skink should make up for it

>> No.18343918

Who said you could reply to me?

>> No.18343955

>everyone who doesn't like my shitty food is an amerifat.

>> No.18343980

Aye but millennial kids from council estates didn't have Cullen skink on a weekly/biweekly basis because maw had spent the chippy money on the bingo.

>> No.18344010

I'd scarf that down in a hot minute if I had some Lingonberry jam on the plate

>> No.18344046

oh look its another paki in bradford complains about locals. i openly want you all dead now. run all of you into the sea to drown like rats. in real life UK NOT miecraft. long live the king.

>> No.18344060

only pakis and wogs and middle class puffs use british.

>> No.18344068

An indian place I like makes something like this. One with ground lamb and one with ground chicken. They are both delicious, with the chicken one tasting like the Indian interpretation of Sloppy Joes, but its very good weirdly

>> No.18344071

imagine being such a jew fuck that you wouldnt eat what the superior anglo scots are to win a war. fucking jew fuck.

>> No.18344114
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>> No.18344128

you whinge if the yanks don't understand the union, you whinge if they do, an island of cucks that love whingeing, particularly if the yanks are involved (see: soccer)
scots are british right up til the point your failing state balkanises

>> No.18344132

Not that anon, but he never said anything about it not looking grim. Learn how to read

>> No.18344137

>hot sauce
Unironically hang yourself

>> No.18344239

in the uk, where ever rugby is predominant, "football" is called soccer. its not winging. we are speaking english to each other. you yanks, colonials and wogs only use english words as descriptors to communicate. you are to stupid to think that maybe there more to english than just word+a description. its always the ones with brown eyes. fucking niggers, fucking niggers everywhere.

>> No.18344279

those potatoes look bland as fuck but otherwise looks good

>> No.18344437

Seems so ironic because op being from a fucking empire that is suppossed to have by now all or at least of the motherfucking species in the world, now they have to thank if they have indian shit on a slice of bread kek

>> No.18344443

At least most*

>> No.18344468

What's this weird LARP? There's nobody in the UK who would say "the Scottish and the British".

>> No.18344487

Spices in that picture: chillies, tamarind, star anise, ginger, cloves, allspice, and of course black pepper.

>> No.18344547

scots, english, welsh, irish, cornish, etc call each other by those terms. only pakis faggots and blacks in the uk call them selves british like that means something. it doesnt. i never typed. what your dumbass thought

>> No.18344556
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>> No.18344586
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>> No.18344593

Again, why are you LARPing as a Brit or as someone who knows what Brits say? No, there is not a single Brit who would say "it's Scottish not British", because although most Scots identify as Scottish first and British second...they still have a basic fucking understanding of their own country and how Scotland is a part of Britain.

>> No.18344614

There are people who live in the UK, in Northern Ireland, who consider themselves Irish as >>18344556 shows, you dumb fuck

>> No.18344700

the only problem with this meal is the shit quality beef mince.
also probably cooked it wrong.
french fags would take these exact same ingredients and present them slightly differently and then call it sophisticated.

>> No.18344737

All of that constitude what the pajeet ate before shitting it on top of the bread

>> No.18344857

Anime posters consistently have the worst, most unintelligent opinions on this site and you faggots have the gall and delusion to claim this is an "anime website"
You have multiple containment boards, please relegate yourself to them

>> No.18344872
File: 115 KB, 400x400, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon there's only butter on that bread. Are you okay

>> No.18345092

We eat HP sauce

>> No.18345286

I was talking on whats on the side
Or this 2 pics to be more exact lol:

I mean, if you eat that what are you going to shit? A full t bone stake? Lol

>> No.18345376

>this would be much better if cooked slightly differently and presented better
Absolutely wild. This is the worst board on this website.

>> No.18345616

you told them

>> No.18345701


>Anglo Scots


>> No.18345711

mmmm. good one.

>> No.18345713

Those platters are fine to me as an American. Is that buttered bread? Oh!

>> No.18345726

>scots aren't anglo-saxon people

are you legitimately retarded? do you think redheaded niggas were just there when the anglos arrived?

>> No.18345833

Scots are mostly Celtic you daft cunt

>> No.18345866

crumpets are fucking divine, toasted on above medium in a toaster with cold salted butter
im gonna cum jus thinkin abt it

>> No.18345899

/CK/ - Shit I Saw On Twitter

>> No.18345939

Dumb destination to be desu. Not bad to live in, uninteresting to visit.

>> No.18345986

that's this entire site now

>> No.18345999
File: 10 KB, 860x773, soyspaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's bad because it's British
>surstromming? Yummy! love me some exotic scandinavian food!

>> No.18346046
File: 287 KB, 650x886, MMD_1033631_8d12911087d34d93bb2524a3c3a8da99_futbol_el_origen_de_los_nombres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol keep eating diarrhea and bland potatoes britcunt

>> No.18346063

Good job that man, aggressive gulls must be culled as they will teach their young the same behaviour.

>> No.18346064

not ham though.

>> No.18346072

Das a steak

>> No.18346078
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>> No.18346327
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Election tourists need to leave already.

>> No.18347002

>glorious revolution
i would love to know how many "great english" were really descended from dutch immigrants.

>> No.18347019

That guy lives round the corner. I pass his house every time I go to the shop.

I'm doing plain peeled potatoes tonight after seeing OP pic. Plain chicken breast. Plain frozen broccoli, carrot and cauliflower too. Can't beat a plate of decent ordinary food.

>> No.18347049

Looks like proper slopp. Would eat

>> No.18347106

Looks like dogfood

>> No.18347199

More like dogshit, but yes

>> No.18347278

looks noice m8

>> No.18347508

>fucking nauseating
>untoasted buttered bread
christ, get a grip you fag

>> No.18347514
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>> No.18347536

Yes, I'd like a different plate of food, please. Apparently someone else already ate mine.

>> No.18347548


No they're not. Lowlanders are genetically indistinguishable from the English and Scots is indistinguishable from modern English written/spoken by someone doing a Shrek/Fat Bastard impersonation.

>> No.18347552

Sausage still has the foreskin intact

>> No.18347576

>that'll be 12.99

>> No.18347597

Why not go to the Oyster cart and get yourself, 3 oysters with bread and butter for a farthing.

>> No.18347604

there is risk and reward, the seagull understood this.

>> No.18347655

cutting foreskins is gross

>> No.18347709

>All of the UK eats like the Germans still flying overhead
What in the actual fuck is that suppose to mean? Did I have a stroke in my sleep?

>> No.18347723

>single digit iq zoomie doesnt know about the most important thing from the last 100 years
do you smell burnt toast by any chance?

>> No.18347764

I see nothing wrong with this but what is that sauce?

>> No.18347811

>Did I have a stroke in my sleep?

>> No.18347819

The potatoes should've been cooked with the rest and it should've been served in a bowl, would've looked slightly less terrible that way.

>> No.18347833


>All of the UK eats like the Germans still flying overhead

Another zinger copied directly from Twitter. Have you ever had a single original thought in your entire life?

>> No.18347834

Move to America. There's a reason why everyone here is obese.

>> No.18348051

potatoes look a bit shit but i'd devour this on a nice cold wintery day after getting in from work
see we british, we know our food tastes good, so we dont have to dress it up like we're at a beauty pageant

>> No.18348058

stop being dramatic you pathetic fag

>> No.18348918

Those potatoes belong to the irish!

>> No.18348922

make me

>> No.18348940

it's a monce, you nince
as others have pointed out, you should do the meat first so you have rendered fat in the pan for cooking the veg. or for a roux to make the gravy
obviously a weeb trying to convince OP to make some 'hamburg steak' nipponese meme dish

>> No.18349413

‘British’ refers to the whole british isles collectively.
Only jocks and taigs with an inferiority complex get this bootyblasted about it. Nobody outside of the UK gives a fuck if you’re Scottish or Welsh or Manx or whatever else

>> No.18349419

>yurotrash meme on americlaps for years for “excessive bread and butter consumption”
>the instant a mutt agrees, yuros immediately pipe up with “wtf you don’t subsist entirely on le Trad and Based bread-and-butter only diet??? Do americans reallly!???!!!?!?!!??”

>> No.18349429
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>Just use chunks of beef instead of ground beef, so it isn't sloppa
I love sloppa. Don't insult a good sloppa.

>> No.18349884

No. You are fucking fat because you put hfcs in absolutely everything. Everyone who has visited the US says everything tastes disgustingly sweet.

>> No.18349947

The person you're replying to is, ironically, a non-Brit who utterly fucked up.

>> No.18349976

You brits doing anything for the passing of the Queen?
Any special meals or whatever?

>> No.18350051

>ate cider

Only inaccurate one, plenty of gazzas love a strongbow

>> No.18350282


>> No.18350288

if it was mixed together, put in a nice bowl, and had some thin slices of green onion or fresh parsley sprinkled on top nobody would criticize how it looked, here or elsewhere

>> No.18350505

sounds like a peasant uprising

>> No.18350508

Why didn't this retard mash the potatoes.

Always liked having mince and potatoes on a winters might.