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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 792 KB, 1100x1164, 46BE2275-42D2-4F7D-9C94-79081B31DC78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18245505 No.18245505 [Reply] [Original]

What would get you to buy a children’s fast food meal?

>> No.18245515

A child

>> No.18245523

I mean I’d have to have one. Not get a free one with the meal. That would just be weird haha.

>> No.18245526

How many soiboys will be buying this? The only time I would go full soi is if Neopets were brought back.

>> No.18245539


>> No.18245547

man pokemon sucks now. the pokemon thing actually looks kino though, only thing stopping me is being seen buying it but aside from that not much because i don't have fragile masculinity

>> No.18245559
File: 339 KB, 1151x1204, F0773CF9-9394-49DD-9C5B-2A6786321BDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 250,000 will

>> No.18245563

So basically the number of customers McDonald’s has in 1min. Wow. So amazing.

>> No.18245580

thats a cool box
i wonder how much it will be worth as a full happy meal in 10 years, the food will still be edible

>> No.18245585

How about you go the fuck back, tourist?

>> No.18245598

nta but most of this boards users are uptight assholes that cant even cook, some more people would be nice. granted their post is shit

>> No.18245601

I'm tempted.

>> No.18245611

If I had a kid I would be all over this. Sadly I don't. I love Pokémon, but I already feel guilty about religiously buying the mainline games I don't even have time to play anymore. I wish they would bring back the PokéOreos.

>> No.18245640

downlow i regularly buy the children's happy meal with 4pc nuggets because at $4 it's one of the cheapest ways to get both fries and nuggets (plus a drink). usually do this when there's a $3 big mac or quarter pounder coupon in the mcdonalds app

>> No.18245672

Having a child.

I have no desire to buy child size portions of fast food to get a piece of plastic.

>> No.18245778

I'm like you, Sw and Sh was my line in the sand. That shit just looked garbage.

>> No.18245815

>calls people tourists
>is himself a reddit refugee
You're lucky I don't deport you to 9gag

>> No.18245876

I played it for one or two afternoons, and had to stop because it was so easy and boring. I liked PLA, but Sword and Shield were just stupid. I may give it another chance before the new games debut, but it's not fun when the game dumbs down all the bosses and tricks you into grinding by giving your entire party exp just for catching Pokémon. You have to purposefully gimp yourself to even make the game somewhat challenging now.

>> No.18245902

Bad parent.

>> No.18245920

>same faggot who posted shit in other threads and suddenly realized you can write “soy” on a cooking board
Welcome to 4chan. This site can be used anonymously. It isn’t like where you’re from, where there are likes/votes/etc.
so if you do something retarded, all you have to do is shut the fuck up. There’s no need to double down and try to save face.

>> No.18245980

its cute

>> No.18246414
File: 30 KB, 400x300, BTBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't buy one for myself, but this promotion reminds me of the (picrel) Bionicle card game they gave out with Mighty Kids meals to advertise the Bohrok sets. I really liked that as a kid so if I had kids I'd get them this of they were into Pokemon. Most kids meal toys these days suck, this seems cool (for kids).

>> No.18246726

Was curios enough to look up match battles. Each player picks a pokemon card. Spin a spinner that will tell you HP, pokeball number, height, weight, or card number. Whichever card is the higher number wins. Whoever wins 3 cards is the winner.
What a dumb game.

>> No.18246736

>5>>18245526 >>18245547 >>18245601 >>18245611 >>18245640 >>18245980 >>18246414 >>18246726What would get you to buy a children’s fast food meal?
a sex toy

>> No.18246754
File: 372 KB, 455x590, 48D4EB8B-B866-4BA7-B029-85A915083510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they betray the king?

>> No.18246805
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>> No.18246820

I had that Venonat rev top. Was pretty cool.

>> No.18246832

i have the entire set

also for the mcD's just buy a big mac meal and a kids meal for take out
you can use the excuse its for your kid....but maybe do it at one you dont frequent or they will know your lying

>> No.18246839

*tips fedora*

>> No.18246847

we dont have this kind of fun in canadian mcdonalds. trudeau doesnt want us to even smile when collecting our goyslop

>> No.18246862

maybe he wants you away from goyslop?

>> No.18246874

yeah right. lemme go buy a vegetab-- uhh, am i in venezuela

>> No.18246882

order online. my last child was returned to her parents.

>> No.18246898

>it's either fast food or salads
go back to your health blog karen

>> No.18246913
File: 3.24 MB, 2880x1612, FLHeDDGWUAQb_8q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right. lemme go buy some mea..t
>picks up some processed food with shaking hands
life in B.C Canada

>> No.18246927

go shoot a moose or something

>> No.18246942

have thought of getting a bow and shooting some geese up close

>> No.18246943

do it
you don't even have to eat them, just kill them
fuck geese

>> No.18246945

shoot meese
don't eat them, that's wrong. i only eat animals that eat us, like cats or snakes.

>> No.18247363
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 1440809312286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a child. Or maybe holding booster packs or contained cards for a few years for autistic tcg collectors.

>> No.18247367

>saved it as a jpg
Are you braindamaged?

>> No.18247443

Depends on the toy, the last time that I bought a happy meal was when they has the Charlie Brown movie, I could only get Charlie and Snoopy, really wanted the resto of them

>> No.18247649

>How many soiboys will be buying this?
Who do you think they're targeting?
Kids couldn't give less of a fuck about the TCG. It's only sustainable because of neckbeard autists.

>> No.18248111

quite the theory

>> No.18248206

Pepsi man toys even though mcd only has coke

>> No.18248213 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, my_little_pony_mcdonalds_2012_happy_meal_toys[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in 2010 or so, I bought Happy Meals for all of the Brony toys.

>> No.18248215

>no toys,only cards
meh,thank you next

>> No.18248272

Anon... These aren't brony toys, they're toys for little girls, and possibly toys for little boys who may or may not be a little effeminate.

>> No.18248305

Soiboys flocked over these last year for muh resell. There are some cards in here that are somewhat playable but not many fan favorites. It won’t be as bad as last year

>> No.18248440

I cannot believe that the comment was deleted in a completely relevant thread.

>> No.18248468
File: 47 KB, 587x451, absolute chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This says a lot about this franchise's target audience. Not if that's anything new.

>> No.18248539

would have done the same

>> No.18248562

I'm actually going to buy as many of these as I can. Not just to add to my own collection, but you just know that the cards alone will definitely at least cover the cost of the food when I scalp them.

>> No.18249332

The only reasons to get a Happy Meal past the age of 12 is if you have kids or are a light eater. Adults purchasing them just to get a Pokémon card is just sad.

>> No.18249337

whiteoids are violent and sadistic

>> No.18249880

There'll be a bloodbath over this

you underestimate the power of branding

>> No.18249897

This. A functional, non wasteful/parasitic, government.

>> No.18250181

Give me a blowjob marketing grunt

>> No.18250546
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>> No.18250551

Is every single board really infested with soijaks and frogs nowadays?

>> No.18250624
File: 149 KB, 1036x558, niggerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fucking booru dedicated to that stupid shit.

>> No.18250632

fun fact that deck was called virgin

>> No.18250716

This is just dishonest marketing.

>> No.18250798

Meh, not this. Only thing pokemon I ever got into were the main series games.

I do like tcgs but I never really cared much for pokemon cards, either for the art or the game itself. If these meals had MtG boosters in them then yeah I might be tempted but then again the cards themselves are probably banned from use in actually games.

>> No.18251072

There are two gaming shops within driving distance of me that run monthly Pokemon TCG tournaments (one place is mostly MTG, the other is minatures and MTG). In 10 years I've only twice seen someone under the age of 25 enter the Pokemon tournament; once it was an 11 year old whose mom looked weirded out by the whole thing when she came to pick him up and the other was in the 18ish range.

>> No.18251088

Kids don't enter tournaments. They play with their friends.

>> No.18251098

Enough that actual kids won't get them.

>> No.18251156

Yeah the Pokemon TCG really fucking sucks
As a kid I legit thought I was playing it wrong because I couldn't believe how barebones it is

>> No.18251348

>fappy meal

>> No.18251357
File: 30 KB, 650x620, gusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys give soiboys a lot of shit but at least those dudes Have families, have sex, have successful social groups, have good jobs to allow them to afford they hobbies, own homes and vehicles, while you dorks spend 160 hours a week obsessing about them on 4chan

>> No.18251407
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 1638554223401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those dudes Have families, have sex, have successful social groups, have good jobs to allow them to afford they hobbies, own homes and vehicles
But do they really? Collecting Pokémon cards or Fukno Pops is hardly an adult hobby that requires an adult income, btw.

>> No.18251408

nobody said anything about pokemon cards or funko pops.

>> No.18251414

>soyboys are npcs
Gee, thanks for clearing this up! I also have never heard the saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ before. If I were to go out on a limb and adventurously compare this to the matrix movie’s red pill/blue pill scene, it’d surely be an avant-garde and novel concept!

>> No.18251417

This entire thread is about Pokémon cards you illiterate.

>> No.18251423

it's about a mcdonalds promotion that just so happens to be about pokemon, Otherwise this thread would be off topic.

>> No.18251477

So it's a thread about McDonalds putting Pokémon cards into happy meals, and somehow that means nobody said anything about Pokémon cards.

>> No.18251605

30 years ago they would just be called nerds, and would be social outcasts. Today it's normal and even encouraged. I'm not sure what caused the shift.

>> No.18251623

It's just a lot easier these days to find like minded people. If you're a football nerd you can find 100s of fantasy football leagues to join, if you're a gun nerd you can find 100s of gun clubs and groups to join, if you're into BDSM you can find 100s of dungeons and clubs if you're into card games or video games or board games you can find 100s of those too. It's just how it is. And I don't think it's really "encouraged" it's just there's no reason to have a freak-out about a guy who collects Dr.Who toys or whatever because in the real world it doesn't matter and being a Pokemon nerd is no different than being into anything else be it Cars, sex, music, guns, woodworking, collecting fucking WW1 MREs, whatever.

>> No.18251646

I'm both a gun nerd and a Pokémon nerd, but the difference between me and a soiboy is that I don't make my interest in either of those things publicly known. I only discuss those things on /k/ or /vp/ anonymously, and with a few close friends or coworkers who are also into that stuff.

>> No.18251700

are you stupid or in a bad mood?

>> No.18251724

nothing would get me to go to mcdonalds

>> No.18251747

>is that I don't make my interest in either of those things publicly known
you shouldn't be so insecure about things you like.

>> No.18251793

I don't like advertising to strangers that I own thousands of dollars worth of firearms or play kiddie games.

>> No.18251798

I started playing in local MTG tournaments when I was 11, as did several of my friends. Entry fee was only $5 and winner got something like 8 booster packs while second and third place got 4.

>> No.18251879

Making up pointless abbrevations for the shortest, most inane of phrases, is the hallmark of the reddïtor. See TIL for a prime example.
Someone actually thought it was necessary to come up with a 3 letter abbrevation for a 9 letter phrase.

>> No.18251898

You can be into something without wearing the merch of the items. I mean shit plenty of adults sit around and play 2K all day i don't see how pretending to be a basketball player is any better or worse than playing a classic RPG or owning guns. I live in Florida, everybody and their grandma has guns here

>> No.18251904

Big Bang Theory

>> No.18251927

Some cool or collectible toy or something I guess, but mcdonalds toys are trash now so I don't think that'll ever happy. I will order happy meals if they can do a 2001 Bionicle-tier or better promotion again, that was some good shit.

>> No.18251960

Reminds me of the image macro of the neckbeard in a fedora playing his Gameboy in public, captioned "not caring what other people think means I'm a grown up!"

Unprompted flaunting of your childish interests is insecurity trying to masquerade as maturity. It's fine to have childish hobbies, it's even fine to speak passionately about them, but that doesn't mean you should act like a four year old shaking with excitement over buying toys.

>> No.18252081

It's not so much about being ashamed of owning guns as it is not wanting to become a target for theft.

>> No.18252092

This. Soiboys and neckbeards don't understand that there's a time and place for everything.