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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18138663 No.18138663 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking milk is bad now.

>> No.18138674 [DELETED] 

>anglo opinion

>> No.18138679 [DELETED] 

Damn I love being white

>> No.18138680
File: 58 KB, 1017x382, vicesubhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LGBTQPAAIRZO"Z=)T/F)(25+ groomer

>> No.18138682


Vice is for the low IQ, marijuana abusing progressives, that donated money to Bernie's presidential campaign twice

>> No.18138686

i thought she had piss glasses wtf happened. also i live in london someone send me her address i'll kill her so we can be in peace

>> No.18138715

She's a brownoid and thus ineligable for anglo-saxon status. Which explains why she can't drink milk, due to inferior genes not allowing it

>> No.18138734

She initially starts out stating that seeing grown men drink milk in her eyes is "wrong".
>Daisy Jones is Culture Editor at VICE UK, specialising in LGBTQ+ issues,

A dumb fucking shitty tatoo'd bitch

>> No.18138736
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fuck off

>> No.18138746

who asked

>> No.18138759

anti-milkers are almost always vegan propagandists. Aside from raw human breast milk and raw eggs, raw cow's milk is the most nutritious thing you can possibly eat.

>> No.18138761
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I put milk in my coffee, I drink whey, sometimes before bed if I'm thirsty I'll have a glass of milk instead of water because it's an extra 12g of protein. Is there a problem here?

>> No.18138779 [DELETED] 
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>brownoids mad that their inferior bodies can't process milk

>> No.18138788

consuming sugar and fat before going to bed can have a negative impact on your sleep quality
other than that nah, you're good.

>> No.18138791

Shes got her twitter account protected as so many kicked off with her about it on there

>> No.18138800

>consuming sugar and fat
What am I suppose to eat then? lettuce?

>> No.18138802

Well that's why I also drink kava.

>> No.18138806

>brainwashed by the dairy industry
"""they""" are the only ones wanting you to drink milk

>> No.18138811

you're going to sleep, you don't need to put more energy inside you

>> No.18138820

I love when shitty failed female journalists tell me what I can't eat or drink.

>> No.18138827

God damn british man you really got cucked

>> No.18138835

Deepak , thats /ck/ related as his name sounds like anAldi rip off of Lurpack

>> No.18138838
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That wasn't me, the original person you replied to, but I disagree. Food isn't always about energy, it's also what your body consumes and puts to use while you rest. That's why trying to fall asleep while hungry is difficult.

I usually have about 500g of marinaded/spiced up salmon on rice for dinner, if I get hungry afterwards? it's vegemite (rich in b vitamins) on toast or a glass or 2 of milk and I have no issues falling asleep.

>> No.18138858

>Are you okay
>Are you
shopping list today: milk

>> No.18138867

>Be black
>Yo, you can’t have dairy, bro
>Dairy will make the caboose loose
>Entire family keeps harping on about this shit, even though they go crazy over my mom or aunts baked Mac n Cheese
>They completely disregard the dairy in the Mac n fucking Cheese

That being said…I never had any issues with dairy. But back people in the Americas have been interbreeding with whites, natives, Latinos, etc for centuries…so I’m pretty sure most of us picked up something worth a damn along the way.

>> No.18138870

Don't Indians consume a lot of dairy? Especially if they're vegetarian

>> No.18138886

Yeah but it's usually in the form of butter/ghee, yogurt, or fresh cheese. I don't think they consume a lot of fresh milk.

>> No.18138902

No, they absolutely do consume a lot of fresh milk. In Indian restaurants, there's usually a hot fresh milk option on the menu, usually served in a metal cup. Or at least, in my country, most Indian restaurants will
t. Malaysian

>> No.18138905 [DELETED] 

I'm not concerned about opinions of non-white "people"

>> No.18138914

Lactose intolerance is just a side effect of pasteurized, homogenized milk. You can have someone of any race drink raw milk and they'll be able to digest it perfectly fine after a few days of drinking it.

>> No.18138915
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It’s just a sweet little treat every once in a while. Lay off me.

>> No.18138944

this, pasturized milk strips milk of the enzymes needed to digest it easily. Most people are lactose intolerant to that kind of highly processed milk. Even worse with skim and reduced fat since those are basically lactose water. I'm white, lactose tolerant and drink a glass of raw milk a day and even then skim milk used to give me trouble.

Researchers go out and wonder how the mongols drank milk when most mongolians today are lactose intolerant, its not a fucking mystery, fresh, raw milk basically digests itself which is why we pasturize it to make it last longer. The correct way to preserve milk is to ferment it, which gets rid of the lactose. The maasai eat basically nothing but milk, cattle blood and beef and are both black and the tallest ethnic group in the world. The idea that lactose intolerant people cant have dairy is moronic in all but the most extreme cases.

>> No.18138967
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Mutations for the ability to digest lactose have occured multiple times in different populations. While it is most common in Europeans (particularly northern ones) populations, west African cattle herders, certain east african & middle eastern groups, and northern Indian populations all have significant numbers of people who can digest lactose just fine.

>> No.18138982

I'm thinking about going to local farmer a few kilometres nearby and buy some raw milk. Can use some proper pro biotica.

>> No.18138984

I've never seen that in the US. The extent of dairy drinks in Indian restaurants here is tea with milk or yogurt drinks.

>> No.18138988

It's not weird, I drank it every day until I was like 23.

I only really stopped because I wanted to stop drinking calories since I was/am a fatshit. Now it's been so long I don't really crave it anymore, but once in a while it's still good with like a pb and j or something

>> No.18138989

>The correct way to preserve milk is to ferment it, which gets rid of the lactose.
It doesn't actually get rid of that much lactose. What happens is that the bacteria that break down lactose can survive the acidic environment and aren't completely destroyed by stomach acid, so they continue breaking it down after it's consumed.

>> No.18138991 [DELETED] 

Mutts seething because wytes can drink milk without imploding

>> No.18138999
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As I get older I discover more and more reasons to believe europeans are superior and I was raised not to put stock in such things.
Is a white russian toxic to asians?

>> No.18139001

>tallest ethnic group in the world
a cursory google search will show that this is false

>> No.18139014

Probably because Indian migrants in the US don't have opportunities to rear their own cattle desu. Indians rear a lot of cows, it only makes sense for them to drink fresh milk

>> No.18139016

>but once in a while it's still good with like a pb and j or something
A glass of milk with almost any dessert is a kino combination, personally I take mine either with apple pie or fudge cake.

>> No.18139029 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile, whitey spends his time chugging homo milk with his sausage and eggs instead of being productive.

>> No.18139036 [DELETED] 

Holy fucking shit. There's your prize for "winning" WWII, britbongs.
[non-white detected]

>> No.18139049

>slurps from the carton
>gargles full fat
>licks the droplets running down the side of the carton
>swallows delicious dairy
>finally get a glass out
>pour a glass of the good ol white stuff
>drinks milk

>> No.18139057
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>> No.18139064
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>> No.18139073

i hate lefties and vice as much as anyone, but she’s right. drinking milk as an adult is gay as fuck

>> No.18139095 [DELETED] 

Why do (((they))) want me to have a weak, flimsy skeleton?

>> No.18139108

uh oh looks like genetically inferior fags that can't digest milk are mad again

>> No.18139113
File: 265 KB, 665x574, 1658506659089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culture editor
>specialist in lgbt issues, relationships, the internet, music and pop culture
when you're trying to squeeze some more lines into your CV so you include proficiency with a bunch of things you know exist and have heard of before but don't know shit about, but are ready to do a few panic google searches in case they call you back.

>> No.18139133 [DELETED] 

The race with the lowest rate of lactose intolerance is white. So, of course (((they))) say it is a bad thing to consume.

>> No.18139147

>anti-milkers are almost always vegan propagandists
Or people who are lactose intolerant. They can't have it so they don't want anyone else to have it either.

>> No.18139222

>someone made a clickbait editorial and now i feel directly attacked (because i love feeling directly attacked)

>> No.18139230

>drink milk regularly into my 20's with no problem
>mom stumbles upon this weird internet 'doctor' and thinks that my depression was caused by drinking milk (it was actually undiagnosed bipolar disorder)
>don't believe it but figured a break from milk wouldn't be the worst thing, maybe lose a bit of weight
>start drinking milk again 2 months later, can't have more than a small glass without shutting myself in pain

Has this happened to anyone else? I suppose it's both a blessing and a curse.

>> No.18139237

its probably like how eating raw carrots hurts your stomach at first until you start consistently eating them. your gut probably has to re-adjust for milk drinking.

>> No.18139244
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How do bogniggers even hold a candle to the superior norf?

>> No.18139250


I like how they chose their most despised demographic to be the milk drinker. It's like when they talk about how bad it is to have children and it's always pictures of white kids,

>> No.18139251
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For me it was the opposite. For the longest time I thought I was lactose intolerant and now the only thing that settles my stomach is a few small sips of milk a day.

>> No.18139256
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its like she posts here

>> No.18139280

>female bong
Get this random shit with no data to back it up
out of here.

>> No.18139288

Just see if he'll let you suck on their tits

>> No.18139295

>love to drink a cold glass of milk after working out or being in the heat
come at me

>> No.18139307
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>> No.18139310

They could if they wanted. You fail to realize how filthy rich alot of Indian Americans are.

>> No.18139313


lol, lmao even

>> No.18139315

I got banned for making this exact thread last weeek

>> No.18139318

Indians drink warm milk but they all seem to have trouble drinking cold milk. Every single one I've talked about food with always seems disgusted when I tell them I just drink milk out of the fridge and then complains that their stomach can't handle it.

>> No.18139418

I don't get a stomachache from cold milk but it feels like my throat gets full of mucus. I'm guessing it's the fat being cold and causing a slight buildup because it doesn't happen with warm milk.

>> No.18139438
File: 65 KB, 600x804, 447px-Manlytears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colonize the planet
>thrust your imperial dick into everyone else's business
>throw a shitfit and trash your own economy because brown migrants from the countries you invaded makes you seethe
>brown migrants aren't even from the EU and Brexit did nothing to stop them
Goddamn I love not being British.

>> No.18139448

Pic reminds me of my uncle.

>> No.18139450

you can't even spell the word tattoo and yet you wanna judge someone on anything you can that has nothing to do with their opinion. Right.

>> No.18139453

>eu good
smoothbrain take

>> No.18139454

There was a woman who drank raw cows milk on her parents farm and when she turned 18 she needed every single tooth removed because they all had cavities.

>> No.18139459

>eu bad
Retard take

>> No.18139461


>> No.18139462

>actually being a misogynist

>> No.18139484

>not being a misogynist

>> No.18139496

>no u
smoothbrain retort

>> No.18139525

>people think that it's ok for a 15 year old boy to sell his semen online for people to consume
>not ok to drink cow milk


>> No.18139528

She hates men who drink milk but probably wants a guy over 6 feet tall. Can't have it both ways, Daisy.

>> No.18139534
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>> No.18139541

Is there a causative link? I mean she could just be a hick with poor dental hygiene. I've been drinking raw milk since childhood and my teeth are immaculate.

>> No.18139555
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is it ok to be White? oh, it's true. it's damn true!

>> No.18139558

Is that a shitty Vice article from some random literal who that I disagree with? Holy fuck I'm so fucking angry right now. Ahhh. I'm outraged!

>> No.18139561

>drinking milk is bad
its not bad its just more of a why? if you drink milk youre not really your body a service most of the time just like drinking lemonade or juice

>> No.18139569

Same reason anything else goes into my mouth: I like how it tastes.

>> No.18139588

I love the taste of antifreeze but I don't drink it.

>> No.18139598

i should rephrase milk isnt bad for you but equivalent to a snapple/juice but solicited like its better for you than water

>> No.18139600


>> No.18139604
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>all this seething

>> No.18139607

>equivalent to a snapple
lmao get fucked retard

>> No.18139610

Why are you brown?

>> No.18139616 [DELETED] 

>semites get enraged when someone tells them milk is good

>> No.18139644

If you can't drink milk, then you aren't white.
simple as.

>> No.18139660

don't care, Its cheap protein and a bunch of other stuff that makes me strong

>> No.18139718

I wish I could save my friend from quack YouTube (((food scientists))). Shame people buy into that crap.

>> No.18139727

that's actually irrelevant when EU and UK are influenced by USA, therefor they both will suffer the same fate

>> No.18139745

Dumbericans drinking milk as adults.
I thought you kept that stuff for your "gravy".
Bunch of fucking melts.

>> No.18139751 [DELETED] 

What shade of brown are you?

>> No.18139756

are u arguing that milk is actually healthy? Do you also believe in the food pyramid?

>> No.18139758 [DELETED] 

God I love being white

>> No.18139783

No I'm arguing against it being equivalent to snapple, you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.18139789

>snapple/juice equivalent
point is that it has a shit ton of sugar and fat ya dumb fucking cunt

>> No.18139798

Goalposts moving faggot.

>> No.18139802

Explain how it's unhealthy

>> No.18139816

Are you 12 that maddox tier ranting even raises an eyebrow? Get banned and fuck off.

>> No.18139822

kys faggot
fat and sugar content thats not necessary, not unhealthy like soda but not inherently good for you

>> No.18139841

So it's a non-issue amount of "sugar" and I can keep buying my half gallon a week then.

>> No.18139868

keep malding, milk hating homo

>> No.18139878

If ur in shape and not concerned with weight gain then yes do you. its more of the pretense that it actually helps with bone growth and is a better alternative to water that is incorrect

keep guzzling cum and puss faggot idc

>> No.18139881

I like drinking fresh milk with cookies.

>> No.18139888

Just buy organic milk lmao

>> No.18139900

So, some cunt who specializes in fag issues and relationships wants to start talking about nutrition? Stay in your lane whore.

>> No.18139943

pure seethe lmao

>> No.18139945

>a better alternative to water
literally no one says this, gaylord

>> No.18139954

I need dietary calcium due to my faggoty kidney. I'm so sorry my bones are stronger than... whoever the fuck Daisy Jones is.

>> No.18139963

>fat and sugar content thats not necessary
What do you consider necessary?

Lactose also doesn't affect your blood sugar as much.

>> No.18139973

I don't get either of those things. When I drink milk it's honestly almost more refreshing than water. Sometime after a run I'll pour myself a 16oz glass of milk from the fridge and chug it down and I want more but I know I shouldn't be drinking all of this calorically-dense liquid.

>> No.18139983 [DELETED] 

>this shit-bait faggot article has been posted to /ck/ once if not more per week since the retarded kike writer published it
I swear, I wish the holocaust actually killed every Jew so these bait articles to divide humanity didn't exist.

>> No.18139989

>supports the alphabet groomer mental illness degenerates
I remember when this article was first shared on /ck/ and someone linked to her other content. All anti-white bait shit of the highest order.

>> No.18140012
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The only bad thing about milk is the absurd sugar content. Why can't they make sugar free milk? I'd drink dat shit exclusively.

>> No.18140279

No but for real though how is this thread still up?

>> No.18140303

>daisy jones
She thinks it’s perfectly ok for a man to cut his dick and balls off and pretend to be a women but drinking milk is “unsettling”vy8tvd

>> No.18140330

Jannies keep these threads up so they can blanket ban everyone that posts even a slightly racist comment. I got a warning for saying I like being white KEK