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18074881 No.18074881 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your reminder that if you are not vegan, you're an animal abuser. Animals are not products, they were once sentient beings like you and I until they were exploited and killed selfishly for a species that can survive and thrive on plants.
Go vegan
Also, drink plenty of water but not too much.
Ps: drink tf out of green tea, if you are sensitive to caffeine drink decaf but green tea has a fuckton of health benefits

Tl;dr: go vegan, drink water, drink green tea(decaf or caffeinated)

That is all, have a nice day.

>> No.18074902

Daily reminder humans are apex predators and our ancestors ate mostly red meat from megafauna.

>> No.18074921

get some hobbies other than sticking low effort troll threads on a dying imageboard

>> No.18074926

Daily reminder that I value the animals I eat higher than I value v*gans.

>> No.18074927

I have too much love in my heart for plants to eat strictly plants
animals are dumb plants are not

>> No.18074933

What about the use of animal labour in farming? Poorer countries around the world rely on this. Seems very western-centric and a tad miopic to not consider this when concerning the welfare of animals.

>> No.18074936

Any tips on making it easier to have tasty fullfilling vegan meals? I don't live in murrica where there's a million options of products.

>> No.18074951

>if you are not vegan, you're an animal abuser

>> No.18074953

correct, because the animal had a purpose in dying. it died for a delicious meal, and to me that's the highest value an animal can have to most people who don't have pets or who don't need service animals.

>> No.18074954

Are you from a third world country? Then it's not an excuse for you. It's not an all or nothing.

>> No.18074960

people will see silly funny pictures of wild animals being treated like pets or hideously obese apes doing a funny human thing for engagement and not see the problem but if people see a picture of a cow at a farm just standing in a field they'll freak out

>> No.18074968

Far more plants die to support a carnist diet than a vegan one. What do you think they feed the animals you eat.

>> No.18074981

Animals produce goods. Textiles, milk, meat.
Vegans produce misery. Bitching, frankenfoods, plastic waste from spent soylent bottles.

If a deer and a vegan were both caught in separate bear traps, I'd free the deer and leave.

>> No.18074988

jannies plox delete this garbo
i just want a cooking board without your insufferable ass whining, go vegetarian or something thats sustainable and wont make normal people avoid you like the plague

>> No.18074989

Look up cuisine from countries and places that have historically eaten low/non meat diets like India, Japan and Korea. Western vegan food is basically just meat dishes without meat or with söy meat substitutes. White people have no idea how to make good vegetarian or vegan food. Right now one of my favourite dishes is a Punjab dish called Aloo Muttar. I’ve also been eating lots of south/Central American bean dishes with rice. Kimchi on rice is incredibly tasty too.

>> No.18074991
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>cow at a farm just standing in a field

>> No.18074992

that's not what that means

>> No.18074999

but those are the dumbest of the plants
fuck grass and hay
I feel the way I do after reading the secret life of plants. I wonder how many vegans would reconsider their ways if they all read that book by peter thompkins

>> No.18075011

I thought that sentient is just feeling and mentally "active" while sapient was self-aware in the human and wookie sense.

>> No.18075013

Oyster sauce gai lan with chop suey is also an incredibly tasty meal. If you want my advice don’t go full vegan because it’s almost impossible to make anything taste good without fats

>> No.18075015
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>> No.18075024

Does it react to stimulus?

>> No.18075048

Octopus tentacles and lizard tails also react to stimuli when severed from the animal's body but those appendages aren't sentient.

>> No.18075085

Congratulations: that is the level of definition that "sentience" is evolving towards. Go read articles about people saying trees are sentient because they react to stimuli and can "scream" when cut.

Veganism is the vanguard of voluntary extinction, and is basically Jainism without the depth.

>> No.18075131

Plants are not sentient though, they are sensorimotoric. Sensorimotoric beings have no cogitations nor deliberations above the physiological. Their existence is dictated in full by the stimuli of the moment without reference to any moments which came before. The same stimuli always have the same result.

>> No.18075158

>the vanguard of voluntary extinction
You can just call it a death cult, bro. No need to fancy is up.

>> No.18075161

I've got a freezer warehouse full of dinosaur meat from the Meteor strike that's been handed down through generations.

>> No.18075165

I should have said Voluntary Extinction, capital letters, because that's what they call themselves.

I'm not clear because I'm drunk. I am basically stating the view I hear when vegans are pushed to any real degree about their beliefs. Sentience is their metric, and sentience has been defined down over the last while. A mix of cynicism and Singerism.

>> No.18075170

So vegans are retarded? I'm glad we agree.

>> No.18075189

They are basically a religion without any depth. A cult for the rich and powerful to find a way to force difficulty on themselves so they can fill their emptiness with an ultimately material set of actions.

>> No.18075201

go vegetarian at the maximum, you understand that going vegan is nigh impossible and i highly doubt more than 2-10% of vegans are truly vegan, waaah waaah he dinking de milk!!! dont he know dat like de rape?!?!??!?!?! wtf?!?!?
just fuck off, green tea has nothing to do with any of this anyways, waterfag and veganfag doubling down on insufferability is a feat though

god i hate vegans, not a single one of them hasnt gaslighted their way through the argument, i hope jannies bite the bullet and class this fucking bullshit as off topic so this board can be free

people know to drink water, youre not a fucking cool 'el cucky remindore to dinky le water!!' you just lack personality

>> No.18075214
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>> No.18075219

>White people
i love when people say that, it instantly reminds me that whatever that person is saying is smogbrain bull

>> No.18075235

lol no

>> No.18075236

vegans are trendies that usually just go vegan to make themselves feel like a good person, so they think 'WAOW!!! IS SCINCE AMAZINK OR WAT?!??! I LOVE MY MYSTERY SLOP :))))))))))))))))'

>> No.18075254
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Why do they look so peaceful?

>> No.18075286

poor dog

>> No.18075611

Animals killed by humans in what we deem a humane manner live a far greater life than a wild animal that will be injured, stalked every day of its life, succumb to weather and disease, wither, and ultimately be eaten alive by a predator. Yes, literally alive because large predators will sometimes specifically avoid eating vital organs so that the meat stays fresh for longer. I would rather be born, raised, and die as a cow on a human's farm than as a wild cow - they do not appreciate their freedom, they do not understand it, they simply exist.
>inb4 but muh cruel factories and living conditions
I'm not talking about those, I think anyone leading a shit slaughterhouse deserves the rope.

Plants feel pain and can communicate that pain to other plants - just because it doesn't have cute baby eyes and it can't squeal at you doesn't mean they are inanimate like a rock.

Humans can survive on plants, but most of us cannot thrive on plants - we need meat to avoid feeling like shit and being physically exhausted/frail.

Furthermore, those who do survive purely as vegans only do so with the benefit of modern medicine, and by the grace of being at the very LEAST middle-class in terms of income. Meat is cheaper than vegetables when you're poor, and far easier/cheaper to raise if you live in a place that has poorly arable land, or if you have access to fishing.

If you truly cared about animals, you would know that it is literally impossible for humans to survive in a world where we do not exploit or kill them. The computer you used to post this murdered and tortured animals - the metal harvested from quarries and mines that destroyed natural habitat, the men who worked it out of the ground who almost certainly eat meat to keep up their strength. You purchased it from a store that doesn't give the slightest shit about animals or nature, and you're running it off of electricity generated in ways that damage the environment.

>> No.18075617

Btw, you advise everyone to drink green tea even though it's terrible for the environment:

>> No.18075620

>if you are not vegan, you're an animal abuser
for some reasong this makes me want to consume more animal prducts

>> No.18075631
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>hey were once sentient beings like you and I until they were exploited and killed selfishly for a species that can survive and thrive on plants.

of course animals are sentient, but not sapient. there is a difference.

doesn't matter, still yummy, besides once they are dead they can't remember being alive so they never suffered. you have to be alive to suffer.

>> No.18075646

I am not a vegan, however your statement is false. humans subsisted mostly on whatever they could find meat was not major part of their diet for most of history. but when they got it they ate the fuck out of it.

>> No.18076648

I hate to break it to you OP, but sperm isn't vegan. You might wanna stop gargling all that cum!

As a side note, I like nutritional yeast so I sometimes make the fake vegan mac n cheese, but it isnt vegan at all because I put milk and butter in it.

>> No.18076667

If I pay for an animal to be slaughtered it's not really abuse. If you slit someone's throat you are not abusing them. Same with animals. But considering the fact that as a vegan your porbably B12 deficient and have eroded myelin sheaths in your brain I don't expect a good argument.

Do you wear cotton? look up what cotton has done to the murray darling in Australia, an ecological catastrophe. Do you seriously think it would be more unethical to buy a wool jumper made from the wool of a sheep from some farm that gets to graze in a field over that?

tl/dr: your an idiot.

>> No.18077483

I knew a girl who went vegan because she thought cows are cute

>> No.18077517

i did that too except i was vegetarian because i wasnt retarded and i was 7 years old