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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 572 KB, 600x534, D0BitOEWsAAj3nb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18267654 No.18267654 [Reply] [Original]

>be insufferable booze hipster
>make a living drinking shitty drinks and describing how shitty they are
>decide to make video about hard lemonade
>gets triggered by can with patriotic branding
>"Is that a heckin' ring of thirteen stars!?"
>ramble about the Three Percenters and right wing domestic terrorists.
>"Well that's all for today boys and girls. Join me next week when I improve the cocktails from Outback Steakhouse by including fresh squeezed kangaroo jizz."

>> No.18267662

Very helpful channel, his eggnog recipe is delicious. I love to put white thick liquids into my mouth.

>> No.18267663

You just know the chick off camera is fat and insufferable.

>> No.18267674

>be neet
>watch too much youtube
>get triggered by someone who implicitly criticizes your politics
>whine about it on /ck/
oh well guess I'll have to click like and subscribe

>> No.18267684

How did red flannel become the fashion of choice for NPC faggots?

>> No.18267784

>guy is a cuck
>gets criticized for being a cuck
>"neet!!!! triggered!!!!!"
Only person whining is you
It's probably something to do with how flannel looks humble and folksy, something these people desperately try and give the impression of being. They fail to actually behave or present themselves as anything other than a pretentious faggot, of course. They have never met anybody who's down to earth, or if they did, they were probably too busy looking upon them with scorn to absorb any normal person behaviors.

>> No.18267810

>I love to put white thick liquids into my mouth.
It's good that you're not insecure about that.

>> No.18267843

We know this because she's been on camera a few times

>> No.18268337

It's part of the granola aesthetic along with PBR, Patagonia, and Keens. People who wanna look like they're "outdoorsy" but think camping involves driving down to the state park and grilling some hot dogs while being 5 feet away from the next group of identically dressed posers doing the same.

>> No.18268364

>be OP
>have nothing better to do
>go on YouTube and seethe then cry about it on 4chan
What a bitch lmao

>> No.18268371

Wow I thought this was that pedophile guy on Chris Hansen's failed TCAP revival thing that ate that delicious looking pepperoni pizza. Literally look the same and wearing the same clothes.

>> No.18268543

Greg makes good content. I learned a lot about cocktails watching him. Sorry you got your fee fees hurt.

>> No.18268639

He used to make good content. It’s great when someone is passionate and knowledgeable about a subject and can effectively communicate that to the audience. But that’s long gone. Now he’s either making up absurd drinks loosely based on movies and vidya or smugly condescending products designed for a mass market, with a dash of retarded political takes.

>> No.18268650

>aargh how day this e-celeb not agree with my politerinooos hes doing me a hecckin frighten!
seems like you are the triggered one here, retard

>> No.18268665

lmao imagine going to your internet hugbox to cry about some faggot youtuber who hurt your feelings

>> No.18268701
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>Only person whining is you
You mean besides OP who felt the need to make a whole ass thread about this guy?

>> No.18268710

Welp, time to unsubscribe.

>> No.18268724

>anyone I don't like is an NPC
dehumanizing people you don't like is straight from the playbook of fascists, anon

>> No.18268748

Everyone is an NPC but I only call the ones I find especially stupid or impressionable such.

>> No.18268750

>smugly condescending products designed for a mass market, with a dash of retarded political takes.
it's more that he will unabashedly shit on literally everything that isn't fresh squeezed and fit precisely to whatever he determines is the ideal 'flavor'
it's like he is unable to assess anything that isn't expressly hipster farm to table $15 an ounce
a big mac isn't the ultimate expression of a hamburger, but it can still taste good and you shouldn't be afraid of saying that it is
double blind taste tests would offer a lot more information than

>> No.18268765
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>watched the video
>immediately knew someone on /ck/ would be assblasted about it
lmao, you lads are predictable

>> No.18268766

>here's three drinks from a mid to low tier chain that was popular in the 90's that we poured into a thermos two hours ago
>lets taste each one and then try to replicate it
>first up, the blue shark razz dive
>squeeze a lime into a glass, a jigger of blue curacao, .5oz of rail vodka and ten spoonfuls of simple syrup
>now THIS is so much better, you can really taste the brightness of the vodka and it really evolves into a lemongrass earthy flavor

>> No.18268871

my problem with this guy is that he's not a real bartender. there's just so much more to the experience of a cocktail than the liquid in the glass. as someone who was a cocktail bartender in nyc for a decade, he just has a stolen valor type energy. but i understand that i am also being insufferable here.

>> No.18268885

>read this thread
>"oh shit, he must've really gone off"
>watch video
>he says like 2 sentences about the 3%ers
>MAYBE 30 seconds out of a 40 minute video
Truly, it is the liberals who are easily offended and quick to complain.

>> No.18268901

Holy fuck, at least you're self conscious about being insufferable, but get over yourself faggot.

>> No.18268911

I stay away from most any food tuber that does pop culture recipes, tends to filter out the bad ones

>> No.18268918
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His videos on building up a basic beginner bar where helpful for me. Other than that can't really comment. I watched that video where he broke his toe on camera....kinda funny I guess.

>> No.18268923

Just looked at that clip and that guy is literally seeing phantoms. Nobody in their right mind would correlate stars and stripes on your booze with domestic terrorists

>> No.18268985

if this fag that I've never heard of is so insufferable why are you watching/reading/listening to them? or is this somebody you've done a 180 on as soon as you've got explicit confirmation they're in your political out group before going on to bitch about them here?

>> No.18269101

I still regularly watch his stuff, but it’s gotten a lot worse ever since he ran out of classic cocktails to make videos about

>> No.18269131

>his internet hugbox is 4channel
I think he's doing it wrong

>> No.18269220

I honestly thought his channel was decent content when I first came across it.
But then I noticed he’d occasionally get weirdly political over the stupidest shit. Clicked the “stop recommending channel” option.
Enjoying a drink is a common bond shared by most of humanity for all of civilized history. Fuck that faggot for injecting politics into it.

>> No.18269226

This, there are many many many worse drink/food YouTubers

>> No.18269408

This guy sucks ass. He's never even worked bar. He's long winded and he seems to just have shit tastes. Watch The Cocktail Spirit with Robert Hess if you want good recipes or watch Bar Talk and Cocktails if you want stories and entertainment.

>> No.18269443

but how could you possibly understand the nuances of the gin and tonic if i don't give you a 30 minute wikipedia history lesson on how the british are heckin evil for trying to introduce africans to the concept of having a society

>> No.18269445

I prefer Steve, the jolly giant.

>> No.18269492

I can see your Punisher tattoo jiggling sadly from here. Absolutely seething.

>> No.18269507

>Sips hard seltzer
>"EUUEEEGUUUGHGHUH!!!!!!! I'm getting a note of the cologne that the man who raped me in a Denny's bathroom when I was 9 was wearing. And peanuts."

>> No.18269550

It's just a warm and comfy material. There's no conspiracy you weird virgins.

>> No.18269580

I'll take the granola crowd over the redneck drunk-and-loud-until-4am-and-if-we-play-metal-music-we'll-get-violent-too crowd. Granola dudes will drink a few beers, maybe have a bottle of good bourbon, and will smoke/do psychedelics and enjoy the campfire and nighttime.
Have not once had a good experience with the lifted truck crowd at anything like shallow camping, tailgating, fucking company picnics.

Quiet to moderately loud people are the only acceptable types of people unless you're at a concert or on a rollercoaster.

>> No.18269591

>Only person whining is you
>immediately starts whinging about flannel of all fucking things
The brain parasites they set you guys up with are some hardcore shit.

>> No.18269592

i commented about how retarded his prohibition take was and he responded with some snarky "get your MRA bullshit off my channel"

but remember guys, prohibition and all the deaths it caused isn't that bad because like, bars were men's spaces and women weren't allowed in them

>> No.18269596

I'd rather just be around genuinely interesting people that aren't a walking stereotype.

>> No.18269601

No idea who this is but I invented a cocktail. Well not really it's just ale with a splash of shiraz

>> No.18269638

based wino

>> No.18269642

>The clique I like is genuine people. They aren’t even a clique. They’re just good organic free-thinking people like me
>The clique I don’t are just stereotype sheep NPC’s though. They aren’t joined by a bond of organic interestingness, they’re just ignorant and conditioned.
And that was Brittnie (with an I and an E [Pronouns: Coleslaissima/Coleslaw]) with our TikTok analysis. Now back to BrÆdén (Pronouns: diggydank/diggydankself) in the studio.

>> No.18269840
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>The clique I like is genuine people. They aren’t even a clique. They’re just good organic free-thinking people like me

>> No.18269876

the grunge era, basically.

whats wrong with dehumanizing people? some people have it coming

this guy listens to Mumford & Sons, I can tell

>> No.18269878

they try and mimic how things look and not how they behave because they cant help themselves from being faggots and losers while attempting to look like something they arent.

>> No.18269880

>>be insufferable booze hipster
And yet you kept watching

>> No.18269882

Alchohol is poison anyway to be honest, literally no reason to drink it if you have access to clean water.

>> No.18269883

It makes me feel fuzzy and forget the bad times

>> No.18269901
File: 23 KB, 768x574, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes god awful and damages multiple organs. Stop chugging fungus juice and get yourself a nice, cool, clear, refreshing glass of water.

>> No.18270963
File: 328 KB, 640x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.18271019


>> No.18271038

want me to tell you some more pozzed channels for you to cocksuck?
degradation of the mainstream by npcs like you just helps our cause

>> No.18271042

Any time I see a man in one of those bespoke fashion aprons I have a hearty chuckle. Gay as fuck.

>> No.18271054
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You're on about the same level as someone who wears pic related unironically.

>> No.18271058

Don't mistake trolls on 4chan as representatives for an entire political ideology.

Retards here bitch about stuff for (you)s, and judging by this thread it works like a charm.

>> No.18271060

Water? I'd rather be collecting Pokemon Creatures!

>> No.18271068

His channel is pretty good, maybe you should just stop being a chud

>> No.18271093

Typical sub human urbanite scum.

>> No.18271124

it's a little silly but it's not really going above its station either

all jobs suck so it's alright to be annoyed if someone pretends to have worked at one if they haven't when you have actually dealt with that specific kind of misery and aggravation

>> No.18271202


His channel is fine and isn't annoying.
Come back when he's tried to develop some sort of cult of personality like Babish.

>> No.18271219

Used to be better. I’d rather watch
>here’s 2 or 3 ways to make an aviation
instead of
>greg drinks a bunch of wine coolers for no reason

>> No.18271267

commies gtfo of my country

>> No.18271290

Yeah, just ask the dirty Kulaks!

>> No.18271336
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idk i dont think hes necessarily for it, just trying to understand why they wanted it in the first place

>> No.18271529

>anyway, back to calling people "ghouls" and "chuds"

>> No.18271626
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>nooooo not the heckin fat boomerinos with rifleenos! Those are heckin terrorinos!

>> No.18271671

The 20 Minutes of rambling at the start of every vid is shit too.

>> No.18271702

>Go on youtube to accomplish something specific
>Learn new information about thing I want to do
>Close the tab and go about my life
It's just that easy. Tiki drinks aren't really something I knew anything about and the videos on his channel I watched on them were good, and I made and drank delicious Tiki drinks

>> No.18271735

>faggot that literally makes his money drinking on camera defending prohibition because someone criticized the Holy Femoid.
These people have no moral center whatsoever

>> No.18271738
File: 33 KB, 600x315, jersey sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hipster soyboy from the worst state in the US has bad opinions
woah stop the fucking presses.

>> No.18271758


>> No.18271763

>and everyone knows fascists aren't human

>> No.18271786

Hey, the recipe he did for the dirty wastelander was pretty good. I still make them every fall when apples and blackberries are cheap.

>> No.18271793

>He's never even worked bar
no shit
he's a TV/youtube presenter
he's been selected by whatever TV company that produces this shit specifically cuz of his looks, voice and persona.
majority of popular youtube channels these days are owned and operated by TV stations

>> No.18271809

>I am very put off by the branding on this one
>So i gotta tell you i have become hyper suspicious of anything with a ring of stars around it
>Just so that youknow the 3 percenters are domestic terror organization and if you see them in your community you should make them uncomfortable
>chick:should you be afraid to make them uncomfortable?
>well I just want to point out they running a 3 star circle the name is loyal 9 cocktails loyal lemonade and over here produced and packaged by Sons of Liberty beer I dont know man this one makes me uncomfortable a little but hey what the heck

>> No.18271828
File: 15 KB, 226x255, DEMORALIZED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patriotic imagery is bad now

>> No.18271830

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

>> No.18271843

>The saloon was a legit problem in America
He's defending prohibition.

>> No.18271854

Isn't that the flag of the origin of the US why would someone get upset about that and go on a rant about Republicans over it lol

>> No.18271858

Not really, early US flags don't have a single origin as there were literally hundreds of revolutionary flags.

>> No.18271859

>why would someone get upset about that and go on a rant about Republicans over it
He's a socialist from New Jersey. He's mentally ill.

>> No.18271860

yep that's the flag of the united colonies

which I guess are now a right wing thing only so you should be mad when you see it now- here's why

>> No.18271882

Too much time spent on reddit

>> No.18271917

Based. Nothing like a tangy reward for pleasing a man :)

>> No.18271951
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, stupidfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burn a house down because it has termites
>criticize the act of burning the house down, while acknowledging that the termites were a real problem
>"Look at this faggot defending arson"

>> No.18272049

Founding Fathers would be deplatformed for hate speech

>> No.18272060
File: 431 KB, 1242x1651, B90A1BBA-2811-48C0-B839-43688B48CBF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the designated master baiting thread
Provide your (You) provoking images below

>> No.18272068


>> No.18272121
File: 123 KB, 256x544, ae51d17a8d07e58c09371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW here's the "off-putting branding" he's referring to

>> No.18272145

www.reddit.com newfag tourists, this website is pro-american

>> No.18272148


>> No.18272175

I've been here since 2008. This website isn't "pro" anything, only anti.

>> No.18272479

I stopped watching him when he made a video dedicated to blm and you should have too. He went downhill before that anyway. His videos use to be quick and to the point with a bit of trivia only when he was shaking or stirring. Now he goes on 10 minute boring ass rambles before even making the fucking drink.

>> No.18272519

>40 minute video

How the fuck do you go from the guy that makes 5 minute videos quickly showing you how to make a cocktail to the guy making 40 minute videos?

>> No.18272525

>muh stolen valor
Capping this post and adding it to my cringe compilation btw

>> No.18272532

Can't a man take pride in his work anymore or is life itself all just post post post ironic hell?

>> No.18272556

Pro stupidity

>> No.18272563

>feminists burn house down because men don't deserve their own spaces or some shit
>criticize the act of burning the house down because it was retarded
>get off my channel you fucking bigot racist sexist nazi scum
>the house deserved to be burnt down because there were termites.

>> No.18272572

Retard detected.

>> No.18272574
File: 26 KB, 499x442, 318A5D57-ED13-460A-9E59-E12A7E89686B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18272618

that guy has quite the imagination. either that, or he's a time traveler. when do you think he will start uploading recipes incorporating ze bugs?

>> No.18272628
File: 207 KB, 1280x960, 1653090141056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did he criticize burning the house down? he doesn't. you're either trolling or disingenuous and stupid, but probably both.

>> No.18272630

Why is shit in the past always so fucking exaggerated like this? Yeah, literally every single man beat their wives daily and magically beating women was considered completely acceptable by societal standards apparently. LMFAO.

>> No.18272638

>the worst state in the US
New Mexico?

>> No.18272689

>didn't watch the video in question (not the same one as OP)
but also
>"prohibition may not have been the answer"

>> No.18272697

Beating them to the point of severe injury was probably rare, but hitting your wife and kids used to be pretty common bro.

>> No.18272762

why would I watch that gay shit after reading his comment? if he says anything critical of prohibition at all in the video, he basically contradicts himself in the comment. it wouldn't surprise me if some woman manages his comment section, however. it might also be if he literally says "prohibition may not have been the answer", that it's a hedge so he doesn't seem so keked in his video. his assmad response in a comment is as valid as a throwaway line in his video.

>> No.18272793

Every subculture or craft, in this case cocktails, inevitably gets infiltrated by this type, to the point where they're the public face of the subculture/craft, which is then made to be insufferable.

What can you do?

>> No.18272859

Show us on the doll where the feminists touched you

>> No.18273551

Everything over the past month has just been him trying shit we know he won't like.

>> No.18274086
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>> No.18274089

uhh thanks for describing some youtube video I guess?
still not watching it

>> No.18274093

>booze hipster
He isn't, though. He uses fairly cheap ingredients and does a wide range of drinks.

>> No.18274136


>be insufferable chud
>watch a video where the talky man says a thing he doesn't like
>runs off to his secret internet clubhouse to impotently whine

>> No.18274151


The entire point of the show is that you don't need to be a professional bar tender to throw 3 liquids into a glass.

>> No.18274155

Damn OP get mocked

>> No.18274169


So you've watched multiple episodes and know the format in detail. Greg thanks you for the clicks and views, it goes straight to his bank account

>> No.18274173

I used to find him fun. But I don't watch a drink mix man to hear about vivid misinformation or abortion rights. Shit is insufferable in daily life, just let me learn how to make the drink.

>> No.18274178

>why is shit in the past so exaggerated
This has been the marxist strategy since its inception. You pick a facet of society, make an absurdist critique of it in order to lobby to change it socially. Use sophistry against anyone who proves you wrong and ignore them.

>> No.18274180

people have been deliberately programmed to believe that every point in history in every place on earth before 1945 was a horrible nightmare, and this is the only time that anyone lower class has ever enjoyed being alive. before that everyone worked 18 hours a day and never had fun and didn't love anyone and didn't know anything and ate gray sludge and was oppressed by the state and died at age 25.

>> No.18274184

don't call me chud, chud

>> No.18274185

If you are so easly triggered about some dude drinking crap on the internet maybe dont watch his content?

>> No.18274187

You do seem to be a big donor to it.

>> No.18274435

>as someone who was a cocktail bartender in nyc for a decade

What a fucking wagie loser. Do you drive for Uber now after you stopped bar tending or are you get groceries for people?

>> No.18274440


You made this argument like a complete sperg

>> No.18274454

30 seconds too long, he should've been shot in the head the second he opened his mouth

>> No.18274794

I agree that his content has gotten lazy and boring, but this is just entirely false? He spent a whole video rating hard seltzers where he raved about how good several of them are, and he had positive opinions on several of the canned cocktails he tried in that other video.

>> No.18274797

You vermin.

>> No.18274803

Damn bro I got an eight of ice at home. It's been a year since I rolled a bolo and I went actually insane (amphetamine psychosis)

I don't think I'll ever touch that shit again but for some reason I've got a bunch of it. Any Florida anons want some meth?

>> No.18274809
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American politics is all pervasive, suffocating and pathetic.
Can't get away from it. It's stifling

>> No.18274822

Me neither, that's why I shitpost about it whenever obvious politicsfags show up and derail threads.
It does not belong on 4chan, no matter how much 2016 election tourists bitch, moan and complain.

>> No.18274890
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>what can you do?
I have a few ideas

>> No.18274979

fucking BASED

>> No.18274988

Imagine the incel ghoul that typed this

>> No.18274995

There is nothing more pathetic than a NEET. Even janitors are lords by comparison.

>> No.18274997

personal army requests get you banned. Every thread you see like this is a not-so-subtle personal army request


its been like this for over a decade now

>> No.18274998

blame Zoe Quinn, we just wanted to play video games

>> No.18275006

I just went and subscribed.
OP got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT in this thread, god damn.

>> No.18275112

Get fucked, I’m salaried.

>> No.18275172


>> No.18275187

He has good content and I've learned a ton about making drinks from his channel. He's clearly very educated about mixology and the history of many drinks. I don't care that he was never a real bartender and frankly suspected as much. Yes I find it grating that he feels a need to inject his lefty politics into the channel for no reason. Getting offended at literally nothing but an American flag on a can of seltzer of all things is pretty fucking crazy but as other anons have pointed out if you're going to completely shut out and disregard everything a person says and does because you heard a dissenting political opinion from them then you're not much better than the limp wristed soyboy snowflakes you cry so much about.

>> No.18275273

Atleast they have Breaking Bad

>> No.18276233

No. Fuck you. If you wanted to play video games you wouldn't even know the name Zoe Quinn and by extension neither would I. But you wanted to go and shitpost about politics instead on a board it had nothing to do with. Eat shit and die, nigger.

>> No.18276244

you're fucking dumb m8 but that's k

>> No.18276273

>Zoe Quinn
She was just an excuse to blow up. /v/ was already pissed for literal years and looking for any excuse to lose their shit. Quinn never paid for reviews or did any of the shit they accused her of. They were just sick of liberal fags ruining gaming. Kotaku and Patricia Hernandez were pissing them off for literally years. It's funny looking back at her now and saying "Not all women have a vagina", which in current day isn't even a hot take, but it was something that caused endless seethe back then.

Zoe Quinn quite literally did nothing wrong. She was targeted for harassment by GG because she represented leftoid fags ruining gaming and any other bullshit people make up after the fact is a pure excuse.

>> No.18276277

>/v/ was already pissed for literal years and looking for any excuse to lose their shit
lol /v/ isn't one person

>> No.18276298

*yawn* this old bullshit excuse, do I even need to explain why it's fucking stupid?

>> No.18276319

*Sigh* *teleports behind you*

>> No.18276324

>Quinn never paid for reviews or did any of the shit they accused her of
What did they accuse her of

>> No.18276328

*teleports behind you first*
omae wa la moe shindeiru
*performs the tamashii zantetsu ougi*
zannen daga ore no shouri da
*zips up katana*

>> No.18276333

Sleeping with various reviewers or industry insiders for positive press coverage, industry collusion to rig awards shows, media manipulation and things of that nature.

She was just the match that lit up a tinder box covered in oil.

>> No.18276335

>Sleeping with various reviewers or industry insiders for positive press coverage
You're saying she didn't do this

>> No.18276336

Correct. There was never any evidence that she did.

>> No.18276337


>> No.18276354

Feel free to provide evidence. Provide a link to an article or an archive of an article written by any of the people she is purported to have slept with giving Depression Quest or Zoe Quinn positive press coverage before the events of GG began. I'll wait.

>> No.18276377
File: 59 KB, 992x558, ht_zoey_quinn_mt_141029_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I believe you because who would fuck this thing in the first place

>> No.18276396

Oh she fucked. That much was confirmed. Just never got any press coverage for it. The most press coverage anyone ever gave her was Nathan Grayson who quite literally mentioned her once in a list of indie developers, and this article was written months before Quinn and Grayson had any kind of relationship or sex together.

>> No.18276405

m8 it's been so many years I'm not going to rehash gamergate in /ck/ lmao, your ilk are immune to evidence anyway

>> No.18276413

>m8 I won't even liek provide evidence cuz I can't
You're in a thread created by an incel whining about a bugman offending him. It's essentially on topic. Go ahead and hit me with that evidence, I'll wait.

>> No.18276416
File: 91 KB, 742x757, 1610838258206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> your ilk are immune to evidence anyway

>> No.18276417


idk anything you just said i just googled this dumb broad and inserted myself into the conversation. adult gamer people just never grew up and should be treated like the mentally ill

>> No.18276425

What does that picture have to do with what we were talking about? Is some fact checker doing mental gymnastics supposed to be some kind of checkmate for you to never have to provide evidence in your own head? lol

>> No.18276428

Ultimately denial of existing evidence and redefinition is all a conversation with you will lead to. Last reply

>> No.18276443

>I have no evidence but Snopes was retarded so that means I don't have to provide evidence of my random claims
Okay bye you braindead retard. I didn't deny any "existing evidence" because you quite literally didn't provide any. It's hilarious that you don't understand the irony of your statements.

>> No.18276482
File: 141 KB, 820x627, 378-3789365_post-apu-pepe-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite too.
>mfw he smiles while shaking

>> No.18276507

The kind of guy who watches the channel in OP post would definitely fuck a girl like that lmao

>> No.18276532

Most of the incels in this thread would also fuck her even though they'd never admit it.

>> No.18276545

I'd fuck almost anything with a vagina, provided it wasn't obese.

>> No.18276580

>in one video says he likes Churchill
>in another one he apologizes saying how much of a bigot Churchill was to whamen or gays whatever
Lmoa what a cuck

>> No.18276667
File: 123 KB, 905x1024, 1655920136836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, a little advice from someone who was a communist back in the early 2000s.

There is a saying we have for non-leftists, it something "right wingers are weak men who pretend to be strong"

Now, lets imagine this guy was a right wing retard and he did something similar, but its something YOU would like. What would we do? Would be offended? Hell yes, the difference is that we don't just whine, we make sure the faggot pays for offending us. We would mass downvote his video, we would use our networks on twitter to hound him, we would report his videos. And YT will be more then happy to oblidge. We control insitutions remember.

More over, I would BAN every single person on this board who 1) defends him 2)admits to watching him.

This is why we win. That is why, no matter what circle, a Leftists will become the face of it. Its because we have 0 tolerance for those who oppose us. Right wingers don't have the balls. You wouldn't even ban and shame someone who admits to watching prog shit. You just whine.

When we mock you right wing retards for "being offended" and you respond to us seriously, its hard to feel sympathy for you losers. We aren't saying this because we give a shit that you're actually offended. In fact, we love your powerlessness while being offended. That makes us really happy. There is a reason why when offended right wingers actually have power, not a single Leftists is happy, they are afraid. But most of the time, you are just whining and crying. The reason is because you are powerless.

I mean look at this right wing retard. He knows his enemy is a lefty prog. And what does he do? HE TRIES TO ENGAGE WITH HIM IN RATIONAL DEBATE. Not a single leftists cares what you fucking think you right wing retard. The point is to mock and humilate you. He won that debate. All the people around him and you are learning an important lesson. You agree with us. You obey us, or you perish. Simple

>> No.18276689

it sounds like ur still a commie, brah

>> No.18276730
File: 271 KB, 1200x1337, 1655873644565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this thread is just sad, its watching right wing retards once again being blind and LOSING to Leftists. Pretty hard not to root for them to break you. The problem is that you are all weak men who pretend to be strong. Leftists only pretend to be weak. They are inherently strong men.

>other anons have pointed out if you're going to completely shut out and disregard everything a person says and does because you heard a dissenting political opinion from them then you're not much better than the limp wristed soyboy snowflakes you cry so much about.

I mean, this is why right wingers are so pathetic. Only a right winger actually feels BAD about hating his enemy, and he tries to "separate" politics from the person. Obviously this is retarded, but the right winger deludes himself that he shouldn't be offended because only "weak soyboys" do that.

Leftists do not believe that nonsense. Not a single Leftists think a right winger have a right to their opinion. The loser who wrote this comment would likely be banned on any community outside of 4chan for saying the wrong thing, so he stays out in 4chan like a coward. After all, we don't separate politics from the person. Everything is political, so if you disagree with us and you disagree with the party. You are a contamination and all your work are suspect and can be justifiable purged alongside you. A fascists can only produce fascist work. A non-leftists can always betray the party. By actively punishing people with dissenting political opinions, you help generate power for your side. We shame and shut them out for having the wrong opinions. That isn't weakness, that is strength. When you punish people with dissenting opinions, eventually, they will learn to obey. Leftists just understand human nature better. Imagine if the USSR or China believed that. The Left would have lost decades ago.

>> No.18276733

twitter tier joke

>> No.18276742

Common man cocktails does his neotiki cocktail revival shit better anyway

>> No.18276743
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 296-2965378_crying-wojak-png-download-crying-angry-rage-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why we win. That is why, no matter what circle, a Leftists will become the face of it. Its because we have 0 tolerance for those who oppose us. Right wingers don't have the balls.

>> No.18276744
File: 22 KB, 400x460, 1598539190184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh

>> No.18276765
File: 36 KB, 600x375, 54023249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drunken rednecks
>company picnics

>> No.18276770

You're clearly a conservative pretending to be a communist for (you)s. You've not very good at it.

>> No.18276801

>Greg makes good content.
If you think this, you haven't found the better cocktail channels.

>> No.18276832

Not him but he's right. You guys have your little internet cartoon pictures. Leftists control everything while you cower behind your phones and computers.

>> No.18276839

Not for (You)'s. He's frustrated with how cowardly right wingers are and is LARPing as a leftist to point out how weak they are.

>> No.18276843
File: 144 KB, 960x599, bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pendulum blah blah blah

>> No.18276852

"The pendulum will swing back eventually!" said increasingly nervous conservative for the 500th year in a row. Lol.

>> No.18276858
File: 876 KB, 1014x1883, 1591396689025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fresh cope is this

>> No.18276860

You realize the founding fathers were the radical leftists of 1766, right?

>> No.18276862


>> No.18276872

Uh oh guys the conservative posted a bunch of historical figure quotes and a store burning down. Surely the left wing will lose control of the schools, media, corporations, internet, and domination of all facets of society any day now. We just need to redpill more people on our meme forum!


>> No.18276882
File: 300 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-gunman_5079701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pew pew pew

>> No.18276884
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1651884666593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I may be an unhinged reality denier but at least I'm parroting the people allowed on TV

>> No.18276888
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, 1637452404825m (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.18276893

the ff hated women and niggers

>> No.18276903

lmao, this is your victory lap? Some fat teenager shooting a handful of retards? Mmkay. Keep up your epic internet banter warz. You and the other fag sucking each other off in this thread with your little pictures are truly winning the culture war while the left runs everything in real life.

It's funny because if they ever decide to bother blowing this place up, you'll literally have nowhere left to go.

>> No.18276908
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>> No.18276911
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, 1660818767309333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny because if they ever decide to bother blowing this place up, you'll literally have nowhere left to go.
We'd go outside. It's funny because they know we're the uncontrollable ones they don't want outside while you're the good useful idiot controlled by late night comedy

>> No.18276932

>We'd go outside
lmao even

>It's funny because they know we're the uncontrollable ones
Uh, they have you cornered and posting in the one little corner on the internet they left for you. If they truly felt like it, they could put tremendous on Hiro to close this place and if you think that guy cares enough about this place to put himself at serious risk, you're delusional.

Nobody is afraid of you. You're a reject and a loser that sits on your internet prison all day imagining yourself as someone of importance when nobody cares about you.

I don't watch late night comedy and I'm not even a leftist.

>> No.18276936

What brings you here

>> No.18276941

I like cooking and laughing at incels and their imagined importance or power. The left controls this country. You have to be completely delusional to believe otherwise. The previous poster was correct in calling conservatives cowards. They're too afraid to openly protest or fight for anything. They just stay home and snicker among themselves and post their little pictures. They're pathetic.

>> No.18276944

>I like cooking and laughing at incels
sounds pretty hollow

>> No.18276958

It's fun. I get to post here and share some cooking ideas and simultaneously piss on some idiots.

>> No.18276968

but it's all anonymous, you're pissing in an ocean of piss while also getting pissed on. The longer you gaze in to the incel the more time you spend staring at incels

>> No.18276978

trannies and shitskins are obsessed with projecting their own impotence onto others. every minute this creature spends trying to torment incels, they are just imagining inflicting their own self-loathing onto others.
it's really torturing itself. they're right that the left is winning -- it's because they reproduce by perpetuating a mentally ill crab bucket mentality. this is much easier than cultivating health and productivity.

>> No.18276989

Because most fashion bullshit unironically comes from the Midwest, and in spring and fall, flannel is comfy and warm and not a stupid jacket you have to throw around. For some reason coastie faggots thought it looked cool. The stereotypical hipster look is just an average Midwest 20/30 something with coastie shoes

>> No.18276990

They're winning because dumb fat cowards like you never show up to do anything in real life. You just sit on your internet corner bitching, posting schizo rants, posting the newest cartoon frogs, and LARPing as alphas on the internet.

It costs me nothing to laugh at you. Only some incel dorks that spend their entire lives on here think this place is some deep torture of the soul or something. I stop in once in a while to laugh at you.

>> No.18277000

>It costs me nothing to laugh at you
Time, you supposedly have the world at your fingertips and you spend it as you describe, 'laughing at incels'. Pretty sad

>> No.18277022

And you spend it lecturing me on how sad it is to waste my time laughing at incels. Even sadder. You're trying really hard but you're not going to make me regret laughing at retards that puff their chests up on the internet pretending they're winning when they control virtually nothing. It's peak comedy.

>> No.18277026

>And you spend it lecturing me on how sad it is to waste my time laughing at incels. Even sadder
Exactly, round and round we go. Only you have some delusion that you're not also wasting time here

>> No.18277034

Everyone is wasting time doing everything since I can't prove objective purpose. For what it's worth, I spend significantly less time than you both posting on 4chan and being a fucking retard. Thanks for your nihilist bullshit to try and save face, though.

>> No.18277037


>> No.18277048

go back to facebook 2016 tourist faggot

>> No.18277052

No one's winning. Globalist elites are laughing in the right and leftwing retards face while they make billions off of you. You're all fucking retards just shittin where you eat

>> No.18277058

who care

>> No.18277063

Yawn. The left won the culture war and all corporations dance for their causes and they in turn throw all of their money at them. They're in bed together and having their way. Guess who isn't? Conservatives. Don't try to play this off as "everyone is getting fucked" you coping retard. There's a reason you cucks have to "hide your power level". Leftists don't need to do that.

>> No.18277108

Lol no they didn't. Left wing retards are more likely to spend ridiculous sums of money online vs right wing retards, so guess where you see all the bullshit pandering? Online. You're all a bunch of shit eating morons who just keep their mouths open for another heaping portion straight from your right and leftwing wranglers who ultimately serve the same globalist overlords.

Life is real easy when you realize the culture war doesn't matter because you have a gun. Now Europeans definitely lost. I will give you that.

>> No.18277302

Always love the boring idiots like this faggot dipshit that thinks he's saying something profound and thinks he's honestly above the noise when he's probably the dumbest motherfucker in this entire thread.

>> No.18278625

>say if you shut out everyone with dissenting opinions you're no better than a leftist
>spend 2 blog posts breaking down how that's exactly what leftists do
>say I'm a coward for not being as bad as them.

Lol. Not being as bad as them was kind of the point. Also it's pretty funny that you equate the left banning and silencing anyone they disagree with as strength and engaging in rational debate as cowardly. You know what's cowardly? Deflection through mocking, calling in a mob of twitter goons to mass shame people. Not directly engaging with an issue because they can't, so they silence through literal Stalinesque tactics.

Go ahead and say that's why we lose. I won't apologize for exhibiting enough humanity by daring to see people as more than just the ideology they've been brainwashed into. It's more than the left is capable of.

>> No.18278695
File: 72 KB, 498x498, pepe-smoke[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this comment a few days ago, because I wanted to be the faggiest anon in this thread. Coming back to it now I can see I failed miserably.
To make things /ck/ again: Tomorrow is my birthday and I will make a BBQ for my wife and her two lady friends (it was her idea). I'll want to make all of them drunk as much as possible, they all love caipinhas and I was wondering what is the best:
1. making the drinks as they demand
2. make a big batch and let them serve themselves

>> No.18278812

Nice samefag troon

>> No.18279546

>You wouldn't even ban and shame someone who admits to watching prog shit
I would.
>When we mock you right wing retards for "being offended"
No, we mock *you* for being offended. Other than that I agree though, all right-wingers need to channel their inner authoritarians already, start treating leftoids like they treat us but even worse. They deserve it.

>> No.18279565

You want to make femoids drunk, definitely let them serve themselves, unless they view you as their drink cuck and will unashamedly order several drinks in a row from you. You set out a way to self-serve, look away, and all the drink will be gone. The question is why though? Getting w*men drunk is pointless, you'll just have stupid drunk bitches on your hands.

>> No.18280070

Shut the fuck up tranny

>> No.18280174

>Also it's pretty funny that you equate the left banning and silencing anyone they disagree with as strength
It is strength. If I'm so strong that you're afraid to talk around me or be honest anywhere near me because I'll fuck you up, that's called me being stronger than you. The left runs shit and you have to cower and spit your bullshit on the internet anonymously on the one website that still tolerates you(for now).

If you're so strong then why can't you even talk in public you fucking coward? Because you're afraid, just like the rest of them. You bark a lot online but you're terrified of the left.

>engaging in rational debate as cowardly
You don't do this. You sit in your little hugbox barking at people. You're too afraid to even have a rational debate, and every time the right has tried to debate the left in a public, moderated setting, they get destroyed. Only in the little /pol/ hugbox where they can dogpile anyone with a dissenting opinion are they delusional enough to think they're "rational." The closest thing the right has to winning public debates is dipshits like Crowder and Shapiro pwning brainless college students like it matters.

>Deflection through mocking, calling in a mob of twitter goons to mass shame people. Not directly engaging with an issue because they can't, so they silence through literal Stalinesque tactics.
They do all of that because they can afford to be dismissive of you. Because you're a coward and you have no power. You're also just not worth their time to engage with. It's not that they can't win debates with you, it's that there's no point in even talking to you.

>I won't apologize for exhibiting enough humanity by daring to see people as more than just the ideology they've been brainwashed into.
Fucking please. You delusional idiots always see yourselves as some objective arbiter of truth, which is just juvenile navel gazing bullshit. They aren't anymore brainwashed than you are.

>> No.18280190

Incel advice

>> No.18280207

How To Drink fell off a fucking cliff
Early eps were good but he leans into the whole le whacky drink guy shtick now. Plus he doesn't know shit about liqour. As evidenced by the fact that he can't pronounce Aperol.

>> No.18280731

All you're doing is name calling and projecting. It's meaningless. Thanks for coming back to try and have the last word though. Your breakdown of how the left imposes themselves was very insightful. I'm genuinely curious Mr. supposed former communist, what made you want to stop aligning with that side?

>> No.18280744

NTA but what actual leftist economic policies have actually gone into effect? Because all i see you talking about are social policy bullshit. Is leftism just about trannies and niggers now? Sound more like western neoliberalism to me. How exactly is capitalism with rainbow flags leftism?

>> No.18282248
File: 1.08 MB, 1542x1540, 1633172038376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These people have no moral center whatsoever
Welcome to leftism. Nothing is sacred to them, they'll flip and flop and do whatever they think is "fair" as a means to achieving their goals.