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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18064585 No.18064585 [Reply] [Original]

A glass of cafe latte always perks you up.

>> No.18064599

i dislike fruity coffees

>> No.18064630

get flavors that focus on the chocolate/nutty aspects of the taste spectrum

>> No.18064633

You are the majority, congrats on not being an coffee autist, i guess

>> No.18064640

I like blends more than single origins bros. I like dark more than lights or mediums. I think my boomer grandpa who had me grow up drinking the darkest roast black fucked with my tastebuds or something

>> No.18064687

OK. Berry good. Now what?

>> No.18064785

I just hate natural process coffee

>> No.18064979
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>tfw no goffee

>> No.18065000

>upgrading from my 3-year-old Kinu
I want an electric grinder because I’m getting kinda tired of having to put effort into grinding lighter roasts every morning for espresso. Niche isn’t any better grind quality than the Kinu so I guess I’m going for flat burrs.
I know the DF64 is basically Chang’s knockoff P64 and don’t mind paying more to a better company. Is the P64 worth it?
>seems to create more fines
>needs calibration, mods to reduce retention, replacing the “declumper” that leads to regrinding
>no retention?
Help me out so I spend ~$1k in the right place

>> No.18065015
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It's a Pilão kind of morning, meus americanos

>> No.18065246

I like espresso and I started looking into espresso machines, didn't realize espresso making could be so autistic. Anyone have machine recommendations that are <$500 and a retard could use? I just want decent espresso without turning into a redditor.

>> No.18065377

its really is autistic as shit lmao.

but hey if you want, find some barista express. it has already a grinder and decent temp stability.

its all good, if don't wanna deep dive into being a nerd or some shit lol (e.g. im a coffee nerd)

>> No.18065415
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it's ok

>> No.18065450
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I don't own a coffee machine. Just a cruddy electric blade grinder, multi-year-old beans, and some glass jars. Made a mixed coffee drink with dark roast coldbrew started yesterday, almond milk, stevia, and some mixed berries casually tossed in to eat as I drink. Smooth and pleasant even with my less-than-ideal setup, which I think is pretty cool and a convenient way to make use of stuff most people would think is too old to be good.

>> No.18065455
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Very few people here are going to be able to give you advice on that upgrade path. You could have a df64 by friday, or spent weeks/months trying to buy a used p64 or waiting to get a prima drop. 3rd batch of wug2 83a is up for presale until the 15th. I'm enjoying big 80mm flats alot.

>> No.18065486

>roasted 2022 years 7 months and 4 days ago

>> No.18065520

>destroyed taste buds.

>> No.18065522

old brew

>> No.18065526

just had a goff
what did i think of it?

>> No.18065534

you will want to add $1k to that if you want something actually good.
like buying a pc, if you spend less than $1500 just dont even bother.

>> No.18065554


>> No.18065609

Just get a moka pot. Closest you'll get to espresso without going full autism and broke

>> No.18065615

That looks fucking disgusting. Next time just make cardamom cold brew

>> No.18065620
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>> No.18065621
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>> No.18065623

It got me through a lot of bad coffee brah

>> No.18065646

I put some fair trade single origin Colombian medium roast pre-ground coffee from Aldi into my Mr. Coffee, brewed it with already boiled water, starting by pouring some directly into the coffee bed with the carafe out as a kind of bloom phase I made no attempt at measuring. It smells smelly.

>> No.18065654

where can I buy the most unethical coffee beans?

>> No.18065655

Having a coffee lads.

>> No.18065678
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It's just coffee, milk, and some sweetener. You don't even taste the berries unless you chew into them. Pic related is the coffee (before pouring off) held up against a very bright light. Darker as would be expected otherwise. Most of the grounds have drifted to the bottom.

>> No.18065710

And it's overextracted af. Am I extracting too much because my water is duper filtered by the water filter I bought from Alex Jones? Should I be brewing colder then?

>> No.18065926

pills now.

>> No.18065934

>Closest you'll get to espresso
not without a competition filter.

>> No.18066014

not without a bripe

>> No.18066027

I literally just put the grinds into a French press, put the boiling water from a kettle in, stir, and wait 10 minutes before pressing. All I know the stuff I’m drinking tastes good and has a nice aftertaste.

>> No.18066037
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>> No.18066618


>> No.18066653

Do you want to exploit humans or animals?

>> No.18066716

Get a flair or robot secondhand and buy a Kinu grinder. Boom, espresso for like $500, no need to go full autism on anything more.

>> No.18066719

humans. I don’t have beef with animals.

>> No.18066723
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HELP Capsule bros!! I want capsule coffee but idk what to get, what does Coffetyime genral recommend in terms of coffee in capsules?

>> No.18066750

Soft water should underextract if your filter cuts hardness. Hoffmeme says temp doesn't matter too much (in the slurry) but yeah go for colder especially if it's a dark roast. Also describe your whole process

>> No.18066773

>Do you want to exploit humans or animals?
whichever maximizes the exploitation

>> No.18066787

For civet coffee they cram the berries down their throats till their guts are maxed out and they're in constant agony. Then they have to touch the doodoo. But they do price it at a premium so is that better or worse than (african owned!) slave labor on sme african farms

>> No.18066791

Kill yourself retard

>> No.18066799

>not linking the previous thread
Previous thread:

>> No.18066826

whats the actual difference between a cafe late and a flat white that i can expect from small town cafe's ?

>> No.18066928

Unfortunately your best bet is ordinary supermarket coffee brands. Folgers and Maxwell House have made no effort to gain sustainability certs despite being massive companies.
Nescafe is owned by Nestlé which is notorious for their slaving practices, but I believe they've gained a cert with the Rainforest Alliance so they may be slightly better for animals.
If you want to maximize suffering while drinking a better cup, Bustelo is owned by the same company as Folgers and supposedly the grind fineness is good for moka pots, so not only are you making 3rd worlders suffer by exploiting them, but you're also making Americans suffer by sponsoring Folgers shitty coffee.

>> No.18067209

>Bustelo in a moka
To top it off, we can add cultural appropriation to the list by using enslavement to make Cuban coffee. Based.

>> No.18067306

Luckily I actually live in a country that allows me to order from Option-O directly. Still means I have to wait until October, but I read the waitlist on Prima is over a year long, which is nuts.

The DF64 seems like it has the potential to make as good of quality grounds, but the workflow seems much less than ideal, the bellows seems like a really cheap bandaid solution to grind retention, and I’d rather not buy the “Chinese copy” of another product that probably has their orders made in that same factory.

>> No.18067307

Forgot to wrap this up with an actual point: I looked at the 83a, seems interesting but quite large (space is a bit of an issue for me), so I actually just ordered the P64. Will shill this general with pics and thoughts in the fall when I get it.

>> No.18067402


yeah i would like to suggest flairs too, but its pretty autistic. breville/sage got this normie-nerd balance on it, and op would probably can't be assed to hand grind every morning.

>> No.18067657

>Do you want to exploit humans or animals?
if my coffee tastes good i really dont give a fuck.
if every bag i bought told me exactly how many kids died so i could have this coffee i think it would actually make it taste better.

>> No.18067718

After several thousand cups brewed, my $10 black and decker coffee maker has bit the dust. It's probably just a fuse or something but I think it's time for an upgrade. I'm willing to spend a little more this time, what's a good coffee maker to get? I don't want some hipster soyboy shit where I have to do a lot of work and pay attention, just something where I load up the water, coffee, and filter and press a button.

>> No.18067758

Ninja CM401 or look in the archive for "bean to cup"

>> No.18067773

Its tiny imo. The flair 58 takes up more space.
26.5cm (L) x 12cm (W)x 39.5cm (H)

>> No.18067787


>> No.18067788


dang, i feel like a breville/sage shill rn but breville/sage precision brewer is good af.

>> No.18067791

So you do give a fuck.

>> No.18067834

>i really dont give a fuck.
as in i dont care if people or animals were exploited or even killed to get me my coffee.

>> No.18067869

>but I read the waitlist on Prima is over a year long, which is nuts.
To also wrap it up with a point, I probably would have just ordered a p64 if prima could have got it to me within the week. With the waitlist, I'm better off bugging the wug guy on facebook to make me a 64mm carrier, which I may do anyway if the new gorilla gear niche burr is based.

>> No.18067936

Makes sense. The wait time for the P64 is annoying, even October is quite a while for a grinder heh, but I’ve still got my Kinu and while it would be nice to upgrade it, I’m not pressed in a rush. The DF64 seems fine but not exactly nice, and the 83a seems nice but a bit more expensive than the P64 for reasons I wouldn’t really use.

>> No.18068013
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>got turbo diarrhea for the whole past week and couldn't drink any goff
>feeling better now and tomorrow i'll finally be able to sip some goffee without wrecking my digestive system
brews for this feel?

>> No.18068123

My freshly roasted coffee keeps smelling really sour after just a week or two..that's not natural right? I love the smell of the beans up until suddenly one day it smells super sour and acidic. Is it because of the Airscape canister I'm using? Would an airtight vacuum cause that..?

>> No.18068452

aeropress inverted

>> No.18068570
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Coffee threads never die...

Get a french press plunger?

>> No.18068676

Tastes like cigarette juice.

>> No.18068757

2nd gof of the day at 10pm

>> No.18068779
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another tea for me :)

>> No.18069056

Is the American Press worth it? Seems exciting

>> No.18069100

ask the hoff
tldw: no, just use a french press.

>> No.18069172


>> No.18069174

my teeth gettin all nasty, coffee dawgs

>> No.18069178

>20g dose in 20g basket
shot looks good the whole time
>18g dose in 18g basket
shot looks good first 20-25 seconds, last part looks thin as shit and channeling? why

>> No.18069226

The reason they're decently expensive is that espresso machines are traditionally commercial equipment, with sophisticated machining that delivers consistent temperatures and pressures to get fast, consistent results, rated for reliability over a huge number of shot pulls.
This is actually much less fussy of a process with classic dark roast blends that Italian cafes use, but the modern "third wave" autism has exploded the popularity of different levels of roasting and using wildly different single origin beans, leading to all sorts of variability in density, taste, and grind profiles. This has caused an exponential increase in the already massively autistic "hobby" of espresso making at home.
Just get something from a reputable brand, get some Lavazza or Illy espresso blends, and you should be good to go.

>> No.18069230

The aeropress is the best expresso machine udner $5000

>> No.18069288

My machine was 60$ and it makes great cuppicinos, lates, esspressos. Paid for itself rather quickly

>> No.18069307

Not true, money waster

>> No.18069359
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Recently bought one of these (La Pavoni Europiccola 1989 model) at a yard sale for ~120 USD. The only missing part seems to be the tamp, and it also needs a deep clean. Good find?

>> No.18069393


>> No.18069394
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For me, It's the Bialetti Venus.

>> No.18069533

>its wrong because a youtuber said it!

>> No.18069535

bonger spotted.

>> No.18069538

i dont drink espresso

>> No.18069692

For me it's Plance Hebbit.

>> No.18069797

Thanks for the recs. I like the look of the moccamaster (specifically the KBS) compared to the rest.
>no electronic menus
>no gizmos or other BS to clean or break
>more durable
>better manufacturer support
>made by real humans
>refurb prices put it at the same cost as the cheaper ones on the list
Any reason I shouldn't?
I've been using a French press the last few days while I decide on a replacement for my mr coffee and have been hating it.
Coffee ends up too silty and using and cleaning it is more work.
>turn on kettle
>wait for kettle to boil
>forget kettle is boiling
>turn on kettle again because it cooled down too much
>wait for it to boil again
>if you're lucky you catch the kettle at the exact right time and don't have to start all over
>have to stand by with a stopwatch to make sure you're doing the right amount of water at the right timings
>half a dozen parts to disassemble and wash
If I wanted to do titrations while half asleep every morning I would've been a high school chemistry teacher

>> No.18069838

>>if you're lucky you catch the kettle at the exact right time and don't have to start all over
Why in the fuck don't you have a temp control kettle? I set mine at 206 so it doesn't sputter steam out the top and crank it up when I come back.
>Any reason I shouldn't?
Nope. Just be aware that there are aftermarket shower head arms/top screens that might give you a little better brew.

>> No.18070129

Yeah that's a really great find.

>> No.18070507

>love coffee/espresso
>have been drinking way too much
>sleep cycle is now fucked
Guess I've gotta cut down my caffeine consumption by a lot...

>> No.18071109
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swiss water decaf is the way

>> No.18071189

go for it bro though I am astounded that french press coffee is such a struggle for you.

>> No.18071193

buy some l-theanine and gaba powder and do a shot of it mixed with some water after your coffee

>> No.18071298

Raven's Brew has a coupon for 30% off (PARTYTIME) and free shipping for orders over $50. They aren't a single origins roaster though if that matters. Located in PNW

>> No.18071592


>> No.18072370

mocca master is cool dude. good luck

>> No.18073018
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Arkhan has been good, so he gets to have some coffee again.

>> No.18073080


>> No.18073087
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>> No.18073106

It was the worst I ever had. Even worse than the artifically flavored stuff I bought by accident once

>> No.18073151
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Invalid opinion detected. Please see yourself to the nearest exit.

>> No.18073181
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What grinders are ideal for coarser grinds? The encore I have is perfect for v60s but coarse grinds for french press and cold brew produce an utterly batshit amount of fines

>> No.18073211

Uniformity is really hard with coarser grinds, my Wilfa does a decent job but that's most likely not worth getting outside of Europe. Have you tried using a kitchen towel? Fines tend to stick to them, letting you separate out the grounds you actually want. Naturally you lose a bit of coffee in the process, but it really isn't all that much, and you can just throw a little more in the grinder to compensate.

>> No.18073212
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I’m 8 hours away from trying my first cold brew. I’m excited.

>> No.18073639

thats a nice goff anon.

>> No.18073646

Flair pro 2

>> No.18073665

Nooooooooooooooooooo flairs are tooo hard for beginners I read one anon here had trouble with his once

>> No.18073691
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3 tbsp of picrel
8 oz water
Very smooth even when black
0.5 tsp sugar
drops of a milky substance

>> No.18073718

>I read one anon here had trouble with his once
that was a good thread.

>> No.18073735

folgers is great coffee you faggot

>> No.18073755

I never know whether these types of posts are bait or people who are experiencing the bliss of ignorance.
Are you being serious or are you open to learning about how bad your coffee is

>> No.18073766

boil coffee in water then pour it thru an old sock. best.

>> No.18073858

I didn't like it at first, but then I realized the portions were incorrect. Once I found a good balance, the taste was right. It has a very enjoyable profile. A hint of smoky caramel. The smoothness is superb. It retains much fat from the bean. Yes, there is better coffee to be had, I agree with your sentiment. I must say, I've tasted many expensive coffees in my past life and was left with disappointment on many occasions. Such that even coffee recommended to me by four bean connoisseur left me in a fit of rage. I crushed the bag with an entire rolling pin, leaving beans scattered everywhere as I sank to the floor in frustration.

What coffee do you suggest, friend?

>> No.18073867

Peet's Major Ds.

>> No.18073878

This popped up in my youtube recs
Anyone use one? Any good?

>> No.18073962

How does siphon coffee compare to various other methods, honestly? I wonder if the electric siphon coffee machines in particular are any good. I saw some videos recently, and a Chinese version on AliExpress just earlier that made me think about them. I imagine a bit bothersone to clean, and with a learning curve to brew with, but maybe relaxing. No idea about the resulting liquid, though.

>> No.18074015
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Slayernon got one + a beam heater to fuck around with but I can't remember what he said about it. I'd imagine its just taking up space now.

>> No.18074201

Seems like a gimmick 2bqfh

>> No.18074413

I like where picrel is going.

>> No.18074461

Hello friends, I have recently been gifted a box of turkish coffee, and I was wondering what kind of brewing method would being me closest to the intended method of preparation, without hot sands or a little copper coffee pot?

>> No.18074830

Water, sauce pan, heat.

>> No.18074896

Thank you anon. These El Salvador beans are a bitch to dial in but they make good goff

>> No.18075164

>In the past used dark/super dark beans for cold brew
>Switched to medium beans
>It's so much better
Wow, so I guess the meta is dark roast for espresso and medium beans for everything else huh?

>> No.18075320

Like another anon suggested a small saucepot is probably your best bet. I would honestly just buy a small ibrik or cezve though. You can order them online for fairly cheap.

>> No.18075382

Dark roast espresso is vile.

>> No.18075414

Badnews October p64anon. Tldr shit tier parts coming out of China have just piled on the backlog so they're doing a product revision and looking for more production off another suppliers line. Hope your unit doesn't come borked.

>> No.18076406
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>If I wanted to do titrations while half asleep every morning I would've been a high school chemistry teacher
Making a plunger coffee is advanced chemistry?
Witness REAL chemistry

>> No.18076562

Incorrect. The answer is medium roast for everything.

>> No.18076567

Ah thanks letting me know. According to their update, it won’t affect anyone scheduled for September or later so I should be fine. This part kinda triggers me though:
>Change to the current toolless disassembly design – cleaning will still be a quick and easy process, but it will now require a standard Allen key instead. It will come with a magnetically attached shroud to cover any screw holes. Part of what we hoped to achieve with this is for the precision to be maintained more easily after removal/cleaning.
Toolkess disassembly was a selling point for me, like the Kinu, so this sucks. I was hoping they would at least change the rpm dial to include actual RPM values.

>> No.18076625

Nespresso Original line (not the Vertuo pods from your pic)
It makes really really good espresso. As a bonus action, it triggers consoomers here real good
You get to post pictures and they say
>W-well yeah that might LOOK perfect but my grinder alone cost $3000

>> No.18076646

Nice. Keep putting these chuds in their place sister!

>> No.18076729
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This is my new favorite coffee. Tastes good. You can put the pads into the filter of a regular drip coffee maker without opening them. Or you can put a pad in a cup like a teabag, you just have to dunk it with a spoon 10-30 times. When doing the latter the result is a coffee similar to cowboy coffee, has that shimmer on the surface and some grounds at the bottom of the cup. Those grounds aren't nice to get in your mouth but I'm going to try to not drink the last centimeter, because it's always just there the grounds are.

>> No.18076735

bought some more natural burundi today.
thanks for reading my blog :).

>> No.18076739

By the way "strong" and "classic" just means dark roast and medium roast respectively. I think it's a misnomer, "strong" isn't actually stronger. I normally prefer medium roast over dark roast, but with these I prefer "strong", don't know why.

>> No.18076798
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anyone else simply not give a fuck?

>> No.18076887

Just ordered a DF64 with stock burrs, boys. What am I in for?

>> No.18076907
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Arkhan has cracked open a bear.

>> No.18077422

I'd just expect a delay. The deliveries scheduled for early march started getting to people late may. You may have a Christmas present on your hands. The fucked up thing is even with your delays, you'll probably get the p64 a few weeks before my key was supposed to get here.

>> No.18077581

I'm using Chock Full O' Nuts (contains no actual nuts) in my moka pot.

>> No.18077602
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About to buy a french press for the first time, Is the quality of the press crucial for the quality of the brew? Will an Ikea french press do a good enough job?

>> No.18077619
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I found this shit in my basement, I didn't even knew such thing existed. Anyway, how tf I am meant to use it?

It is even worth to put the effort in? How's the coffee from this vs regular kettle?

>> No.18077638

The quality of the screen is what will determine the quality of your brew. Espros are expensive, but they've got replaceable, double layered mesh that you can slip a paper filter in between. That ikea will do just as good of a job as every other random company ordering shit from alibaba.

>> No.18077640

it will be fine. save your money for a grinder

>> No.18077757


>> No.18077771
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>> No.18077802
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Make me a cup of coffee RIGHT NOW

>> No.18077842

Man fuck I almost claimed that.

>> No.18077862

you will not redeem

>> No.18078086

Damn this has me considering buying a df64 just to use until it arrives and then selling, heh.

>> No.18078178

some latin or african blend from trader joes, had a recent roasted on date and I was out of coffee

>> No.18078290

Could be a move. df64 + any burr you want to fuck with then flip whatever doesn't make the cut. Or just keep both with different burrs in each. df64 to chew through batch filter and p64 for espresso. I'm still on the fence on selling the kinu and buying a conical carrier for the wug to swap in. Fucking kinu burr is just too good.

>> No.18078368

holy shit i dig the filter but fuck that price tag....

>> No.18078383

you thought it was pleasant

>> No.18078402

I got the breville bambino. good enough, imo, given the price

>> No.18078427

help bros

>> No.18078432

So I've tried a few kinds of coffee now. Nothing fancy, just Starbucks stuff, trying to see what I like, no extra sweeteners or ingredients added.

Day 1 - Blonde Nitro Cold Brew Coffee.
Day 2 - Blonde Latté
Day 3 - Latté
Day 4 - Café Americano

It's strange, I didn't drink coffee until this year. It's bitter, but I don't mind it. I'm mostly hoping it works as an appetite suppressant or makes anything sugary taste terrible. After the nitro brew I couldn't eat a banana muffin and didn't feel like eating for almost twelve hours. What about you guys? Any brews you recommend me to try? I'm okay with trying something bitter.

>> No.18078438

Since that other faggot is shilling shittier coffee I'll shill for espro. Looks like they've got a 20% off code(july4) and free shipping on $30. You can get the glass p3 for $32 right now. $25 for the replacement glass so you're paying $7 for the filter. Not bad. Wish I bought that instead of this glass handled trash from aldi's.

>> No.18078447

Dude I'm a barista and I have no idea what 90% of the coffee threads are talking about. As long as the puck is smooth and the machines are calibrated and the beans are good, you get good espresso. There's no reason to get super-nitpicky about it

>> No.18078472

idk pump pressure? im totally lost here too buddy

>> No.18078482

>yeah dude as long as youre good at making coffee your coffee will be good

>> No.18078489

I get complimented on my cortados and cappuccinos all the time. Get rekt and cope tranny

>> No.18078510

Your using $10k machine and $5k grinder which is designed so even an idiot can make good coffee. Though your boss or whoever manages the floor is due some credit for ensuring the machines are maintained and calibrated and beans are good quality

>> No.18078516

You shouldn’t be pulling a shot for longer than 25-27s. But to answer your question grind slightly finer for a smaller basket

>> No.18078625

>god damn these medium dark roast beans off a shop grinder taste great flooded with milk
>one time I even got a $4 tip!

>> No.18079210
File: 3.19 MB, 3024x3390, E244E6F2-1791-47B9-98F5-1E115B3B17D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for latte art bros? I got a nanofoamer and my latte art is still abstract art tier even though my texture looks pretty good before I pour

>> No.18079306

sounds awful, looks great. definitely get better shit

>> No.18079395
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20220708_095101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robusta coffee with 6 little packets of butter. Don't h8

>> No.18079687

>I get complimented
by normie scum fucks that dont know shit about coffee.
they think hot black bitter liquid good. and thats it.
fully happy buying pre ground that has sat on a shelf for a year and "brewed" to create "coffee" they will say is good or tasty.
normies have literally nothing to compare it against so you cant fully blame them, if i gave you human shit to eat for your whole life and you said it tastes great it doesnt mean that human shit actually tastes great.

>> No.18079692

a lot of static mate, a spray of water on the beans is a quick fix.

also prepare your wallet for mods such as
>dial indicator
>anti popcorn
>anti clump
>tilt base
>dosing collar

if you wanna go full autist on df64

>> No.18079697

have you tried google or youtube?
here i will even give you a head start.
>how to do latte art for beginners

>> No.18079705

why little packs?
not at home?
or do you buy little packs?

>> No.18079712

>anti popcorn
doesnt the 64 come with a thing at the top that stops popcorning?

>> No.18079732
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apparently, it isnt enough.

thats why theres a lot of DF64 stuff on thingiverse

>> No.18079735


im not gonna hate, just why dude?

>> No.18079777

It’s kind of ridiculous to buy a $500 grinder and then need to fix it with a half dozen 3D printed parts.

>> No.18079796


not too mention, sometimes burrs are misaligned out from the factory.

but hey they are quick fix. eureka oro and niche are just $700 to $800 i think.

but for me, dial indicator, RDT(just water bottle spray) and the ability to buy ssp burrs in future is okay for me.

>> No.18079802
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Wow anon I didn’t think of that, thanks

>> No.18079811

-exploits their employees
-exploits the roasters who already buy cheaper beans
-bribes governments for preferential treatment
-destroys towns
-promotes sodomy

>> No.18079829
File: 313 KB, 638x359, Disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink 4-8 cups of coffee a day. I haven't gone to bed before midnight in years. I don't even drink interesting coffee, its all just whatever medium roast shit we have at work. I cannot think the way I used to. I have racing thoughts and jump from task to task without any control. I am too afraid to quit. I think the crash may actually kill me.

>> No.18079833

Don’t they come with a dial indicator now?

>> No.18079838

Anyone owns the ode fellow with the ssp burrs

>> No.18079843 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 652x559, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohh, they have this thing now?

nice! well one less shit to buy now! but desu, spray bottle is enough.

>> No.18079849
File: 68 KB, 652x559, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohh, they have this thing now?

nice! well one less shit to buy now! but to be completely honest spray bottle is enough.

>> No.18079936

no problem.
i mean i really dont know why you would ask that kind of question here.
because you would get
>links to videos
>told to google it yourself
>get a written step by step walkthrough of exactly what to do which for something like latte art is fucking worthless and a video can get the point across 10000x better and faster.

you are too stupid to be here, the tea general should be more your speed.

>> No.18079940

>4-8 cups
jesus anon...
you need to cut that to 2-4 over a few weeks to months to reduce the effects of caffeine withdrawal

>> No.18080612
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what goes well with coffee?

>> No.18080682

Cigarettes, meth, and Adderall.

>> No.18080702


>> No.18080963


depends on the coffee, mate.

>> No.18081099

God I hate coffee so fucking much

>> No.18081107


theres lot of beverage to pick, feel free to pick!

also, what made you dislike coffee?

taste, smell or everything?

>> No.18081123
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220708_082506384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$15,000 in coffee gear from this thread and I still can't make a perfect capuccino

>> No.18081249

It was a simple question anon, no need to get so upset. Go drink your coffee

>> No.18081473

Day 5 - Back to Starbucks. A regular cappuccino this time.

Definitely not as bitter as the Americano, but if someone told me to tell the difference in taste between a latté and this, except maybe it was a little stronger. What should I try next? Should I just jump straight to their fresh brewed coffee and try that Pike's Place roast?

>> No.18081635

Should’ve gotten a flair and bellend

>> No.18081698

I bet you are one of those faggots who think orange goes well with chocolate. Kill yourself my dude. If you want to be fruity faggot, go somewhere else.

>> No.18081823

For me it's Sumatra and the same two retards

>> No.18081874

Sumatra competes with Brazil for worst coffee desu

>> No.18081936

it does retard, and coffee is literally a seed from a cherry you thick skulled neanderthal

>> No.18081949
File: 2.54 MB, 3024x3024, 20220708_102633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an apple with a pee pee

>> No.18081990

looks funny anon thanks for sharing

>> No.18082185

What do you mean? A chinese industrial appliance company with no coffee experience knocked off the old mazzer super jolly carrier and threw in a 250w single phase ac motor. Out of the mountain of aliexpress dogshit, its good enough for several different importers to keep consistently stocked. They're apparently working on a bigger 83mm one that'll be out soon and I'd expect it to be a little more refined.

>> No.18082247

>fruit coffee
Please tell me that's a joke. I've never seen coffee made with fruit juice or something.

>> No.18082261

I can only imagine he means flavored coffee or light roasts with fruity notes

>> No.18082434

For me it’s the wug2, the best aliexpress grinder

>> No.18082751
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For me its confusing the name of the brand with the name of the grinder.

>> No.18082765

did you blade grind this

>> No.18082805
File: 3.02 MB, 2672x3760, PXL_20220708_223231446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of someones baratza encore brews.

>> No.18082874

is the Breville/Sage Barista Express an okay machine? I couldn't find any reviews I could trust.

>> No.18083033

beautiful bed anon thanks for sharing, also i cant tell if youre the same anon i asked if they used a blade grinder because that shit looks mad fine and uneven

>> No.18083038

honestly just get a gaggia classic bro, standard portafilter size compared to brevilles odd measure

>> No.18083054

based and real

>> No.18083071

no they're plastic shit.

>> No.18083075

I'm borrowing a friends clever dipper, filters and burr grinder and am a bit of a noob. I followed hoffman's guide and got a decent brew but want to improve it.

How can I increase the strength of a brew (give more general oomph) without increasing acidity in the mug(already on my limit as is)? This is a light roast and I am already using boiling water. Should I grind finer or increase brew time?

>> No.18083078

Cone burrs are an overcomplicated soiboy meme.

>> No.18083086

why would that matter unless you intend to 'upgrade' with aftermarket parts?

>> No.18083088
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Forgot to add a pic of the bed

>> No.18083108

glass looks nice but do yourself a favor and just get a full stainless press

>> No.18083121

Do you have a rec for one that has a (almost) 100% metal plunger screen? The bodum ones are mostly plastic.

>> No.18083131

the mixpresso stainless press is fine. theres a bunch of different brands selling basically the same thing

>> No.18083138

You should a top drinking light roasts if you don’t want weak acidic coffee but your grind is ridiculously coarse desu

>> No.18083190

A finer grind will give you less acidity, but you'll also get less body. Though your grind looks way too coarse as is. Maybe light roasts aren't your thing.

>> No.18083233
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>i cant tell
I googled muddy v60 or something and found that. Its from some reddit dipshit using a baratza encore asking how he can make better coffee. This one is off a hario mini mill.

>> No.18083237
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>Maybe light roasts aren't your thing
Maybe, the acidity just turns me off, any and all tips for getting strong cups from light er roasts with lower perceived acidity would be a god send.

>> No.18083251

Grind finer, agitate more, adjust time and ratio to taste.

>> No.18083448
File: 761 KB, 600x761, CnpbEjL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dial in new beans and get it coming out right
>starts pissing tiny little sprays from the portafilter every few seconds

>> No.18083467

In due time, HOMM brother. Just drink the coffee, eat your butterbrod with doktor sausage, and you will see the way to resolving this.

>> No.18083592

never had this problem with my aeropress

>> No.18083889

that's fucking chocolate pudding and I refuse to believe otherwise

>> No.18084131
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I need reccs for sweet coffee-based drink recipes.

>> No.18084852

Interesting if you're not larping but you're not gonna get much attention here because Starbucks is pedestrian.
Nitro coffee is awesome and so are all the drinks you mentioned but I think their fresh brewed coffee may disappoint you, it really needs milk or cream

>> No.18084858

If any other machine had as many problems as the breville espresso machine it would be recalled
So it's pretty average for an espresso machine. The only real problem with it is it's an espresso machine for normies.
Just get a Nespresso desu

>> No.18084913
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What goes great with coffee when you're reading a good book on a relaxing day?

>> No.18084956

my dick

>> No.18084975

A hammock, something to smoke, and a quiet, pretty girl

>> No.18084980

>The only real problem with it is it's an espresso machine for normies.
well i do admit being normie when it comes to coffee and that's why affordable all-in-one machine is appealing to me. i know it comes with compromises compared to dedicated ones but i just want decent espresso with minimal effort, not make it into hobby.
>Just get a Nespresso desu
my dad has one and it's fucking shit. also i hate the idea having to buy proprietary coffee.

>> No.18084987 [DELETED] 

Sugar or any type of sweeteners are for women and trannies.

>> No.18085114

>something to smoke

>> No.18085244

I figured Starbucks wasn't the best or fanciest, but it is the closest and I'm as of yet ignorant on making coffee at home, so this is more me going through a gauntlet and introducing myself to roasts and typical espressos. It's strange because I didn't know there would be so many names for drinks that only differ by how much steamed milk or milk foam there is. Also, I was leery of adding anything to the drinks I ordered in case someone complained that I didn't take it "as is" and cheated by putting sweeteners, milk or cream in them if those ingredients weren't there to begin with.

Day 6 - Starbucks' Signature Pike's Place Roast, 20 oz. I don't hate it. I actually appreciate the slightly nutty taste it has. Starbucks claims it has "notes" of cocoa, but I don't taste that anywhere. Also, I thought this was the darkest roast they had, but I was wrong, it's the French Roast. Will try that tomorrow.

I will say that before I started this little coffee journey, I did try iced coffee and I liked it, but that figures because there's a lot of milk and it's sugary. Iced Mocha's basically chocolate milk that kinda tastes like coffee, even the light option with half the sugar. So I'd be curious to try the regular hot mocha, but also leery of how many calories the damn thing has. 450? What are they putting in there, lard? Jesus. On a side note, coffee hasn't irritated my bowel movements like I thought they might, but I never had any issues in the first place. What coffee has done is keep me away from donuts and muffins. The last week alone I've probably spared myself around 3500 calories. Even better, I had a soda a few hours after my coffee yesterday, and I actually got a headache, something that's never happened before. So if coffee before soda gives me headaches, that's potentially the key for me to stop drinking soda, too. I'm excited at the idea of it.

>> No.18085419

Made a homemade latte:
2 shots of espresso
4 oz whole milk frothed
Barely tasted the coffee. Do latte people even like coffee?

>> No.18085530

Good luck on your coffee journey anon, don't pay attention to the haters

>> No.18085678

Thats nice anon but also really dumb. Go to non hipster cafe, one where actual people go to drink coffe not soiboys, not basedboys... And order an espresso, if they dont serve that in cafe cause murica order coffee with milk. More authentic and easier for a beginner plus much cheaper.Fuck roasts fuck flavour, espresso is best served with the paint stripper called Johnny Walker Red

>> No.18085697

Also go to /fa/ thinspo thread, if trying to lose weight, they have a sticky with low calories filling recipes (I know I know, but you don't seek the advice of a brickmaker when buying jewels, do you?)

Also I realised you maybe go to starbucks for fun/experience and variety, In that case yeah try out different things and drisregard my other post>>18085678

>> No.18085973
File: 240 KB, 500x375, img_0741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens to me as well. I simply can’t get the coffee to milk ratio right, ever.
It either comes out tasting way too strong for a milk drink or too weak to even taste the coffee. I don’t know how do Coffee shops get it right.

>> No.18086021

That said tho, I managed to get quite decent results with the darkest roast i had available at the time (sumatra iirc). For me, lights and mediums suck ass for milk based drinks.

>> No.18086105

Don’t worry, Starbucks is just the start. Soon enough I will move on and look for other coffee shops that offer more variety. Also, buying coffee could get to be an expensive habit, so if I keep drinking the stuff, I’m just going to make it myself.

>> No.18086419
File: 49 KB, 720x979, 04ff68f559a992688ebe0451e4c6c09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some brown sugar mixed in and a piece of banana bread thrown in

>> No.18086668

I have one of these.

I notice that there's always a bit of water left in the bottom even after it's done, about 10% or so of what I put in. Why's it doing that?

>> No.18087009
File: 331 KB, 498x498, trippin-pepe-pepe-the-frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try light roast ethiopian
>don't care for it
>a couple hours pass
>suddenly craving the fuck out of it, make another cup
is this how it begins bros?

>> No.18087131

I drink flat whites, occasionally, not lattes, and if I'm making them at home will use 17g in and pull a little longer than if I'm drinking bare espresso, around 40g out, I'll tend to use less milk, around 100mL and that fills the 160mL cup I like to drink out of. Even then, if I use something a bit too light or the kinds of fruity Ethiopians I like for bare espresso or filter, it's lost. So typically I'll only make milk drinks if I have something that's a lot louder in flavour, usually chocolate/nut heavy South American stuff that comes through the milk a lot more.

People that drink lattes in sizes that get described by words like "jumbo" or "grande" probably aren't interested in trying single origins against one another, but if you try good coffee shops and cafes and taste their milk drinks there's a pretty wide spectrum of flavours across whatever beans they happen to use, so don't rule out all people who like milk-based espresso drinks

>> No.18087371
File: 2.52 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220710_012725520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he want the j u i c e
I'm sipping on some real light ethiopian I sifted. Ridic. Little bit on the herby side when its hot, then just an absolute fruit bomb as it cools.

>> No.18087476


What coffee are you using? I've had some decent luck with robusta-arabica blend coffee

>> No.18087732


i honestly don't know whats worse over extracted or under extracted coffee

>> No.18087744

the option to do so later is worth more than the price difference

>> No.18087772
File: 927 KB, 1000x750, temple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with the other anon that recommends you go to a cafe other than starbucks. usually smaller shops that have like 4,5 items on the menu are good starts. picrel is a shop in sacramento that ive gone to a few times, look for something with this vibe near you

>> No.18087784

agreed with this anon, some of the best coffee ive had are milk drinks, a single origin kenyan (? id have to go back to the shop and ask, it was a few weeks ago) in a oatmilk cortado, mmmmm i love me my cortados

>> No.18087821
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>> No.18088010

It’s good if it’s roasted enough to get the chocolate covered orange notes out

>> No.18088285

i cant remember anon

>> No.18088460

>coffee with some brown sugar
>and a piece of banana bread thrown in
uhhh bro?

>> No.18088465

yes this was my exact experience with it too.
i am currently taking a break from ethiopian coffee for a while just so i dont get used to it.

>> No.18088470

hey that website is really cool, the google maps thing at the bottom is awesome, i wish my roaster had that feature.

>> No.18088940

well, I wasn't expecting Sacramento in this thread.
Have you also tried Chocolate Fish?
I think I started gravitating towards Chocolate Fish because of ease of parking vs. Temple's branches.
I've been out of town for over a year so I don't know how things have changed.

>> No.18088993

I poured my V60, this time with a 4:1 bloom, and I took it off before all the nasty tail drips could give it a bitter aftertaste, and now it's not that bad any more. It still tastes a little funky, but I'm not sure if that's from grind unevenness from the Hario hand mill or if that's just what Guatemalan beans taste like.

>> No.18089086

Is it even worth getting a manual grinder or should I just stop being a jew and actually spend $300-$500 on an actually decent grinder.
I've been basically going back to my local roaster every 2 days to have them grind my beans for me for 3 months now since I can't decide on a purchase. It's a waste of time.

>> No.18089094

I think manual grinders are a meme for anything finer than medium and at that range a cheap chinese knock off is good enough.

>> No.18089169

You can get a Gucci hand grinder for the price of a mid electric, and I don't know about you but I'm sick of spending real money on disposable crap I'll have to replace in a few years. But you could also buy a Gucci electric on credit or layaway. Do you like the prospect of making circular movement with your arm every morning for eternity?

Oh no it isn't
t. Remorseful ceramic burr hand mill buyer

>> No.18089263

i have a rok and i love it.
burr alignment can be off but from what i have seen from many electric grinders it seems like misaligned burrs are pretty common and on the rok alignment is pretty easy.
this video shows how to align burrs,

my rok came with good alignment which i promptly fucked up because im actually retarded but if you choose the rok or any other grinder manual or electric there is a good chance they will be misaligned especially around the $300-$500 range.

>> No.18089295

Roks are trash pal. We've been over this.

>> No.18089320

>looks good
>feels good
>good price
>makes good coffee if you dont care about espresso
moka chads keep winning.
espressofags seething eternally.

>> No.18089337

That last point is a strange one to make, seeing as it's designed foremost as an espresso grinder.

>> No.18089361

Speaking of electric grinders that will outlast humanity but aren't good at espresso, am I romanticizing the Baratza Forte BG too much? It looks like a solid rustic quality piece of equipment, and you can get them refurbished for less than the space egg Niche, and unlike some other high end equipments it doesn't look like a new construction London skyscraper. But is it actually cheap shit and the fact that they are available refurbished be a hint? Should I look at the Mahlkönig instead?

>> No.18089365

i dont care about what its made for
(it can make espresso grinds but it doesnt feel that good to use in that way)
anyway it performs in the exact way i want it to for cheaper than any of the competition.

>> No.18089405

Cheapest way into 54mm ditting steels I believe. Good burrs, motor not important for a coarse filter grinder, shit alignment that you can fix. The only good thing about baratza is they'll just throw a new unit at you when it fucks up.
Was bending the shaft out of concentricity and getting your burrs stuck within 48 hours performing exactly the way you want it to? Don't hear too many of those 1zpresso buyers with that problem.

>> No.18089429


Day 7 - Starbucks Italian Roast, as is, 20 oz. Yeah, not a fan. I was hoping I'd find something I'd enjoy in it. There are roasted and smoked foods I like, so I figured this coffee could do the same. Disappointed, but not disgusted.

I'm pretty sure this is it for my coffee journey, at least as far as Starbucks goes. Overall, I think I'm a fan of lighter roasts. Espressos don't do anything for me, I only really tasted hot milk. And I don't want to get into the habit of loading up the coffee with a bunch of shit like sugar and cream and syrup and whatever else. After a week of coffee, my total expenses ran around $30 (not doing this again), and overall I took in around 500 calories, which could have been 3500 calories if I went with donuts, instead. I found that, for me, drinking coffee before eating donuts or other sweets makes them taste sour, and that drinking a soda even several hours after a coffee gave me a headache, making it a convincing appetite suppressant.

The next step is to see if there's a coffee shop with a great reputation within driving distance. After that, making my own. Or just stop drinking coffee altogether, I don't need it that bad.

>> No.18089555

>getting your burrs stuck within 48 hours
this was my fault.
out of the box it worked fine and then i fucked with it, got it jammed, unaligned the burrs and spent 7 hours getting it working again.
i only care about manual grinders in this form. with a vertical crank, i can't possibly care less about grinders that you actually have to hold and crank horizontally.

so citing a case of user error as the product being bad is pretty disingenuous
also again for the price you literally can't find anything better in the same form factor.

>> No.18089582

Cappuccino is just a latte with less milk in it. But what confuses me is that when you order a cappuccino to go from any other place, they'll give you a tiny 8oz cup of delicious foaminess, but McDonald's will offer you a large and give you a full pint of ious iness. Are they dumping an extra go of espresso in the cup, or are they just giving you a latte by any other name?

>> No.18089609
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>Espressos don't do anything for me, I only really tasted hot milk.
That means you were drinking a cappuccino/macchiato/latte/etc. An espresso doesn't have any milk

>> No.18089627
File: 222 KB, 1312x484, 4ED04E4C-4BD4-4EE3-856C-237CF7E685E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s by design. Even Bialetti acknowledges it

>> No.18089684

not yet, did make my wife take this down for us to try sometime though!

>> No.18089771

I've only ever ordered espresso drinks from coffee shops, but they make pourover too, don't they? I can ask them to replicate my technique with professional equipment to see what I'm doing wrong, and that wouldn't be a weird request, right? At least for the one in town that is also a roaster. I'm sure that even if they don't sell samplers of their beans for cupping, I wouldn't look like a retard for asking. I still would look like a retard, but not for asking.

>> No.18089914

Skull fuck the barista into submission, that'll show her who makes better espresso.

>> No.18089969

Explain your goal and they might even be able to offer advice. Tip well if they do help.

>> No.18090047
File: 473 KB, 1440x3040, 1657479722777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, we've talked about this. Hg1 2 or hg1 prime. Vertical crank arms that don't use worse burrs than an encore. You wanted cheap shit when you could have easily scored the same grinder for under 100.

>> No.18090093

>that wouldn't be a weird request

yes it would be a weird request. they're there to make coffee not be a little clown made to dance for your amusement

>> No.18090159

That's why it's a request and not a command, they can refuse if they're busy or just don't want to. Your clown analogy doesn't quite fit since the request isn't unrelated to their work or demeaning.

>> No.18090163

>they're there to make coffee not be a little clown made to dance for your amusement
shut up and dance for me wagie

>> No.18090177
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>> No.18090195

Based Karen

>> No.18090286

lol someone's manager made him put in a clown costume and dance for a customer's amusement

>> No.18091003

Sorry, I fucked up the terminology. I did have an Americano which I also didn't care for. But yeah, the milk-based coffees.

>> No.18091098

try having a straight espresso that you have to sip from one of those funny shot glasses that self-identify as coffee cups with their dinky little out of place handle

>> No.18091330


are metal mesh filters ever acceptable?

>> No.18091342
File: 45 KB, 367x398, Loid spitting the coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents brought home a Nescafe
It's surprisingly good for a "capsule coffee" maker.
Better than K-cup shit for sure, but nothing beats my trusty delonghi

>> No.18091387


>> No.18091408

Advanced bripe.

>> No.18091977


>> No.18092157

>under 100.
kill yourself faggot.

>> No.18092206

Amen. Fuck the caffeine jew.

>> No.18092368
File: 1.06 MB, 1170x1545, 8766EAC7-C577-4389-8788-0DB3269365BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros show off your hand grinders.
C40 mk4 liquid amber, she’s beautiful

>> No.18092394
File: 371 KB, 2048x1365, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1z sometthing

>> No.18092416

>at least as far as Starbucks goes. Overall, I think I'm a fan of lighter roasts. Espressos don't do anything for me, I only really tasted hot milk.
Go to an actual cafe for fucks sake.

Think burgers at macdonalds good?

>> No.18092503

Official accompaniments list.
>Starbucks coffee
gay sex
>Dunkin Donuts coffee
a donut
>drip coffee at home or a restaurant
>drip coffee at work
nothing you fat fuck, get back to work
>cold brew
>French press / pourover / other autistic method
organized crime (or Italian pastries)

>> No.18092518

"Thai style" coffee is good.

>> No.18093469
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, B8582152-8C2A-4AF1-BFB5-26CB92D4C28F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I give a shit about muddy v60 beds if my coffee tastes good?

>> No.18093685

That's chocolate pudding and I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.18093692

Unironically this

>> No.18094003


>> No.18094119
File: 547 KB, 2000x1333, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap kingrinder
>inb4 seething schizo

>> No.18094130

It does the job for my dark roast medium fines I use in my french press

>> No.18094155

Grind coarser and learn how to bloom and realize how much of an tastelet you were for thinking that mess tasted good

>> No.18094163
File: 46 KB, 643x687, e96noo15npb71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream that I licked nacho cheese off of Morgan's face. Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.18094179
File: 130 KB, 1440x1799, 81047368_222311755466406_6488217889166892227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats one handsome young man.

>> No.18094247

That's more wet sand than mud. You're good senpai.

>> No.18094701

I spooned it out and ate it afterwards like chocolate pudding too

>> No.18094717

They’re the same beans my local cafe uses and my pour over tastes almost identical to theirs but I will experiment with a coarser grind if it pleases you anon-kun.
For the record I am using Lance Hedrick’s V60 recipe. I found it tastier than Hoffmeme’s

>> No.18094777
File: 132 KB, 900x1200, 49318___57_hb5583YT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lance Hedrick reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.18094844


>> No.18094979

Looks amazing anon

>> No.18095141

imagine the goffee braps bros...

>> No.18095244

Imagine the autistic meltdown when lance puts out a wug review