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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18218459 No.18218459 [Reply] [Original]

Food that makes you a bad person, or at least quite sus.
Picrel is totally edible (if heat inactivated) and reportedly tastes decent.

>> No.18218468
File: 175 KB, 1600x900, 220506115042-02-france-foie-gras-chaos-restricted-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foie gras

>> No.18218548

Geese enjoy it

>> No.18218552


>> No.18218573
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>If swallowed: After swallowing: make victim drink water (two glasses at most)
yeah that's pretty evil

>> No.18218582

Do Americans really?

>> No.18218593
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Balut. Of course an asian would come up with it.

>> No.18218629
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The most evil food?
Quiche. I have never met anyone that was particularly fond of them, except one guy. He was a homosexual man and managing boss at a job of mine. He made no secret of his same-sex desires for employees. When he identified a male worker he liked, he would ask them if they ever cooked quiche. This was a bait, kind of like in prison. If you said you liked cooking in any way, he would feign interest and eventually pressure you into making quiche.
Eventually he'd have you texting him pics as you make your first quiche at home. Then he'd arrange a meet up to try your quiche and it would end with him forcing you to bottom for him. I don't know how he managed to do it repeatedly so many times, he just did. We were a blue collar type crew and he managed to top several strong young men somehow He used his boss position over desperate workers, and he really loved quiche. At that job, there was an inside joke among the guys about who was "quiched" and who wasn't.

>> No.18218700
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genuinely, that man needs to be shot in the head

>> No.18218703


>> No.18218709

so how was the quiche?

>> No.18218722

lol, lmao even

>> No.18218875

Humans voluntarely make their livers foie grass too and geese actually have a biological reason to accept the excess food (they are wired to fatten up for winter).

Now I wonder what the liver of a extremely obese person looks like. I would never eat it because they eat nothing but junk food though.

>> No.18218892


>> No.18219115

quiche is lovely. first time I ever had it was when I was a tourist in France, our tour group stopped at a farmhouse in the country where some folk had prepared a bit of quiche for us and I loved it.

>> No.18219119
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Here's one on the house for ya

>> No.18219228

Stop posting on blueboards

>> No.18219230

>most heavily consumed by east Slavs, the Dutch, and Chileans
The true axis of evil reveals itself...

>> No.18219231

I use a ton of this at work, they're very expensive

>> No.18219233
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>> No.18219239

Basically, yes. Geese and ducks are dumb little shitbrained monsters.

>> No.18219247


>> No.18219253
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>> No.18219257
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I mean, they make candy with the albumin, what's wrong with the serum?

>> No.18219262

stop making this thread over and over

>> No.18219267
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FBS for cell cultures is like fertilizer for plants. It promotes cell growth and fetus-sourced serum is preferred because it has low amounts of antibodies.

Also, lol, radar failures always look fucking trippy.

>> No.18219285
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You gotta admit that this was pretty sus.

>> No.18219428

Popeye has seen better days man

>> No.18219432
File: 979 KB, 250x250, Oh, Anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18219510

If geese / ducks actually liked eating that much you wouldn't need to force-feed them.
Really can't rationalize your way around that. At a basic level, forcing is exactly the case of going against one's will.
I'm not even arguing whether fois gras is immoral or not by the way. Just get tired of constantly seeing this retarded Anthony "let me tell you how animals really feel because I'm an expert in emotional stabil-ACK" Bourdain argument that the geese and ducks somehow prefer having gigantic amounts of corn slurry forced down their throats even though they don't eat anywhere close to that when left with the same amount of food sitting in front of them and not forced on them.

>> No.18219517

Sick bitch looked into it though

>> No.18219523

>Now I wonder what the liver of a extremely obese person looks like.
The key to human liver is to serve it with some fava beans and a nice Chianti

>> No.18219526

The older I get the more I relate to John Arbuckle

>> No.18219529

The term "force-feed" is kind of a misnomer here. You'd think the workers are manhandling the fuckers and shoving the pipe down their necks, but that's just not the case. They come running when its feeding time and voluntarily deep-throat the feeding tube because they're just that fucking retarded. You gotta stop thinking a creature with a brain smaller than a walnut has any kind of human-tier emotions.
>even though they don't eat anywhere close to that when left with the same amount of food sitting in front of them and not forced on them.
But fois gras without pipe-feeding DOES exist because these birds WILL gorge themselves on feed if you present them with a royal fucktonne. Animals have no instinctual self-control; it's why you see dogs and cats that will devour enough food to the point where they vomit, just because you gave them too much food. Portioned eating is a learned behaviour.

>> No.18219566

Post one (1) video of a goose running up to a force-feeding tube and sticking it down its own throat.

>> No.18219583

I'd love to but the search results are flooded with sleazy shock footage by animal rights groups misrepresenting improper procedure as "oh my god, this is what every feeding session is like!". Your types are really all about that self-affirmation, huh?

>> No.18219587

anon i dont think "male stripper" counts as a blue collar job.

>> No.18219593

All I'm hearing is you're full of shit, thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.18219733

Everything you post is all based on a false and unverifiable assumption that geese are capable of will, or feelings, or emotions, or care about comfort, when every animal is essentially a beast running on pure instinct and raw impulse.
Stop being a fucking faggot and applying your own emotional concerns on a beast that does not have even a thousandth the intelligence of a human being. It's disingenuous and something a woman or redditor would do.

>> No.18219740

Humans are instinct-driven beasts as well, but our intelligence allows us to invent copes to justify all of our behavior. That doesn't magically make humans separate from all other animals, it just helps us with the cognitive dissonance of killing everything else around us while also pretending to be smart and virtuous.

>> No.18219742

It's very simple, anon. If the geese and ducks want to eat that much then you just effectively ended any reason to practice force-feeding. Just leave the food there for them. But you can't because you're a dishonest faggot.
And trying to claim animals don't have will is even more retarded than the first argument. I don't think you even really know what that word means.

>> No.18219753

As previously mentioned, there are ways of producing foie gras without "force-feeding" just due to the sheer retardation of the animals. Convenience, speed, and output is why force-feeding is practised, just like battery eggs and crated veal.

>> No.18219789

>there are ways of producing foie gras without "force-feeding"
Then why isn't everyone doing that?
Gonna venture a guess that the no force-feed fois gras producers don't really get the same level of fattening. They make a tradeoff of less swollen livers in exchange for less perceived animal abuse.

>> No.18219809

>Then why isn't everyone doing that?

>> No.18219837

Your attempt at reasons was nonsense.
How are they eating the same amount without forcefeeding because you decided to run a less convenient, slower, or smaller output operation?
If an animal eats the same amount but in a month instead of a day then that isn't the same result at all.
This keeps pointing back to the obvious reality that they don't really eat that much unless by force.

>> No.18219854


>> No.18219855

Why was there a coffee cup full of dog cum on the table? I get that they're at the vet but like what a fucking weird thing to do regardless.

>> No.18219862

This is why I keep providing you with analogies, because you're apparently either too retarded or too thickheaded to understand the core concept. Talking to you is like trying to explain to a child that house hippos aren't real.
I'm out.

>> No.18219869

I'm sorry the fact you're wrong has made you upset.

>> No.18219884

>speedreading emotional chad cows the facts and logic virgin into submission

>> No.18220267

Jim Davis claims it wasn't supposed to be dog cum, but there's really no other way to interpret it.

>> No.18220281
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> Anthony "let me tell you how animals really feel because I'm an expert in emotional stabil-ACK" Bourdain
Based response. Objectively correct.

>> No.18220287

> I'd love to but I can't find one but my argument is still valid because... it just is OK?
You are more retarded than the geese you so despise.

>> No.18220291

> t. cruelty rationalizer

>> No.18220321

>cell cultures
animal cell cultures anon

>> No.18220379

We were talking about cow baby juice; I figured that was a given.

>> No.18220386

The fact that you're sperging out about a heavily propagandized issue while ignoring the OP's significantly more unethical issue just proves him right. You REEEE and riot over whatever some scumbag """non"""profit publishes with a horror movie.

>> No.18220419

It's a drink for pregnant dogs.

>> No.18220431

I was never a fan of quiche until I tried one that had a layer of potatoes substituted for pie crust

>> No.18220435

That sounds like a tortilla. Wrong country.

>> No.18220439

I need to feel relevant as a single cell enjoyed

>> No.18220515
File: 2.98 MB, 1000x1270, 18035469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18221465

that aint feeding time, anon.

>> No.18221489

The vet is a white woman

>> No.18221533

Sociopaths get the bullet

>> No.18223125

where is killcone anon anyway?

>> No.18223457

Nobody in his right mind would ever interpret it as something that stupid.

>> No.18223814

I've heard that there is/was some restaurant (somewhere in Asia, big surprise) where they would strap a live monkey to to the table and the diners would crack it's skull open and eat the brain. It might have been in the original "Faces of Death" video. I don't think I could hate another living thing enough to even consider doing that. It's why when I hear about QAnon type conspiracies I don't entirely dismiss them.

>> No.18223838

lol yeah that was staged for Faces of Death. They actually do eat monkey brains in places like Vietnam though. There was a video of some Vietnamese dudes beating a monkey to death and eating its brains circulating a while back that was getting censored heavily.

>> No.18223839

Yeah, that was Faces of Death and the restaurant was described as being in Istanbul (they didn't specify if it was on the Asian or European side). The crew later had to reveal that while a real monkey was used, the mallets were made of foam and the scene was done with clever camera shots to make it look like they killed it.
Not to say the act has never happened in real life, but there's no reliable record of it being done at a formal restaurant. Anyone who's been to Istanbul knows the place isn't exactly exotic or strange as it was portrayed by Hollywood.

I liked Faces of Death, but the fakeness of that scene really blew the movie.

>> No.18223861

iirc the director of Faces of Death wanted the scene to be set in China or Vietnam, but the Japanese financiers behind the movie didn't want to portray East Asians in a bad light, so it was changed to Turkey.

>> No.18223876

Okay, I hadn't heard about it being staged. I always assumed that Faces of Death was just sort of found video clips that someone had spliced together and put out. I'd never watched it, not my thing.

>> No.18223882

It was mostly found footage and photos, but that one was staged. The rest of the movie is pretty solid, if not a bit slow.

>> No.18223899
File: 167 KB, 1024x920, 1645468348243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.

>> No.18225334

>anon makes quiche and is "forced into bottoming"
>somehow, it worked

>> No.18225363

I prefer to have tons of money and work a lot and workout etc but I don't because I'm lazy. That's why the ducks don't gavage themselves too, they just need a little extra help, but they do like it.

>> No.18225374

heh, I have a $2000 purse and the inside of it is lined with 'unborn calves skin' does that count?

>> No.18225542
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>> No.18225586

Nah, even Corpse Starch (the meme grimderp form that is actually made from corpses) is less evil, because it's done out of necessity. Garbage like that, or foie gras, is just done out of sheer hedonism.

There's a difference between cannibalism made out of force and not wanting to starve, and cannibalism made out of just wanting to taste humans. They're both bad, but the latter is much more evil.

>> No.18225594


>> No.18225663

>done out of necessity
That is the official line when human teeth show up in rations but the truth is they just don't value human life very highly so a certain amount of human ends up in your mystery meat paste along with all the stray pets
They can manufacture synthetic meat but the resources are spent instead on more pointless cathedrals because they sure love the emperor
Even 40k synth-meat is less ethical than modern real meat just because pay and conditions it was made with are so awful
Probably the work of an army of lobotomised slaves

>> No.18225666
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>> No.18225907

post feet

>> No.18226799

Easy. That Japanese living sashimi shit

>> No.18226804

God I wish he was my boss (Giwhwmb)

>> No.18226814


>> No.18226818
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I know of a country that specializes in this shit.

>> No.18226819
File: 2.86 MB, 660x360, release_the_kraken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food that has feelings is the best.

>> No.18226823
File: 30 KB, 400x179, Panzerschokolade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzerschokolade. Nazi food.

>> No.18226829
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, release_the_mini_kraken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food that can understand that it's dying enhances the flavor.

>> No.18226903


around 1:40

>> No.18226961

OP asked for evil food not based food

>> No.18227995 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18228622

I don't wanna go to South America. It's too hot.

>> No.18229322
File: 194 KB, 1783x1783, Bulk-Price-Fructose-Corn-Syrup-Food-Additives-Sweeteners-HFCS-F55-High-Fructose-Corn-Syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens after consuming to much s0y and syrup you become a dumb Leddit nigger.