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File: 235 KB, 1500x947, sleepytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18177749 No.18177749 [Reply] [Original]

Any Sleepytime Tea drinkers active tonight?

>> No.18177756

If it makes you so sleepy what are you doin awake then huh FAGGOT

>> No.18177758

i have about 10ml of muscaria tea an hour before bed

>> No.18177853

Man, it was weird to learn that apparently the quotes on the boxes came from a weird new-age bible that suggested Adam and Eve were a pair of space aliens who came to Earth to end a race war by genociding the less desirable earthlings.

>> No.18177867

I'm winding down with their peach flavor.

>> No.18177881

If you drink too much the effect reverses and you will be forced to stay awake for several days. I'm zoinked out of my gourd by the bear tea, bros.

>> No.18177999

Yes bro I drink this every day. It's one of the tastiest herbal teas I've had.

>> No.18178004

Is this true? Sounds like malarkey

>> No.18178034

One time I took NyQuil or whatever that popular OTC sleeping pill is and while it worked the first few times, one time my body would literally be unable to enter deep sleep so it would be mostly awake hellish tossing and turning for 8 hours. The worst part is I still experience it maybe one night every few months randomly even after having discontinued the drug years ago

I really just wanted to get help with my sleep problem (I am not supposed to be awake right now for instance)

>> No.18178042

Damn, sorry to hear that.

>> No.18178045

i like chamomile tea :o)

>> No.18178051

I will forever envy the level of comfiness that this bear is experiencing for all eternity.

>> No.18178054

dextromerhorphan is a seretonergic drug, if you're taking anything else then that may interfere with it

>> No.18178056

Obviously not since they are all sleeping due to the tea

>> No.18178061
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my native american friend gave me some traditional navajo tea (Chʼil ahwééh) to brew. It's really delicious and she was excited for me to try it. I really want some more.

>> No.18178166

Bomb shit

>> No.18178229

Now I have some new reading material.

>> No.18178435
File: 866 KB, 3461x1520, Beth Underwood - Sleepytime celestial seasonings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18179397

I like this brand, sleepy time peach is my favorite. I caught some shit about it from normies because apparently the founder has some wacky "racist" religious beliefs. Idgaf though, same way I don't give a fuck about Chick-fil-A donating to anti gay causes. It makes no difference to me what a person believes, I'm just here for a chicken sandwich/box of teabags.

>> No.18179965

this is nice you got any more of these?

>> No.18180006
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"Paradoxical reactions" i.e. the opposite effect to what normally happens are a well established thing with drugs.
That said though this tea has zero actual sleep inducing chemicals in it.
Closest thing to one in its ingredient list is chamomile and there's no evidence chamomile actually helps with sleep or with anything else.
If you want a tea with an actual active ingredient that's available over the counter that'd be Yogi Kava Strees Release.

>> No.18180018

dumb shit go to hell

>> No.18180178

Nothing I wrote was untrue.
Sleepytime tea doesn't have anything in it that genuinely induces sleep. It's marketed as a nighttime tea solely because it doesn't include caffeine. Sorry if this bothers you.

>> No.18180196

Disgusting stuff.

>> No.18180209

I'm to tired rn, maybe later bro.

>> No.18180244

>Yogi Kava Strees

>> No.18180322

The title is less important than the fact that unlike chamomile, a tea with kava will actually have a real psychotropic effect.

>> No.18180377

T. Chamomile Hater

>> No.18180418

I don't hate it, but it definitely doesn't do anything.

>> No.18180638


>> No.18180654

it's sleepytime tea because it's decaf so you can drink it before going to sleep
it doesn't say it puts you to sleep you dumb jungle monkey

>> No.18180678

>it's sleepytime tea because it's decaf
Literally wrote that already you dip:
>It's marketed as a nighttime tea solely because it doesn't include caffeine.

>> No.18180711

you have a shit for a brain if you don't believe in chamomile being mr. science daddy told you not to
faggot ass pinching little bitch

>> No.18180715

I meant to write because not being I'm so pissed off right now I typed the wrong word fuck you
you're a dumb piece of shit

>> No.18180737

You will never be a real sleep aid

>> No.18180864

I got the Bigelow benefits sleep. Its got chamomile and lavender. Its like drinking distilled comfy.

>> No.18180883

The Sleepytime Bear can suck my DICK dude

>> No.18180906

Winners don't abuse herbal tea to "sleep" (that's what herbal tea addicts call blacking out while having strange "trippy" hallucinations). You often see them rubbing their eyes after they've had a fix, as if in a daze. I've never given into the bear and his filthy temptations and I hope you don't either.

>> No.18181006

They’re on their website.


>> No.18181190

thanks lad

>> No.18181203

I was never interested in winning your game
don't even want to play it

>> No.18181388

I am sleepy
I can barely stay awake
should I drive to the store and get some sleepytime tea?

>> No.18181523

That's sleep paralysis. It can occur naturally but sleeping pills sometimes cause it. Once it happens once then you'll keep getting it forever.
For me it's
>Laying in bed, can't move
>Walls look scary, I feel like I'm about to see something horrible at any moment
>Inability to move is freaking me out
>Gravity turns diagonal, roll out of bed and smack the floor hard
>Burst awake, I was in bed all along
>Still can't move
>Gravity turns diagonal, roll out of bed and smack the floor hard
>Burst awake, I was in bed all along
>Still can't move
>Gravity turns diagonal, roll out of bed and smack the floor hard
>Burst awake, I was in bed all along
>Still can't move
>Gravity turns diagonal, roll out of bed and smack the floor hard
>Burst awake, I was in bed all along
>Still can't move
>For the entire night

>> No.18181541

Extremely kino

>> No.18181565
File: 623 KB, 1617x768, MintMagic_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moly I like this one a lot

>> No.18181615

sure, but the kava tea is a pretty weak means of trying it. and the extra strength sleepytime tea has valerian in it which definitely aids sleep. i usually do one bag of kava tea and one extra strength before bed and it's a nice cocktail with a cbn breathstrip

t. moda user who occasionally has trouble sleeping

>> No.18181694

holy shit. Mo Siegel and The Urantia Book. kek
you can download that shit here:

>> No.18181733

Tension Tamer works ten times better; shit will knock your ass OUT. I think it's the catnip in it

>> No.18181738
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Any Bengal chads?

>> No.18181774

Me too, brother. Only it's
>Concentrate 100% of my willpower into getting up
>succeed, try to leave my room and get some water
>get to the door
>burst awake, I was in bed all along
>feel self floating
>gravity turns sideways, fly at the wall
>burst awake, I was in bed all along
a whole night of suffering everu other week.

>> No.18181835

careful some asshole will come in here and try to tell you that catnip doesn't do anything because the all knowing all powerful god called SCIENCE says so

>> No.18181841

>Heartburn: the tea

>> No.18181846

im up eatin out ur mums pussay!

>> No.18181858

> for me its the cinnamon

>> No.18182025

Other people get the gravity thing too? That's weird.

Have you ever smoked salvia and felt the salvia wind?

>> No.18182036

This is such retarded bullshit anyone who took any chemistry class would see through it

>> No.18182077

>chemistry class
Biology, you idiot. Drugs can have widely varying effects in different dosages due to how the body metabolizes the active compounds. In some cases this can even lead to an unmetabolized form of the drug entering the bloodstream alongside its metabolites, causing adverse reactions not typically experienced with normal dosing.

>> No.18182082

I get sleep paralysis too, but what I'm talking about is not sleep paralysis. I'd gladly trade literally physically being unable to fall asleep for more sleep paralysis, as unpleasant as it can be

I wasn't taking anything else at the time. It's always a risk with anything anyway

>> No.18182101

Biology is just chemistry related to life

>> No.18182161

I had to work night-morning double shift from 10pm to 2pm. No time to get sleepy tonight.

>> No.18182185
File: 873 KB, 1613x2475, 91R6-pzi-7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel self floating
you'll want to be reading this book

>> No.18182207

there are quotes on the boxes?

>> No.18182217

I'm a sucker for cute marketing shit like this
Feels bad to be a retard, Idk if I'm just undiagnosed autistic

>> No.18182586

yes, that's right
experiencing the intended response to marketing means that you have a medical condition and you're very special

>> No.18182597
File: 713 KB, 2048x1536, ntlst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleepytime is best time

kind of pricey here in Aus but I just enjoy it so damn much

>> No.18182766
File: 260 KB, 1200x1200, 1655632871087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it but i use like 3 teabags

>> No.18182786
File: 271 KB, 1204x1042, 1656542581969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It releases GABA

>> No.18182904

mother fucked it looks like he just picked dandylions from your yard

>> No.18182918

I'm about to be REAL fucking sleepy

>> No.18182922
File: 98 KB, 800x470, df44e2a9-36f2-45d6-9ad6-659b6694c834.png._CB286148590_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, so sleepy I forgot the pic

>> No.18182928

>not Sleepytime Ultra with Carfentanil

>> No.18182936


>> No.18183188

>Sleepy time EXTRA
Legit my favorite tea

>> No.18183215

what happens

>> No.18183437

I go to sleep and stay asleep, FOREVER

>> No.18183662

that is essentially what tea is bro, dried plant leaves

>> No.18183689

doent work

>> No.18183727

...You do realize what tea is anon?
Also, dandelions are extremely healthy for you and make a great tea. That said don't just pick the ones in your yard as it will likely have whatever chemical fertilizer shit you put on your yard in it.

>> No.18184015

this kills the liver

>> No.18184268

teabags are one of the biggest sources of microplastics in food products, it's a shame.

>> No.18184285

Does any of it actually work? I'm trying to get off alcohol, weed and sleeping pills. Last time I've tried that I stayed awake for 4 days before giving up.

>> No.18184289

It's tea with melatonin powder that melts into the hot water.

>> No.18184294

I've only had it once as a kid or at least I think so. I wasn't even going to sleep then too so it was surprising. Was laying under a blanket and basically just relaxing till I realised I can't move, stared seeing weird faces and a voice saying my name and something I couldn't make out. Other time I don't think it counts as a sleep paralysis but I fell asleep at my laptop and suddenly woke up to a familiar voice yelling my name but was home alone.

>> No.18184306
File: 345 KB, 400x300, Coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Be deathly allergic to chamomile
>Also allergic to foxtail (ragweed), cut grass, e.t.c
>Sitting at my computer, about 8 years old or so (Back in 2002)
>Get up for a bit to do some stupid shit I don't know, was playing Halo CE on bloodgulch
>Come back and keep playing
>Start sneezing a bunch for no reason
>Hands itchy, throat scratchy, eyes burning
>Keep playing because I'm a kid and I'm not giving up yet
>Start to have trouble seeing, suddenly realize I'm having trouble breathing
>Sneeze really hard and blood splats out and hits my keyboard and monitor
>I turn around and run to the door calling for my mom (barely able to get it out)
>Dad is behind it laughing and then looks at me
>He had a dried chamomile teabag in his hands
>He didn't believe that I was actually allergic to it
>So he rubbed it all over my computer
>I'm still sneezing, little flecks of blood splattering out
>Panics and runs to the phone and calls 911
>Mom sees me, knows what's wrong, shoves me under the shower
>Washes all of it off, feel better but still bad
>Gives me antihistamines
>Ambulance arrives and I look mostly fine except sorta delirious and out of it
>Still drive me to the hospital to get me checked up
>Dad now has to pay a $1400 ambulance ride bill and gets in absolute shit
>Even now, 20 years later he still thinks I was faking the worst of the symptoms
>Dad's an asshole
I also never could drink tea after that day, it tastes like dirty filthy leaf water. Fucking hate it, no flavor garbage. I tried all sorts of fancy teas, cheap teas, popular teas, exotic teas. The ONLY one I liked in the SLIGHTEST was Matcha tea for some reason, but that shit is expensive and I didn't like it enough to drink it a lot.
Fuck tea and fuck tea drinkers, get off of my FOOD and COOKING board!!


>> No.18184312

sucks anon, at least you aren't allergic to dust that shit is everywhere

>> No.18184314

Yeah I'd be dead if I was allergic to dust, are you? That sounds fucking miserable. Worst it does is make my nose stuffy a bit but that's it.

>> No.18184380

why would someone lie on the internet

>> No.18185057

That's ghosts bro

>> No.18185059

God what a faggot

>> No.18185214

Chamomile tea. I drank it an hour before sleep when I was detoxing from weed. It definitely helps.

>> No.18185620

I like the idea of it. I might make a particular personal brew based off their own one of these days. the tea has that sort of cinnamon and mint "spice" to it that I dislike

>> No.18185678

>If you drink too much the effect reverses and you will be forced to stay awake for several days.
Damn just like a DXM trip

>> No.18185686

>the pig's troubles are over
>try not to be jealous

>> No.18185689
File: 6 KB, 206x245, just about mcfucking had it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you dumbfucks pretending this scam shit makes you sleepy? It's just decaffeinated tea, as in, tea that contains a small amount of caffeine. If anything it should make you less sleepy.

>> No.18185890

Linden, chamomile, and lavender work if steeped properly

>> No.18185903

There's no actual tea (Camellia sinensis) and 0 caffeine. Chamomile is also pretty soporific.

>> No.18185923

I don't drink tea but I appreciate the drawing of the comfy bear

>> No.18185924
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, 1659330476702895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's relaxing and cozy and when enjoyed as per serving suggestion (pic related) it's conducive to dozing off

>> No.18185937

>serving suggestion

>> No.18185964

>on a comfichair
>in jammies
>mug within reach
>preferably by a fire

>> No.18186034

the bear is sleeping while you are seething
seethe more you sad autist

>> No.18186251

Herbal teas are toxic, you aren't doing your body any favors by drinking this stuff

>> No.18186263
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>> No.18186266

Why would it be any worse than eating plants? Sounds like you could use some sleepytime tea.

>> No.18186271

I had trouble sleeping so my mom bought me this tea and it practically knocks me out, no tossing and turning like usual. Placebo? Fine by me if it works.

>> No.18186272
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>> No.18186278
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>> No.18186293


>> No.18186330

Eating plants is not good for you

>> No.18186814

yes herbal tea always has caffeine in it.
Fkin McHumans im telling you.

>> No.18186871

My mother is currently awake

>> No.18187497
File: 25 KB, 852x480, poppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy time is mostly chamomile and yes plants can have effects on the chemicals released in your brain picrel

>> No.18187506

>Ingredients. Chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, hawthorn and rosebuds.
there are no tea leaves in Sleey time

>> No.18187508

read >>18187506

>> No.18187546

>plants can have effects on the chemicals released in your brain
No one claimed all plants in existence are non-psychoactive, anon.
Chamomile doesn't induce sleep.
Lots of other plants / chemicals do.

>> No.18187616

>The plant extract contains apigenin, a chemical compound that induces sleepiness when it binds to the GABA receptors in the brain.
sure its not as strong as a xanax but it is a mild sedative

>> No.18187641

Not much evidence it helps. Isn't statistically significant in difference on a variety of sleep related metrics for insomniacs compared to placebo and the one study that found a slight effect didn't even use a placebo so the subjects knew if they were having it or not.

>> No.18187726

these studies are bullshit in that the paramerters are spisific to one aspect of function you can literally proves anything doesn't work.
GABA isn't a sleep aid rather it reduces anxiety and anxious people don't fall a sleep easily also its not going to keep you a sleep it just helps you get there which is the hardest part for most people

>> No.18188571

At most it's a placebo for gullible tards.

>> No.18188594
File: 82 KB, 434x242, Untitled_presentation_-_Google_Slides-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an anon is annoyed by existence of herbal tea
>perhaps it's not strong or manly enough or maybe he just disapproves of people liking things he doesn't
>embarks on a ridiculous in-thread campaign to discredit herbal tea; trying to find supporting science etc
>at no point does he admit it's just because he doesn't like it
where on earth did someone learn this kind of behaviour

>> No.18188597

my mom drinks this every day

>> No.18188719

you're a dumbshit

>> No.18188741
File: 51 KB, 369x606, 71Ies4ARO4L._SY606_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been my go-to since I had trouble switching my sleep around for work, absolutely love the taste of it

>> No.18188786

Bros I think I'm going actually insane from sleep deprivation. I've suffered from insomnia for like 10 years but the last year it's gotten so bad that sometimes I don't sleep for 2 nights. They gave me some fucked up sleeping medicine that didn't even work, just made me hallucinate, and now they told me a month ago that they don't really have any other solution and basically to go fuck myself. It's honestly fucking depressing, wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.

>> No.18188803
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>> No.18188868

There is evidence that chamomile assists sleep, but only in a concentrated form that you don't get from a tisane.

>> No.18189110
File: 136 KB, 571x467, eternal sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18189874

I just bought some and all you retards skipped over the fact it has mint in it. Mint is supposed to be good for sleep

>> No.18190068 [DELETED] 

Yeah I drn some in my cu

>> No.18191475
File: 67 KB, 630x630, AXN2OP5UW7K6I2VTROJ2JQOZCM (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but me and my niggras are on Team Lazy Cake.

>> No.18191483

anon this thread is teeming with contrarians who don't even know wtf they're talking about. enjoy as you please

>> No.18191569
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>> No.18191576

Imagine trusting any allopathic medicine or doctor especially post clot shot