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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18164547 No.18164547 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have to cut down their food intake since things are so expensive now? What do your meal plans look like going forward?

>> No.18164605
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>> No.18164623

Not really, I live well within my means and none of my expenses have changed much.

Here it would look like lots of legumes, oats, potatoes, eggs, chicken thighs and ground meat, frozen fish instead of fresh, etc.

>> No.18164628

It's a good excuse to eat better. Goyslop has skyrocketed in price while good quality ingredients haven't increased nearly as much. Seed oils were supposed to be so cheap as to basically be free but now they've tripled in price and it's a very small jump of money for healthy cooking fats like tallow and lard and you don't need as much.

>> No.18164639

Back to /pol/, biden is no more or less to blame for the current situation than any president in the last 30 years.

And no, I didn't change my eating habits because of food costs because I'm not poor.

>> No.18164654

I only eat out when I get coupons in the mail

>> No.18164659

>Shutting down domestic energy production has nothing to do with high production costs

>> No.18164676
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So Trump crashing the economy had nothing to do with it? It's all of them- if you think it's one leader or party you are a retard.

Also, stop being poor.

>> No.18164681

>crashing the economy
>conveniently right as he is replaced by Biden
That "real life enjoyer" should probably be in a straight jacket

>> No.18164689

Then why is virtually every other country also experiencing high levels of inflation? Fuck Biden but the president doesn't have many tools to fight inflation. That's why they just keep raising interest rates, that's all they have direct control over.

>> No.18164692

>the president doesn't have many tools to fight inflation
ending the fed is the only tool he needs, which he has

>> No.18164700

If shit gets any worse I'll have to start hunting again.
It's not that I have a moral problem with hunting, I'm a human being after all, that's normal.
It's that I'm lazy and I'd rather not spend all that time and effort.

>> No.18164709
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>being this retarded about politics and believing boomer-tier nonsense about eliminating the fed fixing all the problems

You're like one of those commies who think "if we get rid of capitalism all the bad things will go away". But is cite to watch/pol/cels they to into economics. These things are cyclical, and if you're not poor and stupid (which you are) you will weather the hard times and thrive in the good times (which you won't)

I'll say it again, stop being poor.

>> No.18164723

No but I feel like quality has gone down in some produce and meats. There's so many mutant huge chicken parts on the shelves now, like absurdly thicc thighs that are a nightmare to cook evenly, it would probably take like 2h at low temps. I've had to resort to searching out small whole chickens and breaking them down to get decent chicken.

>> No.18164731

I'm neither impoverished nor obese, so no I haven't changed my eating habits at all.

>> No.18164740

You should be doing that anyway you dumb faggot

>> No.18164795

Sometimes I just want some chicken thighs to eat without adding too much to the mass of bones in the freezer, I don't need that much stock you dumb faggot. I just want small chicken parts without accumulating chicken backs at an absurd pace.

>> No.18164812

The recession made me go on a diet. Used to eat pizzas, fast food, TV dinners, cheap frozen pre-prepared food etc. Now I just eat super healthy. Eggs, turkey, chicken, veggies, rice are all I eat. Had to give up pop too.

>> No.18164820

>Republican President in office
It's all his fault that everything is fucking shit
>Democrat President in office
Come on, guys. It's not the presidents fault. If we blame one we have to blame them all so let's not blame Biden. I'm neutral btw.

Aw shucks you convinced me. Nothing he can do. He was pressing buttons.

>> No.18164828

>Absurd pace
A chicken doesn't have that many bones, I'm constantly running out of stock and I exclusively buy whole chickens to break down for parts, no idea how you could possibly have too many unless you're just stockpiling then never actually making stock like a lazy retard

>> No.18164837

Not those anons, I usually immediately leave any /ck/ thread as soon as it gets political because /ck/ is retarded in all thigs non-food, but you made a good observation, thought I should let you know. Also for any retard out there going to reply in asshurt towards me, A) I don't partake in caring about politics on ny Blue or Red imbecilic level, and B) I won't be reading your posts as I have already left the thread. Leave the politics elsewhere, please.

>> No.18164870

>I am so proud of not getting political on /ck/ that I think I will make an entire post bragging about how I don't get political on /ck/

They're retards and you're a retard with an inflated ego.

>> No.18164890

Is this achievable natty?

>> No.18164897
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>/ck/ is retarded in all thigs non-food

>> No.18164907

I ate goyslop on welfare and have continued eating goyslop as a successful businessman. Not proud, but it gets the job done.

>> No.18164954

I get all my food for free from local food banks, so I'm mostly eating chicken, spaghetti, rice, and beans. There's tons of canned stuff, too. The ones I go to weekly also have tons of vegetables, but most of them have been frozen and have turned to mush. I mostly take any onions, potatoes, spinach, and anything else I know I'll eat before it spoils. I have a couple chest freezers that I put all the meat in and a bunch of jars and sealable plastic containers I keep the dry goods in.

>> No.18164966


>> No.18164988

Doesn't affect me since i dont live in bidens america

>> No.18165206

>ctrl+f vegetables
>1 result
How much does vegetables cost at kg and how much does meat?
You just need 500gr of meat weekly to survive

People post without being aware of blueboard rules, or worse, not following those

Where do you live? Expand your posts or do not reply at all if you have to reduce it to political stuff, this is /ck/

>> No.18165630

You sound like a retard

>How much does [VEGETABLES] cost?
>Oh no, the heckin blue boardarino rules

>> No.18165641

I am impoverished (ah, the life of an educator) but not stupid nor obese so my diet hasn't changed much, either.
Mostly vegetables, a little grain, a little dairy, a little meat, scant prepackaged foods. It's not hard. It's not time consuming.

>> No.18165848
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I am still eating the same, but i pay more for the same amount, but in winter is going to sting, electricity prices and heating is going to cost with at least 30%-40% more, while now the prices for everything jumped 30% at least, we expect higher inflation in winter, so higher prices for everything.
Winter is going to be a nightmare

>> No.18165858

This /ckc/ is retarded about food things, for fucks sake some of the slop you guys praise is simply vile.

>> No.18167426

Wait is this the JUST guy?

>> No.18167983

I made myself a big spreadsheet of foods and figured out the price per pound of everything. Realized I was buying expensive shit and started buying cheaper items so I've actually been able to increase my foods during this recession.

>> No.18168027

I am spending about the same amount at the grocery, I think, but if you have to cut back, you have to buy dried beans and start using your crockpot for hearty soups. Buy large quatity meat packages at like costco or walmart, 10 packs, freeze portions and use them as needed. Flavor with ham and turkey smoked legs.
Maybe your own bread is worth it, or else freeze bread to last and enjoy slices in the toaster.

>> No.18168048

Yep. I had to quit drinking cokes too. I loved diet Canada Dry, but $7 a twelve pack was just too much to justify. Been drinking water the past month and it feels great.

>> No.18168066

iced tea is inexpensive, as is a big tub of lemonade powder

>> No.18168067

I went all in with chicken thighs so it hasn't been too bad. Got a combi oven on sale so cooking them up is real easy basically idiot proof with the temp probe function.

>> No.18168179

I just got a bit bottle of lemon juice and add some squirts when I want some flavor. I actually like just drinking water, it's really helped my taste buds. Food tastes better now that I'm not bombarding them with strong flavors constantly. You are correct thought, there are cheaper alternatives. I've thought about getting some of those Mio things, but I'm too lazy to sit down and do the price per serving size (which varies by taste) math.

>> No.18168218

I like the little sachets of Crystal Light pink lemonade. The math is easy, just 1 sachet per 500ml (16.9fl oz bottle), but it's a bit strong at that level.

>> No.18168225

Yeah, that's why I like the Mio things, you just squirt to your preference. It's been years since I've used one, so I'd have to get one and see how long it lasts.

>> No.18168236

I just had tofu on broccoli slaw. Hell yeah im cuttin down no more meat bros. I buy meat when i get paid

>> No.18168380

His name is Rick O'Connell you retarded zoomer

>> No.18168479

Kek go look at the price tags in a store, some place not shitty lists them all. And then you'll realize all of those stupid drink mixes are a huge ripoff.

>> No.18168548

I don't understand why you engage. Just vote, cross your fingers it goes okay and buy guns in case it doesn't.

>> No.18169637

Yes, I understand stores price their goods. What I mean is comparing how long one bottle lasts me compared to a 12 pack of soda, and determining the difference in price. I say that because one bottle could last different people different lengths of time.

>> No.18169682

I've been buying more than ever. Live it up while you can

>> No.18170670

I used to buy boneless skinless chicken breasts but not any more.Also used to buy the occasional ribeye but that's done too.

>> No.18171157

have you tried not being poor?

>> No.18171166

if you had to seriously cut down on food, you were either eating overpriced food or you overeat.

>> No.18171529
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>expensive now

>> No.18171535

Have you tried getting a job, useless faggot-san?

>> No.18171616

I eat less actual food and drink the same amount of alc.

>> No.18171626

I quit drinking too :^(

>> No.18172305

>ackshully its not his fault!!
Cry me a river.

>> No.18172380
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no but i only buy protein that's on sale. i also shop at multiple stores. actually i did this before inflation hit because i enjoy saving money. it's like a game to me. it feels good to win.

>> No.18172392

I didn't cut down on calories but I'm basically just eating a lot of beef mince now since I can still get it for $4 an lb (organic)

>> No.18172426

I actually started making more money in the past 6 months so it's kind of evened out.

>> No.18172582

Money is a zero sum game. It comes in here, it goes out there.

>> No.18172687

Four dollars an pound?

>> No.18172713
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Just bought this. Ate the waffle part and threw out the other part. That’s the only reason I bought it in the first place.

>> No.18173149

>He thinks monetary policy is based in reality

>> No.18173209
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True. Inflation is happening all over the globe. Americans really do only think about themselves.

>> No.18173318
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for me its picrel

>> No.18173368

Sorry. Money is very real at my level of poorfaggotry.

>> No.18173398

Have you tried not being poor?

>> No.18173405

Disability is a bitch

>> No.18173414

Just marry a rich pervert, there's probably some faggot out there with a fetish for whatever is wrong with you

>> No.18173416

I don't think kidney failure would be considered sexy

>> No.18173419

No I eat as much as I ever have, I just don't cook beef and lamb as much

>> No.18173422

You've obviously never been to DeviantArt

>> No.18173428

Jacking off to dialysis? I can't see it.

>> No.18173553
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I’m a vegetarian now I guess.
A lot of eggs and cottage cheese.

>> No.18173558

No I still eat takeout every day and never cook

>> No.18173563
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Ground beef is $9.50/lb anywhere within five miles of me

>> No.18173566

that's crazy
where do you live?

>> No.18173569

NJ across the river from NYC.

>> No.18173574

well yeah
your income is probably 2-3x higher than average for the rest of the country

>> No.18173577

Secaucus? Weehauken? Hoboken?

>> No.18173608

Sadly the increase in salary does not match the increase in cost of living.

>> No.18173613

Same here
I got a 7% raise this year and it doesn't matter

>> No.18173655


>> No.18173730

Sinatra Land! My best friend (F) was born there.

>> No.18173803

Do Americans really sleep face down at tidelines?

>> No.18174218

Are you 800 pounds or something?
For people who live in their mothers basement you sure are sine broke niggas

>> No.18175146

No, but Syrian refugees do

>> No.18175629

>Pork shoulder used to be 1.57 a pound at the local grocer
>Now almost 3.20 depending on where you go
Fuck me dead, pork shoulder has no business being 24 dollars a pack. Still super cost effective when used in the right dishes but goddamn.

>> No.18175654

That's crazy. I'm in Fort Lee and paid 4 something/lb for ground beef the other day.

>> No.18175660

Maybe this will cure the obesity epidemic

>> No.18175725

I used to eat 2 sausages, 2 fried eggs, 1 fried potato, pasta and mayo for most of my meals in tough times. About 1.5€ a day

>> No.18176340

You're good at banter NOT

>> No.18176382

Says the anon who wants us to pretend we didn't see the inflation and trade policy mismanagement before Ukraine.

>> No.18176469
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Yeah, before the Ukraine war came Covid.
I couldn’t find a sticker of Covid saying I did that!

>> No.18176882

Inflation is happening all over the world because when America suffers the rest of the world does too. The same thing happened when Obama was president: the US went into recession, and then 6 months later the rest of the world did too.

>> No.18176929
File: 659 KB, 1668x1993, Russia and Ukraine are key exporters of food and energy. Will global prices spike - The Washington Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid already did a lot of damage worldwide then the war made things even worse. They predicted this as soon as the war started.

>> No.18176942
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all burger people have enough fat reserve in their bodies to last at least 4 years without food
so why would you worry

>> No.18176950
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>> No.18176957

Your mom loves you NOT