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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18285430 No.18285430 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey guys, Joshua Weissman here. On today's episode of "but cheaper" I'm going to be making cheaper versions of your favorite foods!
>First we're going to start by making dough for the bread in my $500 stand-mixer
>Next, I'm going to breakout the $800 dehydrator to make some black garlic
>Now I'm going to grate some Pule cheese from my $600 block (but I only used $0.50 by weight so we're counting it as $0.50)
>Remember, it has to be authentic Pule or papa no like!

>> No.18285520

he's a pedo isn't he

>> No.18285525 [DELETED] 

I bet this faggot loves marinades

>> No.18285526

You can do all of that without expensive equipment, you just want to complain

>> No.18285543

Man this faggot anit even a good meme cook. At least with babish you know he's making meme shit.

>> No.18285544

with ten times the effort
at that point you may as well just buy the thing you're making

>> No.18285546

they all are

>> No.18285551

What, and request that they do it better?

>> No.18285557


>> No.18285563

You mean you DON'T tell wagies exactly how to make your food item and send it back until you get the right thing when you eat out?

>> No.18285570

>he doesn't already own a stand mixer

>> No.18286360

>>Now I'm going to grate some Pule cheese from my $600 block (but I only used $0.50 by weight so we're counting it as $0.50)
this is the one that always makes me kinda angry

>> No.18286392

here's his cookbook so you don't have to hand over goy bucks

>> No.18286397

based. I don't even want his book but I'm going to download it and copy it hundreds of times so that he loses out on so much money.

>> No.18286403

I'm going to print it out and leave copies on seats on public transport.

>> No.18286410
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do the same, but the audrey hepburn cookbook
i'll print it off & leave it in public

>> No.18286526

I really don't mind the hypocrisy of using thousands of dollars of equipment because there are cheaper alternatives for all of those. It's the awful humour, weird voices, slapping his own arse and the whole "papa" thing that make himreally insufferable.

Chlebowski is perfect in this, no nonsense.

>> No.18286539

{{{they}}} all are

>> No.18286633

The jew fears the bus seat cookbook.

>> No.18286650
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>> No.18286740

I don't even want it, but I like the idea of me getting it and him not seeing any money from it, so thanks anon.

>> No.18286747

LOL so true my dude

>> No.18286773
File: 1.16 MB, 1682x1166, B0C1FB9D-E006-4854-8E91-5396F788A2FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artsy photo of him flipping you off
>”there are no rules”
>proceeds to list exact rules on how to butter toast
Thanks Josh, very cool. Good job on scamming some retards I guess but I think that comes naturally for you.

>> No.18286844

>he's only 26
Holy shit my fellow whites age badly

>> No.18287177
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>> No.18287204

Is this a joke? Is this for orphans that didn’t have a grandmother?

>> No.18287696

I thought you were trolling but what the actual fuck
It probably doesn't help that he used to be over 300lbs and lost a ton of weight

>> No.18287703

Hipster chefs are a scourge on this earth

>> No.18287706

Chlebowski is the fucking man

>> No.18287733
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>letting the toast sit until the butter melts into the bread

>> No.18287793

thats right. thanks for the views, sucker

>> No.18287918
File: 68 KB, 466x124, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtubers might be seriously retarded

>> No.18288444

Wish.com Pewdiepie

>> No.18288458

Not a good idea. All the dishes get broken and the car keeps driving and nobody will stop to save you.

>> No.18288535

Why would you bring along heavy-ass ceramic dinnerware weighing down your vehicle when you could go plastic?

>> No.18288543

Why do the poorest complain the loudest on this board?

>> No.18288549

dumb retard whants to be like marco pierre white yet he wouldnt last a second in a michellin kitchen.

>> No.18289274


Yes, and also lazy and bad at planning

>Goes to Europe to "get inspired"
>Posts like 3 videos about European food, the rest are just old ones he had saved or "day in the life's"

>> No.18289590

Thank you anon. I hate the dude and his adhd zoomershit edited videos, but heck I'll take a free cookbook.

>> No.18289603

that's because French food is bland as fuck

>> No.18289832


>> No.18289846

>half the price
>half the size
>half the calories
mind: blown

>> No.18290863

Chlebowski is certainly fucking men, we already know.

>> No.18290866
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>effort is... LE BAD

>> No.18290906

ck is all poorfags who eat fast food and cup noodle soups

>> No.18290932


>> No.18290941

it isn't, though. stop being a slob.

>> No.18290955

I weight 220lbs at 6'5", you're the slob

>> No.18290982

Most of Ethan's videos are decent, though some are just regurgitation of Food Lab articles. Can't beat the algorithm, it's the reason that jew joshua has a million views a video.

>> No.18290994

Not that anon, but people in general need to value their own time more.

>> No.18291001
File: 313 KB, 533x485, 1659070465775387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather order overpriced goyslop than put some effort into learning how to cook, so I don't need to rely on McCorn Syrup shakes and processed & shredded cheese-like product

>> No.18291902

It isn't one OR the other, you can enjoy convenience in some occasions, and put in the time in others.

>> No.18291916

Hey, that's not fair. I'm a poorfag who eats way more beef than a human being should. I don't appreciate being lumped in with the eating out crowd.

>> No.18291996

>papa no like
>*sings random word*

>> No.18292017

>hey guys it's joshua weissman and today i'm going to make a fast food item but better
>today we're making a big mac, so i bought one at mcdonalds and just look at it, it's so sad and unappetizing
>*spends the whole day making one burger*
>wow my burger is clearly better than the one the underpaid teenager made me at 6 am! i win!

>> No.18292047

yeah, giving those strong vibes

either pedo or fucks dogs

>> No.18292080
File: 174 KB, 604x808, 1653128238825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you NEED a $500 stand-mixer to make bread, even though bread is literally an ancient creation
>Implying you NEED a $800 dehydrator, and that you can't just use an over set to a low temperature
>Implying bulk-buy is ever a bad thing for something that lasts as long as cheese, and that you have to use a $600 block
Fuck Joshua but your examples are retarded

>> No.18292755

You forgot that his version costs 80 dollars to make

>> No.18294744

I don't think piracy works like that
this is based though

>> No.18294819

It's a shame Ethan usually has some solid videos and breakdowns of dishes and whatnot but since he went to Europe his videos have definitely felt lazier and cheaper.
>A day in the life of/what I cook on a busy or not so busy workday
I simply do not give a fuck. Post recipes, interesting flavor profiles and combinations, and homecook ways to prepare or customize dishes cuisines and cultural foods. That's what made me like his channel in the first place.

>> No.18295187


>> No.18295202

This fuckin goober won't make pizza hut breadsticks

>> No.18295213

>Time feeding yourself enjoyable healthy food is time wasted
What leads a man to think like this?

>> No.18295224


Wait, is this satire?

>> No.18295236

yes you are a meme

>> No.18295239
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I now desire to make these with the fork marks. Fuck him. The fork marks make them cozy

>> No.18295241

dude doesnt even know its one or the other

>> No.18295247

>Not buying a good stand mixer
I get being annoyed at the dehydrator, just use an oven on low.
But if you cook a lot you owe it to yourself to get a decent stand mixer, it's like the adage about not skimping on shoes or your bed. Also, a good kitchen-aid 5 quart stand mixer is only ~$285, not $500.

>> No.18295260

Which is why you should learn to cook better than the fast food slop so you have a hobby that rewards you with quality food and good nutrition.

>> No.18295263

>salted butter (page 33)
post the salted butter recipe please

>> No.18295266


>Learning a skill that can be used to impress others and is an easy talking point (literally everyone eats.) Also easier to get people to come to your house to entertain.
>Scalable difficulty with seemingly no skill ceiling (always room for self development)
>If you're above average you can bed babes pretty easily if you aren't a complete retard without any game.
>You can spend less on food each month while simultaneously eat better tasting food than most restaurants.

Truly a terrible ROI.

>> No.18295268

really ethan, ANOTHER sandwich recipe?

>> No.18295271

also he looks psychotic. probably not unrelated

>> No.18295277
File: 147 KB, 963x903, saltedbuttah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.18295286

In his defense (and I don't know that dude at all), he did a collab with at least one other food youtuber, so if he did that with more than just that one dude (which is possible) it may have made sense from a business perspective.
Collabs are great on youtube if you only care about profit and not quality of content. And from what I have seen of his channel he seemed like the kind of youtuber to be in it for the "game" and to make profit, not primarily to create good cooking videos.

>> No.18295289

oh okay, that's not as retarded as i thought it would be (to make salted butter, add salt to butter). at least he's saying how butter is made, which many people don't realize

>> No.18295293

>i thought it would be (to make salted butter, add salt to butter).
I'd be shocked if he did that. Given his attitude from everything I've read so far in this thing

>> No.18295294

He has no qualms about breaking the rules of good writing style. Big rebel, for sure.

>> No.18295295

>which many people don't realize
Which fucking miserable inner city people do you hang around anon that the concept of making butter is alien to them? kek

>> No.18295297

It's a good thing to have in the basics section of a beginner cook book I guess. But I thought he was into making fancier stuff. He doesn't even say that you could culture the cream or have uses listed for buttermilk.

>> No.18295309

idk, i think i only found out butter is made by whipping heavy cream within the past few years. if it's common knowledge, i certainly didn't know it.
i'd seen old-style plunger butter churners in cartoons as a kid but i never knew that that was what was going on

>> No.18295321
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I get what he's going for, and clearly it's not for me. But I'm thinking about trying a few things. I tried his bagel recipe last year or so.
Probably had a limit on how many things he could put in. I dunno

>> No.18295330

You should have paid attention in school. Many popular children's shows also have an episode where butter making is demonstrated.

>> No.18295331

He looks the part but doesn’t really act like it.

Probably some sort of groomer though based on how he speaks and his middle schooler lingo

>> No.18295335

yep one look at that physiognomy is all you need
fucking vile

>> No.18295344
File: 91 KB, 815x666, PORKCHOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's from Austin, so it could go either way I'd say

>> No.18295351

That sounds wild to me anon, but it may just be regional differences.
It feels like making butter from cream was one of the most basic "weekend projects" you'd do with your parents, popped up in those childrens science shows all the time.
But I original point still stands then, if it's not as common as I thought then I guess how to make butter is valuable for his audience.

>> No.18295361

well i'm a slav so i can't say, maybe it's just more common in america and i never realized it, like how you do those lemonade stand things. maybe by american standards putting that butter recipe in there is as retarded as the buttered toast "recipe"

>> No.18295402

>well i'm a slav
I'd assume that's more popular in the balkans, not less honestly, kek.
I'm from germany, so no idea how it is in america, but we used to have that butter thing on kids tv all the time.

>> No.18295422

well i'm from bulgaria and traditionally heavy cream was not a product we had available for purchase here, it only made its way here in the last decade or so. we eat lots of yoghurt and eat lots of feta and a decent amount of sour cream and we have plenty of local butter but our dairy manufacturers just never put out heavy cream for purchase here, i guess they just use to make other products. all the heavy cream is imported stuff like president or pilos, the lidl brand.

>> No.18295427

Well that might explain it then. It only makes sense to promote that project in childrens TV if cream is cheap and easily available, that's the whole point of those programs.

>> No.18295436

makes sense. can't speak for all slavs or balkanoids, it might only be that way here, maybe it's different in romania, greece or serbia.

>> No.18295446
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>> No.18295519

You got baited, this guy >>18295187 was quoting Andrew Tate. Retarded young men unironically look up to that faggot (((Tate))) for his promotion of materialism, hedonism, and money disguised as masculinity.

>> No.18295617

90% of fast food and restaurant food tastes better than anything homemade I've tried from all my friends and family. They have it down to a science, and industry. You can't possibly hope to compete while staying lower budget.

>> No.18295786

worst bait today, good job my friend someone is always the worst at something

>> No.18295791

Who's better at cooking chicken breast? Mike the Mexican linecook who cooks hundreds of perfect chicken breasts per day or some retard who's watching a youtube video on his phone while in the process of overcooking it?

>> No.18295801
File: 63 KB, 464x555, 1362346734527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys im gonna make the mcdonalds hashbrown but better
>first, buy a giant tub of fucking duck fat

>> No.18295813

Why cook yourself and not just hire a personal chef to save time?

>> No.18295878

chipotle costs 16 bucks?

>> No.18295886

I actually like a lot of Ethan's videos. Easier to replicate his recipes and get something decent than compared with Ragusea or Joshua.

Joshua made actual recipes video but were never that good to replicate imo. Now they are just full on memes entirely for clicks. Ragusea will put recipes that look good and seem easy but dont taste that good.

>> No.18295892

A lot of people overestimate the quality of their cooking and don't pay attention to the amount of time it's wasting. It's easy to delude yourself into thinking your food tastes better than a restaurant if you lack self-awareness.

>> No.18295893


Why would I hire someone I actively enjoy doing with a skill I can show off to other people?

I don't poo-poo people who would rather have someone else cook for them, but I've always enjoyed cooking, it's a stress reliever for me.

>> No.18295908

Its not made from whipping cream. Proper butter is made from the stuff you make whipping cream. Whipping cream usually has added sugar.

>> No.18295921

>grocery store white bread (page 64)
is it instructions on how to go to the store and buy bread?

>> No.18295930

the entire history of humanity is just people figuring out ways to do things faster and with less effort. this is the only reason why humans have ever invented anything at all.

>> No.18295933
File: 88 KB, 623x776, thebroodminusgangrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic white bread looks like

>> No.18296025

That's the best way I've found to articulate it. It's part of the spectacle that Binbish overcomplicates every step to the point of absurdity. The "X from Y" videos are over the top for the sake of it and are obviously not meant to be feasible for home cooks.
And then this faggot comes in with, "so the first step for this super cheap, easy weeknight meal is a $500 grocery run (but I'm pricing it by weight used so I can put an absurdly low dollar amount on my clickbait thumbnail). Then while you're prepping the ingredients be sure to get that oil preheating for the inexplicable deep fry step"

>> No.18296258

This one makes no sense
The whole point of baking your own bread is to have bread better than what you can get at the store. No one needs to bake their own Wonder Bread

>> No.18296273


His But Cheaper recipes actually are cheap, are you getting them confused with But Better?

>> No.18296291

No they’re not. They’re only “cheaper” because he determines the cost by the weight of the ingredients. If he used $0.25 worth of chili paste from a $20 tub then it’s still $20 of an ingredient you’re unlikely to use again

>> No.18297351

A tube of chili paste isnt expensive and doesnt expire very quickly..

>> No.18297652

way to fucking miss the point? you fucking idiot

>> No.18297675

>No one needs to bake their own Wonder Bread
enriched wheat flour, water, sugar, vegetable oil, yeast*, salt, defatted soy flour, calcium propionate, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, sorbic acid, vegetable monoglycerides.
>Weissman Wonder Bread
Water, Whole Milk, Dry Yeast, Unbleached Flour, Sea Salt, Sugar, Butter
>Really makes you think.

>> No.18297692


>> No.18297741

Even without preservatives, white sandwich bread is going to taste eerily similar to the storebought stuff and go stale is 3 days without them