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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 568x718, Italian-American-Father-and-Son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18073463 No.18073463 [Reply] [Original]

Or is it just 'za, gabagool and fried mozz sticks? I know in Italy every region has its own cuisine, but it seems like in America the guidos all eat the same slop.

>> No.18073470

>Have Italian-Americans Actually Eaten any Italian Food?
Depends on the Italian-American

>> No.18073485

I've only seen italian-americans maybe eat sicilian food, but never anything from the north like genovese or neopolitan food (barring their most famous dishes, like neopolitan cake)

>> No.18073524

That's because most people from the northern provinces were either not poor enough to want to emigrate to early America or too poor to afford passage. Or they were living in some commune in the middle of nowhere and they really just didn't care.

>> No.18073525

Naples is the south, bro. And they don't know our foods at all. And wtf is "neopolitan [sic] cake?" I am from Naples and idk wtf you're talking about.

>> No.18073548

I meant north of Sicily. and whoops yeah I was thinking of "Napolean" cake, lol srry. I know how you shitalians can get when someone misgenders your foods.

>> No.18073568

>napoleon cake
Still dunno wtf that is. Had to look it up. Yeah, we have those. Pretty sure it's French, tho.

>> No.18073579 [DELETED] 

>leftists trying to pawn off one of their own
Just take ownership, dude.

>> No.18073724

Normal American people visit Italy with their children to teach them about history and gastronomy. Lots of American students visit our country on their own terms.

I've never met an Italian-American. I've only seen these people on youtube because they're ridiculous.

>> No.18073744

"Italian"-Americans are not Italian at all. They're Americans. If you don't live in Italy or speak the language, you are not Italian. Simple as
"Italian"-Americans know as much about Italy as they know about Simbabwe, Burma, or Andorra: nothing.

>> No.18073764

I live in Verona. So many American tourists there who think Romeo and Juliet are historical figures. They're all fat, loud, and ignorant of Italian or European culture, especially the Italian-Americans

>> No.18073836

>Romeo and Juliet are historical figures
Are they not? Pretty sure I saw Juliet's balcony in verona so they existed?
I live in Firenze btw

>> No.18073841

something named after napoleon is French? wow didn't see that one coming

>> No.18073847
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>An Italian calling other people loud

>> No.18073861

I am Italian-American and my girlfriend is as well. I'd say we eat pretty well. We don't eat mozarella sticks, and capicola is only brought out during an appetizer spread with cheeses and other deli meats when company is over. Most Italian-Americans generally don't eat out at a Italian restaurants, but Italian delis are definitely a huge fixture in our community, from fresh bread, sandwiches, appetizers like rice balls, stuffed artichoke, pasta salads, deli meats and soft cheeses, fresh mozz/burrata, chicken cutlets, etc. Heavier, stereotypical dishes like lasagna, baked ziti, or eggplant parm are more occasional and party/holiday foods, along with other big tray dishes like italian sausage with peppers and onions. Shellfish like clams and mussels are incredibly common, and a large number of fish courses are commonly eaten on christmas eve, my favorite being lobster fra diavolo

Fresh italian bread is served with most meals, and dinner is often composed of several simple dishes eaten together, ex. simple romaine salad with a vinaigrette, parmesan shavings, and croutons, a red onion, cherry tomato, basil and mozzarella side salad, stringbeans with breadcrumbs, broccoli rabe sauteed in garlic and olive oil, and usually a simple grilled/pan seared meat or fish as the main. Italian-American homecooking really is peak comfy.

Nobody cares, dago. Your cities are disgusting and filled with graffiti and trash. Your people are rude, ugly, and rapidly being replaced by Africans. I wish you nothing but the worst.

>> No.18073879

Yeah, think about what that says about americans

>> No.18073886

I bet you also think that nationality is not based on ethnicity

>> No.18073899

Also Italian American living with my parents right now and this is my experience as well. We eat a lot of mussels and clams at home. In the colder months, lots of tomato sauce based dishes
Sadly I've recently developed an allergy to red wine

>> No.18073905
File: 84 KB, 700x714, 1414644155997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18073935

Go speak to the Russians living in Germany where they only watch Russian news, speak Russian, act Russian and talk about how great Russia is despite living outside and tell them that they're just German.

You can take the Italian out of Italy but you can't take the Italy out of an Italian is what I'm getting at.

>> No.18073950

Can you even pronounce your own surname?

>> No.18073970

you will never be italian, tony baloney

>> No.18073974

learn to read

>> No.18073992

And how many """"Italian""""Americans only watch Italian news, speak Italian, act Italian and talk about how great Italy is?
Fact is, the percentage of them who do even one of those things is in the single digits. Many-to-most can't properly pronounce their own surnames.
Besides knowing exactly fuck-all about us and our culture, they will never be Italian (because we don't offer citizenship to foreigners) is what I'm getting at.

>> No.18074031

I can read. Gatekeeping your ethnicity is pointless, and yes it is an ethnicity.

I think you may be presumptuous. You think that Italian Americans aren't Italian because you think they've scrubbed all of the identity over the years. But I don't think so. Most Italian mericans I've met frequently take trips to visit relatives, practice Italian cooking and still name themselves with Italian names.
In practical terms, I don't think they aren't Italian, maybe they aren't as Italian as you, but they are still Italian.

They pay respect to their ancestry, they have pride in who they are. Who gives a shit what a passport says? Yes they're american but they're Italian American, they have the right to hold onto this title and take pride in their heritage.

What exactly is the purpose of gatekeeping them? The don't tr to change Italian culture, Infact they seem more interested than you in preserving a national identity.

>> No.18074075

>What is Norwegian? Actually, nothing

>> No.18074099

you mean border patrol

>> No.18074111
File: 106 KB, 971x707, like-a-swede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace your melaninated heritage, my scandi friend.

>> No.18074120
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, SOW46e.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have italians actually eaten any italian-american food?

come on you hairy wops it is undeniably the most BASED cousine there is

>> No.18074128

>Most Italian mericans I've met frequently take trips to visit relatives, practice Italian cooking and still name themselves with Italian names.
1) Anthony, Joseph, Daniel, Robert, Michael, Mark, Vincent and Christopher aren't Italian names. Those are English names.
2) 3 million Americans visited Italy in 2019. That's only 20% of the """"Italian""""American population and I strongly doubt that every single last one of those 3 million visitors were """"Italian""""Americans, especially considering they make up only about 5% of the total US population, so the percentage of """"Italian""""Americans who have ever visited Italy at all is still likely in the single digits. As the numbers simply don't add up, it is reasonable to conclude that you are lying or mistaken when you say "most" of the ones you know frequently visit Italy unless you only know one family of """"Italian""""Americans and they left the oldest son behind when they visited with a five day tour group that one time in 2014.

>> No.18074139

Don't bother, they're wannabe Japanese isolationists apparently. They get upset over mispronunciation and anyone altering mamas recipe.

>> No.18074154

You put a lot if effort into picking apart something I did just posted without giving a shit. Good job.
But now I'm going to say that you don't have to take a tourist trip to Rome to become an honorary Italian. So these Italian Americans are still Italian. What now.

>> No.18074162

I have. Most of the tomato based stuff they make that I've tried has been too sweet for my liking.
Rather than be negative about their cuisine, I'll tell you what I have liked instead: I've enjoyed American styles of pizza I've had, save the horror I had in St Louis. And idk if cheesesteaks count as part of their food culture, but those are fairly good, too. Their sausages are very oddly-flavoured to me, but not bad.

>> No.18074170


>> No.18074185
File: 1.37 MB, 4032x3024, 345236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that is fair. i get what you mean about the sweet tomato sauces - that is pretty popular in southern american states but the OG stuff that isn't really the case. imo nyc/nj/new haven/etc. pizza is the best in the world but at the same time we have places like st louis and many others which are arguably contenders for worst in the world

i grew up with italian-american cuisine though so i will admit i am biased too.

>> No.18074191

By your logic there is no real americans, mutts are immigrants brittoids

>> No.18074212

No, what I'm saying is you can be both.

>> No.18074224

>Italian Americans aren't Italian
nice to see we agree
abandoning their homeland and not teaching their kids their mother tongue is what your family did to ensure that you are not italian

>> No.18074282

That pizza would probably be pretty good if they bothered to cut it into squares like God intended

>> No.18074343

>"Italian"-Americans are not Italian at all

Hence the -American in the name. Are pasta niggers really this mentally deficient?

>> No.18074363
File: 599 KB, 756x752, 1648667894844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting a circle into squares

>> No.18074374

If it doesn't have some form of cheese or tomato sauce, it's either a side or it's worthless. Simple as.

>> No.18074388
File: 116 KB, 772x524, F0DB9AFD-D969-44C5-A031-3B2556A5691A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who’s behind this post

>> No.18074391

napoleon was italian you mongrel

>> No.18074403

I've had this argument here before anon, let it go they don't care about the difference between nationality and ethnicity and will be deliberately obtuse for the sake of it

>> No.18074405
File: 117 KB, 480x480, CB6EAAC5-9009-4FA3-BA3E-F7F2882AE928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically he was Corsican

>> No.18074416

> Misgender
Imagine living in a such shithole you actually have a name for this made-up retarded phenomena

>> No.18074439

But the "Italian" part is still wrong, hence that guy post you imbecile

Only in McPeople are so embarrassed to call themselves Americans and thus they made up this shit like
> I'm not American, I'm 1/3 Cherokee, 1/3 polish,band 1/3 french
which is as fake as the separation of gender and sex

In order to be Italian or of any nationality you have to
> Speak the language natively
> Grew up, get education and know the culture of that country

>> No.18074571

Nobody cares autist. Being 2 generations outside of Italy doesn't mean they're equally gaijin as Africans.

>> No.18074606
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1632419252373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that you're a room-temp IQ guinea, so let me break it down for you.

Italian-American means American of Italian descent. This is an important distinction, as any diaspora doesn't just end up in a host nation and automatically become fully assimilated. Italian-Americans share many aspects to their culture unique to them and no other group in America. You will not find other Americans eating broccoli rabe, struffoli, or arancini. You won't see them using words like cavone, strunz, or calamad. Whether or not these things occur in modern day Italy is relevant. At one point in the country's history, a sizeable enough percent of its population travelled to America and formed its own sub-culture which has endured through the generations. This link is inseperable.

Mind you, no Italian-American is making any proclamations of being 'Italian'. They don't give a shit about modern Italian pop culture (save for maybe Andrea Bocelli), politics, language, or anything else. Their pride exists entirely within their immigrant diaspora. Their folk heroes, like Joe DiMaggio or Robert DeNero, are all Italian-American, their folk music, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, are Italian-American. Their centers of culture aren't Rome or Venice, they're Little Italy in New York or Chicago. You mistake the 'Italian' in Italian-American for thinking that people in America wish they were like you. No, they just happened to be the descendants of the people smart enough to hop on a boat and get away from mouth breathers like yourself.

If you'd like to come up with a new name for our ethnic group so we can rid ourselves of your shame, we're all ears.

>> No.18074643

>You won't see them using words like cavone, strunz, or calamad
Cafone. Stronzo. Calamaro. And every letter is pronounced. None of this "cah-fown" nonsense. Cah. Foh. Neh.
If you want to call yourself Italian, learn to speak Italian, my American friend.

>> No.18074677

>no Italian-American is making any proclamations of being 'Italian'
That's literally all they do. They never say "ohai gaiz! I'm 45 generation American of Italian descent." They say "I'm Italian." They then act as though everything they do and eat and say and think is "Italian" when, in fact, it absolutely isn't. They even go so far as to say "I'm Neapolitan!" when their ancestors are from a three hours drive away from Naples in an entire different municipality, province and even region, so when they left Italy for the states, that would have been an 87 day walk or some shit.
You wanna talk about gatekeeping, as above? Fine. Italoamericani are ignorant of anything Italian yet claim to be the end-all, be-all gatekeepers of what is Italian, literally telling /actual Italians/ that they're /more Italian/, despite not being from Italy, not being Italian citizens, having no connections to Italy, having never been to Italy, not being able to speak Italian and not even being able to properly pronounce their own surnames. YWNBI

>> No.18074810
File: 39 KB, 630x418, 1483409039238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this assblasted over spaghetti

>> No.18074835

well yeah they're italian what do you expect

>> No.18074965


>> No.18075176

Mama mia cunt

>> No.18075187
File: 758 KB, 840x1467, Screenshot_20220706-204648~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when Italians take themselves so seriously and nobody gives a shit. Adorable island of autists

>> No.18075800

Probably not because actually Italian food doesn’t exist in america. Even the immigrants making their hometown dishes no longer do it right. The ingredients outside of the US are just so fresh and authentic that burgercans will never come close to grasping that magic

>> No.18075966

They are as Italian as they are Africans

> All that faggottry nonsense
I won't read a wall of text of you being completely retarded and wrong. Write shorter sentences and I might read your retarded opinion just for the laugh

>> No.18075996

>Mind you, no Italian-American is making any proclamations of being 'Italian'. They don't give a shit
that's simply untrue

> Their centers of culture aren't Rome or Venice, they're Little Italy in New York or Chicago. You mistake the 'Italian'
So they don't share the center of culture of italians, but they call themselves italian-something
Also in Little italy there are basically no italian speakers

So these fellas don't speak the language and have different centers of culture but somehow they are partially italian in your retarded opinion

> in Italian-American for thinking that people in America wish they were like you.
kek, holy mother of cope
I don't give 2 shit about what they want. They are just not italian, simple as that, like a transsexual is not a woman
I thought (and everyone in the world think the same) the same for any 2nd generation something-american

> If you'd like to come up with a new name for our ethnic group so we can rid
They should just call themselves american, but they are making all this mental gymnastic just to avoid the embarrassment of being called "american"

>> No.18076006


>> No.18076014

Are Italian-Americans the most cringe of all the Ethnicity-Americans? Or is it the Irish-Americans?