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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17996765 No.17996765 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17996775

Saweetie needs to eat a Sawed-off

>> No.17996781

First you think her name is retarded and then you realize her parents named her Diamonté Quiava Valentin Harper and it's really not so bad.

>> No.17996786

we are in hell

>> No.17996788

Instead of doing this retarded shit, why don't they just start selling their own version of animal-style fries

>> No.17996795

No, hell is repetition. We know this isn't hell yet because it's always a fresh hell.

>> No.17996855

We had the Popeyes Saweetie thing in Canada and no one has ever heard of whoever the fuck that is besides maybe some West Africans and Haitians larping as yanks

>> No.17996865

is that a person, and are they mentally retarded

>> No.17996923
File: 1.98 MB, 1281x2000, Saweetie-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a rap star.


>> No.17996928
File: 70 KB, 500x600, 0F8BA68C-64C3-45CF-BFEF-355025844995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’s right goyi… I mean guys, your favorite programming update distribution personalities now all enjoy buying extra goyslop items and assembling them in new arrangements that express their own artistic vision and personal tastes so you should copy them because we understand how unique you are and know you live life your own way! So come on, add a side of fried chicken product to your side of fried potato, grab a few extra packets of corn syrup tomato paste, and express yourself!
Asteroid when?

>> No.17996934

she looks like she has herpes but doesn't know it

>> No.17996937

so yes to both

>> No.17996958
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>> No.17996968
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>anything can be a sandwich
>when maccas sells burgers, not sandwiches

>> No.17996971

So could I get a burger that's just buns cheese and a fuckload of fries?

>> No.17997278


>> No.17997298

I don't know who Saweetie is, I'm guessing from the clouds in the image and the text and the fact that this website is super gay, that it's a drag queen or something.

But he is right, fries on top of a burger is great. The dip can be a topping is also reasonable, and almost a stupid thing to say and it's not clear to me whether people argue against it.
Anything can be a sandwich is stupid.

>> No.17997458

/pol/troons feeling victimized by food part 128

>> No.17997464
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Based and Life-Is-Hell-Pilled.

>> No.17997526

more like JP Whiskers ahah :)

>> No.17997569

Cringe existentialist edgelord. Go read the stranger for the 7th time you loser

>> No.17997597

It's a female rapper, nigga.

>> No.17997615
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>> No.17997630

They're still trying to shake their happy meal playground vibes, so they're trying their best to appeal to the 16-24 year old crowd. They want teenagers and college kids going there after class for their McCafe™ Caramel Lattes and 20 piece McNugget™. They don't care about the 30+s that just want decent fast food.

>> No.17997761

goyslob is my new favorite word

>> No.17997766

She just shorten it to Dia Harper when she introduces herself. Idk who she is but that name sounds alright to me.

>> No.17997768

that new meal looks hella lit, going to buy it and make a video/socialmedia story about it so everyone sees that I ate the new MC meal

>> No.17999154


>> No.17999159

You're suppose to explode my mouth with entertainment not make me PUUUUKE!

>> No.17999160

Good one anon! I can always count on your to bring a smile to my face.

>> No.17999188

Music sucks, but she's pretty at least.

>> No.17999216

MuhDicks basically admitting that not a single respectable person buys from them anymore with this new ad campaign.

>> No.17999220
File: 80 KB, 660x760, dojacatboyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder that Doja Cat only dates dorky, weird looking white dudes. Yes, that means you can get it.

>> No.17999230
File: 223 KB, 1401x660, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bad news fren, it's only going to get much worse

>> No.17999235

is she? >>17999220
it's literally a monkey with makeup

>> No.17999245

She's half Jewish. She also used to post on 4chan.

>> No.17999247

Thats a different woman.
Are you faceblind or can't read the different names?

>> No.17999261
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1648872853821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those frilly daisy-dukes with the fly wide open and the g-string hiked up on her hips

>> No.17999268

you're right, but my point still stands, they're both literally monkeys with makeup

>> No.17999271

...burgers are sandwiches. Also, they sell chicken sandwiches and fish sandwiches.

>> No.18000655

half black, half jewish, woman posting on 4chan
is she masochist or something?

>> No.18000666

Can you tell the faces of monkeys apart?
Legit had problems telling people apart by faces the first week I was in Japan. After a month it was much, much easier though. Human pattern/facial recognition is quite amazing.

>> No.18000665

It was before literal white supremacists took over.

>> No.18000668

>saweetie eats like a dumb nigger
Okay good to know McDs. Thanks for the info

>> No.18000847

you mean the chicken burger and the fish burger?

>> No.18000858

I imagine myself entering McDonald's, walking up to the counter to place my order. I address the middle aged Salvadorian woman who is shaped like a bag of potatoes, and say "I'll have the Travis Scott meal." She would reply "what to drink" and I would look at her quizzically and say "I said Travis Scott meal... I gotta have my Sprite." She will say "anyting else" to which I would reply confidently "yeah. Cactus Jack sent me," as I crack a smug sidegrin, slyly pull out my wallet, and place my AmEx Gold in the chip reader before she even tells me the total.

She hands me the medium drink cup and the receipt, while I wonder why she even asked what I wanted to drink, when everyone knows the Travis Scott Meal is supposed to come with a Sprite. You would think someone who WORKS at McDonald's would know that, but once again I am smarter than the fast food wage slaves th-


I glance down at my receipt, and see that my number 135 has not yet been called. The fat construction worker standing by the drink machine walks up to get his order. Why did he get his food first? I am about to ask to speak with the manager because their employees are obviously

>> No.18001657

literally fucking who

>> No.18001695

Any proof on that? Beyond your word that is.

>> No.18001703

nah she gay

>> No.18001712

>Retarded ways of eating food
>It's a dumb darkie
Color me surprised.

>> No.18001726
File: 842 KB, 662x799, modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget what they took from you

>> No.18002072

>jail build in 1968
>jail build in 2012
jail design has come a long way

>> No.18002081

Can it with the PC trannyposting did you forget where you are? Drag queens are men

>> No.18003168

I want the mcfuture where the meat is a brick of xanax

>> No.18003192

Mmm choccy milkers

>> No.18003280

Why are they like this?