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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18180803 No.18180803 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18180807

Fat fuck

>> No.18180816

would be nice I guess. I don't wanna drive 30 minutes downtown to wherever the hell all the trendy hipster shit is located in Toronto to find a food truck

>> No.18180824

taco trucks are cruising office plazas

>> No.18180835

They would need a way to keep everything from getting fucked up since they need to cook food and icecream trucks just keep everything in a frozen box

>> No.18180845

Took too many anons to state this absolute fact. tards. tards everywhere

>> No.18180856

us cool kids who hang out downtown all day get to eat it whenever we want

>> No.18180859

I want to live in Toronto but Canada won't let me. : (

>> No.18180917


>> No.18181172

im imagining a taco truck driving around blasting mariachi band music now

>> No.18181195
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>> No.18181212

I used to have a mobile Mexican mart. Would come everyday and sell fruits and vegetables and snacks.

>> No.18182013

this doesnt work for cooked meals for the reasons already stated here. but a truck that is basically a mobile 7/11 coud work and im not sure why its not a thing. would actually be pretty nice to have a truck pull up to your block selling some convienience store staples

>> No.18182063

If a fact seems obvious, don't state it. Say something even sillier instead. And if something looks like innuendo, don't explicate it. Make another innuendo. Make 4chan great again.

>> No.18182071

this isn't facebook OP

>> No.18182083

Why? It's an absolute hellhole.

>> No.18182122

back to english class manuel

>> No.18182134

industrial SoCal has one pretty much outside every manufacturing plant. Those are the real cheap bomb as shit ones. Then you go to a festival where you see a truck 3 tacos for $14, coke can $3.

>> No.18182156

>keep the prepared meats in heated containers
>keep the vegetables chilled
>have a fast heating griddle to toast the tortillas
I seriously don't see the problem. Every time I've had tacos it's not like I waited for the carne asada to cook.

>> No.18182174

>I seriously don't see the problem
you are a retard if you "seriously" can't figure out the differences between a motorized freezer and a motorized kitchen

>> No.18182183

They get more orders camping out in front of a jobsite rather than driving through residential streets. Working class people want lunch, kids want ice cream.

>> No.18182199

It seems like you could camp outside jobsites before work, lunch, and after they close; then patrol apartment complexes were workers live playing La Cucaracha until it's 8PM and they're ready to sleep because they get up early.

>> No.18182204

they dont do it because its impractical
they dont do it because the city ordinances doesnt allow it
they get a permit for one spot, and paid a hefty fee for it
obviously theyre only going to be there to recover the cost, and not buy many other permits

>> No.18182213

MFG plants aren't 8-5 office jobs. 3 ongoing shifts. Constant different depts with various breaks. There's absolutely no reason to drive around through the neighborhood. Ice cream trucks do it because its summer and kids are home.

>> No.18182277
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>They get more orders camping out in front of a jobsite rather than driving through residential streets.

Sure, but in-between breaks and lunch at shops, it seems to me that food trucks could make some additional money by stopping at apartment complexes.

I'm an apartment dweller and if a food truck came around a couple of times per week around diner time, I'd buy something and so would others here, as I constantly see UberEats delivery guys coming around dropping off food.

>> No.18182339
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>Canadian tacos

>> No.18182364

instead of typical ice cream truck music, it's mariachi with the muffler backfiring and sounding like gunshots

>> No.18182408

>but in-between breaks and lunch at shops
Literal minutes. Just because you went to college and shot jizz at excel spreadsheets doesnt mean everyone else is stuck at a taco truck because they forgot to bring a sandwich.

>> No.18182412

>muh magic soil

>> No.18182421

Food trucks are expensive to run. They're not going to sit around in a parking lot waiting for NEET-boy to potentially waddle out for his 3PM taco cravings when they can either:
A.) Set up at extremely high traffic construction sites or business parks for a lunch hour and make a whole day's worth of sales in that time.
B.) Pay a permit to set up at a high walking traffic urban street where they can make a day's sales sitting in one place for 8 hours.

There's a reason why they operate like they do and not like in your fantasy. It's not profitable to go driving around in their off-hours hoping they might randomly stumble onto a guy who wants a taco.

>> No.18182425

What is the best food to make for your food truck

>> No.18182497

Chowder caravan

>> No.18182582

I love how people will come up with retarded ideas like this, and assume the only reason nobody is doing it is that nobody has been smart enough to think of it.
Even aside from the obvious difficulties of driving around a food truck while operating it..
>hey, yeah I know we have a line of regulars in that commercial area that literally lasts for hours, but why do we want all that solid business when we could drive around neighborhoods hoping some randos who are home in the middle of the day flag us down?

>> No.18182602

>im not sure why its not a thing
Have you actually thought about it?

>gee, I sure hope a mobile convenience store comes by..
>damn I gotta leave for work in like 10 mins
>welp, today just wasn’t my day
>gee, I sure hope a mobile convenience store comes by..
>gotta take a piss
>damn I missed it
If you live in the sort of neighborhood where something like this would be cruising around, you already live within a few mins of a convenience store. People who want something are going to go there rather than hoping a truck with just a tiny fraction of the selection happens to drive by.