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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17987568 No.17987568 [Reply] [Original]

Feelings on Lab-Grown-Meat?

>> No.17987571

Nothing says "climate conscious" like using 1000x the energy to grow a tasteless slab of mystery meat

>> No.17987574

>zebra sushi rolls
Thats like eating raw horse meat wtf would anyone want that?

>> No.17987580

its stupid, uses more earth resources to make the sloppa, hard pass

>> No.17987591
File: 624 KB, 1402x1583, 77A1B027-0719-4E76-AEA4-86BFF5FF6A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It uses basically zero energy and resources and makes meat free.

It’s real meat. Growing without a head. Being fed mulch and water.

Infinite free wagyu for all!

I would.

>> No.17987609

wondering how long this takes to grow and how much energy it costs to create it.
maybe in 20 years but now its the "too much money for a shitty product" because new

>> No.17987615

it's neat, I'd try it, but I'd rather my meat come from an animal and not a lab.

>> No.17987627

All of these stories smell like r/futurology bullshit. What's the actual process used to produce "lab-grown" steaks like this? Do they have a whole tiger hooked up to life support, or are they growing tissue in vitro? Do we really have the technology to grow entire muscle groups with connective tissue in vitro? When did that happen at a scale suitable for commercial meat production?

>> No.17987628
File: 131 KB, 600x858, E9727DB4-96D2-4DDA-AD7F-2A90F239E6A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costs no energy. You can make the meat plant grow rapidly like vines and fill deserts with meat.

It makes meat free.

Does it require death if it’s the same thing?
It’s real meat.
You can even use your own meat samples and make cultured-meat at home.

>> No.17987630

fake and gay

>> No.17987635
File: 2.46 MB, 6115x2532, 1BB4EC71-CAFE-42B4-955E-12DA22EA5E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it up.

You take a meat sample, and it is continued to be fed nutrients and it just grows exponentially.

Meat is not much different from a plant or fungus.
If it is still fed the right stuff, it’ll keep living and growing.

This breaks the game.
Game-breaking like the salt-water rice that China just invented.

>> No.17987637
File: 75 KB, 528x387, FD972AEF-E68C-4572-9D78-1B69954BA8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have nutrients, and its mostly indigestible. That's why they want you to eat it, you're their slaves.

>> No.17987639

Gotcha. r/futurology bullshit from a /ck/ shitposter. Natch.

>> No.17987642
File: 180 KB, 750x1060, 6C61B0CD-34D2-4F11-90DB-0549ECD1C09D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What scares you?
It’s meat.

It’s scarier to think of how animals are treated and that humans aren’t treated much better. Animals are just humans that can’t talk.

>> No.17987646

What nutrients is it fed?

>> No.17987649
File: 522 KB, 1464x1576, 581DA9B9-591C-4D09-99C6-6B50C962936F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free real meat is free real meat.

You can write any story but it’s not going to change that this is real progress.

>> No.17987658

What kind of bot are you?

>> No.17987675

it's not the same thing though. one is from a lab one is from an animal.

>> No.17987679

>Animals are just humans that can’t talk.
and there we go. no they aren't.

>> No.17987680
File: 145 KB, 750x750, 82A9422F-C041-4A0E-9E26-AC58B686A52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it up.
I think it’s typical biomatter like what you get in grass. Mulch and water. And just fed tons and made to grow really really fast.

I’m an Angel sent from god to destroy all the evil and sucky-ness of this world. The only god and power is love and there’s nothing that anyone can do to stop people like me.

Also, every country is doing this. It purely empowers everyone ever more.

>> No.17987684

pitching? Wake me up when i can buy it

>> No.17987686
File: 199 KB, 805x727, A9EB9639-F6E8-4B1B-8C50-AC1ED8DC92BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is real meat.

Give me a good reason not to eat you.

The life of an evil person has less value than the life of a humble sheep.

>> No.17987690

this but get me a fucking dinosaur steak

>> No.17987691

Do you have any statistics on the energy costs of the process?

>> No.17987697

yeah it's like 100-150 on average

>> No.17987700
File: 38 KB, 512x512, 5620A788-86DF-4661-8046-C18FB6C42988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can do that if we get a little dinosaur matter or can find out what its matters chemical composition is.

And we know it’s similar to chicken meat.

Go look it up.
It inevitably null.
We can grow planets made of pure wagyu.

Besides, good GMOs are on the rise too.
I want house sized peaches.
And to live in mountain sized trees.

>> No.17987703

I am human, and there are laws against it, if there was, I have no problem with consensual cannibalism, animals can't consent because they are property. and exist at our fiat for the purpose of consumption.

>> No.17987704

100-150 whats to what?
Watts to grams? Shekels to hectares? Hogsheads to fortnights?

>> No.17987707

yeah sometimes like 175 but that's pretty rare I'm talking the average case obviously

>> No.17987711

>So much money is poured into meat labs, but even with that amount of money, the product still has a carbon footprint that is roughly five times the carbon footprint of chicken and ten times higher than plant-based processed meat

>> No.17987724 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2895x5086, D6A776F5-6413-490A-A139-8C4A86FC67D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my property so I shall now eat you.

Might makes right?

Morals are actually real and either learn that they are ever greater love or meet your morals.

>> No.17987729
File: 224 KB, 1920x1280, 3703F3E2-7146-4D47-859E-05E2A31BE706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thing you’ll say is that we shouldn’t have EVs because the batteries get put in landfills.

Go stick to your gas-chamber cities and eating people unknowingly in your hamburgers.

>> No.17987732

You're literally so retarded.

>> No.17987738
File: 470 KB, 1125x593, B4242F3B-BB52-4B30-A260-AB930B22086E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we’re on the threshold of infinite innovation and free food for all.

You prefer dystopia?

I choose heaven for all on earth.

>> No.17987740

morals are subjective and relative, but that's besides the point. 1) morals can't be applied to animals, they have no moral agency, so can not act or be acted upon immorally. 2) might doesn't make right, intelligence does. when cows have a globe spanning high tech civilization, they are free to eat all the lower animals they want.

>> No.17987741

Have any synth meats (not the plant shit) actually entered into volume production yet?

>> No.17987750

Dystopia is birthed when retards try to make utopia

>> No.17987752

How fast can you run a mile with that gaping tranny hole of yours?

>> No.17987760
File: 317 KB, 716x624, AFD296F9-01F4-4ADB-91BF-8D913C96AF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no moral agency, so can not act or be acted upon immorally.
You have no intelligence so I am free to eat you because you’re a lower animal that dares stand in the way of true progress.

Real goodness is good for all.
Now get in my mouth and become my potbelly.

This is real meat.
It’s like cutting a cows head off and continuing to feed the body air and and food through tubes.

>> No.17987773

I have moral agency evidenced by the fact that I reject yours, and so far I've demonstrated more intelligence than you. there is no "real goodness"

>> No.17987776
File: 661 KB, 1110x2127, A166D708-F473-4DF5-A6DD-B7D0B476B72C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the person who is un-ironically scared of cultured meats.

Describe your utopia. I’d love to hear it.

But there is only one true utopia. And I’m here to make all who desire to be immortal almighty gods into immortal almighty gods. Want to be mortal? That’s your life, not mine.

You sure are sensitive for a pork-chop.

>> No.17987789

utopia cannot exist without authoritarianism, because we don't all want the same things. the best we can get is a post scarcity society where all materials goods of any type are available to anyone who wants them.

>> No.17987797

>because the batteries get put in landfills

And produce toxic chemical lakes mining the raw materials but it's relegated to vassal states where people like you don't have to see it everyday. On top of the loss of efficiency turning fuel to electricity to charge said battery( the majority of electricity still coming from oil and coal with "alternative energies" being a tax scam that has never turned a profit. Even nuclear requires more money/resources to run and maintain than it produces in electricity). You would legitimaly use less fossil fuels driving an old used geo metro than any new electric vehicle

>> No.17987799
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, 3B83DA62-2CC7-46E6-A3AF-068CBA6141D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there’s no such thing as goodness then what’s moral agency to you?

Get in my stomach. You are less of a person than any sheep, cow, chicken, or pig.

>> No.17987809
File: 2.70 MB, 1917x1917, D571991B-7091-4A43-BFC3-B389F703912B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I’m your authoritarian leader.
And I choose cultured-meats to support this post scarcity world.

And I institute a real and ever innovative democracy. Antitrust laws, no money in lobbying, etc.

Go huff gas and die.
Not into gassy cars and gas chamber cities.

Innovation ever progressing.

For example


>> No.17987814

you must be 18 years or older and not a tranny to post here

>> No.17987858

Progress is a Hobbesian myth, and only a naive fool would believe in the "just around the corner for sure" retoric used to milk governments for funding

>> No.17987868

Yeah it's alright. I think it's affordable to mass produce it will really help out the climate situation and help ensure affordable protein in the dark days ahead.

Bet your ass the cattle lobby is gonna demonize it though. It's already becoming associated with the left.

>> No.17987889

you aren't my leader. we don't want the same things.

>> No.17987890
File: 188 KB, 750x977, 41ADCA44-9F12-4717-A171-AFB0BEBE0A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re one of those invader spammers that came over the past 4 years that actually hate 4chan eh?

Progress is the only reason society exists.

There is no left or right.
And the world is only getting better in spite of all badness.

Humanity always learns.

>> No.17987893
File: 46 KB, 1311x1242, D0916E4E-9BA0-46AD-B2E7-4163AE4E0CA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I’m authoritarian. As you asked and want. So you don’t have a choice.

Take your LSD and get pegged by your mandated super cutie tomboy brat.

>> No.17987894

>fi there’s no such thing as goodness then what’s moral agency to you?

deciding what I find to be good. there is no objective definition, just a subjective one relative to what I find bad.

>> No.17987897

lol they did "lion" and "tiger" because you need fetal cells to grow meat in a lab. Bovine fetal cells are expensive and cow pregnancies are long compared to... house cats. This is house cat meat lol!

>> No.17987900

the thing about authoritarianism, is that it doesn't work there's always a bigger fish.

>> No.17987902

i love you

>> No.17988063

I will not eat the bugs

>> No.17988072

Can it get out of the damn lab already?
Fuck ethics, I want genetically engineered catgirls

>> No.17988080

>It costs no energy.
this does not happen

>> No.17988083

there is no reason that all the mystery meat goyslop (burgers, kebab etc) can't be lab grown. fight me.

>> No.17988105

Honestly I’m all for lab grown meat, but OP is being such a fag about it that I’m gonna eat some field grown, bullet fed steak right now.

>> No.17988160
File: 585 KB, 1036x835, E759D741-0743-4051-93EF-C07BDAB0847D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo you just make it up as you go and no one should take what you say seriously especially since you don’t seem to desire a truly good world for all.

It has nothing to do with fetal cells


Any sample can be used. Including samples from your arm.

I’m in the biggest fish. I’m the spirit of heaven for all. True goodness is good for all.

I love you too.
Rule the world absolute and unconditionally. It’s all yours.
The future is good. And ever better.


Yes. You can do this tech at home.

Yes. We need genetic engineering. Turning everyone into almighty immortal magical gods.
This tech is a gateway.

It’s like if you genetically modified a redwood tree to grow as fast as a weed and as big as a mountain.

Cultured meat just needs water and mulch. And sometimes perhaps certain minerals.

Besides, solar-paint exists so energy is about to never be a problem.

Yeah, this is way better because it simply is REAL meat.
It’s just meat.
Made to grow without a head.

You’re such a baby.

>> No.17988359

Yeah I mean being dependent on technology and requiring fetal bovine serum by killing pregnant cows its totally zero resources.

Seriously have you ever fucking gone outside and seen how life works or do you need talking heads to explain that to you also?

>> No.17988365

Nigga are you that "I want to be in a consensual hive mind" psycho? Literal cult bait. How broken of a person are you to allow yourself to become domesticated enough to willingly become livestock.

Death is a necessary part of life. I know you cant wrap your brain around it but mortality exists for a reason. You will die and all your tranny ideas will die with it (and Im not talking about transgenderism)

>> No.17989807

Sorry I am Jewish and this isn't kosher.
>it is be-
Not part of my part of Judaism, you are antisemitic btw.

>> No.17989810

What are the additives and are the nutrients roughly the same? Is what I want to know.

>> No.17989819

if it was just like normal meat except cheaper and used less energy to be made then yeah i would love to have an alternative to meat that is now becoming very expensive

what's with the schizo anime spammer?

>> No.17989839

How is this guy still not permabanned.