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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 830x261, 4BDA896C-8C73-44D8-8165-C1DDB07B7CAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17988606 No.17988606 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17988607

You deserve it for being a fast food cuck.

>> No.17988610
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 20220615_003410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone ever even consider paying this

>> No.17988622

pay the tax dumb goy

>> No.17988844

33 bucks? for kfc? lmao

>> No.17988921

tendies have gone up in price, pls understand

>> No.17988944

to 2.80 each?

>> No.17988962


>> No.17988965

learn to cook at home fatty

>> No.17988967

pls understand, putin controls the chicken markets

>> No.17989024

>inflation hits, rising prices
>less people go to fast food, as they no longer feel it is worth it
>with less customers, each item sold must have a higher profit margin
>increase prices again
>repeat less people going to fast food
>repeat the need the to increase profit margins on each item
its a vicious cycle

>> No.17990355

People are gonna rise up

>> No.17990360

The fatso insurrection will not be televised

>> No.17990397 [DELETED] 


>> No.17990405
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>> No.17990413

Meds. Biden isn't the only geriatric going after our money. Trumby was too

>> No.17990464 [DELETED] 

Blumpf lost

>> No.17990631

>uber eats

>> No.17990646

is the implication that you'll use 1/2 a cup of dipping sauce per tender? if so, that's the fucking "would you like coffee with your sugar" meme but with tendies and honey musty.
based gas station biden poster
democcracy is a fraud retard

i've never once purchased or eaten KFC. based off its menu, sit-down restaurants are cheaper so idk why it's even considered fast food.

>> No.17990657
File: 195 KB, 769x424, 1652864146508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popeyes tenders are also dumb priced normally, but with coupons/offers they can be decently affordable.

>> No.17990905

>Biden isn't the only geriatric going after our money. Trumby was too
>lowered taxes for the working class, increasing their takehome pay every paycheck
>cheap affordable gas for 4 years
>barrels of oil went to $0
>lowest unemployment rate across all races of citizens
>mortgage rates were 2% for 30 year loans
uhhuh, right. let me go get your meds for you grandpa

>> No.17990914

Has to be Leaf or Aussiebucks

>> No.17990915

lmao he lowered your taxes with a promise to increase your taxes over the next decade after that.

Basically handing whoever became the next president a long-term tax increase on the working class.

>> No.17991095

trump being a retard doesn't make potato joe destroying your life ok

>> No.17991100

luld hard at that. Well done

>> No.17991114

I hope you guys have stopped ordering from restaurants
They legitimately need to suffer

>> No.17991121

I don't order fast food or from any large chain. Just the same few small ones I trust. Imagine paying for fast food, kek

>> No.17991135

Kinda based

>> No.17991147

This. Imagine paying for "food" of that (lack of) quality.
If you want chicken so bad buy a fryer and do it yourself.
3 orders of tendies and you've recouped your money.

>> No.17991861

>what is signing another EO to extend the tax breaks continually

>> No.17992002
File: 356 KB, 736x725, 1654170462745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look he is doing his best and me and the other 81 million patriots who voted for this man of integrity will be proven right as he corrects this mess he inherited from orange man and putler now send another 6 billion to ukraine

>> No.17992010

>cheap affordable gas for 4 years
Only the one year he locked down the country so there was nowhere to drive.

>> No.17992032

that's clearly a box and not a bucket

>> No.17992035

Baby's first failure at supply and demand

>> No.17992050

I agree with you covid was a scam
No he didn't.

>> No.17992057

>lower taxes
>economy grows
>raise taxes to new equilibrium level
>rinse and repeat
If did have the brain of a 12-year-old you might understand basic economics. Could further specify how this policy has affected the price of chicken fingers, my good brainlet?

>> No.17992064

The last time i ate mcdonalds was when we came back from the bars at 4 am and nothing was open, so my friend bought McDonald's, 3 burgers each plus fries and everything. I could only eat half a mcdouble before calling it quits and still had diarrhea. He devoured it all.

>> No.17992068

Pretty much this, Republicans, despite being the 'lower spending, cut taxes' generally spend more on frivolous saber rattling and other inane shit than the Democrats do. Then if the Dems try to spend money on anything actually good the Republicans scream that they're over budget despite always doing the same thing. If you look at the trends post Nixon, prior to Nixon it was doing good under both parties, the Republicans have always raised the debt compared to GDP while the Dems have always lowered it except Obama who had to inherit Bush's bullshit where G.W. raised it more than any president with the exception being Roosevelt's term during WW2. Dems also increase the total debt by less on average.

>> No.17992077

I remember there were rumblings about a chicken tender shortage half a year ago and it looks like it's finally here.

>> No.17992082
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Was not

>> No.17992130

Unvaxxed and covid free here

>> No.17992138
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>> No.17992140

>Then if the Dems try to spend money on anything actually good

>> No.17992142

Uhh ukraine you racist

>> No.17992144
File: 579 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220613-192642_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it through uncucked. I truly did it.

>> No.17992160
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This time maybe

>> No.17992183
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Lmao fast foods cucks rekt.. albany new york.

>> No.17992185

>bruo what is capitalism??

>> No.17992187

this is why we need putin gone

>> No.17992190

Read an introductory economics book and you'll find out

>> No.17992200
File: 177 KB, 1314x505, jollibee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to switch to Jollibee, you get 16 for only $32.80.

>> No.17992206

make me

>> No.17992222

>he actually stayed inside
LMAOing @ ur life

>> No.17992230

No, the more ignorant people the better my relative position in society

>> No.17992239

This, fuck the entire industry, owners, workers, customers all.

>> No.17992461

who the fuck needs 6 dips for 12 tendies?

>> No.17992478

based popeyes is basically half the price of KFC >>17992183

>> No.17993426

Do Americans think that they're the only ones dealing with inflation and high petrol prices?

>> No.17993431

lmao don't most of the Malcolm X wannabe types hate Ukraine because it's a white supremacist CIA Nazi state and the media is giving it more attention than non-white countries at war?

>> No.17993441 [DELETED] 

yes because the rest of the world doesn't exist

>> No.17993445

the rest of the world suffers when america does bad and that's the big brain take. when shit's bad here only the big brains know shit's worse everywhere else, yet other country's leaders couldn't help but welcome a stolen election

>> No.17993447

Who gives a shit about you lmao

>> No.17994265

They literally do

>> No.17994290

That's not even a bucket.

>> No.17994353

Based Biden making Amerifats lose weight through inflation and food shortages. Childhood obesity will be a thing of the past now that baby formula has to be rationed and imported from overseas.

>> No.17994614

Trump Adm. highest annual budget was $800b vs Biden's $1.3t.
You're full of shit. Dems are in favor of the same levels of defense spending for different projects. They never once dig in against new contracts.

>> No.17994629

>If did have the brain

>> No.17994699

>buying kfc
>post y2k restructuring and corporate neglect

>> No.17994700

now that you mention it, that actually is a pretty good plan
I never thought of it like that before

>> No.17994785

>Printed 80% of our money just to prop up the stock market causing our current inflation ( the war in Ukraine doesn't remotely affect our fucking inflation)
>Shut businesses down but didn't offer anyone compensation or support
>Basically gave trillions to every business that didn't need it while working people got evicted from their homes.

Go fuck yourself

>> No.17995237

Trump shut businesses down? Really now? That's a very selective memory you've got there.

>> No.17995245

>almost 3 dollars per tender
What the fug?

>> No.17995249
File: 343 KB, 507x535, Ffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump shut businesses down? Really now? That's a very selective memory you've got there.

>> No.17995344

uh-oh someone's seething

>> No.17995367

I don't give two shits about Ukraine or Russia, that's a matter they need to sort out on their own, it's not a problem for the USA.
Malcky X, I don't give two shits, I'm not a nigger.

>> No.17995368

>Shut businesses down but didn't offer anyone compensation or support
uh trump wasn't in favor of shutting down anything, he literally said he wanted to get rid of the lockdowns asap if elected. meanwhile poopy pants biden kept things locked down and fired you if you didn't get the jab, the second jab, and a booster at risk of fining each business $40k/day/employee not vaccinated. but go ahead, choose to be a goldfish and take another booster

>> No.17995377

>Printed 80% of our money just to prop up the stock market causing our current inflation ( the war in Ukraine doesn't remotely affect our fucking inflation)
that's the federal reserve, you know the independent financial institution that the president doesn't have control over. but go ahead, blame orange man because you're illiterate

>> No.17995381

go to zaxbys and get 20 for $20

>> No.17995417

Fuck yeah rep zaxbys

>> No.17995420

Just because you're smart enough not to make this decision doesn't mean the retarded middle managers at KFC are too. Kfc has been progressively lowering quality and increasing price for years, they aren't properly managed

>> No.17995424
File: 40 KB, 264x400, Secrets_of_The_Temple-William_Greider-326358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you...
Secrets of The Temple
by William Greider

>> No.17995457

Costs 20 gel here in Georgia (the country, not the US state), ie $6.50.
Feels good man.

>> No.17995782

Ok so why did the gov give so many handouts to billionaires and ignored the hundred million Americans who lost all their savings.

>> No.17995837

>eviction moratorium
>6 months deferment of mortgage payments w/ easy payback terms
Dude saved my ass. Also, only president who bought me a $100 bottle of scotch. Would vote for him again. If old Joe did the same, I would thank him too.

You are just upset at imaginary things brother.

>> No.17995842

>what is offshoring inflation with the petrol dollar?
When Rome suffers, the provinces suffer worse.

>> No.17996840

Trump did that you dumb fuck.

>> No.17997238

do you regret "ridin' with biden" yet

>> No.17997273

niggers in shambles, cant afford dey chikins

>> No.17997279

less customers means less demand means more supply means lower prices

>> No.17997281
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Oh lord Jesus no, not my tendies

>> No.17997290

>>lowered taxes for the working class, increasing their takehome pay every payche
Yeah by eliminating all the exemptions that made you pay less taxes you dumb fuck. If I didn't know you were a dumb zoomers I'd say you probably thought bush giving everyone 300$ before 2003 was a sign of a strong economy

>> No.17998690

Trump WAS the one who dumped 35% more currency into the market (inflation) but that nigger Biden gave away $40 billion dollars of american money to fucking Ukraine instead of helping americans

>> No.17998735

Does that mean that the Good Boy Point economy is going to be hit by inflation?

>> No.17998740

>why didn't biden give out that 40 billion to americans, that would have helped inflation!!!
also it wasn't 40 billion to ukraine, but judging by your post you probably never read more than a headline.

>> No.17998749

>what are fixed costs
You just buy less supply if you sell less product

>> No.17998783

You literally have these guys by the balls, don't buy and they'll bankrupt themselves.

>> No.17998851

you really need a spare billion added to the end you autistic faggot?

>> No.17998857

it was already printed you retarded faggot. if its out in the world people can spend it. godamn youre fucking stupid.

>> No.17998866

USD in ukraine is still USD. why are commies so fucking bad at economics

>> No.18000007
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>still blame trump on everything

>> No.18000195

it's 5 dollars cheaper on uber eats where I'm at and the list price is 21 dollars so something fucky is going on

>> No.18000212

Explain how.
I'm curious to see how retarded your logic is.

>> No.18000219
File: 813 KB, 2427x1305, kfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, just looked it up near me and it's $40 on doordash. granted, doordash bumps up the price and i live in an expensive city but still

>> No.18000236

Presidents don't control the economy or the price of gas, and Trump left Biden with one of the worst economies ever if you've forgotten.

>> No.18000263

>cost of input and labor go up
>welp better just lose money so fatsos have cheap tendies

>> No.18000302
File: 753 KB, 1310x1077, 1624071035871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my local KFC pricing.
And here is popeyes to compare >>17990657

The big difference is popeyes regularly has dine-in/carryout deals on their tenders and KFC doesn't.

>> No.18000308
File: 394 KB, 1244x993, 1626663299635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if I go to full-price non-couponed popeyes menu, it's very similar to KFC pricing.

>> No.18000376
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how can trump leave a bad economy if presidents don't control the economy?

>> No.18000750
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>> No.18000777

what frozen chicken tendies can I buy at the stores worth it? Which brands? Didn't eat any of that in years

>> No.18000785

>48.86 for a culver's combo

>> No.18000791

The fuck is a "regulatory recovery fee"?

>> No.18000802

The municipality charges them a tax for price gouging and killing local businesses that they're not allowed to directly pass on to the customer, so they just make up a new fee.

>> No.18000813

some states make doordash classify their workers as official employees, this means they have to give them more rights

>> No.18000831

I stopped going to chain places a while ago. Fuck chipotle. Fuck taco bell for fucking up their menu. Fuck McDonald's and BK.
I just go to local places now.

>> No.18000840

Sorry, we burned down all the chicken factories.
Bug based meals have been introduced if you can no longer afford luxury food items.

>> No.18000842

Foster's is good.
Honestly you could just get raw chicken, crispy lousiana batter, some corn oil, and some seasonings and fry your own for cheaper.

>> No.18000879


>> No.18000911

why when you can buy twice as many tendies in the supermarket frozen section for $12?
also the 12piece bucket has been like $44 for a while now

>> No.18000914

Before the new Soros paid authoritarian mods delete this thread, I want to tell OP that his post was perfectly inline with this board's primary topic and that they should not feel dismissed if they get a temp ban for having made it. You are justified for starting this conversation and if this were 10 years ago you wouldnt have been repremanded for it.

>> No.18000949

>delivery cuck


>> No.18000977

>Millions lost their savings

Bruh I was making $1000 a week in unemployment under tumpy. If you somehow lost your savings in the lockdown it sounds like it's completely your fault for being shit at finance lmao

>> No.18000995

Because businesses got a special "covid relief" pay per employee.
It's also why big businesses got so much fucking money.

>> No.18001032

Is it really so hard to make your own tendies? If you have an oven and tray, you're set!

>> No.18001199
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It is completely made up economic problems.

Also Solar paint is a thing.


>> No.18001200
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You are a hero and why society exists.

It’s time for a new 4chan. New websites.
A new good Internet

>> No.18001204
File: 224 KB, 1920x1280, 11D5731F-4EB5-43B0-87E0-A1112DB91B21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time to reduce military spending and stop giving money to Israel when Israel can do actual good diplomacy instead.

>> No.18001208
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>> No.18001213

internet's been dead for a while now hoss

>> No.18001215

yeah they're not even good. I had kfc tenders once this year and they were greasy, undercooked and fucking disgusting

>> No.18001218

Not everyone is poor. If 33 dollars seems like a lot of money to you, then you've got bigger problems than chicken tenders.

>> No.18001219
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>> No.18001220

That’s how economies work. We live in the economy the previous guy gives us that the current guy either has to fix or not break

>> No.18001228
File: 120 KB, 750x750, 65FCE914-3755-43C5-A7BB-7BC95E9F494B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Twitter account.

The Internet never dies.

It is only growing stronger.

Breathe in the ashes. All only makes goodness and love grow ever stronger.

All forces of goodness are ever united and ever growing together.

The only god is love!


>> No.18001231
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Accountability is good.

>> No.18001234
File: 1.90 MB, 2800x1600, 7466B439-9AF2-4D86-88F0-197F7E71E1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such as exploitation and inequality.

>> No.18001385

Like the economy is some baton that presidents pass to each other. The president can only propose legislation, appoint staff members, and write or veto bills. If you actually want this country to benefit you for a change, start by executing everyone in Congress and the Federal Reserve. They decide how your economy is run. That and the MIC.

>> No.18001416

I'd eat a bug if it was properly cleaned and slathered in oil and breading, but it better be a meaty fuckin bug like a centipede or a herc beetle. Miss me with that roach milk shit.

>> No.18001421
File: 369 KB, 450x900, 0E1F6F0A-9F4E-4B05-9BCC-D8109741818B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China says fuck off forever.
Look up cultured meats.

We need almighty antitrust laws and ever refining of democracy

No money in lobbying

Direct democracy

They can’t just give all our money to Israel with no input. The USA would be better off with every state ceding from the union

>> No.18001427

>cultured meats
bretty neat actually

>> No.18001443

nah we call them crispy strips

>> No.18001449

Less demand means lowered production

>> No.18001459
File: 304 KB, 2202x1642, 1655422504341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The president controls the EPA, which he uses to neuter domestic energy production

>> No.18001475

Don't reply to the bot/schizo.

>> No.18001484

He inherited an economy that was in an artificial coma from memeflu lockdowns and all he had to do was literally nothing and bask in the glow of the natural recovery instead of hitching his wagon to socialist eurofag policies by blowing out the spending and reinstating every restriction and then some that trump had removed. I seriously doubt you can comprehend anything I just typed so just know midterms are going to be a fucking bloodbath for you mongrels

>> No.18001485
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lmao at the op not responding to this reply

>> No.18001491
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Yeah. Food is destined to be free and perfect for all.

We should only have solar EVs on the road. Solar paint exists.

I never love evil.

>> No.18001517
File: 506 KB, 1125x1357, F24CA76C-1152-4237-B724-598A0F1DDD05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not good to support Biden failing to create real progress.

I get that some Jews are scared but real progress is good for all. If things continue to get worse, it’ll only get worse for Israel. The only god is love.

So choose good change.

All the world is interconnected.

Be honest to yourself.
And if you are failing to make good judgments then change and learn.

We’re all in this together. Regardless of how angry I am at all of you.

Lets have a wholly good world for all.

>> No.18001542
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>doesn't live within walking distance of everything in their day to day life

>> No.18001553

I'm going to spread my asshole and stick your head in there and release a diarrhea fart

>> No.18001589


I can't believe tendies would become that expensive. What a horrible world to live in.

>> No.18001594

So many posts on this board read like a middle age woman trying very hard to act like a 15 year old

>> No.18001604

>we need anti trust laws and a crackdown on bribery
>we need direct democracy

>> No.18001609

Le ebin just make your own it's super easy and better fag has arrive

>> No.18001631

>does the sloppiest withdrawl ever witnessed in modern times
>Gets half involved in Ukraine and dumps money on them without any sort of accountability
>Still shitting up things around Syria
Nice try Uniparty cuck, you take that bait hook line and sinker every fuckin time. Go shit up /pol/, I'm here for quality food content, not your shitpost on turbogigawelfare queens in DC that have managed to mangle the domestic market since the .com boom.

>> No.18001670

>Do people really relate to their own situation in their own country?

Also yes the president in this case does effect gas prices, along with every NATO leader. One of the effects of the sanctions is that countries who are a part of NATO, who previously traded with Russia for goods, are now competitors in the global market. IIRC Germany got most of it's oil from Russia. When that is no longer the case it has to buy from places that supply the US for example, increasing demand and therefore the price. These sanctions are full on retarded and have failed based on the timeline we were given for them to work, and them compounding with inflation means we pay more for tendies. I don't care about some Ukrainian family if I can't get my tendies

>> No.18001671

I see this thread broke someone's brain