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18112362 No.18112362 [Reply] [Original]

Why do drunks and alcoholics stereotypically enjoy Malt Liquor instead of just spirits?

>> No.18112369

No clue. I'm a massive alcoholic and the math on malt liquor doesn't work out compared to cheap vodka. I imagine in some places with preferable tax rates, it turns out better, but whatever. The main explanation would be either for social reasons (drinking a lot of beer is usually more acceptable) or taste preference, i think.

>> No.18112376

>social reasons
But throwing back shots makes you look hard as fuck.

>> No.18112381

They haven't progressed to cheap vodka yet. Once the jump is made, there is no going back unless you quit for awhile.

>> No.18112384

Price and availability you fucking mong

>> No.18112388

A pint of Popov cost as much as a 40 of steel reserve

>> No.18112395

Yes but they didn't become alcoholics drinking that and people are creatures of habit.

Which is why you'll smoke malboros or parliaments and not any other brand because you grew up fantasizing about cowboy or black dick.

>> No.18112408

When I was an alcoholic, I switched from malt liquor to vodka because it was cheaper and tasted better. Stop talking about shit that you have no experience with.

>> No.18112412

>because it was cheaper
Yes as you get poorer you're forced to make a choice. It was not your go to to begin with fuckhead. Also stop pretending like you're being rational with your addiction you fucking useless junkie.

>> No.18112418

I haven't drank in six months, you angry dumb ass. It's obvious that you're a clueless retard so I have no idea why you continue to post ITT. Maybe you're just desperate for attention.

>> No.18112421

It’s cultural.

>> No.18112429

Some drunks enjoy the process of drinking and getting canned over the course of a day. You want to be buzzed during the day and get drunk enough to pass out by night. With vodka, those with less self-control will get drunk too fast.

>> No.18112432

It's the best bang for your buck at gas stations/grocery stores in states where they can't sell hard liquor. Vodka is a better buy sometimes, but if you have to go far to buy it (especially with the price of gas now), it's not always worthwhile.

>> No.18112455

Could be a carb addiction.

>> No.18112456
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>Malt Liquor

No mystery there, OP.

>> No.18112460
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>> No.18112461
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>Malt Liquor

>> No.18112463

I used to work at a liquor store and I've honestly never seen a black guy buy malt liquor. Mostly what they bought was either Hennessy or Remy Martin. Sometimes the blacks that worked at factories bought typical stuff like Budweiser but never malt liquor. I was surprised, too.

>> No.18112471

i will literally drink anything

>> No.18112487

Oh, and they bought gin, too. I forgot about that. Seagrams was pretty popular with black guys.

>> No.18112493

that really is the spiral man, I don't touch vodka

>> No.18112500

chill out spazz

>> No.18112505
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OE is the only acceptable one

>> No.18112507

Why? If anything, vodka is better for you.

>> No.18112510

>poverty finally put me out of addiction

I'm not your daddy stupid faggot. Who the fuck gives a shit about you and your fucked up life.

>> No.18112512

This picture always annoyed me because I don't see any bubbles. That poser bitch probably doesn't even drink malt liquor. She just wanted malt liquor props.

>> No.18112521

I like Tequila, it taste good. even really good vodka taste bad to me. I do like Absolut though and Svedka

>> No.18112523

You ever thought that maybe I was tired of being an alcoholic fat fuck and feeling sick all the time? Why are you so mad, anyway? You come off like a projecting schizo raging at the world.

>> No.18112532

>man on internet gets irrationally mad over picture of woman from years ago

>> No.18112534

Because you can buy a 40 at the corner store with the $2 in change you just got from blowing a dude in the parking lot

>> No.18112541

How does the word "annoyed" become irrationally mad in your mind? I'm just making an observation.

>> No.18112563

Again who the fuck gives a shit, this isn't your fucking tiktok zoomer retard.

>> No.18112569

It's funny, because I'd wager that you're out of alcohol and are taking it out on me because I actually quit while you're about to go into DTs or some shit. There is no other reason why you'd be losing your mind over nothing.

>> No.18112571

You seem like the kind of retarded self-important woe is me sadcase that likes to pretend everyone is out to persecute you.

Again I reiterate, nobody gives a fuck about you and your sad life you shithead.

>> No.18112577

You are making up crazy schizo scenarios in your head. There is no way that you can glean any of that from what I posted.

>> No.18112578

Whoa better tell the gram and twitter about how someone was mean to you on the internet.

Remember to take screenshots and count the likes and emoji replies.

>> No.18112584

I think it's the opposite, nobody self-inserted their own situation into this conversation except you.

And you start microtwitblogging about your life so you can milk some internet sympathy like some sort of faggot.

Go drink yourself to death you cheap fuck. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.18112590
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>> No.18112593

>why do fat fucks get fat eating mcdonalds instead of foe grais?

Who knows, genius.

>> No.18112634

Keep the thread updated on your upcoming DTs, you mentally ill psycho.

>> No.18112653

>ablooo blooo blooo everyone is a psycho if they call you out on your shit

Tell us another story about how you turned your life around triumphantly. Remember that everyone cares about whether you live or die in a pool of your own vomit.

>> No.18112662

You are a projecting nut job and fucking embarrassing, man.

>> No.18112705

Probably because it is cheap and they like beer more than liquor. Whereas I like MD 20/20, cheap vodka, and whatever 151 proof rum I can find thats affordable. Every alcoholic is a bit different in their tastes.

>> No.18112706
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You're my favorite deputy, OP

>> No.18112715
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>> No.18112743
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>> No.18112827


>> No.18112838


>> No.18112841


>> No.18113104


>> No.18113156

Why are you so young that you don't know this already?

>> No.18113163

Of course it does, if you're in the company of your gay friends

>> No.18113203

Can snoop dog even get high anymore after smoking weed all day everyday for 30± years

>> No.18113207

Because I get off work at 8am and the liquor store doesn't open until 10
And because I just woke up at 2 in the morning and the 7-11 starts selling alcohol at 6

>> No.18113238

cause then you have sometime to hold while you drink.

>> No.18113925

>anyone criticizing you is an alcoholic

Kek go drown your sorrows in some listerine faggot