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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18227136 No.18227136 [Reply] [Original]

Do old people with dementia babble on about meals they cooked once?
Like maybe some dishes are hard to forget

>> No.18227377

If you haven't noticed, babbling is what I do best.

>> No.18227396

Your ailing grandma is trying to connect to you, you fat fucking retard

>> No.18227437
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Sometimes old people with dementia get creative with their cooking.

>> No.18227438
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>> No.18227440
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>> No.18227442
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That's all from me. Post more fun dementia stories!

>> No.18227448

I had a really good fish dinner once.

>> No.18227473

Lots of the time its stuff they did alot, so current gen of oaps were mostly housewives and the men went to work.

The men would get up at like 3 in the morning and say shit like they have to go to work. One guy was a butchers delivery man and was adament about the sausages going bad if he didnt get going soon.
Kinda sad to see that the thing they remember most is something as shitty as work!
The women would talk about having to go shopping or having to get rhe hpuse ready for some guests.

Ofc you have super sad stuff...had an older lady who was very aggresive towards male nurses, and eventually went ballistic saying she had been raped. Turns out she was raped during WW2 by multiple soldiers..

There are multiple ways to go about dealing with tjis stuff, but just straight up saying 'they are dead' is definetly not the play...harmless stuff is easier to play along..they want to go to the bank? Damn they are closed this week beacuse of the storm the other day..wprks better than saying 'no you have no money and cant even get there yourself'.

>> No.18227483

But yes to answer your question the women often do...during/after lunch is always interesting..if it was a meal they knew i can ask for tips and they would have some 99% of the time
Food is always a good talking point as its normally a positive memory, and bring up bad memorys can make your shift a living nightmare!

>> No.18227493

i think my grandma's based
but i have nothing to say

>> No.18227530

My step dad got dementia and it was / is really sad. My mom died, and then like 7 years later he retired from the wagie job he worked for over 40 years, and was already developing symptoms of dementia. I tired to get him to go to the dr to get meds to slow its progression, but he was in denial and couldnt come to terms with facing reality. I dont blame him, thats a scary pill to swallow. I had to watch helplessly as he progressed further and further into dementia unable to intervene because of how the laws work until finally one day it came to a head and there was a serious enough issue we could commit him to a care facility.

>> No.18227534

My grandma got dementia, and would yell and scream at my fathers step father he was cheating on her, and go hide in the closet. It was really sad because my dads step father had always treated her lovingly and it was my dads real father who was a womanizer who did nothing but cheat on her.

>> No.18227543

My dad has dementia really bad. We would put him in a nursing home but when he went for physical rehab a year back he came out traumatized about not being at home. He doesn't even realize he's at home now, and is constantly asking to go back. It's fucked up man, really draining.

>> No.18227595

this is what happens when you eat too much
fasting literally gets rid of the amyloid plaque build up
if those retards were fasting they would've been fine

>> No.18227602

that definitely happened

>> No.18228032

no, but before he went in to a memory care facility the only thing my dad could figure out how to make was cooking hamburger patties in coconut oil. which he ate plain and dumped the oil down the sink.

>> No.18228047

Not they cooked but what they liked as a kid. Took care of my grandma for a year till she passed. She really liked spam, beef bowls, and bacon amd green beans. For some reason she thought I was her grandson's friend who was taking care of her about 3/4 of the time.

>> No.18228048

and he DEMANDED 2 gallons of chocolate milk every week (when I went shopping for him). didn't matter he had 2 gallons in the fridge, and he could only drink about 1 per week. he wanted TWO! we called it "The precious" if I knew he had more than one gallon at home I would tell him the store was out (which did happen a lot) he would look like a beat puppy.

>> No.18228057
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"not my problem"
Holy fkn based

>> No.18228085

he only did that because he forgot he wasn't supposed to, and would have never done that if he was normal.

>> No.18228158

I work at a nursing home and I've never heard anyone talk about cooking. It's mostly them asking about their dead parents or wondering if they're late to school.

>> No.18229624


>> No.18230499


>> No.18230506

don't know but my dad has dementia and now he eats nonstop and has put on a ton of weight

he'll just stand at the counter and eat pistachios or pretzels or whatever is in the cabinet

>> No.18231180

Maybe stop him so he doesn't get worse in regards to literally every aspect of health
Unless you're wanting him to die faster that is

>> No.18231625

>wondering if they're late to school

>> No.18231633

This shit is AI art right? It has a certain “nothing”.

>> No.18231878

It's funny but it's disturbing. I always just tell them it's the weekend.

>> No.18231973

I think if I get diagnosed with dementia, I am going to use whats left of my faculties to get a shot gun, put my head in a suitcase, and pull the trigger. Fuck going thru that shit. They should have euthanasia available to people who don't want to go thru suffering like that.