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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 254x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18318039 No.18318039 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot think of a meal that one could eat with Chopsticks that could not be just as effectively consumed by a fork and or knife.

No disrespect to cultures that continue to use the Chopstick but from a user's perspective the fork and knife are clearly superior.

Any tool that can be used to achieve the same goal with an easier learning curve is the superior tool.

Anyone with User Experience design knowledge will tell you that it's ALWAYS better to achieve the same goal with a more intuitive interface.

In Western countries, anyone who judges someone else for preferring to use a fork and/or knife to eat "asian" cuisine is simply Gatekeeping or being unnecessarily judgemental.

>> No.18318043

You can skewer and demolish your sushi with a fork then, OP. Chopsticks are still in style for a reason

>> No.18318045

I cannot listen to a man who thinks a sentence and a paragraph are the same thing. You obviously can't organize whatever inane ramblings come spilling out of your head into a single, cohesive statement, so why should I believe that you've actually considered what you say? I cannot, and thus must believe that you simply react to external stimuli and relay how it makes you feel on the inside to the outside world. In other words, you can't use chopsticks, and it makes you angry.

>> No.18318048
File: 80 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how to use chopsticks.

>> No.18318080
File: 82 KB, 720x720, laughingcheetah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to use chopsticks

>> No.18318089 [DELETED] 

I know how to use them and he's still right. Internationally, the fork and spoon is the standard. Chopsticks are largely a meme and are more about cultural heritage than practicality. They're objectively more difficult to use and less convenient for most forms of eating. They are better for some niche tasks but largely are not.

>> No.18318090

I use it for cooking, nice to turn small chunks of meat

>> No.18318091

>I know how to use them
Mhmm sure.

>> No.18318093

Forks can scoop as well as skewer.

>> No.18318095
File: 1.86 MB, 300x296, 27f7f32ddda800857a43581678ce96b4e2de663e35ae4f1d4afcdb91ff433087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know how to use them
Ok yeah sure, westerner trash

>> No.18318096

Chopsticks are more precise.

>> No.18318097 [DELETED] 

If you know how to use to chopsticks it’s superior for picking small foods up. Als for useful for cooking.

>> No.18318102 [DELETED] 

Looks like I had a stroke typing that

>> No.18318108 [DELETED] 

I can. I learned how to use them since I heard a bunch of weebs saying how it's superior, and it isn't. You can't even say why it's better because it's not.

Smelly weeb

>> No.18318136

faggot weeb

>> No.18318145
File: 42 KB, 233x233, 1277758569103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how to use chopsticks
>has to use big tridents to eat food because all of the western education and goyslop has rendered his brain incapable of grasping chopsticks

>> No.18318159

You sounds like typical gnome users
Chopsticks are like kde or barebone

>> No.18318166

You can't catch a fly with a fork, fools.

>> No.18318190
File: 80 KB, 580x221, TGRamune_open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chopsticks are still in style for a reason
Because Asians are autistically reverent of old things and will hold onto them forever.
They still use 1800s marble locking tech for their sodas instead of resealable screw tops.

>> No.18318192

it's called SOVL, dumb zoomer scum

>> No.18318204

I eat asian food with chopsticks because it’s fun and comfy I guess. I really do think it’s superior for stir fry, but I also use them pho just because when in rome

>> No.18318214

I was born in '86. Codd-neck bottles are just an awful design.

>> No.18318261

Old is not necessarily obsolete

>> No.18318266 [DELETED] 


>> No.18318269

>autistically reverent of old things and will hold onto them forever.
We still don't use the metric system in the US, you moron.

>> No.18318273


>> No.18318278 [DELETED] 

Old isn't automatically good either. Chopsticks are largely obsolete. The one time I can think of that they're actually useful and not a complete meme is if the integrity of the food is super important. Then it's easier to handle with chopsticks. But it's extremely rare that this is ever the case.

>> No.18318283

>needing utensils to eat food
you have hands, use them

>> No.18318291

I tried to use it for a while because it seemed cool
its just worse than a simple fork in almost every way, I guess its still cool when you use it for japanese things but pretending its better is just...

well in ramune case its purely about the "aesthetics"

>> No.18318299

They're better for noodles, because you can just grab a mouthful instead of going poke poke twirl twirl. Also because they're basically an extension of your thumb and first fingers, it emulates the relaxed feel of grabbing snacks with your hand. Dim sum with a knife and fork would be lame in the same way eating a burger with a knife and fork would be.

>> No.18318305

i eat burgers and pizza with a knife and fork

>> No.18318307

>They still use 1800s marble locking tech for their sodas
no, one or two companies do as a gimmick. it's not like they don't have modern bottles in Asia

>> No.18318315

I think your main problem with sticks is you cant stuff your face in 3 seconds with them like you can do with a fork

>> No.18318318

This is the primary reason americans are enraged and confused by chopsticks. It has built in portion control.

>> No.18318325

The point of the marble was to make kids drink slower.

>> No.18318326 [DELETED] 

>They're better for noodles, because you can just grab a mouthful instead of going poke poke twirl twirl
You don't need to twirl it. You can get just as many noodles, if not more, with a fork. If you're going to slurp up the noodles with chopsticks anyways then just do the same with the fork rather than twirl for a neat clump.

>Also because they're basically an extension of your thumb and first fingers, it emulates the relaxed feel of grabbing snacks with your hand.
This is autism.

>> No.18318332

It was to save on the cost of metal.

>> No.18318346 [DELETED] 
File: 994 KB, 1153x633, SkinnyChopsticksUser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah great point you guys, people who use chopsticks regularly are definitely skinny and it does so much to control your proportions.

You brainlet fucking retards. Not to mention your argument is basically that chopsticks are less efficient tools for eating as if that should be a point in their favor.

>> No.18318350

that's the most retarded strawman I've ever seen

>> No.18318354

fool how dare you disgrace this good board with your intentional shitpost responses.

You, my good sir, are a troll and a redditor.

>> No.18318357 [DELETED] 

That wasn't a strawman. By definition.

>> No.18318360

You must be new here

>> No.18318371 [DELETED] 
File: 843 KB, 1239x686, SkinnyChopsticksUser2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa make way, two very thin chopsticks users with VERY small portions coming through! Look at that built in portion control, fellas!

>> No.18318374

They are more fun for noodles

>> No.18318375

t. american

>> No.18318377 [DELETED] 

In what way was that a strawman?

>> No.18318380

kek the americans REALLY got mad from that

>> No.18318383

You have a neurological disorder

>> No.18318393

The extra noodles are obviously shopped onto the chopstick. Real unshopped people don't do it.

>> No.18318394

I was taught to eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.

>> No.18318395 [DELETED] 

>retarded weebs say stupid shit
>get made fun of
>oh WOW you guys must be american or something!
top kek

>> No.18318406 [DELETED] 

Sadly not :(

>> No.18318410

I see India has stepped onto the pitch to play

>> No.18318466
File: 70 KB, 644x642, wheredoyouthinkyouare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need to twirl it.
Most noodles just slide off forks if you don't.
>This is autism.

>> No.18318635

sushi is a finger food.

>> No.18318641

noodles, hotpot, yakiniku off the top of my head.

>> No.18318699

Yes because chopsticks were made to be DISPOSABLE and CHEAP TO MAKE

I love chopsticks because i dont have to do dishes i can just throw them out after.

>> No.18318726

you keep them and clean them like any other utensil. it's not uncommon to have a little carry bag for them so you can use them for takeout.

>> No.18319186
File: 549 KB, 799x600, 1444432484473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level of smug I'm feeling right now because your posts were all deleted.

>> No.18319195

I have lacquer ware and a pair of elephant ivory chopsticks myself, I enjoy them, especially the ivory ones.

>> No.18319228

Why do we still wear shoes with laces when velcro shoes or even slip-on shoes are much easier to wear?

>> No.18319243

Velcro isn't reliable enough and slip on shoes only work for walking. Do even a slight job or even a fast walk and you are slipping out of them.

>> No.18319361

damn, bruh...i'm white and i know how to use chopsticks. you got some serious issues.

>> No.18319479

I actually believe chopsticks are ubiquitous enough that I don't really bat an eye when non-Asian people use them effortlessly. To me, non-Asian people not being able to use chopsticks is a cliched TV trope from the 80s and 90s.

>> No.18319775
File: 314 KB, 700x428, 1 x66zi6m4kKNlJ_2wqpjSTw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how to use chopsticks

>> No.18319785

I have some big long ones (like my penis but mine is thick too) I use for cooking but don't think I've ever used them for eating besides for novelty. I lack the autism so the idea of spearing something with my fork to then dip in something doesn't bother me nor does using my fingers to eat sushi.

>> No.18319816

If you use a fork or your hands to eat sushi, you should be beaten and thrown in a swamp

>> No.18319819

bet you slurp when you eat noodles like a big fag too lmfao

>> No.18319837

You should bw beaten to dead for being intolerant.
Dont tell me you cut noodles to small segments, put them in a spoon and eat like a faggot.
The italian way with fork is effecient enough, but only really unsuitable for soup noodles dishes.
It is all about industrious and compact, why have multiple tools when you can have an omnipotent tool.
Rice? Muh sticks
Noodles? Muh sticks
Soup? Just drink it straight from the bowl
Everything else can be solve with the sticks.

>> No.18319861

Sushi was developed to be a finger food.

>> No.18319871

I literally can't eat a salad without chopsticks these days

>> No.18319999
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, at_archive_1ba3d1716ab3ee4164ba2a2b4bb12e750b68dd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only ONE (1) thing chop stinks are good for.

>> No.18320013

I read that it stems from avoiding weapons being present at the table

>> No.18320015
File: 387 KB, 770x627, i8cn8fqfzkt21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18320019

Chinks figured out thousands of years ago that you can pinch food.
Wypipo think they're smart for learning that you can stab food less than 500 years ago

>> No.18320031

I actually read somewhere that the Chinese actually did use forks (or something similar) before chopsticks were invented. Apparently, the reason they switched over to chopsticks was because they felt that stabbing things with a fork felt too "barbaric."

Rather ironic that they drew the line at forks, but later went on to become barbaric in other facets.

>> No.18320072

Forks aren't only for stabbing. Ever wondered why the tines are curved, or did you think that was an aesthetic affectation? Forks can do everything. They're beautifully designed.

>> No.18320117

Salad. Nearly impossible to pierce some pieces with a fork. Chopsticks are waaaay easier.

>> No.18320130
File: 45 KB, 800x533, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't need chopsticks to eat salad

>> No.18320131

Are you a fucking baboon?

>> No.18320137 [DELETED] 


>> No.18320141

Eating is as much a tactile experience as it is a tasting experience, there's no need to distance yourself from your meal

>> No.18320167

Is there an actual term for the "If you dislike this thing then you must be bad at it" fallacy
is it just a spinoff of sour grapes
for the record I do know how to use chopsticks and I have a few pairs in my utensil drawer right now

>> No.18320178

>is served a literal dogshit on a place
<sir, this is a piece of shit
>how do you know? you aren't a chef

>> No.18320202

based cheeto chopper

>> No.18320213

Broken up vermicelli I be. Too slippery for knife and fork, but possible with chopsticks.
But yeah the only thing they've got going for them is simplicity and size, neither of which matter

>> No.18320222
File: 117 KB, 1280x853, 1645194954026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiso used to sell these tongs that were made specifically for snack foods such as chips.

>made of lightweight plastic
>broad ends so you have more surface area to grab with, minimizing the chances of crushing your chips
>single solid piece design so you don't have two separate sticks
>clip built into the side so you can close your chip bag

>> No.18320224

There's a little concave section of solid material in most forks that is suitable for scooping tiny little pieces of anything.

>> No.18320226 [DELETED] 

I want a cute skilled underage Asian girl to give me a chopstickjob so bad

>> No.18320230

How fat are your ham hock digits

>> No.18320239

This. Eating salad with forks is stupid and infinitely easier and neater with chopsticks.

Also, food is already cut into small bite size pieces. Chopsticks also force people to eat at a proper pace. It's actually more healthy than shoveling food in your mouth as fast as possible.

>> No.18320245

i get it because you have a micropenis

>> No.18320292
File: 375 KB, 500x281, 1646767302157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chopsticks also force people to eat at a proper pace. It's actually more healthy than shoveling food in your mouth as fast as possible.

>> No.18320351

for goyslop?

>one pots
real food is inedible with chipsticks.

>> No.18320356

How are you going to make a fork in nature?

>> No.18320362

Off the topf of my head, pho is much better with chopsticks than a fork. It's quicker to take the meat out and dip it in the sauces. I think noodle soups with long noodles in general are just better with chopsticks than using a fork.

>> No.18320363

This is verbatim a thread on reddit.

>> No.18320369

I gave that some thought myself, and I've concluded that it's not really that big of a deal.

Whether you're Team Fork or Team Chopsticks, you are more than likely going to need a knife to make your utensils.

If you know for a fact you're gonna be in the wilderness short-term, you can go ahead and make your chopsticks. Alternatively, you can eat your food with your hands, or eat it off your knife. It's a little barbaric, but you're out in the wilderness.

If you're gonna be stranded long-term, then time is one thing you'll have a lot of. You can make as many forks as you have to until you've perfected it.

>> No.18320374

>an online community occasionally overlaps with another online community
Do you want a medal or something?

>> No.18320434

Soup is also inedible with a fork, and both cultures use spoons numbnuts.
Only if your meat is a giant slab of muscle, there's nothing stopping you from cutting it up before plating and using stick to eat it

>> No.18320460

he wasn't being facetious, it is literally, verbatim, a thread on reddit.

>> No.18320461

I am too retarded to hold my chopsticks the right way and I cope with a shaky two finger hold.

>> No.18320462

If you're at a restaurant or household that uses chopsticks, chances are the meat will already be in bite-sized pieces. The diner almost never has to cut the meat himself.

They are called chopsticks because they are sticks that you use to pick up chopped pieces of food.

>> No.18320469

Yes, I can easily believe that a faggot would make two identical threads on two separate platforms.

>> No.18320544

pick up with hands
pour from bowl into mouth
>one pots
pick up with hands/pour from bowl into mouth

>> No.18320560

Nigiri is finger food but rolls aren't. And fork would demolish rolls

>> No.18320565

>eat your food with your hands
Enjoy your dysentery.

>> No.18320576

>eat food with handmade utensils
Enjoy your dysentery regardless.

>> No.18320589

>spoon, knife and fork
>spoon, knife and chopsticks
>need no knife if precut
You also don't need chopsticks if the waiter puts it into you mouth directly. Maybe he makes plane noises while doing so. Also you don't need teeth if he prechews it.

based neanderthal throwing baists.

>> No.18320635

Wash your fucking hands bro

>> No.18320642

>eat food with washed hands
Problem status: solved

>> No.18321627

>anime is real

>> No.18321630

I’ve been to like 10 different East Asian countries and I’ve never seen this.

>> No.18321640

This post was brought to you by niggerman posting LLC

>> No.18321658

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18321708

The animation is based on the real life practice of putting the edge of a bowl to your mouth and shoveling food in with chopsticks.

>> No.18321749

>I cannot think
Chopsticks are for sharing food.

Have you even looked at an actual Asian restaurant in Asia? They put bowls of food in the middle of the table and you can just take stuff. As well, it's common to share your own meal with the people you're eating with.
Otherwise you need separate serving utensils.

>> No.18322047

amazing with noodle soups

>> No.18322052

the marble rocks, fuck you. the sensation of


is 10/10

>> No.18322063

Unsanitary as fuck

>> No.18322079
File: 1.71 MB, 270x480, chinese restaurant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing is too complicated an idea.

>> No.18322370

It's more common in Japan, and even then, they're more common in rural areas and old-fashioned candy stores. Hell, I haven't even been to Japan in a while, and I was able to find these at my local Asian supermarket.

>> No.18322446

and in real life that would be considered barbaric and absolutely no one does that, that's why it's funny in the cartoon

>> No.18322455

Oh. So all those Asians I see eating in Chinatown are cartoon characters.

>> No.18322503

>in real life that would be considered barbaric and absolutely no one does that
I've literally seen Japanese people in Japan doing that, and the Japanese are often considered the least barbaric people of (post-war) Asia.

Also, the original point being addressed was that someone alleged chopsticks were designed to "force people to eat at a proper pace." It was very clearly demonstrated that it is physically possible to "shovel food in your mouth as fast as possible" using chopsticks. One goalpost at a time, folks.

>> No.18322535

staged as hell.

>> No.18322550

You're probably right, seeing as most TikTok content is staged. However, it's not too far removed from reality. I actually do have friends who order like this in Asian restaurants.

>> No.18322561

do you know you can scoop things up with a fork? its like magic

>> No.18322564

it's just simple name-calling. the refutation "you must be bad at it" is a personal attack

>> No.18322703

I live in London-Actual and Sainsbury's sells that shit.

>> No.18322737

i thought this place was bad but reddit really is insufferable garbage

>> No.18322820
File: 484 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao imagine eating flaming hot cheetoes with a fucking spoon or fork lmfaoooooooo

>> No.18322842

use your fingers dumbass

>> No.18322954

noooo you can't do that!

>> No.18323005

> using ustensils
All you need are your hands, nails and teeth

>> No.18323028

Aw shit, I've been eating wrong this whole time. I've been picking up my food with my knees, and chewing with my elbows.

>> No.18323033

>t. a faggot that can't operate two wodden sticks

>> No.18323171

>I've literally seen Japanese people in Japan doing that
as a fellow baka gaijin I'm calling bullshit, I don't even see 4 year olds to that. Maybe to get the last mushroom on the bottom of soup or something but absolutely no one devours an entire meal like that unless they were literally starving to death.

>it is physically possible to "shovel food
no shit, you could also murder someone with them.
Assuming you are using eating utensils as eating utensils, which for the purposes of a discussion regarding eating utensils is a fair assumption, there is a much higher natural tendency to eat at a slower pace.

>> No.18323242
File: 466 KB, 498x371, 1646150313510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's play by your rules. The bowl stays on the table, it never gets picked up. The chopsticks aren't used as makeshift shovels.

You can still "devour an entire meal" with chopsticks in very few bites, even at a "slower pace." I still don't see how chopsticks are designed to delay consumption, when it's clearly demonstrable that it isn't the case.

>> No.18323269

The only thing I have to say about chopsticks is use them if you want, as long as the food was made to be eaten with chopsticks.

I actually know a person who ate lasagna with chopsticks. What the FUCK

>> No.18323330

>countries that invented and use chopsticks are also ones where their primary grain is rice
what the FUCK were they thinking?

>> No.18323397

does he eat mashed potatoes with chopsticks as well?

>> No.18323411
File: 162 KB, 962x699, Dog so good very tender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fork and knife is needed to dive into this

>> No.18323415

You’ve never seen a chinaman eat.

>> No.18323427
File: 192 KB, 650x433, chinese girl so hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She no chopsticks

>> No.18323431

Bro its a meal utensil not a fucking operating system, dafuq you talking about user experience. Just admit that you cant use chopsticks cause of your fat fingers

>> No.18323433

you're supposed to use the other ends of the chopstix when grabbing food from the communal plates.
try that with your fork

>> No.18323436

>Just admit that you cant use chopsticks cause of your fat fingers
I am very fat, and even I can use chopsticks. So really, OP has even less excuse now.

>> No.18323443
File: 51 KB, 720x480, Fried-Spiders-chinese-foods-Wikimedia-Commons-Mat-Connolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use chopsticks with spider?

>> No.18323576
File: 118 KB, 800x1200, Chicken-Katsu-Pin-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopsticks are smaller, generally hold smaller precut bites.
Yes, you could cut your own steak into tiny pieces.
Yes, you could use your chopstick to pick up a large piece of food
I just think most people naturally would, and do eat smaller than with forks

>> No.18324482

This is a ridiculous argument, but if you won't believe other anons telling you it's a common thing you can go look on youtube for any dime a dozen travelblog idiot and see people eating like that in the background.

>> No.18324497
File: 2.50 MB, 321x211, 1534900196792.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always keep a pair of sticks at my desk in case I buy some snacks.
There are several shitposters who will link their thread on reddit to help get bumps as well, these people are truly ill.

>> No.18324542

Gatekeeping is indeed pretty lame but you only think chopsticks are worse because you aren't good enough at using them

>> No.18324546

Git gud lol

>> No.18324549

Because the marble is fun dumbass. they still have regular screw tops

>> No.18324555

Man that sounds baller

>> No.18324834

I lived in asia for few years, so I adopted chopsticks and made them my own. It's good to take useful things from other cultures. Chopsticks are often convinient for cooking and eating certain dishes, so just like with spoon, knife and fork I use whichever tool is the best for the job.

>> No.18324868

Name one dish that is easier to eat with chopsticks than with a knife and fork

>> No.18324896


>> No.18324906

bún chả, different asian noodles, hotpot

>> No.18324918

Every time I see somebody put these squiggles on his letters I imagine he's saying it in the cheesiest chinese accent possible and doing the slitty eye thing with his fingers.

>> No.18324927

>We still don't use the metric system in the US
That's patently false, the metric system is used for many things in the US. There are metric measurements on every food package, every single person learns the metric system in school for science classes, metric measurements are used in medical records, billboards that show time and temperature always display both F and C, we use both metric and standard screw sizes depending on the task, etc. We just don't use the metric system as the primary measurement system in our daily lives because standard measurements are better for most common applications and easier to conceptualize in a human mind while metric measurements are easier for calculators and computers but more difficult for humans to conceptualize. If you need proof of that, just look to how the metric system boasts a huge variety of minute conversion steps yet the ONLY ones people EVER use are Base, Milli-, Centi-, and Kilo-, which gives them a similar number of steps as standard measurements.

>> No.18324933

>rolls aren't
Why not? They hold together just fine, in fact they're even BETTER for fingers since they have a dry wrapper (seaweed or soy paper) on the outside.

>> No.18324936

You use
In cases where it's obviously not true, like every time and temperature sign having F and C. They don't. I've seen some that don't.
What other premises are you making up?

>> No.18324938

>every time and temperature sign having F and C. They don't. I've seen some that don't.
All the ones around me do, I've never seen one that didn't, and I live in the midwest in an area that sees no international travel or tourism.

>> No.18324967

Those are called diacretic marks and are present in many languages, european ones included. It's a name of a vietnamese dish. They use latin script so this is orginal spelling. It does sound cheesy when you stress pronouciaion too much while speaking in english though.

>> No.18325110

damm you really got that wrong
kde is the least barebone

>> No.18325116

whats going on here

>> No.18325123

People are enjoying a succulent chinese meal.

>> No.18325142

spines are taking a nap

>> No.18325167

>he doesn't eat sushi with his fingers

>> No.18325529

>because standard measurements are better for most common applications and easier to conceptualize in a human mind
Wrong, fuck off with your sicko measurements for distances, Tarantino

>> No.18325549

>I cannot think of a meal that one could eat with Chopsticks that could not be just as effectively consumed by a fork and or knife.
>No disrespect to cultures that continue to use the Chopstick but from a user's perspective the fork and knife are clearly superior.

I'm not Asian but my understanding has been they are sort of intentionally not as useful as a fork and knife. The reasoning being that it's rude to serve someone something that they then have to cut up themselves. So there should be no need for a knife and then the difference between a fork and chopsticks is minimal. I will typically use a fork because it's what I'm used to, but some things like sushi seem much more suited to picking up than stabbing.

>> No.18325720

>The reasoning being that it's rude to serve someone something that they then have to cut up themselves.

literally inbred sensibility

>> No.18325740

How so?

>> No.18325746

I bet you asked for a fork at a chinese place and they laughed at you

>> No.18325771


>> No.18325772

gotta look cool for the babes
when you're eating that shrimp stir fry effortlessly with chopsticks while everyone else uses a fork to eat their lunch that does the trick

>> No.18325806
File: 178 KB, 1427x628, 1403975203275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We just don't use the metric system as the primary measurement system in our daily lives because standard measurements are better for most common applications and easier to conceptualize in a human mind while metric measurements are easier for calculators and computers but more difficult for humans to conceptualize
has it ever occured in your 2 digit amerimutt brain that's because it's just the system you grew up with? ask someone who grew up with metric (the vast majority of the world for some weird reason) to "conceptualize" a mile, or a gallon, or other bullshit units like an acre or ounce or fahrenheit and you'll get blank stares.
>yet the ONLY ones people EVER use are Base, Milli-, Centi-, and Kilo-
the ignorant mutt doesn't seem to realise this really depends on the unit because he's talking about shit he doesn't know anything about.
also, "standard measurements", standard according to whom?

>> No.18325840

Yes anon. Americans really, truly are that stupid.

>> No.18325847

>eating sushi with fingers like they do in India

>> No.18325863

>the ignorant mutt doesn't seem to realise this really depends on the unit
Name a single unit you use deci- or deca- for in day-to-day life. Scientific or medical contexts don't count.
>also, "standard measurements", standard according to whom?
I used to call them imperial measurements until anons kept chewing me out for the American measurement system being different from British imperial measurements. There's never any pleasing Eurocucks.

>> No.18325941

some use decagram on a daily basis, but that depends on the country
>Scientific or medical contexts don't count.
because you're obviously stupid, but we already know that
I'll do others too, with context.
>hectoliter: brewing, larger water volumes in general. roughly the size of a bathtub
>hectare: 100m^2, used everywhere
>hectopascal: weather. equal to roughly 0,001 atmosphere
>MPa, GPa: stresses in materials
>megapixel: photo's
>MW, GW: power
>µm: machining
>nm: wavelen- oh no that's scientific doesn't count!!!

>the American measurement system being different from British imperial measurements
who ever thought that was a good idea in the first place

>> No.18325992

>because you're obviously stupid
No, it's because we also use metric in scientific and medical contexts but neither are comparable to daily use.

>> No.18326038

Chopsticks are a versatile tool that can be used to drink water.

>> No.18326113

>as a fellow baka gaijin I'm calling bullshit, I don't even see 4 year olds to that.
Not that anon, but can you be more specific?
Of course people don’t shovel it in at light-speed like in anime but you absolutely do hold rice bowls and other smaller bowls up to your mouth.
It’s easy to tell when it’s appropriate because the bowls you do this with are sized/shaped to comfortably hold with one hand. Rice, small soup bowl, etc.

>> No.18326556

Maybe you can't

>> No.18326561

Fancy man

>> No.18326566

my forks are flat fite me

>> No.18326570

This was my first thought lol

>> No.18326574

>Any tool that can be used to achieve the same goal with an easier learning curve is the superior tool.
The learning curve for something like this is completely negligible. The only people for whom this is an issue are people who learn as adults and feel insecure about it.

>> No.18326587

Forks have literally no learning curve whatsoever for anyone with fine motor skills.

>> No.18326603

Using one properly without looking like a savage has a learning curve, especially when you add a knife. Either way, it's totally negligible because you learn as a child and never forget so it's beside the point.

>> No.18326617

The use of the fork requires no instructions, it's very obvious how to use it. If you're picky about "looking right" then you only need: "Hold it with your fingers like a pencil instead of your fist, like this *demonstrates visually*." Literally any person at any age older than a toddler can grasp that in a second, just mirror the grip of the other person and away you go. Compare that to trying to teach someone to hold and manipulate chopsticks properly, which requires actual practice and concentration to learn. I learned how to use chopsticks as an adult and I'm proficient enough with them not to mind using them, but let's not kid ourselves on the actual ease of use.

>> No.18326779

So forks are for unintelligent savages who think learning things is a burden. Thanks for confirming what we already knew.

>> No.18326903

Yeah, that's the takeaway. Not that tools are best when they're elegant and intuitive, just that learning is for fags.

>> No.18327983

God bless the Italians honestly. Give a fork a shark edge and you don't even need a knife sometimes.

>> No.18328023

And look where it got goku he lost half his rice and even then he can move at superhuman speeds you can't

>> No.18328042

I just like eating with wood. Would love some recs and good reusable wooden spoons.

>> No.18328045

these are the best threads, fuck chopsticks. that shit is like needlessly pedantic. usually I like to kick the hornet's nest and make the comparison between eastern and western alphabets. God Bless America.

>> No.18328557
File: 207 KB, 750x750, 891d8e6303b4cea5a96e59aa7ba7e20c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its more of a case of practicality
You already cook with them, and they work just as well at the table, so you might as well just continue using the chopsticks instead of washing more utensils
Its that simple.

Chopsticks only don't work with western cuisines because far east food is often cut or sliced into strips or chunks before cooking, since the predominant method of home cooking is stir frying due to its speed. If not, then things are often broken up with the serving spoon at the dining table anyway, like how steamed fish is always portioned at the table. Noodles are also way easier to eat with chopsticks, since you're pinching them instead of hooking them.

I don't see why /ck/ is always so anal about orientals using chobstigs, its not like they're not used in conjunction with spoons in picrel anyway. Sure, they're not as efficient when you try pair them with western dishes, but that goes for any food category. You wouldn't be eating spaghetti with a spoon, just like how you wouldn't eat a steak with chopsticks. You wouldn't drink soup with forks or chopsticks, just like how you wouldn't use a knife when you eat a salad.

>> No.18328565


>> No.18328583

>are designed to delay consumption
They're not, anyone who says otherwise is bullshitting or stupid enough to fall for the meme
You can pick up half of an entire bowl's serving of noodles and shove them in your mouth if your fingers are strong enough, I've seen people do it
t. seamonkey

>> No.18328685


>> No.18328763

no one talks like this

>> No.18328776

>not having ivory chopsticks

>> No.18328782

Thee point IS to be less efficient. To eat slower, chew and digest between the bites. Strictly speaking any tools are less "effective" than just pouring food directly from the plate into your mouth.

>> No.18329064

Admitted chopsticks are inferior to fork/knife.

>> No.18329081

How authentically American.

>> No.18329173

7670000000 people talk like this 330000000 don't. Democracy is coming to the USA.

>> No.18329226

Decilitre is the most commonly used everyday measure of volume.

>> No.18329229

Decimeter and litres are the same thing.

>> No.18329232

Even countries with a tradition of using chopsticks have partially adopted western cutlery.

>> No.18329235

Actually, it was phased out for a long time but was brought back by popular demand because it was nostalgic.

>> No.18329244

I don't know anyone who uses deciliters. Most use milliliters or liters.

>> No.18329247

Post your favorite pair of chopsticks you dumb niggers.

>> No.18329251

I use my thumb and forefinger as chopsticks.

>> No.18329269

I just use plain bamboo ones

>> No.18329280
File: 55 KB, 1000x478, YL62-1000Wx1000H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior chopstick design

>> No.18329298
File: 35 KB, 341x354, 1626490995199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're dull and can't chop anything

>> No.18329365

the same polished wooden ones I've been using for years

>> No.18329377
File: 3.25 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20220907_161223210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my ivory chopsticks

>> No.18329383

Based and checked. Faku yu weiru, faku yu darufin.

>> No.18329547

what the fuck are you talking about?

A cubic decimeter is one liter though.
1dm3 = 1l = 10dl

>> No.18329552

same, bought a pack on ikea when I moved out and they've held up for years.

>> No.18329667
File: 510 KB, 1365x2047, Naschmarkt_Wien_2009_PD_20091008_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said, depends on the country. if you don't like it you can always convert it to gram, it's not difficult.

>> No.18329699

Chopstick cultures are noisy eating cultures. Nuff said. Fuck chopsticks.

>> No.18330231
File: 803 KB, 1280x1280, 1649366973583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are STICKS that you use for picking up pre-CHOPped items. "Chopsticks" rolls off the tongue a lot smoother than "choppedsticks."

When your lips are chapped, you grab a Chapstick, not a Chappedstick.

>> No.18330243
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1627256395286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't chap your lips

>> No.18330346

Chopsticks are shit. They're not hard to use despite weebs wanting them to be some kind of sekrit klub bullshit, they're just an obsolete utensil that people cling to for honoring culture. They're objectively inferior eating utensils.

The very few things they're useful for over a fork are so marginal and culture specific that nobody is ever going to find it useful unless they don't speak English. In other words, anyone posting in this thread espousing the superiority of chopsticks is a complete fucking retard and hipster.

>> No.18331216

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.18331386 [DELETED] 

Bold of you to assume that a pair of sticks is exclusively unique to mainland commie niggers, but I will accept your concession

>> No.18331391

I didn't know black people used chopsticks