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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 1200x800, Pineapple-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18087288 No.18087288 [Reply] [Original]

yes, pineapple DOES belong on pizza
yes, beans DO belong in chili
yes, pickles DO belong in burgers
yes, mayo DOES belong in sandwiches
yes, milk DOES go before cereal
yes, candy corn DOES tastes good
yes, you DO eat the brie mold
yes, black licorice DOES taste good
yes, raw tomatoes DO taste good
yes, vanilla IS the best flavor
yes, ranch IS the best dipping sauce
yes, mustard DOES belong on french fries
yes, doctor pepper IS the best soda
yes, chocolate and mint DO go together
yes, sushi DOES taste good
yes, boneless IS better
yes, raisins DO belong in cookies
yes, anchovies DO taste good
yes, olives DO belong in food
yes, you SHOULD drink milk
yes, raw meat IS better
yes, cream and sugar DOES go into coffee
yes, ketchup DOES go onto steak
yes, turkey IS better than chicken
yes, soft bacon IS better than crispy bacon
yes, white chocolate DOES taste good
yes, over easy eggs ARE the best
yes, french fries ARE better than wedges
yes, pepsi DOES taste like coke

any questions?

>> No.18087300

What does it feel like being wrong that much?

>> No.18087307

>any questions?
What does your mother's cock taste like?

>> No.18087324

wrong person to ask since this post is 100% truth

>> No.18087343

What does it feel like also being so wrong?

>> No.18087352

Where's the soyjak?

>> No.18087360

OP DOES his sister.

>> No.18087388

Why did zoomers choose pineapple as their fucking hill to die on? The Swedes top their pizza with peanuts and bananas, the Japanese put hot dogs and corn, St. Louis replaces the cheese with bullshit and lies, and Hong Kongers replace the tomato sauce with Thousand Island dressing. But pineapple? Oh, I'm going to throw an autistic shitfit on Twitter about that one.

>> No.18087397


>> No.18087403

Why are you such a loser?

Nobody cares what irrelevant shitholes do when they also eat rotten fish and bugs.

>> No.18087410

>boneless IS better
>you SHOULD drink milk
>ketchup DOES go onto steak
Not sure why you typed all this out just to ruin it with this chud shit.

>> No.18087412

>any questions?
Yes what do people who don't eat mayo put on their sandwiches? I've always wondered this.

>> No.18087426

Nobody actually cares, it's just hivemind shit.

>> No.18087430


>> No.18087445

What is that?

>> No.18087448

A joke.

>> No.18087457

Spicy brown mustard. Or nothing if it isn't an otherwise dry sandwich.

>> No.18087471

>zoomers came up with pineapple on pizza
Only a zoomer could be this buttfuckingly retarded.
Ergo, you are a self-hating zoomer.

>> No.18087477

Might want to learn some fucking reading comprehension before you start calling anyone "retarded," champ.

>> No.18087483

Pretty sure he was saying that it wasn't until zoomers that pineapple on pizza became some kind of a "controversy" (quotation marks very much intentional). I grew up in the 90's and Hawaiian pizza was easily a top 3 pick after cheese and pepperoni. It wasn't until relatively recently, and obviously due to internet shit, that people started acting like it's weird or doesn't work. It's kind of like how zoomers call bacon and avocado overrated/meme foods, as though they haven't been common, everyday food items people have been eating for fucking ever.

>> No.18087551

Even with mustard it would be still dry as a desert... Gross

>> No.18087560

I suppose if you use mustard powder or mustard seed, it would be. But I don't know if you're aware of this, but they've invented a liquidy, spreadable mustard. You can either get in squeeze bottles, or just normal jars. It's good stuff.

>> No.18087564

Yes. I intoxiposted and misread. My bad.
Fuck you I’ll fuck your mom in the ass and then piss on your face while I still have her shit particles on my dick.

>> No.18087721

You use watered down mustard? That's nasty

>> No.18087955

>any questions?
Do people point and laugh at you in public?

>> No.18087979

i agree with some of this and i disagree with some of this... in short... MEDS NOW!!

>> No.18088354

i havent been in public for 6 years

>> No.18088527

avocado or mustard

>> No.18088685

It's just an internet meme, no-one really cares they're just meming

>> No.18088766

>yes, beans DO belong in chili
>yes, mayo DOES belong in sandwiches
>yes, you DO eat the brie mold
>yes, raw tomatoes DO taste good
>yes, vanilla IS the best flavor
>yes, doctor pepper IS the best soda
>yes, sushi DOES taste good
>yes, anchovies DO taste good
>yes, olives DO belong in food
>yes, you SHOULD drink milk
>yes, raw meat IS better
>yes, french fries ARE better than wedges
These, but unironically.
t. euroshart

>> No.18088938

checked and i pretty much agree except for ketchup/steak i think salt,black pepper and butter is all that a steak need but keep the rosemary shit the fuck off my dish

>> No.18088941
File: 2.44 MB, 400x225, jeans that fit just right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like jeans that fit just right.

>> No.18088943

Anti-pineapple hysteria is more of a millennial thing. Zoomers don't eat pizza because implied privilege or something

>> No.18088963

>so I flung him into the distant future, where my evil is law!

>> No.18088974

but boneless IS better, i don't want to play with my food just to get one bite of chicken
the other two i agree with you

>> No.18088977

kek i've been doing that recently, i have went back and read my own post and had not idea what i was even trying to say

>> No.18088990

>yes, pineapple DOES belong on pizza
not really
>yes, beans DO belong in chili
isn't that the whole point of chilli con carne?
>yes, pickles DO belong in burgers
yeah when they're good pickles they can be pretty nice, i can take or leave them though.
>yes, mayo DOES belong in sandwiches
yeah absolutely its almost essential in non-disgusting amounts
>yes, milk DOES go before cereal
>yes, candy corn DOES tastes good
dunno not a burger never tried it
>yes, you DO eat the brie mold
people don't?
>yes, black licorice DOES taste good
it doe
>yes, raw tomatoes DO taste good
people don't like raw tomato?? bro a nice fresh ripe tomato with olive oil, salt, and pepper is one of the greatest pleasures in life
>yes, vanilla IS the best flavor
it is though
>yes, ranch IS the best dipping sauce
dunno not a burger so i don't eat ranch
>yes, mustard DOES belong on french fries
not my first choice
>yes, doctor pepper IS the best soda
I am always willing to pay extra for the dr pepper import cans (we don't have it here) because its so fucking good. anyone who hates the doctor is a fucking chump.
>yes, chocolate and mint DO go together
people thnk they don't??
>yes, sushi DOES taste good
good sushi does
>yes, boneless IS better
no bones have sovl
>yes, raisins DO belong in cookies
they do if you're not five years old.
>yes, anchovies DO taste good
anchovies are an absolute delight
>yes, olives DO belong in food
same with olives
>yes, you SHOULD drink milk
its very nutritious and tastes good
>yes, raw meat IS better
dunno about that
>yes, cream and sugar DOES go into coffee
if its shit instant coffee but if its nice coffee just milk sshould do, we like lattes in australia
>yes, ketchup DOES go onto steak
>yes, turkey IS better than chicken
>yes, soft bacon IS better than crispy bacon
i don't care i don't eat that shit (not muslim or jew just never grew up with it so recognise the fact that it actually sucks.)

>> No.18088995

>yes, white chocolate DOES taste good
no it does not.
>yes, over easy eggs ARE the best
over easy is definitely better than sunny side up for certain purposes, mainly if you're putting it in or sometimes on top of something
>yes, french fries ARE better than wedges
they are though
>yes, pepsi DOES taste like coke
nah it does taste slightly different

>> No.18089005
File: 177 KB, 640x480, trollfood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18089007

>isn't that the whole point of chilli con carne?
carne means meat.

>> No.18089258

>don't care
>i hate eggs