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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 460 KB, 1015x931, 1633523686168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18236454 No.18236454 [Reply] [Original]

Tastes like your favorite breakfast, just without all the sugar. My favorite flavor is Cinnamon, its legit better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch

>> No.18236458

Shill thread. Tastes like artificial sugar.

>> No.18236462

>le positive opinion is... LE SHILLING

>> No.18236463

I wouldn't buy it because of the globohomo art even if it did taste good.

>> No.18236473

You have to be mentally retarded to buy this shit. And why the soulless globohomo box art? Who are they fooling?

>> No.18236483

The boxes are genuinely nice to look at

>> No.18236491

Maybe if you are Stevie Wonder

>> No.18236494

sorry I'm not a fucking manchild

>> No.18236504

oh big tough guy too cool for cereal let me suck your dick

>> No.18236513

You'd at least get more nutritional value for cheaper than that dumbass globohomo cereal

>> No.18236522

Seems a fairly silly thing to get upset over.

>> No.18236527

i like the idea of a high protein sweet cereal, and I would buy and eat magic spoon for that reason if it wasn't for the fact that it uses fake sugar. i'm not a keto retard or an anti-sugar tranny, so if Magic Spoon was the same high protein cereal but also had actual sugar then I'd be totally sold on it.

Also the box art looks like garbage. they should find a better artist.

>> No.18236530

Lol fucking lol fucking hahah you must be 18 to post here zoomcunt fagboy.

>> No.18236537


>> No.18236547

eh, what?

>> No.18236579

I eat oatmeal like an adult.

>> No.18236605

what's wrong with fake sugar? example, i chew gum with xylitol because better for ur teeth

>> No.18236606

Damn OP you sure did get offended by that one, maybe you should eat another $10 box of globohomo cum puffs

>> No.18236610

it tastes like fake sugar

>> No.18236611

There's more than just one person on this board that likes Magic Spoon, lard ass.

>> No.18236617

Lmao no there is not

>> No.18236625

I like the peanut butter

>> No.18236626

Go back to your containment board, zoomie.

>> No.18236633

see >>18236625

>> No.18236636

Keep shilling it nigger I won't buy it no matter how many threads you make

>> No.18236638


>> No.18236641

that's okay, because others will

>> No.18236643

That's you, samefag.

>> No.18236649

Meant for>>18236454

>> No.18236653


>> No.18236674

this shit is like $8/box and it's basically just protein powder and starch mixed together. just eat some fucking eggs in the morning. you have to be a complete retard to eat this shit

>> No.18236703

>Tastes like your favorite breakfast
No it absolutely does not. It tastes like a grittier sandier version that turns to mush between your teeth after chewing that's filled with fake sweeteners.

>> No.18236708

>I haven’t tried it but let me tell you what it tastes like
Tell me more!

>> No.18236719

I can't eat eggs because I am a vegan and also gay

>> No.18236748

Actually I'm a totally different anon.
The peanut butter is great. I'd buy more but its pretty expensive. I'm hoping they grow in size and that the economy of scale drives the price down.

>> No.18236820
File: 116 KB, 1138x552, spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this garbage is so expensive, their marketing team prices BY THE BOWL. i hope they go out of business. fucking cunts

>> No.18236822

So basically you’re butthurt because you can’t afford it, and think nobody else should have it since you can’t?

>> No.18236823

not for long at that price

>> No.18236834

no it's just marketed towards morons who will actually spend $10 on a box of whey protein + starch balls instead of buying a steak

>globohomo art
>uses the term "grown ups"

>> No.18236849

I wish I could find steak for >$2/serving
>drawings makes me mad
>words make me mad
You might just be autistic.

>> No.18236857

you can buy a pound of top round for $8.99. and an entire box of your "grown-up" cereal is 700 calories of whey

>> No.18236863

>if you think I’m silly for being mad, you must love what I’m mad at

>> No.18236864

>Equating literal globohomo soy chow to steak
You keep digging yourself deeper

>> No.18236873
File: 170 KB, 1609x1365, rhea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you point out a retarded product with obnoxious overused corporate art, you have autism! I win!!


>> No.18236876

All those sugar alcohols give you the shit. Enjoy shitting yourself while destroying your gut bacteria.

>> No.18236883

Fucking lol you autistic little zoomzooms
Keep being illiterate and moving goalposts just so you can screech more.

>> No.18236886

It says soy free on the box

>> No.18236896

communism is a failure and transgenderism isn't real.

>> No.18236899

OP isn't soy free though

>> No.18236909

>invite girl over for a nice dinner
>she asks if I am making steak
>tell her it's better than steak
>whip out a box of FRUITY MAGIC SPOON and some Oatly brand oat milk
>she runs out screaming, I tell her to wait because I haven't showed her my collection of MLP memorabilia yet

>> No.18236920
File: 97 KB, 2263x1236, marco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family comes over my apartment for dinner
>they're really hungry (i told them not to eat all day)
>whip out whey protein balls sitting in almond milk
>spent a whole days worth of work hours at wholefoods on 4 boxes
>we go out to olive garden instead

>> No.18236952
File: 685 KB, 3000x3000, fiberone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat this if you want healthy cereal that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Have it with greek yoghurt, smoked salmon, etc. to get your protein and fiber for the first half of the day.

>> No.18236956

I had keto cereal once and regretted it.

>> No.18236969

because not MAGA enough for you?

>> No.18236974
File: 3.82 MB, 498x297, 1657692578999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's assblasted replies to every post in this thread
shill harder noah steinberg

>> No.18236978


>> No.18236993


>> No.18237007

I wouldn't buy it without sampling it first. The box art doesn't make the product attractive to me and from the lone pic OP posted, I haven't a clue what I'd be getting. Is there even a picture of the cereal itself anywhere on the packaging at all?

>> No.18237033

This board is so easy to rile up and troll. It's a box of fucking cereal. These threads always hit the bump limit.

>> No.18237038

that doesn't even make sense

>> No.18237048

It tastes like shit and has shit box art.

>> No.18237067

Out of all of the things in the world to be outraged about, a box of cereal no one is forcing you to give a shit about ranks very low on my list.

>> No.18237084

My guess is bland cheerios.

>> No.18237086

>it tastes like shit in my imagination
You realize reality doesn’t give a fuck about that, right?

>> No.18237091

>OP is now switching to his pretending to be retarded haha you are so easy to troll mode

>> No.18237095

OP is defending this cereal as if his home depends on him selling 10 boxes today

>> No.18237101

Getting mad at faggots on the internet that are mad about shit cereal isn't a productive use of your time.

>> No.18237104

Be less obvious

>> No.18237111

No, they aren't. They're prime examples of the soulless dehumanizing corporate art that's been prevalent over the past few years.

>> No.18237112

Pointing out that idiots fall for the same bait over and over isn't being mad about anything. Nothing posted on 4chan is ever productive. You lack self awareness.

>> No.18237116

About what? Your love for shitty cereal and bad taste in art? kek

>> No.18237117 [DELETED] 

and you get mad at them getting mad. you're no better than they are.

>> No.18237118

>Nothing posted on 4chan is ever productive.
Then why are you here?

>> No.18237120

Yeah you’re way too upset about some fucking box art.
On a board where “soul” means “dirty kitchen”.

>> No.18237121

Tried the fruity ones when a box broke in work. They taste like fuck all, barely fruity at all. The box is an instant turn off aswell because it's just too bright and in your face, it's like those over the top adverts for the random shitty things you can get that work "super well"

>> No.18237122

nobody in this thread is mad except for you and the cereal shill

>> No.18237124

I’ve never tried the stuff. I’m calling you a whiny faggot.
>everyone who thinks I’m a faggot must like thing I don’t like
Literal autism.
Underage confirmed.

>> No.18237126

I tried it, two flavors in fact. It's total dogshit.

>> No.18237133
File: 190 KB, 1243x921, frikkin magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nutrition stats aren't all that different. If your diet is so gross that a few carbs are going to make the difference one way or another, then you deserve to get fleeced for eating a children's food.

>> No.18237138

>says the one defending clip art cereal like I just insulted his entire heritage

>> No.18237143

You did not eat the cereal

>> No.18237146

Fake sugar can lead to diabetes more so than real sugar.
They have practically proven a connection between insulin resistance and artificial sweeteners, the only thing currently up for discussion is why exactly it happens.

There's basically two schools of thought on that subject:
Artificial sweeteners signal to your body that glucose is about to enter and to better ramp up the insulin production so all that sweet sweet energy can be absorbed by your cells. With real sugar this bodily function works as it should, the insulin has something to do and thus gets reduced. Artificial sweeteners don't actually give you any glucose so theres a ton of free floating, useless, insulin in your body and it will adapt its insulin response appropriately in the future.

Another theory, which as gained more traction as of late, is that artificial sweeteners just annihilate your gut bacteria (which is proven, its basically why you get the runs from it) and over a longer period of time your drastically reduced gut bacteria diversity will lead to them not being able to properly with sugar anymore (glucose intolerance)

Also, for me, fake sugar just tastes like shit. I will keep on ingesting real sugar, I will just cut back my overall sugar consumption.
Personal responsibility is cool, anon.


>> No.18237156
File: 133 KB, 640x630, cat sidestare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hope you guys dont actually eat breakfast

>> No.18237167

Yes, anon. Calling you a faggot means I love <thing you hate>. Because it just does.

>> No.18237175

>doing it for free
Sad, and a cereal company with 1000% markup could afford advertising too

>> No.18237180

Again, deflecting to cereal.
The topic of discussion is you sucking cocks, anon.

>> No.18237188

i take full responsibility for this thread gaining traction. you're welcome.

>> No.18237193

Well it looks like we're done here. Hope the $16/hr they're paying you is worth this faggotry.

>> No.18237194

I do, but I have a job so I have something that actually makes me hungry again by lunch.

>> No.18237195

Enjoy you L

>> No.18237211

i think stevia type shit is what has fucked my stomach up these past 2 weeks. dont think i ever had an issue before, but maybe it's because im getting older.

>> No.18237214

I would guess them to look like cheerios or puffs (Cocoa, Reese's etc), yeah. Still, why would I buy a product with such unappealing box art, not pictorial representation of what I'd be getting and presumably costing far more than other, similar products? ffs, I bought two boxes of Peanut Butter Panda Puffs last night for a buck something each and I'd be surprised if any variety of Magic Spoon is remotely as good.

Blandness wouldn't bother me, generally. My favourite cereals are typically thought of as bland: Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Crispix, Rice and/or Corn Chex, Corn Flakes, plain Total, Product 19 (miss that shit like you wouldn't believe) and so on. What would bother me is if they charge me an arm and a fucking leg for some bullshit.

>> No.18237219

It's actually commission based

>> No.18237222

>that stupid post-brutalist art style again
That instantly tells me it should be avoided

>> No.18237232
File: 31 KB, 450x250, 1584369841294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe heavy lifting morning jobs are different
for everything else coffee is the only food required until the eventual 12-2 fooding

>> No.18237245


Shit cereal marketed towards man children who cannot go without eating sugar for more than 10 mins.
Terrible taste, just eat normal Cherrios without the sugar in them. Or just grow the fuck up.

>> No.18237247

>Or just grow the fuck up.

umm bro this says it IS for grown-ups. can you read?

>> No.18237264
File: 11 KB, 413x243, 34239478302398423092390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18237273

White collar jobs are the fucking worst. You don't burn any calories at work, you wind up bored because you spend 80% of the day doing jack shit because there isn't that much to do if you aren't retarded, yet they always like to throw donuts in the break room to bait you into eating garbage. I gained so much weight working in a call center but then I lost it all when I went back to working in a kitchen.

>> No.18237387

Don't I know it. I'm a teacher and gained quite a bit of weight. I'm up to 86kg which wouldn't be so bad but I'd lost muscle mass since joining the big boy work force.
Prior to this, I worked as an "artisanal" baker, which means we did everyfuckingthing by hand. No machines other than the ovens. If you ever saw that video of that dancing faggot making bread, that was my build. Now, I have a belly when I sit down. : (

>> No.18237404

You reap what you sow fat boy

>> No.18237421

What good thing has this cereal done for you that's causing you to defend it this fucking hard for completely free?

>> No.18237423

You realize that those old-world bakers that you were larping would have given their left nut for mechanical assistance, right?

>> No.18237427


>> No.18237432
File: 2.86 MB, 2400x2400, bde366fa-8ce1-4290-804c-42e041f3372d.47432dad5ebc3d5e3e0c179793ee65e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get about 2 weeks worth of breakfast
>Unsweetened almond milk
>throw some bananas, strawberries, whatever fruit or chopped nuts i have on top
>7g of sugar per serving, which isnt bad considering most cereals have double that
wa la, cheap and decent cereal for breakfast without shilling out 10 dollars +shipping for a 7oz box of goyfeed

>> No.18237435

Lmao what a terrible breakfast

Get on my level

>> No.18237437

You've convinced nobody that you aren't a paid shill.

>> No.18237454

>he doesn't know which ip is OP

Oh boy sure is newfag in here

>> No.18237462

Maybe you're not OP.
There might be more than one paid shill itt, and that's what you are.

>> No.18237470

What did it do to make you attack it with great emotional pantsshitting for free?
Did it touch your little skittlesack?

>> No.18237478

OP might be a paid shill but you come off as quite the redditor, anon.

>> No.18237486

You seem very angry that there are people who don't like the cereal, which are not very healthy or organic emotions to have on such matters.
Whatever I come off as doesn't make me not right.

>> No.18237488

It's the art style they use on crappy office apps. My workplace is using them and they ruin my day, trying to find a feature under time-pressure that may not even exist.

>> No.18237491

>office clip art ruins my day
What the fuck is your job? Printing out clip art? Cleaning framed clip art in the bathrooms?

>> No.18237499

So what does it actually taste like? Is it just generic artifical sweetener flavor? Stevia? Either way sounds gross, but I have been somewhat morbidly curious since all the ads just how bad it is.

>> No.18237500

Protip: he didn’t actually try it.

>> No.18237503

How do you know?

>> No.18237513

Made with ingredients even more highly processed than regular junk cereal.
Goes stale within hours of unsealing and no amount of clips, clamps, or kitchen heat sealers changes that.
Was gifted 3 boxes of this from my little sister when she and her kids didn't like it.
Has a sudden highly sweet taste that is just abnormal.

>> No.18237530

Remember to thank me for letting you know what the term was.

>> No.18237580

I do not support globohomo products of any sort.
Fuck off, shill.

>> No.18237588

Fucking lol, Brayden.

>> No.18237634

>old thing from my childhood days good
>new thing from my social reject present bad

>> No.18237640
File: 2.13 MB, 1170x730, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture. It doesn't look fuckawful but it doesn't particularly look above the cut, either.

>> No.18237656

I wanna get back into sweet cereals, but I'm trying to be healthy and shit. Is it true Cinnamon Toast Crunch has less sugar than most cereals m?

>> No.18237674

What exactly is compelling you to get back into sweet cereals? I'd say just resist the urge if you actually want to be healthy and make yourself some eggs for breakfast or something.

>> No.18237699

>Is it true Cinnamon Toast Crunch has less sugar than most cereals m?

it's sugar coated wheat, m8

>> No.18237726

Can't cook breakfast often due to my work schedule.

>> No.18237739

so your solution is to eat candy

>> No.18237766
File: 442 KB, 455x500, 1345912640136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Software developer. Constant burnout, monitoring a dozen deadlines in parallel while writing C++ code, last thing I need is some shitty web application sending me a "social message" about happy people doing happy office jobs.

>> No.18237772

Candy is actually more masculine and adult than whatever that abomination in your OP is, shill.

>> No.18237783

Why are you faggots eating cereal?
Aren't you supposed to be over 18 years old to post here?

>> No.18237802

I just have my doubts about the taste and its effect on the digestive system and metabolism. Plus I'm not on any real diet or anything that makes me need to cut calories.

The only real use for fake sugar I see is for people with diabetes, strict diets, and yes fake sugar is better for your teeth. But if you just brush your teeth after eating something sugary then you don't have to worry about that anyway.

>> No.18237809


>> No.18237813

im not OP retard. cinnamon toast crunch is candy as is OP's shit

>> No.18237818

It's called Coporate Memphis and it is quirky and fun.

>> No.18237819

people like cereal because its tasty as fuck. If they didnt like how unhealthy it is they would just eat a normal breakfast instead of jumping to another ultra-processed goyslop

>> No.18237832

Your retarded replies suggest otherwise

>> No.18237836

>cereal is candy now
I bet you think you’re a woman now.

>> No.18237878

Not him but shit like CTC is basically candy.

>> No.18237887

Cinnamon toast crunch is fucking de-lish and if you disagree you are even gayer than the box art on these "cereals"

>> No.18237976

>candy is delicious
>tune in for more shocking news at 11

>> No.18237978

Of course I fucking know that. I would have, too. Instead, I had to use literal boating oars to knead several hundred pounds of dough at a time with another dude. At least he was a pretty cool guy. Eh knead the dough and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.18237982

Yeah, you got me, nobody here has a job and everybody is under the age of 15

>> No.18237987

Thanks for posting it. Ngl, it looks good. Still, I wouldn't buy it without a sample.

>> No.18237993
File: 667 KB, 960x1067, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$10 a box for THIS
lmao get fucked shill

>> No.18238023

Erythritol is okay on gut bacteria. Might still cause IBS though. No issues for me

>> No.18238037

I generally agree but I think monk fruit/erythritol blends have shown to be pretty benign in reasonable quantities (no insulin or blood sugar modulation with minor gut irritation)

>> No.18238040

That’s some great label posting, anon.
But instead of just expecting everyone to figure out what they should REEEEEE over, why not point out what’s reee-worthy?

>> No.18238043

I don't know what kind of person uses these subscription services to feed themselves but they aren't welcome in my house.

>> No.18238061

>hyperbolic screeching
Okay if you want to go with that, you do you.
But don’t pretend to be some overworked dev who gets pushed over the edge because of some internal icons in a style you don’t like. Remember what site you’re on, and remember people here are likely to have the job you’re larping about.

>> No.18238113

Nit him, but that ingredient list is gross. Not that typical sugar cereal isn't also gross, but still. Also for all their advertising about how miraculous it is, no grain, no soy, no sugar etc, they put highly modified milk protein in there. Not that.I am against milk myself, but it's funny that they seem to be shooting for a certain demographic that would normally overlap with vegans and that's where they drop the ball. It's just ironic.

>> No.18238116

Definitely not you though

>> No.18238122

>it’s gross!
>but the regular stuff is gross too!
So you disqualified your own opinion right there. Nothing you wrote past the first sentence carries any relevance.

>> No.18238135

Did your mom so the art for the boxes or something? You're reeeeally invested in this cereal.

>> No.18238165

Watery shits ahoy!

>> No.18238228
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, 71LWMn4q6qL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else give these a try? I thought the strawberry was disgusting, but the cinnamon was pretty decent. They were priced at like $2.50 a piece though lmao.

>> No.18238233

Maybe that's why op is so butt blasted, he has to consume all the unsold boxes of globohomo crunch which result in him having watery shits

>> No.18238311

It's one disgusting product trying to replicate another. I don't care if you agree with me I'm just explaining why it's unappealing to so many people.

>> No.18238315

You could just grow up and not cling to literal candy.

>> No.18238318
File: 42 KB, 600x678, AIEEE SAVE ME JESUS MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le heckin wholesome corporate memphis designs

>> No.18238359

I've started writing software in 1988 and studied CS from 1992 to 1996, why is that unbelievable ? Cause I'm on 4chan or cause I'm overworked :)

>> No.18238362

What does that even contain ? Just protein powder fibers and sweetener ?

>> No.18238384
File: 133 KB, 1600x1600, HG2171288-2076229565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its epic jerky

>> No.18238385

z/OS or perhaps even a COBOL chad?

>> No.18238390

>Globohomo Crunch
Giggle giggle squeak.

>> No.18238392

>it's da boss's fault I'm fat
>not my lack of self- control

>> No.18238396

Basic, Pascal, then C then C++, then Java then C++ again. First DOS then Linux, mostly Embedded.

>> No.18238403

Nah because you throw out these years and despite trying to pass yourself off as some ancientfag, you’re so terribly triggered by ubiquitous office icons that you literally have trouble doing your job.
Please understand I’m doing you a favor by calling you a liar.
Otherwise you’re sad beyond sad :)

>> No.18238407

Old people are not getting triggered by corporate "art" ?

>> No.18238412

Ok retard thanks for your worthless post

>> No.18238415

To the point of it interfering with their job?
No, that’s just a sign of someone who isn’t doing any actual work. It’s the same sort of person upset by lack of vegan options in an office cafeteria.

>> No.18238417

You're welcome. There are donuts in the break room.

>> No.18238421

I don't work in an office anymore, but I know reading comprehension isn't something they screen for at your sweatshop

>> No.18238434

The deadlines are interfering, the "art" just pisses me off because a tool on a computer should not use "art", it should do a certain job. Now watch this video.

>> No.18238440
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every designer who uses this "art" style shoud be publicly flayed and their limp dead body fed to wild hogs.

>> No.18238442

Nah, that would be MUCH older, Cobol was almost dead by the late 80s. I know it is still around, but that's 100% legacy code.

>> No.18238447

All I needed to know was that I could put food in your general vicinity and you'd be helpless to resist eating it.

>> No.18238456

I have to admit; I can’t tell if you’re a larp, or a legit autistic developer who thinks all end users should have a developer mindset.

>> No.18238458


>> No.18238505

There are no "end users" where I work. There are half-sentient assholes in some godforsaken industrial plant that call in the middle of the night because they fucked up the controller of a welding machine after their manager asked me to open up the part of the software that was originally locked for exactly that reason.

>> No.18238560

The tech industry is no different than any other industry. If you do it long enough, you end up hating the people who make you money.

>> No.18238625

Just get boxes of instant oatmeal. All you have to do is add water or milk and microwave it for under 2 minutes. Add some peanut butter and a little honey after microwaving and it will keep you full for the entire morning

>> No.18239193

i do this but get craving for eggs every single time and regret my decision

it only works if you're living the neet life and can afford to live off of carbs and sugars

>> No.18239254
File: 226 KB, 695x1000, UncleSamCereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here fellas. I have conducted exhaustive research into the subject of "the healthiest breakfast cereal". This research has examined not only the protein content but the cost of a box of the cereal.

My research has led me to conclude the best cereal you can possibly purchase is Uncle Sam. It's CHEAP. No added sugar. 3/4 cup = 9 grams protein. Only FOUR ingredients. Made since 1908. Absolute megatons of fiber.

This is what you want. I can't believe more people don't know about it. Those high protein cereals have dozens of ingredients.

Uncle Sam. Eat it. It's good for you.

>> No.18239281

bro no fucking way am I ever EVER paying more than $1/oz for some god damn fuckin breakfast cereal, that is just absurd. I can buy a 21 ounce box of Cheerios for like 4 bucks.


>> No.18239329

On Amazon you can purchase a 12 count box of Uncle Sam for $00.29 an oz. It's even cheaper if you can find it at a Walmart / Costco.

>> No.18239406

You can have eggs too. Eggs are low carb.

>> No.18239426

I'll have to try Uncle Sam.
I usually just eat oats with brotein

>> No.18239439

>They don't sell this in stores
And I don't trust buying food from Amazon.

>> No.18239460

No, I eat food

>> No.18239469

I discovered it at my local grocery store. I live in a small town and it's cheaper on Amazon, hence why I gave you the Amazon price.

Walmart website has it for $00.28 cents an oz. Should be available at most stores that have healthier options. If your grocery store only has Post / Kellogg / General Mills it might not have it, but a better grocery store should.

>> No.18239503


>> No.18239552

I'd also like to note that according to Walmart, Uncle Sam is cost competitive with bulk buy General Mills Cheerios.

Uncle Sam is 28.5 cents an oz. Regular Mega Size Cheerios is 27.6 cents an oz.

Cheerios serving size is 1 & 1/2 cup. 140 calories. 5 grams protein. 2 grams fiber.

Uncle Sam serving size is 3/4 cup. 210 calories. 9 grams protein. 10 grams fiber.

Using the Cheerios portion size, 1 & 1/2 cup Uncle Sam would be 420 calories, 18 grams protein. 20 grams fiber. All at a price a penny per oz away from bulk buy Cheerios.

>> No.18239558


>> No.18239571

There's not more than one person on this planet that likes magic spoon you defective bucket.

>> No.18239612

Go to bed Ben Shapiro

>> No.18239646

Goyslop is still goyslop whether or not it has sugar and grains, they'll find some other slop to replace it.
Stop eating processed food
Eat real food

>> No.18239654

You're missing the point of eating cereal... and eating different foods in general.

Yes if people really just wanted protein they could just eat eggs. They could also eat lean meat like chicken. Or a protein-rich vegetable like beans. Or drink a protein shake. But you say eggs are the same as eating a protein shake or protein cereal. You're acting like all protein-rich foods are the same experience and appeal.

Eggs aren't sweet, they tasted like eggs, they require cooking and cleaning extra cookware, and they aren't cereal. People like the flavor of sugary sweet cereals from their childhood. Magic Spoon offers grown-ups to relive that childhood experience "guilt-free."

And regardless of the flavor and nostalgia factor of Magic Spoon, you've completely forgotten the fact that maybe some people just like to eat bowls of cereal.

>> No.18240349

Yeah pretty much

>> No.18240388

Are you an actual paid shill holy shit fuck off

>> No.18240415

This is rich coming from the man getting personally offended over someone's valid criticism of a company's lazy graphic design. The colours are fine but the rest of it is atrocious, let's be honest

>> No.18240420

Nah I usually just smoke a couple of cigarettes and have like 4 cups of coffee

>> No.18240436

The only good use of erythritols is nitrating them (in Minecraft).

>> No.18240437

>ten dollars for a box of cereal
You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'd pay that.

>> No.18240444

>almond milk
Drown yourself in bull semen.

>> No.18240906

Magic Spoon is genuinely delicious. I'm a fan of the peanut butter flavor. Yum

>> No.18240953

No one is upset? You're clearly here to test the waters of your products and we have feedback. We don't like the pandering globohomo art. It repells certain buyers. Instead of being a passive aggressive tranny about it, why not accept that people don't like your gay box art and change it and sell more of your product than making quippy little comments online. You marketing types are insufferable and you're no exception

>> No.18240958

get a real job you sad fuck

>> No.18240959


>> No.18240966

>t. cant afford magic spoon

>> No.18240970

That's such a corporate response, you have to be a real shill.

>> No.18240971

You're a fan of eating sand?

>> No.18240980

I'm a fan of your room temperature IQ

>> No.18241013

Having a sense of taste means I'm retarded?

>> No.18241090

>writing above a 12yo level is “corporate”
Holy fuck you zoomers are a special flavor of retarded. Maybe if the post ended in “tippytopkek” you cunts would somehow understand it

>> No.18241099

Not the cereal shill here but even though I find that box art super ugly, I also wouldn't change it based on feedback from 4chan. It probably appeals more to the people they are mostly trying to market this for.

As for why they were sent here to shill in the first place I can't imagine unless just to get general feedback. I haven't tried it, but I am sadly familiar with stuff made out of tapioca starch and artificial sweeteners are disgusting.

>> No.18241148

He's right though, it reads like cut and paste from a marketing hand out.

>> No.18241340

If I just want to eat a bowl of cereal I'll get a good cereal instead for 1/5 the price.

>> No.18241350 [DELETED] 

>no fat
what a joke.

I kept getting ads for this shit spammed to me on normie book before I deleted my account. I looked into the ingredients and it turns out that, to no one's surprise, it's overpriced cardboard. At least they know their audience with the "childlike cereal for adults" marketing angle.

>> No.18241357

No, it reads like a functional person who doesn’t start screaming and shitting his pants over a box of cereal.

>> No.18241360
File: 179 KB, 300x420, in touch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP samefagging. It looks ugly as fuck and is very offputting. Brings to mind that Beyond brand and makes me suspicious you're putting bugs/soy or estradiol in it or some shit, and it also looks like you're pandering to manchild faggots with "you can be... a le kid again!!!!1!" No design at all would've been better than this shit.

>> No.18241364

Nah it reads like a literal shill. You've been exposed, off yourself.

> Magic Spoon offers grown-ups to relive that childhood experience "guilt-free."
totally not a cut and pasted marketing slogo.

>> No.18241371

>Magic Spoon offers grown-ups to relive that childhood experience "guilt-free."
Now that I'm 100% convinced you're an actual shill hired to promote this crap, please take my advice >>18241360. The art is ugly as fuck. If you're trying to appeal to adults, tone that faggot shit down.

>> No.18241475

I love Magic Spoon™ and I am a white supremacist incel who hates niggers and women. Magic Spoon™ is quickly becoming the official breakfast cereal of the alt right.

>> No.18241568

Retards. I don’t even like Magic Spoon. I was only explaining to the retard who thought that eating eggs is the exact same thing as eating magic spoon.
If I was an actual shill I wouldn’t have written “guilt-free” in quotations like that, and do you retards actually think a big company that invests in actual ads on youtube and from influencers who have millions of viewers would give a shit to pay someone to shill their product to the 80 people on /ck/.

Also this >>18241090. I even made several typos mental fags still think it’s corporate paid response lmao. Reminds me of any time someone says “I like thing” on this godforsaken board and retards who grew up with parents that hated them automatically go “wow shill.”

>> No.18241575

Meant to reply to your dumbass too. See >>18241568 and please never have offspring.

>> No.18241591

>keto friendly
>5g (((net))) carbs
yeah fuck off

>> No.18241605

You can keep trying to say that, but read the room for once. Everyone can tell you are marketing the stuff here and no one is interested.

>> No.18241613

>read the room
yeah the special ed classroom apparently. do they give you homework in special ed? is it hard?

>> No.18241624

i tried 5 different flavors and fruity was the only one that didn't have a horrid aftertaste

>> No.18241643

His response didn’t come across as marketing at all. Are you literally stupid? On the other hand your posts really come off like it’s just you samefagging as several anons since you’re trying to use the “people agree with me therefore I’m right” argument.

>> No.18241644

>I wouldn't buy it because of the globohomo art even if it did taste good.
Yeah it's a little too NetflixNiggered for my taste

>> No.18241650

ITT: People eating cereal for breakfast
Eat real food for breakfast and save cereal for late night couch potato meals.

>> No.18241659

No I’ll eat cereal for breakfast because it’s based, easy, tastes good, and I’m sexy. But it won’t be cereal with fake sweeteners in it.
I’ll ALSO have other stuff like eggs or whatever classic breakfast items I like, and I’ll also eat cereal as late night couch potato snacks, but I damn well wont avoid cereal.
>cereal isn’t real food.
look at this dumbass who thinks milled grains and milk isn’t real food.

>> No.18241672

i love when these marketing threads gonto shit and the shills just start calling everyone poor and retarded

on another note i bought minecraft cereal the other day hoping it was just a reskin of the legendary scooby doo cereal but it was not
it tasted weird

>> No.18241680

Why would shills start arguing and insulting anons. You think corporations pay them to do specifically that? You think the shills were given orders by their food company to start calling people retards?

>> No.18241685

>shills on full damage control
i am laffin

>> No.18241688

dont put anthing past tech startups
theyre desperately trying to be relevant and go viral

>> No.18241694

Where did a shill defend magic spoon in this thread? Show me a direct quote.

>> No.18241708

read the thread nerd

>> No.18241713

So you cant find a single post in the thread from a supposed shill talking about magic spoon tasting good or reasons for why it’s product anyone should buy.
Not a single post in the thread calling it a quality food.

>> No.18241715

Right here >>18241694

>> No.18241727

im not going to magic spoon feed illiterate retards who should use their brains instead

>> No.18241732

Are you illiterate and unable to use your brain? I mean, you seem to have a hard time finding a quote from “shills” in the thread calling magic spoon good.

>> No.18241736

this whole thread is shills calling it good you blind brain broken troon

>> No.18241740

If so, then where?

>> No.18241745

the op

>> No.18241751

Not a single reply?

>> No.18241758

many replies
read the thread
stop being obtuse

>> No.18241772 [DELETED] 

You are the biggest fucking nigger for acting like a snarky fucking faggot, I wish I could grind your skull into pink tar. Reading your uppity fucking faggot posts made me mad and I'm not even part of the conversation. You are an unbelievable fucking faggot, I hope you get blown to dust from omcoming traffic you fucking nigger. Stop being a fucking nigger for no reason before someone caves in your shit nigger pig brains

>> No.18241774

Still can’t find a single one? But I thought you said there many replies calling magic spoon good!

>> No.18241789

i read the thread once
it was an enjoyable read but im not going to read it again and cite examples for some retarded viral marketer/apologist because you just dont matter that much

>> No.18241795

Are you sure you can read

>> No.18241809

you should try it sometime

>> No.18241820

>point out shillpost
>shill samefag argues with himself instead

>> No.18241831

Oh, sweet. Maybe you can find the supposed shillposts then. Can you find me a single reply in the thread calling magic spoon good? Lmao

>> No.18241842

I already did.

>> No.18241851

i like when people are so fucking stupid they think theyve outsmarted everyone
like a dog thinking its gotten away with something

>> No.18242445

1. I'm too old to eat cereal
2. I hate the taste of fake sugar
3. I hate the box art

>> No.18242505

How is this ad still up?
Why don't jannies do their fucking jobs?

>> No.18242538

Had it before, it is fucking gross and way overpriced.
Sour grapes.

>> No.18242577

this is just objectively false

>> No.18242591

Report for advertising then, faggot.

>> No.18242610

Sandy grapes (with a weird chemical aftertaste)

>> No.18242658

No they taste absolutely horrible

>> No.18242706

>endorsing reportfagging

>> No.18242719 [DELETED] 

>globohomo manchild cereal advertisement

no thanks nigger I'll stick with my geriatric cereal that makes me have to take a shit the second I wake up

>> No.18242801

Prove it tranny

>> No.18242812

Every account of this shit I've ever seen from a person who was not being literally paid to shill it has been that it's disgusting overpriced shit that tastes overwhelmingly of artificial sweeteners and feels like eating packing peanuts

>> No.18242895

Are you the same trannies who report chick-fil-a threads whenever they get made because you think that a chicken restaurant is preventing you from having cocks up your ass.

>> No.18242908

With how much the stuff itself costs he needs every penny.

>> No.18242913

why not just have some yogurt

>> No.18242916

Stick to your containment board.

>> No.18242934

>Monk fruit AND Stevia.

Im pretty sure i have to consider them a laxative going by my own experience with stuff containing that.

>> No.18242936

Guzzling semen is a food related topic.

>> No.18243386

i don't associate with things that have a globohomo design.

>> No.18243407

I have barely replied in this whole thread. I literally am just backing up what others are saying. You sound like you have been paid to promote this and that seems obvious to virtually everyone else.

In the event that you are not paid to promote it your responses are even stranger. Me calling you out for being a marketer is actually me giving you the benefit of the doubt. Because the flip side is that you are genuinely this upset that people aren't interested in a disgusting looking product.

>> No.18243417


>> No.18243421

horrible dog shit for soy faced man children. if im gonna eat shitty cereal ill just get the real thing

>> No.18243426

No. I'm not a keto cultist so I eat whatever I want and buy the 2 lb bags of Hospitality brand cereal from WinCo because I don't care about counting sugar. If I want to be a fag who "eats healthy" I'll make oatmeal.

>> No.18243440

It's called globohomo art fagboy

>> No.18243607
File: 338 KB, 1124x1265, 6C6BF63A-B543-4AAA-80D7-B7591E1BB1DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cute!
Keep it up JUDEN!


>> No.18243615

It's so easy to spot a paid shill. They always get really butthurt and they give an assblasted reply to every negative post towards their globohomo crunch.

This shit is overpriced, tastes horrible, and has the most offensive box art. Don't buy it and tell the shill to fuck off with his goyslop.

>> No.18243629
File: 227 KB, 750x1000, 04E6C0F6-C3A4-48B4-AB17-446CBB768AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our would can do with good fun aesthetics everywhere!

Good aesthetics are good for everyone!!!!!

Even in hell!

A fun beautiful hell is really no hell at all!
And it’s quicker to become heaven.

No one has ever made a mistake in making all more beautiful!

>> No.18243643
File: 109 KB, 750x435, C9DF4936-1621-410C-B5C0-3D3463EA0238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. It’s cute.

It’s not a bad thing.

If there’s more fun things like magic spoon, then whose to say we can’t have free anime-girl-Hitler-fruit-loops for everyone forever. Scarcity, the economy, and money is a lie so it’s no challenge to make food free for everyone instead of burning everyones money and giving more guns to the IRS.

>> No.18243698

>DUDE heckin' food should be FREE!
kys commie

>> No.18243724
File: 42 KB, 331x450, 55DD4CEC-DB7A-4889-8EDD-AD53C2ECBF3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not in a position to make threats nor have any control. And never shall.

>> No.18243727

>pay $10 for 7 oz of whey protein and sunflower seed oil pressed into cereal shaped nuggets

>> No.18243776

ah yes, that mysterious natural flavor again

>> No.18243942

>any positive post is .... LE SHILL

>> No.18243974
File: 207 KB, 985x1400, D6D4B831-9AEA-4E7A-ABCD-CD75987B229E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s lovely
Keep it up

But make it cheap and healthy

>> No.18244004

I don't think I have enjoyed a thread this much since the apple pie abomination

>> No.18244044 [DELETED] 

I bet it tastes like it’s box art.

>> No.18244061

is le shill your drag name?

>> No.18244479
File: 1.85 MB, 768x1024, IMG_932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP here, but I do gotta say I was skeptical at first and had to try for myself. Pic related is Blueberry, its great.

>> No.18244638

Hello OP.

>> No.18244780

>ctrl+f "globohomo"
>not disappointed

>> No.18244860

>and it will keep you full for the entire morning
How many grams of oats are we talking about? I always get hungry within 2 hours when I start the day with oats (or other grains for that matter).

>> No.18244896

wtf one time purchase per serving?

>> No.18245055
File: 1.87 MB, 768x1024, IMG_933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So damn good, OP

>> No.18245301

That looks so fucking disgusting lol.

>> No.18245319

You're lying or just hate cereal

>> No.18245324

I'm not lying and I hate you.

>> No.18245327


>> No.18245336

So you just hate cereal, got it.

>> No.18245347

If your first name is Cereal, yes.

>> No.18245353

>sunflower oil

id rather sugar

>> No.18245492

>No grains
Bet it tastes like shit
And that art style is garbage.

>> No.18245499

lol this website is so contrarian

>> No.18245586

ITT: mental illness

>> No.18245595

magic spoon is pretty universally hated i thought

>> No.18245603

Stop shilling your faggoty cereal on here man aint nobody buying this shit

>> No.18245620

>goyslop goyslop goyslop artificial sweetener goyslop seed oils goyslop
holy shit ill just have fucking whey protein and some oatmeal in the morning instead of paying 10 dollars a box for this shit

>> No.18245703

>It's easy to spot
Except it's not easy for you to spot apparently because you're just schizophrenic.
Are you saying this corporation pays people to argue on the internet? Are you that retarded? Like why would a shill care about some fag's opinions like it's personal? They're only getting paid to shill the cereal, right? Take off your tinfoil hat already.
You got these photos from here.

>> No.18245714

Shut the fuck up about shills already, you are not important. I swear this dead fucking board is more delusional than /v/ somehow and I thought that was the peak when it comes to this, is there a significant crossover or some shit?
>inb4 shill
Yeah I'm here to sell you a fucking cereal spoon on 4chan of all places you got me LMAO

>> No.18245731

Red pill me on not eating breakfast. How is it a Jewish trick?

>> No.18245748

this thread hit the bump limit

>> No.18245750


>> No.18245757

>only one person in the world has taken a photo of a cereal

>> No.18245760

>two people in the world eat cereal on top of the box

>> No.18245874

A white can monster energy and two cigarillos