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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18002900 No.18002900 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18002902
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I've been thinking of going to a local pigfarm to ask.

>> No.18002914

why does this look very long?

>> No.18002917

mm spicy piglet

>> No.18002923

You never had longpig, anon?

>> No.18002925

its long pig

>> No.18002928

you mean your mom? priceless.

>> No.18002930

What a stupid place to fall asleep.
He's gonna have a surprise when he wakes up.

>> No.18002936

once in china. it was alright.

>> No.18002937

I don't think he's gonna see it

>> No.18002940

dumb esl

>> No.18002945

That poor little pupper

>> No.18002980
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It begins.

>> No.18002981

yes, sunburn is terrible even to piggers.

>> No.18003004

God I wish that were me.

>> No.18003024

In America people eat an whole pig?

>> No.18003055

Free if you steal it

>> No.18003057

it's dead you freak

>> No.18003061

Do they really?


>> No.18003062
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> piglet disappearing into my oesophagus

>> No.18003072


>> No.18003093
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is he ok?

>> No.18003099

in some parts of the US you can do a pig picking. you get together with your friends/family and roast an entire pig over the course of the day.

it's one of those things I hope to attend at some point

>> No.18003133 [DELETED] 

Ex muslim here. I tried pork but it so fukn rich tasting, I nearly threw up the first time I tried it. I can only tolerate small portions, like two rashes of pork belly in a Ramen. And Bacon smells like my obese neighbour. I dunno man, eating a whole piglet is just unappetizing. I guess its something you just have to grow up eating like eating lamb brains is for Arabs. I can totally see why obesity is a problem in the west when youve got people eating such fatty animals like piggys.

Honestly, it was a major disappointment. I thought with the way you cunts describe swine, it would be some heavenly forbidden food. But nah, most of the time it taste like chicken smothered in my obese neighbours armpit juices. Altho alcohol on the other hand was better than I thought. I love fruity stouts.

>> No.18003140
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Ex muslim here. I tried pork but it so fukn rich tasting, I nearly threw up the first time I tried it. I can only tolerate small portions, like two rashes of pork belly in a Ramen. And Bacon smells like my obese neighbour. I dunno man, eating a whole piglet is just unappetizing. I guess its something you just have to grow up eating like eating lamb brains is for Arabs. I can totally see why obesity is a problem in the west when youve got people eating such fatty animals like piggys.

Honestly, it was a major disappointment. I thought with the way you white cunts describe swine, it would be some heavenly forbidden food. But nah, most of the time it taste like chicken smothered in my obese neighbours armpit juices. Altho alcohol on the other hand was better than I thought. I love fruity stouts.

>> No.18003160
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Try what's best, not greasy shit like bacon

>> No.18003170

nah, pork has a off after taste that reminds of my sweaty obese neighbour. I think Im just gonna give up on eating little piggy. Atleast I now know that Im not missing out on anything. And I can use pig fat to better my home made beef sausages.

>> No.18003173

You might be gay for that neighbour of yours

>> No.18003174

At least you get to enjoy alcohol now. I wish I could drink it but I had to quit because I became an alcoholic. I still miss drinking beer which is what I did before I started drinking bottles of vodka.

I like pork but it isn't my favorite meat. I can take it or leave it.

>> No.18003181

Cooked or fresh/raw?
Cooked, I can get a proper suckling pig for $275, boneless (though with the head, trotters and tail still intact). That's about 35ish lbs.
I'd go for a larger pig, though. I can get one for $400ish for 85ish lbs, deboned or $300ish for 100-110ish lbs cleaned but otherwise whole (bones and all, less the organs).
A raw/fresh hog is much, much cheaper, with a 42ish lb hanging weight suckling pig (yielding about 22ish lbs of meat once cooked) costing $125 or so. They will charge more if you need it butchers. I think it's $50 for processing.
Larger hogs cost less per pound but butchering is the same price.
This is in my area, anyway, at the local roasteries and abattoir. Idk about elsewhere.

>> No.18003183

Shes an old single fat Croatian woman in her 50s that my mom forced me to help her out with clearing out her garden every spring when I was younger. She loved her bacon and although I rarely entered her kitchen, I can smell it in her sweat whenever I was around her in her backyard.

>> No.18003186

first step is getting people that want to be around you. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. you should just go to your local fast food joint and call it a day. If you haven't already.

>> No.18003193

On every board, during very rare occasions you find that nugget of sage advice in a veritable sea of shit.

>> No.18003194

I'm >>18003181
One guy at that roastery is a /current/ Mohammedan. He doesn't eat it, but he handles it all damn day.
His sister-in-law used to be my cleaning lady. She said the entire Mosque treats him (and to a lesser extent, his wife) like they have a communicable disease and avoid being near him, if possible. idk how a Muzzie roasts and cuts pork all day, but he's a nice guy and excepting this particular thing, quite devout.

>> No.18003207

hey, I'm an idiot. I'm sick today because I drank about 15 white russians at my local last night. Drinking beer now hoping I feel better for when my wife comes home from work so I can sit on the beach while she swims.

>full blown alcoholic here

>> No.18003220

I guess thats one of the few benefits of beginning to drink alcohol in your mid 20s. You dont form binge drinking habits as a result of peer pressure from teenage alcoholics in college or from family members even before. My uncle is a white dude married my aunt whos a lib muslim veterinarian apparently his Vietnam war vet dad made him drink when he was 15 as a coping mechanism for his emotional rage because his mother died young. A lot of dudes I know can only process uncomfortable emotions when drunk because thats what their boomer fathers did so they end with alcoholism because its an emotional outlet for them. Kinda sad hey

>> No.18003259

>if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.18003299

sleep tight, pigger

>> No.18003320

> How much do a Suckling Pig cost?

dunno man ask your mom what her rates are

>> No.18003347
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back in my 20s when I would sex travel I would always go to these pig roasts with a girl in the phillipenes
shit was delicious

>> No.18003350

Just fuck her, dude

>> No.18003354

> sex travel
Name all your STDs

>> No.18003378

come to texas. we have a feral hog problem. there's no bag limit.

>> No.18003419

You can literally book a chopper and shoot them with machine guns.

>> No.18003464

you should really kys

>> No.18003493

about tree fiddy

>> No.18003550

Ming Na, Carriad, Alice, Lenora, Genevieve, Tori and Kevin.

>> No.18003556

How can you shoot sows and piglets?

>> No.18003565

Damn. That mood shift. Damn.

>> No.18003575

>in her 50s

>> No.18003582

>How can you shoot sows and piglets?
You already know.

>> No.18003593

>insert full metal jacket reference here

>> No.18003746

>t. male sex tourist country natives getting their women appropriated by lower middle class fatties from around the globe

>> No.18003756

>When your girl sticks something bigger than her finger in

>> No.18003774
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Is that all?

>> No.18003785

Well, I got Cariad twice. I guess you could say I got Cariadway.

>> No.18003797

i'm an animal eater but this makes me sad.

>> No.18003812
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My uncle paid like 250,00 € for a pig + setup for his 60th

>> No.18003836

>hey, this stroggification isn't half ba-

>> No.18003843

this is in reverse, the pig looks cozy after getting stunned by electricity

>> No.18003872

i-is he ok?

>> No.18003891

yeah he’s just sleeping

>> No.18003905
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Think piggy will be okay?

>> No.18003910

It's just getting a bath.

>> No.18003916
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She'll be fine.

>> No.18003996

s-sleep tight lil pigga...

>> No.18004061

Why are you tasting your neighbour enough to know what he compares to?

>> No.18004076

I tend to find the opposite, a lot of kids in the UK start drinking around 15, and you're sort of bored of it by 22. It lasts a bit longer if you go to Uni but I can't imagine just drinking like, 4 cans or something on a casual night like I hear is common in the US

Of course among the people who go out to clubs and shit regularly, they continue to get shitfaced but most normal people don't drink nearly as much as people did even 50 years ago

>> No.18004081

I'd say it's probably kinder to kill the piglets rather than let them starve to death if you've killed their mother

>> No.18004088

Do you think someone could run a hunting business where you take people up to the woods, paying you for the experience, and then you sell the pig meat to someone?

You could fancy it up by pretending they get to eat some of the pig they shot by having a barbeque restaurant as well

I'm no expert though and I don't know if wild pig is even safe to eat with parasites and stuff

>> No.18004105


>> No.18004493

Y'all need to google "bung dropper".

>> No.18004506

do not hurt the pige

>> No.18004517


>> No.18004536

I remember those feels. Phew lad don't miss the sauce.

>> No.18004545

Pretty sure there are issues about selling game meat, food safety bullshit. You can kill and eat as many as you want yourself and of course share, just can't sell the meat IIRC.

>> No.18004550
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what you're looking for is la caja china

>> No.18004707

Could you sell it as part of a restraunt? I think the guy's on to something with a hunting business, but honestly I doubt it tastes that good wild. Then again, if it's a barbecue restraunt then you barely taste the meat underneath all the sauce and spices anyway, and it's always going to be tender the way it's done

I think california transplants especially would be willing to pay big bucks to feel like a man for a weekend, especially the ones who don't want to own a gun themselves. They always try to fit in by spending money, basically all hat and no cattle sort of fags. The meat sale would just really be a cherry on top, and if you can't sell it you could always give it away to friends and family at least

>> No.18004718

market hunting is illegal.

>> No.18004805
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Long pig is loooong

>> No.18004813
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I want to spit roast Anthony from linus teach tips

>> No.18004834

$4.39 a pound, avg 50 lb. Price from local Costco

>> No.18004836

Young meat is the tastiest, piglet, veal, lamb and pullet

>> No.18004844

correction: that's the as-delivered price for costco business. Retail pick up I think it's a bit less that $3.

>> No.18005007

>overcooking pork loin
Better add some ketchup while you're at it

>> No.18005012

white people are savages

>> No.18005036

I know Costco Business Center sells suckling pig.

As for Costco Warehouse, you may have to ask the Meat Department

>> No.18005044

based doorgunner

>> No.18005207
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At least one guy got it.

>> No.18006351
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>> No.18006484
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Depends on weight. 20kg around 4-5h, 30kg 5-6h, 15kg 3-4h (from my experience)

>> No.18006499

>sleep tight porker

>> No.18006522

Like 3 times/Kg than the most expensive cut.

>> No.18006584

Like what

>> No.18006622

My uncle has a similar business but with ducks.

And yes wild hog is safe to eat as long as you process quickly after eating it. People don’t do it because wild hog isn’t considered the best meat. Generally animals taste good when they plants and bad when they eat meat. Farm pigs are mostly fed on corn but hogs will eat meat as well when foraging. Combine that with less food and testosterone if male you end up with low quality meat. When people do eat it they mostly just eat the back.

>> No.18006839

Her dick

>> No.18006956

everyone got it, you fucking redditor

>> No.18006968

I guess that reference has something in common with your whore mother then

>> No.18006970

>the china box

>> No.18006976
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