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18011581 No.18011581 [Reply] [Original]

What is your worst restaurant experience?

>> No.18011604

Ordered fish from a nice restaurant. Received plate, it looked great. Took bite. Tasted disgusting. Flipped over the flip to examine it. The guts were still attached.


>> No.18011632

I once got a nearly raw piece of chicken at a local restaurant. Lost my appetite immediately and couldn't eat it.
Waitress noticed next time she swung by the table and soon got to listen to a whole lot of screaming coming from the kitchen. Head chef came out and apologized, explaining that there was someone in the back who wasn't using the meat thermometer. Maybe they were new?
Wasn't that bad, honestly. I didn't even really open my mouth once. The waitress and head chef were more upset than I was.
Still haven't ordered anything with chicken from them again, however.

>> No.18011653

>be me.
>go to tgi Friday's, as it's Friday
>shit myself

>> No.18011658

raw meat is a pretty big deal so its no surprise they were upset. you should have taken a bite out of it before giving it back and then got sick and sued them

>> No.18011667

Nah. It was a local establishment. I wasn't about to ruin them over that as I am not jewish.

>> No.18011699

>order pizza from a new place since I recently moved to the area
>well reviewed "award winning" deep dish
>get there an hour later, tell the lady at the counter my name and shit
>"U-uhm sure that'll be right out"
>practically runs back into the kitchen
>no sign of her for literally 45 minutes
>"okay your pizzas ready!"
>get home
>crust is still raw
Fuck you fat Ricky's, I'm never touching that trash again.

>> No.18011898
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Chili’s in south Florida at 3pm on a Tuesday. Made 22 grand at the Hard Rock casino a week before so cruising around feeling like a baller. Really pretty blonde waitress working during her summer off from college, they gave her a shitty shift. She’s practically in tears the whole time serving me, I ask her what’s wrong. She starts crying about not being able to pay rent on her place next semester and having to go to college while supporting her family at the same time. She shows me pictures of her sisters that she’s the guardian to, says she’s studying engineering so that she can provide for them. I don’t really know what to say so I order the baby back ribs. I hear her crying behind the bar in the empty restaurant the whole time. I’m feeling really bad for her, she seems so nice and she’s really pretty. And I have all this cash I didn’t really earn or need. After I’m finished I leave her a 10,000 dollar cash tip which I put in the bill envelope and hand to her. She doesn’t open it and hugs me and says thank you for listening and apologizes for crying. I wish her well and tel her to hang onto that envelope and walk out to my Escalade. As I’m opening my car I hear a shriek and the doors flying open and the waitress sprinting to me. She tackles me to the ground before I can react and starts kissing me and crying and thanking me so much. She opens up my car door and pushes me inside and before I can react she’s undoing my zipper and whips out my cock. She starts sucking me off and I’m so confused and turned on I blow my load in half a minute. She swallows it and pins me down on my back and awkwardly climbs on top of me, pulls her shirt up and her underwear aside, and pushes my still erect cock inside her unprotected. She’s crawling at me and making out with me and moaning as I grab her juicy ass and try my best to fuck the shit out of her in the cramped space. I blow inside her raw after a few minutes.


>> No.18011913

After I blow my load into her she keep grinding onto me for a few minutes before orgasming, moaning into my chest. She gets up and is panting and crying, says “I love you” and then puts herself together and runs back inside without another word. After a few minutes I feel really guilty, I took complete advantage of her. It’s been a month and I haven’t heard anything yet. She has my name and number through the rewards program so she knows who I am but I guess she hasn’t felt a need to reach out. Hopefully she doesn’t think I used her. I feel so bad about it that I can’t eat out anymore.

>> No.18011933

this was your worst restaurant experience?

>> No.18011935

Not a restaurant experience but I was at a museum once where there was a hot dog stand outside, I bought a hot dog and it was cold, I told the foreign woman in the stand "this is a cold dog" but she refused to refund my money

>> No.18011949

The guilt is so strong I can’t eat at restaurants anymore

>> No.18011956

I ordered a hamburger, medium rare, and got a rare lamb burger, it was pissing. When I told the waitress it wasn't what I ordered she tried gaslighting me and then gave me an attitude when I didn't budge. I hope she got skinned alive in a ditch in Mexico and penetrated with a greased aluminum bat set alight. CUNT

>> No.18011958

anon you were raped, and what you are going through is known as Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.18011959
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>I took complete advantage of her.
What the fuck are you talking about, she basically raped you by today's standard, she took your dick in her mouth without even talking to you about it.
That being said I don't believe a word of this story.

>> No.18011984

Why do you feel bad? From what I see you did it out of sincere kindness, nothing more nothing less. I promise you she does not think you used her in any way, if anything she could be thinking the opposite funnily enough.

>> No.18012001

and then everyone stood up and clapped

>> No.18013198

>Italy Study Abroad
>On the island of Ischia
>The school planned dinner for us
>30 kids waiting to get in, haven't eaten all day
>Owners said they didn't know we were coming
>Sit us down after waiting outside for over an hour
>Offered house wine
>It's corked. It's corked so bad, I can only smell the corked smell whenever I drink red wine to this day
>The food is an entire deep-fried fish and french fries.

>> No.18013257

Local restaurant that's supposedly an amazing burger place got my order wrong three times in a row on my birthday, didn't offer any concessions either.

I have historically shitty birthdays with few exceptions, I almost dread it nowadays.

>> No.18013263

His name? Albert Einstein

>> No.18013299

Found a hair in a take away pizza. Know for a fact that it wasn't mine because it had a different colour. Needless to say I've been avoiding that place ever since.

>> No.18013301

Salute and based, almost devil trips so we know you aren't one

>> No.18013302

I'll take stories that happened for 100

>> No.18013304

Got food poisoning from ihop fucking nasty

>> No.18013318

alright anon, when's the wedding?

>> No.18013326

too many moles on her face

>> No.18013328

The risk of salmonella is actually really low, like 1-3%, we just cook it to bring it to 0%

>> No.18013351

>Have tried sushi at 3 different places
>Got food poisoning every single time
>Only eat cooked food at Japanese restaurants if I'm dragged there
>Go to Japan on a work trip
>Have sushi
>Didn't get sick
Why is it acceptable to have a chance of getting sick when eating here in America. Follow some fucking food safety standards and quit trying to dodge the inspector, or close your restaurant.

>> No.18013382

Probably near raw chicken at a place in Cyprus (Paphos).

There's a girl in a cafe (diner) near me who gives truly the absolute worst customer service you will ever experience but she's become kind of a meme now given how many people know about her and complain so lots of people head there to see how bad she really is so they keep her on. She's really fucking bad.

>> No.18013384

Where the fuck do you live that you get food poisoning every time you have sushi?
It's probably an issue with you otherwise other people would also get sick and the restaurants would have gotten shut down quick

>> No.18013390
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Could be worse

>> No.18013395

I live in AZ, and while these places would get a bunch of 5 star reviews, there'd be 1 star reviews every so often complaining about food poisoning.

>> No.18013403

>I live in AZ
Fellow AZ fag here. What restaraunts? All the sushi places Ive went to Ive never gotten food poisoning. Ive even eat sushi from some sketchy ass buffets. So either I got an immune system of a dog or you're going to some really raunchy places kek.

>> No.18013499

>decide to go with friends to a Korean BBQ restaurant
>find a popular local place that has an average 4+/5 star reviews on Google
>ask for a table for four
>booth can seat two people comfortably maximum, sit down anyways and order from the menu
>order DIY barbecue meat platter for the table, couple sides and one bottle of Soju
>first round of meat comes out, waiter has a pot with some egg mixture in it for throwing on the grill
>spills it on my pant leg
>try to shrug it off
>for the next hour we're there the waiter interrupts the table every 10 minutes to fiddle with our meat, really felt like telling him to fuck off at this point
>the portion sizes on all the sides are small
>the main meat platter is comparably small, I could easily finish it with one other person
>order our bill, we each end up splitting ~$300.00+
>still hungry, so we go to another nearby spot and get better, cheaper food with better portions

No clue how such an awful experience could be rated so favorably.

Never again. And no we're not obese.

>> No.18013510

>be at cheap steakhouse in college
>order a simple burger, cooked medium
>it arrives at the table
>something looks off
>slice it in half displaying an overwhelming red color
>be red/green colorblind and unable to tell if meat is cooked rare/medium/well done
>still able to tell that the fucking burger was completely raw on the inside
>be hungry and distrustful of my eyes
>show others at my table to see if its still edible
>call waitress over and show her the burger
>waitress recoils
>"don't eat that, I'll get you a new one, properly cooked."
>too hungry to make a fuss
>everyone else checks their food, all perfectly cooked
>others begin eating
>stare into hunger void
>new burger arrives
>cut it in half, still fucking raw
>call waitress over
>another apology
>others keep eating
>hunger void grows
>new burger arrives
>waitress cuts it in half for me
>still fucking raw
>ask weakly, "can i eat it?"
>"Nonononono... Ohh dear. uhhh, would you like to order something else?"
>hunger void has won
>no energy remains
>"I just want a burger"
>waitress nods and takes it away
>others finish eating
>waitress returns with new burger and says, "We won't charge you for any food, don't worry. Here's a new one you can take home."
>places new burger down, already cut in half
>small hope rises
>think, "if its already cut in half, it must be edible this time, right?"
>still raw
>we leave
>give up on being fed and sleep for the rest of the day

I don't understand how it kept happening.

>> No.18013684

I had something like that
>Go to a fancy steakhouse for Dad's birthday with parents and siblings
>Order myself (I'm paying for myself and part of parent's bill) a filet mignon, comes with mashed potatoes, really fucking basic
>One of the managers asks me steak if fine before I try it, tell him it'll be fine
>Find out the steak is overcooked, call manager back over, mother fucker knew.
>Everyone else is eating, they take my steak back and say they'll make me a new one, want it medium rare
>Brings out another overcooked steak
>People are still eating, all I have is mashed potatoes that are okay, and bread
>They take steak back to redo it
>Everyone is about done
>Steak comes out barely cooked, eat it anyways because I don't want family waiting on me.
>mfw it's not even seasoned this time
>Manager knocks off all drinks for my family.
My parents swore up and down about this place, but it fucking sucked. Steak isn't fucking hard to make.

>> No.18013753

What color was it?

>> No.18013822

when i lived in Saigon there was a beer and noodle stand i would go to with my roommates on weeknights when we didn't want to go down to the party district or out to a real restaurant. really sweet lady who would make fried rice/noodles and her handyman husband, great people, i called them uncle and auntie, i still have the woman on facebook and she wishes me happy birthday etc etc

anyway one time we were very drunk on rice wine and she offered some salt-preserved small fish (like 1cm long, tetras or minnows). i had a handful or two, you eat them like peanuts with beer, and didn't think much of it.

the next day i woke up with a terrible terrible hangover and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. evidently the fish had gone bad. but they were still partially dry and very salty, so they got caught in my throat and i began to choke and cough on rotten salty fish lump puke mixture.

after about 30 seconds of trying to dislodge it like a cat with a hairball, my eyeballs bulging out of my head, violently puking, i finally got it out and was able to puke up the rest of the contents of my stomach. i was really about 10 seconds from passing out and dying from rotten dried saltfish.

>> No.18013844


>> No.18013864

Neveer have a fishtank in your restaurant.
>sit down in nice restaurant
>see fishtank
>obviously the fish tank is not priority for the staff
>the fishtank now has a staph in fection
>fish shit is everywhere
>itls floating around
>fish are eating their own shit
>filter fish are eating shit
>everything is shit
>this restaurant is shit

>> No.18013899

flyover pizza place that used sheets of cracker and velveeta.

>> No.18013903

Nachos are fucking delicious

>> No.18015152

Shitty experience, but if you were so depressed by it that you slept for the whole day than you are seriously a faggot

>> No.18015156

We got a reservation, but they were 45 minutes late to that. Then we were barely served for probably an hour. When they finally brought our food out, they forgot my mom's order completely.

>> No.18015171

Poor fishes. I had to take care of a roommates fish tank once because he didn’t care about it. Fish are not completely stupid and will notice things like that.

>> No.18015194

At that point I'd just barge into the kitchen and cook it myself while muttering curses in German
I'm not even German

>> No.18015205

>I'm paying for myself and part of parent's bill
Why would you feel to include this in your story? You are either LARPing, jewish, or Dutch.

>> No.18015228

-pizza place opens up
-take family to Pizza place for wife's birthday.
-family who was ahead of us gets seated.
-we get told to wait.
-another group comes in, gets seated.
-yet another group comes in and is about to be seated, check with hostess who unseats the guests she just seated and seats us.
-we sit down and get a drink order
-20 minutes later we get our drinks.
-family ahead of us is already getting their food.
-we order, they are out of several things we wanted with no mention on the menu
-group ahead of us finishes eating and starts to leave.
-waiter comes out and says there's an issue with the oven and our pizza is delayed and will be another 20 minutes.
-i pretend to head to the bathroom, but ask the waiter about my wife's birthday
-"we don't do birthdays here"
-food arrives 25 minutes after the group ahead of us has left
-pizza was decent, but waiting almost and hour and a half for food was not cool and no apologies at all.
-didn't tip, left a bad review

>> No.18015245

You should sue them for lying about not doing birthdays for your trans wife

>> No.18015257

>we don't do birthdays here

>> No.18015570

Went to a run of the mill soul food place, found a strand of party city wig hair at the bottom of the side of potato salad that comes with the meal. Fucking sucks because that place was pricey as hell too.

>> No.18017006


>> No.18017040
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Not the worst, but it happened last week.

>friend is in town for the week
>one evening wants to go out for mexican
>there's a little place near my house that I used to go to a bunch
>haven't been in a couple years
>always used to get the queso fundito
>usually comes on a cast iron skillet
>cheese, meat, some veggies
>impossible to fuck up
>order it with chorizo
>it comes out in this "volcano rock" bowl that's piping hot instead of the flat pan
>it absolutely doesn't work the same way
>the cheese isn't crispy and the whole thing is drowning in a liter of greese
>it's almost soup
>try to eat it anyway
>fork some onto a tortilla
>the thing just shits grease all over me and the table
>start to get embarrassed, but I'm dedicated now
>end up making a huge mess and going through like two dozen napkins
>give up trying to use the tortillas and just eat it out of the bowl
>I'm pretty sure the staff is laughing at me
>finish it
>don't tip

Never going back

>> No.18018260

You could have just wifed her up and had a cumslave for the rest of your life you DUMBASS

>> No.18018358
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Was it Pizza King?
Sounds like Pizza King.
Shit's literally a round cracker smeared with tomato paste-(yes, JUST tomato paste,) topped with those weird Cheese-like, Casein granules then sprinkled with 4 year old dried "Italian seasonings"
Had one in Lafayette Indiana once while doing a massive remodel for a fairly famous book store.
$15 for absolute garbage.

>> No.18018433

got a burger that was literally frozen in the middle once when i was in some shithole town for a band competition in high school

>> No.18018475

>steak isn't hard
It depends on how foreign the cook was. The more I travel, the more I'm convinced that nobody outside the US can do a steak properly. Argentina doesn't count because they like everything well done.

>> No.18018530

>go to restaurant
>order steak medium rare
>it comes out fucking medium
>try to send it back
>waitress lies and says it actually is medium rare when it clearly is not
>leave a $.01 tip
I hate wagies so much it's unreal

>> No.18018556


You know why.

>> No.18018577

Raw chicken tenders? Rude biscuit venders? Portions less bigger?

>> No.18018635

...you call them biscuit vendors too?

>> No.18018643


>> No.18018665

Went to a Japanese place (in the USA) for a friend's birthday. There were 8 of us, and we placed reservations about a week in advance, because she had heard good things about their sushi and we knew she had been really wanting to go there.
Got there, the hostess (elderly Asian lady, can't remember if she was actually Japanese or not) seemed annoyed that we actually showed up because it seemed fairly busy that night, although we are still 8 more customers, so I don't see what she was upset about. She was kind of pissy throughout, but the service wasn't anything to be stunned about. We were a little upset on our friends' behalf though because we knew this was her birthday and the wait staff were definitely bringing down the mood.
Then, after we all finished our meals, the rest of us brought out our small gifts for her, and while she was opening them, the hostess came back and said loudly to the birthday girl, "Can you go faster? We need your table.". We were all pissed and nobody tipped. We were not even vaguely taking too long, since nobody was particularly enjoying the restaurant anyway. The food was OK.

>> No.18018675

Must be a big lie.

>> No.18018681

Went to a local bistro that gets good reviews, waited 45 minutes just for the menu's.

I had time to leave and go to the liquor store to get wine because it was BYOB. should have left then and there but it was my fathers birthday and we were ~7 people. appetizers took another hour and a half and the meals came nearly two hours later.

they justified it as "you have the table for the evening" but holy hell four hours is a looong time to sit in a loud restaurant, food wasn't even that good for the price.

>> No.18018948

I got horrible food poisoning eating at Johnny’s Tavern in the Power & Light District in Kansas City.

I spent the rest of the day alternately vomiting and shitting uncontrollably, and all I got was a soft pretzel with cheese dip and a pint of beer. I can only assume it was the cheese dip, because I can't imagine anything else I consumed that could have done that to me.

>> No.18019020

What's your best restaurant experience?

>> No.18019039

>sit down with my gf at the time
>order the clubhouse sandwich
>arrives, 3 pieces of the sandwich arranged neatly in a row
>wait... the sandwich was clearly cut into quarters, but there's only 3 of them?
>mfw I was served 3 quarters of a sandwich
Never again, Rickies. Never again

>> No.18019082

>go out to fancy hipster Peruvian-American fusion restaurant for father's day
>see "chicken ceviche" on the menu
>too afraid to ask waiter if it's actually raw chicken
>order it
>it's actually raw chicken
>eat it anyway
It was delicious

>> No.18019112

>> GF and I are about to move across the country
>> Last night at home, my dad suggests going out to dinner as a nice sendoff.
>> Decide it would be fun to go to a local place that I used to bus tables at back in high school
>> New American, $35-$55/plate, some $1000 wines in the cellar, really tastefully decorated
>> Used to go around before each dinner service with a steamer hitting wine glasses and flatware until it sparkled
>> For whatever reason, hadn't been there in 4 or 5 years
>> We all agree
>> Dad, stepmom, GF and I head down
>> Get there 6:30 on a Saturday night
>> Place is deserted
>> Ruh roh
>> Dish racks strewn across the bar
>> Bus bucket half full of shit tucked under a table
>> Internally reeing
>> "bAcK iN mY DaY We CouLdN't EVeN uSE Bus bUCkeTs!"
>> No hostess; seat ourselves
>> No sign of any staff aside from some pots and pans clanging in the kitchen
>> Waitress finally comes out
>> Place drink order
>> 10 minutes go by
>> 20 minutes go by
>> 30 minutes - still no drinks
>> Just 4 glasses of wine
>> Finally returns with drinks
>> Try to put in food order
>> Menu had changed a lot since I worked there
>> Prices were still about the same, but a lot of the cooler dishes (at least cool in 2008 - rabbit ragu over pappardelle, tartare 'cones', etc.) have been replaced by almost diner-tier fare
>> Order some forgettable shit
>> Stepmom orders a cup of french onion soup
>> Soup comes out 20 minutes later
>> In a literal coffee mug, no dish, no nothing
>> Soup splattered all over the side
>> No cheese on top
>> Literally just some half raw onions swimming in beef stock
>> Ice cold. Straight from the walk-in.
>> Food comes
>> Predictably, it is terrible
>> Mood at the table is very awkward.
>> Everyone trying to pretend that this isn't the worst meal we've ever had, given the occasion.
>> This proves impossible. It's just too bad.
>> Waitress comes to ask how everything is.
>> "Honestly, it's been nothing short of terrible," I tell her.


>> No.18019145


>> She laughs and slaps the table with a rag.
>> Tell her I'm being serious
>> She looks shocked
>> Tell her I'd like to talk to the manager/owner/chef
>> A sweaty, tweaker looking fuck scrambles out of the kitchen literally wringing his hands
>> Apologizing profusely, explaining how he bought the place but has been struggling to make ends meet
>> Can't always keep fresh ingredients properly stocked
>> Doesn't have a pot to piss in
>> Begs us to pay the whole bill, inveigling us with his miserable story of financial woes
>> Honestly one of the more pathetic displays I've ever seen, to this day
>> Agree to pay the food bill, he comps us the wine
>> Leave hungry
>> Go back home and reheat some lasgna
>> Sit around the kitchen table laughing about the disaster that this place was
>> Next morning, get in the car and start driving across the country
>> About 2 weeks later, dad texts me a pic
>> Big "permanently closed" banner pasted over the restaurant's granite road sign.

>> No.18019266

>be me
>go to restaurant with gf
>we both order burgers
>hers comes out fine
>mine comes out burnt to a crisp
>waitress takes it back to the kitchen
>burger comes back out
>it's even more burnt than before
>gf is laughing at me
>I'm so embarrassed
>I can't even eat my burger
>I just want to go home

>> No.18019308

>be me
>go to local mexican place
>order enchiladas
>get my food
>first bite
>WTF is this shit
>it's like eating cardboard
> dry as the sahara
>i can't even chew it
>i have to force it down
>i can feel my esophagus tearing with each bite
>i'm in agony
>i can't even drink my water
>it just makes it worse
>i start to sweat
>my eyes water
>i can't take it anymore
>i flag down the waiter
>i tell him this food is inedible
>he takes it back to the kitchen
>i hear shouting
>the chef comes out
>he's waving a knife
>he's screaming at me in spanish
>i don't understand a word he's saying
>i'm terrified
>i throw some money on the table and bolt
>i'll never go back there again

>> No.18019367

>go to michelin-star place that specializes in caviar and champagne
>get seated outside
>30 minutes pass before our server shows up
>they bring the wrong caviar
>they also bring the wrong champagne
>30 more minutes for them to come back out
>sorry we ran out of that caviar and that champagne, here's something similar, we won't charge you more
>bill comes out
>they charged me more

not even lying
fuck Apero

>> No.18019392
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>using yelp or google to guide your choice of restaurant
>checking if a place "looks good" before going
>reading reviews
>looking at photos of the food
>checking the menu
>not using your own intuition and sponteneity
>not throwing a dart at a map blindfolded and then going where it lands
i'm sorry to tell you this but you're going to make it

>> No.18019463

She's fucking the guy making your burgers

>> No.18019550

That is a terrible experience, and a good story. I'm also going to give you a bonus +1 for the use of "inveigling", but I'm also going to have to penalize you with a -1 due to your concerning method of greentexting.

>> No.18019606

>Mom takes me to a restaurant after the last day of fifth grade with one of our neighbors and her kid.
>Order food, wait for it.
>Sit there for an hour before my mom says something to the waiter.
>The bitch dropped our order and never got it to the kitchen.
>Order again, wait again.
>After another thirty minutes of waiting, mom asks the bitch where out food is.
>She forgot to get the order to the kitchen this time, she didn't even drop it, she just plain up forgot.
>We leave after that, never went back to that shithole again.
I still remember that shit clear as day even though it happened over a decade ago.

>> No.18019625

this was a fun read anon, thanks

>> No.18019630

I don't go to restaurants because I don't have any friends or family. I used to go with my ex but we broke up 3 years ago and I don't have the confidence to go back to dating.

>> No.18019636

>be 16 or so
>with parents
>driving back home from out of town
>we live in the middle of nowhere so next town over is 64 km of Canadian logging roads
>stop in at this place halfway home
>some pub up on a cliff
>See poutine on the menu
>made with fresh cheese curd and home made gravy
>Teenage me fucking loves poutine
>order it
>its shredded cheese
>not cheese curd
>pretty disappointing
>taste it
>gravy is nearly flavourless
>its like thick brown hot water
>complete shit
>the waiter comes over to ask how it is
>don't want to make a scene as I was a pretty meek teenager
>just say "ok"
>waiter says "just ok? not good or great or anything?"
>"yea, just ok"
>gets huffy and walks off

>> No.18019680

I'm you 15 years in the future. It doesn't get better

>> No.18019730

>steakhouse on a marina
>sounded like a fancy riverside place
>get there and it's just a bunch of hillbilly retards running the place
>waited about 30 minutes for someone to ask how many in my party
>nose start sneezing and running like crazy.
>wtf.jpg I took my allergy pills today
>after about an hour finally get a table
>it's outside
>mosquitoes and flies everywhere
>5 minutes pass
>crackhead bitch waitress comes itching her finger under her nose and gets our drink orders
>Sunday Brunch buffet only
>but it's like 3:00pm
>almost all the good shit is gone
>get some fish (don't know what kind, it was just labelled "Fish")
>visibly undercooked and drowning in slime
>had a guy manning the roast beef
>he was running out quick
>stuck with mostly fat
>fine what ever, there was still a bit of pink
>sit back down
>drinks haven't arrived
>fish is appalling
>steak is dry as shit
>start uncontrollably sneezing again
>what the fuck is the deal?
>go for a napkin
>none on the table
>have to go to the bathroom to get tissues so I don't start shooting strings of snot everywhere
>shitty brown paper towels that are so rigid they get your nose fucked
>lost appetite
>mind starts to wander
>other families were talking way too loud (it was the south, what can you do)
>the bro-country music over the speakers was way too loud
>suddenly notice a thin yellow dust all over furniture and table
>leaves a mark when I swipe my finger
>crackhead waitress says "oh yeah that's the pollen"
>nose starts running
>be me
>wanted to blow great big loogie in her face
>be too much of a fucking coward...

>> No.18019733

how pathetic

>> No.18019750

that was good, thanks bro

>> No.18019752


>> No.18019755

>I wasn't about to ruin them over that as I am not jewish.
You might not, but others would.
It's a free paycheck of 20k to 100k.
Your loss.

>> No.18019780

don't try to make yourself feel better by convincing others that they'll be as faggy as you
i know misery loves company but you can keep that shit to yourself

>> No.18019812

You're not wrong. It took me longer than most to develop proper social skills, emotional awareness, and a backbone. I wouldn't consider myself a fully developed person by that point in college.

>> No.18019823

Never had anything gross happen just a few sad times seeing once great restaurants go to shit over the years. Fuddruckers used to be the highlight of family vacations. Every time we went there it was packed with a line out the door. They finally built one in our city and it was the same for years. Then maybe 5-7 years ago for some reason it just started to die out. I hadn't been there in a long time and then I was driving by and remembered how good it was so I stopped by to check it out and it it was so sad.

There were two or three old couples in there at 6pm when it should have been packed. The food was twice as expensive as I remember it. The fresh condiment bar which used to be so good was a tiny sad shell of its former glory with old wilted veggies. The whole places felt like a zombie shambling along in its death throes. I don't even know what killed it, somehow it's still open but I never see more than a few cars in the parking lot. Makes me sad every time I drive by it.

>> No.18019832

Division manager didn't let you fuck the horse?

>> No.18019850

Morrissey's in Saratoga NY. Walk in, got a short turn because they 'had 100 people coming' in an hour and a half. Waiter assumed I ordered an appetizer as an entree and didn't take my entree. Blamed not hearing me on traffic. Dry ass pork belly with no browning whatsoever on soy sauce/sugary rice. An okay 'tater tot's which were simple potato croquettes. I had ordered ramp pesto with lobster and linguini, my friend got the same dish. Mine came on a different plate. It used spaghetti instead of linguini. The lobster was overcooked rubber.
Friends steaks were middle of the road.
Overpriced Sysco/10
I seethe about it to this day.

>> No.18020778

>don't have any friends
Just go get some you dipshit. Stop being weird and you'll have plenty of friends.

>> No.18020798

You want to ruin your enjoyment of restaurants? Go down to the local restaurant supply place when it's busy and watch what people buy. A lot of times they'll have a logo somewhere on their clothes so you can see what restaurant they're from. Particularly telling is the frozen food aisle. At my local one there's a 50 foot freezer case full of pre-made appetizers and desserts. See how many you can identify from the menus of places you go to.

>> No.18020815

>Korean BBQ
There's the problem

>> No.18020835

I never got to go in one while they were good. Obviously it’s another case of Romney style management where are they cashing in all the assets, claim it as profit bonuses, then crash the company with no survivors leaving in their golden parachute.

The fact that this keeps happening and nobody does anything about it and they’re doing it on purpose

>> No.18020855

I wanted to eat out so I figured id do doordash and get food from a local diner. I ordered tendies.

30 minutes passed and I didnt get my food, so I went to the place (They are on my block, I was just trying to help them out and delivery was free)

> walk in
> Uh yea i ordered on doordash
> old fucking cunt looks at me
> thats broken
> okay well it took my money so
> bitches at me like its my fault
> comes back 10 mins later and gives me almost not breaded at all, burned, unseasoned chicken

cool, guess it's KFC next time

>> No.18020896

>during worst of "pandemic"
>restaurants dining rooms closed
>decide to order from a local pizza and chicken chain
>fuck delivery services
>they let you order delivery from their own drivers
>except I'm across the road from their boundary
>oh, they're on grubhub
>place order
>delivery time comes and goes
>app says driver is waiting in the parking lot
>nothing happens
>get notification from app that my order has been successfully cancelled
>no details about why
>fuck this, now it's too late for anything
>have to drive to get fast food
>months go by, kind of forget about what happened
>try again with the same result
>write bad review
>PR person responds to review asking me to contact them
>sure, it might be worth a free pizza or something
>person writes me an email about how they don't know how that could have happened because they aren't set up on grubhub, and that I should use uber eats
>sends me coupon for free small pepperoni pizza

All I can think of is that that somebody at that store had set themselves up on grubhub thinking that they could do a few orders on the side and pocket some of the money. Or, they're morons who don't know how anything works.

>> No.18021873

Ordered pizza in Nashville.
I was hyped up.
I hadn't had good high quality pizza in years.
The reviews all gave this place 5/5.
>Go to pick it up and pay thinking it would take 20 minutes.
>Get there and pay.
>40 minutes go by
>it will be right out
>80 minutes go by
>it will be right out
Leave and chargeback
>get extremely angry call from a manager
>bitching that the pizza came out as soon as I left
>ask what I can do to make this right
>he says to pay him for the pizza
>say I will pay for the pizza if I get one
>tell him that I want a pizza to be for pick up at 4PM
>don't show up to pick it up
>get angry call
>say I'll be right there and hang up
>he calls again in 20 minutes
>say I'll be right there and hang up
Fuck restaurants. They are all run by incompetent retards. The food I cook for myself is better.

>> No.18022001

You life will be a lot happier once you realize that restaurants are for convenience and a change of scenery and not always for great food. Yes, there are some that can make damned good food, but they're the exception. You'll always be able to make as good, or better, than what you can get from eating out. Enlightenment comes from knowing that you don't have to.

>> No.18022029

You piece of shit. You knew she was vulnerable, and you do this? You are going to hell.

>> No.18022032

I once was in a pizza place in Phuket which was located half standing over this water. Like wood and poles. More and more smoke seemed to appear from the kitchen but they assured us everything was fine. In the end there was so much smoke we could barely see each other over the table so my uncle said all right let's just leave. When we did we found out half the building was on fire and we couldn't really escape anymore. We called out to the waterside where some dude picked us up with this rickety boat. We gave him some money and went to Popeye's afterwards.

>> No.18022059

>restaurants are for convenience and a change of scenery and not always for great food
cooking has made me realize this, plus having a girlfriend. I can cook better stuff at home than some of the restaurants she likes, but going out isn't about the food. she says it is, but usually it isn't unless it's one of the places she likes for nostalgia reasons (with crappy food that she needs to be crappy). it's about getting dressed up and eating in public, at a place with decorations and nice napkins.

>> No.18022062

are you japanese or something why is your sense of shame so strong

>> No.18022100
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>be me
>go to Portugal
>go to restaurant to get some baked cod
>place comes highly recommended by people we know there
>order cod
>wife orders some other seafood dish
>pitcher of sangria
>loaf of bread and butter
>bread and sangria comes first
>bread is great, but the butter is shit in a package like you'd get at a Denny's
This part really irritated me. The whole time we were there, not a single place had real butter.
>rest of food takes forever
>waiter is pajeet immigrant who doesn't speak english or portuguese
>food comes
>everything looks great
>need some crushed red pepper picrel.jpg
>pajeet doesn't understand when I ask him in two languages
>stands too close and I have to smell him
>finally get the attention of the manager
>he doesn't speak english, but whatever, talk to him in portuguese
>he has no idea what I'm talking about
>wife is from portugal and it was a staple when she was growing up
>manager finally goes in back and comes back with a crusty little bottle of piri piri sauce
>good enough
I don't know if they were screwing with us because we were tourists, but the whole time the pajeet was really rude. I think he was annoyed whenever he had to take time away from creeping on the group of girls that was a few tables over.

>> No.18022121

Good and subtle troll, but I'm spoiling it for you.

>> No.18022126

Fuck off. It's not a troll, that's how it happened.

>> No.18022139

Maintaining the oblivious fusspot persona by pretending to think what you say happened would be the bait component. Nice. You're clearly a veteran at this.

>> No.18022146

Why is every board now just thread after thread of faggots arguing with each other about who can swallow the bigger dick?

>> No.18022233

Do you code or something?

>> No.18022241

home delivery made me realize about 1 or 2 in a 100 restaurants only are consistently up to standard
I swear i thought it was a luxury when i was young but it's really all a bunch of amateurish crap. No matter how quality the food can be sometimes. It just happens to be that one chef on whatever day (s)he was cooking there

>> No.18022257

>10,000 dollar tip
I stopped reading there.

>> No.18022258

one time I went to mcdonalds and they served me a big mac but forgot the meat. they thought I was joking when my dad returned it. was probably 8 years old.

>> No.18022264

went to a wanna be trendy hippie place under a headshop. awesome atmosphere. waited 45 minutes for a $7 PB&J. this was the 90's. Nothing special. Only customers.

>> No.18022425

>restaurants are for convenience
>has to wait for over an hour for something that can be made in less than half that time
>gets bitched at by the restaurant owner

>> No.18022438

>at hotel restaurant with gf
>food was ok but took more than an hour to arrive after we ordered it
>finish eating, planning on going to a nearby pastry place for dessert
>30 minutes pass, during this whole time the waiter has not checked in one single time except to take our orders
>start trying to flag somebody down for the check
>wave at a waitress right in her face as she passes by our table, flat out ignores us
>get annoyed and go talk to the hostess
>"oh, I'll send someone over with the check right away"
>ten minutes later, waiter shows up, I tell him to wait while I look at the bill and then give him my card
>fucks off for another ten minutes, then comes back with a different bill which apparently he just charged my card for
>as soon as I point this out he goes back, comes out with my bill and no card
>walk right into the back, see it still on the register
>grab it, leave without tipping because fuck that guy
>make it to the pastry place a few minutes before they close
>the next day I notice 4 charges on my card from the same place, only one of which actually looked like mine
there are bad nights and then there are shit employees, fuck that place
billed itself as on the fancier side too

>> No.18022503

simply walk away anon

>> No.18023311

Food poisoning isn’t real. I’ve never known anyone who’s actually had it and I work in sales.

>> No.18023346

>my order wrong three times in a row on my birthday,
On the same day?

>> No.18023372

>I'm not even German
xDD OMG that would be so random!! XDDD

>> No.18023587

are those mannequins?

>> No.18023617
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Margaritas came with no salted rim, way too much alcohol to even pretend they taste good (t. Alcoholic, mind you)

Pretty bad experience bros

>> No.18023635

>Indian restaurant
>eat meal
>ask for take-out boxes for leftovers
>they bring styrofoam containers from the kitchen
>open containers

We left just the minimum 15% tip, with only subdued clapping. It's all culturally relative, you see.

>> No.18023636

Do you and all your friends weigh over 250lbs?

>> No.18024592
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>> No.18024597

Worst was when I was a kid in 1992 and my parents travelled to New York. We stopped in New Jersey and the waitress was a cunt.

>> No.18024654

Oh my god! ANYTHING but diner food! How can you even eat that slop! It doesn’t even have baby rabbits in it or some random herb a Tibetan woman plucks out of the ground for 2 cents a day!

>> No.18024658

Restaurants aren’t worth it if you haven’t been reading the thread. It’s full of fucked up retards and drug addicts making food and charging outrageous prices for it. Just cook at home and be happy about it.

>> No.18024667

This is the most autistic and miserable thing I’ve ever heard. Yes, everything is frozen, not fresh. Deal with it or cook at home. I can’t imagine why anyone would ever expect something done well if it isn’t done yourself.

>> No.18024674

Blow me

>> No.18024780

>going out to eat is about getting dressed up and eating in public, at a place with decorations and nice napkins.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re paying like 50-100 dollars to dress up and use someone else’s napkins? This is the WORST board on 4chan. And /trv/ exists.

>> No.18024789

I’d rather read about a literal dick measuring contest than fake stories about restaurants on an anonymous forum.

>> No.18024815

Are you dating a child? She doesn’t have tits. You should complain about that too.

>> No.18024817
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don't be a perv

>> No.18024855

She has tits are you retarded

>> No.18024927
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>order online at Domino's in Australia
>Indians make pizza
>phone number gets submitted to scam call centre
>receive scam call a few days later
Every time.

>> No.18024966
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>> No.18025414

>Getting drunk is never an excuse.
For what? I genuinely don't understand what this poster is trying to reference.

>> No.18025488

Taking you daughter on a date.

>> No.18025819

>She doesn't have tits
how is that a problem? way to expose yourself, tastelet

>> No.18025865

Is getting drunk a valid excuse when you're on a date? Interdasting.

>> No.18026017

did you redeem?

>> No.18026093
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>>order our bill, we each end up splitting ~$300.00

>> No.18026100

Those meat platters are all you can eat. You could have gotten more.

>> No.18026103

Getting ass fucked by a greasy wop named Tony. He didn't like that I said his pepperonis were as greasy as his face and his mother would be rolling in her grave at his """italian""" cuisine.

>> No.18026107

Okay but why did you let him sodomize you?

>> No.18026666

>Sir, this is Reddit 2.0

>> No.18027082

I thought it wasn't that big of a deal until I got it. It felt like I was dying while also shitting and vomiting at the same time and once that was over I didn't have an appetite for a week and could consume liquids.

>> No.18027343

did you chargeback or take it like a bitch?

>> No.18027353

>overpriced restaurant drinks
>too much alcohol

>> No.18027359

got raped in the bathroom at RJ Gator's

>> No.18027374

>too much alcohol
just post nudes of the semen demon you were with and I'll forgive you for pretending to be an alcoholic while I slam my second fifth today

>> No.18027387

>Ordered crab-asparagus soup
>Food served
>Noticed there was a greyish object in the bowl
>Thought it was part of the crab vein or some shit
>It was bitter
>It was cigarette butt

>> No.18027395


>> No.18027416

Recently moved to the south, thought southern cooking would be good so I tried a couple of fast food places not found in the north

> Sonny's BBQ: Ribs weren't cooked at all, forgot drink, messed up sides

> Moe's western grill (not sure if this is purely a southern chain but I never saw this place up north): Lady in her mid-to-late 30's (weirdly an 8/10) making my burrito didn't wrap it properly. When I wasn't looking she literally just took a hand full of tortilla chips and dumped in the bag with the burrito. Found out when I got home, food tasted horrible and was extremely cold.

I'm apparently going to need to learn how to cook everything or eat out only at high end restaurants. Don't trust the staff.

>> No.18027580
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>> No.18027692



>> No.18027706

>oh it's okay if it's shit
>pay more money for food you could have made for less at home
>expensive as shit
>pay for gas to drive there
>pay tip
>have to wait a long time
>food ends up being not great

BITCH THEY SHOULD BE PAYING ME TO EAT THERE! CMON DUDE REALLY THINK. it's either gotta be amazingly good or maybe NO restaurants are worth eating at any more.

>> No.18027711

if it isn't good, WHY EVER GO? people complain about these horrible places FOR DECADES!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST STOP GOING! why do you keep falling for it?

>> No.18027727
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>wall of text (1/2)
Let me guess your voting preference.

>> No.18028935

>not being a DFC chad
Nigga you gay. Not that that girl even has DFC

>> No.18029104

Which pizza place was this anon? Used to live in Nashville and got a lot of pizza back in the day there.

>> No.18029150

Wish you did

>> No.18029498

Now? That's how every board has always been

>> No.18029505

>Crushed red pepper

Huh, so that's what that stuff was. I went on holiday to portugal with my family when I was 12 and I loved that shit. I bought my own bottle out there because we're british and my dumbass mother "Didn't trust foreign food" and therefore 90% of what we ate was chips, but we went to a proper restaraunt first and that's where I tried it

Gonna go see if I can get some online, thanks anon

Also why are Pajeets fucking everywhere. Everyone hates them yet they seem to have infected every country I visit.

>> No.18029508

Post nose

>> No.18029511

Raw chicken, and non-challant attitude if the staff. Restaurant got shut down after that.

>> No.18029596

>Not even half the tables filled, yet for some reason customers were all packed together in the middle tables
>Screaming kids all around
>Annoying music blaring from a speaker right next to my ear
>Waiter took ages to get to us, nearly walks away without getting our drink orders
>Took 40 minutes for a simple lasagne and fries
>Lasagne was watery and bland, fries were cold and soggy
>Waiter never bothered coming back to the table when we were finished, so just left without getting dessert
And it was not like the waiter was working flatout or anything, she was mostly just talking to other waiters or on her phone. Place has since closed. S.

>> No.18030197

Frozen patties right out of the freezer, probably

>> No.18030410

Any time tacos are served in that little wavy mtal thing, MASSIVE red flag. Never had a good taco served that way.

>> No.18030461

>go to a really nice local restaurant
>so nice that the waiters there actually think they're hot shit instead of literal wagies just because they wait tables at this particular place
>family dinner to celebrate younger sisters college graduation
>waitress hands us all menus
>before anyone orders, dad preemptively tells the waitress he only wants one main dish to be put in order first so that it comes out alongside everyone else's stuff (took 45 mins to be ready)
>she says she will put in the order right away and give us time to look at the menu
>few minutes later we all order
>about 35 minutes later, food comes out except for dads plate
>says its fine, we simply ordered too quickly and it will surely be out in the next 10 minutes
>it doesn't
>asks the waitress what's up with the dish
>"ill check right now brb"
>"sir the chef has not even begun making your dish at all"
>she forgot to put in the order for his dish
>dumbass actually asks if after almost an hour, my dad wants her to put in the order to wait another 45 mins for it to be made
>dad flips out, berates her to the point of near tears at the table because how do you fuck up something this simple
>manager comes out and tries to calm the situation
>waitress and manager go to kitchen
>screaming match can be heard from kitchen out as its chef v. manager v. waitress
>manager comes out to personally attend to dad, who out of anger tells him he has lost his appetite entirely and will not place an order
>manager comps us the entire ~ $250 dinner, tells us a portion of the cost will be docked from waitress' pay
>we leave the restaurant
>dad orders lobster at a seafood place right across the street
>comes back months later, waitress fired, food still good, never had an issue with them since

>> No.18030464

Dealt with the EXACT same shit a few years ago.

>> No.18030475
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i guess i've been pretty lucky. worst was having a waitress spill a glass of wine down my shoulder/back. they freaked out and asked how they could make up for it. i asked for an expensive glass of scotch and called it even. so not even bad really

>> No.18030501

Daddy has a short fuse.

>> No.18030514

pretty sure he ruined the vibe not just for us but for a good portion of people in the restaurant that day, road rage is something else though to the point where he actually parked on the side of the road and was about to fight with a dude who was so bitch made he instantly brought out a tire iron from his trunk

nonetheless, it was my worst restaurant experience

>> No.18030524

>we're calling incest out
Yeah I have no idea either anon

>> No.18030779

Dad tipped with a rip.

>> No.18030792
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>screaming from the kitchen
very unbased and unprofessional. it's bad enough that one guest isn't having a good time but now the entire restaurant isn't happy

>> No.18031075

This is why I almost always go to ethnic places. I can't make sushi or pho or Indian shit at home

>> No.18031907
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ran outta stella
the missus took quite a walloping that night

>> No.18031945

Yeah desu I stopped going to a place, not because I was served ratatouille with a raw egg and raw mushroom centre, but because of the yelling in the kitchen immediately after. I don't like my food with a side of domestic arguments. Bad vibes.

>> No.18031952

Tbh it was the shitty attitude of a chef that finally put me off. Refused to sell me a plum that was on display. Actually reason was that it was overripe because they hadn't gotten new ones in, but he made up a story that it was an end of season plum and thus bitter. I'd already bought a plum from the place like a week previous. The waiter found the chef's behaviour bizarre and I said I was willing to take the risk. They had an OK museli but mans had an attitude and presumed to know better despite me being a better chef. I won't argue with people who know what they're doing less than myself.

>> No.18031955

>Indian shit
you can't make curry and rice at home?

>> No.18031959

I got it from an off oyster in China {German themed restaurant on the coast. Chinese cook their oysters normally and this one was raw}
Felt like becoming less alive. Walked myself to a hospital through snow in oyjamas and got a drip.

>> No.18031968

Based rating hackers

>> No.18031969

The publican at a pub asked me how my food was (it was flawed but acceptable). I said 'it was nice, thanks' and contued with my business. He walked away and sand 'the ruuuuudeness' under his breath. I didn't come back. Some of these people could get a rude awakening if they don't up the service when consumer spending reduces

>> No.18031981

Interesting story, Mr. Costanza.

>> No.18031986

I mean, I suspect a lot of us *don't* go anymore.

>> No.18032011

In France. Waitress spilled the sauce of the lasagna inside my pop's glass and didn't change it. We were dining outside and we caught her petting a dog before serving our food. The food was edible at least

>> No.18032020

>get dinner with friend before a movie
>was told it would be a 15 minute wait, which was fine since we some time to spare
>check 20 mins later and it seemed like waitress had forgotten about us
>was initially okay with wait time since restaurant might have wanted to limit customer exposure with each other but the distribution of people inside didn't make any sense
>menu is heavily slimmed down according to friend
>complementary nachos were too salty and mushy
>order takes a long time to come
>steak was overcooked and dry
>mushrooms came out late since kitchen overcooked the first attempt; mushrooms I got were sour for some reason
>plate had two onion rings for some reason
>also had a large piece of raw broccoli that was lazily added
>sauteed bell peppers were decent
>coleslaw had no flavor
>would've been more pissed about the price if friend hadn't offered to take care of the bill
>despite buffer time and eating quickly, was almost late to movie

I suppose the best thing I could say was that the meal didn't make me sick and force me to miss the movie.

>> No.18032077

This is why I never eat before a movie. I had to wait 40 minutes to get my food before and it ate all my buffer time plus the time that I was going to run an errand with. Can't trust shit.

>> No.18032094

Calling it out for what? Being the best way to sexually educate your children in a safe environment? What's the fucking relevance?

>> No.18032097

Anything on an event or holiday. Just don't go. Make a compromise with your family to have that dinner be +/- 3 days out for far better service

>> No.18032329
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Psychopath detected

>> No.18032365

this sounds like your all are overweight sub 80iq people.

>> No.18032380

Chef was hungry

>> No.18032389


>> No.18032428

but his rage made the pace better by firing this stupid bitch

>> No.18032429 [DELETED] 

Lmao fat brown deluded mutt cope harder

>> No.18032431

what a pussy

>> No.18032433

Fucking kek! I lost

>> No.18032435

had to wait in a pub for an hour for overpriced fish and chips and they gave me a glass of water 45 minutes in

>> No.18032442

We may have gone to the same pub.
I'm usually very unlikely to pipe up about wait times or bad service etc. but did one time in Dublin call a waitress over and ask if the chef had to go out and angle the damn fish before he could cook it for me.

>> No.18032464

odd, ive had one of those rock bowls and it wasnt bad, no grease or anything on it

>> No.18032541

Leave Pizza King alone. As far as local, state-wide chains go, it's the best.

>> No.18032846
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